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Clash Of The Podcasts Episode 72: Honoring The Business

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Everything Pro Wrestling and Hubbard Wrestling are joining forces to bring the wrestling community Clash Of The Podcasts. We will get some discussion points and talk pro wrestling with you all. In Episode 72 we will discuss the following:

– MLK Discussion
– TNA Wrestling Hard To Kill Review
– NJPW Battle In The Valley Review
– Celebration of Black Pro Wrestlers

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Episode 72 clash of the podcast we are back uh if you guys if this is your first time listening maybe you don’t know uh I am Conrad kushman representing everything pro wrestling he beside me is Sean hubard representing hubard wrestling weekly and together every Monday live at

6:05 we bring you clash of the podcast today this week we are going to be talking about we’re going to have a little bit of a discussion about Dr Martin Luther King got to bring that up since today is a holiday for him we are also going to be discussing TNA

Wrestling New Japan Pro Wrestling they had a nice event out there battle in the valley I enjoyed it we’re going to get into some of the uh the things for that one and we are going to be talking about honoring the business uh some of our favorite black performers in the

Wrestling business past present and future as well so make sure you guys stick around for that and um I’m actually going to do it right today Sean I need my line I got you man Conrad glad to be here chat welcome Dr King we love you we appreciate you thank you Conrad

My brother drop that Thing Welcome on in everybody welcome on in um Sean do you want to start with the comments or do you want to start with the uh honoring of Dr King yeah we wanna we want to start this off like we chat you know we love you but we want to make

Sure we uh you know start this off right especially on today um it’s obviously the celebration of uh Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jor um Conrad and I have talked about it uh on many occasions first of all we welcome you to Clash of the podcast here uh January 15

2024 um definitely speeding through the month of January is the Royal Rumbles two weeks away and um you know we’re excited to have you guys here for episode 72 my goodness of of the podcast um but obviously this one takes a little bit of a a sweetness to it as um we

Honor the the legacy of the late great Reverend Dr Martin Luther King uh Jr uh Conrad nabian to um black men men of color however you want to word it um you know standing in the Gap and trying to fill a void where we feel that there is

As it relates to uh men of color and our podcasting and our broadcasting in this field uh just trying to honor the Legacy man you know what I’m saying we um we’re really excited and and blessed to to represent this genre and our people uh and wrestling fans so you know it’s kind

Of like a triple a triple edged thing for us um you know Dr King obviously we all know the history as it relates to the maraton Wasing Washington years and years of um standing up for equality uh trying to uh bridge the gap between those who are ignorant and those who

Wanted to do the right thing which is to love everyone and to have everybody on one Accord unfortunately uh we all know that he lost his life in that battle but uh we like to believe though we still have a long way to go we like to believe that

He did not uh die in vain and that uh his dream no pun intended uh will continue to live on uh through um through all of us you know you know black people obviously but human PE human beings in general just trying to be on one Accord and love each other and

That’s what this show is all about man you know what I’m saying just bringing people together we’ve been with you guys for 72 weeks in a row that has spent three calendar years from 20122 all the way till 2024 and beyond God willing and we just want to just be the people that

You guys can get with on a Monday evening and have fun you know what I’m saying doesn’t matter what color you are doesn’t matter what your what your background is as long as you’re here to have fun and we enjoy you guys you enjoy us and uh that’s pretty much it uh rest

In peace continue to rest in paradise Dr King we love you for who you were and we love you for the um the standards practices and and and pure intentions that you um brought to us uh for so many years your legacy remains and we appreciate

You um I just want to piggy back off what Sean said and uh just remind people too um it’s very important to to try to get along with everybody uh I know sometimes I hear often times that ah wrestling’s toxic the wrestling Community is toxic and I always feel

Like that can go across many different things any genre you can get into that with Marvel movies DC versus Marvel if you’re a superhero fan Star Wars whatever you want to get into right Sports even it gets oh it’s toxic it’s different ways of how people look at

Things but try to find the positive things the things that make you happy uh I appreciate everyone who comes in here every Monday I feel like we are your show before raw if you watch Raw or we’re your show before Monday Night Football you get to come Vibe with us

You like wrestling we like wrestling uh I’m a brother he’s a brother you know like that’s that’s what what it is and and the sisters are welcome everybody here is welcome like Sean said it doesn’t matter um where you’re from your background we’re here to talk pro

Wrestling and that’s what we do and we do it better than no one so when someone mentions what’s your favorite black wrestling podcast keep keep our names in your mouth keep everything for wrestling and Hubbert wrestling Weekly’s names in your mouth spread that out I know that

They’re going to be saying all that stuff um about oh I like this podcast I like that podcast make sure you guys put a stamp on us man make sure you’re talking good about us and I know a lot of you do I saw uh Ray shared us to uh

Like family and friends he was like Hey if you guys like wrestling I and I appreciate that right and uh as far as Dr Martin Luther King uh I want those principles apply not only in here with wrestling but apply it to your everyday life too uh some of you guys are

Probably managers some of you guys are workers some of you guys own businesses I would assume and just apply those principles do right by someone else and make sure that you guys are uh keeping that dream alive that Martin Luther King Jr spoke of um let us get into the show

Shall we thank you guys and I know you’ll have comments we have a major title defense tonight go oh my goodness get me St yeah let’s go Joel jump right to the CHP Joel I saw your Super Chat while we were uh discussing here he said my guys happy

Monday Joel thank you brother thank you Joel thank big shout out to Joel correctly predicting that Green Bay would shop the world yesterday massive prediction by him and I’m a witness that he said it before the game started so I called Tampa today I think Tampa I think

Tampa pulls one out too we’ll see I I picked the Lions which is not anything crazy but they almost they almost blew it yeah that but that was a good the Rams aren’t aren’t as bad as people think they are either they’re a solid team I think um going back into the live

Chat though first one who was in here was my man sir quills what up Sean coner quills is back again two my favorite Bros CJ and hubs for episode 72 I’m a Sabers fan and the Tage Thompson of uh clash of the podcast let’s get it happy MLK Day the Sabers

Got the win bro I was surprised by that I was cheering for them last night um if you follow my personal Twitter you would have seen that uh hopefully the bills get the win as now never doubt bro I’m trying to keep keep the eyes on the game

Bro tell me uh let’s talk some pro wrestler speaking of pro wrestler TNA hard to kill was a very good show 8.5 out of 10 that is so true quills a very good one to start off the new branding of TNA 100% quilly welcome uh Mike says please won’t you be

My neighbor what is going on he said I have a dream but one of my favorite uh wrestlers would come back ladies and gentlemen the dream is fulfilled MLK happy birthday appreciate that Ray happy Monday guys I hope everyone had a good weekend we did Ray I

Hope you and the fam had a good week weekend too as well I’m dealing with some snow up here but it ain’t nothing that can’t be moved or things like that making the best of it over here Sean prayers for you I heard I heard you guys

Might get hit in the next couple days as well with what we’re feeling now heard it’s gonna drift over to you guys you know obviously you know I sent you my well wishes for you and the family I’m glad that you guys navigated this thing you guys are a little bit better

Equipped for it than we are down here in the city but uh believe me if something comes I will be in my house that’s that’s EX exctly how I felt today bro I am right here I’m not going anywhere um and Ray I see that you

Watched hard to kill and the battle in the valley as well Sean’s got this one I’m not allowed Ley fo Shey before I read his comment let’s talk about how Matthew Lopez always always shows love on Twitter and social Medan we appreciate you my brother thank you for the kindness it is

Not going unnoticed people like Quil as well we appreciate you guys guy will gamble easy all you guys thank you so much Vinnie my favorite Vinnie coming up soon but yes emilyy says hello good evening all happy MLK day no better way to start the week than listening to the

Best podcast in the game and go bills I appreciate that we appreciate that em Ley thank you crazy says my Steelers are getting whooped I have hope listen bro I’m not counting any chickens till that clock hits z0 and I know it’s over so best believe my pre-season my

Pre-season Super Bowl pick looks alive and well looks a lot and well brother Conrad uh Renegade l2k James from the pro wrestling shoot says I’m concerned about Sam Martin that hammy gonna matter versus KC uh we’ll see man they got the best trainers in the world too they they

Can fix stuff they can work on it for days and days and days and hours and hours and hours versus us normal people we get can I come after work you know that’s not a thing for them they they can work on it all day uh remember don’t

Hinder the gender yo listen if y’all gender Mahal fans I’m not the one I’mma tell you right now I’m the worst person that you guys are gonna want to be in here with can can I tell you my my my harshness against Jinder mul I I don’t dislike Ginder Mahal I

Just dislike that there’s and I’m not going to this is this is something that would be but I’m going to compose myself okay I going to keep this 30 seconds or less Jinder Mahal is a hardworking tough wrestler I have no problem with him being in the company I have no problem

Him being featured on television my issue is that when you have people like Kurt Henning when you have people like Ravishing Rick Roode Scott Hall Etc who have not been world champions and this gentleman has been a world champion that bothers me that is my only gripe shinsuke Nakamura at his height

Was not good enough to beat this man I am way worse than him I am infuriated by that Title reign that Title reign sucked it sucked it sucked it sucked it ruined Smackdown live that was the best show for a little bit there and I was enjoying it and then you went and

Actually it got bad after the whole Bray Wyatt Randy Orton like that WrestleMania 33 like I don’t know what happened after that but come on dog and Tony Khan I don’t even want to getting into his tweets and all that stuff cuz I feel different than most oh

You’re just sticking up for Tony Khan no WWE are bullies but nobody wants to talk about the first part of what initiated Tony KH stuff but I’ll we’ll get to that if Sean wants to bro I feel you Renegade l2k hubs convinced Conrad he should have

Shuffel snow for his beloved bills no no I’m paying for that stadium that they didn’t want to pay for I don’t get how owners could be like yeah I don’t want to pay the whole thing what do you own the team for what you think this was there you go

Get out of here y’all gotta be out of your mind it’s football time also Brit Baker is at the game in Buffalo talking trash on IG I don’t care I don’t care the Buffalo Bills are winning Lions end a streak from my childhood of 1991 awesome football welcome Terrell welcome

So Chiefs versus Lions prediction coming true for the Super Bowl H we’ll see it’s look it’s alive it’s alive Terrell it’s not like it’s going anywhere I mean you guys that prediction will live another week so don’t worry I saw I saw somebody say dear Buffalo Bills you are our only

Hope in it show Casey with like Taylor Swift and uh Kelsey’s mom dancing and stuff they were like Buffalo please you’re our only hope to stop this listen I’m not a hater but something about seeing Kelly CL Clarkson excuse me Kelly Clarkson where’d that come from something about Taylor swith doing swag

Surfing in the in the in the Luxury Box really annoys the crap out of me I I swear it does it really and I’m not a hater I have no problem with them loving each other liking each other everybody’s entitled to be with who but the the fact

That she’s in there swag surfing with his mom really bothers me oh my God that have me cracking up guy will gble said you’re what up everybody what up guy will gamble mckenny said yo I’m here to talk wrestle with the fire live chat and the powers of positivity clash

Of the podcast let y’all know it’s harder to accept help than it is to give it let’s go we appreciate you and I appreciate the DM with the words of encouragement and the inspiration we appreciate you my G Doug hopefully the second half is better for Pittsburgh that first half

Was ugly what up Doug uh let me see as we speak the Buffalo Bills first possession of the second half is ending in a punt so we’ll see we’ll see uh we got people talking TNA T Swift will make a difference here we go XG dub

Says happy MLK Day thank you thank you uh entertain 45 Hello everybody thank you Vinnie the only Vinnie we like like he said the hit stick on digs yes uh posit my man E I almost called him positively e in the house Easy E yo happy MLK Day appreciate y’all man look

At that appreciate the Dr King love Deanna another week another killer podcast what up what up appreciate you I’m trying to jump around make sure we get everybody uh do I really like you guys H maybe don’t start teasing Deana don’t start teasing MLK and his teachings will

