R3, HOLE 7: J.R. Smith & Stephen Malbon on Big Pants Energy & Jason Day Joins Malbon Golf, Tiger …

Welcome to the R3, HOLE 7 of Par 3 Podcast! Your hosts J.R. Smith & Stephen Malbon are here with our longest episode ever & they’re discussing: Playing together at The Grove, Tiger leaving Nike Golf & coaching his son, pro golfers switching kits, Jason Day not being recognized warming up at Sentry & The buzz of joining Team Malbon Golf, Luke stories, Big Pants Energy, what pros wear to practice, performance clothing, what’s in Jason Day’s bag?, Golfing in Loose clothing vs Tight Clothing, JR’s upcoming college schedule, staying sober on the course, planning ahead in Quarters, Rory on LIV Golf & so much more. This episode is not to be missed!

Ⓒ Golf & Adulting LLC c/o Par 3 Podcast – J.R. Smith, Stephen Malbon, DBPodcasts

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Part podast [ __ ] even oh my goodness let’s get right into put it down for the birdie dog just outside back together somebody give me your [ __ ] putter pour the put in I had to make it I got no [ __ ] club welcome back to another episode of part three podcast I

Am one of your host JR Smith this is my co-host Steve Marvin welcome back H let’s go what’s good Steve yeah what’s going on golf world is on fire right now I feel like it’s been months since we were in uh we were in Florida right man

Right it feels like forever dog feels like forever we played The Grove though we was in Florida playing The Grove we came down uh me you Sheffield my boy A-Rod we had a good match some good times good vibes good match he put me with A-Rod I get put with

[ __ ] good match so on my side Jr side of the story it was a good match with a big ass smile he’s got right now right good match so I’ll give you a little backup of how we got to this good match so I’m [ __ ] it’s the wind was blowing

40 m per hour sideways it was raining freezing cold I fly out to Florida thinking it’s going to be humid hot I’m out there in like the craziest outfit little short ass shorts freezing winds blowing rain I’m at the Grove this sh already in intimidating

Just being there at the Grove no time to warm up hit five balls in the wind my hat’s blowing off and [ __ ] I had to end up I had to go oh when you left I [ __ ] went got a beanie it was so called so I went the next round beanie

So there you know we throw te’s or something I end up with this dude A-Rod who’s great guy friend of swishes and everybody and then Gary is a monster especially at the Grove so we start the match up different and then Chef he just starts getting first of all I almost got

Up and down on the first hle I hit like a seven iron or something [ __ ] blew mad hard left and then I hit a nice flop shot up there over some [ __ ] I had like a 4 foot little slider left it on the high side missed that lost the first

Hole here we go this guy’s out of it and then I played like [ __ ] switches on the phone every other whole you know occupied not even paying attention scraping little pars together little Bogies nothing electrifying [ __ ] Gary is knocking in 10 15 putts in the Wind from everywhere

And just laughing talking [ __ ] and laughing the entire time pounding us smoking a good old cigar cigars firing I’m [ __ ] freezing the golf carts go so fast and it was raining so hard I couldn’t see out of the front window so I kept thinking I was going to wreck the

Golf cart going 40 over those roll ra CU all the rain then we fast forward it’s like [ __ ] 15 or something Gary knocks in another putt now we’re down even more and then a-rod’s like come on just you know let’s fight back we’re going to take we’re going to play again

We’re going 36 so we we’re good we’re we’re getting it back we’re getting it back and then he Swit hangs the phone up and goes little par birdie par the last three holes no big deal and then they say they they’re talking a-rod’s talking

About a d he just woke up he just woke up but Swiss is back birdie par birdie the last three coming in popped us for 300 we’re talking where we we go up to the clubhouse all right let’s let’s run it back let’s run it back Swiss n I’mma

Need my 300 I gotta go what you gotta go how you going to leave oh we have big hopes and aspirations to try to to get it back but it didn’t it didn’t work so well and we uh man we took the lady calls you got to go man the lady calls

You got to go man I got the dogs I got so much going on I a think we I didn’t even think we’re gonna play 36 until ack kept saying I’m like okay but again the Grove is a 36 court right if it was if he wasn’t down he a man don’t worry

About it see y’all in Miami see y’all in Miami right but that was a great day though man the weather was [ __ ] though it was raining again 40 mph just tough conditions I mean the Grove isn’t the easiest course already greens are flying all the time um really really narrow for

Long hitters so but it was a good day I mean I can’t I honestly can’t complain what do you think like because obviously I think other than Malto I think this is the first time we played like somebody we had on and you know when you hear people’s

Game and you hear them talk about their game you don’t really like you like okay like okay he’s he solid or he has good days he has bad days you know but when I seen Chef out there in 40 m hour wins playing like that I was just like he

That’s the best I’ve seen him play I played with him a couple times in Mexico um but you know he’s a athlete he’s he’s into the the limelights on and all that so you know we did a thing in Mexico where we had like uh Chris Spencer was

Doing comedy and roasting people in the par three in in in uh TPC disante Bay and everybody hit one by one so Chris would [ __ ] throw jokes and [ __ ] then you got to step up and hit and Gary out of like 50 golfers he got closest to the

Pen he went up and do his little fake bat routine and all this [ __ ] you know he’s a showman and then he [ __ ] hit his little low draw he doesn’t look like he’s good but somehow that [ __ ] keeps hitting it right where you’re supposed to and then he was putting yeah

He was said he he kept telling us this is the best I ever played it’s like how many times you said that he go he’s like he’s like a hurt look like like a [ __ ] like a like a damn animal faking hurt until you get near him and then the

[ __ ] bite you you know it’s like I can’t play this I’ve been playing horrible I’ve been playing horrible [ __ ] par par par par par like whoa out the gates getting pops he’s paring out he I mean fortunately he he picked the team so I was I was happy about that

He kind of threw the team my way so work out he got hand coordination that wasn’t an accident so let me ask you this man cuz you obviously in in the uh golf apparel business and just golf business in itself like obviously the world’s been going crazy with this tiger Nike

Situation what what’s your thoughts I mean I think it’s like Federal like uh I I think basically what happened with Nike is is at some point you know I was looking at something the other day and they they paid him like you know 300 million for a 5year contract contract

Then they hit him with another 200 million then they hit him with a 100 million and they keep giving him chunks of hundreds of millions of dollars he has a long career um some stages was with more money than others but at some point it’s like I’m sure they offered

Him like you know 100 Mil or something and just said like this is your last check like we love you your legacy you have a building built after you in Portland OR in in in Beaverton and you know here’s 100 Mil and and just go out you know respectfully is together

And I think he probably is just such a um he’s such a competitor and like you know thinks puts himself on such a high um a high uh thoughts of like what he can still do what whether it’s like I’m still going to win tournaments or like I

Could still more sell more polos than anyone in the world like he doesn’t he he believes that you know so I think it was probably something there and he passed on that and he’s brewing something else up you know there’s companies that have really really big distribution so I think that his legacy

You got him and Charlie you know Footwear apparel you put those two together and you put a build an infrastructure around him and using Charlie for like the youth and you know the tiger for the Legacy in the in the in the Hall of Fame and all that

And you put those two together with a company that has you know massive massive distribution like a tidalist or Callaway or Taylor Made is very hard for me to think that he wouldn’t be able to make more than 100 Mil as a partner with massive distribution infrastructure and

