Epic 9 Hole Scramble With Me And My Golf for $10,000! (Stroke Play)

Last year we challenged Me and My Golf to an epic $10,000 match!
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And that’s my partner right down the walkway grinding good shot what is that doing in your back Eric do you give me permission to hit this absolutely not good looking shot here yeah really good looking shot oh come on slams it oh yes well done boys teamwork I know

You’re emotional paiss such a good shot all right guys Eric here with performance golf we’re out here at the beautiful Trump Dural the blue monster here one of the more difficult courses we played here in a while obviously not out here by myself my partner bog Brian

MOG to my left we’ve got Mr Rick Smith the Hall of Famer in the middle and to the right the absolute Legends me and my golf andian Pier H flag raised green just off the green here what do you do you bump it into the bunk if you’re from

Wolver Hampton you know what that means what I’m looking to do here is I’m looking to bump it into the top of the bank the bank will kill the speed and then the ball will just hopefully trickle onto the green there we go bump it into the bunk

Could be in oh all right if you had one shot one opportunity to get rid of your slice what would you do I think you should hit an impact bag you’ll come in if you’re slicing it heel first but I want you to exaggerate toe first now toe

First into the bag give me five of those move that out way now the first one is going to be a hook but the second one will be the best Drive of hit in months we got a little nine-hole uh scramble tournament going on we’re on

The what 15th hole so this is our sixth hole of the day we got five holes down these guys three under par so far we’re two under par and remember we got a $10,000 match going on here it’s a good match as well so far I’m like this is

Close First Blood right there so far you guys are making a lot of birdies you’re playing good for guys that are teaching and talkinging on YouTube so we got a cool par three short par three I think a drivable Par Four couple holes left we’re going to try and

Have this come down in the last hole so look if we win then what we’re going to do with that $10,000 is fly one of you guys and a friend out to San Diego to have coaching with us and to play golf with us so look we really we want to

Obviously win but we really want to win cuz it really helps you guys get out to us and we can help you out as well little extra motivation are you going to spend your 10,000 I think casino bar we’re we’re all right boys let’s hit some good

Let’s do it let’s finish strong guys final four final four boys we’re on 15 the pin is sitting up on a shelf you’ve got to get it back up on the shelf or you’re going to have a long putt water all around really doesn’t come into play

But this pin is a tough one I must have I’m actually a little surprised with the level of golf that we’re playing little surprised I know we can play but we’ve made some birdies and with some great shots so yeah this is not the easiest place in the world 160 flag I reckon

We’ve got about 8 to 10 yards of play left and right because of the Shelf which is going to knock it down the left so 155 Club is a good number so yeah downwind 99 this can’t get big it’s a lovely swing PA it’s good s c a

Little more is it high enough up stay there okay see that ball might happen you see how it’s still moving hold it now yeah was that just a smooth one of those pierce it was it was a firm cut hang on all right H we’re good all

All right Eric they left the door open for us to start 15 ft right of this pin is that that’s a decent putt yeah yeah oh he’s this kind to stop right there the wind is going left to right here oh come on not too bad first cut

Maybe took that ball go to the right you ready for something special here come on ho in one here would dial us in you got to run in the lake yeah come on hole in one I’ll jump in yeah yeah go jump in I’ll jum I’ll jump in with you

Closing all it’s getting hot I will we’re all going to jump in it’s not a bad idea’s not much right now turn strike wind is keeping that from okay all right that’s been high it’s enough wind where you almost have to aim at it and draw it yeah you tried to aim away

From it you didn’t want to I was I was thinking good flag that’s probably the hardest flag on the green I get that too I’m like Mo sometimes you have to away from the P all right see if we can chip that in I actually think where we’re at

In terms of the spot it just needed to catch a piece and we would have had 15 ft yeah I I actually think though that’s not a bad spot I think it’s super think it’s pretty flat we’re going to be to give it a good lie yeah the r might not

