Golf Players

Building the Pride- Ep 25 – Week 18 – Regular Season Finale

Let’s talk playoffs!

Welcome in to another episode of building the pride I am your host Drew and I’m joined always by my co-host Mike Mike how are you I’m not as good as you I’m sure uh as a fan of the Wolverines I’m assuming you’ve got to be pretty over the moon

Tonight yeah it was great it was just a it was a good game so just a run of a National Championship that’s all yeah I mean it was I mean like um I think what’s interesting about like my experience watching Michigan football is that this felt like every other week

That I watch Michigan game to be honest like it’s um my dad was a complete wreck the whole time and so I I was stuck trying to be the voice of reason oh geez was a rough day you know and so like they had a really great first quarter

And I was basically like you know then Washington scored a touchdown and it’s a one-score game at half and I’m like he’s freaking out and I’m like they’re up a touchdown it’s everything’s going to be okay and then uh they exchange field goals and I’m like they’re up a

Touchdown everything’s going to be okay we’re still good yeah and then like the first quarter was definitely definitely went Michigan’s way and then like for the next two quarters worth of time I thought that the teams played each other to a standstill yeah um both of them were

Just couldn’t move the ball very well defenses were very clearly in charge of the game and then um Michigan got a turnover in the fourth quarter scored off that they scor and I think they scored in the previous drive and that broke broke it and um I hadn’t seen Washington play All

Season uh and I haven’t seen Michael penck play for two years once when he was at Indiana yeah and so I this was a good opportunity to see guys like Roma dun Jaylen poke Jaylen McMillan um brillan tce who I wouldn’t mind end up in a lion uniform uh come

The draft um and of course Michael pennick and uh you know I thought I thought Washington played well and like I think that they’re going to adjust to the Big 10 really well and so I’m I’m excited to see him in the Big 10 and uh it was a

Good game and it’s been a long time and I’m trying to be you know I’m always telling Lions fans like let’s show some respect and we don’t have to we don’t have to treat people the way that we were treated that kind of stuff you know so I’m trying to

Be a decent Michigan fan and not not one of those fans right gloat and yeah so like there were some kids on Ann Arbor’s campus or whatever that like burned a couch or some in the street hey that’s what the green and white are supposed to do right you know

And I’m like you know I don’t I’ve never understood destroying things in celebration no no so I didn’t get it so I was like let’s not be those people but it’s um it’s a good thing and you know there will always be controversy surrounding it unfortunately um but now it’s

Just um we’re moving out to what do you what controversy like bad calls or just like the cheating like the the sign thing yeah more about that so like I you know there’s um people are throwing around asterisk in Maze and blue on Twitter you know because it’s like oh you stole

Signs I mean allegedly I mean yeah it’s the NCAA we’ll know how it wraps up in two years yeah you know or whatever and like yeah you know hater’s Gonna Hate yeah and so like and I have a hard time with that because I have thin skin when it comes to

Fandom so that’s unfortunate but like just looking at the chat right now Hatters is out here trolling extend goof Now 50 million Donkey Kong out here just sticking with the Mantra super bow or bus baby uh yeah let so well let’s let’s get to the NFL then speaking of super Bower

Bust sure um so news and notes uh obviously the playoff uh seatings are set um I I did find the the most interesting uh thing that happened over the the most uniquely interesting thing that happened over the weekend is when a coach has to apologize to the other team for its

Players uh let’s let’s tell tell me what your thoughts were on that kind of like go over what happened with the crew if in case they didn’t see it or know about it and then kind of kind of curious what your thoughts are on that I think I

Think as we have talked on this podcast before I don’t have any problem with running up the score score and if to me if you don’t like it you should you’re you should be out there preventing them from doing that to you it’s as much as college football is

Not professional football right as close to it’s as close to professional football as you can be like I don’t care about the UFL like college football is the next highest level of football that’s being played in America so whether you’re talking professional or college like don’t let him to run the

Score up against you here’s the one here’s my one exception here’s my one exception um if you’re up because they were up something like 17 points weren’t they I I don’t remember what the it was insurmountable yeah and they lined up in Victory formation and then the players

On the field that apparently the coaching staff called Victory formation yeah and the players audibled to a fake which they then scored a touchdown on which then led to the Saints coaching staff having to apologize to the other team which then led to jamus Winston unbelievably going online and being like

Team first team Victory players players talked it over and then I’m sure the Saints P staff was like jamus how do we spin this bro what are you doing like can you not maybe just not not Mutiny God right on Twitter that’s straight up Mutiny right I’ve never SE I’ve never seen

Anything like that I thought the reason they did that was because Jamal Williams led the NFL in touchdowns last year with the lions at 17 he did not have a single touchdown this year and they said you know what we need to get this bro a TD I

Don’t know if it was some sort of like as long as you score one TD you get a half a mill like some sort of bonus thing or what but I think they just didn’t want him to get shut out on the season they’re like they are never going

To suspect this Jamal we’re going to hand it to you and you’re going to just go flying and uh not not particularly Sportsman likee um no definitely not and I if I’m Jamal Williams i c that touchdown means nothing to me to get it like that in the last game of the

Season just like just live off the fact that you had 17 a year ago yeah you know he didn’t play yeah I I would have probably told the guys no I mean I appreciate the thought more than you can imagine that you really want to do this for me but

Like I’m going Stay classy like it it’s not about me it’s about team and this is the right thing for the team uh I feel like I would have said that in in the time but I I don’t know I I lost some respect for the for the Saints um well

For the players the coach was pissed right like this was not a coaching decision well I mean so like when I say the Saints I mean yeah the players are a big part of that sure you know and so like I lost a lot I lost a lot of respect for for them

So that was I thought relatively classless so what’s up Rumble if they had just if they had just lined up four wide and gone for it it’s a different story for me but to like your way to it in a in an effect blowout having lined up in the position

That everybody’s like all right no we’re not going 100% on this play because it’s Unstoppable was very low brow I thought Bush League yeah I agree though now here’s my next here’s my next question if the players do that do you think the head coach is in charge of the locker room I

Mean do you think the Lions players do that to Dan Campbell no I don’t I think they’re they’re not in the POS position to do that um I think that I think their heart was in the right place but they executed poorly um I I don’t think it’s did the

Coach lose the locker room I I don’t think so I think sometimes you get uh those those guys are like there’s 53 of us this is our last game what’s he going to do bench us and we’re just going to do what we want when this it’s a meaningless play ultimately right so

It’s meaningless in the outcome of the game it’s meaningless it it doesn’t even mean much to uh Jamal Williams so I think they’re like it’s a meaningless play we’re just going to do this thing that we want to do and um steo I think Dan would have been trying to score that

Touchdown maybe um but uh yeah I think that I don’t know I’m not sure you can you can’t fault the coach because he very clearly did not want that to be the thing that happened um but you do have to wonder like what repercussions any

Those players might have if I me if you were the coach what do you do you can’t fire them all can’t bench him now because y’all aren’t in the playoffs so like it was kind of a free play for those guys I don’t think they felt any any concern for their job or

Anything like that um yeah I don’t know what you do I if I was the GM I would be having conversations I mean I that was something that I would be like I don’t remember the last time that I was aware I mean like some quarterback can walk up

To the line and call whatever play they want right but like this is a little different if you’re walking up and you’re up by 17 20 points or whatever it was I think they were up I think they were up by 17 I think it was 34 to

17 and they went in and made at 41 to 17 I think that’s what happened that’s just won 4817 so they were already up 4117 my God so I mean like to me if I’m the GM I’m I’m like okay that’s certainly a question that’s

Going to come up in the end of the exit interviews for the year yeah like what what happened what was called in the Huddle what were you guys thinking what the were you guys thinking yeah so yeah I didn’t like it well um anything else before we kind

Of take a quick peek at the playoff picture that’s a that’s a news and not on the NFL um just that we we now have six teams looking for head coaches and as of the as of this afternoon I know Ben Johnson had been had been um there had

Been a request to interview Ben Johnson from the Panthers commanders and chargers and there had been an request to interview Aaron Glenn from The commanders and Chargers so day one you know commanders and Chargers have our coordinators on their list right so yep it starts so let’s let’s talk uh playoff picture

So we’ve got uh this kind of goes back to that Dallas game right uh we do our part and we could have we could have ended up at the two spot or the one spot uh which is super unfortunate but extra week would have really helped samle pora

Yes um that that by the way was the exact reason I thought we should have rested our starters sure um but they play 17 other games or 16 other games you don’t keep them out of their in you know in fear of injuries but I do think

That like personally I was a fan of I think you and I talked about it last week like I was a fan of we should keep them out or at least liked some of the key guys um the question is for me like do you rest Le pora he’s he’s a a

Critical piece to our offense but I know it makes a lot of sense to make sure rookies get as many reps as they can so maybe I wouldn’t even sat him and it just would have been uh sucks sucks to be us but I probably would have sat Goff

I probably would have sat amanra St Brown I probably would have sat Hutch those are the three and pro maybe even Su uh and get uh some offensive linemen some more reps but uh so that’s unfortunate uh um for for the Lions and for leaport um by the way I don’t know if

You noticed you see my new hat got the old the NFC champ locker room hat oh nice yeah my other ones getting a little dingy and this uh I like the looks of this one there you go so we got the ners at the number one seed we got number two

Dallas playing Green Bay uh we’re obviously one of the big stories because of the whole golf Stafford trade and now they’re facing each other uh kind of thing so ustin la uh and then Tampa Bay Philadelphia in the NFC got Baltimore uh taking a break um

In uh it’s the one seed in the AFC uh buffalo versus pit I think is going to be a pretty decent game um Kansas City versus Miami is going to be a great game and uh Cleveland Houston I I’d love to see Detroit and Cleveland both win a

Playoff game for the first time in decades yeah I don’t give a about Cleveland um Detroit Detroit Cleveland Super Bowl would be I I think that’s like the end of the world will end up at the halftime like no one’s going to end up winning it’s because it sh happened

One of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse or something yeah it could very well be so I think I think Buffalo’s gonna absolutely embarrass Pittsburgh um they’ve been Scrappy they’ve been finding ways to win yes um I think they’ve over overperformed I don’t think they are they have a talent for a

Playoff Squad yet yet they’re here so I’m not going to count them out but I think Buffalo will will beat them I have yeah they’re starting uh Mason Rudolph so yeah I’m uh pretty confident nine and I was that n Dr D oh hey Dr nine to 10 wins yeah

