Golf Players


Morning walk

Sharks what is not sharks really but there was somewhere over there there was Dolphins but it’s like anything you get the camera out they don’t want to appear they’re holding their breath that’s how good dolphins are good morning CSP where the [ __ ] flipper probably because it’s like an RX

The Dolphins W up paying us to come on so we’re not coming on they were over there I don’t they are over there but now they go under well just imagine if you would or you can just slowly see things up there’s like four Dolphins over there and this is the sunrise down

Under there’s ships all waiting to come in this ship here was was over the other side right now he’s coming into Harbor would have been able to give you a good look at the ship coming in this is Newcastle Beach Newcastle V and this is a funny thing

Look you have these beautiful partments around here sunrise and look you can go along all of them that big one there and all the others and generally you won’t see one person out there having breakfast or having coffee it’s like they think it’s the granted I think like nice to beach

Thank you there for 399 my coffee when I to in new Venice Beach I hardly ever went to the beach but when I moved to Texas and after my desert I’m like oh [ __ ] wish I could go to the beach so I think these people just take their Grant the you for

Granted it’s only 6:00 in the morning why wouldn’t you be out on your balcony having breakfast and a coffee there’s lots of people swimming might get a shark attack CU actually where that ship’s coming in over there when I walk back there it’s called Stockton Beach Stockton bite and that’s

Where the great whites breeding ground which is funny because if they breed there not many people get take great whites here so they must like [ __ ] where they eat what your favorite I don’t have one bar so this is Newcastle in the morning and over that way is Los Angeles 30 hour flight

Across then there’s a boat going out fishing there’s more ships waiting to come in they fly a guy out on a helicopter and he goes out and brings the ships in as your people are going to sleep and relaxing here the sun is rising and down there that’s where

Everyone has a coffee in the see sitting down there having coffee another the camel toe goes out to the water even the fish go Jesus CHR that fish smell in the ocean [ __ ] hum that oh thank you Jersey you ever wonder when like it’s a serious question

I’ll turn the camera back around I need my SL glasses on you ever wonder like you know how I don’t know how it happened but you know when people are like you know they like finger popping a girl and they like oh my God you smell like

Fish now you just take that in for a minute you smell like fish like that fishy smell do you ever think that um when fish is swimming through the ocean and the fish gets his little fliff it like this swimming around swimming around he sees a sexy girlfish and he

Takes his little thin and his finger popping the gills his finger popping the female fish he goes you smell like human you think that’s possible these are the things I think about when I’m out of my morning walks it’s very deep stuff so if we say you [ __ ] smells like

Fish I wonder whe a fish when they fingering how flatten their little Thins and female fishes SKS they’re like E you smell like human something to ponder this in the morning see what getting up early does it gives you these [ __ ] great ideas over here if you’re bad that there

That’s the police station looks like a [ __ ] [ __ ] Fortress probably got cameras on me [ __ ] T Le did you quit I’m still on there that’s okay I’m already hungry haven’t even been haven’t even walked that far my brother that works in entertainment I don’t really like the

Smell of it either my wife sometimes gives fish and macro to the dogs and when I walk in the kitchen I’m like just that Ling in smell it’s not to Great weird how you guys say good day weirdo used to be the mental hospital over there it maybe still is well people with

Problems can I send you my progress pick no but good on you for losing the weight as long as you progressing good job 100 kilos is a lot to lose how’s the yeah it’s like that that’s the weather here terrible day I was trying to show the Dolphins but they’re

Gone holding their breath on us you always all right I he the VPX the VPX show us to do with John a good show I see the snow storms over there as long as they piss off when I come to the arold Classic this is one of those Hills

Where it’s not steep it just seems to go on forever you get to the top of the hill and then you see another Hill and you’re like oh my God does it never end my friend us that big house up here I show you really nice

Guy chemist he sold it back in the day I think it’s the most expensive house in Newcastle he only for like 6 million that was years ago God knows what it’s worth now flick the camera that one up there that house but this is the Park area here

Where you can walk through the park one you can go down there there’s a bogey hole that the confi built like where that white fence goes down there there’s a swimming hole down there built by the convict for the governor of the time he used to be a Bowling Club they wanted

To build a restaurant here but the res go we don’t want a restaurant it’s going to bring cars really like the cars would already Park here to go to work your [ __ ] morons that’s the cedral over there I used to go to the very top you got to go up this spiral

Staircase and climb all the way up you get a good view you get a good view new from up there I can walk up to the ois if you want it’s a bit of a walk and I should give like a sometimes forget I should go on and tell people

I’m coming on pring earring in two minutes there’s an old for up on the hill over there but the obisk is just like on top of the hill it got hit by lightning once I show you it’s up there hold on see that obisk up there I’m just taking a bit of it’s

T long longlasting one they only need every couple of weeks B that trt is a beautiful day but that obis up there is probably part of the alum they’re everywhere everywhere watching us looking down I don’t many animals out today just dogs people walking their

Dogs if you want to see kangaroos I have to go the other way not in town little black butt Reserve not far from my house you can walk around the morning there you might see Little Kangaroos and and stuff like that check get R over that make some exciting video I

Did morning good morning depending on your state I know I’ve in and out of states I’m okay this is Newcastle yes yeah I had Greg on I’ll probably get people on eventually for to get guys just one not like interviewing I just do lives just go lives and then answer the

Chats that way you can ask questions while we’re on there names everything seems to be up here today doesn’t it no golf oh you can’t play golf Here how upsetting had a couple of people chat to me earlier on they like the new TV show was on and they said we Instagram until it gets removed I’m not sure about the UK they have to do pt for nerve damage yeah they still got nerve damage but

