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NWA Powerrr | Ep 141 | Return To Robarts: Finale

The Return to Robarts series reaches its climax in this episode of NWA Powerrr, where world title gold is on the line!

In our main event, EC3 puts his NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship on the line against Jax Dane! Can EC3 outsmart and outlast the monstrous Dane, or will Jax reclaim the Ten Pounds of Gold?

Kenzie Paige defends her NWA World Women’s Championship against Miss Starr, the newly rechristened Samantha Starr! Will Kenzie Paige continue her impressive reign, or will Miss Starr prove that she is the Starr of the show?

In the tag team action, Pretty Empowered Ruthie Jay and Missa Kate! Ella Envy is unable to attend this World Title bout; can Kylie Paige hold onto their gold?

Knox and Murdoch, the winners of the prestigious Crockett Cup, challenge The Country Gentlemen in a match only an NWA ring can contain!

Grab your tickets today!

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EC3 has appointed himself as The Illuminating Light of the nwa’s future yet to those detractors who might argue otherwise he is the reigning and defending NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion but EC3 is not alone for he has found a challenger to his hemony in a form of a former world champion the War

Machine Jack day they are not friends nor are they enemies they are Rivals with shades of mutual respect and to that they share a common Vision to dominate the national wrestling Alliance and reshape it in their self- reverential Visage but as Champions they also know that there can only be one man

At the top holding what amounts to a scepter of power in the vaunted 10 lb of gold EC3 has offered offered his Challenger a new opportunity that Jax once hell a chance to prove himself a new but what will happen when the seeming respect amongst them is put to

The test when the heat of competition rains this is the NWA where history lives and where Legends are forged [Applause] me for the Slain down the S black s for de The electricity is palpable here in Sarasota baby welcome to another exciting episode of NWA power Tim storm Danny deals of course Joe Ali on the call for you the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship is on the line the 10 lbs of gold EC3 versus former champ Jack

Stain it’s going to be big you know who else is going to be big Knox and Murdoch they got some big fist and they’re going up against the country gentlemen the country men of gentleness what do you think about that Timmy well we’re going to bring it back home we’re going to say

Women’s World title match wow Champion Kinsey pige against Miz mizar mizar I mean you know what not only that pretty owed might be in a little bit of trouble here Kylie Paige is going solo still has to defend the Tag Team titles alone against Ruthie J and Miss Kate what’s

Going to happen with pry owed you got to keep watching to find out welcome to power all right ladies and gentlemen here we go and this is going to be a huge test for Kylie pagee Ella Envy not medically cleared got a horrible case of

The flu not even able to come to the arena but instead of having to vacate the titles Kylie pagee is in a rough spot right here forced to defend the Tag Team Championships by herself that’s absolutely ridiculous by the way I have to point out I mean that’s criminal who

Came up with that rule you know that that I mean the partner is not here partner is not here but The Show Must Go On You must be a defending fighting champion and there you see pretty security taking the belt that’s ridiculous this is It’s a handicap man I

Mean they were scheduled to appear though you have to be there to answer the bell and speaking of which the Bell has just rung as Ruthy J shut up I don’t agree with this shut up I’m going to fax the office about this because this is

Right here this is a tra why do you not agree though but she shouldn’t have to look it’s a handicap man her partner’s not here why does she got to defend the title if it’s just her well they were they committed as Champions to be here

Right okay well Ella couldn’t make it I mean she’s got you know oh okay so she just couldn’t make it so anybody doesn’t want to just can’t make it it’s okay if they don’t it wasn’t that she couldn’t make she’s got the captain trips man you

Know what I mean she’s she she’s very now into the cover shoulders are down now how do how do we know that she’s just not trying to get out of this situation what what if she’s not injured what if she what if she’s just trying to

Uh get out of this entire match like the whole thing like at the whole match cancel that’s absolutely ridiculous Ella Envy is a fighting champ all right Ella Envy is what are we talking so is her partner well she shouldn’t have to be out there this is ridiculous yeah get

