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Maximize training as a NON Professional RUNNER

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This is how I do it. It isn’t always pretty and as you can see in this video I sometimes struggle to accurately show other aspects of my life. This schedule keeps me busy and can be a lot to manage at times but tbh I kind of like it like this. I have the energy to do it so I’ll keep it on doing it as long as I do.




Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

All right now all out 600 so that really Hurt I am not a professional Runner but I’m still training hard and racing competitively most of you know by now that yes I have ran 218 in the marathon and 14 flat in the 5K I also have a YouTube I do Tik Tok and I do Instagram

But some things you may not know about me is that I have two jobs and I’m also currently going to school to get my Master’s Degree in sports management this means I’m dedicated to giving you guys good running cont content to running fast and having balance in all

Other aspects of my life that means when I’m training I need to make sure that I’m getting the most bang for my buck I don’t have the resources and the time that most professional athletes do so this video is for all my high schoolers collegate athletes and all the other

Runners out there who like me don’t have all the resources as some of these professional athletes do I’m going to show you guys how I get the most out of my training I’m going to give you guys tips and tricks on how to work smarter

Not harder now let me give you guys a quick update last week was my first real training week with two workouts and a 15-m long run Tuesday I had some Tempo mile repeats with 6 seconds rest and Friday I had some 5K intervals hey I just have one thing to

Say about this workout and that is I got a long way to go if I’m going to make that my 5K pay so next day Saturday I got dragged absolutely dragged through a 15mi long run with the BYU Marathon team I also was able to go watch ma race for

The first time since her injury as much as I do this whole running thing for fun I do have goals I do have big goals I want to be great at the sport I want to improve and I want to run faster than I ever had before and I know what you guys

Are probably thinking Adam you have got a lot on your plate you need to give something up and I’m going to tell you you’re wrong because I’ve done it before all it takes is for me to be locked in and again I’m not talking about just locking all into running but being

Dialed into making all components of my life work and balance in Harmony I got like 30 more seconds so we just got the mile how do you feel feel good I feel okay let me check how much time I got yeah yeah we got 15 seconds so I got to go but [Applause] Here okay um 2 X2 mile by 1 mile done feeling okay was going to maybe turn today into a double threshold session but that was only if this morning felt like really chill didn’t feel quite double te chill so this will be my only workout for the

Day we went like I don’t even know splits I’ll put the splits up on the screen or whatever but felt all right we were probably a little fast on everything which is fine doing two mile repeats on a five laap to the mile track

Is not ideal in the bingo hall of BYU so it was okay it was a good one I don’t know I don’t know what else to say but Olympic Oval is closed for 2 weeks so we are here at the BYU track Pro’s a little

Bit further of a drive than uh than the Olympic Oval so we got up at like 5:20 got over here by like 6ish started warming up and now we got to hurry cool down and then go to work so bye bye love you love you too have a

Good day at work thanks uh I figur now it would be a good time to kind of put into the video kind of my work schedule because I realized I didn’t really talk about it and a lot of people ask me what my two jobs are so they’re both

Part-time jobs one of them I’m an assistant coach at a university here in Utah and then my other job is an online coaching job um where I just work with various athletes and clients and stuff like that I write their training kind of help them out a little bit and then I

Used to have a third job it was just to work from home kind of over the phone type deal but I recently quit that because I’m getting my master’s degree in sports management so now kind of my day consists of you know the assistant coaching job then the online coaching

And then studying as well hello hey how’s work I’m tired it was good well you ready to go to the gym yeah let’s Go man I got me self-conscious about my air how’s it look now great okay today we have a workout I’m just going to read this to y’all cuz I can’t comprehend this through my warmup 2x 200 at 30 to 31 seconds with 90 seconds rest rest

Then 2x 4X 400 at 6068 with 200 M jog 3 minutes in between sets then I Take 5 minutes and I do a fast 600 like go out in a 30 and just see is what’s written there so that’s going out in a 30 is probably going to be an allout for me

All effort should be pretty good this is like a not very flashy but yeah a lot of people always ask how I fit all my stuff in a day and honestly the secret is just getting up early you know Pro tip you know you’re getting up early in the morning having your

Breakfast and what you’re going to eat unlock that’s always nice cuz then you just know what you’re eating you don’t got to like get up here and think what you feel I have oatmeal every day and with some peanut butter and sometimes bananas and it’s not very good but

Basically I’m just trying to get some fuel some food and water into my body so that way I don’t feel like garbage during the workout anyways I’ll see you guys in Pro all right guys we are here in the lovely BYU track this workout isn’t too

Bad except for the 600 at the end so we’ll see how that goes but we’re just taking it one rep at a time So f it back the Cru Yeah we the Cruising you guys that was just the warm-up set uh went like 68 67 67 68 so I’m just a tad slow um yeah dude these faster Paces are like I don’t know just hard in a different way so it’s definitely going to take some getting used to but you know I got three