All that stuff so it’s it’s excited obviously he left I I I think he probably has a a bond and a relationship with Phil Knight and like you know he’s been there since he was like a kid and what they did together I was just seeing

Where people would post like all of the the commercials he did for years you know and just us like watching that growing up and like as long as I can remember Nike’s been I mean I kind of remember little photos of him with like a tidalist [ __ ] straw hat on or some

Weird [ __ ] when he was in like the US amateur but like quickly after that it was stford yeah and he never looked back that’s kind of how I am I mean well I’m kind of Tor I mean it’s it I hate to see tiger leag because obviously I like when

You think of golf and you think of Nike you think of tiger to me if anything I think it hurts Nike way more than it does him because it obviously gives him way more leeway to create his own brand and Legacy and especially with Charlie and like the thing that they have going

On that connection almost like superum dude like you get to see one of the greatest athletes in the world be a dad and then get to share something like this and with his with his son I don’t think we really get an opportunity to see that you know our superheroes with

Their kids and actually being able to whether play with them coach them and like give them that knowledge I mean we see Braun doing it with Sierra Canyon see Melo now with cayenne see different um I know David West coaches his son’s Au teams and stuff like that and it’s

Like to see somebody at that high that height of a level of I mean just start them uh I mean I don’t think there’s a continent on this planet that Tiger Woods can go people’s not going to be like oh that’s tiger you know and it’s not even about just golf

It’s just how iconic he is and I feel like that’s like a loss for Nike to an extent like again he does have his own building um I mean there’s other play other players and other sports who have lifetime deals so I would I’m just kind

Of un kind of weary of like is it bad blood or is it just like you know it’s ran its course I think it’s like we did all we could do like the ten star Federal right he basically did was in the same boat where it was like hey um

You know you’re going to get another 100 Mil we love you and that’s it and then he he declined that and he went and did a deal with like you know I forget who Alo or Unico or something where like they still have a lot of power and like

Tanik he might not be what’s going to move the needle anymore but like that [ __ ] can sell a lot of red polos in the next in 10 years you know what I mean like just Dr red polos they [ __ ] sell some polos yeah all day that Sunday red is like hard to

Imagine that you can’t capitalize on that and so he’s just like bro I’m not taking a 100 million in bail and and and no one talks about me anymore watch this cuz he said in there there’s a new chapter and you know he’s from California so like all those big golf

Companies are not all but everyone but ping I think manufacturer wise are all in Carl’s bad so it’s like that’s Southern California is not far you know to be able to do it yeah but it’s it’s exciting but it’s also like you know obviously if you’re a Nike golf fan it’s

It’s weird I mean you know all the rumors of him leaving and then like when we signed Jason it was the first um Nike athlete who played at the century not wearing Nike so Sheffer was still wearing it you know I don’t know who else they had in there but I

Know Scotty Sheffer was wearing Nike still but then when they saw Jason Day come out then the whole world was like holy [ __ ] what’s going to happen like is everyone coming out with different stuff so it I think it was good timing obviously on our end because like people

Were obviously talking about Jason and assigning him and things like that but they were also talking a lot about like Tiger’s leaving too what the hell’s going to happen who’s next what’s Rory doing what’s this one doing and it just has people to start you know spinning in

Their brain and creating a a chaos if you will of just like they don’t know what’s going to happen like no one knows what’s going on with Nike and you know I’ve obviously been working with Nike for years it’s very strange to me that they like Miss the like covid boom right

Nike like how’s nikee missed the the the additional x amount of millions of golfers who started playing golf the last four or five years ago it’s like they just had their you know blinders up to that they were focused on other things like you know Travis Scott or

Whatever is their energy it they didn’t see it being Golf and I think that that’s kind of if they had seen that potentially you wouldn’t see what’s happening right now if they had capitalized on on that situation I know we just uh tapped in on a little bit but like who do you

Think is like the next guy from here anyway because obviously got Rory he’s probably one of the highest the highest golfer P now with Nike but he’s he’s he’s not from the US so what as far as like Tiger’s stance goes and who’s going to lead that new wave of young trendy

Cool I want to play like him I want to be like him like as far as a naked guy I mean I think that like when tiger did it obviously tiger was like he was like from a different planet if you will when he came on he had a chip on his shoulder

He didn’t like how people looked at his mom his dad they were looking at him like yo do you work here like what are you doing here it’s like I’ll show you what the [ __ ] we’re doing here I’mma beat all you [ __ ] cornballs everybody yeah the intensity

Of like being up like winning by like being like 10 ahead on Saturday and going to the range for 2 three hours and then the next day like I can [ __ ] lap these [ __ ] like I’m going to beat them as bad as I can possibly beat

Them so in that sense I don’t think there’s been anyone that was as dominant obviously and then the fact that he you know didn’t look like everybody at a country club looked like so I think in order for that all to happen again you would have to have a [ __ ]

Somebody from Jupiter arve you know not Florida I’m talking about outer space alien [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there’s aliens and one of them’s really good at golf and then like that will work but I can’t imagine a player filling those shoes you know what I mean no it’s like Michel

Jordan it’s like right Kobe I don’t expect your shoes to be filled I’m just saying like as far as like obvious we have a Tony fena we got Brooks who’s coming out with his own shoe with Nike um sheer got uh what’s the other guy well fleetwood’s

Overseas too um but you got you have guys and you they have the if anything they got they definitely have the reach um as far as Nike um but again I think a lot goes to what you said finding that person who’s from outer space and trying

To make it like and I don’t even think that Nike can make them cool I think they have to be able to sell themselves enough to where Nike or not even Nike just the younger generation is following I mean obviously like men Woo is sick men

Woo Lee is sick he’s a homie and he he’s super fun and exciting and what he’s doing for golf is is really really good as like an Australian Korean dude but like he signed last week or or this week um with with Lulu Lon you know so like

Men wo had a chance to um to be something like very special when it comes to like fashion and and how he’s dressing and you know he’s rocking off white and he’s wearing this he’s wearing the you know when I met him in um at the

Masters at the W event him and his wife him and his girlfriend were wearing matching Valentine’s Day dunks you know and I was just thinking like just some little [ __ ] like that’s really cool because like right damn they both got the rare Nikes and they’re wearing a

Matching at a WME party at the Masters in austa it’s like coffers don’t do that no and so they come through with the wing tips and yeah even at the party yeah they’re wearing like loafers like at the at the little house party he’s in like a t-shirt and dunks and sweatpants

Like [ __ ] it I’m in woo I’m at the Master’s event you know like he’s not wearing a blue coat and khakis just cuz that’s what the golf industry wears but men wo is gone I saw uh Xander um he yeah he left Adidas and went to desant old ski

Brand um I love desant and um the desant Japan is like insanely good uh uh products and and their whole brand and Retail experience Etc I think it’s owned by emmer sports that’s like a part of Anta you know an that Chinese brand yeah so I think you know desant doing that’s

A pretty big deal you know I think that first week or two into the season those are the main three people who switched kits you got Jason went to mvin men wo went to Lululemon which Lululemon that’s that’s an interesting play for him you know obviously they got