Even be long might even be pable yeah I actually don’t hate that okay right Pier we’re on the we’re on the green on the green yeah I mean we had to do what we did and then it gave you the to do what you can do so do you know what’s

Interesting this is a a little bit of a tip for the guys back home is what’s interesting is when you play as a team partners the talk is very very positive come on it’s like come on let’s do this and you speak to yourself you speak to

Your partner different yet when we play on our own we’re a lot harsh to ourselves the self talks worse we criticize ourselves so the tip for you guys is when you’re playing on your own think that you’re in a team with yourself I talk to yourself like you’re

In a team I like that see that’s what I mean I don’t I don’t hate that spot I was actually in like 15 ft right at the pin all right we need chipping Vibes L chipped in today right now I’m due love it last time you chipped in it’s two

Minutes that I’m tell that is very chip inable I got the Highlight Reel going of all my chip yeah I like that P high oh man tricky two put here mate Yep they’re pin High they’re going to be chipping just off the green pretty easy chip first to

Go is going to be me and my golf about a 35 footer up the hill it’s not an easy putt though I actually feel like in terms of a Strokes gain thing us and them are probably pretty even here they’re putting our chip I agree I think

We’re pretty even I think the line is literally right over this what do you think it’s going to do it’s going to go a little right right to left at the start but the problem is so it’s going to go a little right at the start

But you don’t want to be hitting it up here cuz it’s going to go that way yeah we almost lost Brian in the bunker he took one step he was about to do a header bog in the bunker and he knows it going like a anything to a green first a

Pot it’s a good looking putt good yeah pretty good there good take it out yet Andy’s a good putter he’s he’s got a good read on this you know long putts you’ve got to focus you know when you’re thinking about direction or speed speed is everything if you don’t want a three pot

You focus on speed direction is second to speed anytime you’re over 30 feet so you can you tend this for me Pierce is that still that people people do that still very rhythmic stroke and look at this oh Andy holy beautiful roll almost went in good idea but I thought was thought that

Was yeah leave it in I was liking that pierce then yeah was nice good P roll out yeah nice well play go for it take it away all good thanks thank you beautiful chip seated to the par now he’s got a green light to try to make

It stand that one down Andy oh look at this chip good try good try nice me and my golf must make a hold their oneup Edge going into the driveable par for y good three good boys good good me and my golf remains one up for now one

Up one up couple to go for now this is right where we went to match to be driveable come on right we can let rip on this one so were you guys friends before you started like what’s the backstory behind me and my golf so we were Junior golfers together um 27 28

Years known each other maybe a bit more I don’t know um let me say 20 hang on 29 years 29 years ago 29 years I started Golf his golf club where he was working yeah then we um we had a lot of it was a really competitive Golf Club a lot of good

Juniors and we always knew that we wanted to coach yeah and we set up an academy together did that for six years and then kind of found out about the world of YouTube and helping even more people as opposed to one guy per hour yeah and that was just great for us we

Just loved the idea of that and we were all in and we were just like let’s do it you guys are the YouTube golf coach Pioneers yeah we made it consistent that was for sure we wanted to be consistent of Famers for sure all Famers Pioneer you

Are P Pioneer I’ve call I definitely don’t call him a Pioneer Samsung not a Pioneer so we were two under through two and we’re two under through six five we’re par par par par par we got what 16 17 uh some moves yeah we’re going to we

Are going to make a move right here okay this looks a great hole look at this one this is why they call it the blue monster when you look at the uh the overhead graphic it’s not even that this is a good one pierce this one I think

Just anything green side here is good isn’t it yeah I mean it’s what are we doing Wind wise is it down off the left it’s down off the left so I think you get that soft cut from the that bunker on the left Homer holes guys 16 drivable 178 are great hard

Holes yeah this whole n every golf ball has been great there hasn’t been one boring golf B no you’re right you’re right it’s a great back nine mhm it’s always great to see a a drivable hole at the right right time yes exactly you know when it’s it’s not necessarily on