Live forever if only we could live up to those teachings we’d have to do better as a people especially black but humans in general love and respect one another YOLO you only live once those who don’t know there you go great speech Mike says um let’s see here go pack go I

Think I think their Magic Carpet Ride easy ends next week excited about what they did against the I just don’t like the Cowboys I don’t who does I mean come on come on they been they’ve been riding that EMT Smith wave since I was a kid knock it

Off they’re the most non- winningest winning team I mean they 95 is a long time ago bro I love every year too where someone puts up the Bart Simpson meme where it’s like say it again Cowboys fans it’s our year every year every year and listen I’m going on the record I

Like Dak Prescott but I don’t know man who’s the higher who’s the higher coach for them is it is it bich I think bellich and I and I and believe me it’ll make me sick because belich will mess around and help them win but um the more realistic high would probably

Be I want to say Harbaugh but Harbaugh’s probably going to end up in LA or Vegas so it’s probably going to be Bell yeah some people were saying it should have been uh I forgot was it their one of their coordinators should get the chance but I don’t know if he’s

Going to get the chance is going to end up quills why am I I’m mixing up everybody today their defensive coordinator is gonna end up going somewhere else interesting you never know uh my Steelers are not producing Chicago are about to lose everyone to the Packers

For the next 10 years again uh I got nothing to say love is a good quarterback yesterday was not a fluke he is really good that kid love yeah yeah every Phantom Community has some kind of toxicity wrestling Comics anime yeah it’s coming soon over here bro I hear

You I hear you thank you hubs NYC is getting a snowstorm tomorrow followed by a blizzard Friday Conrad bring that blizzard down here to New York City hey it’s coming bro I ain’t got nothing to do with it Con you may have to shovel some snow for this Sunday versus KC I’m

Not shoveling I refuse you you have owners who get paid if pagul is next to me maybe I’ll help him but that’s it crazy Jinder Mahal quill says has no business whatsoever being a WWE world champion and to make it worse they actually had the nerve to make this man

United States Champion as well oh yeah I forgot about that they did and to quil’s point didn’t he win that us title at WrestleMania did he he did in a fatal four-way I thought he was champed before that because it was the fourway was like Orton Jinder I want to say Bobby

Roode man yo we we just sat through some bad WrestleMania bro we can’t remember the mid card Champion matches AJ Styles couldn’t even get a good match out of gender I was happy when AJ won though you should have seen me that night I was like yes thank goodness Survivor series

Is saved and all serious this can you remember uh five of hook wins Booker T talking Booker T is a hater bro I’m I’m done Booker T Eric Bishoff they’re done do not bring them up on here I’m done with them they always say some foolishness man because

It’s headlines and clickbait that’s it I’m done Mahal won a fatal fourway against Orton Roode and Rusev Rusev day uh at WrestleMania 34 for the United States Championship uhoh there you go dropping the ball again WWE there you go 95 I was playing WWF Raw in Genesis and they still didn’t do anything

Since bich to the Cowboys may happen no goodness I hope not I hope but the thing that would make me sick is that bich go there and they somehow get it done because I’m really loving the fact that bill bich hasn’t won anything since Tom Brady left because I’m holding on to

That because I’ve always said and I know this is GNA sound real bad okay so let me preface it by saying bill bich is a Hall of Fame coach first B I’m not saying anything different but if you put Tom Brady next to Bill bich about who’s

More influential in that dynasty in New England I’m picking Tom Brady I don’t care bro because when he when Tom Brady went to Tampa he won another championship since Tom Brady left bill bich has not won anything I’m just saying it just shows who you know the classic who made who

Made the WWE Vince McMahon or Hulk Hogan that whole AR well that one we couldn’t never tell who did it because of how wrestling is yeah but in sports Tom Brady looks like he was the one who did it not not bill but we’ll see just saying mckenny at what point is someone

Going as someone in aw going to take TK’s phone who’s gonna take the boss’s phone away from him because he did more for Jinder Mahal in a few hours than WWE did for him in months months years what did those tweets do for aw I’ll wait it actually got him more

Engagement go and look at his previous tweets when he says something nice where’s BJ BJ told me at one point in time that it’s a crazy number like when there is some negativity or drama about aw their tweets get more eyeballs on them why is that and we have to look at

Ourselves as a people I’m the first one to blame fans for stuff too people don’t do that off they’re like oh it’s not the fans’s fault it’s it’s the owner’s fault it’s this guy’s fault no Sean as wrestling fans what are why are people consuming that so Tony C thinks that’s a

Good idea to get stuff on his product no one was talking about Dynamite that’s why he did it that’s why and he thought I’ll get some engagement out of this what did you say bro you said it perfectly it was clickbait he was being strategic a little bit immature but

Strategic and I think he has a right to be mad I don’t like getting not mad him poking the bear they’ve been they’ve been poking him so WWE on Fox tweets about football games now come on bro yes you tweet about the Jaguars not making the playoffs but Tony Khan needs to put

His social media down we’re not going to yell at the interns or whoever’s controlling those accounts USA Network makes a funny cage match rating joke that’s funny that’s cool to do I guess it’s okay to pick on people when they’re owners of companies or when they don’t

Do things I told y’all and then I gotta hear Tony K should be more like Gomez why why is that always a phrase I hear why is everyone compared to him you know who you need to be worried about you need to check your boy Triple H what are

You gonna do about this whole Rock problem you got rock got more followers than anybody do you think the coming back for this mess Nick Khan’s buddy you’re got people in your ears are you gonna sacrifice CM Punk and Seth Rollins night one to make Cody happy are you

Gonna give Cody the main event that he rightfully deserves what are you gonna do now you should have did it last year and you blew it you blew it now you got yourself in the as far as my two obviously two massive predictions that I made all right so here’s the deal gold

On the record right now Conrad and chat all right let’s get this out the way all right we’re not there there’s going to be no vetoing no no of course not of course not I never go back on what I say come on brother look I said Rock would never

Come back no I didn’t say that I said Rock would never wrestle that’s still technically true until he wrestles it looks like he’s going to wrestle so I’m going to concede that more than like and believe me if he doesn’t wrestle I will come back and remind you that I was

Right well we don’t know when right but here’s the that’s that’s where I was going with it I did say the rock would not come back back and wrestle it’s looking that like that’s probably going to be incorrect but you know the other part of that equation

That I’m very right about I told you that somehow some way Cody would not finish the story at Wrestlemania 40 I told you I said it now I’m if I’m wrong about rock if when Once Rock is in the ring and there’s a bell I will be officially

Wrong about my rocked prediction but Cody finishing the story in Philadelphia on April 2nd because rock is not facing Roman Reigns at elimination chamber oh no he’s not that is not happening according to all sources all reliable unreliable media social media it’s looking like rock and Roman Reigns will not do that

At at elimination chamber so there’s only one place they can do it and that’s at WrestleMania and I don’t think a triple threat match is going to happen right and I saw some people saying well Rock could go there listen and I don’t believe the Roman Reigns isn’t going to

Be at a elemination chamber if I paid money imagine if you’re the country of Australia hold on we’re getting into this y’all for a second because this is good talk for a second if we talk pro wrestling Sean you’re Australia and you’re like yo Conrad I want the WWE to

Come you work with Triple H and them help me out and you’re like I’m going to give you I don’t know how much money was do you remember the price I don’t but it was massive let’s just say let’s just say here’s a million dollars right I put

Whatever it’s supposed to be in there I’m going to give you this much money Conrad okay here’s what you’re gonna get you could have Ria Ripley we’re we got CM Punk coming back you’ll get him too and that’s it I hope you enjoy the show Cody will be there too okay you’re gonna

Look at me be like yeah where’s Roman Reigns that’s what I paid for so Roman Reigns I think is going to have to show up now do you get the that might be a cherry on top to say yo you pay for these you might get this but I don’t I

Don’t know man and like some people said what’s the time difference what time is the show gonna air are we gonna be waking up on Saturday at 500 am is if that’s what I don’t know what they’re gonna do so we’ll see maybe WWE doesn’t care about that fine that’s great time

Will tell I’m just I’m just saying like at the end of the day like the person who makes out smelling like the opposite of roses is Cody rhods Cody rhods somewhere right now whether he’s in Augusta or tonight he’s wherever raw is is not happy because I’m telling you the

Writing is on the wall is it Alabama I don’t remember where it is tonight it’s somewhere like that or Arkansas I can’t remember but but right now I’m telling you it’s looking like Cody is not gonna he might finish the story at SummerSlam but he’s not finishing the story at

WrestleMania I agree with your point that I had just put up there too um got to wait till we have all the facts before we speak on that situation but I’m leaving that one where it is we’ll talk about that once we have more info with concerning Mr Y2J uh mckenny says

But is anyone going to watch the show or wait for another tweet because the ratings which are horrible speak volumes I’m not gonna lie man I I have to say this uh the gold post moving is crazy did Sean you remember a couple years ago when Ros TV ratings were going

Down every week the you know the decline was like this Yes Man television’s doing bad this is across the board for the for any who doesn’t know television cable ratings are doing really bad so people should keep expecting to see declines but not when it’s aew oh no no

Millie it’s funny I’m just saying mckenny that there’s there’s things that people like to say but then when it’s aw it changes it’s not the same it’s oh well and I’m having difficulty understanding why people make so many excuses for World Wrestling Entertainment but always throw all elite

Wrestling under the bus I’m I’m I’m having difficulty understanding why that is and it goes both ways Tony I personally think Tony should not be tweeting stuff like that this is my my personal opinion though Tony shouldn’t but I get why he did it I understand why

He did it right um oh man just saw that a player is being CED off my boy Bernard y great bills player yikes uh prayers up to him hopefully he is okay um never good to see that um let me go to mcken commented back TK is touching it doesn’t

Take much to set him off if you look uh if you look after the tweets from Fox on TK ran with the football and made himself look bad I’m just saying but there’s only so much you could take this is what I go back to mckenny I’m GNA leave it at this and

Sean you can say whatever you want after this if you don’t stand up to WWE they are going to walk over you I’m sorry to say this this is going to sound mean but I want you to look at the last uh when did TNA get bad when did dixley sell it

Do you remember 15 16 2017 actually 17 whatever let’s so let’s just use the last five years for example do you want to be Ring of Honor or Impact Wrestling do you know what happened to them you get the scraps I take what I want and you you should be

Glad that I let you live is how they treat them and I’m not trying to be funny I’m being so serious they were like Ring of Honor I’m taking Seth Rollins or Tyler black people forget that he started there I’m taking Brian Danielson from you I’m taking whomever

From you and new Japan’s even feeling the effects of this now they’re they take whoever they want they do whatever they want Tony KH so what’s he supposed to do go ahead I’m Number two I’m okay with it they’re going to walk all over him and they’re taking his talent now

Too the man’s mother was in the hospital and they contract tampered with him he takes this personally I get that he shouldn’t cuz your emotions may get you messed up but I can see how you could get upset with that that you’re trying to take his talent while he’s dealing

With something else in his life that’s personal he probably together which is reprehensible and disgusting right and I’m sure Tony Khan’s done it too where he stole Jeff Hardy you don’t mean to tell me he wasn’t like yo Matt when’s your brother available can you talk to him for me

That’s business I get it but WWE was also trying to blatantly do it in front of them look at the Regal stuff now you know like it it’s what it is bro there there’s no perfect sides this TK stop tweeting get a PR team please for yourself so you can focus on other

Things that that’s where I stand I don’t know if you want to say anything I don’t think anything to add because I think you the nail right on the head uh ask DC and Warner Brothers about The Rock he gonna get what he want terrible e terrible no The Rock brought

Down all of WB in the sky is falling he asked for something and they gave it to him they acquiesced we of the day I think it’s good for Cody if he doesn’t finish the story at Mania it would make the win bigger if they wait Cay says you

Think people Sean let me ask you this do people still believe in Cody if it doesn’t happen at Mania he does something else I think I think it’s starting to waver now like to answer your question no but I think I think starting to waiver now I think the the