Her come on Kylie and normally I would say I would miss a Kate here but I think this is a ridiculous this is this is whoever came up with this rule should be arrested oh got caught got caught by missile scooping a slam look if they win

The titles here there’s got to be an aster there there’s no question about it right can you say that on T rolling through has to be an aster oh senton into the cover could have new champs right here shoulders down kick out this would 100% this would be like

Roger Mars Tim you remember that right you were in your 30s at that time was 28 yeah yeah 61 and [Applause] 61 going into the ropes I don’t even think listen well oh there we go up onto the shoulders put her down there you go Kylie oh listen how can even be looked

At as a valid title change if somehow which is probably not possible but somehow Mr Kate and Ruthie J to beat has R it’s an officially sanctioned matchup it’s an as I’m telling you I’m faing the office it’s not an as until she loses and right now she’s doing a pretty good

Job that’s right well all things considered yeah who are we talking about here of course we talking about one half kick out but you know and the think of Ella who’s bedridden can’t even move right and and she would lose her title without even being it’s ridiculous I

Don’t think that that couldn’t stand that that would not be able to stand they would be able to get a court date and file an injunction I think be that as it may look at this kyy Paige feeling very confident now could retain the Championships right here hooking the leg

Kick out that’s a slow count should have been a three are you writing that down are you actually taking not on this I am taking notes on this is absolutely [Applause] ridiculous Kylie should not have to put the titles on the line partner can’t be here it’s not her fault two on one

They’re ganging up on baby Kylie she’s the baby sister I mean how you get whether it’s their thought or not it’s what we’re seeing though is good strategy on on the other side if the longer this match goes the better chance they have of taking these titles away

And you can’t blame them for that it’s not their decision whether her partner was here or not here I think I think those cough drops you’re eating are clearing up more than just your cough I think it might be clearing your mind up cuz this is that’s a ridiculous that

This is just this is insane you disagree with the fact that the longer this go kick that the deeper this goes the the more it sways to to to J Miss Kate it’s got to you can’t you can’t put all the blame on them that’s what I’m saying

This is this is this is unfair to pretty empowered stop riding over there okay why you I don’t understand what you’re writing down this is unfair these girls are merchandise mov shots to the midsection ratings brers they sell tickets Ruthie J fighting [Applause] back put CAU goes for the Iger Kylie

Counters Kylie got the legs oh yeah she’s got her now look oh no separation there from the five star athlet tag in comes Miss Ruthie gets the tag in and Kylie doesn’t get the tag in the Clos line chopped to the chest it’s ridiculous somebody’s going to stop this

Tell the referee to get in there and do something well you see right there that’s where she would normally reach and make that tag and it wasn’t there to make no partner into the ropes Ducks the Clos line Ducks the back elbow Miss up waa slams her this could be it new

Champs right here oh kick out this is ridiculous you love this don’t you you’re enjoying I enjoy good wrestling yes you’re enjoying the fact that Kylie Kylie pige is being unjustly punished here I’m calling a match she got Ella Envy who could be in a for all we know we don’t know

Yet been a heel kick oh Kylie had that scouted just looking for that kick Fil-A Kylie gets that separation Big Time kick there staggers the champion oh there it is lights out lights out oh there’s the belt there’s the belt the security throws in the belt what are we talking about the security

Ruthie J what she do it all the way to the top take it out the security has been taken out what just happened Kenzie Paige my God that was Kenzie Paige out of nowhere what are you talking about it’s Kylie Kylie’s the one in the ring there we go Kylie pige

Def n World women’s St Champions pretty and Power it’s Kenzie Kenzie Paige is right there no she it’s listen Hey Hey listen this is strategy right here that’s all and I didn’t see nothing k for all you know Kenzie is out there just to celebrate with her sister after Bea two people at once oh but do you hear that

Ladies and gentlemen Scott wheeler catching on Scott wheeler sees what just happened he didn’t see nothing Scott wheer saw exactly what just happened and you hear the music playing ladies and gentlemen what cuz the NWA better focus up here Focus what’s going on here she better focus on what’s [Applause] Happening hey hold on a second here we go this this we’re not waiting at all wa here it comes here we go oh the the bell’s R what he ring the bell you can’t do that yeah this was the next match up this was the next matchup Kenzie wasn’t