Whole one you know it’s like no let’s do it when the all the money’s on the line something important look at fleetwood’s drive down there it was just so that was unbelievable just so many good ones though weren’t there and then and you can people sticking it 50 yards in the

Water as well it’s like playing with Brian MOG isn’t it really take the wedge out wed to do that W took it over there next you’re going to do that to he’s going to be he’s going to be phing ping I need some new me and my golf threw them in the

Water all right driveable four then here we go 2 325 there but it’s 285 to the flag just smoke it Pierce let’s get it yeah exactly come on Cut keep working keep working get in that bunker it gets a good boun this could be really good great shot bunker very bunker yeah

Nice P that’s good some advant on yeah that was good beautiful I think another foot to the right right oh baby hello hello one time so good oh it hit the pin I just right of it no that hit the I can see it I can see it it’s like that was very

Nice I hate to give you for that oh my 285 let’s go all right bog they’re making it tough let’s turn it up here dude we are going to have to earn it here we probably need Eagle here just to keep Pace look at him go

Carry oh no you cut it back into the win it just ate the ball warning track power again I said be good it went in the water you’re right though like you say you cut it into the draft Bren ball cut it back in and the picked up this so

Solid you did yeah it was a great swing I think I got to hit this harder than I think may I think you do man Andy he just hit that so nice and smooth oh boy that’s off the map bog all right Eric we got work to do is there is

There course over there Rick we got work to do it’s actually you got a lot of room to come in it’s better than it’s better than you think wow that might be the best swing I made all day and it it didn’t carry left to right yeah you know

We when we teach the common golfer that slices it they struggle all the time in Left Right winds so as teachers we take them and have them go right to left winds so that they don’t cut across it That Swing you just made what did you

Feel you’re in a hard left to right win and it was the best shot that you’ve made I know what I saw but did you feel something different in a left right win I think the the wind was an interesting one I didn’t really Factor too much of

The wind in what I just thought here cuz my ball doesn’t shape too much off the tip but 285 I’m like I don’t need to go at it I can just have I can just swing pretty easy that’s probably like a 75 80% shot for me okay so you know what’s

A good tip then I think to the guy that’s out there going I can’t play in left to right winds and I slice it too much your transition to me on that was as smooth as I’ve seen and that allowed the club to get down in front on plane

And not abruptly across like I see so many other players in fact we saw that with Eric he got a little quick spun out it really really cut so that was a great swing I think sometimes it’s what feels smooth and slow and we’ve done testing

On this that when you think you’re doing like a 70 75% when you look at the numbers often it’s the same as a like a real hard shot it’s cuz the club’s on plane right the club moves fast on plane it is great going now thank you yeah now

It’s time to time to roll that in yeah oh yeah well I mean is mine I think that we have world over there hopefully we’ll be fine we we got to get it up here now yeah holy cow I can’t believe that Andy just hit the pen from 286 what a shot

Bloody brilliant shot let’s talk about that a little bit more shall we I me yours was great and I’m like the good thing about this is what I liked about this shot it’s like you don’t have to be super precise all I’m thinking is let’s just hit it if

I’m in a green side bunker I’m really happy yeah it’s like you don’t need to be super specific no um so it’s like you can just free whe on that free wheed on that ripped it at the middle that’s like I’ve got 12T there for

Eagle okay guys I flagged it but I have warning track power so I didn’t cover Eric went right we’re in trouble they hit the pin Andy hit the pin on his t-ball so they’re tight for Eagle we we got to get this up and down yeah we have

To get this up and down and then we can maybe salvage some in the last few holes let’s stick this one close yeah let’s go huge turn in events here on 16 partner hits it in the lake and then all of a sudden Eric’s got a chance and he

Blows it up in the air and it goes in the lake now total change he’s taken equidistant he’s on the other side of the hazard no close to the hole it’s marked in red so you’re allowed to do that now tough shot coming back but better from there the rough St Augustine

