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In this episode we set out to play an Alternate Shot Challenge from the Pro Tees on the back nine of Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club. But Wellington’s weather had other ideas…

IG / TT: BunkerBoysNZ

EPIC new motion graphics provided to us by Andrea:

Tonight on my news a sudden storm creates Capital chaos high winds cause damage and C wow what’s going on today easily the best golfing day we’ve ever had on the channel thank you sir have a good day you too mate I love New Zeal just friendly people everywhere man it’s kind

All cold and weird hopefully it doesn’t rain I think I just heard some Thunder I think we’ll get away with no rain Nick M we are at New Zealand hardest Links Golf Course P Beach Golf Club we’re playing the proteas me and Dan a 12 handicap and a 14 handicap to an

Alternate shot let’s see if we can break Boy golf T flip to see who goes no the pressure on down just the added layer now of it being alternate shot you don’t want to be the guy to go OB exactly so me and Liam just played a

Scramble off the Frontiers so it’s weird having these shots actually like matter half 4 280 M I’ve got a 4 iron just something safe here w wow that’s as good as I can hit a forine it’s like the best forine I’ve ever seen you hit I’ve done my job let’s

See what Lim can do I don’t know what to do I’m like already like anxiously like thinking of hitting safer shots soft 56 keep it under the wind otherwise the 60 will lose it about 70 M I think just a nice comfortable shot if I can get a green and rig I’ll be

Buzzing oh cracky Dickens oh that might be a bit of a Sandy shot there oh no that’s a terrible terrible result I don’t know why I didn’t just hit the 60 I’d always hit a 60 there I hit like a 56 trying to be weird I’m I

Freeze under the light hey look we’re the bunk boys I wanted to put down in the bunker I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ball more destined to go into a bunker it’s like the bunker had a magnet in it Jesus wouldn’t want to be down right now

Sorry Liam’s put me in a good spot here what the hell all my days that’s an incredible shot down well you’ve done your job this whole P come on mate you got it so we’re playing you’ve got to put everything out so if this is like a

Easy gimme Dan still has to putt it out which would then lead to my t- shot I don’t want to hit the next t- shop it’s the main reason I want to make this putt also cuz I’ve already messed up on this hole and I want to participate and be a

Good team member tell you what this would make it up to me oh my God great shot from the bunker by the way how have I not even fist bumped you for that yet we are even power off the competition te’s we are going to a massive massive Par Four

How’s it for an up and down a the banker boys people always ask us why we got our man and it’s cuz we end up in bunkers it’s not cuz we’re good at heading out of them all two power 4 390 into wind playing off the proteas if we were

Tearing off off the blues I would have just hit like a four iron here like I did last time but we’re a mile away I kind of need to hit a driver you beauty oh my God Dan it’s rolling absolutely carrying the team right now bro who’s a 14 handicap ever since that

Mulligan video I’m a scratch now you just got confidence wow I think might be seven and you’re good at hitting your 7 a yeah man it never goes off Target it’s not getting there right we can agree on that fact what the seven isn’t getting there no chance no actually I liveed a

Seven once so it might get there oh my God that’s pure man what’s going on today than me and Dan no don’t speak too soon no no no if you’re watching us for the first time uh I don’t know why we’re acting so surprised this is just normal for us so

Get used to it the sound that tacos make when you hit them absolutely pure it’s like not a sharp sound it’s a soft sound wait is that a p in your hand there Liam oh sorry yeah you’re probably just going to make that yeah yeah yeah yeah all

Right Mission tup and uh walk away with two pars from the Pro’s on Alternate shot that would be unreal no way no way oh I wanted that birdie I was like is this happening I’ve left your a knee Shaker sorry mate puts like this you want a brand new putter

You just bought today blue grip for Chelsea Football Club Cy sorry mate I like it was worth it for the excitement I felt over the near birdie oh my let’s go there two pars an alternate shot off the proe on tournament week at Pata umu Beach Golf Club probably wouldn’t know

It from the 10th hole but the rest of the course gets really difficult so hopefully we don’t up from here we can’t find the pro the whites are wet on there we got blues we’ve got Reds but we can’t find the blacks is it in here somewhere

We found them after a bit of a wild goose chase they’re just here 40 m back from the Reds this turned into a huge par five that looks way different from what how we normally play I’m just going to have to try Boomer Drive sorry Liam yes I’m only human you

Know good thing it’s a part five all right this is where get interesting let’s try to find a ball the rule at pram is always keep it out of the Fescue I’m just going to try hit a six0 back into the Fairway you can hit that right I’ve left

