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Angelo Cataldi on Sirianni’s Disastrous Season

Mike Missanelli welcomes Angelo Cataldi to weigh in on potential Eagles’ offseason moves. Will Nick Sirianni keep his job — and if so, how does this team avoid a similar meltdown next season?

00:00 Eagles still holding onto Sirianni
09:16 Turmoil Expert Angelo Cataldi
32:13 Sixers rolling under the radar
35:25 NFL Division Series predictions

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You’re now watching the Mike melli podcast on the BET Rivers network good afternoon everybody Welcome to the Mike melli Podcast Thursday January 18th podcast number 156 it is brought to you by bet Rivers bet Rivers Casino and the people at Rush Street interactive later later in the show yes the one and only

Angela Catal will join us this will be our third conversation and I wanted to talk to ANS this time because I know what he would be saying on the radio about this Philadelphia Eagles coaching situation in fact I’ve heard him say it he’s not a Nix serani fan and only he

Can can can exclaim uh in his words why and that’s going to come up a little later so let’s just start the show with eagles talk now by now we kind of thought that maybe some kind of a move would be made on the head coach as long

As this goes on it may look like serani is going to survive however I caution the people nine days that went by before the Eagles Z Doug Peterson back in the day the reason why that happened because Doug Peterson would not come back under Jeffrey Lori and Hoy roseman’s

Parameters to accept coordinators that they wanted hired on his staff so I don’t know if the same thing is going to happen I would I would suggest that syriani would not do the same thing Doug Peterson did back in the day which is to say f off syriani would take the job

Under any circumstances he would be a yes man because he’s a young guy it’s good to be an NFL coach he’s not going to squander that if they say okay we’re going to keep you on but you got to work with the guys that we choose I would

Think that would be a no-brainer for serrian the other thing is that they’re awaiting and processing and interviewing and talking to as many people as they can to figure out whether they should actually zip serani so all these drips are coming in a bucket drip drip drip

Drip drip you know and then eventually the water will overflow when that date is going to come I don’t know and right now uh I don’t know whether serrian is going be back as the head coach what could save him well what could save him is what I just mentioned they pick the

Coordinators they pick the staff he’s the head coach they save him and it will go in line secondly with Jeffrey Lor’s ego because Jeffrey Lorry trumpeted this hire of serani three years ago as another one of his brilliant decisions that he found this guy under rocks that

Nobody else could find because we’re the Geniuses and if he fired him he would look ridiculous so there are the two things that are in syri an’s favor now the word is that Jeffrey is not in town right now so there is no interview going on with seriani and Lori and it was

Reported that siriani along with Harry Roseman are busy researching and talking to possible coordinator candidates that would seem to indicate syriani is in on the process I don’t know if that’s true or not lorri would have to be in on that process and right now apparently he’s in

St Martin kick it with his wife you know just a little postseason Escape I would probably do the same thing um St Martin is a very interesting little island and I have a St Martin story that’s going to come a little later on Mike Unleashed you know St Martin has a naked beach

It’s half French it’s half Dutch I’ve been on that beach I’ll tell you about it in a little later all right so here is the situation with the Eagles let’s be honest now I can’t counted let me see 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 new players that

They would need to formulate a team that would be competitive maybe even a playoff competitive team let’s look at the offense first of all they need three running backs three not one not two but three DeAndre Swift probably not gonna be back for whatever reason they didn’t really believe that much in DeAndre

Swift Boston Scott I’ve had enough of and Kenny gainwell who was their draft pick I think this is the expiration day for Kenny gainwell they don’t want to look ridiculous releasing a draft pick but now they can do it because some years have gone by with the guy you got

To refresh that position completely you’ve got to get a third receiver maybe even a fourth receiver you got two receivers and I don’t know what AJ’s mental condition is GNA be when he comes back next year who knows he could be Diva squared next year with the way this

Season ended you got Devonte who’s reliable you’re gonna have to think about a contract extension for Devonte however you’re going to have to have a third guy who can make a difference you can’t have it qu Watkins and zakus and Greg Ward that they keep on the practice

Squad you got to get new at that position also you may have to think now about drafting a right tackle Lane Johnson how many years you have left two years the guys they have right now aren’t capable of replacing Lane Johnson in fact there’s going to be an offensive

Line shift with Cam Jurgens moving over to Center if Kelsey resigns he hasn’t done it yet and I don’t know what he’s going to do my my thinking is he why would he want to come back to this situ situation so then you need a Right Guard