Gotcha yeah so they so uh from where Dr Detroit was sitting they overperformed which is always good it’s kind of nice um yep always happy do you want to do picks in these games Mike uh well yeah let’s do that we’ll throw it in the in the chat so we have

Uh a permanent record of our uh decisions uh we need this place play off win F Stafford I hope we beat that Mofo’s ass you know what Steve I’m a big Stafford fan he got his ring I’m a lions fan right last year we weren’t in the or

Uh 2021 we weren’t in the playoffs so I’m like go win the ring bro this year I I’m all about like we need to win like am I going to be happy he wins no I want the Lions to win if they do beat us

And then he continues to win am I going to be happy I’ll probably be happy for him but I’d rather have it be us like this is the game that I care about like I’m not F Stafford I just want us to win yeah I think that the whole narrative around this matchup

Is very odd very confusing I understand why because there was the trade but Matthew Stafford was the is the greatest quarterback that the Detroit Lions have ever had he’s yes in my opinion and he was a class classy guy for a dozen years he never bashed the organization once in any interview

Or any sound bite that I ever heard from him even after yeah he was a consant professional I’m happy that he did get his ring but I mean I just can’t bring it in myself to be like anything but respectful for that guy yeah he’s just a classy really good quarterback Who used

To play for us and well Donkey Kong we’re going to do a we’re gonna do a at the end yep we had that on the we’re gonna we’re g you’re gonna start seeing a lot more of that I promise I promise yeah so to me there is no narrative about goff’s revenge in

Fact Goff came out today and basically squashed it he basically he came out and said like that’s not what we’re doing you know we’re focused on the team and the team needs to be focused on just getting the win and it’s not about any individual it’s not about any storyline and

Like I really respect that from from Goff like he could have taken it another way and he chose not to so so okay so it is our time that he you could be you’re 100% right Steve but that doesn’t mean that we have to we

Have to take a line as fans that the opposing team is the enemy like you can respect your opponent and still go out yeah yeah they’re still the enemy right we just don’t have to hate them we just want to win we want to beat them yeah I

Don’t want to win any less or more than if it was any of these other six teams in the yeah in the playoff they’re just an opponent they’re just an opponent and I want to beat them like any other opponent yeah I mean I don’t want to

Beat them because of a thing other than that I want to beat them because they’re our opponent right so let’s talk about this let’s just do a little preview oh Steve like yeah goof is definitely taking it more seriously right he’s 100% he’s saying and doing

The right things in public just like uh just like he does on any other game day like he if he throws a couple uh interceptions uh even if he doesn’t throw an interceptions he’s like yeah I know I should have put this one in the

Right spot like he he he’s a good leader like I will give him that uh he’s a good good leader he takes ownership he tries to do that kind of stuff he says the right things he does everything you’d want out of a quarterback a leader of

Your team especially in the in the public and uh in the media so yeah for sure he’s you know he wants to prove that uh prove to McVey that he was wrong about him that he’s got it he’s got whatever McVey didn’t see in him but uh

He’s definitely not going to say that hey it’s going to be billboard material right or um and he doesn’t want that so he’s just going to go out he’s going to do his thing he’s going to try like as hard as he can and I hope he does I hope he wins

Like I don’t want him to do bad I just don’t want to sign him to a long-term contract that’s the only difference I want him to do really well I think Jared gof and every other Detroit Lion that is on the roster currently is gonna play as

Hard as if it was any other team that they got matched up against so I don’t think it matters yeah because it’s win or go home regardless of who you play against this is 100% for fans to drive to get fans like us worked up so that we will either go

To the game or watch the game which we were going to do anyways yeah so like now you get to talk about it more you get to drive those uh those other things which I have no interest in because right it’s I mean we were going

To play the game anyways I don’t need anything else to be more interest getting out there and playing just playing the game and like Brad Holmes came from La you know like Josh Reynolds came from La is it a brad Holmes uh you know retribution game or Josh Reynolds

Retribution game Revenge game no it’s not that’s just it right that’s just it like you know you could be I mean like what is the difference in saying like we traded Matt Stafford for Goff and the picks and being like Oh but Brad Holmes just left because he got a better

Opportunity like Jared Jared G also got a good opportunity like Jared gof yeah is making the most out of the opportunity that he was provided with this trade it’s done nothing but good things for jarro G because he’s made the most of it like it reminds me a lot of

Like the best revenge is living well that’s what he’s doing yeah he doesn’t need to me like I don’t even think that he needs to do I want them to win yeah do I think that Jared Goff needs to win this game for any Jared Goff reason no I don’t think so

No all right let’s talk let’s talk about uh the games here Dallas Green Bay it’s in Dallas so I’m gonna pick Dallas but Green Bay is playing quite well in that matters I think Dallas will beat by beat them by close to two touchdowns it’ll be over 10 maybe not as much as

14 uh the NFL does Liv does love these story lines oh yeah for sure U yeah steo all right uh Philadelphia versus Tampa Bay I’m gonna pick Tampa Bay I’m gonna pick because Philadelphia has lost five out of its last six at one point very late two-thirds of the year

They were 10 and one and they finish up 11- six and they have looked bad and they have gotten banged up their defense isn’t playing well and it just looks like whatever they had that got them to the Super Bowl and carried them for the first 10 or 11

Weeks of the Season seems to be gone and so I I think it’s and it’s it’s in Tampa Bay if I’m not mistaken they’re the division win yeah yep so I’m GNA take the bucks at home interesting so I’m I’m gonna pick Philadelphia over Green Bay or over Tampa Bay

I think it’s going to be a closer game than it should be like you said they were what 11 to one at some point during the season or something like that and they were Super Bowl well they 9 Z last week so I mean that that’s true don’t forget that don’t forget

That uh I I think they’re gonna get their together um I Baker Mayfield is you know he’s playing well this year he’s a comeback Player of the Year candidate uh I I I’m not like overlooking it I think it’s G to be a really really tight game but I think Philadelphia’s defense is

Going to get their together just long enough to beat them I don’t think they’re going to make it past the next round but I think I think they’re going to squeak by a Tampa Bay in a really tight game I’ll take the bucks at home Baker’s just got too much of that

Like oh if it’s it’s Superman that showed up this week in him for me like and I think like with it being winner go home you know season’s over they’re the home team Baker might just kill them yeah and like he’s also got a little bit of rookie Payton Manning uh he does

Interception record in him too so that’s true um I’m gonna bet that he shows up though like he walked off the plane for the Rams and like 36 hours later won him a game last season I think it’s that’s guy that’s going to show up on whatever the day they play Sunday or

It definitely could be um it’s a coin flip it’s a coin flip which is crazy to think uh you wouldn’t have thought that after week 12 no uh and then all right so everybody’s favorite game so I’m really curious what the chat thinks as well Detroit versus

LA first home game in 30 years you know all the story lines with you know Stafford and uh Goff and all that kind of stuff we just talked about um Detroit’s got uh um I don’t know just this is the best team uh best all-around team I’ve seen

Since the Barry Sanders days which makes sense because this is the first home game since Barry Sanders days um what do you want to talk about like position by position matchups um like favored unfavored or do you want to just go right into who we think is going to win

Um we can go position by position um it’s for the chat I think the Lions will win they’re at home um I will say that the Rams are playing real well the Rams this whole roster except puka right was you know Super Bowl winners yeah you know two

Years ago so I mean like they’re they understand what it takes and I think that that that said they had like 35 rookies in training camp this year and they have the youngest roster in the NFL because they had to shed so many of those guys like Ramsay’s gone Bobby

Wagner’s gone Von Miller’s gone like they shed a lot there’s they’re a really young team so they most of the that Super Bowl winning team is not there there’s obviously key pieces like Donald Stafford and cup uh in even ancillary pieces like Ben scanic and Tyler higgy

But like the good chunk of that is still going to be really young dudes have never never experienced that which hopefully will play to our advantage uh yeah I would I would hope so I mean they just all went through a 17 Game season right so I mean yeah yeah

It’s a different thing in the play it’s a different atmosphere in the playoffs so I think Detroit will win where do you want to start on the matchups uh coaching um well Sean mcvey’s been to two Super Bowls he won one of them uh Detroit’s I don’t know what Dan

Campbell’s coaching career looked like prior to here prior to being here he was an interim head coach in Miami for like five games so I mean I think it’s go ahead McVey is like I I would put McVey in the top three top four coaches in the game right

Now really I put Andy Reid at number one I put uh Steve Carrol at number two and I put and and uh Shawn McVey at number three only because Bill Bill bich che’s not coaching uh he would probably be at one or two I would probably put him at

Number two behind Andy Reid um and in front of uh Pete Carrol but I would put McVey right next to those guys Dan Campbell’s not in that group yet well no um you know McVey might McVey might be I mean there’s every possibility uh he’s got 70 wins in six years it’s a

Lot wins it’s a lot of wins but um first of all I I think I think my thing is like this game is g to be who gets the ball left I don’t know that either defense can stop either offense and I think it’s G to be a turnover

Turnover battle whoever wins the turnover batter will win the game if if Stafford plays mistake free I think that they’re GNA beat us well yeah I would say whoever play yeah but I think if it’s if we win the turnover battle or it’s even I think that we

Win and I think someone in the chat mentioned it earlier like if it is if Stafford does go out there and gunsling it and they get a pick or something like that I think it it it heavily favors Detroit so as it has all year you know the lions are the quintessential you

Know if you win the turnover battle you win the game kind of team if you score first yeah also there’s a there’s a formula for it they they are definitely a formulaic team so I I mean the only hiccup that we really had had was that four or five week

Stretch where it was like three picks three fumbles three picks and that seems to have been cleared up it was clear Dallas was the biggest opponent that they faced since that hiccup he looked fine in that game um certainly didn’t look like the Packers suck ass they ain’t

Beating Dallas we don’t think so either yeah um you know he looked he looked fine against Minnesota too I mean they didn’t make as many mistakes and thank you Nick Mullins I mean it’s not not a hard it’s not a big hill to climb but like four turnovers yeah so

Um I just don’t think I mean I just don’t think that he’s they’re in a position right now where he’s not going to make mistakes and I don’t know that the Rams can put him in a position to make mistakes so that’s where my fear is

