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Jay Gruden & RGIII Are Beefing On Twitter/X, Blaming Each Other For Failure In Washington

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Jay Gruden former head coach of the Washington uh yeah thatb not theban okay but when he was coaching yep we get it that team in his Twitter bio he he he is not okay it’s the news what do you want from me Wikipedia hasn’t changed either

Anyways he gave a little bit of punditry last night on the game about what they’re doing this quarterback if I ever put a quarterback through what Philly is putting Jaylen through I apologize by the way pick up a blitz proper spacing after the period which I appreciate that

Actually might have been a four piece space afterwards old school Microsoft Word typing was two spacers after a period Jay Gruden just wanted to make sure he uh dotted his eyes crossed his te’s and spaced after his periods and we appreciate that so then RG3 said that’s

Funny huh say what I think is how that is nailed it exactly pronounced with glasses Don doing excuse me look if you do recall by the way RG3 Jay guden head coach OC quarterback whenever RG3 was drafted number two overall after the Washington football team traded

Everything they had to the Rams to get up there after Andrew Luck was drafted to the Indianapolis Colts number one overall so then Jay gr had a respond for himself because that had over like 10 million views very quickly you weren’t prepared Robert oh is that the case J

Ask Robert Griffin Robert Griffin responds he goes you told me he didn’t know how to coach quarterback who could throw and run like me so it looks like you weren’t prepared Jay oh wow I mean a little verbal Jou back and forth RG3 did post that photo same as the other photo

RG3 is in his bag on X all the time okay all the time so Jay guden gets dunked on seemingly by RG3 now will Jay guden have a rebuttle we shall see we do know that somebody else got in the game that’s a Washington football team member of uh

Hall of Fame over there Brian Mitchell Mitchell he goes are you serious Jay okay he’s talking to Jay here not RG3 dude please just effing disappear okay didn’t want to swear cuz kids are on here which I appreciate but wanted to get his point across that if he was to

Swear it would be in this moment just to say you need to disappear so then Jay Gruden responds he goes I are a part turn be quiet gotcha so Brian clears it up pal okay I punt returner be quiet death blow J might have been fra what’s happening what are you talking about

What’s happening I think it’s pretty clear as day what’s going on here yeah got qualm Jay Gruden’s back in he’s just burying people go like he’s sitting chiss cross against the wall dude on on a on a Wednesday yeah I are a punt returner what be quiet be quiet I think

Jay’s been known to throw a few B yeah I mean we’ve seen him actually seeing that take place and I’m happy that Jay said I got time today yeah he I’m about sick of this what’s going on and you know the I and the U right next to each other but

With the way he properly spaces after the period I don’t know if he would just utilize a u as the U I think he he knew what he was doing he TP in we know that we need to almost had a request out to Jay guden today but teammate RG3 didn’t

Want to make it seem especially with where we’re at right now sure as if we’re on Jay Gruden’s side but we we wouldn’t have been on Jay gr so we would just been doing some journalism on when you say I are a punt returner exactly were you me he couldn’t joined today

Anyways he’s uh he’s interviewing in New England for the OC job nice Jay Gruden is I hope so ladies and gentlemen Jay Gruden has responded okay what in the ongoing X beef between RG3 and Jay Gruden if you do recall J Gro originally put out a tweet saying

What Philly’s doing is awful for Jaylen Herz they don’t have him prepared he’s sorry if he’s ever done that RG3 responded said what what what yes you’ve done that then Jay Gruden responded obviously back saying you weren’t prepared Robert and then RG3 responded back you told me you didn’t know how a

Coach quarterback who could throw a run like me RG3 so it looks like you weren’t prepared Jay with this photo oh so RG3 gets the final dunk we thought 11:43 a.m. today Jay guden woke up after saying I are a punter pun returner to Brian Mitchell and he said this RG3 he

Said you’re right we didn’t have a good enough staff sorry hope all is well with you oh oh Jay G said oh you weren’t prepared huh that must be on you we have 45 head coaches that are currently in the NFL right now on that staff and if you do

Look back to that staff it’s insane that they didn’t win yeah you know and that they’re in the situation they’re in right now if you would have hired from with him like some organizations have you could have done it like 10 different times and obviously the building ruined

It all well we would like Jay guden hilarious and RG3 to do because this is what we do in the sports world is put their arms around each other hug it out and hug it out yeah thought and celebrate Sports cuz that’s what we’re here to do amen and together they

Accomplish some great things together offensive Rookie of the Year obviously a phenomenal run over there and we’re hoping they put their ex swords down and they come together hug each other AJ that’s what we hope this and how this whole thing ends amen yeah I don’t know

I don’t know if that’s going to happen anytime soon do you think I don’t know if Brian Mitchell’s going to get involved cuz yeah he iur punt returner is a [ __ ] Mur get out of here that is a murder be quiet yeah be quiet is Right

Qui that’s tough to come back from that is I don’t know how Brian m is going respond he’s a whole Famer over there yeah uhhuh all Right


  1. Jay is a trash coach, that’s why he was relieved of his duties at each stop. RG3 needs to keep him mouth shut because he was trash after his rookie season; however, he did win the Heisman, and that’s better than what Jay has. “I are a punt returner” sounds like he was having a stroke when he wrote that.

