The Secret To BODY SPEED Nobody Has Told You About

The left shoulder can be a help or hinderance in the golf swing. The left shoulder can unlock some serious body speed and help you square up the club face to hit much straighter shots. I give you two golf tips and drills to change the structure of your left shoulder and help improve your body speed.

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This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to improve your body speed
2. Improving the club path
3. Improving your ball striking

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple golf easy golf swing.

Ever worked on your left shoulder no thought not let me show you what you’ve been missing the minute any golfer has worked on making their club path from the inside out in an effort to hit a draw was the day that your left shoulder was a hindrance not a help today I want

You to G that left shoulder fired up and making more of a difference to your golf game your left shoulder down through strike has been thrust forwards in an effort to make the path from the inside you may have also thought that the left shoulder

Was there to be hit against you may have also thought that left shoulder should be high well in all three of those cases that will compromise the direction your handle moves in through strike the left hand down underneath the shoulder allows this golf club handle to move around now

When it comes to the club path because we’ve all had the belief that the right shoulder should stay back and we should hit from the inside and the right shoulder shouldn’t move forwards this left shoulder has never really moved around and if you’re one of those golfers that has never really had

The Sensation that they can hit a shot and actually look at the Target face on H I get luckier and luckier every day then you you will have never used that left shoulder appropriately so first things first take the golf club in your left hand and put it parallel to the Bolter

Target line and put it underneath your left shoulder I want you to then appreciate that this left hand when it’s moving to the left that club head is moving to the right your hand your shoulder your right shoulder feels like it’s it’s moving outside in right shoulder forwards left

Shoulder back left hand back feels like that’s outside in please tell me what that club head is doing is it swinging outside in or is it swinging inside out yep it’s swinging Inside Out shock horror get yourself up off the floor back up get your tea in your mouth just to

Recuperate so now that we understand that you can feel the handle moving to the left and the right shoulder moving forwards without the club swinging outside in first base covered so debunk the myth that the handle must swing in to out to produce an inside out club path now that we’ve got the

Hand and the head understanding their roles what I want you to do is put your hand underneath your shoulder at a dress and simply keep it underneath the shoulder and unravel your body and look at the Target so in this point here there’s is the left hand down which

Pulls my left shoulder down on my rib cage and now I’m going to push my hand around and turn and face the target this is where I want you to feel the left hand be in some little rehearsal swings put the club in your left hand swing the golf club back a

Foot or so and then swing through and as you’ll feel the club swing keep the left hand pushed down don’t allow the arm to raise up in your Tommy Fleetwood nonsense umbrella finish push the handle down move the club around and at that point when you

Start to apply that with the ball you’ll start to see that the golf club will be moving from the inside with a closed face to path so the handle down pressure down moving around the golf ball makes the Arc in to in so now that you’ve got that sensation of the left arm

Track then what I want you to do is put two hands on it Club sha parallel to the floor push the handle down and I want you to start to make some full unravels of your body to the target with the left hand down and the arms flatten across your body

Flatten across your body so now my chest is really moving around the golf ball and all of the time that handle is pushed down very awkward to get the path feeling like it’s moving out to the right isn’t it really goes against the vein of thought

The Inside Out is the direction the path needs to go on now what this starts to to do and what you’ve seen on every shot so far even though the shot before was a degree and a bit outside in it’s made the face to path value negative because when this handle moves

Stays under the shoulder and the shoulder moves back it lines the face back up I’m going to keep that sh that head in exactly the same position you see it from face on camera in line with my left toe and I’m now going to make my left hand move away from my shoulder

Which is the Inside Out path feeling I’m now going to come back to the golf ball look where the club head is in relation to the handle but look how open that face is at impact now watch what happens when I move my left hand back down underneath my

Shoulder look how it lines the face back up and now when I move around the handle stays much lower so the mobilization of that left shoulder is good for the ability in the handle to move back in and around and to line that face back up and

To get some down strike on the golf ball that left hand down and the left hand away are working at completely different directions which the tail of the dog the club head then starts to point in spurious directions which is where you then start to get the feeling that you

Need to turn the toe down so a simple drill getting yourself set up push the hand down underneath the shoulder and just start to move through hand down pushes the shoulder onto the rib cage and unravel the body push the handle down underneath the shoulder unravel the body and at that point that

Handle pressure down through the left shoulder will really start to line the face up and get your angle attacked down but not only that freeze you up in the midback freeze you up through the neck and we’ll start to make your body speed go faster around the golf ball and if

You’ve got a good grip I promise you you’ll be hitting down from the inside and it’s a beautiful little B I think you’re fine that’s good coaching see you next Time


  1. So different to anything being taught…… but so logical too….. have a great weekend Stu, just going out to brave the elements now.

  2. Great explanation. I'm a new subscriber. I've watched a few of your videos so far and I am really enjoying the content

  3. Had a lesson as you know on that very topic ..and its working out really well with a lot of range practice..thanks Mate cheers … GM

  4. Wonderful and insightful explanation Stu. Will have to ponder this and feel it at the range a bit. Food for thought!

  5. Incredible, so easy and insightful explained! Seems like I could have saved a fortune on previous lessons 😅 and time😊 Guess I have to get on a flight from Sweden to see you or rather line up in queue to book a lesson, thank you and enjoy your weekend/ Chris

  6. …….I got a little tingly all over on that one. I might have to start going to epiphanies anonymous….. great explanation…… thanks Stu ⛳🍺

  7. Well, I know what I'm practicing this winter then Stuart😂
    The handle path and open face from the inside has been the vain of my golf for decades, thank you for this brilliant insight😅
    I'm also going to try and turn the head through, I'm guilty of looking down to long.
    Cheers Warren.

  8. Recently, my only swing thought is to visualize the grip of the Club turning around my left knee during and after contact with the ball. It’s helped me quite a bit, especially with irons.

  9. You say in many different ways how to push the left hand down and that I can comprehend what you are saying and actually do it and see such great results in my ball striking is quite the complement to your knowledge of the golf swing. Please keep saying it so everyone can benefit as much as I have.

  10. Thanks again Stu. I really like your no nonsense approach. Because of your help, I might just reach single hcp this year, fingers crossed. All the best!

  11. Can't wait to try this. I live in Canada so in the middle of winter here. Hopefully we get some warm days and I can get to the one range that stays open or the actual golf course!!! I took some golf lessons and the pro kept on saying the belt buckle is the camera turn it to the target. Only problem is that without doing the other things you describe here to square the club head….it wouldn't make any difference what I did with my belt buckle. I might look good but the ball would be going all over the place without proper movement of the left shoulder and left hand. Thank you so much for this video as it explains a lot. I am much less confused now!!!!

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