Because I think if anybody’s going to be able to do it Aaron Donald can and they’ve also got Byron young uh and Kobe Turner as young defensive lineman Kobe Turner I believe is the guy that um tied Aaron Donald’s rookie sack record with nine as an interior defensive lineman like Kobe

Turner Aaron Donald getting pressure and Byron Young on the edge like I’m I’m afraid of that because that’s the thing I I think the the reason we might lose if we lose it’s because that defensive line got to golf he got flustered and made mistakes and I’m really afraid of how well that

Line’s played the last several games they’ve been one of the best teams in the league since they’re since they’re by and H man I I hope suul can handle those guys I hope ragna stays healthy I hope our guards outplay their you know Donald and U Kobe Turner kind of Tandem

There but that’s what has be worried CU I I think I think they’ve got the matchup in I think LA’s got the better quarterback I think we’ve got the better offensive line I think our tight ends Higg I mean if we had Sam leaport I’d say we’d have

A the better tight ends but since we don’t I would say Higg is the better tight end compared to Brock Wright or James Mitchell he’s not great but I think you know he squeaks by in a contest there wide receivers I mean i’ take pukaa and Cooper cup over

Amon rat and whoever else we can throw the ball to like they’re they’re dangerous um so I think offensively uh oh and then run game I think we’re really close like I think Kon Williams he’s got I think he’s the only running back in the NFL to have

Over 100 yard per game average um he was second in the NFL and missed four games uh but man as a tandem Montgomery and um uh Gibbs jir Gibbs have play been lighting it up so uh combined they got more yards but I I I would say the Run

Game’s probably a draw with a Le with a slight Edge to us um so I think I think offensively they’re a slight favorite but not too big uh defensively I think that we’ve got a a better defense than they do uh they’ve got a better defensive

Line um with with Donald and um byon young and um Kobe Turner but two of those guys are real young uh but I think our secondary is better than them that’s where they’ve struggled all year so I think we got better linebackers I think we got better

Cornerbacks uh I think we got better safey so my hope is if Hutch can get some pressure um pressure I I think he will as well because the their offense line is not particularly good they’re I don’t know like 20th in the NFL or something as an

Offensive line so if we don’t get pressure I think we lose I think that’s the key to our game is getting getting pressure and forcing Stafford to make throws faster than he wants into guys like CJ Gardner Johnson Kirby Joseph um Brian Branch right and some of those

Guys so that’s if if that doesn’t happen I I think they just end up squeaking by us I don’t think it’s going be a blow up by either team but um like I I’m picking La by like one last second field goal or some um but I I think that we can I

Think we can do it I just I’m not convinced that we’re not going to crumble under the pressure it’s a huge huge pre pressure situation first home game in 30 years um against his old team he’s got to be like I don’t know and facing Aaron Donald just sucks

This was the matchup I didn’t want yeah I didn’t want it either so the Dallas loss was really a bummer for me so this is um after all of those things you said the Rams the Rams won 10 games um as far as playing Aaron Donald there’s been nobody in the NFL that’s

Proven that they can stop Aaron Donald so I don’t think it’s about stopping Aaron Donald I think it’s about slowing Aaron donnald down and I like Frank ragnell Plus either guard against him all game to accomplish slowing him down yes and then that leaves the two young pass rushers against Decker and Su

So I like our chances there the rest of their defense is of I don’t know that I can name a single player on it they’re not good right and so the the other thing to do to defeat a pass rush is to have a quick quick quick pass Quick Pass game so luckily

The Lions have a manra St Brown who just lives off of that and luckily for Sam lorta even if he doesn’t play this next week he hyperextended his knee as opposed to tearing joints in it or tearing ligaments thank God thank God it was just that I don’t think that he

Plays I don’t think so either but he might and if he doesn’t play they need to know that because the rumors that I’ve been hearing is that the Lions could go out and sign a tight end like Zack hers to come in who played for the Lions tight end

Coach they might do that anyway well I mean they only have one on the roster right now James Mitchell so yeah uh the running the running game um it may not be as effective as it has been against other teams but like jir Gibbs does have more 20 yard rushes than any other

Running back in the NFL and I think it’s the kind of thing where it’s like okay like I’ll take Ben Johnson’s run calling against anybody on the defensive line who isn’t Aaron Donald you know and he’s gonna make plays but he’s not gonna make every play

The entire game so I like the the Lions offense against the Rams defense and against Cooper cup and pukaa uh it’s not like the Lions don’t play against Elite wide receivers I mean they played against Justin Jefferson twice a year they played played two on the same

Team that’s the trick sure okay so like so let’s talk about and even Robinson’s played really well since they acquired him partway through the season yeah so but the Lions have given up things like um what is the dude that had like CD lamb had over 200 yards

Receiving and they played the Cowboys to a standstill and last year uh Justin Jefferson had over 200 yards receiving and they beat the Vikings in that game y so if you want to give cup and NCA 110 yards a piece you know and whatever I don’t know that that’s

Something that the Detroit Lions can’t haven’t seen before and can’t overcome can they do that while Kye Williams is also running for 115 so the Lions also have like the sixth highest rated run defense in the NFL and they just got El mcneel back yeah so what

Team has run all over the Detroit Lions this year the Rams are going to come in and do it maybe but maybe not yeah I mean I would I would tend to bet that the sixth rated defense plays against Kiren Williams the way that it does against

Any other running back that they happen to come up against this season I I like Kyon Williams and I’m glad he had a nice season but this is the one and only time that he’s done it he was good last year he got hurt again last year he was well maybe he’ll

Roll you know who knows but like I don’t think I hope nobody gets an injury on any team okay well sure but like I don’t think there’s anything that the that the Rams do that the Lions haven’t seen in a similar way at some point during this season and the

Only team that really embarrassed them was the Ravens yeah score-wise right I think the Green Bay game was pretty embarrassing as well pretty embarrassing yeah so I don’t think that it’s at home a national television huge game yeah yeah so I mean like I’m not I think we can right I I

Think we could be anywhere from a fairly close loss to a blowout win yeah and like I think we have that that in us we’ve got that in our bag you know and like I think that um I just don’t seem to think that they’re

What they are good at they are going to be as good at against Detroit as you seem to feel they will be yeah like so you’ve listed all the things that I think they have to do well in order to win but I also think he does sound nervous squa

Um I’m nervous but a lions I I don’t want them to win don’t forget this I don’t want them to win but I’m nervous for the lions that the things that I’ve watched because I’ve watched every one of their games and the things that I’ve seen over their last five or six weeks

Has me nervous as a lions fan what made you nervous about them in the Minnesota game or the Dallas game or the Denver game um I guess the the memory of the Chicago game and the Green Bay game and the Baltimore game right so like right the

Thing that makes the fact that we I know we can we can blow up and have just a storm of a game right that’s that’s what makes me nervous I mean so so can the Rams they they sure they lost seven times I mean y you know

It’s it’s certainly possible you know I mean like I I think the Rams need all of those things to go well to beat the Lions they have to have pressure they have to have Aaron Donald making plays they have to have Kiren Williams on puka

And and cup have to get that kind of yardage and I think that if one of those things doesn’t happen the Lions exploit it and they do what they do which is to limit mistakes because who on other than Aaron Donald who on the who on the Rams

Is going to force a mistake from the Detroit I just like the Lions matchups better on our offense versus their defense than their offense against our defense they have the Rams have the better individual defensive player the Lions defense so I don’t I’m not gonna predict a

Score be because I don’t know who’s going to get the ball right and like is s por gonna play have they signed Zack hers what the Situation’s going to look like right but the Rams have to come to Detroit the home team is favored the crowd will be

Crazy yep you know and it might be the difference in the game might be you know the Rams can’t hear a check that Matthew Stafford’s trying to make at the line and they have to burn a timeout yeah or the receivers don’t hear it and they run the wrong route right

Yeah exactly you know and Matt has played real well this year real well Matt also has it has a little bit of that Baker Mayfield in him where it’s like oh this is a two or three pick game yeah he had two picks against uh the

Giants two two games ago those were his first two picks after week 11 but like he floated them about three yards above the receiver’s head and they just they literally went like this Kelvin couldn’t have caught him you know and like I like Hutch’s I mean like yes their line has played

Their line has played better this year but they they were I mean playing better than they did two years ago would have been next to impossible not to achieve their line was really poor and like yeah they’ve played well I’m I’m happy that they played well but

Like I think Hutch will be able to generate pressure against that line because what I would do is I would just put hutch on whatever matchup I want inside outside wide n doesn’t matter send and all they ever do all the Lions ever do with him is send him they send him every

Play he has a terrible run defense grade because his job is to get up field after the quarterback they don’t even want him to play run defense they send him all the time you know and if and and I like Matt Stafford and I think Matt I don’t think James Houston is

Going to play now but maybe I know they started I don’t even think he’s practicing yet is he well I think think they I think they started his clock but I don’t know if that means he can get back in time gotcha I think you can have any number

Of uh players on your roster um in the playoffs right they’re not restricted to a 47 or 53 man roster I think you have to be right because otherwise why wouldn’t one team just go and sign up all the players that could be because you still have to abide by the

Cap I mean yeah I could be I know the yeah I know the NHL is uh once the playoffs come you can you don’t have to um you can bring your Triple A you know your your farm team guys up and that kind of stuff obious they can’t all

Dress but they can all be on the team um I I for some reason I was thinking the NFL is the same way I could be wrong if anybody knows in the chat throw that out there um yeah I I don’t I’m not going to make a prediction on like the outcome of

The game but I think that I think that this will go the way that Detroit wins go where they they don’t make mistakes they get a lead they play from the lead and they manage the game knowing what they have to do from that point out you know yeah

And so if the if the Rams are going to win and if they’re going to R win convincingly they need to do the exact opposite they need to get out in front put a ton of pressure on and force Detroit to do things that they want to do

Otherwise and I just but I just think that Detroit is better equipped to play its game plan than La is equipped to do theirs in this particular environment so yeah I’m I’m mostly just afraid of um the pressure getting to not just uh the mental pressure but the physical

Pressure both of those getting to our offense um you know the Rams have the same number of sacks we do so they’re not bad there uh they’ve actually given up far far fewer points than we have um on the year uh I say far fewer it was 2

22 less points so uh two points a game um I guess and when I was looking at the rankings it looked far fewer um but like they they’ve had a stronger defense as far as giving up points than we have they got the same amount of sacks uh I