Try to do p I’m like [ __ ] it oh steps more steps people look here we go like why you going this way the thing is when you get somewhere it’s like when I get up here I’ll show you I show you where I got to walk back

To my friend’s house there look how big it was look at that and it goes all the way out the back where it had servants quarters back in the day beautiful home isn’t it that’s probably [ __ ] 15 million or more even the units here in apartments they talking

Millions when do these stairs end I’m only doing this for you people to give you a view of Newcastle should have brought a bottle of water my mouth’s dry there’s a nice new bench over there why don’t I have a bench that’s got a plug on

It who’s this bench for you think of being like one OB the best bodybuilder from Australia and from Newcastle I’ve been putting Newcastle on the map Evans who made their home on the hill how about this seats dedicated the Le priest who walked up and down this hill

Every day twice and three times a day when prepping for the Miss Universe and winning the Universe I came up here rain hail or Shrine [ __ ] when I was 13 14 I’d ride my bike into town here where’s my [ __ ] park bench or Park I have to just go get a park made

Up find a bench now [ __ ] Liquid Nails to come to it how long have you been married uh five years five years to Rachel it’s my fifth marriage yeah I love it so next time I either get divorced hopefully I won’t I’m just going to find somebody just find someone you hate and

Just give them half your [ __ ] these stairs is [ __ ] H I thought I go walking before the gym to warm up I think I’ve warn out we’re almost there people look look at these people up the top you get a good view right in the distance over there that’s Mount Sugarloaf to

Go and have barbecues I’ll show you this view Jimmy the ball just CAU so I’ll have to have to call Jimmy got Jimmy on live but yeah this is like new hastle part the harbor where all the coal ships come in this was my friends up house here look look at this

House there’s the ship coming in that’s where I go that’s where I walk out to Z Lighthouse that’s where I normally walk but there’s the ship coming in this was my friend’s house here look this here then back in the old day the horse and cart would come in there that’s the

Old bit out the back there’s the ship there’s the morning sun you people over there are losing the sun I’m gaining it there’s the Obelisk there’s people on a plane don’t know where they’re going so there you have Newcastle in the morning so thank you for watching this

Little quick video remember if you want to no stuff whatever I’ll do little ones later on oh well that’s right that’s right put your super chats in to pay for this view it’s almost like only fans but I’m not jacking off on the hill but everyone

Have a good day have a good evening have a good afternoon we to Glasco been there I did a seminar up there so I didn’t went to Glasco smile still have a good day people I got to call Jimmy back if I don’t call Jimmy think I don’t love him

And he gets very upset he probably saw that I declined this car right now so he could be driving his truck off a cliff so I’ll talk to you all later and yeah I’ll show you that ship one more time don’t show [ __ ] FR fromberg whatever the [ __ ] name is

That ship there’s coming in to get full of coal to keep the power stations going oh my God the power stations they’re going to destroy the world oh [ __ ] off re fber and or everyone else at that [ __ ] meeting at the moment now they’re saying that if you’re hurt like

Fishing and all that is like this woman got up at that World Congress and said fishing and stuff like cows is like genocide she’s trying to compare that to what Hitler did to the Jewish people by us killing animals to eat you could be charged with genocide well it’s going

[ __ ] mad but I have to do another video about how mad the [ __ ] world is so have a good day good evening good afternoon wherever you are in the world hold on I’ll just keep the camera on while I walk down here just in case I get raped or something we wouldn’t want

That it’s like you know when I was walking [ __ ] took this kid right took this young kid for a walk look at that nice view look this young kid for a walk through the forest you know and we’re walking and walking kids like ooh it’s getting dark I’m getting scared and I

Said that a few times it was getting darker it’s getting scared so I turned to the kid I’m like well how the [ __ ] do you think I feel I got to walk back by myself that’s not a nice joke Lee what are you implying nothing not implying anything I just

Saying went for a walk through the forest take it as you may I like the UK thank you I know where is fce good these days you’re welcome well have a good day nowadays everyone’s has phones with a flashlight yeah I just hammered over 100 steps per

Leg steps I have to do leg course I I got to train but I might have to eat first cuz I’m really hungry this morning must be puberty going straight to Austria you in Australia Austria you might be in the wrong place you might um go to the

Snow okay get do I’ll talk this all later even though I’ve said that before I got to walk all the way back could get an Uber n I’ll walk take care


  1. When god created the earth he said to Adam and Eve don’t go in the water but Eve ignored him and god got mad saying “oh no I didn’t want the fish to smell like that”.

  2. You were extra annoying on after hours this week with your constant comments on there.
    Not every show on RX has to involve you.
    They talk about mike tyson being good so young and of course you gotta comment to make it about you.

  3. Hello Lee, I love this landscape, such a quiet and peaceful morning, it looks like paradise, and you are the best as always, by the way, I want to note that not only as a bodybuilder, but also as an actor. I saw your short film called Round trip and I liked it. My respect to you from Ukraine, take care brother.

  4. Don't worry about a park bench, you're not dead, they should have an artist do a mural of you at your peak in Newcastle. You could start an Australia muscle beach.

  5. Once I have been in New Castle. 1998 or 2000. Lovely place. Sandy Beach. 👍🙋‍♂️G'day from Regents Park NSW.I LOVE SYDNEY. 🚵‍♀️💪🧠

  6. G'day, you washed up old cvnt. When are you making a cvm💦back?! That's a pretty view you got there. You should come visit the Cold North(Scandinavia) this time of year. You'll get a view you will never see Down Under. Anyways, you should start doing one of those lazy and mindless reaction videos. Easy cash! 🤫

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