Even ready what are you talking about she has already in the ring she isn’t stressed out or anything oh stepping through well she doesn’t need it what are we talking about here keny right back on top she firing firing those boots in the midsection yeah she’s the

Champion for a reason daddy you remember who she got that belt off there it is the burkus m star school girl oh super fast count by Scott wheeler what’s going on here big time kick there by absolutely ridiculous oh and Miss star gets to have

Chelsea out here she gets to have a hand is that fair call the manager you where’s your manager license I know it’s still in your wallet all right ladies and gentlemen we do have to take a quick break we’ll be right back with this incredible matchup the NWA returns to Fort

Lauderdale for the first time in over a decade Saturday January 13th for NWA paranoia a CW taping event don’t miss EC3 and Matt Cardona in the ultimate match of death tickets are on sale now at NWA all right ladies and gentlemen we are back back the NWA World Women’s

Championship is on the line Kenzie pagee defending against M Star oh inside cradle shoulders she in she’s in the ropes star eats a big forearm and as we were talking about before Stars valet or prote I’m not exactly sure what to call it Chelsea accompanying star to the

Outside there you see her hey what is Scott wheeler doing here Scott wheeler is fed up with what’s happening with pretty empowered Kenzie paig coming out here this is ridiculous attacking Mr Kate behind Scott Wheeler’s back and this is biased officiating he definitely had pretty ower he definitely had his his

His thoughts about what happened behind his back I don’t think he actually saw it or he would have made it count he would he would have called that immediately and why is he even out here was he even the scheduled official for this match this should be Kevin Keane

And this is a championship match right I I don’t keep up with scheduling with that’s ridiculous what do you mean it’s ridiculous he stay God wheeler does all types of Championship matches that’s stop it I don’t think qualified for this let’s you know she she’s made it very

Clear mstar uh definitely has a size Advantage here into the cover shoulders down kick out she’s got she’s got some experience we know the family tree if she could like right now if she could start leaning in on her leaning that body weight in twisting that neck she’s

She can wear her down she knows how to use that Advantage listen this is the biggest match of her life here okay you know what I mean Kenzie she has big matches all the time that’s all she has as big matches Pig we’re talking about I wouldn’t argue that but but here’s the

Thing because it’s the biggest match of her life you’re going to see her best efforts you’re going to see she’s using unfair Advantage she jumped in before she was ready SI her size is her unfair Advantage she’s got look the hair biased officials freaking out even if she was doing something against the

Rules she’s got till five he’s freaking out on her like he’s going you know what you’re tired of seeing Kenzie paig cut all these Corners you’re right Scott d Q it that’s what you do why didn’t he do that he should just EQ it there you go problem solv right

Timmy what do you think again I’m not head of officials I’m sitting here trying to call a match all right I’m just saying I think they’re trying to stack the odds against pretty empowered I don’t know why I couldn’t think of that they’re the nicest young ladies

I’ve ever met very pleasant would argue right they sell a lot of merchandise they sell a lot of tickets what are you talking about Joe they’re not particularly nice that’s they’re not nice to you but because you tried to get an autograph without paying for one and

I told you I’d cut you a deal on that you just you guys pay for autog well this is going off the rails here as Miz star is in the fight of her life trying to become the NWA World Women’s Champion look at look at the strategy differences

Here you you’ve got the champion who’s going with strikes sh kicks those beautiful both women coming down hard into the canvas on that one the strategy yeah she’s got Chelsea out here with her why exactly is she out here anyway it’s your it’s her valet it’s her manager are

You are you sure manager license did you check it let me let me go through the r ofex but I yeah I’m not sure that she even has one I think she’s out here illegally Timmy what do you think about that I think right now what you’re

Seeing is Miss star is going to have I just got word in my ear yeah it’s confirmed she has the manager license what’s wrong with you guys you’re on you’re on today de I’m not unhinged at all you guys are out here picking on Kylie and Kenzie she’s tacal supp oh man