Plenty of money he’s probably the only one that they’re going to you know Storyteller around talk about and he probably a very financially um enticing deal that he got with Lulu and then Xander going to desant is kind of random I saw him with like the Des s Polo and

That that hat everyone was wearing Hawaii that Callaway hat sh looked like Waffle House or something you saw that it’s just like a red yeah I didn’t know what it was but it’s definitely interesting and Jason was funny he said that he said he hit me after the first

Day and he said he went on the driving range at the Sentry and so it’s only like whoever’s there won last year right so you already know everyone who’s there if you if you’re a golfer or a caddy and uh he say he pulled up and went all

The way left on the Range the the LA most furthest left spot on the Range and he said he was [ __ ] just started hitting balls like per but since he wasn’t in Nike had to tell no one knew who he was and so he said they were side

Eyeing them the whole time the caddies and the players are like who the [ __ ] is that and he shaved his beard right so he had like he went from a bearded Nike guy to no shaved and wearing like whatever we had him in and he said that no one knew who the

[ __ ] he was and they were all staring at him making it very obvious and he said he loved it he was just like going with it like he wasn’t saying like hey dude it’s me Jason you know it’s me mate like he wasn’t going there he was just [ __ ] hitting balls like grinding

Hitting balls he said after like you know 30 45 minutes they figured out it was him and then they all started [ __ ] with him you know and they were like dude we thought you [ __ ] snuck in we thought you’re like some young [ __ ] teenager like you’re a teenager that snuck on the

Range and was just out here hitting balls with us cuz like he switched his bag from netjets to desant I mean to DeWalt [ __ ] Drill company or something the tool thing and then he’s wearing our [ __ ] the Silhouettes different the materials are different they were like that’s a [ __ ]

Trespasser like they were on them they all the caddies were all talking who the [ __ ] is that down there that a Monday qualifier guy yeah they thought it was like a wild fan that just snuck on and he said he was just going with it like

He knew that was all happening but he would just keep his head down and keep hitting [ __ ] seven irons that’s dope that’s dope so congrats on uh on signing uh Jason I he’s a long time friend of mine he a great dude um him and his wife

Are amazing kids are are beautiful um how did that like strike like like what was your process in and picking you know Jason or any professional golfer and like getting somebody in on a PGA cuz you got a bunch of lpj girls I believe right yeah we’ve done more there for

Sure but that came from like Tony and Cameron Champ’s manager and speaking with about Tony and Cameron who I’ve been friends with for a long time the both of those two people and checking the temperature on like what’s going on with Nike what’s up with Tony what’s up with Cameron you know and

They’re like yo we’re we’re we’re locked in but like you should talk to you should talk to Jason and I’m like Jason day damn really I don’t know I don’t know if he’s [ __ ] us because this [ __ ] dresses Fitness you know like he dresses like Nike dry fit like

Performance guy and like I can’t imagine going from that look to like letting you know Luke on my team dress him right like I I don’t know if it’s going to I don’t know Luke is the dude by the way yeah ex whoever if y’all getting

Packages and Y it from Marne Luke is sending them out so y’all better thank Luke man exactly Luke Gardner um tell you a quick Luke story last so so so we’re we’re at out of the PGA um in Palm Springs for the AMX and we finally get our first PGA

Tour passes you know it’s like a season long pass we can go to the clubhouse the locker room the practice area and the media so we had to send in a photo we get our little joints everybody’s excited today you know after this I’m going to go over

To the to walk walk the fairways with Jason and and get out there on the dri range and all that [ __ ] and uh well [ __ ] Luke supposed to pick me up at 1:00 in LA to drive out here yesterday so I’m at the office I’m waiting on Luke

He hits me yo I’m running behind I’ll be about an hour late I said that’s all good you let me know I walk out my boy got [ __ ] Easter egg pink hair he’s late cuz he is d in his hair pink I’m like look we’re going to lose the pass bro they’re

Already on us they’re already looking at us crazy as [ __ ] when I’m walking on the driving range at the tour and now you go [ __ ] [ __ ] high school yeah the GRE fucking’s punk rocker yeah punk rock pink hair he got tattoos and [ __ ] and here we go we another great Luke story

We we uh we did a tournament out montog out in in the Hamptons and we had like you know I don’t know 100 people 50 people did did a tournament and I invited a couple of my boys this guy John and them that that are members of

Sabic right so this is Midsummer New York and uh we’re doing like a a Saturday at at the uh MOG golf course it’s public you can wear whatever and then the next day we’re playing sabic so he hits me it’s like me and Luke we

Going to meet him and you know his dad whoever the [ __ ] at the uh at the sabic and so he hits me up that night after he had met Luke he said I I I it’s kind of awkward but I got to ask you a favor I

Said what’s up he said you think you could have Luke take that black finger nail polish off before he comes to sabic on Sunday morning and then so I said yeah that’s the problem so I called Luke I go dude you got to [ __ ] go get some fingernail polish remover and get that

[ __ ] off your nails bro you look [ __ ] two 9in Nails on them out there to emo you going to freak them out at [ __ ] on a Sunday and then and I said and also could you wear a long sleeve shirt so he only had a cashmere long sleeve sweater in the middle of

Summer my boy in the Hampton he played golf 18 Halls just [ __ ] sweating pouring S Walk y had to walk right walking with the caddy yeah he was dying oh I feel bad for my man look they told him change his nail polish [ __ ] black nails were too too

[ __ ] emo he could he could they could they were like he didn’t want to ask the question either but it’s funny how the golf world is and something like you know a dude having [ __ ] painted fingernails that a golf course could like ruffle everything up it could [ __ ]

Everything up just something so simple on a Sunday morning you know like the the day Jason had teed off at the at the sentury they said wow there’s Jason day and his pants because he’s wearing like baggier pants they’re not even nuts they’re not even like you know raver

[ __ ] pants like there’s there’s if you see the new fear of God collection and all that [ __ ] like Jerry went [ __ ] crazy baggy with with what they’re making and that’s the whole like you know business of fashion magazine the other day wrote an article all about

Bpe you know big pant energy and like how young people want to wear big baggy ass pants that’s boys and girls right it’s not about my daughter’s wearing baggy pants like [ __ ] they wearing my old pants seem like basically right so that’s that’s just the movement right

Now with what’s happening but we didn’t even put them we put him in some like you know straight leg chinos chinos so the guy says there’s Jason day and for the rest of the round we will label him Jason day and his pants and then the other host goes man

That’s a lot of fabric cuz he didn’t know what to say he didn’t know what to say you know so it’s like wow that’s a lot of fabric and then you know right after the round Jason’s texting me uh memes of him with like Raver pants on

And you know this whole uh more fabric movement that’s happening but you know when the entire like golf Twitter and [ __ ] golf world and every blog and every podcast and golf are all like talking about a a 36 year old man’s [ __ ] pants it really makes you wonder what the [ __ ] is going

On you know and then I’m questioning like okay obviously with what we’ve been doing and you know me [ __ ] with you and and Q and all different stuff that like we’ve been doing and collaborations and being very aggressive at what we’re doing and not aggressive in a negative

Way just aggressively being who we are and loving our friends and pres presenting something that looks different in golf you know it’s like if those pants that Jason was wearing if that was Vineyard Vines Jim n’s [ __ ] company no one would have said a word they wanted have dissed it they wanted