And then you have to get a tackle who could listen my lot hasn’t been great and Lane Johnson’s got two more years so you got to think about that position and this is before I even get to the defense you go to the defense you go my whole

Existence is built on rushing the quarterback getting pressure on the quarterback with four did they do that well last year Josh schat enough enough we we know what he is on the other side reic you got to have to keep him you got to play him in

A capacity your tackles didn’t have to upgrade they’ve got some tackles the the kids from Georgia have to grow they have to get a little more mature I’m okay with the tackles at this point because you got a couple backups who can play Fletcher Cox listen I I don’t get involved in

Sentimentality now that’s a flaw of mine I guess uh but fer Cox you should not be resigned you shouldn’t be wasting money on a guy like fer clock just because you’re sentimental and the same thing goes for Brandon Graham and I know Eagle fans get emotionally attached these kind

Of players that have served the franchise well but it’s it’s time to move on and get fresher you know why would you waste I don’t know if you would pay Brandon Graham $8 million to come back that’s 8 million you can use somewhere else if you would play fetri

Cox 10 million to come back that’s 10 million you can use somewhere else you got to refocus linebackers oh my God they got to rebuild the whole linebacking core they got to rebuild their safeties a lot of people likes blanket ship but what is he really he’s a guy is

Going to hit hard every now and then he gets beaten pass coverage and he gets hurt because he hits hard and then the corners what do you do there with two 31 year old quarterbacks now coming back next year you need a lot of players so

So maybe serani is the coach for that kind of rebuild because that’s what it looks like to me two years ago you had an MVP quarterback you could raise you to Heights where you got to a Super Bowl do you look at it now and say that

Team’s going to come back and challenge for a Super Bowl no so this situation to me is is really uh uh in in Jeopardy on what they’re going to do uncertainty abounds in personnel and coaching staff they’re a mess right now and I never thought I would say that this soon after

Coming into this year where they started 10 and one and everybody thought they were Superbowl Contender let’s bring in producer Darren Darren your thoughts on where the Philadelphia Eagles stand right now uh it sounds hopeless but look this league is a week- to week League anymore and teams every

Season prove that you can turn a team around in one off season now I’m not saying that they can turn around and be have a roster like the 49ers or the Ravens in one off season but you can make a big difference the problem is the general manager track record in drafting

Is not strong and they need a strong draft this off season they have to get younger in a lot of of positions cornerback offensive line they’re old they got old quick um so there’s a lot that they have to get done and it helps that the league

Overall is a bad product right now there’s a half dozen really good teams in this league right now the rest are subpar at best so yeah they can turn it around I don’t know that they can become a Super Bowl Contender a a vibrant Super Bowl contender in this after this off

Season but they can certainly make waves but the general manager has to draft better consistently and stop bringing in the uh the scraps from other teams via free agency all right so they’re in flux and the first thing that we will we will be all over is this coaching situation uh

On where you know it’s funny that they have it announced if they are in love with serani or he is in the planning of them hiring new coordinators why they would just come out and say and end the speculation but I guess maybe when Lori gets back from his vacation they’ll do

That but we’ll be all over whatever happens we’ll have a podcast on alrighty folks well in the in the midst of this Eagles turmoil we needed to bring in uh an expert on on turmoil and also an expert on uh just burying a head coach who didn’t live up to his

Respons ability so on that note let’s fing in the legend the great angel of cality joins us hello an how you doing Mike when there’s a crisis you know I’m the first one to call I’m great because I don’t panic I don’t get nervous it’s perfect no and and here’s the beauty

Nobody nobody buries a coach like you can so on that note and I kind of get an inkling of how you feel about this because I’ve I’ve seen some things around the the web uh where you have been quoted um you do not not want Nick

Serani back in this situation do you it is incred I am incredulous that there are people who do my only thing is I have to believe they did not watch the last half of the previous season what we just witnessed because Mike you and I have been we’ve been through a lot of

Coaches together a lot of managers together no one in my 33 years at wiip or since I left has done a worse job of coaching their team than Nick serani did this season and I have I’m amazed that we are now on Thursday and he is still

Employed by that team what do you think is going on right now we we know the emmo of Jeffrey Lori where he he’s obvious the word is that he’s in St Martin for crying out loud looking to purchase some kind of a boat but you

Know how this works so he’s going to use his so-called expertise and his analytical approach to find the newest hottest the coordinators to to give to Nick serani if he preserves them or at the end of that week end of his evaluation process he’s going to say