They yeah you don’t want to you don’t want to go toe-to-toe and strike with Kenzie there m star and go don’t take that small frame like for granted Miss star oh my go wow that planted Kenzie Deep Cover Deep Cover new champ kick out it was a kick out but I’m pretty

Sure she had an arm under the ropes right there right on the top of her head I don’t is that is that legal to drop somebody on their head like that I mean that could have been AQ right there if they were if we were calling this down

The middle the way it’s supposed to we got illegal managers out here we got biased legal managers out here completely Justified officials uh oh yeah we have an an ankle or a knee I can’t tell which came down Samantha up on the shoulders immedi into the cover no yeah that shows some Championship

Inexperience right there doesn’t it yeah she she rolled that ankle you can see her grabbing it right there yeah there’s this is she’s asking for some kind of yeah there there’s definitely some damage here and Scott wheeler is attending to Kenzie Paige right now look

At this now we’ve got one of our wait we’ve got one of our biggest stars injured yeah but is is the ref not doing exactly what you’ve said he should do I’m not no he should check on that’s what he’s doing then he should check on that’s what I’m saying she’s out here

Injured M Star if Kenzie is injured has to miss any time oh no she was faking it the whole time my God faking it the whole time that’s right K the winner of this match and still NWA World Women’s Champion Kenzie P more than one way to skin a cat that

Was oh boy you’re going to oh wait a minute Chelsea Chelsea coming in standing up for Samantha Star oh no this is bad news Chelsea oh Samantha’s right there kick to the gut we see star struck star struck DDT Samantha Star Miz star sending a message wow standing over over Kenzie

Page is Miz star when we come back Country Gentlemen versus Knox and Muro the national wrestling Alliance is now on the CW download the CW app today or stream at the and catch up on past seasons of NWA power with new content just around the corner experience wrestling as it’s meant to be it’s the NWA on the

CW joining me at this time Tom laimer now Tom win you had the opportunity for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship and some people have said that if Matt Cardona hadn’t interjected himself I’d be standing next to the world champion of course of course Kyle you don’t think

I’m emotional about that see EC3 he’s a national heavyweight champion and he just tosses it away like it’s garbage and then he gets a shot at Tyrus and becomes the World Heavyweight Champion good for you then Mark Cardona he just slides in here cries moans to Billy gets involved

In my match and all of a sudden sudden he gets a shot too is that how it works around here see I defeated clear waterer batted seven people in a row for that Championship shot right but I guess this place is bent you see I’m hearing people

Talk that I’ve got heat because of my misses my misses getting involved but Kyle that’s absolute you see sometimes in this place you got to fight fire with fire and you better believe boys my eyes are peeled and I’ll be watching the following tag team match is onef

With a 10-minute time limit introducing ver the brother Duo of the group from Bullhead Ranch AJ gazan White Lightning Casey gazan they are the country gentlemen and talk about a huge opportunity for the country gentlemen at the same time maybe one of the biggest challenges they’ve ever had going up

Against Knox and moch the winners of the most recent Crockett cup but if you want to make a name for yourself as a tag team man what Knox Murdoch are the real deal and proving it just just like a Country Gentleman have just a little bit different version so

This is a this is a good time to prove yourself that boy wonder almost couldn’t even get in the ring right there good all white lightning ready for a fight though all right all right look at this guy you need to is he old enough to be

In there you got to card that guy And their opponents they are the rcking crew combination of Captain badass Trevor Mur the alha might KN this is KNX and Murdo first time we’ve seen Trevor Murdoch since his suspension for putting his hands on a referee and boy he looks honoring yeah he he looks a little hot I’ll tell you

What Mike Knox working a program with a guy in the front row but look I tell you the whole stage just shook when they came out yeah Dam I’m not even exaggerating I I thought we were Jurassic Park movie The Water started moving on the table Yeah I think uh old

AJ and uh Boy Wonder Casey they whatever his name Casey it’s two letters b bubblegum kazana I think that they been off more than they can shoot where’s old papao at sending his boys out to do the job on their own I think feeling confident Austin Idol might have ended his career

