Why FAST HANDS Will Help Your Downswing

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In this video, Adam and Todd teach you the reason why having fast hands in the downswing can help with you ball striking. The hands in the golf swing have a larger distance to travel when compared to the hips. This is why having the feeling of the hip and grip firing at the same time may be beneficial to your swing!

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See I’m I’m right there I’m coming I’m coming down I’m here really important to me that this is really important to me like go to the top again yep I want those hands down fast yeah because so many people I I’ll see them transfer their weight and they leave their hands

Back here you’ve got to get the hands down so by the time the weight’s to the left heel want the hands at the belt so now I can just turn the corner and get released because if I get you know people talk about the downswing the transition is always from the lower

Body I think it’s it’s a Hal truth half truth because if I go like this right and my hands only move the same distance if there’s any lateral at all right there’s some very little when I get my H in the right place but my point is when

I get to the left side if I’m loaded up over the right side and I get to here well if my hands only move the same distance is my hips let’s say that’s three Ines or four whatever it’s not when you look at good players any transfer the hands are probably moving

Six times faster than the lower body right because the hands 100 they’ve got to go from here to here and the time the hips maybe go to there so I got to fast hands I think most amateurs what is over the top over the top is when I start

Unwinding and I don’t start swinging hands are above shoulder level chest is already moving closing down the space between right side and the ball look where it’s going guys every time now I can now I can cover right so when people have Slow Hands the sun windy now my

Hands are out there now I’m going to get across it right this is you guys absolute gold I have incredibly fast hands thanks to Todd my hand speed helps me create lag helps me stabilize the face helps my ability to rotate more guys we’re not talking this we’re not

Talking hand speed shut everything down here we go ready and by the way that was pretty striped you know but the whole point is the whole point is guess what I I show this to people who I call it chesting it we do this drill we did it with a player

From USC not too long ago had them hit balls for 2 hours you’re going to love this one where no rotation was was made and look how far I can hit the ball with just my arms and hands okay and then you’re going to hear from the world oh

No no no no no no rotate out in front of it well hey guess how far I can hit it when I’m already out in front of it nothing right so the whole point being is that the hand speed my hands and this is the way I illustrate this here’s the

Finish Line right here I don’t spend time having my hands hang out over here I get my hands immediately to that finish as fast as you can right as fast as I humanly can and you know what’s funny for most every single time I work on this guess

What they rotate more because as Todd this was to me was one of my favorite analogies you gave me you gave it a lot with the short game but I took it into the long game also it’s like a horse race Common Sense outside horse inside

Horse I wanted to have a photo finished with everything arriving together right in front of each other well guess what this guy my dad by the way this is really cool I got to tell you this my dad used to take the stuff I’d learned

From Todd and I have to say I had a really good Advantage my dad was really good at translating whatever I I had to he I we flew to Chicago for a week had to absorb it I was good at taking the lesson but my dad had to take that

Information he helped me apply it when I was not around Todd till next time and what what what Dad did when he had Todd explain this to me he took Ben Hogan and took a swing sequence of Ben Hogan somebody who was the initiator of hey

Fire and let’s not forget the guy was more connected than anybody ever like right here and just right in front of him the whole time but here’s the big thing he draws a dot black dot on his belt goes Adam the black dot moved approximately 5 Ines right here here are

His Hands by the time the dot was back to the ball the hands were down below the pocket by the time the belt was out in front of the golf ball the the hands were right there in front of the dot my dad goes well hold on a second here he

Goes Adam he’s ripping his hips open yes he looks like he’s really open but his hands just covered six feet yeah and his hips only turned 10 in well that’s the thing if you can’t if your hands aren’t here you have to slow down and wait for

Everything to catch up if your hands are here but if your hands are down here well then you can really get on top of it yeah so quick example like watch the hand speed okay watch my hands relative to my hips and people say oh man your

Hips just fire open well guess what fast hands okay like I used to tell bohas there all the time when I was working for you out in Chicago dude get the hands in the club all the way to your back as soon as possible and man did he

Play well with that thought yeah killed it in a couple us opens one a western trying to get that club in hands to his back as fast as possible you can’t you can’t get rid of the club fast enough awesome that was cool hey good stuff right another good

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  1. This used to be my main swing issue.. having hands that were dragging behind me in the downswing, which caused me to drop the club below plane and swing excessively in to out. Once I adopted the "hands beat the body to the ball" mindset as my main swing thought, my club path straightened out immediately, and my contact improved 100% because of just having more lag and a better path + attack angle, and way less partially fat shots.

  2. Great lesson! As someone that worked really hard to fix my over the top from baseball swing habits, this will only help me and also give me a little more pop!

  3. I think this is the most important lesson I could’ve seen. Been golfing for a year and a half, my swing has gotten much more on plane as well as more fluid, but I feel like when I shallow the club my arms get stuck behind me way too often and I have no face control or power. Can’t wait to try this out! Thanks Prozak golf!

  4. What is handsy golf ? Most all are sequencing to give the hands more time in the golf swing. Who is doing this on tour , that is winning golf tournaments ? If you talking educated hands, you get the body for free ? Then yes. Most golfer are mostly arms only and end having the hips stop . Pull hooks .

  5. How have I never heard this before?! This is definitely an issue of mine. More proof porzak is king 🙏 we will see next year but I swear I’ll be breaking 80 consistently at my club course next year from watching you all year last year I have learned so much. Keep up the content man, seriously unreal!

  6. An uncoordinated person won’t understand this philosophy. Old guy told me, if you can’t dance you will struggle with golf 😂 Pete Cowen said tiger is amazing with his hands. Brilliantly hand eye coordinated.

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