Nick you’re gone or Nick you you need to accept the job under my terms and here are my terms so what do you think is actually gonna happen Mike I think he already did accept accept the job under lur terms and I think the reason that he

Isn’t fired now is that lurry and Roseman realized that a lot of the bad decisions that went into the second half of the Season were not even serrian I have there is no doubt in my mind that the decision to go from Sha deide to Matt Patricia was not serion this came

From the top you know I know that because Roseman and lur brought Patricia on they didn’t check with serani and say do you want Matt Patricia they put him on the staff in case it was like he was the plan B and then they went to him and

Somehow they took an impossibly awful situation and made it worse it’s almost impossible to do so now they’re AV valuating them and if they’re being somewhat logical they’re going well it isn’t all sani’s fault we let him down the path we didn’t give him any linebackers we give any SE secondary

People James Bradberry couldn’t have been more toasted than he was so they must now be wondering if somehow they can Preserve ve the reputation of serot for another year knowing that it’s bad for business Mike the fans don’t want him and the fans are not going to buy into another season of

Nick serani here’s your problem yeah it’s exactly the way I feel about it so um you’re right in a way their points in s in sani’s favor that they saddled him with a bad situation so it would be unfair to judge him by that situation

However the flip side of that is and you and I both know it because we evaluate coaches when you lose six of your last seven games and that team is fragmented apart that is on the coach’s head he was unable to fix that leak to the to Epic historic

Proportions you’re 100% right Mike and further here’s an example all right they played the Giants in a last game of the regular season the Giants use a very similar Blitz scheme to what Tampa Bay does so all they had to do is go to school on wink marale and what he was

Doing when the Giants beat them in the final game of the season bludging them and go well we’re gonna have to do something about the blitz this is a stat that is like this alone should get Nick serani fired with eight days to prepare for the playoffs they Blitz wildly Todd bows W

Blitz the whole game 10 times Mike a guy came from the defense defensive line unmolested to the quarterback no one touched a Blitzer on 10 separate plays in the game that is coaching malpractice you understand that you could say oh Herz has to figure it out Herz had 1.3

Seconds to get rid of the fraking ball no that was all and the reason Herz came off the field without a sterling endorsement of these morons is because they they led him to slaughter he had no no chance with that kind of coaching the coaching was the reason that alone

Should get serani fired you just said it he had get all those weeks to fix that did he fix anything no no and and that shows really that’s more telling about a coach than going on a win streak to be honest with you when when you have

Turmoil and you’re unable to fix it what kind of a coach are you because that’s what one of the responsibilities is so so as we sit here and and I think I’m I’m kind of agreeing with you that they may look look at well we gave him a bad

Deal with the defense coordinator and that started the the disintegration however the other thing is this Lori uh has always operated with look who I as a look who I found guy look how smart I am I find these guys that nobody else finds I find found Andy Reid I was Innovative

Enough to go with Chip Kelly at Doug Peterson so these are my discoveries and for him to fire syriani is to admit that he did that wrongly right can he handle that ego wise all right let’s start with Lorry all right Mike he’s now owned the Eagles

For 30 years he’s got one Champion 30 years one Championship you there’s 32 teams each team should win one every 32 years right so he’s not the genius he thinks he is that’s number one and then Roseman how do you put a team together and ignore the linebacker and safety positions how

Do you do that because he put a lot of Talent on that team but he ignored those positions and then we get to sirotti I’m just going to say it straight L you know how when you’re talking to somebody after a while you know whether or not they got a

Brain I I got to interview serani after every game for the two first two seasons he was here he never struck me as a bright guy all right he struck me as a puppet he struck me as a guy that did whatever they were telling him to do because he

Couldn’t believe he got an NFL job at that age with that little of a resume that’s the way I got I don’t think any of the three of them really have a good idea what they’re doing that they won a championship is a miracle and the fact

That they they flushed the guy who got it for him because a big balls Doug Doug Peterson they just let him go tells you they really don’t know what to do even when they do win one yeah um okay so there’s a report today that says that Roseman and serani

Are the ones scouring the globe for the latest offensive coordinators defensive coordinators does that mean to you that he’s coming back it it could what will ultimately happen is he will present his plan with the the help of Roseman to lurry who will sit there with his one championship in 30 years

And he will be the judge of whether Nick is worthy of continuing and um frankly this is a situation where the blind is leading the blind all right lur lur knows I used to beg lur to talk more Mike when I was on the area well L’s a