The big listen people think that the worst thing that happened to Cody rhods is the rock coming back the worst thing that happened to Cody rhod is CM Punk coming back because people Cody is a secondary thought now we all know that CM Punk is focused on Seth Rollins and

That’s where this thing’s GNA end up but as far as top tier as far as who’s the man on Raw Cody rhods is now second place and with you and if you count the entire roster on SmackDown and Raw raw OB Rock obviously takes the the top spot

When it comes to everybody right it’s like CM Punk one and rock 1A or Rock one and and CM Punk 1A Cody rhods it’s starting to unravel and I’m telling you right now the writing on the wall that Cody rhods is not going to finish the story at WrestleMania to your

Point Conrad if we have to wait till summer Cody’s PR team working overtime bro he said he’s gonna be the best man at someone’s wedding he bought tickets for uh TWC and I’m happy all those kids get to go to WrestleMania in New York City good for them I wish I had a

Wrestling club like that when I was a kid that’s what TWC stands for by the way um and and shout out to uh Perry who’s doing all the work with those kids like that’s that’s amazing the uh I don’t know what else to say like he

He is trying to make sure like yo I’m your guy look at me I’m your guy please don’t do this to me I am your guy it’s starting to look desperate too I see BJ’s comment I disagree with that hubs um Cody is the new the next John John

Cena for all I’ve saw yeah before CM Punk came back I would have I would have agreed with that before Thanksgiving but now no you know Cody Ro it’s it’s almost starting to look like Cody rhods is like that corny dude that wants a date and unfortunately like CM Punk’s the cool

Kid and then Here Comes rock and rock is the cool kid and you know the girl that wanted to date uh Cody rhods is now looking at Rock and punk and it’s like oh yeah you were cool Cody when you were the only option why don’t people recognize that Conrad Cody RH was

Popping because there was nobody else Cody what like I said he took the bag because there was no one there to take the bag it was it was if it wasn’t Cody it was someone else someone was going to take that bag eventually from WWE to cross over you’re not tired of

Being uh number six and aw come on over but they got they got a EVP bigger feather in their cap they got him let me say something even more controversial but I think it’s still right on the money Cody rhods survived a torn pectoral muscle and eight months

Off Cody Road can’t survive CM Punk and the rock as it relates to being the number one guy I think there’s going to be a power jousting I do think Cody’s popularity still there but I’m worried about after Mania like I said from now he’s all right but what my question is

What do you do because you’re going to make somebody mad in this situation and do you want to make SE Conrad it’s over no well Sean wait there’s still hope though I’ve seen people say like well maybe they do a triple threat maybe which I don’t think is the way the

Triple threat’s still on the table but I’m telling you I think it’s over I think I think I think we’re all and I Gotta Give I got to throw myself and you out in traffic for this one and all the people in the chat that we appreciate I

Think all of us all of of us are overthinking this thing by a great deal let’s let’s just be Elementary and just do the brat tax of the whole situation Rock Roman Reigns Rock Roman Reigns stop thinking about triple threats because I’m I’m saying I’ve done it too stop thinking about different

Ways to make sure that Cody gets his moment at Wrestlemania 40 stop thinking about alternative endings and Elimination Chambers and who’s going to win the Royal Rumble it’s Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Roman Reigns that will be the main event of night two of WrestleMania it’s over it’s over that’s it stop overthinking

It it’s over wrest we’re wrestling fans is what we must do me too listen I The Rock’s never coming back I was wrong oh when The Rock when when The Rock’s in the ring and there’s a bell that I’ll be officially wrong but the rock nine times

Out of 10 is back for this pay-per-view for for Wrestlemania it’s over stop sometimes we do too much in our minds like okay rock rocket looks like Rock’s back from Mania so how can we still sneak Cody rhods in there it’s over it’s being pushed back have fun it SummerSlam because it’s not

Going to happen on April 2nd it’s over BJ I respect BJ he said I can’t wait for Wednesday Wednesday we’re doing a state of aew address with the dynamite review so make sure you guys are tuned in for that one that’s going to be interesting I think um e is coming in

Here nah fam the WWE bashed their horrible three hours a raw cuz those were horrible but aw keep talking we the best on cable Wednesday night uh you have to look at that what WWE made the choice to go three hours though like even when they were

Making that choice I said that was a bad idea mckenny that’s a bad idea Nitro wasn’t good at three hours I I don’t remember any Nitros that I enjoyed at the three- hour mark do you it was the same feeling like it’s just bad yeah I mean Nitro was cool at

Three hours at the beginning but it became stale very fast yes BJ said make sure you like the video we get more in the chat we got more in the chat then likes on the vid please hit that like button please please please please please we appreciate that uh TK is an

Emotional boy he said uh yeah the uh XFL the UFL is now the XFL and usfl merged uh what is the point with Cody bring him down only to build him up even bigger I don’t think that’s the point I think it’s just an unfortunate circumstances

They didn’t think Rock was coming back I think they stopped believing everybody the every Cody you know what I’m going to say something I never thought I would say Cody is like me and I’m like Cody the same way I’ve been telling the world The Rock’s Never Gonna Come Back

Dwayne’s never GNA come back he’s never going to wrestle again Cody was thinking the same thing Cody was thinking as as Conrad does The Rock Post Cody was thinking the same thing there’s no way on God’s green earth Cody thought that Wayne Johnson The Rock was coming back he thought it

Was a done deal when the rock made that call after 47 voicemails and called back Triple H and said you know what I’ll give it one more and he decided to do it I’m gonna say it again Conrad Conrad this is for you this is for everybody in the chat okay I say

This with love on the great re Dr Martin Luther King’s birthday it’s over take the thought of Cody rhods winning the Undisputed title at Wrestlemania 40 out of your minds it’s over stop overthinking it Roman Reigns and The Rock are going to Main Event night two of Wrestlemania 40 it’s

Over Cody Rose will have his moment hopefully at WrestleMania excuse me at SummerSlam it’s not happening at WrestleMania bro it’s over shut it down get your mind wrapped around just like I had to get my mind wrapped around it get your mind wrapped around it it’s

Over BJ said Cody is going to be in that triple threat bro we cannot have Roman win and The Rock like that you can’t do itj hon BJ I have come to respect you I like to I’d like to think you’ve come to respect me it ain’t gonna happen bro Cody rhod

Is not gonna find himself in the ring with Roman Reigns in the Rock it’s not going to happen I feel like it’s two separate stories but I don’t know how they would bring them together like what’s Rock and Cody’s beef besides I want to be the one to take Roman down

Okay I but maybe they pull this I yo listen I’m interested just to see how they write this and can you imagine how just imagine they mess with Punk and Seth for a second Seth Rollin is in a contract year I don’t even know if he’s

Resigned him and Becky May both get mad and say hey Tony how you doing oh that this this is what I’m talk this is what Tony Khan needs to be waiting for is a mistake made by Triple H just like Triple H wait for Tony Khan to make a

Mistake that mistake was brawl out and and Cody he they were right there like we’re here baby that Tony you need to be ready to catch the ball when it’s getting punted to you don’t fumble it don’t drop it so when they make a mistake you swooping Seth I always loved

You baby if you will I want you to come over here come over to the WCW if you will we got you Cody you could come home too we need you baby come on back like they can do that but that’s what they have to do right um people are saying

They’re going to let uh him pass I think people are more tired of Roman then Cody this isn’t the territory uh Roman isn’t bouncing City to City to fight anyone the run is tiresome if it doesn’t happen at 40 it’s going to be hard I it’s gonna

Be interesting to see what people think here uh do we even know if Cody has resigned a new deal I don’t know nothing uh pro wrestlers shoots in the house uh Rock will be gone after Mania Punk Goes heel and Cody stays top face they maybe maybe I’m not saying that’s impossible

It’s not WWE fans have been highly agreeable with the booking lately too there there been some times where I’m like you should be rioting and they’re not and I’m like I don’t like when Cody lost I thought fans should have lost it in that Stadium they did not oh yeah

So was it just me or did I hear a little cheering yeah but now if you flip it back we got more Punk fans up in here so they might be a little more R let me go on the record with you Conrad I don’t even think you know that you know this

Yet about me I feel bad for Cody rhes don’t get it twisted don’t get it I’m not I’m not enjoying this development I feel bad for Cody rhods but we but back at 39 when it didn’t work out the writing was on I’m not saying Cody RH will end up being WWE

World Champion but it’s not going to happen the way you think man I’m telling you it’s over bro it’s over and for people like Jesse from the pro wrestling shoot man I’m listen my dog I appreciate you brother you know it’s all love I I have nothing against Cody

But if Rock is in the building it’s not going to happen I we got to see man like I said I think Rock’s getting to call more shots than people think he I don’t I just can’t see him saying I’m GNA come back promote the UFL and then go out at

Chamber I know that’s what people want but this is the rock too like the rock calls shots they Rock doesn’t want to wrestle I want people to remember this rock is done in his mind he’s doing this because family asked him to and I’m sure Vince and all the homies were there too

Like yeah rock is going to be greatah blah blah whatever rock is like okay well how can I make more money off this how can I promote my brand how can I get in he’s trying to get into different movies let me let me do some of the

Stuff on TV maybe he’s gonna want the most eyes on this are there more eyes on the elimination chamber or are there more eyes on WrestleMania can we also acknowledge another elephant in the room that some people are overlooking right now what Sean why are you so confident

That it’s going to be Roth versus Roman Reigns don’t you think beside everything that uh brother Conrad just articulated about the big stage about the comparison between elimination chamber and WrestleMania what about the other Factor what other Factor you talking about Sean um that The Rock wants to Main Event WrestleMania with his

Cousin and then that if Rock doesn’t want it to be a triple threat match it ain’t going to be a triple threat match let’s let’s let’s let’s calm this thing down a little bit bro you know you know him and stone Cole say they got some creative control it’s me you and I

Guess it’s Triple H now but it was probably Gomez before that they they probably went in saying like no it’s you and me dog let’s go in the room and talk about this no I’m not doing this or you know what I mean and it’s like and it’s

Like people con forget what I’ve been saying this whole time I was listen as much as I like the rock I didn’t want this bro can you can you reminded I didn’t want this to happen no no I see everybody saying stop it’s because he’s

Gonna do it at 41 WWE is getting a lot of money from Perth we acknowledge that Joel We definitely did this wasn’t this wasn’t my dream scenario I stood up on my imaginary soap box and said the rock would never come back I’m not happy about this but now

That he’s in the mix what like what are we doing like let’s wake up people if the Rock and Roman Reigns are in the building at Wrestlemania 40 it’s over like I don’t understand what’s going are we really gonna give Cody the nod over I’m not saying it’s right or wrong I’m

Saying it’s not gonna happen uh BJ says did you forget they added Brian to the edge Roman Mania match for no reason Edge won a singles match yes they did that that was fine but we also remember what happened stack him up done have a good night and they

Let Roman Walk Away Big Dog again which whatever that’s fine for what it is but these are different situ Cody rhods and The Rock are at two different points right now Cody is your future which they have to be careful with but at the same time this is the rock you don’t have

Many more times to use this is probably the last time you’re ever going to get to use him how bad do you want to do it and this ain’t a Shan decision this ain’t a con this this is a Nick Khan Triple H and the homies decision I don’t

Know who’s all part of their crew who get to make these decisions it was up to Sean hubber Dwayne would still be doing movies this is not my idea but now that he’s back now that I now that my smile turned to a frown on January 1 when

Conrad called me and told me to watch Raw and I turned my channel and I saw the Rock and I was all pissed off I have to accept reality bro I’m not happy about it but it is what it is wait minute dude nobody should want to sign

To aw right now why not why wouldn’t somebody want more money I I listen if Seth Rollins and CM Punk get screwed in the situation and Seth Rollins has assigned to WWE he’s going to listen to something that Tony KH has to say he ain’t that much of a