With that shot I’m telling you man’s a legend we’re here at robarts all right how’s it going to start off here Tag Team Action here do you send your do you send your experience out there no he’s going to make baby brother go out there this guy okay Jeez there you go how many how many more years until you think he he’s old enough to shave I mean Trevor Murdoch Mike Kno he is just clean shaven he shaved before he came here unlike you looking like an unkempt men you look like a posum just crawled out of a

SE what are you talking about the de the ID shot and listen all right Casey kazano side headlock on the former NWA worlds heavy Champion Ain going last one it did not runs into the shoulder don’t stand up to me okay here we go we told him let’s go boy come on

Ducks the back up my God why are you kidding me what the hell Casey cassanna with a b and here comes AJ what I can’t believe he picked up knocks oh my goodness Knox and Murdoch sent to the outside courtesy of the Kazan boys talking about

It on the outside neither one of those guys like that yeah these guys are supposed to be gentlemen right aren’t they called the country gentlemen that wasn’t very gentlemen well they a little bit different in the country than in Cleveland yeah well clearly all right Trevor m oh picking

The ankle taking Casey to the outside yeah they’ve had enough of this yeah this is oh now into that steel guard rail this is where you don’t want to be with Knox and Murdoch h no oh just an allout Brawl on the outside things are already falling apart right here in

Robarts yeah they don’t care about this they just want to fight knock said arm drag this it ain’t happening oh no no no not in the apron who oh the technical version of our match has now ended it didn’t last long didn’t now we’re in a bar fight oh bubble comes

Kazan he’s in a he’s in a bad way right here buddy yeah right now oh man he he wishes he was back in art class right now you know art class yeah whatever he’s skipping school like the name bubble gum but he’s getting chewed up right now by Trevor Mur he’s playing

Hookie to even be here I mean it’s ridiculous this TR officer is prob I put his TR officer I I CED him some tickets at the door he is an adult I don’t know how many times we got to tell you this he can buy tobacco products get

Drafted like he’s an adult I don’t know I’m not sure about buying liquor though that might that might be a bridge too far as case he comes off the ropes gets the kick up he’s probably got a fake ID you know he lives in a college town full mous and [Laughter]

Slam they don’t have those in a college town man tag Here Comes nuie always in a bad mood and you know they were in a real bad mood you Aaron Stevens has made it very clear after what we saw in Cleveland Knox and Murdoch can never challenge for

The World Tag Team titles ever again that’s according to Aaron Stevens he doesn’t make the rules though I don’t I don’t know where he does a lot of things he doesn’t make the rules you know listen now look at look at noxy right now he’s planting himself in the

Center of that ring he’s cutting off the ring he’s not going to let him let younger brother make that tag punch to the face now let’s be honest I mean how many times there’s bft and Aaron Steven have to defend the tit how many times they have to really give these guys

Shots they did everything they wanted to do they wanted to have nights at the round table match andon St said okay okay fine we’ll do that they did all kinds of stuff so like I mean how many times have they got to do it you know

I’m just say ling blow to the back they even banned Aaron from ringside they still huh Casey showing some agility oh no sir that’s veteran maneuver right there Mike Knox just getting out of Harm’s Way one of the best offensive moves in professional wrestling no you didn’t touch me Hey listen

Just cuz that works when he’s on the swing set that doesn’t mean it’s going to work right here now you know what I’m saying he was he was he he’s trying one of his his you know frog Frogger in the pool moves you know what I mean didn’t

Work out I don’t think anybody in the world knows what you’re talking about right now Frogger in the pool yeah oh oh that’s it it’s over cross body good we we’re going over no biggest cross body in professional wrestling right there that is vicious me and AJ got heat

Because I was ready to go down there and hit the bar and now he wants to continue this match you know look it it’s it’s over baby brother’s going to lose just let it happen oh man they are lighting him up yeah Hey listen here’s here’s the way it

Works you get you get a a guy inexperienced guy in the ring he makes one mistake into the cover shoulders down kick out and he’s in there with two veterans who are not going to they’re not going to let that slide they’re going to take advantage of it and they