Owner of the Philadelphia Eagles he’s got the most loyal fan base in America talk to your fan then he would speak and I would beg him not to speak for as long as possible because all he does is pontificate and act you know what he acts like a billionaire locked in a a

Ivory Tower who never deals with anyone who tells him he’s wrong he’s one of these billionaire types surrounds himself with minions who just nod their head and say I don’t know how you do it Jeff you’re amazing that’s what I think so I don’t have any faith in him Mike I

Don’t have any faith in lurry I I agree 100% with everything you’re saying about Jeff Lori and I’ve always felt that way about Jeff Lori while the world is worshiping Jeff Lori is a great owner I go you know what you know what what does that mean exactly

And how Roseman who was lauded in the city early in the year when they went 10 in one and then the whole thing collaps on them and you look at them now Angelo they almost look like an expansion team they need so many positions right now they need so many starting positions and

You referred to the linebackers that’s the lry way because the analytics say linebackers aren’t important in this world yeah and I’ll tell you what’s really scary when you use the word analytics when lurry was walking in the tunnel after the loss in Tampa who is standing next to him goodlooking young

Man Julian lurry his son the head of analytics on the team that’s the future when Jeffrey walks away whenever that might be that’s your future the guy handling Analytics and you know how Sons work out after fathers usually as James Dolan and Chuck Dolan how that goes no Mike this is a

Bad direction for the team right now let’s look at Al Davis Mark Davis Sons got power that’s not a healthy situation either you know I when I look at Julian Lori I I get envious I go why couldn’t I have been the son of a rich guy who

Owned a football team you and I weren’t we weren’t raised that way how come I don’t know I my favorite quote ever for Jeff lurry and I know it’s used for many rich guy but I love it Jeff lurry was born on third base and thinks he hit a

Triple yeah he didn’t he really hasn’t accomplished anything on his own all all right so let’s let’s let’s leave this Eagle situation because there’s so many uh so many things I want to talk to you about first of all U an U did 33 years is the Premier morning show host and

He’s now stepped away from it and he’s got a book out called Loud which uh that’s highly entertaining I recommend it that people get that first of all how’s the book going and uh tell me about this retirement life for you well retirement life is great I don’t mind uh

Sleeping today slept till like quarter nine that’s very nice right like I had no problem with that the book did really well the only thing that didn’t work out great is that the publisher I found one publisher in Chicago that would do the book within my time scale and um they

Had had no faith none at all that I would sell any books so um the hard cover sold out in 12 hours right and then something unprecedented happened they issued the paperback immediately so the following week the paperback version of it came out so we lost a lot of hard

Cover sales because they didn’t have a lot of them available right but in the end I did the book tour I met tons of people many people mentioning you Mike and how you and the hey day of WIP where we were there together and uh saying a

Lot of nice things about uh the years that we you know mov from newspapers to there and then last week I I recorded the audio book right ah now they had originally they had originally rejected me for the I had done a chapter and they said no you’re awful at it we’re going

To bring in some right and I went well but they listened to that voice for 33 years that’s not great right so finally they came around when the book sold they went all right you know what we’ll we’ll do it his way I was horrible at reading

My own book you have no like you have no idea how many times I fumbled them bumbl they’re going to need a month to edit it so it makes sense it’s way harder than you ever would have thought well because it because our whole existence and

Certainly yours was off the cuff and you showing genuine emotion like on the spot emotion so when you’re reading something you just can’t replicate that kind of thing exactly and then I would every once in a while I’d hit a typer and I go we had five editors how the hell did

That happen how did I miss it but I think I I do think that it’ll be out in a couple of months and and they’re good edit is where I went now they’ll figure it they’ll make it sound better than it did although there was one great thing

My wife right near the end Mike the my wife came on the air without a speech and and said these amazing things yeah I heard it emotional things right so she comes with me the first day to record the audio book and I get this idea hey

While she’s here she can record the little message so she sits on the mic I’m fumbling and bumbling she Nails it one take perfect the whole way through sounds like it did on the air and the next day they come to me and they go now

We can’t use it you have to read it yourself oh I’m going oh Angela you gave up so much for your for your career oh and I go but it sounds like I sound like an idiot reading it myself but they said this Mike you would relate to this being

A lawyer they said a lot of legalities when you put another voice on there yeah yeah but anyway I think it’ll come out fine there going to be some weird awkward periods in there because I’m reading Ray did just forward which is also kind of weird but uh but I think

