ARE YOU LEAVING YARDS ON THE TABLE? // Maximize Drives with Tee Height

Today, Ian is giving Mikey different demonstrations to show how tee height can effect swing path, angle of attack and strike. Changing driving distance by 40+ yards.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

00:00 – Introduction
02:00 – Mid Tee Height
04:03 – Low Tee Height
07:24 – High Tee Height
10:56 – Mid Tee Height
11:48 – Results
14:37 – Final Thoughts

SWING SPEED PROTOCOLS // Improving Your Speed with SuperSpeed Golf:
NEVER SLICE AGAIN // Working on Mike’s In-to-out Swing:

So high it looks like I’m just going to go right underneath it Miss it almost so you’ve got the shoulder the shoulder tilt now matches the te height yeah that’s going to help with angle attack really good Mikey effortless yeah very very effortless better aided by a

Bit of a high tow strike yeah looked like it came out high toe a little bit so good all right guys welcome back to the channel So today we’re going to take a deep dive into a topic that is always meaningful for you guys if you’re going to maximize your performance from the

Tea you have to get the details right on how high to tee the ball for your specific swing Mikey boys are guinea pig in the bay I apologize in advance guinea pig’s a good description for you isn’t it the pig smell bit in your cage um so

Mikey’s going to dive into a test session with three different tea Heights what is your current preference for Te height um I mean in the bay I use numbers you don’t really know but I have no clue my point exactly you don’t know what’s optimized for you relative to all

The other numbers that go on around your delivery now when I play at the club we have these te’s with a little line on it I put it to a certain line but I don’t even know if that’s the right thing exactly so it’s about time you help me

Out we’re going to do a little bit of testing Michael so guys there’s there’s many things when it comes to a driver that we have to take advantage of we’re looking to create high laun low spin maximum energy transfer take all three of those boxes and we’re on the right

Tracks Mike has done an amazing job obviously increasing his swing speed from what it was sort of about 92 miles hour when he first started the channel he’s up to about 105 to 110 you you’re fluctua now in that that region so done a really really good job in and outs to

To maximize every single last little drop out of that yep performance love it good all right um just grab your tea height whatever you would gravitate towards right whatever you would do right now let’s let’s look at it that’s what we’re going to hit off of right so

And we’re going to call this mid height because the likelihood is you’re you’re not an extreme delivery uh Mikey you do hit up on it a little bit yep let’s talk about the specs your dryer first and foremost tsr3 tsr3 82 setting heal in the weight or

Weight in the heel and aventus blue 5S standard length 45 and or maybe it’s 45 and a qu inches okay okay in around that I think I think it is a quarter or um okay let’s uh let’s hit a couple let’s let’s kind of discuss your Dynamic love

Strike point all that sort stuff and we’ll dive into a few more other you know sort of critical elements of T just an elite Drive of the golf ballite Elite 275 going out to 300 no big deal is any from the club reached out to you since your new found couple

People have watched yeah commented on it they’ve come in and they’ve bought some super speed from us great launch conditions so you’ve kind of ticked all the boxes there Mikey you’ve got a great strike slightly above the CG with a driver as good as tsr3 you’re going to maximize energy transfer

Efficiency even when you’re not on that CG line uh you’re delivering a good amount of Loft that aids the obviously the launch the right relationship between uh Loft and upward angle of attack creates the spin obviously along with the strike that’s what we’re talking about right that’s ideal in

Terms of uh delivery the whole situation is is absolutely ideal there I would take that every day every day everything’s good everything’s perfect out to in path face a little bit closed relative to the uh to the Target but open relative to the uh the path cool it’s perfect right you’re welcome so

Let’s go to our low te now and uh let’s let’s look at that okay where do your mind go when when you see a low te like that some people struggle with driver like the ball to be closer to the ground I know I’ve went through periods of my life when I’ve

Just got the ball close to the ground yeah I mean I I yeah it’s way too close to the ground to me I’ve got the wrong Club in the hand to to hit this shot but we’ll see what happens okay let’s set a few oops it’s got to be a bit steeper on