Are going to beat him until he can’t get up again Mike knocks back at this match up and Casey is just being decimated by Knox and mdock we also got these two guys who are perpetually in a bad mood especially Trevor Trevor is kind of I don’t know well I mean truthfully can

You blame them though I mean they they like you’re you’re trying to make Aaron Stevens out to be some kind of choir boy like he’s done done nothing wrong he he’s cheated at every chance he got he us he uses the loaded glove he dresses

In a in a suit of armor to cheat these guys out of out of an opportunity and now you’re going to be mad because they’re they’re in there now in a bad mood I didn’t say I’m mad about them being in bad mood I just said you know

They’re always ordinary mean every time I see Trevor you keep putting that a St over R CU like look man I’m just trying I’m just trying to call it how I see it right here oh That Shook That Shook M knocks right there is that going to be

Enough it could be now I think AJ a little better to stretch a little further there but knock picking the ankle on want to get in there Kaz can he get can he get there can he get he does Here Comes AJ going after both Knox and Murdock big close

Line big brother has been oh maybe neutralized the boot like that yeah that not neutralized at all into the cover shoulders are down but no Trevor murlock breaking it up and then a four on to Casey oh he went face first into the barricade I think bubble gum’s out of it

There it is there it is kylo connects and that’s going to be all she wrote yeah you can’t yeah you can’t over wellners of this match knock and murder back in the winning ways Knox and Murdoch they had to earn it though over the Kazan boys when we come back Jack

Stain challenges for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship EC3 is going wait what is happening just a little celebration a little celebration on the outside Rob with back we’ll be back wait a minute oh wait it’s Eric Smalls it’s Smalls oh small from s from sa Trevor mardock put him through

A table yeah he’s got to get some Revenge he put that guy through a table what oh springboard oh my gosh what the heck and right in his face talking to him low blow right into the private just what just happened he just got [Applause] crushed what was spos

Thinking coming out here alone low blow to Trevor Murdoch you’re going to get destroyed he did get destroyed that’s a little bit of redemption for Trevor murlock courtesy of his tag team partner the NWA returns to Fort launderdale for the first time in over a decade Saturday

January 13th for NW paranoia a CW taping event don’t miss EC3 and Matt Cardona in the ultimate match of death tickets are on sale now at NWA live NWA wrestling fans it’s our next major event January 13th Fort Lauderdale Florida get your tickets now NWA that’s NWA and gentlemen the

Cards rolling out opponents have been named and you have to have some concern over who you’ll be facing Kyle Davis we don’t give a hoot who we’re going to be facing in there cuz we’re the most important part of this whole joint you know I’ve been talking to

Billy they’re going to name the show after us boys you know I’m thinking we go something like a sixy business what do yall what do y think sixy as hell that’s a good one bisexuality yeah yeah that sounds pretty cool man that sounds pretty pretty cool

But you know what at tell them what we’re going to be doing those fine folks in Fort Lauderdale Florida baby the folks in Fort Lauderdale aren’t ready for the six baby and our opponents don’t matter we’re the aside so whoever it is should be grateful it’s red panty night

For them they’re going to be getting this what is that what is that the 60 R baby gentlemen I mean it’s all fun in games but real talk your opponents you have to be concerned you want real talk you want real talk at talk real baby hey whoever it is they better relish

It cuz baby we’re hot and when you’re hot you’re hot and when you’re not the national wrestling Alliance is now on the CW download the CW app today or stream at the and catch up on past seasons of NWA power with new content just around the corner

Experience wrestling as it’s meant to be it’s the NWA on the CW The Following match is one fall with a 20-minute TV time limit and is for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship introducing ver the Challenger from bigwell Tennessee he is the Dan event Jack g a man who’s had so many championships opportunities and successes here in the NWA arguably this is his biggest match

Yet going up against EC3 for the world’s heavyweight championship back St a former world champion that’s right held that world championship for 419 Days could hold it again and lost it to our our buddy Timmy Thunder Tim storm and his opponent he is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion he is the Overman because he is over man this is EC TR sporting sweet Charlotte where she belongs in robarts Arena right here in Sarasota Florida