Company me how how many times can you get played the fool how many times bro you’ll never Main Event WrestleMania again don’t even ask you’re never going to Main Event WrestleMania and if you count night one even at that I’m sure him and punk are going to eventually

Feel some type of way about that too you know what I mean I’m and by the way don’t be mad if because I’m I’m I’ve already gotten my mind wrapped around this thing now Conrad since since Rock showed up on January 1 since my whole world crumbled on January 1 i’ I’ve

Wrapped my head around everything now I I don’t put nothing past The Rock Dwayne Johnson could win the Royal Rumble for all I know right and and like I said don’t get mad at the Rock if the Rock like no I’m Main Event in WrestleMania don’t get mad

At the Rock cuz it’s technically not the rock all he can do is say will you acquest to what I’m asking you you know whose fault it is tell him Sean tell him whose fault it is Triple H’s fault it’s always been Triple H’s fault he’s in charge of the

Creative Jesse if he wanted to he would tell Rock K Rock listen bro I need you to do elimination chamber but listen to what I’m saying they’ve begged The Rock to come back this isn’t the rock like please let me wrestle a match this is

You’ve begged me to do this and I signed the dotted line so now you need to do what I said which is I need this match at WrestleMania I need this to happen I need that to happen and I need you to promote this for me can we get that done

And the fact that they My Writers will be here and and to Conrad’s completely accurate point about how they knocked down the Rocks door to get him to come back uh hey Dwayne uh please come back Dwayne please come back what does that have to say about how they feel about

Cody I think they I think they were trying to get this match and this is how you stay in Rock’s good graces to keep the conversations going and then it’s kind of like um what am I looking for when uh you know that relationship that’s going on

That all of a sudden someone’s at your front doorstep with all the stuff you’re like man you can stay with me if something ever happens yeah don’t worry about it they’re together for a few more years all of a sudden they’re at your doorstep now uh yeah this ain’t a good

Time man you said anytime I needed it yeah come come on in I want to also I also want to acknowledge um a comment or a question actually that BJ threw out there which is if I’m paraphrasing because I don’t really see it on my

Screen but if Cody rhods ends up in the triple threat and it it’s rock trip or it’s rock Cody and Roman and uh and Cody wins will you agree that he’s the man I certainly would if somehow if somehow this becomes a triple threat and Cody wins Cody better thank the rock because

I’m sure the rock allowed it that I’m being dead serious thank you I mean at least thank you Conrad this is the rock is the one calling the shots and Triple H is acquiescing to everything he’s asking for right cuz and if Triple H says no guess who Rock’s gonna go to my

Childhood friend if that’s true I don’t even know Nick Khan and they be like what’s up buddy boom I need this taken care of yo Hunter I’m your boss bro we gotta uh you got to tear that script up and do this again you know what I mean

So just pay attention to the games this is going to be interesting I think Cody should have won already I think Cody deserves the world title I’m not saying that and Roman’s Reign I got exactly what mckin was saying I’m not against I’m not anti Cody rhods I’m just talking

Reality right now look I’m G say it one more time and then I’m gonna move on Dwayne Johnson returning to World Wrestling Entertainment to steal to steal a WrestleMania main event is not something I’m happy about but now that he’s back it is what it is yeah yeah Seth ain’t signing the aw

Mark my words well then I don’t want to hear no complaining no bi itching I I covered that one up for you Sean I don’t want to hear none of it when you don’t why doesn’t the company give me a chance listen Savage you just sat here and

Played this game for how long it’s time to get up and make something for yourself There’s an opportunity out there I don’t want to hear about all this oh I didn’t get a chance the chance was there in front of you if you decide to do it now it’s going to probably

Depend on what him and Becky Lynch want to do but I You’ be a fool not to go over and talk and listen to TK you’d be a fool I and I don’t like when some of the people are like I’m staying with insert whatever company it is okay okay

You just played yourself out of money if you’re really talking like that and you mean that um but let’s move on here guys we’re gonna we got to talk about some of this uh these other shows thank you though Joel I I saw some good nuggets of

Info in there we’re gonna get into trust me this will be a conversation for weeks to come trust me and it’s going to be a conversation when we are on Hubbert wrestling weekly coming up on a Thursday it is the hold on I gota look at my

Handy dandy calendar here the 25th of January make sure you are there with us we are going to be discussing some Royal Rumble stuff its history and all its goodness with the pro wrestling shoot it should be a fun time yes also also really fun uh nugget that our our good

Friend and historian Crystal will also now be joining us so it’s going to be a fatal four edition of the hover wrestling weekly show and just to wet your appetite a little bit for January 25th if you think about how Jesse from pro wrestling shoot feels about Cody

Rhods and you know my take on how WrestleMania is gonna go and you know how Conrad likes to Stir It Up and you know how Crystal always gets on me for hating on the rock this is definitely goingon to be a show you’re looking forward to and by the way another major

Announcement since you set me up for this Con I appreciate this this is an exclusive here on epw I want to let you guys know that fight TV formerly fight TV triller TV is going to provide one of the listeners or viewers on Thursday January 25th 805m on the hubard wrestling

Channel a code to watch the next revolver pay-per-view absolutely free on that very same night so make sure you come The Hub wrestling weekly for a special edition of clash of the podcast on the Hub wrestling weekly Channel as we preview and retrospect Royal Rumble

And one of my viewers will get a code to watch the next revolver pay-per-view that same night for free courtesy of trer TV Sean let’s jump into some TNA let’s jump in well it’s kind of hard to kill that notion I wish I wish I had it right now

That was meant to be corny and it worked out perfectly thank you for that I appreciate that um yeah let’s let’s jump into hard to kill because honestly first of all I want to just start by saying that kudos to TNA Wrestling because they did not

Drop the ball on this night of Revival so you so you thought this was a successful relaunch rebranding I think it was a B+ to a minus show and I think that’s a awesome way to come out of the gates with the Rebrand interesting interesting I thoroughly enjoyed the show as well for

Um for what they did um I I really don’t have much to say I don’t know if we want to go through each and every match no no let’s let’s not do that because we have some really cool stuff to talk about before we get off

The air tonight um as we prepare for Monday Night Raw which is coming up in about an hour from now um I want to talk I Gotta Give I got to give a shout out to Rich Swan on the pre-show though before I yo shout out to the flash Funk

Tribute I don’t know if anyone peeped it that he came out everyone was like Rich Swan’s dressed like a superhero I was like I could I didn’t watch the pre-show because I didn’t have access to the TNA plus I watched on trailer and um when

They went on they had Rich Swan and I looked I was like yo that’s flash Funk and then everybody put the outfit that it was on there and I I’m a huge two cold Scorpio flash Funk fan as as am I so big shout out let’s go down the tiers

We’ll stop and and pause at some matches I think that we should highlight Conrad if that’s all right yeah um you know Steve Macklin unfortunately I say unfortunately just because I predicted that richan would win uh defeated um Rich uh Steve mlin defeated Rich swan in the pre-show the system was Victorious

Over Kazarian and Eric Young um and uh crazy Steve defeated Tommy dream uh Tommy Dreamer for the TNA digital media Championship now one match I do want to highlight first of all Eric Young was the person who opened up the show for TNA uh kind of welcoming the fans back

To TNA and um you know basically allowing us to know that Hey listen we’re back um it was very nice to hear from him uh I think it was a really good choice of the company to have him be kind of like the person and say hey

Welcome back to TNA I thought he carried himself and and articulated his point quite well which led us to the opening contest of uh hard to kill which is a match I do want to highlight Jazelle Shaw uh Alicia Edwards Dana Luna jod threat um Tasha steel and in Brookside

For a number one Contender ultimate x match Conrad how’d you feel about this match because I feel like the ladies really put on I think the ladies deserve a a round of applause for this one um these matches are scary but I’ll tell you I’m I would not be the one you want

To put in one of these like I will be crying tears um really badly for doing this but it worked out exactly how I thought it would in this one so I really can’t complain too much um I enjoyed it I enjoyed it a lot I did too I did too

Um you know Jazelle Shaw I think got her moment obviously to to become number one Contender for The Knockouts Championship uh we’re you know as we as we focus more on the women’s title match later on in the evening we know that the winner of this knockout ex division match was going to

Be or knockout ultimate xmatch excuse me was going to be someone that’s going to help the new Champion or former Champion or whatever who ended up winning the world title match later that night usher in the TNA era of the women’s division as the company has now changed so uh it

Was very important I think a big nod to Jazelle Shaw about how they feel about her moving into the future wouldn’t you say yeah I think Jazelle Shaw winning um that’s who I predicted it was the right call I thought Jazelle Shaw has been amazing this past year for the Knockouts

Division and I thought it was a lot of fun absolutely so Jal Shaw is moving forward into her career as the number one Contender for uh the women’s knockout championship in TNA Wrestling PCO one of my favorite wrestlers uh in the in the world right now uh was Victorious

Against dirty Dango I actually didn’t see that coming I predicted PCO to win but in a very tongue and- cheek kind of way I thought dirty Dango would get the nod but PCO wins at hard to kill Conrad yeah quick DQ added Rhino to the the

Match it became like a six-man tag with Jake something um that was that was fun I I have no complaints I thought P’s entrance looked great how they came out and did the old Frankenstein bit with the stuff over him and then he finally sat up and everyone’s like oh it

Was to your point which I’m really glad you made um PCO was two and 0 on Saturday night because he won the individual match and then ended up winning a six uh six-man tag with Ryo and Jake something so that was really good for him um the Decay are the new

Knockouts Tag Team Champions as they returned on the scene defeating um defeating MK Ultra I kind of found this as a surprise well the return obviously is any return is a surprise but I thought MK Ultra were going to hold on to those belts for quite a while but it

Turned out that DK kind of came out and shocked the world a little bit I thought that was the right move they kind of put Decay on uh pause if you watch the weekly shows and they were doing their other gimmicks and then all of a sudden brought them back boom instantly over

And gave them the tag belts uh The Knockouts division is strong this is I this is why I always say this is the best booked women’s division hear me out they have a strong world champion and they have a strong Tag Division to where they can do both and they keep it

Flowing it doesn’t stop um so kudos to them for that sound assessment on your part Conrad um match of the night for me was the upcoming match where it was a triple threat or three-way match whatever you want to call it for the TNA X Division Championship Chris Sav uh VI

Vikingo and uh and kushida all jokes aside about how I feel like Kush dresses neither here nor there um I really thought that they everybody put on in this match I really was excited about how the match looked on paper and it did not disappoint and I was also really

Excited to see that my prediction came true because I was a little bit worried about that but like I said on a night where TNA was reborn it’s really awesome to see a TNA original come out with a a massive victory of this magnitude retaining the TNA X Division uh

Championship as Chris Sabin was Victorious on Saturday night how’ you feel about the outcome of this match uh I I was fine with it I had no issues with it um by Kingo absolutely insane in this one I thought all four did something good and they all brought

Different styles like I said to a Sav it’s kind of that old school high flyer then you got vikingo who is the modern day like Luchador who’s going to do anything crazy and then you had like the submission expert and ground type of wrestler in kushida I thought it worked

Great for them uh crazy spots in this one Sabin was the right winner I thought all right to BJ’s question I like anything other than the bubble jacket yes Chris St uh the TNA original um becomes or retains retains the exis divion championship in Las Vegas uh then

We have uh Josh Alexander against Alex Hammerstone I’m so thrilled thrilled that Josh Al Alexander was Victorious I do not think even though Alex Hammerstone is is has emerged on the scene as someone who could possibly be a player in TNA moving forward I think a show of this magnitude you have to

Showcase a Josh Alexander in a Victorious role which is why I think we both predicted that he would win and and no you convinced me cuz I was about to sit up there be like hammerstone’s winning blah blah blah they all said you were like bro how many times Josh Alex I

Was like good point good point excellent point I’m switching yeah so Josh Alexander comes out Victorious um and and that was one of my favorite matches though on the card like that was hard hitting it was a great match and I really I mean for me Josh Alexander has