Do believe we have a few more turnovers though than they do um let’s see interceptions we’ve got 16 to their 10 so we’ve got we got a little bit better secondary there so hopefully um that kind of stuff will we will’ll pick up so I I think it’s gonna be a real

Close game it’s GNA be a barn burner um and I if we can if we can survive and win the turnover battle I think we’ve got I think that will do it if we lose the turnover battle I think that’s going to be the the Difference Maker in the

Game yeah I just I just think Detroit’s the more complete roster I do I will concede I agree that I think the Rams have several individually better players but I just think the the Lions floor is higher and I think that’s what’s going to be the differences this whole the

Whole time these last two years that the Lions have put up these kinds of offensive stats I have been sitting here and I have watched the games and I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out why they seem to be putting up so why

Their offense is as good as it is and I just can’t seem to put my finger on it until I was I was at work today thinking about it writing things down making a list and I wrote down the term consistency and I think that they are

Just a consistent team where it where it matters the most which is on the offensive line and at quarterback yep and like gof is not a world beater but he is consistent you know and like if the I I think I don’t I am not concerned about the Rams defensive line outside of

Donald and I I would double Andor triple team him every play yeah I I would double team him every play for sure um depending on what the play is um you can’t you can’t Overlook Kobe Turner um you know if I go into the game and I if

I go into the game and I say I’m going to do this and if Kobe Turner beats me I’ll live with it yeah because I think that you could any I think that if you’re a football coach or Brad Holmes or Sheila Hamp and you were

Like guys the game plan going into this week is we’re going to do X and if Kobe Turner beats us I’m sorry but I just yeah so I mean that’s that is where I would put my money if if you said Drew Kobe Turner is going to make enough

Plays to defeat the Detroit Lions in a road playoff win I’d be like what are the stakes that I am getting because I will take it right yeah I I it’s gonna be a great game I’m I’m super excited for it 8:15 Sunday night

Um I kind of wish it was a day game at 1:00 so I don’t have to be up late on a work night but you know what I don’t mind I don’t mind I mind I don’t want to be up late I’m cranky ah you know what if we if we blow

Him up by halftime you can just go to bed that’s good point I do like all right let’s look let’s look at the AFC uh pit versus Buffalo who you got Buffalo yeah um I’m GNA throw that in chat as well pit V buff equals buff um Kansas City versus uh Miami I’m

Going to take Miami you’re going to take Miami um interesting I think Kansas City’s gonna squeak this one out I don’t no what why do you because they’ve never um so so uh Miami is on the road right so Kansas City still gets their home playoff game yep which is good

Because I don’t think that in the Mahomes they’ve ever had to play on the road yeah and they’ve never lost yeah so um I think that changes today the the the Chiefs still have mahom they still have Kelsey they still have Chris Jones um and it just doesn’t look the

Same yeah it just doesn’t look the same as years past and like I Miami shockingly I think is one of the top running teams in the NFL uh they had I think so interesting they had moster was way up there for like yards at least I thought uh and

They still have that kid a chain Deon Devon a chain was a rookie they are six they have six most rushing yards in the NFL yeah so that’s pretty good we are fifth by the way hey there we are uh run through the top five the top four for me real

Quick right there rushing yards Ravens by the way if you don’t go to that this site is freaking awesome um so rush yards I think I just think the fins are gonna win I just I like what they’re what their offense is I don’t I mean it doesn’t

Require um it’s you know it’s about scheme and Tua is excellent for what that offense is asking to do the same way that Goff is excellent for what this offense is asking him to do Wadd and Tyreek are two two guys that’s going to be tough to handle pretty good Kelsey

Has not had the same kind of season this year that he has had up to thanks Taylor that’s not Taylor’s fault St kidding um you know there and there have been cracks like there was the the game where something happened and was like a no call or a call or something Mahomes lost

It yeah it just doesn’t it just does not feel like the same Chiefs team and I’ll just I’ll just bet against that yeah you know Miami has been really good all year except when they played Baltimore Baltimore has beaten every good team that they had a chance to play Miami Detroit San Francisco

Yeah like and I just think I think it’s time I think this is the changing of the guards kind of season for at least were the ones where the Chiefs don’t make it out of the second round of the playoffs so I mean Miami second points um leaders in touchdowns leaders and Rush

Touchdowns fourth and pass touchdowns uh but the two four six in rushing like their offense is killing it uh I did not look at defense um so let’s take a look at defense allowed points where are they at they’re way down here um where’s Kansas City am I just overlooking them probably yeah

Where the hell is Kansas City they’re either they’re either higher or lower dude they’re oh they’re yeah they’re they’re second holy they actually gave up the second fewest amount of points in the NFL I was expecting them to be loud down further I’m like where the hell did they

Go wow that’s that’s way better than I thought I’m I’m still gonna take the I still think a good offense is better than a good defense so I’m going to take the fins yeah uh I’m going to pick s uh Kansas City only because uh until I see

Patrick momes lose at home in the playoffs uh I’m just I’m going to go with that this might be the time that he proves me uh proves me wrong that uh my faith in him uh is unwarranted but I’m GNA go with that until uh until they prove otherwise sure uh Cleveland versus

Houston Houston Houston Houston like with a Runway no I don’t think anybody’s running away with these gam the only the only game on the on the whole slate that I think could be an absolute total blowout is buffalo against pit that’s if there was a game where you

Like they have to win by 14 plus I’m picking Buffalo to beat Pit by more than that yeah I I would say Dallas Green Bay is the the other one in that category so um I I don’t know did I hear that flacko got hurt or can’t play in this

Game oh no and even if he can’t I’m gonna take Houston at home with the season that they’ve had this is the most unbelievable story for a team in the NFL this year is what Houston has done they were picking it too they were picking it too yeah they took an Ohio State

Quarterback and everybody was like oh Ohio State quarterbacks helmet helmet helmet and like uh no one they never work out and all they all they did all year was play with a ton of heart and win a bunch of footb football games way more than anybody thought what’s

Also interesting is if Houston wins uh they own Cleveland’s pick in this draft so it gets a lot better I know that’s funny yeah I I I’m gonna go with Houston as well um has on defense yeah and that’s why I think I’ve never been a a flacko fan uh

I’ve always thought that he was a bit overrated um but he’s played really well the last what the six weeks that they got him off the couch um I’m just not sure which Flo is going to show up is it going to be the same one that’s been

Playing like a world beater for the last six weeks or is it going to be the Flo from the previous eight years that ended him up on the couch uh I think the Houston’s defense Houston’s got a great young coach um CJ Stout is playing lights

Out uh I I’ve got Houston going on this one too I think it’s going to be a relatively close game it’s going to be a one- score game but uh I’ve got Houston going there oh that’s true yeah um Cincinnati Beat Kansas City go to the Super Bowl a

Couple years ago oh that’s right that was the Rams Super Bowl yeah Bengals Rams so yeah true you should be like our historian yeah right on yeah I’m still I’m still going with Patrick Mahomes I’m not g to lie um I don’t think they will probably win

The next round against Buffalo if they play him although they would probably play so if we’re right Baltimore is going to play Houston and then Buffalo would play Kansas City in that scenario um and I just don’t think that Buffalo I think Kansas City will be Buffalo I’m sorry I think Buffalo will

Be Kansas City it’ll be in Buffalo and I think that will be a big difference maker but good call Aqua yeah so that’s how I see him going all right um since I’ve got this up do you want to I’ll take a quick peek at like end of season uh grades where our

Boys landed I know you you very much want to do this so it’s a lot of fun all right let’s take a look so I’m gonna get a drink of water really quick I’m H I’ll allow it I’m gonna Zoom these in so you can see oh

Perfect um so on the quarterback side um we’ve got Goff at number 11 which to me last year he was his final grade was 20th in the NFL um and his stats were about the same this year a little bit better last year actually uh than this

Year but I thought he played like even his grade showed his actual performance itself was uh a bit better so he was at 11 um in the NFL let’s take a big peek at the receiving side of things uh we got Alan Ross St Brown up at seven he he ended up

The season with a 90 plus grade which is Elite um that’s uh Tyreek Hill was killing it all year even Bryon auk uh was was really really strong um puka as a rookie 87.9 is pretty crazy um I don’t remember where um Cooper yeah Cooper cup ended up

At a 72.4 which is still a good score but just not what the what we’ve been used to with Cooper cup he’s uh typically been in the 90s uh he started off the season injured came back uh still a little bit injured um no worries uh we’ve already

Gone through the quarterbacks and the receivers great uh going going quick because we want to get to that mock uh on the tight end side Hawk actually ended up having a far better score than I thought he was going to end up with um so he was third but we got Sam leaport

At number five um and if we want to take a look at just his uh rookie year or like the this draft class he was heads and taals better than anybody else on in the draft class so um high five to Brad gnomes for that pick sure uh rushing we’ve got

Um uh where were they uh Kiren was at 11 Montgomery was right behind them 80 grade is pretty solid um uh really good and then jir Gibbs was at 22 76 I mean having two guys above 75 is pretty damn good um loving it yeah and

If we take a look at just at this year’s um uh running backs we got uh a chain at number one with a 92.4 he’s been awesome all year uh Jalil mlin over in Denver uh played really well limited snaps only 85 uh Tai Spears with Tennessee played

Played really well jir Gibbs at number four bejan Robinson way down at number I mean still 69.1 is pretty solid but uh someone as highly touted as him at his draft pick uh position I would expect him up in this area uh on the defense side uh we got

Hutch in the top 10 again in over 90 that Elite Mark of 90 uh so I was pretty excited to see that um on the for rookies uh Will Anderson had his big year um he had a huge huge year 81.8 Prett sell Nick herbig I’ve never heard of um went to

Wisconsin ah gotcha all right well they just they just Pittsburgh blitzes their linebackers like constantly so gotcha he had a lot of opportunity yeah there’s the Byron young I was telling you about he was he’s played really really really well for the LA he he he started off not particularly

Great but as rookies do they get better as they play um I thought he played a lot better the last half dozen games um let’s take a peek at uh linebackers um Noah Su I know we were talking about like do we draft him in

The mid rounds or not uh we both kind of decided we shouldn’t but he had a great year he played 27 STS well that’s true um but they were 27 good snaps they were this was the one that I wanted to bring up because I was shocked galani

Tavi former lion just a ton of snaps and played really well um but let’s see where our Detroit Lions are where are we we not in the top 50 anymore well anone has to be I thought so too and Loney he is 40th wow so he was in the top 40 he was