It what did that say oh wow okay the strike sounds good sounds good hard for you to square up isn’t it yeah so one of the kind of maybe old school advice I go back to the first first Tiger Woods book I ever read how I play

Golf never forget some of the lessons in there tiger would say he te low to hit a cut he te High to hit a draw interesting your path and your delivery specifically relative to you Mikey is you’re a little bit out to in with your path and when

You get steeper it gets worse right yeah yeah so why would you ever te it down you just never would never right it’s not going to Aid you in order to do that now the the opposite of that for somebody who is a little bit too much

Right to left that’s what I struggled with teeing it down was really really good for me tight it up yeah cuz it would stop me tilt tilting back too much and hitting on too much on the rise getting that angle of attack down is really really good for my drive and actually

Hit it much straighter I do give up some distance but yeah I mean spin kicks up and I tell you the strikes Al Al be they going they feel great yeah well as low as that is and and you know that’s the thing when people talk about getting the

Ball half a ball above the crown of the driver well you need to then make the relevant adjustment impact whether it’s through angle of attack or tilts through the body whatever that may be but just by changing te height for you Mikey we’ve got some boss speed loss yeah

We’ve got some launch angle loss we’ve got some spin gain huh so not only are we are we crooked we 40 yard shorter at the same time no thanks no no no bueno so strike height playing a big big part of that your angle attack has come down

Your Dynamic Loft has come down not much though right so by the dynamic Loft Staying High relative to the attack angle with you know with the open face because spin loft is not a two-dimensional measurement it’s not just a projection of dynamic Loft and and a projection of angle of attack you

Know which in a 2d sense you know is is our spin Loft window if it was a simp as that it would just be a case of okay bring angle attack up or bring Dynamic LT down because we want to have the right spin off window it’s a it’s also

Threedimensional it’s face to path as well friction components to that um so you never want to be for for the type of player that you are you never want to be really in the low te category okay right let’s head into the highest te we have okay you you made a comment there

Wof what is it about that uh it just I mean so high it looks like I’m just going to go right underneath it Miss it almost uh I probably won’t M well knock on would but not yeah uh yeah it’s just uh it’s Mega for sure but I i’ played

With a couple people that tea it up super high and they had a natural draw and I know you went back to that Tiger Woods thing low fade High draw it it might not work for everyone but that’s what what they do they teed up so high

They use those blue and white teas Pro te whatever it’s called and they just hit the easiest draw known to mankind so yeah typically the the players who keep the the club on plane really nicely you know they s maybe have a little bit more

Of a flatter plane but it’s it’s a one plane swing yours is a little bit of a a change of plane right now so you kind of tend to come in a little bit in the back swing and you have a slight steepening um so that’s why your strike is still

Good even on a low yeah uh okay let’s go to uh yeah let’s go to the high te let’s see what that provides you okay I feel like you’d almost have to hover the driver to hit this well so so that’s a good point so what address what setup

Changes are you going to make for the driver ball position forward ball position forward I feel like I like mentally want to just strike this off the toe a bit more like try to hit a big swoopy draw so I would get the shoulders tilting a little bit as well okay right

And and yeah just really let that toe turn over and it turned over I felt like I missed it you’ve hit that 293 and it’s it h looked like a bit of a half-hearted effort yeah I I was ready to tell you you start trying a bit harder I don’t

Want to say I was swinging slower because my swing slow already but to me that felt like no effort obviously low spin but not bad right let’s let’s do a few more let’s kind of get those starting on the right line so so you’ve got the shoulder the shoulder tilt now

Matches the t height yeah that’s going to help with angle attack the toall in the race really good Mikey effortless yeah very very effortless you you’re swinging a speed window right now that people will be looking going I’m around 102 103 so I do it for the people yeah for the

Commentators the commentators exactly okay give me two more I like what you’re doing with this that’s a good good for your swing actually to do this little drill little spinny a little slow okay yeah give me some speed give the people some speed they’re right here to watch