It’ll come out great and the experience was good yeah that sounds like a lot of fun you have a phenomenal children’s book out too and I think you should mention it because I’m telling you right now I have I’ve shown it to my grandchildren and they love your book

About the do oh that’s awesome the book is course called The Adventures of Shima the Shea it’s about my dog growing up and has lessons for for for little kids so yeah you can get that on I appreciate you mentioning that I had a

Lot of fun writing it and we did a Book Festival together big Collings with New Jersey Book Festival that was fun that wasun so now let me just quickly touch on Sports Talk Radio in general uh it’s evident that we went through stage one of Sports Talk Radio and uh you I don’t

Want to say we created but we were in on on the the front door Sports Talk Radio I WFAN had started and we just picked up on that and we developed Sports Talk Radio in a certain way and people have asked me about this what’s different now

Because the the whole Sports L industry in my view has changed you see the ref filtering of people and you see younger kids who are producers are getting on the air and it’s just not the same as how we did it what do you attribute that

To um I honestly think Mike that I I hate to say this and I’ll apply it to me way more than you I’m a dinosaur now um my style my take no prisoners yell and scream style reflected the fan base in those years but I don’t think the fan

Base is the same they’re evolving to a different place that is Kinder and gentler which upsets me but when they did that standing ovation for Trey Turner right my blood boiled I I I I recoiled at it Mike it was like the guy’s hitting 230s making $300 million

He needs you to stand and give him an ovation and it worked he got better he did better after that and I went well that’s not something I ever would have wanted to do that wasn’t the way we thought of things no because it was it

Was fanish and the last thing we wanted to be was fanish yes and here’s what I’ll give you a theory on that because this is the discussion I got into we take no prisoners because we were a product of newspapers where columnists would take no prisoners because we were

The only source we were the only source of protection for the fan base and so columnists like the old columnist which come just come barreling at you you would incover the Eagles came barreling at buddy Ryan after every game so that that set the template for what sport so

Great but it was engineered by the newspaper thing of go at people be the the the consumer ad and it’s not that way anymore Mike I said this in the book right when I went to columia like I I told my advisor I want someday to go into sports and Columbia University

Graduate school of Journalism it’s a managing editors it’s it’s foreign correspondents and a guy looks at me like I I you know burped in front of him you went no no no no you’re not serious no and and he finally got me to say look

If you’re going to do it do it like a journalist cover it like like the White House ask hard questions hold them accountable and that’s the journalism background that we have you understand so you were the same way when you were a writer you covered teams you weren’t

Afraid to ask the tough question and put the coach or put the players on the grill and there’s way less of that now and I think part of it you know it’s funny because I remember as a kid and and growing up in the city and I’m reading Stan Hawkman just eviscerate

Somebody and I’m going that’s awesome he made that guy accountable that guy screwed up and now when you if you if you go there today the fan base goes that’s unfair and they want to like wrap their arms around the player or the coach that is being criticized it’s a

Transition that it’s evident to me it’s just I guess a reflection of the world changing here’s the part that gets me all right these newspapers that have softened it and boy have they ever they are not in a business partnership with the teams the the the the the sports AG

WIP which we were at for a long time um they have business arrangements with the Eagles and the Phillies so there’s that added ingredient then if you go over the top with those teams they will call and they will say to your bosses is back him

Off or else and the threat would be we’ll go to the other station we’ll take well here’s what I learned about that all right Mike if wi if I ripped the Eagles if I ripped Jeff lurry for five years every day four hours a day and

Then when it came time to do the next broadcast deal WIP offered 12 cents more than the station you were at right I don’t even want to give publicity they they screwed you all right uh if they gave him 12 cents more lurry took the most money all right none of that

Mattered say what you feel don’t be afraid of it that but nowadays everybody’s careful careful I I didn’t believe listen I I don’t want to come off like the old man yelling somebody get off my lawn I understand the world changes it’s just that there’s there were different ER we we had the

Original error sport talk radio and now it’s just different and and you I think most people would agree that it’s different and and that doesn’t make it bad it just makes it different exactly Mike and and I have to embrace that although I am still the old man who will

Yell at the kids get off the lawn I take pride in it all right last thing you know uh anything about St Martin this a this is a backwards question for you for Lori St Martin is half Dutch and half French and the French side has a nude

Beach which I have been on it’s called or Orient Bay I have pictures from it really je do you think it’s not Mike it’s not good do you do you think Jeff Lori is taking it off at orian Bay right now that is so rude that’s how you always got in trouble