Rough is like this long ball would sit straight down so they’re just doing their best to get it somewhere on the green and you know this could be a three- shot swing in the hole and would totally change the match down a little sit a little yeah good on distance I think is

That long I don’t think so I think you’re on no you should be like pin high right good shot all right B Mar let’s go we can make it got to make a putt what to do now let’s get back on the golf course this is not how you play this hole if

You guys are uh want to know how to play six man I really thought yours was like so tight gosh I’ve never been so let down on a golf shot in my whole life I was like I did it I absolutely flagged ited I thought just short and

Bounce up went in the water really all right so T was all the way down there and it’s pitched it’s finished here but it’s pitched here it’s hit the flag hit the flag and gone there I can’t believe it didn’t go in to be honest but that’s like that’s a

Pretty decent shot Andre I was trying for my first hole in one wow wouldn’t count a paffle what a shot all right bog this is what dreams are made of make something happen here you got a serious uh I like where we’re at momentum sh most people wouldn’t like

It but I like it cuz it’s an opportunity for great performance golf they got their backs against the wall they hit a great shot just to get it here and actually it’s a puck for par but that was an incredible shot just to even come close to hitting the Green

From where they hit their shot after being in the hazard stay up oh that’s that hole God that was the dreams are made up love it two p boys and we’ll go to the next give you one of those yeah well played yeah really good C we needed it we need what a

Par that that’s as good as it gets folks right there what a recovery up and down from there the odds on that were absolutely impossible how random is golf how random is it like unbelievable you just you just never know what’s unbelievable man I went from thinking

I’m going to have a oh my God ching bar crazy great shot dude I mean with two holes to go that was such a must make chip to have any chance this is for Eagle now a little easy jump I said to I said to you it was slow definitely just IGN

That and I think they Andy for really his own ego all right you deserve to not that in anyway not me how much did it break it I mean I mean it was slow pace but didn’t break much yeah it was it was really

Slow I think I think you can still go on that same line if you’re going to go 18 Ines past yes sir well either way we got a high good yeah at least we got one good video for Instagram let’s go dude hell of a hole Great Eagle come come on come

On we’re struggling out here okay I don’t know if we quite one of those days where like you’re not hitting it that good and you’re a little bit off and this course makes you look goofy so bog and I make par their chips in they make

Eagle we’re three down I think we have two holes to go so leave a comment down below we need a miracle guys I me an absolute Miracle on this last hole or two we are all right three so we’ve gone five so we five under we got to left

Five under versus two under over so what do we got three shots to make up now we got three to make up we got two hes we got to go birdie bird I think it’s the two hardest holes out here let’s go I’d rather have that that’s that’s exactly

What we need even if you hit yours where there is I think we could stand on that t and I could hit thousand balls and I don’t hit it that far right again that was a one in a th swing but it was the

One we hit so it is what it is we’re going to title our video andf with two to go you got to win and we’re losing so you got to try to get in their heads got to do what you got to do as you can see driveable hole right risk

Reward risk reward and and you guys I I was shocked your ball was in the water I mean yeah that’s a bad that the only bad swing really with a t-shot yeah you were trying to cut it I was trying do too much I was worried that you were trying

To cut it too much should just stood there like he said just hit it and if it goes in the bunker well you know what we need a birdie bogey we need a two shot swing I tell you what anything about a good twoot yeah that’s yeah a good te it’s

Called stay in the moment 29 287 to carry the bunker so with this wind it’s possible F this heat as well and the adrenaline pumping through your veins after watching that eagle display the greens are so pure though like what I love about like I generally put well and

If I got Pure greens like this it’s you just once you see the line and you tuned into the pace yeah yeah this are so good to put on that’ll do you yeah Beauty very nice great sh a perfect t- shot hard cut off the left bunker right like you guys

Get better the more holes that we play guys are turning it up a little it takes about takes about 50 minutes to warm it up good shot there man that was good oh yeah very nice nice this is just out here no curve right now good ball