You swing slow that was good actually really like that one yeah better strike lovely strike yeah okay tilts are really good you have a much easier time hitting this left don’t you totally night and day then we can start to offset that a little bit

Yeah you just love it when you get over that 300 don’t you just be W so happy 218 the fly no big deal better AED by a bit of a high tow strike yeah looked like it came out the high toe a little bit so good so so good okay go back to

The mid tea height cuz you kind of gave me a unicorn in that first one what are you trying to say well on the law of averages I know uh I know what I’m likely to see see a few more okay rude couple more oh o pal still tilt um I mean tilt

Relative to the Tey right that’s important not quite what you obviously see with the low one but um yeah a little bit of a loss okay one more don’t come back yeah it’s coming I mean you’ve kind of caught it high in the head haven’t you yeah good miss good

Miss really good Miss still 270 carry thought 270 total was good back in the day all right Mikey so the test leaves us with s of some very black and white data to look at for somebody who swings like you do which is again P look look how the te height

Affected the path mhm the higher you te it the less your path travels did I see with the high te and you kept saying like let the toe you know finish the race to me like I it there’s no thought of it going right so you could pick up

Speed strike I’m not really worried about strike just kind of swing at it I know it’s going to turn over regardless of what T height you had you delivered roughly the same amount of dynamic Loft yeah that’s an interesting takeaway but look at the two degree increments as you

Moved up tag gets higher as we as we go so spin loft is narrow and sort of as we go um you know we see this the steepening of the GOL swing via the dynamic Li angle uh when it comes to the low te height as well so not only are

You more out to in with an open face you’re also throwing the toe down yeah which is why you have a hard time again guys Dynamic L angle that when we tilt that Golf Club up to up it it points The Loft left so for Mikey in order to try

And maximize his accuracy and his distance at the same time he doesn’t want an open face and a in a more toe down uh impact position that’s a compound error we want to avoid those at all costs tow up be a little bit more to so three T options and three basically

Three different swing uh models relative to the t height right because we we’re changing tilts as we go the the the lower the T the The More Level our shoulders are to the ground gets his if it’s your pattern get a little bit more that way now people

Who are like I said are more tend to be a little bit more behind it and tilted away you don’t want to get those people on a high te cuz they do more of that and that’s where you get blocks and hooks so know your know who you you are

Right know your own swing DNA that’s why we love the launch monitor technology that we have allows us to basically go to this player yeah you’re struggling with that particular driver because it’s not the driver’s fault right the te height is is not allowing you to make a

Swing that will be competent in any way shape or form so understand your numbers understand your delivery understand your swing DNA something we talk about all the time and match it to the te height that suits you the most to Max my per performance yeah it’s good eye opening

Good is it yeah we’re not going to be able to sleep tonight I know you’re going to see if you can get a 9 in tea before we be going to the golf store tonight that’s for sure yeah it’s good guys these are the little nuggets this

Is the lowest of low hanging fruit right a bag of teas doesn’t cost you much uh a little experimenting on a on a monitor where you can sort of pinpoint strike uh and things like that it’s just it’s just a little effort to go through the process and hopefully now you’re armed

With a little more knowledge in how to apply it and how to obviously maximize it for yourself next time you hit the golf course that’s ultimately what we want you played it your absolute best good stuff cool excellent okay guys uh more call it you know um instructional

Type uh content from us relative to the to the tea the golf course how you can perform at your very very best again for for the B the price of a bag of teas yeah 20 bucks right 20 bucks where are you getting your te’s I don’t know isn’t

That I don’t know I haven’t paid I haven’t paid for a tea in 28 years 20 bucks they’re free at the first day Jesus I know I’m Scottish when 20 bucks I near fell over it must be 20 bucks for bag maybe a big bag maybe all well okay

Good stuff guys and H yep spend your $20 and a bag of teas enjoy some more distance stay tuned for more we’ll see you again Soon


  1. I love the reviews but the instructional videos are my favorite. I have had fittings in the past and they never had me tee the ball at different heights. Thanks

  2. I am pretty sure that Mike‘s drives would be significantly shorter in real life with those spin rates. FSX is known to calculate to much carry with low spinning shots. If you put those numbers in the Trackman optimizer you will probably get 10 to 15 yards less! According to Ping‘s data he should have about 2200 rpm for optimal distance with his launch angles.