Dan in a way better position best case scenario watch striper 7 iron give us a nice wedge on great shot oh my God mate hey we got a chance let’s go up and down mate that’s awesome was a bit kind of like oh God oh God

We’re going to be in here forever great out there I can get this the green and we can get away with the bogy I think we’ll be pretty happy with this just another day Hing a 79 onto a green at pumu had a dead straight oh oh oh come around

Mate God that was a way to use all of the course my advantage after a chunky 7even on I’ve lag puted worse than this let’s go Liam I got you brother tell you what it’s a very very good effort it’s a knee Shaker but I back him

Got a habit of making these pts cuz if I make these putts it means Dan has to hit the next t- shot always he’s gone outside it sorry mate sorry tap it in for me mate all right that is a seven thank you sir no problem have a

Good day you too mate I love new zeala just friendly people everywhere bit sad I missed that part we’re two over we’ve had one tough hole and two pars bad news is it’s my t- shop and it’s the I think this is sh call one brilliant just what

I me and my three would need to hear we’re approaching the hardest pole on the golf course wish us luck not feeling the pressure at all I don’t want to be the one to like hit it OB and ruin this whole video just a real good 3-wood right edge of the Fairway come

On oh we’re safe there yeah it’s a proper proper layup On a par 4 it’s a p wge over the hill and I let Liam workers magic nice I like it low stress golf stroke H one we’ve got a plate to our handicap and that means not having 210 M drawers

Into the one 56 good one here would be lovely for the channel what the is it on oh it’s taking aggressive kick that’s very frustrating let’s go see what the damage is forecast was for rain I don’t know if you can tell look that way and look at me and that looks quite

Scary oh God we about to get p on should we get our one iron out cuz not even God can hit a one iron looks quite um what’s the right word give me a word oming ominis the rains look quite ominous so does the Chip Shot oh

Good luck Lim thanks mate all of this has been caused by me missing the green I take full responsibility I’m sorry I’m just so sorry feel like making this for a bogey be kind of funny oh Cy I’m sorry I was pretty scared of rolling it back down that Hill I mean

Like the weather has changed our mood you know we’re playing good in the loose guys hey we’re Fe we the golfers leave us alone it’s not even get me I put my putter away bro this is now for a triple stitching each other just for a normal

Triple now I don’t know why it’s like the stakes would just feel like they’ve got so much high oh goodness me hey the good news is you’re teeing off next mate that was an eight on stroke one sorry guys keep watching because we’re going to make it all back tough

Hole but we’ve still got two PS subscribe so we just need to make two more pars from the proas which you know we’ve done that before we can do it again all right this is redemption I’m going to take my time here we had to

Talk about this 133 M PA three I’m going to put it on the Dance Floor we’re going to walk away with a p get on the dance Flo o sorry man that’s gol that’s right I’ve got full faith in T’s ability to put me close with the 16 like I did last time

Hey guys man it’s got all cold and weird I feel like the monstars just stole our power it literally feels like it was a hot roasting summer’s day and now it’s like a middle of winter hopefully it doesn’t rain I think I just heard some Thunder 60° again a bit liar than last

Time you Reon if we get a p the sun will come back out oh great shot there it is oh I keep going who oh what the hell do your best from there mate let’s not forart that nervous about that next t- shot if it’s me so I really

Really hope I get this hey man bring the sun back come on hey it’s a kick in woohoo all right R for a bogey let’s make a birdie on the next one I think we’ll get away with no rain this is a tough hole it’s power four it’s about

390 M starting to spit with rain I’m going to have to really catch a 3-wood here oh my how did you do that felt like you put like 10% extra into that yeah I swung out of my shoes cuz I was pretty frustrated still about that eight oh my God my

Laces down oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God go golfing they said it would be fun they said skull cart needs maybe it’s just a show sideways oh oh my I don’t think we’re finishing the video It’s the middle of summer in New

Zealand there was thunder right now and hail that was really painful driving Bo we finished shaving over through five holes my ball is in the middle of the Fairway out there we are soaked the camera is soaked it’s like God saw that krupal bogy and just said that’s enough

Golf for the day thanks very much for watching New Zealand Summers full of sheep beaches ice cream bear and hail cheers guys I honestly don’t know what to say this is kind of bizarre and I’m freezing oh


  1. Never ever say it’s not going to rain! Especially with those black clouds on the horizon. Well I look forward to part 2 to see how you both finish

  2. Blue grip for Chelsea FC, its a shame the team cant perform as good as your putting😂 ( Im a Middlesbrough FC fan and we Beat them in the cup Tuesday night)

  3. “Not even God can hit a 1 iron”

    God: “And I took that personal” insert the storm 😂

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