Oh B left is it but it’s all good yeah I think we should have two still left it’s the same s in the last hole Yeah oh it’s got camera guy take Kevin out be another good clip too AOW get him in the lens is that

Bun right though good hit him good shot is that bunker spot okay P carried it yeah carried yeah it’s carried over carried it and forward we might have a shot yeah we’ll have something on one of those balls we’re about to have something going these last two holes so Eric what

Do you uh what would you tell your players yeah who are in the middle of a tournament the swing’s not feeling good but they got to get it into the house so I think ideally like a lot of the times I’ll work with my my guys on having

Go-to shots yeah so like now after these last couple of holes where I’m going both way both way I would try and maybe go into like a go-to cut shot a te te a little bit lower yeah swing a little more down and left and like open it up

Yeah um so so ideally you have got a go-to shot yeah ideally you’ve got like a go-to 3/4 iron shot you can kind of eliminate one side of the course and like okay one curve going in yeah exactly yeah and then I can only miss on

One side and uh so that that that that would be the idea that I would look at I mean hopefully you and I think you get certain days like I kind of feel like today where I just Club feels weird in my hands not good new environment where

You’re just kind of swinging it open yeah you know what do you think about that um Sean you like that from there I like birdie from here yeah we need it I don’t care what’s happening but we’re making birdie they’re going with Brian’s t- shot and it’s really not a bad spot

It’s 130 yards straight up the green here and this green is long and skinny me and my Go’s driven it perfect with Pierce right down the left Center and uh Andy had a perfect drive we thought it kicked badly in the bunker so they’re going with uh with Pierce and he’s

Looking at like 100 yard shot Max try and like cut a pitching W how do that sound like that if anything were do I mean what would be crazy here is if we hit one maybe ho one out get a kind of vehle going shake them

Up a little bit all right shots in this in the next hole so let’s try and hit a good one here get up there get up there chunk to the hair get up there all right you got a putt not bad all right e see we’ll make it make a

Pot it’ss a little short it’s in the front bunker they’re going to go with Brian’s putt now their backs against the wall I’ll tell you right now me and my golf they can put this nail in the coffin by making bird here winds helping a little off the left P 14 playing

13 okay down little clean on the that side didn’t think it could go that far but it obviously can that must be called adrenaline sit sit okay we got a chance here’s an interesting one for you so this is um so the best players in this situation here

This is where this grid is really good showing the green map but if you’ve got a slope back to front like this so from back to front so my put’s going to be tricky because it’s fast but if you’re pin High you’ve actually less likely to make putts so in this situation here

When you’ve got a back to front you’re actually better off being a little bit short so if you’ve got a put imagine this if I’m putting from me to you away and there’s that much break percentage wise there’s a lot less chance of it going in so the straighter you are the

More uphill you’re going the flatter the putt the more chance you got to holding it so it’s almost better off having a 20ft straight putt as opposed to a 12 foot big right to left just don’t thin it straight through the back of green like I did 15ot

Straight up do you know what was really interesting what you said about pin high percentage wise if you’re coming in with with more break than that it’s it’s a lot harder to do it break right look at this oh hello great pass that’s awesome brilliant very good I think that Line’s

Pretty good on there Brian yeah oh look at this part going brick that’s a go break go and break in exactly the same place idal try wow thought I was going to make that I really did I thought I was going to make it just push pushed it a bit Yeah pushed

It a bit push it a little take it easy Andy into the breeze there a little bit take it very easy here big boy say hi stay high stay high that’s good boys good little push sorry p no matter what all those YouTube comments say you guys are gentlemen appreciate the gesture there

Crush if I going to crush you crush you don’t worry about that oh man okay all right boys we got the Save The Best For Last yeah what a fin beauti what a hole huh what a hole all right Dodge a good bullet now three shots