To dissed the announcers dissed it they wanted it wanted have done that so like any press is good press type of [ __ ] but it does make me question a little bit of like what do you guys really want right you want young people you want diversity

You want this you want women to play you want you want all this [ __ ] but like do you really it sounds you it’s it’s like sound bit so they can then be like ah [ __ ] that let’s go play with our homies like we don’t really want that [ __ ] you

Know let’s just we just had to say we wanted it you know live like kind of started or something because they were bummed out on the way they get treated with the with the content you know I think there was something in there that’s like you know it’s like it’s like the

PGA Tour like I can’t post on Mob and golf Jason’s promo clip of him playing in the American Express this weekend so he’s wearing our gear he’s promoting the tournament you can only watch the tournament on ESPN or NBC or some [ __ ] but I’m not allowed to put it on our

Instagram because I’m not allowed to it’s like well wouldn’t you think the more people who shared that content would drive more people to watch it so like Jason can post it and he got a half a million but like if we posted and you posted and you posted and you posted but

It’s likew no you I can post it on my personal Instagram but I can’t post it on my ma and golf Instagram like but there’s more followers on that one and at the end of the day you should want everybody in their mother to post that [ __ ] because there’s only one

Place to watch it so there’s no way posting content of a PGA player is going to take eyeballs away from watching it on TV it could only drive people to watch it on TV a little snippet here and there ain’t going to fulfill what you’re looking for you want

To watch people down and and coming in on Sunday trying to win the tournament or whatever but I think it’s cool I think this podcast is cool what we’ve been doing and just questioning some of the stuff what’s going on like it’s just it’s like lame this [ __ ] gets tiring

Sometimes when like people say they want one thing and do they really you know it’s like you’re just [ __ ] saying that [ __ ] right that’s that’s my only thing don’t just don’t just don’t out here saying it to be saying it cuz like I I’ve had conversations with dudes on a

Course and you know especially like men only courses and stuff like that and because I got four I got four girls and a lot of their conversations is like oh no we you know we want women to play we want the we want the kids we want the

Like okay but you’re a member but at an all man’s course so do you really want that or like do you oh no this is just my safe hav and this is how I get away and just like okay but it’s not weird to you bro like I don’t know like for me

It’s is very this golf space is a very old old old white space that don’t want to change and when you see a guy like even Jason day who’s walking in with just a whole new kit and they just they don’t even want to accept it they don’t

Even want to see it they don’t want to accept it they they want to make fun of it they want to tarnish it and break it down but I guarantee if it was foot Joy they wouldn’t say anything if it was uh Uno and Adam Scott they didn’t say

Anything yeah Adam Scott is a big dude his pants aren’t just always as tailored as people see on TV like I’ve seen this guy in person but y’all don’t say nothing about him because he’s a typical golfer that they love to see and there nothing nothing against him it’s just it

Is what it is and it’s the brand too like Unico hasn’t made people feel uncomfortable you know what I mean right like so I think you know like I said like vinard so Mara’s Vineyard [ __ ] inspired you know pastels and khakis with all over prints and they make a

Pant probably very similar so does Ralph than that pant that you know had everybody [ __ ] stirred up but the cool thing is is with Jason is like he knows what’s going on and he’s like dude I could give a [ __ ] what someone says about my pants like uh he’s a he’s a

He’s a very you know spiritual dude he’s into his health he’s into his Wellness he’s got five kids a lovely wife that just had a new baby you know plenty of money in the bank lives in Ohio he’s like I don’t care what y’all say about

My pants like he does care though when everyone’s like well Marin’s just street wear or skateboarding or hip-hop or whatever but it’s not fashion I mean but it’s not performance and he went out shot a little 24 under whatever top 10 finish at the century it’s like it’s not

The polo you know it’s not the polo even dressing him it was like the original talks were like I said like in the summertime when you’re training at your house in Ohio what do you wear when you’re golfing at the house when you’re practicing cuz he has the facility in

His yard or some [ __ ] out here just incredible that Barn you went no I haven’t been I’ve seen like I’ve seen pictures of I think it was like golf di magazine or something they did a spread on him in his gym and stuff and that [ __ ] looks incredible and he’s a big fan

He told me and like you said y all are big yall are y’all are friends but obviously that’s that Ohio connect oh yeah right you linked with them when you were at the Cav yeah he used to come to the Cavs games him and his wife um I

Hate to say Bron ran into his wife one day and she had to go to the she pulled her out on the stretcher and everything man it was bad news bro yeah it was bad I felt so bad and braon did too but it was just like the one time like for me

There’s very few people that I like you know I get a little rise out of coming to the games so when I see JT on the Baseline him and his dad I’m just like oh [ __ ] I see Brooks over there set the court I’m like

Oh [ __ ] I see J J day I’m like oh damn I see rappers and entertainers and always other people all the time so it’s just like okay what’s up bro like you know when I see them like yo bro like I gotta get it like I’m trying to figure it out

We hit it off immediately like I met him after after the game one day and just start I don’t think he was realizing how how into the game I was and asking them questions and trying to get better and I got a chance to caddy for him at

Um what is that Firestone when he had the brid stone there um so I got a caddy for him for nine holes and I learned so much um not only that the bags are [ __ ] heavy as [ __ ] but just like so much about the game learning how to

Visualize shots and stuff like that and like he was the first person that I’ve ever met that literally closes their eyes before every shot and visualizes his swing in the shot and then steps into it and I just took and that right there I took that immediately and just

Started implementing that for me and then just start changing my game overnight so I’m just like oh man so we stayed close he’s he’s cool as hell but it’s funny because again like he’s very like you said he’s he was very performance where he was all I whenever

I seen him he always had like some dry fit techfit you know dope ass kicks on and [ __ ] like that so when I seen them move I’m just like huh I wouldn’t have picked him I wouldn’t I would if I I wouldn’t have picked him to be like that

Person in the brand but then when I see him minute I’m just like that’s perfect it works he he so going to he I’m like what are you wear in the summer when it’s hot when you practice golf he where like I wear running shorts and I wear a t-shirt

Baggie because I don’t want to be restricted okay great what do you what do you wear when you’re training at the crib in the winter I wear oversized sweatpants and I wear oversized hoodie or crew necks oversized so I’m not restricted and it’s like let’s just take that right

Onto the [ __ ] course you know and then he starts trying [ __ ] on and he’s like At first I’m thinking like I think he’s going to say like these pants are I love these pants and I’ll wear them after golf but like this isn’t performance you know I’m [ __ ] Jason

Day I’m former world number one like I’m I’m a performance dude he’s like do he come bag here like I’m wearing a belt mate like I the looser fit the better in his IDE because again it goes back to a logical thing it’s like when he’s practicing in the backyard he’s wearing

Oversized sweatsuits right and hitting balls for eight hours straight in a sweatsuit because it’s cold he’s comfortable you know and it goes to like my brain on like you know Malto and colon and all those type of people like big pants became famous in in fashion in the Rave World probably etc

Etc like all that came from skateboarding but if you’re right you know if you’re going flying fast as [ __ ] on a skateboard off a bunch of [ __ ] stairs you need your legs to be able to pull your knees up high so the skateboard has time to flip and right