Emerged as someone who I I consider to be one of the best wrestlers in the world in any organization this guy really is a machine and um I mean he’s like he’s like Kurt Angle 2.0 and I love that I love that I think he’s really really excellent um so the former Impact

TNA World Champion is Victorious over Alex Hammerstone uh moving forward we’re going into the Fatal four-way for the World Tag Team Championships of total non-stop Action Wrestling I was wrong about this I predicted that the grizzle young vets would become uh the new Champions but ABC as my colle and friend

Conrad predicted retain the titles how’ you feel about this match loved it loved it uh this was this was tough to pick a winner though uh we know Trent did but you did but that could have went anyway if the Rascals would have won I wouldn’t

Have been surprised I been like good for them they went out there and crushed I thought the grizzle Young Veterans are a great addition to TNA if they can get them get them uh ABC making their Mark listen those two are future Main eventors I know what I said they will be

Competing in Main Events eventually Chris Bay and Ace Austin are two people that you definitely want to uh keep in your uh wrestling rod decks for people to look out for in the upcoming years um and I thought that Mike Bailey this dude’s the wrestling machine he’s gonna

Keep crushing um yeah this this was great this 100% and definitely sometimes these four-way matches especially four-way tag matches we talking about eight guys on un fortunately um sometimes the match gets a little bit jumbled and things get lost in translation in the ring but these four

Teams really put on um shout out to Conrad for getting putting me on to Mike Bailey he wrestled really well everybody knows the grizzle Young Veterans from their time in NXT and ABC uh aka the bullet Club retain the belts which I was really excited about um I’m I’m never

Excited to be wrong but I’m excited I was wrong in this case because ABC is legitimate and I really really like them as a team um the next two matches were the two main events of the evening for for the women’s title and the World Heavyweight Championship both Conrad and

I were correct about our two predictions however it’s one of those things where it’s like we kind of saw the writing on the wall um so it so what I want to talk about Conrad when it comes to of talk about Grace versus Trinity is the importance of when somebody’s rumored to be

Leaving and going out in a way that people forget to boo you because you’re leaving because they appreciate you so much um one match I often reference as because I was there um is Brock Lesnar versus Goldberg at WrestleMania 20 um everybody knew that both were leaving

The fans would not forgive them for that and it added to it that the match was horrible so if you’re G to leave or it’s going to be rumored that you’re going to leave what you want to avoid is the you sold out chance you want to avoid avoid

The match translation being lost and I want to give Big Time credit to both Grace and Trinity for not allowing it getting lost in the sauce about Trinity’s rumored departure from TNA they definitely had a good match there was a point where I thought I would be

Wrong because it looked like Trinity was going to come out on top but as predicted Jordan Grace did become the new TNA Knockouts world champion showing respect to Trinity and off camera as a lot of us I’m sure saw on social media YouTube Etc Trinity was able to say her

Goodbye to the TNA crowd or what seem to be a goodbye as we all predict and and presume that she’s going to be getting herself together for a WWE return at the Royal Rumble but that being said if there’s going to be a person to carry that Women’s World title mantle uh

Jordan Grace is a tremendous a tremendous choice so uh Trinity looks like we she’s leaving ten and Jordan GCE the new TNA Knockouts Champion yeah mcken is bringing up the uh the rumors too if WWE and TNA were working together I just don’t see how it

Benefits WWE but um if it were true he said that WWE TNA ajpw and triaa working together uh the one-off matches are endless and it definitely would work for the house shows money absolutely definitely would I just don’t think WWE plays well with others when you’re number one what you don’t have to

Either sadly uh yeah Knockouts champion yeah go ahead Tom no no I was going to say Knockouts championship and Trinity still around right now so yeah it’s not over yet and to Quill’s Point uh about how we all knew the ending um but yet a

Nine out of 10 in my opinion eight out of 10 match I mean kudos to you if you’re able if it’s going to be Conrad versus Shawn and and and before Conrad you know if it’s going to be Conrad and matter I’ll make it more real if it’s

Going to be Conrad and sha doing clash of the podcast and we all know that Conrad just signed his deal with WWE and this is going to be the last show God forbid we’re going to go out on top I’m going to keep the mantle going and Conrad’s going to ride

Off in the Suson but we’re not going to do it in a way where it’s going to be corny on the way out we want to make sure we go out the right way and that’s what Trinity did AB to her big shout out to her uh so

Now we go to the main event uh let’s kind of get the you know get the semantics out of the way both and I were correct about the outcome of this match I I predicted shell I was wrong I thought you I thought you rock with me

On moose nope I got that I got Trinity wrong and this one wrong oh so I gave you I thought I thought was on the same page for most okay my fault my fault I did I did good on everything above that and then these two I blew it let’s go

Let’s hold on a second because now you got me interested from the main card I I know I picked Shaw to win that so I was right about that I picked Shaw too okay PCO I Dango okay um the the six the six-man tag was not on the card you definitely picked

The K you you picked that they would lose the belts no well I said they were going to lose because it was a surprise match you picked the K like essentially you picked the K they were the surprise team um did you pick Sabin I know I Pi pick

Sabin to to retain you picked Josh Alexander as well you were right about ABC I was wrong as I picked the G uh the gy the GVS and you picked Trinity and Alex Shelly yes you actually won I think on this one I’m looking at it in totality

We both picked crazy Steve if you give me the it looks a little bit closer for me if you give me the mcklin one because that’s who I picked to win but I did get the uh I did get the uh what is it called the system the new team name with

Moose and uh Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards push it’s a push we’re both right it’s a push you win you you won this round for TNA so listen moose and Alex Shelly for the heavyweight championship of the world in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling I just felt that the Motor City Machine Guns would

Not be able to retain both titles not on a night like this you have to have some kind of cosmic shift when you have this kind of night okay so it was for no other reason than I just felt like you know what sabin’s probably going to

Retain I don’t think Shelly retains it turns out that’s the way it played out but and let’s give moose some credit moose has gotten better in the ring and I salute him and he’s a legitimate TNA champion so let’s talk about this now right so moose is standing in the ring

Now I was talking about this with with Joel and and quills and uh Gamble over the weekend and the DMs mckenny I believe as well and obviously you Conrad needle movers it’s so important to have needle movers when you preview a return or debut this was not a needle

Mover th you know it’s funny you actually really went exactly where I was going to go like I don’t know if you realize that I was going there I was going there Dana Brook debuted in TNA I was talking to Joel talking to Conrad and I said this better not be it

Everybody in the chat tell me if you agree when you saw Dana Brooke appear on TNA Television you had to think to yourself this better not be it for the love of God this better not be it I’m happy for Dana Brooke getting an opportunity I’m not

Happy about the fact de I see you of being kind of like a knockoff version of Tony Stone stor I’m not feeling that at all but I’m glad she has a job I don’t want to see anybody out on the street so it’s a cool pickup but thank God thank

God that was not it because had that been it it would have been a massive let down so we know Dana Brook is not a needle mover but here’s the debate now is the man that debuted in the main event a needle mover I thought there was a time that he

Would have been considered as such but the man formerly known as Dolph Ziggler appeared attacked moose and St his claim as the newest member of TNA Conrad I would like your thoughts uh good old ziggles I don’t know what else to say when it comes to uh Dolph Ziggler making

His debut I’m I’m not feeling the new theme fully I get why people like it it’s it’s who Ziggler was the hair music and all that but I think for TNA Dolph Ziggler Nick nth if if that’s what we’re calling him now great pickup that is a

Buzzworthy name to go in there with I know it’s not Nick nemith of 11 years ago I know it’s not him when he was on top of the world running around with the World Heavyweight Championship but he still has value I still think he’s really good and I think

It’s time to put the test if he thinks he’s a a main event or some else this is where you prove it first I think if you went to a I’ll put you in a tag team with your brother right now because that’s what his value is right now is he

Is he a needle mover I think slightly maybe enough for to get people interested TNA just wants eyeballs to watch their product so that they can get you back in any way that they can cuz impact was good this is what you were getting from Impact kind

Of in a way they just needed you to come back to see it they needed something else to hook you maybe this is it so I I think it’s to be determined if that’s me being fair that’s fair that’s fair so how would you rate this pay-per-view I

Gave the pay-per-view on a on a grading scale uh a B+ uh I will agree with that I think B+ I could even see an A minus but I’ll I’ll go more towards B+ right I mean I’m really happy for TNA honestly I felt like this was a major I think we said

This on last week’s show they had to make this pay-per-view special and I think think they did I think the addition of Nick nameth with the Dana Brook kind of as a subplot and the match quality put them in a situation where you know what this pay-per-view was not

A not a dud at all and I want people to be fair to us too as far as Dana Brook goes uh what’s her name Ash by Elegance now um and I saw a lot of people comparing it to Tony storm I don’t care about none of that listen whatever she’s

Going to do she’s going to do and I want to see how she is outside of the WWE CU I thought in NX XT at one point she she was really really good the way they were building her up but then things went sideways for her and they kind of just

Looked at her as you could be in the lower card type stuff you know what I mean and um we’ll get into that in in the future I guess when it comes to it but as of right now I’m impressed with what they did they they signed Zia

Brookside I I just put up some of these random things and Dolph Ziggler ripping off his shirt to expose yet a TNA Wrestling shirt underneath that was the photo they needed to get people talking about them again I thought overall in this night TNA did enough to get people

Interested again that’s me speaking though I would agree with everything you said except for the ash by Elegance aspect because the ton I do care about the Tony storm knockoff because it wasn’t just a Tony storm knockoff it was a complete Tony storm knockoff like we

Know yet is my thing like we don’t know put put that graphic back up for me Conrad please yeah the four here we go uh she has a butler she’s wearing fur she’s wearing her hair like she’s in the 1930s that is that is Tony storm

2.0 and to me I don’t think you’re gonna burst onto the scene making any kind of impact no pun intended by being Tony storm to I don’t like I don’t like carbon copies if you want to not take somebody and kind of like re you know revive something or or take some swag

And mix it up make it your own that’s one that’s Tony now the only things that wasn’t the case was that the screen wasn’t black and white while she was on camera right right and I’m what I’m saying is give Dana Brooke a chance I don’t want people to write her off just

Right away like let’s see what she’s gonna do right that’s all I’m saying with it and and I’m willing to give it a chance uh Nick nemith I think he’s going to do something in the beginning of this initially and I think TNA I know it’s

Going to sound bad that they have to kind of wait and see who people don’t want who can they get but if they can if they can find a way to grab some of these people and scoop them up get longer contracts out there don’t do the

Whole three months six months like hey yo you’re with us right let’s ride out like let’s do this um easier said than done but I would love for them to get more signings in and be able to do that yeah let’s all agree that we want TNA to

Do well you know TNA there was a point in time when TNA was really really smoke really really cooking and I would love to see that happen again and this is a great first step I think TNA put on a show that was better than a lot

Of impact shows we’ve seen recently and a major point of emphasis for me Conrad we talked about this off the air and for the chat as well I love the arena I love the the I guess you could say the Ambiance of where they were it’s BEC boxing MMA Arenas right

See it’s a th000 to 3,000 of people that’s perfect for them when people are saying like aw needs to go down no aw believes enough in their business that they’ll bounce back eventually or there’s some markets that are going to really want this so what if I have to

Pay more I’m not paying for Less to fill it up and then I’m running out of seats that was the issue we were talking about with TNA before so you got to be careful in how you do this and um how you want to handle these things um going just to

See what some of the people in the chat are saying here uh Nick is a heck of a wrestler and I highly recommend any match he is in I think Nick will have great matches and create interest who’s really going to move the needle on axess

TV got to be fair I I hear you it’s it’s tough but that that’s the issue with having an owner who is a cable provider they’re gonna always want you so how do you get more eyes but maybe this could lead to more YouTube subscriptions maybe

People will pay the money to watch this um actually gcw just announced Nick nemith versus Matt Cardona so if anyone’s interested in seeing them go at it I can see nth having a christian-like run I think he just needs to be booked in a good and get the story behind him