As one hole the hardest hole it’s the hardest hole in the world and I want you to feel a little bit of what they feel so we’re going to make sure we’re on that we’re on this back of this tea you guys have played great you’re five under

Par going into this last hole and I will tell you this is what I said on the first tea this is maybe one of the hardest holes in the world so this is famous I mean a lot of things have happened over the last 50 years in this

Tournament this started off as a dural tournament that then went to the world you know Championship stuff so what do you do you got a three shot you don’t think we don’t anything famous on this hole today very boring very dull iron seven iron seven iron seven

Iron okay one thing for sure this is prevailing wind so it’s back in into the breeze here a little left to right in the Fairway as you can see is not extremely wide planted more trees to the right the carry over is like 310 on the left

So this hole’s just mean and nasty mean and nasty mean and nasty guys what do you do well we’re three down we got the last hole and if we don’t make a major comeback someone there’s $10,000 in the line somebody’s winning a beautiful yeah golf school trip so we’re going to I

Think we’re going to hit I really wanted to go to the casino like I like you guys somebody else yeah exactly something good we got here we go all right you’re going to feel what great players felt what is your swing thought with all that water up the left hit it really

Hard all right enjoy guys I’m looking forward to this yeah let’s do it yeah good shot and that would be the normal play here it’s going right it’s stay there right rough yeah I don’t mind that there a really tough marker isn’t it that yeah a nice marker it’s not wet

It’s not bad there it’s not wor right and the thing is the thing is go it’s a second shot that hard with going no way I was going right left there there’s not a chance I was even flirting with no no hey and that’s that’s a normal t-shot you know yeah how

Many balls go over there 50 yards right and I’m pretty happy I’m all right Brian all right you see I’m looking 380 I want the pressure oh oh that’s yeah come on wind hit it wind hold it hold it hold it hit it wind hit it wind

That’s all right I think that’s that’s a great t- shot good all right guys here we go leave you on an island dude good shot I was like I have to hit the Fairway you have to make birdie you’ve got no choice have you you got no option

Hit the 10 yard Fair way to be isn’t it good shot that’s clutch that might be the hardest t ball with that wi played holy cow oh no the lead with a a one stroke lead and you need car no CH everything in you says I’m just going to blow it

Over there and hope you just you just call go left no I mean look how tight it is actually the area that you’re hitting to it’s not like it’s wide there you got zero area 20 yards 20 yard Airway so Brian’s it one good there look he’s just

In the he’s actually got a nice angle into the flag from there that’s called uh you have to hit the Fairway you can’t bail out right cuz par is not going to do anything for us we have to make birdie here that’s a good line for the

Now we got to stuff a three iron from 230 and we hope for the best that they’re staming okay Brian’s in a good spot there I mean he needs to he needs to make birdie we’ve got a decision to make though CU it doesn’t really look

Like we’ve got an option to lay up we could just chip it out but it feels a bit negative depends on the yardage we’re going to have so I look we’ve got a gap over the trees probably close to 180 so let’s see team performance golf 220 yards into the wind it’s left

To right you can see that with the the American flag over there me and and my golf they got a good break they’re on the cart path they have 200 yards and they’re going to get a drop and it really depends I have a feeling one of them one of them’s going

To lay up and the other’s going to go here this is a must must birdie I mean they got to hit a shot shot of their life really go I think he struck It Go Go Hard that’s okay it’s okay I hit that really well so a good swing all up 230 be

Good sit sit thought it was going to cut a little bit more but it’s like 20 ft we got a chance so it must be good we got a chance we got the gallery is clapping and he’s got he just hit a great shot and now they’re going to lay up the

Other team or go let’s go find out good shot dude got a chance come that’s all we want we want a chance this is interesting it’s one of those shots where he could play out here but it kind of looks just as hard whereas this one get it enough Club

Get it above these trees little cuty anything short right rip it and get it perfect it could make the green go that’s good good yeah nice Pier that’s good nice okay I’m thinking Pierce where yours is I’m just thinking now I’m trying to drive a low one straight through what was they doing

