This is my first time making a video like this so I hope you enjoy! There’s a big ice storm here in Oregon and this is out at Alton Baker Park. Only 16 holes were in so that’s how many we played!

Instagram: @disctay & @frisbeeshade

My Bag: GRIP BX3
Current GRIP sale: use code: DISCTAYGIFT10

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My Beanie: Circle 1Disc

That’s what it’s like normally wow oh Wow it got a giant skip today we are filming possibly the first ever skins on ice so I’m here I’m going to be playing against my friend shade we’re going to do as best of job as we can the only thing is this is straight ice it is not

Snow we’re playing on ice and it’s really slippery follow along it is actually freezing out here and we’re just going to do the best we can all right we have our spikes on the ice and we’re going to be starting here on whole one yep wo whole one we’re going to play

The long te so it’s 3:30 around the trees there to the left all right I’m throwing this Raptor I’m hoping to get a big skip CL let’s go skiing oh he almost aced the sh pin but he did get left good shot this is for birdie

Oh at least it landed in the branches so it didn’t slide super far all right this is to take the hole nice oh nice putt all right we both par on the hole too I’ll give you a a super zoom of shade Pig just kidding oh all right we’re here

On hole two and we are playing the long kind of have an idea and he has an idea oh no [Applause] okay smart layup and it’s no good I’m tapping in through the par okay we’re at hole three and this one is a par four but a tree just

Crashed in front of the teapad so you can’t really see the basket nice okay and it’s great that’ll work I’m going to throw this Captain’s rapor wait that’s so good get a ton of skip go I’m going the wrong way pleas fin [Applause] delicious please stop had a great shot

There wow oh wow oh it looked a lot like that didn’t even hear the change cuz it’s so cold out here wow well that doesn’t count that’s locked in There for the push all right and another push we’re just too mediocre at this game though on to whole four and it’s a par four and it’s out here and to the left 360s only and that was not good but he got a nice kick actually throw in the force Oh no W uh-oh that went way to the left that’s a death putt too I’m going to flick the burg skip over okay not great we’ll see what shade does here to see if I can take it big CT and he’s Sliding Away no wow honestly I’m lucky it stopped

Here and he makes [Applause] it okay we’re at whole five now and this is going to be a good one to differentiate it’s a par five way down this little Gap also behind some trees at the end so it’s a pretty tough one especially if you don’t make the gap

A yeah Center Center yes oh goodness oh boy wow stable stable wow that really opens the door in a forehand The Zone and just try to get past those trees not this basket but that Basket let’s go that is no gimme okay I hear it moving it almost slid down there episode of will it Heiser well I think uh forehand roller might work no okay she grabb the zos and throw it [Applause] in she just lays up it’s actually coming closer

Okay she codes I would have gone for it but I really didn’t have anything so looks like I’ll have to make this for the push all right just taing in and of these are Lifesavers hit me up with the sponsor Little Hotties little hottie you should sponsor this little hottie

Okay guys shocker another push a made a super clutch birdy save and I just tapped it after the layup so we’re moving on to Hole six this one is a par 4 it’s basically just a big Hiser shot oh man oh he’s flipping it all right I’m throwing the force oh

Yeah I lost it oh I almost aced the high basket I got a giant skip oh wow that was so close and it’s boogying it’s boogieing it’s rolling good shot that you here I don’t have a look really cuz of this tree so I’m just

Going to lay up in for shade to make [Applause] it keep going keep going keep oh and he whiffs it yes [Applause] Yeah well 6 and0 and we are on whole seven part four we’re playing the long let’s go for it oh miss that a trusty Force let’s get it go okay I like that oh tragic no comment oh it is I’m in trouble wow it is spinning it’s spinning in the

Tree you should sometimes you just got to grab the Z again skip her in Black Wing chicky I’ve never seen a black Wing chicky they say a call that sounds like amburg what does that sound hamburger maybe it’s cheeseburger oh there’s a chance whoa I had a stroke to lose so it’s

Okay we are on hole 8 it’s Par 3 oh oops okay we both hit a tree Boo and shades in the Fairway and I skipped way left he needs to have at least one Skin So then he’ll want to play with me again wow what a layup beautiful good job shade

Yeah so center it’s a power three 225 straight out this isn’t going very well so far oh no take a peek at the C1 be yeah and it’s long but it has a great kick nice another push we both took a par on that one three skins on the line I’m

Down be a game changer I’m down by seven I could use these Skins playing the slide oh no my hands are so cold I I can’t grab the disc it’s coming out early I’m going to throw my favorite disc ever something 100 long the putt that I have is through this tree

Yay not getting through there cuz even the leaves are ice no wow of course we’re bugging the short this [Applause] hole so shade got her skin she got three skin they come up for him happy about pole 11 uh it’s a part three straight ahead and the ice has caused these trees

To collapse so the Gap is only about this [Applause] big it’s out there but I don’t think it’s coming super far right I mean I think you’re well I think I made a gap Taylor’s in Frozen prison dang it can he make it no he cannot and he has a far Slide

Away 12 par five 880 and the score is 83 a little low but that should be a good position yeah that’s all you need for the par five boogy in like normal okay I’m just going to do the same disc again we got another 400 ft to go or so no flipped it

Over that’s okay I’ll have a good layup from there we’re trying to throw under this big tree here here go Shade [Applause] oh great shot oh wow okay you got a big left skit but it’s still a good spot all right throw in the Berg look at that slide Slide no I I can’t feel it you know your girl just one another skins we’re at 9 to three what do I do put him in the bath okay can’t oh my God oh my God that is old 12 we’re going to move to Hole 13 it’s another par

Five and we’re also putting 100 bucks on each hole if that’s the case I’m bankrupt Destroyer that’s really blasted all right shade out a great drive on this one and mine was subpar yeah subpar is kind of a a weird one in disc yeah cow crap I’m in pretty good

Position I’m just going to throw my Luna and try to slide it up and now she’s in a great position to push the hole Yeah it’s another push we need to be within 5 ft to get a guaranteed putt we doing a Thunderbird forehand

Come back hand is so numb at this way I know that’s probably a good tree zone a come on you serious did that hit the basket yeah hope I still the mic on my far it came out of my hand like didn’t have any spin might also be for the win or

Loss okay pushes so three skins for this next hole I need it oh wow it keeps sliding all the way down I think it is all right I’m going forand Zone oh I think so oh get out of there through it I’m also going forand

Just wait it might find a way to still park it okay that was horrible Nice Shot okay wow and hit something oh it’s so good it is so good skip in the basket oh my goodness oh it’s just spinning yes good match ended up pretty close but

Close we got the last four so almost caught back up yeah we’re going to call it and I’m going to hold this L it’s 97 thank you guys so much for watching this was a super fun video to film and the ice definitely made it a bit challenging the putts were super hard

Neither of us made very good putts and then also the slideways were a little crazy but yeah thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll see you in the next video y


  1. wish there were more disc golf girls in my state.. bunch of 40 year old overweight guys drinking brewskis anytime i go out to the courses.. wheres all the pretty dg girls like you!?!

  2. Looks like a fun round! There’s a course north of you I thought about playing this week because it’s been suuuper muddy, and all that ice would have made for a mud free round lol. Couldn’t make it out on the roads though. Keep the videos coming!

  3. This looks like so much fun!! I hate playing in the could but a day like this might change my mind!! Great video! keep it up!!

  4. When you say spikes, are they something you put on any shoe or are they a specific type of shoe? Looks like you guys had good traction..

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