B+ for sure good kickoff okay um see knock off Tony storm Vibes for TNA yes Nick moves the needle the social media Buzz with the belts I love the belts by the way they they might be getting up there for best championships overall for the company I gotta look at AWS again I

Like there’s a lot though they went from worst to First in that category in my opinion yeah cuz them silver ones were not it uh then put it but you know what they were better than those gcw ones remember when they had those when they had like Eli

Drake as the champ I was like these belts are awful awful facts uh give me a side by side pick it’s the same o give TNA a chance listen man we’re going to get Derek and them on this too eventually man uh I’m glad that they

Showed up and that they were able to uh handle their Biz and get some things taken care of Snake Eyes is happening he is on the card for that so if you’re uh TNA fan no spoilers for those who watch every week but they are going to have

Him on the cards for Snake Eyes coming up at that tapings we are also going to see okata and the Motor City Machine Guns versus the system now they they have a name um by the way do you see D’Angelo wrestling it was weird to see

Him back and he was kind of with the system right he was uh and will Osprey Josh Alexander too but do you do you see him getting back into the ring D’Angelo Williams I think so I think that he’s at a stage in his career he might want to give it another

Try he’s he’s an athlete he can do it yeah like I said they’re trying the best that they can I see pro wrestler shoots laughing I don’t know if you’re laughing because of of that but listen what TNA is doing the best with what they’re

Given it ain’t a fair game out here I can tell you that if that’s if that’s what they got to do that’s what they got to do Zia Brookside versus Tasha steel this Thursday on impact was also announced thank you Matt thank you for letting us know that so conrado why

Don’t you uh why don’t you take the Rings and um and walk us through I think we should kind of maybe focus on because we have some stuff to talk about with the Jinder Mahal situation so let’s um let’s talk about the key points of battle in the valley brought To Us by

New Japan strong and also a special return if you want to call it that of a certain individual yeah I’m I’m G to jump around because I did miss part of this card cuz I stayed tuned into hard to kill and then I jumped over to here

But during the man tag match a match that I want people to know if you have not seen Jacob F 2o he is that boy he was in there going crazy I’m like how is he not signed to a major company I hope people are considering it I don’t know

What the issues are I’ve heard some it might be legal issues and things like that but he was amazing Fred Rosser I think he’s another he’s probably one on my more underrated workers he does not get enough credit I always thought Darren Young uh in WWE was tremendous

Fred Ross or go watch him and show to aminu this dude is the future of New Japan Pro Wrestling listen to me this dude is really good well during his match he went outside and a fan in a mask attacked him Sean oh boy I couldn’t

Believe it my heart was hurt and then the fan peeled off the mask and who was it but none other than Jack Perry Oh my goodness he pulled out his aew contract and ripped it up in front of people what I don’t know man I I don’t

It seems kind of like he put He put on an ironband that said scapegoat I’m so sick of this guy I I just anything he does at this point just annoys the crap out of me like even this the whole scapegoat Rick ripping up the contract thing if it had been somebody

Else it would have seemed dope but it was like toit it’s so real to me and believe me I’m no CM Punk apologist but it’s like I know that that that Jack Perry has done some really underhanded things this meant nothing to me bro like I’m surprised New Japan would bring

Somebody like him in to me the Jack Perry stuff with Punk it was little brother syndrome stuff where I I got to an argument with somebody um recently on a YouTube comment section it was a good chat about it and I got into it with them they said

Oh Tony Khan shouldn’t have to answer for a 45y old man CA Punk should have never put his hands on anybody in either situation 100 right can we we can all agree on that right but do not act like you get to be the little brother of oh

Please take me with you oh oh I want your ice cream oh well I can’t get you both ice cream so neither of you are getting it now you know what I mean that’s what they did and that’s the bullshiy that they pulled so when you

Decided to do that I don’t have as much sympathy for you either like you started it and in my view that’s what Jack Perry did they’re going to try and maybe flip the narrative on this make a storyline out of it good for them I okay we’ll see

If it works I’m not buying into this fully though I’m it’s I’m just not and maybe it’s just oh you don’t like the Bucks you don’t like them we talked about the bucks on Dynamite listen if Sting picked them good for them but at the same

Token how I feel about your St I’m sorry and that’s how I feel about Jack Perry stock it’s definitely going down definitely going down yeah and the S part is if he had done this thing right it might have been better for him honestly to keep it 100 with

You might be might be I don’t know what else to say other than good luck Jack Perry and we’ll see how they how they pull this off and maybe they can get him to get some Buzz or something I don’t I don’t know what they’re doing maybe this

Is part of his uh minutes to get back into a I lost respect for him when the gun said what he really does which was yeah he said something about yeah maybe you guys get booked on the cards too if you were good you know they had a little

Back and forth I was like yeah maybe we stayed out drinking with the boss all night too I was like oh oh that’s what you do and you disrespected their father who’s wrestled for years not a wise move not at all not at all um Jack Perry has

A lot of in to do in my opinion yeah he’s got to show up and do his thing uh Jack the instigator Perry is a scapegoat how Punk got fired uh yeah uh Kenta and Jack gonna joke on Punk okay I don’t know what Kent has been up to these days either lately

So bro um I thought tjp and David Finley had an excellent match uh definitely put on yeah this was to Hype up their other match that was happening on this show uh the tag title match I thought was great too with uh what I call him ELP L

Fantasmo and hickoo versus Clark Connors and Alex Coughlin uh two Future Stars uh New Japan needs to watch out for Clark Connors and Alex Coughlin in my opinion they might get scooped up but you also need to watch out for hickoo and tatanga tatanga say he’s trying to make his way

State side again so I mean he’s trying to make that uh that flip over to the American television again they’re trying so be on the lookout for them uh Matt riddle I really don’t have a lot to say about this tag match we kind of knew where this was going but

His tag partner was spoiled because they put up the wrong graphic it was Jeff Cobb big mistake so expect to see that on your future episodes of botam mania but uh I thought zsj looked really good here um my match of the Night Eddie Kingston versus Gabe kid uh and and I

Don’t mean mean that or you know what I shouldn’t say match of the night this is my uh shocker match slep sleep sleeper match I guess we’ll say G sounds good y yeah Gabe kid is really good and his trash talking and I love that when he

Faced Eddie Kingston he brought the one thing Eddie Kingston told Sammy gavar not to bring up and he yelled at him when he was about to win by count out on the floor 18 19 he was like hey Eddie you fat pie and then Eddie rolls out of

The ring and start fighting Sean this is an old school angle they just start punching each other like in the face double count out then and then they start beefing with each other in the ring the fight goes all over the place this is that Dusty Roose like everybody

In the read like oh they’re fighting again go go go and they did it so well so well that they got people into it and Eddie Kings look like he really wanted to rip him apart and gab kid would not stop talking it was a classic like high

School fight and I was like I like this this is good the energy was good and I thought like the setup like you just brought like you just broke down was good as well so I mean it definitely featured both guys in the correct way interesting uh we are getting word

In that raw has a new stage tonight interesting oh so that’s the reason for all the new the extra promo I’ve been the rumors extra promo Gabe kid should be the leader of excuse me Gabe kid should be the leader of bullet Club wargs people are saying gay kid can talk

I’m telling you um we need gay KB in E uh aw might see him next forbidden door I don’t like him but I like it he has instant heat because of news totally wouldn’t work in aw jacked Escape go Perry I can hear the booze oh congrats to you Conrad bills all the

Way thank you thank you thank you good uh Mahal was influenced for tonight’s uh Rost stage PW Insider cut it out cut it out that’s funny um I don’t want to skip over this match too quick but Julia Trisha Dora Lovely Ladies If you see either of their

Names on the card I recommend you go back and check them out Trisha door is doing great work at Ring of Honor and Julia is probably the one of the hottest free agents behind Mercedes Monae right now she’s definitely coming she’s definitely coming um shingo and Moxley thought this

Was a fun no DQ match got shingo out of his element of just putting on great wrestling matches and put him into the elements of John Moxley here I call John Moxley the modern day Mick Foley he is becoming a master of the no disqualification no holds bar

Environment big shout out to him big shout out to both you know what me and Jesse from pro wrestler shoot were having a conversation about Moxley the other day we’re like yo he’s actually one of the smartest pro wrestlers if you think about it never really has to bump

Does these crazy death matches rather take punishment on your body than take a bump that’s smart you know what I mean like a little thing to your body versus fall fall fall longevity longevity he wants to stay healthy I like it how about that Windy City Riot

Promo though Moxley calls out nto after the match saying I’d like to face you that was a surprise I I did not see that coming that show looks like it might be a sellout Chicago gets everything bro it does very influential as it relates to like destinations for big events by the

Way nasty work as well by the people in Chicago who boot Jerry crofs I just have to add that in like come come on man that Man’s family was there man he ain’t even around anymore and you boo him like that just n and that’s why Chicago went

On to lose that game that night too for the record but nasty work I don’t know if you had anything you want to say about that but I had to include that in while bringing up Chicago lately I understand why fans of Chicago dislike Jerry kuss

However time in a place time and yes time and place you have to understand the situation you have to understand the circumstances and you have to understand that that young that gentleman is is not here any longer and he was being represented by his widow and that is going to make her very

Sad and upset to have her be booed out of the building time and place Chicago I understand anybody who’s studied and understands the history of the Chicago Bulls and especially their breakup in 1998 understands but time and place guys very true um Ali we didn’t talk about Ali’s promo Ali cuts a promo

Saying he wants to face Takahashi the former IWGP junor heavyweight champion um if you don’t know who Takahashi is this is going to be good is all I can tell you I love Ali’s like little uh he’s doing like presidential type promos or like he’s a mayor he walks around

Citizens of pro wrestling I’m here to tell you why do you cheer a man who walks around with stuffed animals who doesn’t have everything up here like me Ali and I was like these these are pretty good these are pretty good well done I’m so impressed because that promo

Was actually really good like he has some chops on him like I didn’t know he he could he could talk like that that was really good just another example how WWE kind of maybe dropped the ball on him a little bit not saying that Ali’s a needle mover either but he really showed

Me something on Saturday I think Ali I I believe one of my predictions was Ali’s gonna end up in aw I think I think I predicted him and Ziggler so we’ll see we’ll see by the end of the year if they end up there but I think they’re going

Out right now to make their uh Moola money money money yep get some of that independent money and then they’re going to move on to try and show like this is what I can do for you you need some one knew don’t you Tada I’m here um in the

Main event bro we can sit up here and talk about this all day if you’ve seen them wrestle you know the deal will Osprey Sean’s best professional wrestler versus someone else who I think you can argue is also the best professional wrestler kazuka okada I saw some people

Trying to minimize this if you don’t watch New Japan maybe it’s not for you that’s great but I’m telling you these two put on this was like a house show match to them this was better than stuff all week some people said that this was

This is match of the year right now and they were this was like stuff in their sleep they were like yeah okay drop KCK I got you okay flip okay and they were just they went and crushed it and I know some people thought will Osprey was

Going to win this okata gets the win with the rain maker but it was a beautiful thing and I think okata is going to end up staying and will Osprey ends up promoting after the match his big steel cage match New Japan has not had a cage match since 2004 this is

Crazy and they are about to have a like five on five steel cage match United Empire versus bullet Club this is marvelous and Eddie Kingston came back out beefing with Gabe kid Eddie I owe you one now that we work in the same company and he gave his like singles

Match goodbyes I cannot wait to see that cage match I’m watching I’m watching as well all that I saw on Saturday night in that match was the man that I consider to be a top 10 talent in the world today and another man who I feel like is the

Number one talent in the world today show it they showed it they showed up they showed out and I mean the both guys are just amazing I I think will Osprey I’ve said it going to record the best wrestler alive today but man okata is not far behind what a

Magnificent magnificent performance on Saturday they both both put on it was nuts those guys are I mean they’re so talented it’s like on a night that we’re going to watch Seth Rollins versus Jinder Mahal for the WWE World Championship and we got tweets going out which sound like shouts at Tony count