Around 15 for a good chunk of the year yeah um but uh right there let’s take a peek at our drafty um Ivan Pace played really well Jack Campbell was a disappointment uh but so were the other guys Drew Sanders I know was relatively highly mocked um yeah but uh

You know where Ivan Pace went in the draft uh let’s see here tell me he was a UD I was gonna say um there was I remember there was some sort of meme or Stat that just talked about based on the rookie linebackers the last several years you

Should just never draft a linebacker you can always get equivalent play cheaply in the free agent Market at uh almost almost every opportunity um yes that’s correct which is I think one of the reasons why we were so disappointed uh in that pick uh cornerbacks uh ours did not play

Well uh Brian Branch the exception he played really well um I I think this is because they list nickel as a corner yeah opposed to a safety so that’s fine uh it is kind of a hybrid role but like there’s a lot of people in the fandom like on Facebook or social

Media that’s all that are all over cam Sutton and here’s here’s what I’ll say about cam Sutton he’s not going to have scored well on pff’s grading system he is an actual cornerback however he’s an actual cornerback and like yes he didn’t score well at all but

He’s he’s a real corner and the Lions didn’t have one last year and now they have one so is he more of a c CB2 sure considering they had CB zero yeah like he is he is being asked to do more than I think that he is

Capable of currently doing which is why corner is going to be one of the biggest offseason needs for this team yeah I think he tried to do too much I think he there was too much placed on him and that’s not the position you can do that

With and because of that I think he struggled um coverage grade I’ve had like 110 ounces of water today I don’t know what’s going on so you what you’re saying is you’re going to stop for a bathroom break here at some point crazy uh so this this was Detroit’s uh

Cornerback room uh let’s take a peek at the draft year um we’re gonna filter out for a minimum number of SNS Deon Witherspoon was really really good yeah and Brian Branch was I I would say right behind him he’s number two but like uh that’s not right behind that’s that’s a

Ways behind and let’s be let’s be clear they’re not playing the same position like Deon was an outside corner so yeah so Z I want I want to expand on something that zaa just said here 101 pressures is insane Hut has absolutely taking a leap this year trying to find

It he’s absolutely right like yeah Aiden Hutchinson doubled the amount of pressures that he generated from his rookie year to this year he doubled his pass pass rush win rate which I continue to not be able to say without consciously thinking about it and like I

Think that he had nine and a half sacks his rookie year and he had 11 and a half sacks this year so this guy is going to be through two years is you know somewhere between you know 50 and 100 pressures 10 sacks a year like get this dude a tag team partner

Yeah here here’s the thing I’m currently looking forward to doing go out and sign Leonard Floyd from the bills and put him across from put him across from Hutch that’s a eight nine sack a year guy across a 10 sack year guy I I would love that I would think that

That would just go get some veteran pass rusher Hutch has already got moves you know like I think I think he’s be really good yeah so he’s got 11 sacks it’s not going to be TJ watt numbers and Trey Hendrickson Trey obviously this is his

Best year ever uh but like these are not going to be TJ watt numbers but like take a look at that you know total pressures he’s numbered two behind michah Parson’s one of two people over 100 hits leads the NFL hits uh hurries he’s number two like sack he he didn’t

Quite get to the Finish Line as much as some of these other guys did but his total pressures and the number of hits and hurries and everything else um is really really good uh and he’s tied for ninth and batted batted down balls he yeah he’s been phenomenal uh getting

Another guy to run alongside him would be huge yeah so I like where we’re going I just don’t think that we’re there yet and I’m terrified that we’re going to lose our coordinators and have to readjust for scheme yeah and then ify malanu I want

To give a shout out uh top 10 safety he played really well fewer snaps because he was uh coming back later in the season from injury uh but he played lights out uh I just want to rep jabril Peppers there at five went to Michigan one of my alltime faves um

Yeah I think so there there’s going to be a real we’re going to have to at some point have a real conversation about what the offseason looks like because you’ve got five safeties yeah you can’t have five safeties yeah I think uh I think that’ll

Be interesting to see what we kind of do there um in uh after the playoffs are over where what let us down what where did it go wrong uh or are we going to take a big parade down Michigan a right uh if we’re going to take a parade down Michigan a

Now we get to say like how do we keep this this strong team uh what do we need to keep keep where we’re at and and raise that floor a little bit more um so yeah that’s uh oh defensive lineman um Aaron Donald shocker another

Plus 90 J yeah 10th year in the Pro Bowl and going to be an all yeah he’s been I think all pro nine out of nine years and pro ball 10 out of 10 I think a row something like something like that uh but uh big shout out to Al

Mcneel um he did get injured and played a little bit fewer snaps because that but like he played uh top six in the NFL he was really really good who was five uh uh Jaylen Carter oh interesting weird yep about the same number of snaps would

Have hated to have them play next to each other oh that would have been terrible there’s Kobe Turner he’s the other uh rookie uh the guy that I was telling you about um he’s uh let’s take a I’m kind of curious rookies wise so we got Carter and

Turner um real close on pressures uh Turner uh matched Donald’s rookie sack record um but Jaylen Carter got a few more hurries uh they’re I’m I’m not looking forward to uh Kobe Turner and Aaron Donald both coming at us that that has me a little nervous but oh I know I know you’re

Nervous yeah I I want us to win so bad Drew you have no idea it just makes me nervous this was the one team I did not because I’ve watched every game and I’ve seen what they do and like what their strengths are and stuff like that and they kind of match

Up with what some of our weaknesses are and I’m like I just don’t want to see it I want us to win I would ra I would much rather have them match up against like Dallas um instead of us but uh I I don’t always get what I want for some

Reason I just um like my uh so like uh my mom has recently started watching Michigan football with us and so when we played Bama uh we were watching the game together and she was just freaking out and I was like just gonna have to have some faith that they’re

Gonna do what they’re supposed to do you know so yeah you’re just going to have to have a little faith Mike I mean like and let’s be real let’s just be real for a second it it will be great if the Lions win a playoff game period right it

Will just be great if for some reason they don’t I still think this was a great season oh 100% for this team they won the division they won the division yeah I mean like and I don’t think there’s any shame in it but yes it would

Be disappointing yeah it it would be a great season um you I think you and I both talked around that 12 win Mark um was what we kind of estimated and we hit that um are and to your point earlier like what we’ve done is we’ve raised our

Floor up yeah right the worst that we can do is so much better than the worst that we could have done last year right we just need to keep raising that floor up um because that’s how you that’s how you win against those those those games

That you just you didn’t play your best but your floor was higher than theirs so you still end up pulling those games out and I think that we’ve done that quite a bit each year uh the last couple years so um yeah let’s uh any other stats any

Other guys that we want to take a look at where they ranked uh in their draft class or anything like that I’ll let the chat decide on that one if he was the guy that um I was kind of curious about because it’s his third year he’s been

Hurt the first two years you know and it was he was certainly trending like this guy looks like he’s going to bust out yeah not not like and be successful right be a bust right yeah and so they put him in and this was this is very clearly the difference between what the

Coaching staff sees and what we can see is that they put him in four or five games ago and I’m like ify malanu was on the field and Tracy Walker is healthy what why yeah and like I I didn’t think that Tracy was playing that bad but ever since they’ve put melon win

Like he’s been responsible for like four turnovers and has just played great football three sacks yeah so if anybody out there and I’ve already said this once but if anyone out there is like Hutch isn’t getting sacks he’s no good this whole thing that they’ve been doing

With their delayed Blitz the last two or three weeks they will Blitz the opposite side of whatever Hutch is on and they sign a they send a linebacker and then a safety into the same Gap and melon sh can take care of one of those bad boys

And Mela fonu has all of his sacks on those plays yeah so if you don’t have Hutch you don’t have that so yeah let’s just I’m I’m sure everybody in chat is but let’s let’s be super appreciative of Aiden Hutchinson so all right well seeing no other stat

Recommendations or uh whatnot I will stop sharing my screen uh did you want to do a mock yeah you should run it though you’re good at that all right I can do which uh where do we want to do PFF or all right PFF so the top 18 is set in

Stone until a trade is made by the way the Titans came out today after firing Mike Vel I moronically firing Mike Vel and um they said that they didn’t trade him because they it it was too complicated and they wanted to get going you don’t need to set the speed

Because we’re going to be doing every pick okay so just do the select all feature up in the upper rightand corner right next to rounds and then just hit start or iner draft Yeah so if you are going to not trade something because it’s quote unquote too complicated you should be

Fired it involves a goddamn phone call you’re you gotta be kidding me anyways rant over okay so if anyone chat we’re gonna do the mock now yeah so Mike you and I what’s going to happen is um we’re going to make these we’re going to have a talk

About the scenarios that we’re going to sit here and we’re just kind of go we’re going to Breeze through it real quick and then we’re just going to kind of come to a consensus on who should be picked okay yep okay so we have the Bears on one and Caleb

Williams my question to you Mike is at at this point next year are you comfortable with giving Justin Fields $260 million if he’s the same guy that he was this last year are you comfortable with giving Justin Fields $260 million if he’s the same guy probably

Not do I expect him to grow over the next season yes if he can take a step up I think he’s probably going to be worth it so if you’re the Bears and you’re Ryan poles and you didn’t draft Justin fields are you going to effectively bet $260

Million today that he’s going to be that player that’s going to take a step a year from now because that’s what’s going that that’s what you have to make the that’s right so my thought if I’m the Chicago Bears I’m if I’m thinking on the Chicago Bears side I’m

Thinking we have we have a quarterback he’s got he’s got a lot of athletic Talent um he’s raw right he’s making he makes a lot of mistakes there’s still a lot of learning to happen but have I have I set him up for failure have I set him up for success

And if I set him up for failure how do we know what he’s capable of before without giving him the tools for Success so I personally would not draft a Caleb Williams or Drake May uh I would draft Marvin Harrison I would try to trade back a couple picks sure let’s be real

But if I couldn’t for whatever reason because Washington and and um the Pats whatever are are cool with taking whatever quarterbacks you know in their spot I take Marvin Harrison Jo uh Jr here if I’m Chicago I think there’s enough potential in him that we don’t know yet uh that that’s the

Thing and if we’re wrong we’re probably gonna be drafted here again next year and you’ll be fired so well potentially yeah so if I’m if I’m Ryan PS and I want to continue to be the general man manager of a professional football team