Minutes rest So we flip it back We honestly long cool down sucks cuz you’re dreading it all right now all out 600 So nice job nice job one lap one Lap that really hurt 133 High 134 low is only had to dodge like one person so it’s pretty good dang getting speed back in your legs is a much more painful process and you would think oh my gosh I thought you’re alone you’re yeah and dude imagine if I spiked

Up if I spiked up probably going 127 maybe not too shabby today I got a stair Master session and a weightlifting session again so we’ll see how that goes probably going to end up with eight or so miles on the day listen guys if you want to get the most out of your

Training you got to realize that some days just you’re not going to feel that good and the key is to like I say I say double down this is something that me and I have been working on but it’s like when you feel bad to start it’s like

Your first reaction you should practice your first reaction being to double down and just go for it anyways and if you have to adjust adjust but like if you can get in the habit of doing that during practice then like in a race it’ll just become instinctual you’re not

Feeling good at the mile well you just double down and keep going and yeah so that’s what I’m trying to work on the first 200s 33 or 32 33 bro it’s like I I was sweating those first 200s cuz I was like Wow 33 is

Pretty close to what I got to run for a full 400 but we were still at first again I said what’ I say 6 68 67 67 68 that second set was 67 66 66 66 just be patient with yourself and your body and understanding and when things don’t feel

Good instead of shrinking away you just double down so that’s all I got to say for today I’ll see you later today I guess maybe who knows we never know with me okay guys I do this in every single video I see I’m going to get tips and

Advice and then I realized that as I was filming I like probably didn’t give anything helpful I don’t even know if you guys watch me because I’m helpful let me give you guys some advice on how to structure your training how to actually you know get the most out your

Training we’re going to start with physical things I’m tired of saying this but I’m sure I’m going to say it a million more times if you’re not doing as much recovery as you are working hard then you’re just dumb and it and it just doesn’t work it’s unsustainable okay

Even if you’re not running competitively if you are getting up and running running 15 mes a day really early and you are not eating enough and you are staying up until 1:00 a.m. in the morning you won’t be doing that for very long you’ll burn out you’ll get sick

You’ll do whatever eat food go to bed early most Runners Who Running competitively it doesn’t even matter too much the type of food you eat now again I’m not a nutritionist whatever you should try to eat healthy but at the end of the day if you’re putting in high

Mileage it’s really important just to make sure you’re getting enough calories you get hurt when you are not eating it I want to get some things out of the way because I know there’s going to be haters in my comments so yes I’m lucky

That I have a wife that likes to do the exact same thing I do yes we’re both lucky that we don’t have kids having kids would definitely make this a lot harder I’m not going to say it would make it impossible because I have a lot of friends and old teammates who have

Multiple kids and are doing what we are doing but is it doable maybe depending on your circumstances yes I am lucky that I have decently flexible jobs I guess one part-time job a side hustle and I’m getting my Master’s Degree so it’s not like I have all the time in the world

And like weightlifting listen you don’t have to go to the gym I understand if you don’t have a lot of time you know you just can’t make a trip out to the gym there are things you you can do that will help injury prevention just like weightlifting you can do bands you can

Do Core 10 minutes a day is pretty good in helping keep all your muscle balance so now for the mental aspects of things listen the more that you do things that you don’t want to do the easier it gets that’s that’s all I’m going to say okay

When I’m in full training going on doubles is easy I double every single day and it’s easy literally this week it has been so hard for me to even get two doubles in and that’s cuz I took a break that’s why I hate taking breaks is

Because you get out of your routine be consistent get in a routine and the more you do stuff you don’t want to do the easier it gets one last tip for staying motivated and staying happy there are people out there accomplishing your goals with a lot less than you have now

That may sound depressing but it should inspire you that there are people with less time less money less resources less Talent less everything and they are accomplishing the same goals that you want to do make the most of all your opportunities this is what I’m trying to

Say yeah for more cliche comments and advice be sure to follow along be sure to like And subscribe thank you guys for watching Oh


  1. Before covid I wanted to run a half marathon i was only running 8 miles a week . let my favorite songs motivate me to push on those hard days also thinking positive 🙂

  2. I’m a freshman who just finished my first year of cross country. I’m wondering if your ever worked on your running form? My form is pretty bad and it lead to multiple injury’s over the season. Thank you 🙂

  3. How much more difficult is it to do a fast 5k after marathon training? Also, how long does it take to go back to being able to run a fast 5k from running a marathon?

  4. Bro I have a lot of things I want to say because so much of what you said here connected to things I’ve experienced or thought before, but keep doing what you’re doing and don’t worry about the haters. I’m here to listen, watch, and absorb as much as I can and I like your ‘cliche’ tips!

    Also, W Fortnite highlights

  5. Really appreciate the content, just wanted to say (sorry!) that just because its possible doesn't mean its optimal or even *plausible*. Maybe it's a 5% with everything on your plate, but could be a 20%+ if you focus more on recovery.

    Look at the Norwegian triathletes, Iden and Blummenfeldt, unbeatable at any distance – they are open about sleep and recovery being one of the most important components. Plenty of vlogs featuring them relaxing on the couch eating chocolates, laughing at competition going for massages rather than just staying horizontal.

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