According to Renegade Adam Pierce just tweeted this free advice to rookie wrestlers GMS trying to do business in public over social media demonstrates a lack of business Acumen and professional respect don’t tweet your feet in your mouth TW towards Tony maybe maybe definitely towards Tony definitely I I hope you tell your

Interns the same thing at WWE on Fox you know the company that’s dropping you this year I hope you do the same thing I’m just saying I can throw shots too that what do you care you’re you’re leaving the company in a couple months but apparently it’s all fine and dandy

For now even though they’re pulling in the best ratings that they’ve ever pulled in since the show started in years since like UPN days but yeah no go ahead get rid of them who needs them it’s just foolishness with all of this stuff it’s such a massive double standard it’s ridiculous yeah and

Oh and don’t forget the USA people too you know they’re having fun with a lot of this but Sean let’s get ready to Amazon Le let’s talk about uh we we said we were gonna talk about black pro wrestlers today and I know there’s not enough time to talk about every single

One of them um I don’t know if you want to get just into the present day people or whatnot like I said me and Sean talked in pre-production Sean’s kind of heading this up so however he wants to talk uh but I do want people to be encouraged to

Look up some names real quick because I don’t know if we’re going to get to them Sean I didn’t write all of them down but Bobo Brazil definitely a legend you may want to look up uh a champion uh just everything that he gave to this sport uh

We wanted to honor him on this Martin Luther King Jr Day the big hat Ernie lad oh yes Ernie lad played in he played professional football and wrestled and not only did he do that did you know that Ernie lad also earned a spot backstage you know how many

Wrestlers that were black could get a spot backstage during those times think about that and Ernie lad got some of the best funny stories of all time King Kong Bundy oh Bundy you’re being lazy Bundy you’re stealing people’s money out here doing this kind of stuff Bund what are

You doing I could do Ernie lad all day but you gotta love some of those guys from the past and that’s not even to diminish people like Coco beware like I said we’re going to miss names in this so if we miss someone that you want to

Highlight put it in the comments down below tweet at me and Sean just let us know but um Sean I kick it to you man well I mean I definitely want to give some shout outs as well Coco bware was on my list the first ever African-American world champion ever Ron

Simmons AK AKA faroo such such love and respect for him he defeated Big Van Vader uh in 1992 which was an amazing accomplishment um Kofi Kingston who’s still around with us right now in the new day WrestleMania 35 will always be a night that I remember for that wonderful

Moment in time when he defeated Daniel Bryant in a massive upset to become world champion in WWE uh somebody that I have so much respect for and so much appreciation for rest in peace is the one and only Junkyard Dog he was massively massively popular in a time where being black and

Being popular probably wasn’t really even a thing he transcended the industry with his Charisma his athletic ability and I’m so thankful to have seen him in his latter wrestling days uh junkyard dog always I I always makeing personal some of these things you mentioned Junkyard Dog definitely in the preschool

Toy Box this big blue wooden toy box I remember it one of my favorite toys that I found in there something that brought me uh back to home when I would sit into my Catholic School little preschool class I I loved all my wrestlers I

Always had them at home like I said I brought demolition to show and tell them teachers probably thought something was wrong with me I didn’t even know because I didn’t know what that stuff was back in the day people in leather masks and wearing like Gip suits that they

Probably got at the adult store like back as a kid I brought him I’m like yeah these are my favorite wrestlers demolicious my favorite tag team and now looking back they were probably mortified like what is thisw but but junkyard dog was in that toy box and it

Always made me feel at home when I couldn’t be at home as a kid and I’m first learning about school and things like that so that’s my memories of jyd and uh doing the dance you know with the knees and everything getting in the ring and Ron Simmons I get goosebumps to this

Day I remember watching with my dad and my dad I can just remember him saying he got him he got him with the power slam he thought Vader was kicking out too just like I did he he got him and I remember there’s a a young black kid who

When you first see them he’s over by the guard rail he starts jumping up and down I get I’m getting Goosebumps just talking about it like I said I was trying to tell you guys like dead serious Goosebumps he’s jumping up and down I was like what a moment that Ron

Simmons became the World Heavyweight Champion that means so much to me and if you and for people who don’t understand representation is so important in this business and I know someone asked me a question about our truth the other day you hate our truth no I don’t I love our

Truth and I think Our Truth is capable of so much more sometimes than the gimmicks that they are given but our truth has always made the best of what he has been given he has that’s what I wanted to say to that because I know some people probably thought I

Disrespected Our Truth the other day and no it’s not like that I just wish that he was portrayed better um someone brought up Tony Atlas Mr USA with Rocky Johnson first black Tag Team Champions yeah and also speaking of black tag teams I want to give a big Shout out we

Talked about Ron Simmons and rightfully so the first ever black world champion but one of the most dominant outstanding tag teams of all time and if you don’t know them you look them up right now Ron Simmons and Butch Reed the team of Doom managed by Theodore long those guys yes those guys

Were so good and they revolutionized the tag team division for some odd reason a Jim herd idea they were Mass men at first but eventually Dusty rhods got those masks off those guys and they became household names those guys main evented pay-per-views with Ric Flair AR

Anderson and won so I I mean big shout out to those two guys um guy will gamble talking about bad news brown big shout out to him as well bad news Allen when he wrestled in Canada with Bret Hart and his family um I mean it’s just there’s so many

Um memories you know I so appreciate of Conrad sharing that memory he had with his with his father um you know my dad wasn’t really isn’t really a wrestling fan but we talk sometimes and and he remembers those days guy will W guy will gam was reading my mind tonight about

Harlem heat and I and there was something just special about seeing somebody that look like looked like you being successful in the business that not too many people of color at that in the 90s us coming up in the 90s it wasn’t really cool to be a wrestling fan

You know I I I’m kind of a hybrid I think Conrad is too like I’m hip-hop I’m R&B but I’m also wrestling and most people who are hip-hop R&B Urban wrestling’s not really their thing like you kind of get like a like they could tell like okay Sean we’ve seen you

At the party we know you we know you get girls we know you have fun but you’re a wrestling fan like yes I am and Harlem heat changed the game for me Harlem heat was so freaking cool um and I I just I just can’t express

Enough like in a time and era where wrestling you know wasn’t considered to be a black industry um and there’s so many people I give a big shout out to Mabel of men on a mission I know that’s a kind of a weird one but dude was a main event dude

Won King of the Ring and he was 500 PBS and 568 to be exact and he and he moved like a a cruiserweight in his in his men on the mission days and and he was really good too go ahead Conrad no I wanted to add in before I forget this wrestling was

Always a a built on the industry of uh the black community I want people just to understand this and know this when we talk about this and uh I hope everyone takes his education and feel free if you guys ever want to say it because I I

Stand on this stuff um wrestling was always about the black people down south in Mississippi that’s who that’s who they did the story lines for they they knew what they were doing even in Midsouth they knew what they they were doing when they were booking these things um and I

Don’t care who it is look at how many rap songs reference people like Rick Flair look at how many people reference Hulk Hogan I know so many wrestling fans Who Loved Hulk Hogan back in the day and I’m not here to talk about the other stuff that they’ve done I’m just talking

About their in ring accomplishments right now for a second okay um and and yes Hulk Hogan saved somebody today in the car I saw that on TMZ good on you Mr Hogan I hope I hope he’s changed actually truthfully when I saw that I was like good good I’m glad I want to

Talk about that for five seconds after you’re done yeah and uh I’ll leave it at that though but wrestling was always I I’ve always known people could talk and pretend like they didn’t watch wrestling all they want I you know who I was I was your friend that got you into wrestling

I know so many people who were like dude you know you got me into pro wrestling when I was a kid man I loved it for so long because of you uh whether it was the video games the action figures all that stuff they got into it because I

Was like yo no this is the coolest thing bro you got to check this out Stone Cold’s the man like you got to watch this you got to watch that as a kid and I’m like yeah man this is dope so wrestling tells a lot of stories and

Reaches through a lot of parallels to people I I wish that I could watch wrestling with my dad one more time just to talk about it just to laugh about it uh and he thought like Vince McMahon them like oh the big dude should always win things like that i’ like fooy Rain

Mysterio sells more masks than all these dudes man put the belt on them and you wish you could just go back and have those conversations so enjoy that stuff with people I enjoy every Monday coming here and talking with you guys about it I enjoy talking with Sean about this you

Know what I mean enjoy these times that’s all I wanted to say to that piece well well said you got me get me I to choke up um just get getting off um this subject for 10 seconds and we’re going to and you guys can quote me on

This give me 60 seconds or less as a related to Terry baa um you guys have gotten a chance to Conrad knows me on a personal level as a friend so this is no new news no new news to him and you guys have gotten to know me through the chat

And through my social media I am a very religious person um when somebody says that they have been saved or that they have come to Christ um I take that extremely seriously I don’t I don’t play games when it comes to that I’m not going to get up on my soapbox I’ve very

Been very outward about the fact that I’m a Christian I don’t judge anybody else that’s my belief it is what it is I’m not going to talk about Christian I’m going to talk about in this case just Hogan coming out and saying that he’s been saved delivered whatever the word

Is I don’t play when it comes to that um I I just hope that this gentleman has learned has educated himself um and actually I didn’t even think this tied in but it actually really does tie in with with Martin Luther King’s birthday I hope that that word and we

All know what word I’m talking about is no longer in his vocabulary and that he has a better understanding of of what it what it means to be a real human being and that at the end of the day that he at one point before he closes his eyes for the final

Time becomes the real American that he portrayed himself to be on television um some no no no listen I I want him to get better yes I I I’m in the I’m in the business of forgiveness yes he can’t say anything else he can’t do it only thing

He can do is show me in his actions and I hope that he is doing better I’ve met the man before I’ve shaken Hulk Hogan’s hand and he he was nice to me but it hurt when I found out that he said those

Words so I get it man and I’m not a big Hogan fan as much as I’m not as big of a Hogan fan as you I will graciously admit that you’re as big of a Hogan fan as I was was yes um but he still made you feel a certain way

Though you know what I mean he did his job so I hope that he’s better and I’m glad that he saved somebody and I hope the person who’s in that car accident is doing better as well um McKinny brought up Johnny B bad I saw that name before

I’m gonna try and get through some of these Johnny B bad I love Johnny bbad so Johnny bad is not I think that’s the point Johnny bbad is not black I think he is let me let me let me argue is Mark is Mark marrow black I believe so I believe

Mark Maro is mixed but I but see this is my argument now I’m going to let you guys in on a secret I’m mixed as well but do some people no no no no no CZ here that’s not the point we no let me make my point real quick let me make my

Point about the rock because some people like to diminish the fact that the rock is black and they don’t give him credit for stuff and I’m like no no no no the rock is black do not do that let me let me clarify my St so I want I don’t want

There to be any misconceptions um I know you’re biracial I consider you to be a black man but I know you’re biracial I consider Rock to be a black man I know he’s biracial I did not know that John to be bad was biracial that’s my point

I’m I’m going to look this up um bad news Brown also came up on our list here yes yes we talked about him as well I did not know if if Mark marrow was biracial I was not aware of that hold on here uh I don’t think it is clarified

Wow okay so it says that he was born into a Jewish family but he is Caucasian albe it okay I did not know that I did not know that for Mark marrow I I mean I did like no shade like that’s I I didn’t I didn’t think that Mark you you so you

Always knew he was yeah Mark marrow was a Caucasian gentleman yeah yeah wow I never knew that could have fooled me was the mustache was the mustache he got me to shout out to Mark Maro in general but not not for this subject that’s all right I’m part

Of the Jewish Community too in my background so Mark Mar you all right with me brother you all right with me throw him up Andy’s from Buffalo so that’s probably why I gave him benefit of the doubt too there you go that’s all right you’re welcome in this

Conversation too we didn’t let Hogan in on this you can come on in too uh bad news Brown I love bad news bad news was a bad mfer he was good he was really good and that that match would that match what Piper at WrestleMania 6 made

