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In this video, Adam and Todd teach you 2 very simple drills and tips that will help you get more compression with irons. The lead leg drill helps the golfer feel the sensation of rotating around the front leg. The second tip for more compression is giving blood where the inner elbow of the trail arm faces forward in order to preset more external rotation. This set up cue keep the arms in front of the body through the swing.

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So first of all I want to introduce my good Budd he feels like family Owen SS I mean we joke about it but the last time I was seeing Owen we were shooting Nerf guns at each other in a basement you know in Chicago how old were you six

Probably five or six give eight yeah yeah now he’s 17’s a stud swings it harder than I do hits it farther than I do the videos you showed you know yes a little bit of this stuff and then you know being more here and him hanging

Back and that would kind of get his back fired up right in the lower back which been a problem which has been an issue so but hop in Now show us what like a great go-to drill the lead leg drill right the lead leg drill was awesome for

Him because it really gave him the same sensation I had at a young age execute that one for us show us how you do that buddy and see he really Taps that toe back there he wants it all on his left side that’s beautiful and see what I

Like about what Owen did naturally hit like a little knockdown shot like Owen went nuts with it and and he’s like toet tapped into where yeah I mean it’s practically like dude you better you’re you’re you’re pretty much like this impressive anyways you’re I mean that’s pretty much what it was I find

That extremely hard yeah so what I do is I actually have all of my guys like I boster was a perfect example of this you know he really used to go back this way um and I and I used to have him hit a lot of balls like this I actually here’s

How I structure it I go a club head apart okay I take my toe and I move it right on my heel back here to where my right knee is just behind my left knee now I do I have my own personal reasons for this is because when I was a kid you

Know I used to go that way so I always wanted the Tom Watson thought of right knee behind the left as I rotated never going this way so I actually like tucking it right in there and I’d create and I really but I’m on the ground completely with this foot this gave me

The post okay so but it also helped me feel balanced and there I bring it in here like this and this really put me in a position to where you know I felt like I could rotate around my left side do that way Owen I think that’s good yeah

Get get that thing right there yeah it’s Tak more of a normal swing Bud now go yeah just to give you a little more balance you know um which which by the way so I just pointed that out because anybody that I ever have come who’s not

Getting on their left side who has a little bit of back pain to me this is the warm-up drill for the first 20 shots of the day and it just what it does is it prevents anybody from there’s no back leg to back up on so you’re able to

Really rotate around this lead side and I always say the golf swing the right way alleviates pain doesn’t to me it properly stretches your body it doesn’t hurt you and the only other thing that I talked about to increase leverage bud was getting that right elbow in a little

Bit now here’s the key guys we talked about the giving blood but doing that not having the hand feel like it has to be strong got to get the hand on top got to have the hand on top but pulling that arm in we saw hey there’s a famous

Picture of Hogan with his elbows binded together not only does this keep the hands in front of the Body Center as you turn but here’s the thing that’s really important for you what I see with Owen we talked about not having that club loaded up here enough okay so it be more

In this position which would cause the extra arm swing too a lot lot of that to me is if I have this arm working away from me and I I hinge the club that’s where I am but if I have the arm in the right position watch this with no more hinge from

Here that club sets better and loads better okay so what I like for Owen was a simple process create more post little more of the giving blood position this will help him get a more definitive left side to rotate around and this right here will help them set

The golf club a little bit better have the arms and hands a little more I think that’s important cuz one of the things we talked about a lot or we have talked about is that you know he tends to get a and what you said about right arm I

Think is really important because when the right arm is too rigid well here’s the effect the right shoulder is not going this way so I always show people like look at if you break this what just happened to the shoulder it came down well if it came down it can go back

Exactly if it’s going like this it’s like you’re already you know you’re getting into that position so but what I like about what you’re teaching Adam is that you’re doing as much as you can 10 in the setup so you don’t have to do it

In the swing and so when you go I like that like get the right hand here but then yes tuck that elbow in like this and then maintain it right and now all of a sudden he’s here being there is guys I mean think about this too I love

What Todd just said about the shoulder this right here when in this position goes this way and you now all of a sudden you’re getting teeter totter shoulders right versus the ability to If and I want everybody to do this who’s watching this literally give blood like

This and put the hand right out if you’re to turn back you’ll see wow that’s the perfect swing plane wow that the hands maintain in front of my body Center you know wait we don’t want you don’t want people’s hands like never want it under but I want them for the

Feeling of how their arm Works put it in this position and feel what it does for your shoulder it opens it up and it gets the right shoulder blade really tucked back in a better position if I go opposite right you know you look at how

How that works in the swing okay but you know it’s doing this to the degree at which I can do it but still get the right hand on top enough to where the crease between index finger and thumb is still inside my forearm and not this way

The mistake would be hey let’s give blood no okay it’s get the grip on right pull the elbow in a little bit closer all I’m doing is you know what’s funny I actually do it with my hip bump I go like this so when I’m here this arm sets

Up naturally like this and I go right elbow in hip bump forward it’s just to me it’s it’s something always done my trigger this is a feel I give a lot of my players okay ready so I’m going to hold this in and I’m going to set that

Club away you see how that left hand your left shoulder’s pushing into that heel pad to create more of this and that elbow is more in this position and then watch big turn to the top you know what I mean and that that to me that a little

More of that would go a long way so it’s like you know if I’m holding this in and letting it just be more of this look right here yeah you know to me I love this you know look at the the left is easy to understand you’re just you know

Pushing away to create that l my left shoulder I feel like the back of my shoulder’s pushing into the heel pad to create that now I’m using that angle I have here if I push down on that as I turn boom there it is but this right arm

Is huge because I can do that all day long and if I straighten that out it’s hard to create that angle so you know a little bit of this a little bit of keeping that in place as the hinge starts there you go Bud like to me in a

Perfect world you work on that right there oh dude good news I moved the shot tracer down the line on that one just so we got that down the line video get the hip a little bit more posted up so you don’t have to try to find that post so

Much in your down swing yeah next thing just get that right arm in a little better position to start without affecting your grip because the grip’s great I would go from there guys I’d go from there I like it because it’ll set the club yeah it’s good looks great

Right there elbow last thing Y and then taking that funny bone and just getting it closer to that one a little bit right good buddy good it’s really good right there yeah at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on

The planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the many before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond oh


  1. Love the videos only thing I wish I could get is what club is being used just to satisfy my own curiosity lol

  2. The feeling of externally rotating my right arm on the takeaway until the club is set is what keeps that right elbow tucked in for me and locks in "the slot" back and through.

  3. Flamingo drill in my top 3,strangely when i first came upon it was sold as improving trail side action yet it instantly improved my left side stability! ie posting

  4. Always appreciate the content. The post/brace was a game changer for me and the one leg drill helped me determine the pressure/leverage I needed to maintain on the post. I've been a slider in the takeaway. With the post being done properly, the rotation is so much easier and smoother. Plus it's easier to maintain the spine angle. When I slid, my hips would move toward the ball in the downswing and I'd stand up to create space.

  5. Great video. Love the right arm in hip bump trigger. Have been very mindful of the hip bump but have been less so of the right elbow. Going to try that now. 😁

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