Baby the 10 lb of gold on the line EC3 an impeccable Fighting Champion beating Tyrus at NWA 75 to become world champion he’s defended that Championship all over the place on NWA programing against the Giant tallos and Jay Bradley on territory promotions like NWA Exodus and NWA Southeast and now here in Sarasota

Florida in the hollowed ground that is robarts Arena the world’s heavyweight championship is on the Line all right Timothy I’m going to need your tail of the tape here you’re the former world champion at the table you’ve been in the ring with Jack stain yeah I’ve I’ve been in the ring with both these guys and it’s it’s you know it’s it’s classic power strength

Against somebody who uh obviously is in incredible condition a technical wrestler somebody who can do it all and it it may just be a matter of who makes the first mistake Jack stain looking at the belt that he once held became champion after beating Hiro Yoshi tenzan in San Antonio Texas August 29th

2015 been a multiple time Champion tag team champion National na champion held on to the world’s heavyweight championship for 419 days Bell has rung and here we go with the grandest prize in the sport of professional wrestling on the line Jack stain versus EC3 you have to think Jax

St does have a power advantage in this match well I was there the night that Jax D won that title and I was there the night that Jack G lost that time must mean some much oh man it’s and I know how much it means to to Jack Dan

That it would mean to him if he wins that title again tonight been training been focused laser focused man he told me earlier tonight he’s down I think he said to 268 lbs wow it’s the lightest I think I’ve ever I’ve ever heard it and you know like you just

Said you look at him and you don’t see that because he has such power and then you look at EC3 now I now here’s here’s what I do know about EC3 is is he’s he’s actually spent some time with the the Sha and monks on on that

Technique of the headlock and he says he’s going to mean he’s going to make that mean something again he believes that’s that’s a way that he could take advantage of uh of his strengths where Jack D down and I know that I know that that’s that’s an area of of attack for

Him simple and Incredibly effective there it is z headlock applied an EC3 a Powerhouse in his own right yes he is but gets easily placed on the top turnbuckle you talk about this headlock strategy uh uh Timmy but Jax doesn’t have a neck no well but here’s the

Here’s the thing when when EC3 went for that duck under go behind he almost couldn’t get his arms around Jack just the the thickness of his chest his torso the power You See It On full display there with a shoulder tackle there that’s a big brother Dy Dane event Jack

Dane ooh misses with the elbow and there it is again couldn’t get that headlock takeover he you can’t understand until you’ve been in the ring with this guy the power sends EC3 into the corner EC3 got the bootle but it was caught caught by The Challengers throwing the punch no

There it is there it is side headlock takeover D getting that separation oh and again going for that headlock again not getting it again Jack stain dropped that LE that that leg and blocked it and what’s this the third or fourth time that he’s grabbed that headlock

He’s grinding it in and Jack D just keps keeps coming back to his feet let’s not forget I mean EC3 using the 1ent the headlock driver as a finishing maneuver if he could soften up the neck it’s going to make oh no no no oh belly to

Belly suplex I don’t know if he’s going to get a chance to soften up anything on Jack stain yeah that might have took that plan right out the window daddy well I’ve been in that I’ve been in that situation and that is man you talk about driving the air out of

You you think this is smart Jack letting him just kind of get get to the outside here like this well I’m going to say you know it’s it’s funny I I’m going to say yes it is though because I think that the the advantage that EC3 might might

Have here and it’s not conditioning it’s just it’s going to be attrition the longer the more that EC3 can lock in that headlock and grind on that just like you said that 1center oh man look at that he didn’t even move danne on the attack sends the

Champion into the ring title could only change by pinfall submission in the ring Jacks ooh stomping at the ankle I don’t know I think if I was EC3 I’d just get counted out right here and call it back right yeah and you well you know what there’s a deal if you you were

You might do that but EC3 is not going to do that he’s proven already that he’s as much of a fighting champion as we’ve seen I know he’s he’s defended that that heavyweight title numerous times against some and and you know what we we saw would you tallos recently he’s

Been in there with some big guys he’s used to being he’s used to being in this position and he’s used to winning matches in this position let’s just look at the way that he won the championship going up against Tyrus yep and now the Dan event targeting the neck as