Me a little uncomfortable watching it as an adult but I guess it it was what it was I’m not sure exactly what they were going for I still don’t know what they were going for and Piper ended up with that stuff on him forever yes because of

That yes had to scrub his skin raw Shad Gaspar yes yes I love Shad Gaspar a great human being uh rip to Shad Gaspar I I actually heard they’re doing a tournament or something for him recently I can’t remember what indie but they were doing it Monty Brown yes

Also of the Buffalo Bills while you guys are saying congrats to the bills uh the PS will never be the same my brother used to love Marcus corvan’s theme in the old uh wrestling games he was really talented too I mean he he he was he

Needed some polishing but he was not bad yeah Mark Henry I was in the building when Mark Henry beat Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship and me in the homies Rob’s in the chat Donnie’s in the chat I see you Donnie don’t don’t hide from this we were all in there and

I remember we all had our arms around each other and I don’t remember if they caught us on camera but we were up there and we were doing the sway and we were like beat him up beat him up break his neck break his neck we were so happy

That Randy Orton beat him and I’ll never forget that moment and Mark like don’t boom me don’t cheer me he tried to get the Heat and I was like n Mark we happy bro you can say whatever you want right now I was like you deserve that CH that

Was the best run he ever head the Hall of pan that was great and he he definitely deserved it uh e brought up sweet sweet Sapphire yes Sapphire uh also Legend Dusty rhods and AEM people forget those people were meant to bring in the black audience the black wrestling Community yes despite what

They did I don’t know they you know they probably wanted I’ll be a black man baby I’ll do whatever I got to do for you and they went out there but Dusty is be by that Community once again listen to RS listen to outcasts dropping elbows like

Dusty roads like just go back in and listen to this stuff they were telling they were wrestling fans growing up as kids that’s 100 that’s 100 uh special delivery Jones Norman smile oh yeah I’m a big fan of the big wiggle don’t yeah go ahead yeah he was good

Yeah he got that he got that gimmick over bro he looks like like someone’s goofy Uncle that’s what I always said about noris like what is he doing man Craig Pitman yes Shena Linda mil Miss Jackie Jacqueline said she was she was trying to get back in the ring I mean

She still can go I’m sure but she is a little bit she’s a little older but she big shout out to her man like she was a Revol she was the woman that really put wrestling back on the map in the 90s when when that title was kind of

Forgotten about the title The the WWE Women’s Championship was dormant for three years um after alundra Blaze uh went to WCW and then it was revised with Jackie and Sable so and they were the top two heading up to division he said list them Keda Kings no problem no problem showing

Love to the ladies on the list as well uh he brought up outcast in the bionic elbow push a t and Ric Flair Killer Mike has a song about Ric Flair there’s a lot of like I said just peep the game man they were wrestling fans a lot of people

Uh Monty Brown 91 Jersey and I’ll pay top dollar oh we didn’t even mentioned him at the TNA pay-per-view I forgot AJ Francis was there as well I like that I like the the the skit he did with um Joe Hendry Joe H the cheit champion baby

She’s a champion um yeah and I respect everybody people are coming here saying Hogan is the one who got me in the wrestling I love the wrestling memories man that people are bring it up bro I’ve heard about Johnny B bad man I’m I’m hurt like my heart hurts right now that

I found thought you really thought oh no what look and one like you’re you’re not my only biracial friend bro like I have a lot of bir biracial friends but I knew that Mark I knew that Mark Mark Maro was not biracial mckeny mckin hit me with the

Eye told you mckin that’s the best I told you ever you got me good there I want to give you a pass you know why because he was model after Little Richard and Little Richard is black yes and he came out with Teddy Long like they it made sense Teddy Long

Represented the brothers he was the Godfather of pro wrestling I’m not mad at you for making that little mistake I’m not mad at you uh oh someone brought up Prime Time elix Skipper bro uh I I am friends with elix Skipper on uh an app I

Won’t say what but elix Skipper was that boy in the later years of WCW bringing in a lot of love look at the hall of pain yes yes dnie knows he was there Kofi Kingston in the new he shout out to Big E and Xavier too for what they’ve

Done also for uh being I think the new day are one of the most important trios of all time when it comes to being black and being in Pro wrest while while you get ready with the next the next breakdown I’m gonna I’m gonna look up

The new day and I’m I’m goingon to list their their accomplishments because it needs to be known that new day should go down as a Hall of Fame faction uhoh uh oh I just found out I may have said something bad before did you know sweet Sapphire is a

Controversial word is a term for black women that comforted white men I did not know that oh boy how dare they so now what am I supposed to call Sapphire with Dusty just call her Sapphire I but I can’t do the dusty Voice without him saying that because

That’s what he always said’s let’s move on um the new day let’s talk about the new day’s accomplishments and how they are have a Hall of Fame resume so under the new day umbrella you have two World Champ I you have an Intercontinental Championship you have four Tag Team

Championships between those guys alone not not to mention kofi’s individual accomplishments and all that stuff you have seven Smackdown titles for the tag team division so that’s 11 Tag Team Championships they actually were able to become Triple Crown Champions when they won the onetime NXT Championship Woods

Is the King of the Ring in 2021 they won a tag team championship tournament in 2018 13 they have grand slam they have Grand Slam champions uh Grand Slam Champion is Kobi Kingston a Triple Crown Champion Big E and Kofi Kingston Triple Crown Tag Team Champions as I mentioned before woods and Kingston

They have a match of the Year candidate between actually a match of the match of the Year winner in 2019 which was Kofi versus Daniel Bryant at WrestleMania and their two time Slammy Award winners new day has to be Hall of Fame that’s all I’m trying to say yeah yeah

100% And you I think you said one InterContinental I know that Kofi had multiple reigns with that Championship too I think I feel like I want to say he had multiple but either way Hall of Fame new day and I respect the fact that they will not let them break them up because

That is the important part of the new day um just just putting it out there I just have to make sure that we show love um mckenny thank thank you for your education tonight I did not know that um crazy crazy things tonight Ernest the cat Miller yes I lik Ernest the cat

Miller’s dancing five three time karate champion somebody call my mama oh man that was that was his music first I know I know then I thought about the the dinosaur yeah but that was don’t worry about it it was it was Ernest Miller’s music first uh as a man who was trying racial

Through my dad’s side BJ said you would have never guessed it with me at all so do the flip with Johnny B B I totally get why you would think it it’s hard to tell yo facts brother facts uh the new day go into the Hall of Fame together

Maybe Kofi goes in Solo no I think they should go in as a trio they’re like thee to me I think mcken is saying that they should go in as a Treo and Kofi get a solo noted I think let me tell you something this is gonna sound crazy when

You’re talking about Triple H when you’re talking about Shawn Michaels when you’re talking about Booker T Kofi Kingston should be a two-time Hall of Famer as a new day member and as an individual I’m not going to do it for the sake of time Kofi Kingston’s resume is

Crazy super crazy yeah no pun intended for him either sh super crazy wherever he is but yeah it’s absolutely amazing all of the stuff that happened and I still haven’t mentioned Jay Cargill Mercedes Monae I’m just looking at some of the people who are on here for uh TNA

And then once again the people who you’d be surprised by Ricky Starks Jay Lethal uh I’m just looking through Keith Lee we haven’t mentioned Powerhouse Hobs my dog Athena Athena is crushing it in Ring of Honor first woman to Main Event Ro showss shout out to Willow

Nale yeah shout out to the uh one of my favorite referees Stefon Smith absolutely love the dude uh totally great ref he’s made some good calls on the moment uh did you just say Willow n M AR Fox uh we could go through swerve Strickland future aew World Champ

Predicted by us he better be before by the end of this year I think we’re gonna see a Kira Hogan Top Flight uh the acclaimed I just thought about the nickname they had all gave themselves the house of half black backstage cut it out cut that foolishness out being funny

Um Captain Shawn Dean he books all of the wrestlers on the independence show him love stokeley Hathaway as much of a pain that he is and uh Lee Johnson shout out to you as well stokeley Hathaway funniest man funniest man in pro wrestling bro bringing his Martin

References and stuff in there who took my CD player who took it you gotta love it man it’s uh it’s it’s pro wrestling if you’re black don’t be ashamed if you don’t know something I got schooled twice on here tonight it don’t matter talk pro wrestling come in in here get

Yourself an education that’s what I’m talking about uh really good special shout out to the black lgbtq plus Community they have it double hard to show andove yes yes sunny kiss and um Kira Hogan many others out there who are part of that Community uh much love to them as well yes

Sir just just a wonderful a wonderful opportunity to say thank you again to Dr King um this is what it’s all about you know honoring the past present and future of our communities but also bringing all communities together as one to enjoy clash in a podcast every Monday night that’s what it’s all

About for sure for sure um I guess uh you want to wrap this up yeah man let’s wrap it up man let me let me let me just promote two things Dynamite review this Wednesday make sure you come in if you got ideas for how a W

Can be better come in let me BJ and Derek know we’re going to be discussing that also Thursday it’s going to probably be at 600 or 6:30 watch for the time drop that’s going to happen me and Rob are going to be doing the epw awards please please please please make sure

That you guys get those in I’m putting the link in one more time in the chat get your Awards in we’re about I had a goal for where I wanted to get I’m about like 10 away so if you guys can share the link give it to somebody once we get

That filled in uh we’re going to be able to do these Awards it’s going to be fun that’s just a fun one just to discuss talk pro wrestler for the year of 2023 this Thursday make sure you are here on the everything pro wrestling Channel we

Will rock with that don’t forget to uh show love to Shan Hubbert Shawn is going to be doing a special event January 25th on his channel 8:05 Easter Standard time we are going to have a great crew assemble to talk the Royal Rumble we promoted it before but I want you to go

To Sean’s Channel as soon as this ends subscribe and then hit that Bell so that way you guys get notified every time he goes live cuz sea goes live randomly sometimes he’s gotta let you know after ra like yo this is atrocious what I just

Saw or I love this let’s talk about it so I I’m I’m doing the promoting tonight brother I’m doing the promoting tonight so make sure you guys are subscribed to Sean I don’t know if you got anything else coming up but feel free to promote

And take us out Sean no nothing else man I’ll see you guys I’ll definitely be seeing uh Conrad and Derek on Wednesday night on the epw channel for the um for their always exciting aew review I’ll be definitely tuned in on Thursday for the epw awards and I’ll see you guys next

Thursday on the Hub wrestling week channel for my show for as we’re going to do a special edition of clash of the podcast raw Rumble Edition um with Conrad of course my tag team partner as well as Jesse from the wrestling pro wrestling shoot and Crystal um and that

And that’s pretty much it man we’re really excited and as always we’ll see you right here next week 6:05 Eastern Standard Time for class of the podcast so on behalf of my good friend my brother from another mother Conrad kushman representing everything pro wrestling my name is Sean Hub

Representing Hub wrestling weekly um be encouraged man be encouraged we’re living in tough times but things are getting better God willing let’s just continue hoping and praying for the best you can’t change the world unless you change yourself so let’s focus on ourselves keep doing the best we can to

Be the best human beings we can be I’m G remix a little bit and say and at the end of the day evil and racism never prevails God bless happy birthday Dr King we’ll never forget


  1. Happy MLK Day!!! Who are some of your favor Black performers? Also what did you think of the relaunch of TNA Wrestling?

  2. TK situation with social media. I agree with you both C is good at reminding his fans what happened I forgot about the Jags and Cagematch responses.

  3. TNA Wrestling gave us a good show Saturday. I think fans only have so much time to watch all these products ya know.

  4. Honoring the black wrestlers was a great segment. I remember Ahmed Johnson, New Jack, Mustafa, and so many more. Thank you guys for being who you are.

  5. Even though I wasn't able to be in this live chat because of my work schedule, I am still satisfied with this podcast. I feel like Conrad did a good job at being the mouthpiece for me in these discussions. He was able to say a lot of how I was feeling.

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