  2. I'll bet Gruden won't say anything about his role in sabotaging RG3.

    And Haskins.

  3. Gruden does have a point RG3 should’ve been working with some baseball guys and learned to slide and get tf down‼️ but what Mike Shanahan and Dan Snyder did to him KNOWING that knee was still healing was so wrong

  4. Would like to see RG3 take a little accountability. He said in an interview he didn't need to develop his arm with the feet he's got.

  5. What's funny, is ww have video and statistical evidence that Jay Gruden wasn't food at his job. Just because his staff under him all were great, doesn't mean he was. Maybe there's a reason none of them stayed in the pipeline… but it's good for trolling content and clicks, so it's cool to be Team Gruden

  6. Jay Gruden was literally just giving his thoughts on that game while Robert starts chirping at him. Robert really needs to stop dissing and blaming it all on the coaches when they tried to help him they weren't the ones throwing the ball. Did other quarterbacks like JaMarcus Russell or David Carr blame their coaches? no because they held their selves accountable so should Robert any player that points fingers and thinks the team revolves around them is a selfish player and a bad teammate.

  7. Why do we have to treat all these guys who sucked in the league like they didn't suck in the league?
    It's really weird.

  8. so, is espn controlling and restricting the show now? that would be sad if that was the case, hope it was worth it at least.

  9. They keep bringing up the fact that we were 3-13 when we had all of those coaches but never mention the year before when they won the division and brought the read option to the league.

    Dan Snyder ruined the team I love.

  10. Brian Mitchell not being in the Hall of Fame is a damn shame. and that fact that yall think he is… is reason for yall to be campaigning for Brian to be put in the Hall.

  11. Lol the organization,dan snyder,mike shanahan,doctors,etc. Who lets a player play on a torn acl ? Couldnt stand etc

  12. Obviously both are to blame. Gruden hasn’t found a new head coach gig. And. rG3 is on TV instead of in a team

  13. Lol .. they left out the RG3 tweet asking Jay if he really wanted to do this and that he knew where all the bodies were buried… Also heard Jay deleted a tweet or to as well.. it was funny watching it play out live though

  14. RG3 still not taking accountability….that’s why the NFL chewed him up and spit him out.

  15. Im a lifelong Skins fan and Im 100% team Jay here. Roberts a narcissist and had one of the biggeat crash and burn careers in NFL history. Heisman, #2 puck, leads team to NFC East Championship and wins ROY to 4 total TDs in year 3. Robert always blames everyone but himself.

  16. 5:22 that's not even cool. RGKnee was in the wrong on some things as well if we talk about his time with the Skins. Thing is it's pretty clear Jay Gruden's snub of RGKnee managed to stick with him his whole football career because that response was something RGKnee was waiting to do for awhile now.

  17. RG3 is who ruined RG3s career. I get it he wanted to be superman, but he never protected himself. They evennbrought in baseball teachers to teach him how to slide. Tom Brady played until he was 45 because he protected himself first and foremost.

  18. Wasnt this dude benched and blasred by the shanahans before gruden even got there 3 coaches all say the say thing i think we knoew who the problem was

  19. Jay was not RG3 Rookie Coach; you guys are not seeing Jay for what he was; entitled by his Brother's name.

  20. If Jay Gruden was as good a coach as Mitchell was a returner, maybe the Redskins would’ve been a good team. And he never made it to the nfl

  21. I didn't get this show … until this episode … I are a punt returner … 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. RG3 is a joke. He had some of the best offensive minds on that staff and he decided he wanted to be more like Andrew Luck. Nobody ruined RG3 but his ego and his parents. Watch the tape RG3 refused to slide and when it became clear that he didn’t want to run anymore, everything that made him special was voided basically. He didn’t want to keep doing what made him special because he didn’t understand the NFL. He thought he could learn to play a style that wasn’t the reason he got drafted in the first place. I get it he’s watching the sport now and he has regrets but to say he wasn’t prepared is ridiculous and shameful.

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