Mike you think I goes to St Martin he goes no there’s nobody here would ever recognize me I’m just G to walk naked on the beach do you think that’s gonna that happens I was in St Martin and I walked from the from the attired side to the naked side

And there was an old man with a beer belly wearing a thong a yellow thong this was 15 years ago the fact that I’m still referencing it and now you have me picturing lurry in a tongue I just wondered if you’re there why not I’m just thinking maybe he he

Needed that kind of a release that he’s just walking naked on the beach with the surf coming in the whole bit I I I don’t want to picture it but maybe you know well he definitely know the ties because his son is in charge of analytics Angelo always a pleasure man

Thank you so much and keep enjoying yourself and we’re running some each other somewhere down the road thanks so much Angela Cal I love talking to an um when he comes on the show and this was a little Sports analysis rather than just getting into his career and my career

And all that kind of stuff but we did kind of touch on the sports dog radio situation in Philadelphia now you know it’s just different it’s you know we we thought we we had to do it a certain way and uh those ways are probably gone and

Uh I don’t know you may like the old way you may like the new way I don’t know what it is but it’s changed all right let’s let’s touch on your Philadelphia 76ers who are quietly having a really good year and we really haven’t talked a lot about the

Sixers but their win over the Denver Nuggets the other night was a classic win that was a great win it was a great basketball game to watch two offenses in the first half going at each other the Sixers winning it the yic embiid matchup the only problem with the joic embiid

Matchup and embiid came off the mat by the way hadn’t played in several days to drop 41 on fools against the Nuggets there’s two guys weren’t guarding each other and everybody likes to look at the mono am Mano situation with the two best centers in the league who are the two

Best candidates for MVP and they’re not playing each other and I get why because you don’t want to get either guy in foul trouble so both team teams managed their way through that game and yic be matched up a couple times but not a lot and

That’s I guess the safe way to play it in the NBA but right now the Sixers are in the second spot in the Eastern Conference to me the Eastern Conference is Boston and everybody else the Celtics have won 21 straight games at home 21 and0 so they’re they’re they’re clearly

The gold standard in in the Eastern Conference the Sixers hanging in there in the second spot which is really interesting because at first I thought the Sixers weren’t going to be as good as Milwaukee but Milwaukee can’t guard anybody they’re in the third spot they got hammered the other night now Giannis

Didn’t play but there’s something missing with that Bucks team so I think the Sixers can hold on to that second position for the for the rest of the season now the the team you got to watch now because they make big man big trade for Pascal seak the Indiana Pacers H and

We’ll see how that changes their scope they’re a good team but they’re not in that upper echelon yet we’ll see if SE yakum can make him put him in that upper echon here’s the way we stand here is if the playoffs were to start there’s of

Course a long way to go for the playoffs there’s a trading deadline it’s coming up February 2nd where the Sixers can make a significant move to help themselves right now it’s Boston the Sixers at two Milwaukee at three Pacers at four Cavaliers five Heats six and

Then you got the play in people the Nicks magic bulls and Hawks I think the Nix and Magic Will Survive uh those playoff series to get into the playoffs so that means Boston would play the eighth seated Milwaukee uh excuse me the Orlando Magic the Sixers would be

Matched up in a series against the Knicks in the first round they’re better than the Knicks but you never know that could be a long series because the Knicks are spunky the Milwaukee Bucks would then play the Heat in a first round series oh my God look at that

Revenge situation and then the Pacers and the Cavaliers it form holes now in the second round the NBA does not recede mind you so it would be Boston against the winner of the Pacers and the Cavaliers and the Sixers would play the winner of the Milwaukee and Heat series

That would be your second round Series so there you go if you want to project the playoffs a little early to project the playoffs but the Sixers in a good spot in that two-hole right now because I think they’ve proven they’re just a tad better than Milwaukee and we’ll see how that shakes

Out all right let’s take a look back at NFL playoffs with the when did the Eagles play Darren when oh uh about eight months Mike yeah the Eagles are playing golf um but other teams are playing this weekend so let’s go over the schedule on Saturday you got the

Texans at the Ravens the Ravens and nine and a half Point favor a lot of big lines this weekend and also on Saturday night 8:15 the Packers at the 49ers the Niners at nine and a half Point favorite Sunday you get the bucks at the Lions