I go to my owner and I say I got here the year after you you drafted Justin he’s not my guy we don’t know who the number one uh pick in the 2025 draft is going to be we know who the we we know who Caleb Williams is let’s reset the money get

Some picks from Trading Justin and you know give me give me give me two years with what they with what they’ve got cap wise and the rest of their picks outside of this one because they pick at nine to make those roster something that’s going to make Caleb and therefore

The Bears successful so I would take Caleb Williams here and TR so what a after watching Bryce young yeah and they’re very similar players Watchers Bryce young and Caleb Williams are alike in almost no way shape or form Caleb’s bigger he’s got a better arm he he exhibits all the traits that

You want from a modern-day NFL quarterback the comparing him to Bryce Young and the Bears roster to the Panthers roster are just night and day difference oh roster is definitely um quite a bit different right so I guess the question is are you worried about Caleb Williams worst

Play this year a regression if you will compared to his Heisman Trophy winning year his potential attitude problem um I mean that’s not what I’ve I mean then he needs to have a different media guy because he seems to have an attitude problem because he says he want because

He he decided where he wanted he wanted he came up with a list of where he wanted to play is that what is Chicago one of those on the list I mean I think that no I would I cannot remember the last so what was it Eli Manning yeah was the

Last guy that was like I just won’t play for you right and that was 20 years ago so I mean like I don’t think that really happens are are you gonna bet your job on it yes I’m gonna bet my job that the last 20 years have not had a situation

Like that yes well until Eli that didn’t happen since um Elway John Elway 20 years before so we’re about to do well maybe but like yeah I’m gonna bet that like I can say to that I can say to Cale Williams this is what we’re gonna do in

Chicago and we’re gonna take you and like they can still draft him and trade him yeah I mean I think that’s where when you do your um pre-draft uh interviews and stuff like that if I’m Chicago I I figure out does he want to

Be here is he willing to do this is he willing to play on a bad team for a year as we build around him um I would really look at that attitude and personality piece I mean so we’ll go with you we I don’t think that it’s going to be I mean

I wouldn’t uh I would draft Marvin Harrison because I think Fields has the tools to be successful as an athlete I don’t think the team has provided him the tools for the team to be successful but we’ll go with Caleb because that’s probably the more likely well I don’t

Know if it’s more likely or not you you can’t the Bears are either taking a quarterback or trading the pick they’re not gonna take corre at one you don’t think so no it it would be malpractice you should be fighting so all right we’re gonna go with Caleb Williams yeah we’ll go with

Caleb Williams this is Drake n in Washington and it’s not close yeah I agree so this is the first I think real real decision making point in the draft and it’s what what do the patri Patriots do is Bill bich the coach I don’t think so I think he

Officially was not so you think do you think Mike vel’s the next coach do you think gerod Mayo is the next coach of the New England Patriots who would you put money on I have I honestly have no idea um I don’t think it’ll be you think so because craft knows both

Those guys well that’s true I can maybe I think vbal if anybody because I think that um let’s just say it’s Vel yeah okay so it’s Vel then they’re not doing anything different right it’s the Tennessee Titans now in now in Boston right right because that’s what Vel does the Boston

Patriots correct I like that name Boston Titans Tennessee Patriots so yeah so to me if around over the M Jones replacement button I mean like so this is so this is the so here’s the thing right so like Z was Z was helping out in chat I appreciate that zaa yeah um Jaden

Daniels from LSU at three zaa let me ask you what you think of this sign Russell Wilson in the off season he’s you can you can get him for the minimum because the Broncos are going to pay him $40 million I I think he’s washed I’m just I

Thought he was overrated in Seattle I think he’s washed now well I I don’t disagree but like what do you think they will do uh I don’t think they would I think they draft quarterback I think they do okay let’s take J you got a new you got a new GM

Because he’s handing over GM duties I believe what’s that I’d rather sign Andy doton uh yeah I think I think they go Jaden Dian okay this is Marvin Harrison Jr yeah I think so there’s not much I he’s got to go super fast he is a talent so this is another interesting pick

Because the the media analysts are giving them tackles and I think you need to give somebody that Justin Herbert can throw the ball to because they’ve who do they have now they’ve got uh so Kanan Allen is in like his like 10th or 11th season yeah uh

Mike Williams was hurt all last year and is owed something like 24 million and they’re like 40 million over the cap so they’re going to have to clear 60 million they got a young Quenton Johnson who did nothing his rookie season they’re losing Austin Eckler and

Their tight end is also a free agent so they literally have nobody to throw the ball to I’m not drafting a tight end at five though I don’t care how good Brock browers is I just don’t think I’m drafting a tight end at five see I would

I would get I I think that I would have the discussion about him at five yeah because he’s not really a tight end if if Kyle pittz is the tight end then Brock Bowers is the tight end but they’re both not tight ends they’re both just wide receivers that are huge yeah so

Um I think that the guy that I would probably go with though for like the reason that I think that you brought up with Bowers is I would go with neighbors yeah and just say all right grow up grow up together yep so that’s a problem because I think that the Giants

Desperately wanted a wide receiver and uh let’s see rers about Odun is available he is so would you would you go because this is like Odun I think is like the last Elite wide receiver that they have I think there’s three of them in this class and two of

Them are gone yeah Brian Thomas Jr is way down at 21 yeah he’s he’s good but he’s not he’s not these three guys he’s not top 10 worthy right so would you go at dun or would you take the first tackle off the board they don’t well they do have o o

Uh listed um which means their whole offensive line is garbage right it’s pretty bad they have a good left um Coleman I would okay so if we were steo if we were doing this like week six of the college football season I would have said yeah but we’re not and so I

Can’t but I would I think’s gonna gonna be a fun player so are you thinking like do we go alt or do we go do I to me I would go Odun if I’m the GM of the Giants I would pick Odun here just because I think so many of their wide

Receivers are like carbon copies of one another that I need someone who’s different so I can differentiate roles in the offense and like OD gives them that and like I don’t think that you could be questioned about doing it and like they have invested so much in their o line

That they got to give it a chance to grow up a little bit so well they put a lot of money into Danny dimes right you need to give him as much opportunity to um be successful as possible and that means Target this is Joe Al I would bet my

House on this pick if Jo all here well we’re only gonna be betting a dollar uh that’s true I’ll probably thankfully for you you’ll only you know have have to deal with a dollar so here’s my question if you’re at Atlanta yep I don’t think

You can go into it is very good is a very good wide receiver class this year you’re right um if you’re going into next season I think you have to address quarterback so I I would love Justin off Justin fields in Atlanta’s offense love it yeah

I could see that being a trade partner if they wanted if they definitely wanted to get uh Caleb Williams I think this is where you trade fields too yeah so I don’t think that they can really so I guess I guess my question is I I didn’t think that penck played

Poorly in the national title game but I did he just got I mean his offensive line was swiss cheese it was not great like so he got pounded like especially the last quarter it seemed like every single time two guys came from the left side of the line

Completely untouched I’m like I’m seeing this how is it your offensive coordinator isn’t recognizing that maybe just maybe you should have a r a running back to to stop that guy or put a tight end over there every time like who whoop whoop and you’re just like you

Deserve this you’re bringing this on yourself Michigan really teed off in the fourth quarter on penx but like I didn’t think that penx played badly but I did think like the things that you would be concerned about penx were on display which was he had a little beat

Up he wasn’t always pin Point accurate and there’s reasons for that um but you know did he look like a first round pick is the question he’s gonna he’s got the combine he’s got theor Bowl to get that that Arrow trending upwards interviews are always important yep but

I think that the the last thing that he put on tape wasn’t his best so I don’t know if that’s I don’t know how much that’s going to hurt him so let’s do this because we decided that Caleb Williams is going to Chicago sure we also decided that they have to be

Trading Justin Fields right this seems like the best place for that to be so it happens but off C so I don’t think so even I think yeah this is a yeah even if they trade Justin let’s say this happens and they trade Justin Fields I don’t think that you could they

Give up the eighth pick I don’t think so I think they go something like uh second round this year second round next year yeah that makes a lot and then they get Justin Fields yeah it says 100% I don’t know maybe first round next year well the the simulator is not based

Entirely in log I like your they’re not interest I well I think I don’t think Atlanta would do it so I think two twos is fine I think that’s a that’s a nice little thing all right so yeah so that happened so now they’ve got Justin fields on their roster and they still

Have the eighth pick so they no longer need a quarterback but they need a Target uh they don’t need a tight end because they’ve got um Pitts pits Kyle Pitts um but they definitely need a wide receiver Target and they need some defense is this the

Time where you take a guy like Cooper de Deon or de de okay and uh okay yeah uh so we’re kind of we’re kind of close let’s say that the the Falcons lost the negotiation on that one steo but yeah I agree with you yeah um I

Do I like tuer dein I you know I think if you put him in a um is he the white guy the guy that’s like the the only white guy that’s drafted in the first round expect to go in the first round in like 30 years or something at corner

Yeah yeah no he’s he’s Dynamic play anywhere in their secondary so I mean yeah I wouldn’t mind Cooper de do it to Atlanta maybe a Dallas Turner as a pass rusher but yeah I like Cooper de jeene all right let’s do that this is Olu fashional need yep

Easily which means that the Jets are Furious because they ended up losing the best T like maybe the best tackle Prospect one pick ahead of them so um do they go Newton or do they take the next best tackle uh I I would think that if you’re

Looking to improve this Jets team the most I think that you would take the tackle because the defense was the strength of the team so if you’re looking to improve a negative I think it’s better to do it on the offensive line uh I don’t think they only run Zone

But they play a lot of Zone but Cooper dee can do I think anything that you want him to do he’s pretty versatile do the do the Vikings have to draft a quarterback here no I think if anything this showed how much Kurt Cousins meant to

That team and how well he played with that team and I think they resigned him on a two-year deal one-year guaranteed probably 40ish million uh maybe 45 I don’t know uh I’m guessing around 4042 million per year for two years well so quarterback’s not a problem then so then I think the next

Biggest deal is pass rusher yep they’ve got denil um Hunter I think he’s on yeah I was going to say I think he’s on uh going into free agency uh I would expect them to try to resign him if they can but he’s going to need a

Running buddy as well right so I think the best pass rusher in this class is Leu latu leau latu from UCLA but I I could see them he has medical concerns he was once declared he once retired from football because they didn’t think that he was going to be