And do whatever the [ __ ] right so the last thing you could do the last thing those skater kids wanted to do was be restricted and wear some tight pants that you can’t move move in you know and even Jason on like interviews and stuff he’s like I don’t think it’s helps my

Golf swing wearing really tight clothes like it doesn’t do anything for me um yeah Jason’s the best his foundation is wife he’s just like cool as [ __ ] and he’s he’s just like the very very very normal dude he’s not in my opinion like a golfer right he’s just a really normal

Great dude that happens to be really really really good at golf and because of things that happened in his life he had to figure out at a young age like how to make money and he [ __ ] fig he figured it out you know he figured it

Out he stopped what uh what Taylor Made a couple years ago right so now he’s just like he’s unsigned and just doing his thing yeah he’s a m mixed bag he’s like he I like that too where it’s like I think he’s got like a ping I mean he’s

Got a ping driver then he’s got tailor made irons folky title is folky wedges and a spider old spider putter but yeah it’s like you know whatever they’re going to offer I mean look Jason got 100 million from Nike right so like there’s a hundo and then he’s made over 50

Million playing on the tour let alone his netjets deal he was on Lexus and like he’s had some other money opportunities he also has a smart business advisor guy so he’s doing Investments he’s doing different things to set him and his kids up for the future they live in Ohio you know he’s

Not driving rolls-royces and [ __ ] right like he’s on a different wave of like being comfortable and and not needing to be too like try hard or any any of that stuff so like I love like he’s very 10 cish because he’s what drives his bus to every tournament right yeah he drives

And he stays in that [ __ ] bus I think with the equipment it’s like someone wants to throw you a bone and then you got to one be in their content two you got to switch so like make sure that [ __ ] work yeah if you’re if you’re [ __ ] playing the stealth one and then

You got to switch to the stealth two and then you got to switch to the QI 35 or whatever the [ __ ] it is it’s like buddy I’m trying to win tournaments over here I’m not trying to switch equipment every 10 months just to be a marketing engine

And you’re going to throw me some small bone if I just play What clubs I want and I just focus in and lock in and I can play ping mauno Titus tailor made all together [ __ ] win one tournament you’re going to get way more than you

Would have got from that bag so I think those bags help when it’s like someone younger men wo Le Etc who has to wear like the Callaway hat with the Lulu Lemon but like Callaway’s been taking care of men wo for the last few years

And as he goes on to tour he keeps it going and like you know if you get sponsored at a certain age where you’re like you know that’s all you ever played was t Titleist or tailor made it’s like not like Justin Thomas and those dudes Jordan Speed they’ve been on Titleist

Forever I think so since they literally six years old yeah and Jason’s been on tour I think this is his 17th year so like he’s hit a lot of different clubs you know even fashion when he came on the scene they were wearing baggy [ __ ]

Then it went to workout [ __ ] and it went to like that’s when he had the hair yeah hair baggy shirts and then it turned lately into just like less fabric right very tight fitting um not wasting any fabric yeah thin material resistant water resistance almost clinging materials that cling to your body you

Know and that [ __ ] didn’t flatter into like like you’re tall and you’re thin you can wear you know really tight Polo and long tight pants and that [ __ ] might look right but if I wear it I’m looking nuts my body too damn lumpy in the

Middle it a not going to work Jr it’s not working I’m looking I’m looking [ __ ] up I ain’t putting it on I wear a [ __ ] hoodie over that [ __ ] just to get a little room I hate wearing tight ass [ __ ] polos dude it like the way it like

Shapes my [ __ ] body out is crazy like I was talking talking to someone the other day it’s like guy like Tony fenale right when they put him in that tight ass Nike shirt you know like Tony’s like [ __ ] s or something like his body isn’t quite the same as others and like

Tony with no shirt on would look more flattering than Tony with the shirt on the shirt just makes it look worse you know what I mean like he’s on the beach he looking fine no shirt no big deal body looks fine soon as you put that shirt on it’s like a magnifying glass

Starts ripping in on his tits and [ __ ] love handle starts popping up and [ __ ] yeah too much work just to and imagine I mean I can’t imagine playing in clothes that [ __ ] tight but you know like I said if it’s Tom Brady that’s looks right on him but that [ __ ] ain’t gonna

Look right on [ __ ] Tom Kim you know what I mean or Patrick Reed Patrick Reed can’t dress in the same thing that [ __ ] DJ and Brooks are wearing and with Nike they give them the same kit cuz that’s what’s for sale at Dick Sporting Goods and that’s what they have

To wear and you know Jason said some [ __ ] he remembers over his career where he would literally walk on the first hole and look and see like three other dudes on Nike wearing the exact same outfit as him so he’s excited man we did one commercial to launch it we already

Did another commercial this is his second tourament I mean they’re like you know you’re going to just only script him for the majors right I’m like N I think we’ll just script them every week like we’ll help every week we got one horse in the race [ __ ] it right

Right I don’t I’m excited you know I’m a fan of his a fan of golf but he’s very uh you know he he he wants to wear [ __ ] a certain way we send him a ton of stuff he says I love this this this this this

And then it’s like okay well we’ll make sure this this this this and this is Net Jets on the back of it your hats are right he goes in between a nylon and a and a canas dad hat so we’ll see hopefully he plays well and um what’s

Going on over there what’s up with your college golf career man I got a I got some tournaments coming up and I got a I got what five coming up this semester and I gotta get I gotta get my game right I’m looking for this schedule a second what’s holding you back with

Your game right now putting I would say I mean obviously you can hit more Fairways but it’s all short game getting up and down figuring out not not I I’ve I’ve gotten to the the point to where I don’t lose balls so I’m happy about that

I don’t hit it out of bounds I’m not like just spraying it it’s literally 5 10 years off right five 10 years off left and I mean obviously you want to dial it in but you you know when you’re playing competition Golf and you’re playing fourth score you got to take

Doubles off the card so for me that’s like my biggest thing but I got one two three four five hopefully seven depending on if I make the conference Championship and the PGA works but we got uh RC was it Arcus Invitational World Golf Village Aggie Invitational Southern Invitational and

Irish Creek Invitational so I got pull up can people pull up and watch yeah people can pull up and watch do they you got fans showing up I had you know at my first tournament I had a small little Gallery following U which was like

I thought it was going to be like more scarier than what it was it was actually dope because I was I was I felt like I was way more locked in I knew I had people watching and I wanted to do really well opposed to like just going

Out there nobody’s out there just spraying it everywhere you throw up a 95 and just like well you know um so I like when people come man it’s dope especially when like old guys or old girls from the U school or like alumni and whatnot when they pull up it’s the

It’s a time because they really they’re really cheering for you you know some people just come to pull up just to see you fail and when I see them pull up and they got the Aggy shirts on and stuff and they chanting it gives me a lot of pride and

Joy in that so how does it work so you you play no matter what you have to make a cut what how does it work with the team so with the team right now we got seven dudes um we had eight uh one just left you

Transferred um but yeah I got to beat off two guys to get to the E even in the top five or play as individual and bring like uh and school bring like a six but even then you still got to battle it out to play as an individual so I got how

Does it battle it qualifying as what everybody goes play in the top five scores go or is it off based off of like accumulated scores over the last few months or something no the first the first week we’ll have qualifiers then we’ll go from whoever has a top score