Well simple and effective holds by incredibly powerful men and now look for that nerve pinch oh and drops the elbow into the chest and I think I think a lot of times we see wrestlers try to make this more complicated than it has to be like you

Just said if you if you will take a simple hold like a headlock like like that that neck lock and you work that it’s going to be effective big counter there by Jack Dan was in that side headlock got a belly to back suplex

Out of it and now you see3 is in trouble here that waist lock could be effective in its own right just with those powerful arms that ja has driving the air out of e3’s lines he’s going to wear him down right here Timmy you’re absolutely right I people don’t don’t understand when you

Get two heavy weights in the ring like that just the amount of of attrition on your body the amount of damage on your body getting up moving standing take know being taken down and getting back up the wear and tear on your body over time uh is is incredible I mean it’s and

You’re going to see here even whatever however long this match goes oh he’s got no no it could end here was looking for that Simone drop you see three Escape side step oh Jack that could be the mistake right there though shoulder first into the

Post well and his arm kind of caught in that turnbuckle a little bit even as he was trying to escape it he recovered well but look at look at what arm he’s having to use he’s using he’s using that left arm e3 coming off the little big

Clos lineing oh my God Jack stain on the outside EC3 will not relent oh diving to the outside oh my gosh but what what brilliance by EC3 though you got a man at a disadvantage you you got a heavyweight down don’t let him back up

And right now you’re going to see him I think he’s going to turn up the heat right here he’s going to go after him and try to put him away EC3 needs to know he needs to go big on this one all the way to the top rope trying to get

His footing now on the middle rope diving through with a cross [Applause] body oh po the trunk my God he just popped the trunk it’s going to be over new champ new champ right here oh Ked out no one’s ever kicked out in the the

Truck but Joe let me point this out that shoulder that he hit the shoulder that he drove into that turnbuckle he caught EC3 on the outside EC3 worked that arm now what you’re seeing is he he couldn’t get all of that we’ve never seen anybody nobody’s ever kicked out of that

Devastating larat popping the trunk EC3 staying alive but he might be heading to trap City EC3 escapes out the back going after the legs he’s got the head down one percenter going for it a second time second one per Center can he hit it again he’s looking for it one more time

Face first into the canvas now into the cover shoulders are down wow the winner of this match and it’s still fwl world champion EC3 he had to go through hell to retain that Championship what a match here in robarts Arena in Sarasota Florida EC3 still your NWA World’s Heavyweight

Champion he knows he was in a hell of a fight he knew he had to hit three of those in a row I mean he came off the second instead of the top and it wasn’t enough that’s why he said I’m not even going to play with it this time look at

This Jack stain already on his feet after three of those e37 I’m going to get the headlock over man and he just did because he’s over man wow what a main event here on this episode of Power I don’t know if this is over yeah I respect


  1. EC3 has gone NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New lisp too. It's awful LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love being able watch NWA still..I will always support them as much as i can…They started my fandom in 83..💯

  3. Nice spot with the show of mutual respect..I am really hoping NWW continues to grow.. Lifelong fan…But,i really wish they could get an action figure deal,that woiod help boost the popularity 10 fold..
    I give this week **

  4. I enjoy this old school wrestling. The commentators do a great job of selling how evil the heels are. And I saw a few matches end with just one finishing move. YES! Protect those finishers!

  5. Every couple of weeks I give this promotion a chance.
    Not as cringe as it used to be but damn commentary is just awful. Maybe go with a 2 man both, they are constantly stepping over each other & the in ring talent only suffers when that happens.

  6. TNA Wrestling on AXS TV reaches more homes than in the United (50 million) as well as overseas (50 million in Canada 🇨🇦, the United Kingdom 🇬🇧, Africa 🌍 and India 🇮🇳 combined), than the National Wrestling Alliance's Powerrr being stranded on the CW App.

    Maybe William "Billy" Corgan and Court Bauer should partner up for NWA-Major League Wrestling: Powerrr Fusion shows on a streaming platform such as Tubi.

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