Strong Grip Isn’t Causing Your Hooks in Your Swing

Okay so just cuz we have a strong grip does not mean it’s going to hook Okay the reason the ball hooks is because the toe of the golf club is beating the heel and the reason that’s happening is because you’re not really controlling the handle well enough to get that

Proper kind of Club face stability at impact more often than not we see the handle kind of going backwards which is kind of allowing the toe to beat the heel that’s going to cause a lot of problems with just that top Edge and the toe turning over so use the thumb to

Control the toe use the Notch to control the top Edge in your back swing get a little bit of clockwise rotation keep them back as we’re coming through and you can see how as you’re striking the ball you’re going to be able to really get that proper stability of the top

Edge and the toe getting that proper kind of ball flight that we’re looking for not this way

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