Able to play again then he transferred to UCL which has an amazing medical facility and got a second opinion and they thought no you can and he went out and had a great year but there are like legitimate good holy yeah there are like legitimate medical concerns with that guy so you

Have to have the medical signed off on if the medical signed off on by your doctors it’s this guy if you’re not if there’s any question marks I think it’s Dallas Turner from Bama all right where are we going here then guy because this guy looks like he could be totally Elite

So um I I think is this where all of a sudden like a guy like M Michael penix uh p i mean like do we go B Knicks do we go um who’s the guy that just won the National Championship okay so let me let me talk about JJ McCarthy just real quickly

Because I don’t even see him on the list here I love J because he’s like in the 40s but like I love JJ McCarthy I think he’s going to have a really tough time yeah adjusting to the NFL like you I think that he’s gonna be perfect for a

Team like San Francisco who wants to cut the field in half roll the guy out of the pocket throw on the Run JJ throws the ball better on the Run than any other quarterback in the draft actually throwing on the Run not making plays outside of structure throwing the ball

On the Run Michael penx is the guy that uh Shawn Payton’s going to want I’m virtually certain of it because he plays exceptionally similar to Drew Brees all right go with penck which is terrible because here’s another team that needs a quarterback yeah well I mean you still have bow Knicks

Available I think we just do that to be honest I think so too um hey another team that could use a quarterback yeah but I think that I think that they’re probably gonna pay Derek Carr one more year to me I was thinking this might be where um um Russell Wilson lands

Oh I do think the Saints would take a big hit by getting Carr off the roster okay so if they so quarterback is not going to be a thing they’re looking for this draft then you think either they’re going to keep car on there or they’re going to probably go with a guy

Like um Russell something like that so Z wasin Brock Powers I could see that like he’s a receiving threat you have a la um I’m not gonna I’m not gonna call Michael Thomas a player for the Saints anymore um he’s just been hurt too too long the other dude sh Rasheen Shaheen

Has developed into a really nice player so like you could you could bolster their receiving core for whomever’s playing quarterback and like you might be able to pick up a dude in the second round that might be like okay like we’ll see what this guy’s what this guy’s about or whatever yeah

But like to so Mike is it between Brock Bowers and Johnny Newton he’s a he’s the qu probably pass rushing defensive tackle so yeah I I think it’s probably that um I I don’t think their offensive line is is bad enough where you want to reach at this

Point um not that Lam’s a reach per se but like I think you’re probably just better off with one of those other two guys they’re I think they’re more of a Sure Fit in what you need so which one would you would you take here if you were the

Saints well we got Derek Carr uh I think I would go with um brow Bowers okay want to give Carr every chance to succeed and be worth the money that you’re already paying him okay that’s a real bummer because I think Indianapolis would have loved to have

Power um so to me for Indie I would go Nate Wiggins here like he’s a really good Corner um Everybody in the NFL always needs more corners there’s no one that has too many corners is there offensive line of concern I think that their their offensive line could use work so like

Could you talk me into Le uh if he can play left tackle which I don’t think that he can he’s 66 360 so I think that he is a right tackle that you try it tackle well he they list him at 335 but he’s like 36

Um I think that you try him at right tackle and if he doesn’t work out you can just put him at guard and he’d be great MH so do you want to draft a guard worst case scenario at the 15th pick yeah I think that’s where because

You got Anthony Richardson right as your franchise quarterback um I mean that’s that’s just such a big key to being able to be successful so if you’ve got a young franchise quarterback I would always lean toward giving them the tools to do what they need to do to

Get that side of the ball successful so I lean toward a wide receiver or a tackle um to just help that piece that you committed to last year I mean Brian Thomas wouldn’t be a bad choice he’s like 64 220 they could lose Michael Pitman to free agency

Um I I don’t play really strong against some good teams Florida state was good early Georgia was good all the time yep um struggled against Alabama well he if you look at the list he struggled against teams that have like draftable Corners yeah yeah that’s true so like um but I

Mean he’s still I mean you can’t teach 6’4 I mean that’s right thing so I mean I wouldn’t mind Brian Thomas here I think that’s probably it makes a lot of sense guard center edge we gonna have to take an edge player eventually right yeah

And I think that I think the the um Seahawks need to get back on that get that defensive side of the ball back up to where it was I mean that was what won them championships and that’s dropped off quite a bit um over time so I would

Go with an edge here yeah let’s do it I also think that this is where the um I know that they have Edge Lista which I think is weird so like if they’re list is Brian is it Brian Burns that’s there no that’s uh he’s in Carolina this is

Allen Josh Allen and don’t forget Trayvon Walker who did have 10 sacks this year he did yeah congrats Trayvon you dumb it okay so like um so I guess the question is are if they if they if they are listing Edge they are either saying that Josh Allen leaves or you’re playing Trayvon

Inside so right so what do you do I guess is like if I look at the board I don’t want to take a guard I don’t want to take a center I could take a corner so do I want to take the third Edge or the second

Corner I think you go edge then it’s verse all right it gives you the most leeway as well when it comes to do you need do you want to trade Josh Allen and still have um something there down the road or maybe you just let alen run through his

Contract I think that gives you the most flexibility this is Johnny Newton and I don’t even think they would entertain train calls I think they would just run their ticket up yeah okay so that’s the 18 that are locked in do you want to do the rest of the first

Round uh sure I mean what does what does chat want to do I’m always willing to talk well zaa zaa zaa and steo are the two most um chatty active act yeah chatty that’s a good way to put it so I mean like but neither one posted in I

Did in a few minutes so um if we get a vote either way from either one of them in the next 10 or 15 seconds we can uh that’ll be the deciding factor I suppose might as well might as well all right let’s do it all right Green Bay

Running Back tackle defensive line and safety I want them to take a tackle right but they draft defense oh Donkey Kong says he’s just patiently waiting for Lions you know what Donkey Kong love it that is real mature of you and I appreciate the fact that you’re being this patient thank you

Yes and I did I did think that they would be upset if we didn’t do the Lions so that makes a lot of sense um I do think they draft defense so much in the first round the Packers so like like to me this is one of two things it’s either

Aarius Mims to replace David bakari or it’s Tyler nuben the safety from Minnesota I I think you got to go tackle um to give again you’re you’re trying to figure out what can Jordan love do at the end of this season you’re going to want to figure out do I want to resign

This guy extend him and you want to give him every opportunity to succeed and figure out what he does so I would go with Mims uh Donkey Kong also thinks Mims so like I’m not well I don’t know if Don if uh if Donkey Kong thinks Mims maybe I should

Wait a second wait a second I’m just kidding all right just kidding Tampa Bay you know for a playoff team they have a lot of damn needs that’s crazy they won a really bad division um so what’s the best way to to boost their floor is it defense um

Sao wants them to draft a corner corner I don’t know zone or man because if it’s Zone you go Wiggins and if it’s man I think you go Arnold so I don’t know what Tampa Bay does does anybody know what Todd BS likes to run I think the better Corner overall is

Wiggins so then so Donkey Kong says BPA so let’s give him wiggin all right okay well they just got a little bit better on their pass defense this is the Cardinal second pick we had them taking Marvin Harrison yep uh so check mark there I mean they’re basically drafting AJ Green

So uh congrats to the Arizona Cardinals I would give them leam here that’s gonna piss off Les sne so bad they need a tackle that’s that’s exactly where I was aiming for Rams on that next pick was they needed a tackle Mike this is all you so the the Rams their their biggest

Problem is their offensive line and their secondary um I don’t know how deep the draft is at corner or at tackle so if if a tackle if tackle’s not as deep I would take the best tackle and grab secondaries in um in their you know in the future rounds then you’re going

Tackle then I’m going tackle unless there is a if like one of these guys is an actual like immediate Game Changer not doesn’t have to be like sauce Gardener good or anything but they just need to be like is is is any of them Brian branch no okay I would I

Would go tackle then okay um and then the next two picks would probably be cornerbacks if I was Les Steed I gotta I mean they could throw a a first round pick at Jaylen Ramsay I heard that works well yeah it does um so I I think the thing that gets

Pittsburgh back to where they have been traditionally is a lead offensive line play and there’s no one left um which I in I think that the they drafted Joey Porter in round two last year um I think it was two and not the end of the first round and I think they

Probably go back to the well so Terry and Arnold is the higher upside Corner Kool-Aid mckinstry is the higher floor corner and he’s got a cool name not that terryon isn’t a cool name but Kool-Aid so I don’t care which of those two guys it is Mike you can make the

Call but I think it’s one of those guys average draft so what is considered best player available average draft position from the mock or PFF ranks the rank the rank bam so um those are the horrible needs so if I was the Dolphins and this actually happened I would try and trade

Out but um I just looks awful oh so here’s what I’ll say jayen Phillips got hurt Nick chub got hurt at the end of the season they could draft Edge insurance in case neither one of them are able to go at the beginning of next year right

So maybe this is brasswell all right do that okay it’s mckinstry yeah this is mckinstry running to the podium to draft him I know I got to hang up uh Kansas City I think you go with a uh a wide receiver here don’t you I do go with lad makoni or Troy

Franklin I like Franklin better a little bit better than mcconley but I don’t know that you could really be I mean if you could have you easily have them flip-flopped on your internal Big Board yeah nine drops for 14 Miss tackles forced let’s take a look at what coni does two

Drops nine Miss tackles forc his yards after CCH isn’t as good right 6.3 um will say I will say that traditionally Kansas City has favored smaller quicker receivers yeah so I I think but both I think both of these guys kind of fit that role 6387 and we’ve got uh

6085 steo says Franklin all day all right well let’s do Franklin okay now we’ve got the upstart Houston Texans uh there’s no linebacker worth taking they could take M ever M ever ever right um here there’s no tight end worth taking uh wide receivers have been kind

Of picked over although I think you could make the case for either Walker or makoni um I don’t want to do this because it’s the pick ahead of the Lions but brayan tce makes a lot of sense I think for this team because brillan tce is the dude that I want to

Draft for the Lions so do they need so do they need him they’ve got Will Anderson Jr yep who’s on the other side of will no idea then we probably need him right same reason we need h a running buddy for Hutch they need somebody on the other side of will yeah

100 per. so here’s the Lions have not drafted in at 28 for a minute okay so they haven’t and they may not draft at 28 this is just a projection based on record after the 18 I hope not right so want to draft in the 30s