The Lions six and a half over the Bucks and the night game 6:30 the Chiefs at the bills the game of the weekend the bills favored by two and a half so let’s go through our fearless picks and I might add that just truly Mike melli other people on the BET Rivers network

Uh I slayed Jimmy a and Adam the bull in our national contest uh a yearly of yearly picks in fact I was on Jimmy at show Jimmy a in Baton Rouge Louisiana Darren I was on his show a little earlier getting congratulations but I beat those guys by the skin of my teeth

I won by one game and it was the Eagles I actually took the Bucks to cover in that game wound up GL whole contest that yeah that might that might be a violation but I won the contest all right Gladiator I salute you thank you very much thank you thank you um Texans

At the Ravens this is a tough call for me now Baltimore’s rested they’re ferocious that’s a big line I think the Texans are spunky enough to keep it close I don’t let the Ravens blow them out so the line indicates that the Ravens will blow them

Out but I’m going to take a chance and take the Texans with nine and a half in this game and the night game of Packers at the 49ers I think the Packers magic has run out I’ll take the ners to cover the nine and a half we go to the Bucks

And lions this is another game I don’t know how the Bucks will respond um they had an easy draw last week let’s face it you saw the the lack of of competitiveness in the team that they played and I don’t know if that served them that well to play the Lions who

They got the Lions attention actually by beating the Eagles like that so I think the lions are actually going to cover the six and a half the Lions a six and a half Point favorite in a playoff game what is the world coming to I’ll take

Detroit and then I’ll take the bills I just think the bills are better and they’re playing in Buffalo I’ll take the bills to cover the two and a half they win it by a field goal Darren what’s say you I agree with you on all four games

Uh I do think Houston can keep it close uh I think San Francisco’s going to wax the Packers Lions I think cover the six and a half Tampa Bay is not that good despite uh what they did to the Eagles the other night and I agree with you on

Buffalo I think if there’s one team that can has a shot against Baltimore it’s the bills and two and a half’s a little lightwind by field goal at home I think that’s going to be the game of the week by far uh but yeah I agree with you on

All all four games the two games I like the most though if uh if you’re throwing so a wager down are San Francisco minus the 9 and a half I think they’re going to truck Green Bay and I like Buffalo to win by field goal at least at home

Alrighty and that’ll do it for today thank you hope you enjoyed the podcast today Mike Mell podcast at the end of the week coming to you as we go into an NFL football weekend you can check me out on Twitter mik M25 uh or you can email me at mikmik and you I’m glad Angelo gave me a little plug for my book I’d love to sell some more children’s books here’s the thing when I sell a children’s book 20% of the Peres go to animal shelters and I will personalize the book for you

If you can get it to me somehow uh I put my my dog I have a stamp with my dog’s Paul that I put in because she actually signs it to the people who who buy it so shima’s signature will be on it and you can go to to check out that

Book and a book that I wrote a long time ago called the perfect season which is the last Penn State national championship and probably in my lifetime that will be the last Penn State national championship all right everybody have a great rest of the week stay warm out there it’s damn ice for

Darren I’m Mike we’ll check you out next week bye-bye Everybody


  1. I cant tell you how good it is to see you Mike! Cataldi… not so much. I haven’t listened to Philly sports radio since you left.

  2. Hurts is not exposed, nor has he regressed. Try being a quarterback that's hurt , trying to survive with no good schemes for success, no variation whatsoever. Predictable plays that the Defense knows your about to do. Hell, I'll be bailing out as well running for my life to escape. Those 300pounders are coming to destroy you. IT'S the Moron Coaches who didn't devise a plan to protect him to be successful…… don't get it twisted IF you know real Football, I've been an Eagles fan for over 50 years

  3. Hey, I Bleed-Green!! Been around watching Dick Vermeil, Jaws, Harold Carmichael, Bill Bergey, Wilbert Montgomery, Buddy-Ball, Andy Reid, etc. When We lost vs Seattle, I knew we were Done!! Let alone losing to the Worst teams in the NFL NY giants & Arizona!! When We beat the Buffalo Bills, in Overtime with Kelce, great block to let Jalen, cut threw a path and get touchdown in the rain, I thought We had a Chance! Then it all fell apart!! I'm dammed Angry 😠😠😠😠

  4. A certain owner in Texas who continues to meddle in his team’s affairs and hasn’t won a SB in over thirty years, should be an example to Laurie.

  5. Mr Laurie, Needs to Open his Check Book and give Bill Belichick $Money$ bring him in with his own Coaching Staff, and in Two Yrs. We're Back on Top!!!

