Golf Babe

DO NOT Hit The Back Of The Ball With Driver – DO THIS Instead

Hey there, guys! I’m thrilled to share this video with you today. We’re revisiting a great lesson I had with my student, Dave. He was facing some difficulties with his driver swing, just like many of us do.

The great thing about this lesson is that we tackled the problem by giving hi some really simple ideas and giving him just one simple focus for the downswing, this made the swing feel incredible simple and Dave was able to hit some much better drives in a really short space of time.

In this video, I’ll be sharing the tips and tricks we explored together, hoping it will make a difference for all of you out there. Hope you enjoy! Drop a comment and tell me what you think


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

#golfdrills #ballstriking #golf #golfdriver


00:00 Introduction
00:31 Change This Fault
01:22 The Swing Shape
03:03 The Backswing
03:47 Stopping The Over The Top Move

Okay so I mean first of all how good does this golf course look is is a Montgomery the max Royale obviously under flood lights incredible Golf Course um I want to talk to you about driving today I want to share with you a lesson I had a couple of months back

With a gentleman called Dave he was really struggling with his driver and it was like an hour lesson maybe a little bit shorter than that and we completely changed the way he was thinking about the GOL sing and completely changed the way he hit the golf ball a couple of

Things that he was doing which I think could be plaguing many of you out there as well so he was struggling with a left to right sort of fade and slice and that’s a a pretty common ball flight you know we we know that so many golfers struggle with that

Ball curving off to the right and he came to me for a lesson because he had been told in the past that he had what in his terms an under and an overthe toop goling now I’m sure you’re watching this many of you watching this going

Chris that sounds just like my golf sing I struggle with that as well and it was causing his Club has to be out to win and the ball com and off to the right so he was trying to change that he was trying to change his Club delivery but

He’s kind of hit a brick wall and that’s why he came to see me so this is what he was trying to do he spoke to me and he said he was trying to reverse that movement so instead of going under and over he was trying to go more over and

Under that made a lot of sense but he couldn’t do it and here’s why so if we look at a gol SN the golf club from set up to the top of the back sing has to go upwards and it has to go inwards okay what contributes to those

Movements well the arms they really give us the kind of upwards movement okay so as I use my arms that brings the club upwards but the body turn is what gives it the inwards so if I put those two movements together arms go up body turns

Looks a bit strange I did it in the on Gord but we get that perfect top of the backing position look how much body turn I’ve got the body turn sends the club inwards now what he was doing doing is because he was trying to go over and

Under he wasn’t turning his body in the back swing so because he wasn’t turning his body he was able to create this back swing which was a lot more upright which is kind of what he was trying to do he was searching for that kind of more

Upright swing to then almost like Loop it on the way down but to Loop it because he had no body turn the only way he could Loop it would be to pull his arms back behind his body and look what that does to my trail arm it just feels

Really uncomfortable and my arms get really narrow and he wasn’t really doing that so what he was actually doing he was going more up on the back swing he was trying to Loop it but he had nowhere to go and then as he was trying to Loop

It he was still turning his body and he was still coming way from the outside and he was chopping across it so what did I say to him well I said to him if you’re under and over why don’t we just go under and under that made a lot of

Sense to me and actually when we speaking about it he kind of agreed that that was a pretty good way to go down so what we actually did with with him is we got him back to a little bit more of his old back swing movement I wanted him to

Feel like he allowed his shoulders to turn early I wanted him to feel as if the grip of the club pointed at his belly button at setup and right the way for the first kind of whatever that is four to five feet of his goling that

Kept him nice and wide big turn and then I want him to feel that he got those hands kind of behind his heels now he actually didn’t he got them probably a couple of inches inside the back of his heels but that was his feet

In so we suddenly went from a back swing like this which was up with no turn to basically almost the same movement with hands and arms but I allowed him to turn his body so he was in a much much better position the difference now is we needed

To stop that over the top move so this is where we sort of changed the transition from back swing to dowsing and really all I did is I gave him a really simple sort of concept and idea down at impact I set him up with the

Logo on the ball sort of angled so if the if the target was let’s say 12:00 the back of the ball was 6:00 I set the logo up at sort of 7:00 and what I said to him was I wanted him to make a back soon with that big turn huge turn hands

Behind the heels and I wanted him to hit that logo on the golf ball and as he hit that logo I wanted his chest to feel like it was pointing back behind the golf ball around here somewhere again we Ed a clock face reference you being 12:00 I

Want him to be at 1:00 on the clock face now the reason I did that is because when he got into this really nice backing position his tendency was to spin the upper body out too soon that created his over the top downward strike and that was creating his curve so I

Asked him to make a couple of practice swings where he felt like he make that big turn upper body stayed back chest pointed behind the golf ball and he hit the inside back of that ball that sort of 7:00 position he suddenly started to create some completely different feels he

Suddenly started to have ideas of a little bit more of an into toout swing he felt like he was hitting up on the board a little bit more he kind of wasn’t he was fairly level but he started to change his feelings around impact and pretty soon after that maybe

15 20s later he started to see the ball flight that he was after now it wasn’t a draw which is the kind of ball flight that he wanted but it was pretty straight maybe a couple of yards of fade but considering the fact that he was

Starting off slicing off to the right he was over the moon with that now when we put on video you know did he have his chest pointing this way no but what it did is it stopped and it slowed down this kind of awkward movement in transition it got his transition

Smoother and when that transition is smoother it allows the club to fall into the delivery position so he went from an under to over then he tried to go over to under which didn’t work and we changed him to a pretty normal back swing and a pretty normal transition we

Did it with Concepts and IDE ideas and I’m going to try and demonstrate only because it’s just pretty good fun hitting balls here under the lights and let’s see if we can hit one down the Fairway so I’m going to go hands behind the heels inside back of the

Ball and that one is a little bit of the right and Dave probably hit some better t- shots than I did on that one I reckon I’m okay I’d find that one I’ve missed the Fairway so transition think about where chest points think about a reference on

The ball that’s going to change your delivery and don’t try and go this over and under move because it’s very very difficult to achieve


  1. Timely. I’ve been working on that very over-and-under move to shallow my swing out. This seems a lot simpler.

  2. Just subscribe to your channel. Concentrating on inside to out path with my driver but I am not getting the draw that I would like. Your demonstration makes sense to me. Have the logo set at 7:00 which gives me a nice visual at impact. Thanks for sharing 🏌‍♂

  3. So good, this resonates with me and not being able to release the driver, the chest behind the ball when u hit the ball is great visual, cant wait to try

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