Then I was like going and we got to be really safe here it’s a YouTube match come on go for the flag let’s go it’s not we’re playing for money or yeah oh oh boyy all right give it a go give a go try got Andy to I was thinking of T

Hatton there just going for the the hero shot what a hle that is what a freaking you’re with today’s win the hardest hole in the world oh yeah imagine you’re winning the tournament this is your last close out jeez a three stroke lead where you hitting the T ball yeah right of our

T- shots hey that was a hell of a shot that was beautiful that was yeah really good Brian what did you hit like two iron three iron nice we had like 215 into the wind beautiful shop yeah that was great been high unbelievable shop by

Brian to hit it 15 ft you would think that was Tiger Woods or Jack Nicholas trying to hit it in here I mean that was amazing we know that me and my golf one ball’s in the water and they’re also chipping so this shot they’re pretty

Much they’re going to chip it if they make five and they make three boy that three shot swing is so key coming into this hole okay come on then baby come on be good slow just slow yeah good shot very nice really really good very nice they virtually can twoot from there

But I know performance golf’s going to finish with a flurry and trying to make three on the hardest hole in the world which I think they can all agree to man it’s hard to get that putt high enough you can cut it to one it’s hot

Isn’t it yeah oh my gosh I mean you almost got to like skirt the ass maybe even the higher you hit it theot the more it goes anywhere I think we have to go so high on this Brian hit one of the best shots I’ve seen in a lot of years

Coming into this last hle with the way that wind has played I mean this hole is into you have ask him he hit one of the best shots he’s ever hit in his life right there P down to him now down to him he’s such an idiot come on then guys birdie to

Finish that oh right right so that rolled just left of it yeah I actually went got to go right pretty good you guys good with that yeah yeah yeah yeah very good good four guys thanks I think right that Mark is rolling right over it

Yep I think so too that was a little left of it come on be come on be turn turn turn I rolled it right over the mark that was good line dude good hole good good fo boys well done that was a nice easy solo par all right boys finish

It off maybe one of your best second shots of your life under the circum that go in the memory bank yeah those are the ones you want to remember that’ll go in the memory bank there four guys good what great us well that was really good

Really good guy that was great that was awesome that was great good playing man you guys so good thank you guys for watching as well the hard would you agree with it it really was very difficult clo awesome cloth you did good thank you okay that week did win the $10,000 which

Means we are going to bring one of you and a friend over to San Diego for some coaching and some golf with us so remember all you need to do is subscribe to both channels comment and like on both channels as well and we will choose

A lucky winner and the winner is Rick Smith all right the winner is all we got to do is go play that hole every if you played that 18 times you’d never probably play again would you that was Che Beau course beautiful yeah appreciate you guys thank you thanks for

Watching guys we’ll see you Soon


  1. I'm new to the channel however i am already very impressed with the content and look forward to putting the tips into practice.

  2. Great video guys! Keep up the great work – Andy’s swing is so crisp man thing of beauty!

  3. Played the blue monster last year (not from the back tees…). What a nice second shot on 18th!

  4. I think the golf channel has found their new broadcaster if they listen to Rick Smith!
    If he gets that gig, maybe I could get a lesson??
    Very entertaining stuff guys
    Thank you

  5. Nice match guys! I was wondering if over the pond (I know there is a lot of walking the courses), do they drive with the steering wheel on the left side or right side of the carts? Rick, loved your commentary & analysis of the match. I learned that even (I have watched all of these guys give lessons on YouTube), golf still never goes your way all the time and you have to adapt. This is such a great and challenging game. The best advise I got out of it was to talk positive to yourself like you were your own partner. Being a fairly new golfer of 2 years and a senior, I am addicted to this game and never saw myself ever wanting to play. One day maybe I can get to 90. Great stuff!

  6. Definitely want to see more matches!! Thanks for the awesome content and hopeful I see you or the me and my golf crew in San Diego

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