Obviously will will go in but then it’s based off of how you perform as well in the tournament so if you you play well in the tournament and you like obviously leaps ahead of your second police person on your team then you you’re going to be the number one guy

For the next tournament nine times out of 10 um so you probably like SK you get a qualifier exemption in college for me I’m nowh near that so I got to I got to battle it out every week the top guys are shooting

What 679 7 69 yeah 60 60 68 69 70 that’s all good yeah the fifth man is probably like 75 76 and that’s like you know 75 76 and your sleep is hard thing to do it’s not easy no and you never played the C the course before you you you’re

Playing putting it out everything well is with golf it’s so easy to get a [ __ ] double bogey right so you know like like I played Riv yesterday with some uh SC kids they play on the team and you know like when you get to the level that like your game is

Or my game like anything can [ __ ] uh anything can happen but like you know it was 18 we were running it I I I made like the last five holes I made like a birdie or two I was on coming in great I 18 I hit the drive a little low on the

Face a little scabby it barely made it over that big ass trench at riff and it rolled and it and it didn’t roll that far so I had 215 in you know and I’m in a match and this shit’s pressing and whatever and I [ __ ] topped a two iron topped the two

Iron on 18 at Riviera and I was already all zened out like Ben Hogan hit this [ __ ] shot I’m getting ready to [ __ ] hit I had it all figured out what the [ __ ] I was going to do I visual know on I to thaty two yeah I was

On I was talking [ __ ] I was [ __ ] those dudes up I was already pre they they they pressed with two holes to go because we had already closed out two bets and this was the third bet of just 17 and 18 and I had a stroke on 18 I

Topped the [ __ ] two iron it goes running down and right and gets into the wet rough on the right hand side I 115 out so again I’m still in it right I’mma hit the full gap wedge I uphill you know whatever I had like 105 or something so

I grabbed the gap wedge I’m just going to hit it I hit that [ __ ] fat good you know 10 15 yards shorter the green chip it up miss the putt double they make par I lose damn I mean it’s like I’m right there and is you get a

Shot all you got to do is make [ __ ] all I had to do is not a double and I got a [ __ ] double that’s that’s that’s the thing about golf man cuz you you you you can look and see like all right all I got to do is just get up and

Down and I’m good driver ah I didn’t hit it as good as I wanted to but I’m off to a little right we’re in it IR we still in it though we still in it ah I didn’t hit my best iron shot I’m in the bunker

But uh then you fly over the bunker or over the Green from the bunker or stay in the bunker and just like bro all right man it’s [ __ ] tough it’s tough game been practicing four hours yeah and when you’re in those tournaments and doing all that like you know it’s it’s

It’s shocking at how intense the tour players are we’re like I played golf last week with with the wave God Willie Willcox came out you know we played two or three days out in Northern California and uh he had just come from CAD in with sunj sunj you know Willie

Cates for sunj and they just had played in the century and they broke the PGA record of the most birdies in four days so I don’t know the exact number but like he basically birdied every other hole for [ __ ] four days straight you know and just think of that like I

Missed the five-footer for bogey to pre to push but it was Riv and it was sliding and they say Bri’s the hardest five foot putts on all the tour for the Pros have the hardest time making the five Footers at Riv than any other course in the in the on the schedule but

For sunj and Willie to lock in they Willie said sunj got a new putter he switched to some new [ __ ] the big like uh the big Scotty Cameron like um the [ __ ] spaceship looking one you know with the big weights in the background a big Mallet crazy looking

[ __ ] Scotty Cameron joint I think he switched to that said he just started making putts like in the practice round he started pouring them in and it just never [ __ ] stopped just made putts for four days straight never really missed any putts and then broke the record of birdies so like when you’re

Doing that tournament at school you know it’s very hard to keep your attention for [ __ ] 18 holes right and not not slip up I remember going back and for anybody out here listening like if you want to shoot if you want to break 80 at golf you just have to play six

Three whole matches with yourself and if you could be one over in three holes that those three holes are done then you start the next three holes then the next three holes and if you shoot one over every three holes you shoot six over for the round and that’s a 78 you

Know but like if you start thinking oh I’m going to shoot 7 eight it’s [ __ ] very hard to do it so it’s like yeah you know just three holes I can like set my energy and I can like grind hard as [ __ ] on those three holes and then it’s like

That shit’s over now the next three holes and if you get a start off on the next three and you get a birdie it’s like oh [ __ ] if I can just par the next two [ __ ] holes now I’m two ahead of my goal right so if you one over on the

First three one under on the second three that’s what you know just thinking out loud like tricking yourself to stay in it and not get carried away and I think it’s like similar to [ __ ] life you know what I mean it’s like y you can’t you know in

10 years from now I’m gonna be doing this it’s like for the next three months I’m going to do my best at doing this and you know my mom told me once that if you know you you have a good couple hours then you’ll have a good day if you

Have a lot of good days in a row you had a good week you have a lot of good weeks in a row you had good year you have a lot of good years in a row you had a good [ __ ] life you know but if you’re

Just like I want to have a good life it’s like whoa buddy let’s slow that let’s pull that back a little bit you get overwhelmed thinking about what a good life is you start thinking you six you start thinking about being 60 when you 35 I’m like nah brother yeah it’s

Not going to work yeah that’s funny you say that cuz I literally just uh I had a conversation with one of my tutors about that the other day and my goal for this year um I want to take it by quarters take the whole year by quarters and this

Goes from the way I eat the way I wake up the way I spend money the way I spend my money on how much time I spend with my kids how much time I don’t spend with my kids like everything by by just by a quarter like start off with the month

Plan out week because I’ve never been a planner I hate planning week to week I hate looking at the calendar like damn I got to go here or damn I got to go there and I look at the [ __ ] and just like I’m too [ __ ] busy and then I but when

Things just roll up on you and you start missing things and you already gave your word to and you know you’re only as good as your word and [ __ ] just like just piles up on you and you get before you know it’s it’s a uh it’s a Snowball

Effect this little thing that starts like this turns into this big ass [ __ ] snow Mound rolling down the hill and you can’t you can’t get behind it because you don’t have the preparation to to see what’s coming you know what I’m saying so for me it’s that’s one

Thing I I’m want to do better this year than I’ve did any year that I’ve been here on this planet is take it quarter by quarter and I didn’t realize how many I was talking to my business manager actually and I didn’t realize how many people live on a quarterly basis and not

Necessarily that they financially don’t have it or financially do have it it’s just to discipline yourself to to understand where you want to go and when what your goals are and how to achieve those goals and for me is like I’ve always put my energy and effort into my goals like full-fledged

Is is put all my time into it and that’s never and that’s not I don’t think that’s good at either because you get too consumed with something that’s may not be the most important thing to you or that’s important in just in general or for you yeah before you so I’m just

Trying to for me that’s like my my biggest thing in New Year I stopped drinking years back and um I’m G drink for you don’t worry about it yeah exactly you drink for me but the the thing of like if I were to tell you right now I’ll never drink again I

Probably need a [ __ ] Scotch just to deal with the anxiety of such a statement you know like I need a drink if I tell you I’ll never drink then I’m like God damn I need a drink that was Heavy that was a weird [ __ ] feeling I

Just had but if it’s just you know day to day and [ __ ] whatever like I’m I know for sure I’m not drinking today it’s very easy it’s just today like it’s easy it’s no big deal it’s [ __ ] I don’t you I Ain even thinking about that [ __ ]