Okay uh chat this is this is the pick so now I want I want you guys typing and and sending me your thoughts here real quick I think the biggest need on this team is a corner agreed and we are we are looking at something like the fifth is that because there’s

Not an edge rusher up there like do we need a corner more than we need a running buddy for Hutch the way that I look at it is if brillan tce was on the board at this pick I would just pick tce yeah so the Lions have aquara aquara

Harris all up their contracts are all up so you’re losing three edges that rotated for you in some amount we have no this was the season we were supposed to figure out what James Houston is he didn’t play the thing is I hope that get a a

CBN free agency now I think we will of the of the of the five top position groups in the NFL corner is the one that does make it to free agency so you have the opportunity to get an upper echelon Corner in free agency more so than you do quarterback

Wide receiver Edge rusher tackle so I wouldn’t mind trying to make a run for denil Henry uh or denil hunter or or Burns or uh Josh Allen either if they’re willing to make a trade there’s yeah if they’re willing to make a trade yeah yeah all any of those players I think

Would be great so the because we’re so there something I want sorry to interrupt go ahead keep going uh these two the the two most recent posts I do want to touch on each if they if he makes it to free agency lerus Sneed from Kansas City is the corner I would like

To see the Lions go after in free agency and and if if they think that they can’t get an edge rusher worth worth the pick at this spot I think lonard Floyd Leonard Taylor Oh you mean the DL okay I thought from Miami I saw Floyd

From the U I read it okay so I read of letter okay stop it so like I read that as Leonard Floyd the pass rusher from Buffalo who I would absolutely approach in free agency but like Okay so let’s talk about Leonard Taylor you have um you’ve already cut bugs Bonito

Jones’s contract is up you drafted brri Martin you’re going to extend Lee mcneel and you kaminsky’s got one more year on his deal so you are going to have some kind of interior rotation of MC mcneel Martin commin Pascal maybe Jones if you resign him that’s five DTS so can they can they

Afford I mean you probably not resigning Jones at that point but like at this point on the roster they will have signed those guys this will take place at the end of April so all right I don’t think that they I don’t think they’re in a position to take an interior defensive lineman

Especially like this on the board and I don’t think there’s a pass rusher worth it at this pick so I think my pick on this board is R straw okay I want to bring one thing up oh God I think the Lions could be at that Les need them picks point in

Their build sure where we can start taking especially late round picks right if we’re at 28 um and taking that and trying to get the guys like Burns or Allen or whatever right so I I I am going to be really curious I mean obviously we can’t figure that out uh we

Would know that by the time the draft comes around so at this point we did not spend our draft our first round pick because I see it right there on the board but like I’m really curious to see if Brad Holmes goes into that um f them

Picks montra or mindset of our draft picks can be assets not for necessarily just rookies but highend trade targets um so I’m really curious to see how that’s going to go uh but yes Cons considering at this point uh we have this draft picked we have not done a FM

Picks yet to trade for a guy I think R draw is the guy so yeah I do think that you could the lion should be more open to that philosophy uh let’s see turning too late first round picks into an impact player sounds pretty good right now I agree with that

Is the best guard still available sure if you’re looking at a pure guard but there’s a lot of guards that I think that you are going to be able to get rounds two or three steo um someone like Christian mahogany uh from BC or um I think it’s Christian Hayes from

Yukon what would both be excellent picks plus you also have someone like Zack zinter who got hurt at the end of the year that you might be able to pick up in the fourth just because he got hurt and he might slide down boards so I think that

While while I think your approach is good um I think that you can get excellent value at that position a round or even two rounds later remember the Lions have two third round picks in this in this draft um and then what about the DT from Michigan Jenkins would love to I

Throw as many l Wolverine players on the Lions as possible that would be great but like I just don’t think that you can you need to take Jenkins in the first round this is a wide receiver makoni yeah this walker uh so Walker is a go deep guy so

If you want Josh Allen to have somebody to throw absolute bombs to it’s this guy 18.2 I mean he’s an absolute deep threat yeah so this guy this I feel like is more of like your slot eat up targets Aman R st Brown kind of do who do they

Need who who do which one do you think they need more I think that I would take the go deep guy with Josh Allen yeah right let’s do that Walker ah the Cowboys neat so uh I would give them ler just cuz they it says they need a corner I

Don’t understand why they they’re getting Diggs back next year they have Bland I don’t know why they need a another corner but sure you know what they could be dumb they could they could go with like safety you know what I’m not too thrilled with them so let’s have

Him be dumb all right um if you’re gonna be if you’re gonna be dumb you might as well be smart dumb and go with the the player from the U so I mean sorry best play best player available that’s right BPA yeah BPU San Francisco offensive line cornerback do they just take lass

Here or do they drop down and try to track they got Trent Williams on the left right so Trent Williams is great font now makes a lot of sense I think for them he’s goingon to be a guard in the NFL yeah um and like if the if I was

The 49 like the 49ers are so deep that they’re making they’re sending away third round picks for like oh you know that’s another thing uh talking about pass rushers like Chase Young’s going to be a free agent yeah you know and like I don’t know what the Lions cap looks like how

Is Ken Coleman not in the top 32 players he does have a lot of potential but remember he played for the Spartans he transferred to FSU and he started off on fire and then he and then the the situation got not as on fire so I think that and this is a

Super deep super deep wide receiver class and I think the fact that Keon Coleman in this class is like a fringe first round pick goes to show you just how deep it is so you’re looking for uh the Lions cap next year oh the ners

Ners oh and by the way that’s the 24 c yeah okay um there we go yeah so this is they are going to have $1.3 million available so like I’m thinking that a couple of their free agents make it to free agency yeah or you’re gonna have to just absolutely restructure the

Whole roster which means you’re just pushing the problem down to another year eventually you have to let someone go so so let’s go back to the draft yep all right so I think they just probably go cornerback here right just boost the D that makes sense and then

Let’s give Keon Coleman to the Baltimore Ravens you have to scroll down a minute there he is we’ll give we’ll give uh what’s his name Lamar Jackson a great yeah steo yeah that’s it so the Lions ended up going with a cornerback I in a in a dra so I hate

This draft class I just AB this kind of draft class is the absolute worst for me there’s like two or three guys that are very clearly like Yep this is where you’re going and then it’s like throwing cards on the ground and like it depends which one you’re gonna pick up so this

Is super I think it’s gonna be the most difficult I think someone’s gonna win a lot of money in our Draft Day bets on this one because it’s gonna be nothing nothing nothing nothing then someone’s gonna win big like my my son did we’re all going to be wrong for the M majority

Of the time oh thanks Z I appreciate that man thanks yeah so um just uh if if steo and Donkey Kong and zor if you guys are still in the chat I would like to do after every round of the playoffs when we get more draft positions set in

Stone doing another one of these to kind of see how it comes into Focus so like and I just like I’m a draft so like if you guys are as well then we can do some kind of consistent maybe not every week but like yeah because there’s not gonna be enough

Changes every week well so we there will be changes up to the week after the Super Bowl and then there will be draft prep where and that will be kind of the Dead period right like yeah we won’t the draft per the draft order will be set trades will not have

Happened we will just be going through and doing player evaluation so like yeah we could do something like this after each round of the playoffs and then do like one after the Super Bowl and then take a break for Yeah couple weeks three weeks four weeks you know and then just like do

Combine coverage and you know what the what the Lions have done to like resign guys to the roster of surprise cuts that kind of thing so so anyways let us know on the comments right yeah right on so all right well um we we ran long which is great because that just means

We got to talk football a lot more so I’m cool with it we do we’ve been running longer the last month or so I’m going to look up when the Senior Bowl is for zaa here or was it steo steo uh February 3 Saturday February 3 is that also during like Pro Bowl

Weekend when they do their flag football and skills c i could give I didn’t give a about the Pro Bowl when it was a real football game so yeah I I enjoy the skills competition because I think they’re fun to watch um just like hockey like I I love watching the hockey

Skills competition but I don’t consider the Pro Bowl anything other than a fun thing it means nothing the skills competition at hockey seems a lot more meaningful than the skills competition in the NFL so like the only the only event in the Pro Bowl that I will watch is

When they do Kicker tick tic-tac-toe what is it called the game where the I haven’t watched a Pro Bowl in years so I don’t even know there’s a game you play as a kid where like you have X’s and O’s on like a yeah tic teoe is that tic toe

Yeah so the kickers play tic teac toe AFC NFC and they they play the game and I think that’s kind of fun you know but like they still had the quarterback Act accuracy where like the Billboards going across I loved that that was fun I hate

That so much I hate that least favorite event because oh my God you have these guys that are making tens of millions and they’re like they’re out there and they’re like you can’t even hit the moving three-point Target you what were you doing all year how did

You get to this I you’re out here in shorts no pads do you need to put pads on I don’t care put put your game pads on if it means you’re gonna hit the target yeah just I remember now In fairness those are downfield a ways right where you’re you’re always going

To be a little bit less these aren’t the the little inside Slants right they always go they always go for the bucket ones by the pylon that are worth like four points and they never get it yeah and it’s just like bomb bomb didn’t get it bomb didn’t get it don’t hit the

Moving onepoint Target don’t hit the like pendulum fivepoint thing I hate that because it’s like Dak Prescott got six six points or whatever and I was like yeah because you hit two 15 yarders I just yeah they should all be hitting like 40 points yeah I watch as much

Money you should get at least one point per million dollar in your contract yeah you should so like I remember watching um I think it was jamus Winston when he was on like Elite 11 so he was like 16 or 17 years old he was stand on the 45

Yard line and they put like a god honest to God like tiny trash can where the pylon is and he just yeah and he just like from across the field throwing across the field 45 yards he put that thing first try into the trash can yeah

I was like you’re telling me you can’t hit the little moving pendulum for five points or whatever shut up I I hate it I hate it so much H that’s funny I I that’s my favorite just uh I think it’s the most fun to watch it’s the most

Frustrating to see them fail at but it’s the most fun to watch uh it’s similar to like hardest shot uh in the accuracy competition in the uh in the NHL playoffs or the NHL uh allstar game all right buddy uh next Tuesday we’re going to come in for

Hopefully a victory victory Tuesday and to have our first win in 30 years as well that would be awesome that would be awesome so let’s let’s catch everybody next week y see you guys all right peace

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