  3. I hit wildly up on the driver and use a high tee and can't keep it on planet earth. I will throw out the high tees and the short ones a try.

  4. Ok so by going off the data in this video, I need to tee the ball up about… 3 feet off the ground 🥲

  5. As a guy who fights the quick lefts due to alot of shoulder tilt and flippy wrists, lowering my tee height (which is now high via the blue pro tee) will be lowered on my next SIM night. Good insight guys.

  6. Great video – I've been using BirTee #6 in the bay, and I mark my tees on the course, so always super consistent with tee height (great tip for all you out there). However, I struggle with a low launch angle. 10* driver, AoA is usually between 0-2 and launch is usually 10* and under, too low, so I lose a bit of optimization and peak height. Definitely it's partially mechanics, but trying to go to a higher tee I get absolutely TERRIFIED of going underneath it and leaving a sky mark!! I could use the increase in AoA but I don't want my path more Out-to-In as I prefer to fade it….. not sure what my question is but sounds like I'm talking myself into more lessons!

  7. Really valuable video portraying some of the basic physics of the swing and ball flight in correlation with tee height. My miss tends to be a low pull hook left and I’m going to experiment with lowering the tee height next practice session on Thursday to see if that reduces that tendency. Just bought myself a SkyTralk+ for Christmas. Appreciate these little nuggets of swing physics and the opportunity to experiment in the bay and track ball fight and numbers on the monitor and continue to stack some small wins toward a better delivery! 😊

  8. Love the technical insight videos. Just love 'em.
    (Mikey – you and I both know that the tees you get at your golf club ain't free. Worth it, but not free.)

  9. Love this video and I'll be honest it's never something I've thought a lot about. I've always just threw a peg in the ground and sent it. I'm going to test things out in the sim this winter.

  10. 300 yrds with 104 club head is legit! That launch angle must be prime. I get 105-110 club head and very rarely get 300. sad but encouraged to know whats possible.

  11. I wish you guys could be cloned and put in every golf facility. I’ve learned more from this page than anyone I’ve wasted money on for lessons. It’s so hit or miss but you guys are always a home run!

  12. I've gone to teeing it really high and I'm loving the extra distance and the flight. I have a tendancy to have my hands forward with my driver, not good. I was hitting down on it. I've moved the ball forward so its off my toe and i flare my left foot so its quite a way forward. Leaning exaggerated back, i also move my right foot back. And hover the driver. On average i hit about 5 – 7 meters further, but its the slight misses i like, i do lose distance but not as much as i did. And left to right dog legs are now my favourite holes, i just love taking it over the corners. 😊

  13. I always get comments on how high I tee the ball. But I really lean the handle. Play a 12* driver down to 11 and swing 5 up on avg. Allows my ~100mph ss to keep up with my buddies at 105-110.

  14. Interesting. Last week I moved the tee about 2” forward, raised it higher and picked up ball speed and accuracy. I feel I can be more aggressive and just keep things very neutral in my thoughts and I get a lovely back to the centerline small fade. Sometimes a mild straight pull. It feels like I have a lot more room to swing and let go.

  15. Hey Mike, as two great looking guys we have similar swing characteristics. Brings me to my question of what ball you use on the course? Ask that other guy (Friar? Freeman? Fiona…Fraz!) too…Keep up the great work!

  16. GREAT video!! I’m a 18-20 handicap golfer and have always struggled off the tee, to the point where I got rid of driver and went the BRNR Mini Driver.

    This video was so interesting to watch, I never really thought about tee height before. I’ve tested this out myself over the past 2 days after watching your video and gone a higher tee off the box and wow… I’m hitting longer and now drawing the ball!

    Thanks guys, great videos as always. We appreciate you 👏.

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