But if I were to think about it it’s like well I could easily not drink today you know and next thing you know you look back it’s like wow it’s been a year it’s been five years it’s been whatever and that no drinking [ __ ] is interesting

Where like you know the two people who won the first first two tournaments of the year are both publicly alcoholics that were fighting with depression and that were fighting with alcohol and this that the other and spoke about such things and all that get sober you know the dude who won last

Week my boy what’s his name Grayson or or something yeah um he they say he was a [ __ ] mess he wck the scooter all lit up somewhere and almost died or some [ __ ] on the on the scooter wilding in Bahamas or wherever the [ __ ] he was at

As a pro golfer the other guy Chris Kirk you know he’s been very public what it but it’s interesting when you know being an an adct it’s not all good but it’s not all bad either so like when you go from being an addictive personality and

You switch one addiction to the next so whether it’s me it’s like I’m addicted to like being as present I can be with my kids and my being the best you know husband I can possibly be being the best partner and designer and and executive of our company and I’m obsessed with

Being the best golfer I can be right and so it’s like you know those dudes it’s like well [ __ ] I’m not going to drink anymore but now they’re they’re practicing 10 hours a day they’re waking up clear and they’re going right back to the [ __ ] range so you know it’s like

These dudes been missing cuts and scrambling and you know 60th on the tour and D go 8 n months not drinking and just switch that addiction to just golfing golfing goling goling golfing like damn these [ __ ] one you know and it’s an amazing thought of like

If you’re doing bad things that are not bad but like not the best you and you switch like you’re saying like you go on a year and planning and a year at a time if you just pull it back a bit and you just go quarter to quarter and you know

Like you said you’re going to spend the time with your kids you’re going to do your finances right you’re going to exercise you’re going to study you’re going to do your schoolwork you’re going to work on your golf you’re going to work on your relationships it’s like you

Look back a year and be like that was a great [ __ ] year it’s inevitable it just happens you can’t but again if it’s like this year I’m going to do ABCDE e FG it’s like [ __ ] you’re GNA have a [ __ ] anxiety attack thinking about all that [ __ ] just take it easy and day

Five you out of it yeah back drinking back smoking you back partying everything else is exactly the uh I was in Florida with the kids and it was New Year’s Day and we were in Palm Beach and uh they wanted to get ice cream so we called all the [ __ ] ice cream

Stores and they were all closed on New Year’s Day you know and luchano he’s a smart little [ __ ] he said well I know what it is and I said what he said well New Year’s Eve everybody made the new resolution they’re not going to eat sweets so they won’t be open today he

Said but I guarantee you they’ll be open by the 3D of January two three days people will be eating ice cream again so he thought that ice cream store was closed on New Year’s Day cuz everybody at midnight says I’m not going to eat ice cream you

Know that’s a good one though that’s a good thought though all the all the candy stores and [ __ ] all the vices are all closed on New Year’s Day and that’s just cuz people gave it up but they’ll be back in a week [ __ ] be rocking slinging

That soft serve for sure for sure that’s one thing about me man I I realized that like almost a month or two ago really cuz I you know I we Play We Smoke we chill hang Kick It Whatever whatever and I realize for me it’s not beneficial

When I smoke and play golf like I can’t play the at the level that I want to play at and smoke at the same time it’s impossible difficulty Wise It’s a lot [ __ ] easier to putt consistently and Chip consistently and pick your clubs consistently properly if you’re not [ __ ] you know

On that Loud Pack hard is hard on that via pack exactly like I mean there’s a time and a place but guaranteed you’re trying to [ __ ] score and the thing is when I used to smoke a lot of weed I would [ __ ] go [ __ ] walk up to the

Putting green or or to a putt I have a birdie putt I walk up and look at that [ __ ] and be like it’s breaking right to left and then I go stand behind the bar I start hallucinating seeing it breaking left or right and then I trust the weed [ __ ] hallucination and put

That [ __ ] a ball out left Knowing damn well it was going to go the opposite and put it and Miss missed the hole by two cups they’re like what the [ __ ] is wrong with me not only missed the hole by two cups but Blow by five

Feet like yeah and then it’s like what what the [ __ ] did I just do that I got another five-footer coming back left or right oh man yeah that’s a [ __ ] good one so what about uh AT&T week you wife are coming yes sir we’ll be there so

We’re going to do um I’ve got it all set up we’re going to do The Preserve on Tuesday Thursday um I mean Monday Tuesday Monday we’re doing The Preserve with uh with um this Adidas project we’re doing so a lot of the homies are coming a lot of people

Been on the P before and uh miles and Jordan are going to come and film at The Preserve with like you playing me playing everybody playing around at the reserve some of the guests Etc Adidas has um Brandon woo Terell um what’s his name um Colin all of their Pro players that’ll

Be in the AT&T are going to come up there they’re going to chip putt play a couple holes whatever we’re not really doing it as like a proper tournament we’re just going to do a celebration of golf and everybody just fun so you could pair up you play nine holes with this

Group nine holes with that group the next nine holes we could do 27 we could play 36 we could just rip it we got the whole preserve which is kind of the first time they’ve ever let anyone do it so that’ll be fun they’re like 50 of us

Or so and then the next morning we’re going to play I got a few tea times early so it’s a smaller group but two three fours we all go out and play and then after that you know we’re going to set up the podcast down at our shop in

Carmell we try to get Jason day on the show we’re going to get Q old qop everybody we for the record we did an interview with school boy Q we had Q on how many months ago bro he was one of the First episodes like he was this was

Literally like eight nine months ago yeah he was talking about um yeah my album’s coming out soon but just let me let me give the thumbs up that my album’s ready before you drop this right so like nine months [ __ ] later the album still not done it’s ready now

Though so he said he’s done he’s coming up to Carmel he’s playing golf we’ll redo the pod modern modernize that we’ll get Jason through try to get maybe Colin some of those guys I’m thinking to try to get uh Sean Foley the the the golf thing and take it easy AT&T week go

Watch some some golf down there on the water at Pebble they’re doing Pebble and spy glass only this year they bump Monterey Peninsula out so I kind of appreciate that yeah it’s hard when there’s three courses like I’m about to go right now and it’s like Jason’s

Playing on one course in the desert and then over here is my other homie and over here is my other homie it’s like damn I just want to go on the Range and see everybody but when there’s three different courses three different ranges three different crowds you almost feel

Like it’s never crowded you know because everyone’s sprinkle between all three courses so Pebble will be cool and then we we rock a couple out there um and then obviously we’re going to meet up with top go at um shout out to top go we’re going to go do the Pod uh Super

Bowl week and Liv has a tournament going on at the same time so we’re definitely gonna Brew up some [ __ ] speaking of live I got a question for you do you feel CA one I didn’t feel like this at first but when when it came out one our boys pointed

Out he’s like oh he’s backpedaling he’s backpedaling he wish he took the money Rory you know I think what he said was was honest that like he he uh he felt his opinion and his financial situation was the only one that mattered or something you know and he said I

Think he said that not everybody’s in the same boat as me and tiger right like y’all got millions of [ __ ] dollars you’re towards the end of your career you know you’ve already won a bunch of Majors you’ve done this that and the other of course you’re cool to not take