  6. They need a coach that will tell Laurie to write the checks, period. Tell the GM to find the best players available on his ( the head coach’s) list, period. And last l, tell the owners son to go play with his trust fund friends in the Hamptons and stay the hell away from the Nova Care center.

  7. We don't know that Dougie P wouldn't accept the coordinators that Jeffrey and Howie wanted. We do know Jeffrey and Howie wasn't going to accept the coordinators Dougie P wanted to promote. They weren't qualified.

  8. What a great time to rebuild.
    I will be patient as a fan i promise.
    But i need to see more then anything Heart and a love for the game players.

  9. I felt that we should have let BG and fletch go last year. Could have kept 25 yr old cj and Epps. Reed sucks I hate that people think he’s a starter he wouldn’t start on any other team. Howie sucks at drafting as long as he’s in control of drafting we will suck, bring in some guys who played the game not a accountant

  10. Hand the players over to coaching staff whoever that may be and don’t talk to them anymore during the season. Ok? Work the books and hang out in St Maarten

  11. Been to St Maarten for 26 trips and most people walking on Orient beach look like Lurie without clothes. We want to tell these old buzzards to put their bathing suits on please .

  12. Sports talk today is not fan friendly. I think they have failed to put the fans first. You all did that well.

  13. This is way better than either of your respective radio shows ever were. Do a podcast together. OTA FM is dead. It simply can't compete with streaming. First with music, now with talk. You don't need "Beasley Media" and all the bullshit that goes with working for big, last century media conglomerates. Hire a sales guy, you'll get advertisers. Here, you control your own destiny.

  14. Giants fan here. I concede that I don't know the Eagles as well as you gents do. It appears that you guys won in 2017 despite Lurie and Howie. We had the same issues here with the Mara Family. Owners should own and bring in Football people and let them run the team.

  15. Never seen or heard of Angelo before in my life. Till a week ago when this collapse concluded. Now he’s everywhere, he’s ripping Nick and a man of the people 😂

  16. Wish you were back on the afternoon radio. The one young guy is almost as obnoxious as Howard and forced to listen to Spotify .

  17. Give it break, exercise and fasting will improve your body and mind. You guy guys are bottom feeders.

  18. I feel bad for anybody thinking the married couple at the top is gonna do anything different this offseason. First round pick will be a defensive tackle or offensive tackle. A good player for the secondary or a good linebacker will be left there even though they need either of them. They’re gonna try to find some cheap ass no name players for those roles. We need to call this team the Philadelphia linemen cause Jesus that’s all they want to draft in the first round. Bradberry will still be here yall and they’ll probably let swift walk. Idk why we even care anymore yall, ppl who spend all that money to travel and go to eagles games, boycott that sh** until we get some legit changes

  19. I don't think you can move on from BG and Cox because they were the only two guys who produced. If you let them go, you still have to replace them. I have no confidence that the Eagles can do that.

  20. Hard hitting show by the true Philly legends ! Don’t hold no punches on Sirriani being a YES man puppet Lurie loves to hire.

  21. Angelo is the master of hyperbole. He said he’s never seen a worse Eagles coaching job since he’s been here. How about Kotite 1994 Eagles losing the last 7 games after starting 7-2? How about Rhodes 1998 Eagles and the 3-13 season? How about 3 straight playoff loses by Buddy despite having one of the greatest defensives ever and Randall Cunningham. How about Chip Kelly trying to trade multiple picks for Mariotta that would have set the team back 5 years? Sirianni got us to a Superbowl last year and deserves another year. I thought Angelo retired?

  22. Great to hear Angelo again!! Haven't listened to WIP mornings since he left. Miss his show. Come back save radio. Thankfully, Al is still around for Flyers.

  23. Agree with you guys about the change and softening of modern sports radio. Really the sports media in general especially national media have been trending this way away from the Stan Hochman advocate for the people hold the rich and powerful accountable style since the 90s when free agency started and as players like Jordan, Jeter Shaq etc gained more and more power and media outlets were terrified to get denied access to them. The political media did the same thing as cable news grew and then later the election of Obama was viewed by the mostly ivy league professional media class in DC as historical so none of them wanted to be the person to bury that administration and lose access. Its probably also a product of their schooling as angelo said at Columbia the faculty back when he went thru looked at sports media as peasant undignified journalism which is probably why so many sports media members try to inject their politics into their sports work.

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