The the bag right but at the end of the day today like how you going to speak for Brooks Kea who was injured missing [ __ ] Cuts he’s fearful man I might never [ __ ] win again you know like I might never win again on this [ __ ] and

If someone’s thr me a huge bag of money you know and then and then also obviously whatever the [ __ ] Rory was saying a year ago that was before the commissioner just want the little L hey we’re going to go ahead and merge and do a deal with the The Blood Money the bad

Guys don’t [ __ ] with the bad guy don’t [ __ ] with the bad guy and then your boss is [ __ ] with the bad guy it’s like damn why the [ __ ] was I loyal I mean you got to think these they’re thinking that right like people like even Tony Tony

Fen now everybody was rumored out even even that poor guy at the last tournament you know where they did the a couple I mean I just saw you right the uh the the Lydia Cole and Jason day one that uh that that tournament down there in Florida but I heard from Tony and

Them that like there were fans coming up to Tony being like take you’re taking the blood money [ __ ] yelling at him and like being like psychos dude cuz every there was a rumor he was leaving to go to live so it’s still there but if if Tony did

Go I think he wouldn’t get the backlash that Phil got right like it’s over Phil Phil [ __ ] took a hit for everybody and like on one side he made it acceptable to go a little bit more than it was when he went and then also he got

The the the money and the prizes went up substantially on the tour right a rookie I heard I heard the rookies or the yeah maybe the rookies they get 500 Grand a year from the tour whether they you know maybe make a cut or not yeah like they

Don’t it they get a salary no matter what they get money to be able to move around and have a chance to compete against the top 20 or whatever so they can have a trainer and they can get their flights and they can pay their caddy and like they can actually make a

Living golfin none of that stuff wanted to happen if Phil walks so all these other dudes can run and then I think I think I think it’s just you know I don’t really think that he’s thinking that that Roy is thinking like I should have took the money cuz he’s got so much

[ __ ] money I think he’s just thinking like maybe I was a bit harsh on these dudes I don’t I gotta put you know what if like Harold Varner like my man wanted to change his his his situation not only for him for his mom and dad his brothers

His cousins his his kids his grandkids to be like not everybody has the chance to to turn down aund million check actually I was talking to clar he brought up DJ and he was like you know and people were still kind of like blasting whatever whatever he was like

You know J you got to realize you know DJ and AJ they like they’re poor kids from South Carolina they didn’t have a lot they didn’t grow up with a silver spoon or a gold spoon and everything else like they got families they got they they everybody who just because they’re very talented

That doesn’t mean they didn’t come from anywhere they came from somewhere everybody didn’t come from a country club and my dad was a golf pro and you know some guys have terrible Back stories well not terrible but like Back stories that isn’t as pretty as some of

These other guys who just grew up in the game and just are allowed to flourish at the top some guys had to grind it out and come you know driving to tournaments and doing X Y and Z so from for me looking at it like if I

If I can remember my mom and my dad taking me to B league practice and and since I was 3 years old to time I was 13 and then from then I went from high school and they taking me to this tournament and that tournament and somebody comes to offer me a $250

Million check I’m thinking about all of those times that this was the case like what do you mean I’ll NE like my family will be forever set in EST Stone like don’t get me wrong and for me I I get I get wrapped up into it because a lot of

A lot of athletes in general not just golfers will sell themselves to this major whether it be leagues NBA NFL or whatever else and forget a whole lot of the backgrounds and stomping grounds where you came from where you PID wage through so now you legislating these new

Rules in the game it’s like the high school rule it’s like a bunch of high school guys signed off for like yeah we don’t worry about nobody got C come after us it’s like yo bro what you mean like so many people like so many people went through the whipping post and

Everything else for us to be able to come out of high school and be able to GoPro and be able to do what we want to do now you just because you you’re up here now now you’re just going to say nah we can lift that they don’t worry

About it like bro what about you five years ago if that was you then you got to go to college then you get hurt and then you don’t even make the league you know tough it’s hard when people make if I’m you know I can hardly make decisions

For myself and know what I’m doing is the right thing how in the hell am I going to try to make a decision for another grown man you know it’s like you can’t tell people what to do is everybody’s on their own Journey you know what I mean and what is right for

You may be wrong for someone else and what’s right for someone else might be wrong for you but I think that was Rory’s kind of that’s what I took out of it was just like damn you know now that I look back at it think and also he can

Say that now because the tours doing a deal or trying to do a deal at the minimum so it’s like all right [ __ ] you know I think he got kind of they they put him in an awkward place too with with Rory and he’s so emotional and he’s

So opinionated and you know he’s telling it he’s like dude let people do whatever the [ __ ] they want as long as it’s not hurting somebody want you know and then they’re they’re going to say well they’ve taken blood money you know this that and the other D it’s like well so is every

Single gas station in America so like all those F-150s ripping around America are buying Saudi oil and we’re over here doing billion doll deals with the Saudi government the US government working with the Saudi government and XYZ they look past the point that they’re bad to people that they don’t

Let women do this that they kill journalists or whatever the [ __ ] they’re doing you know and I’m not saying it’s good stuff I’m just saying that damn you know it’s like so the US Government Can Do billion dollar business deals with SA and we can get in all types of weird

Deep [ __ ] with him but Dustin Johnson can’t take the bag of money to help him and his [ __ ] brother from the slums of South Carolina like [ __ ] that’s kind of a harsh you know and that’s what Rory was doing so when he looks back he like

Yeah I get it well good catching up with you man always brother it’s always a pleasure I see that that that that mic right there is there something to that mic just we got a little project coming out with tag we got a project coming out

With tag a little golf watch I got coming your way I was going to get you one I was going to get you one of these but I know you been wearing them [ __ ] Diamond face Rollies and all that I don’t know if you rocking the tag I’m

Rocking the tag if you want the tag speaker we got us [ __ ] sponsored speakers sh Prof I got a quick story about this this tag situation man I go we in Charlotte me and my lady bro we in the mall she was like what do you want for your

Birthday birday I was like um I don’t know like just some Polo T-shirts and drawers or whatever I don’t know so we walk past this watch store and of course I see Tommy Fleetwood on there I’m like oh damn like that’s a dope watch so I go

In go of course go in the store look at the watch listen that there it’s [ __ ] amazing it’s dope man she buys it for me for my birthday I get it use it probably like twice maybe three times I put it down somewhere and I

Haven’t been able to find it sense and I when I tell you like heartbroken I’m so sick you used it playing I’m so sick yeah it’s a it’s a golf watch it attracts your shots attracts like how far each Club goes and everything and I’m like bro no way no

Way and of course I gotta tell her and of course I gotta tell her I misplaced it and she’s not she’s not happy with me but well you got a new one it’s green and yellow it’s moined up we did a whole clothing collection and accessories and

All that [ __ ] the travel bag golf bag the travel the tag M and travel bag is just filthy see I SAR I need more than anything my travel bag is beat the [ __ ] you using one of them [ __ ] Sun Mountain [ __ ] dick Golf Galaxy specials I got you

One cases and [ __ ] holl at my boy Luke L with the pink hair and black nails pink hair and black nails is killing me check it on Instagram we go see how here have me jaws drop when that [ __ ] walks on the Range see we’ll see y’all next week uh part three

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