Right Arm MAGIC – The Secret Drill the Pros Use to Groove Their Swing

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The trail arm is one of the hardest things to master in the golf swing. Amateurs struggle with all sorts of mistakes like coming over the top, flipping, and casting. In today’s video I’m going to show you a fantastic drill that will help you automatically get your trail arm into the correct position coming down.

It’s a drill that tons of tour professionals practice, and if it helps their game, I know it can help yours as well!

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→ The Best Ball Striking Tip I’ve Ever Received –
→ What Should My Right Arm Do in the Golf Swing? –
→ Tilt, THEN Turn Your Way to the Perfect Golf Swing –
→ What GOOD Golfers See When they Swing –
→ The Golf Swing is So Much Easier When You Know This (Do THIS Before Every Swing) –

Ballstriking Blueprint:
Consistency Code:
Simple Swing Solution:

Hi I’m Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I’m a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I’ve been named a Golf Digest “Best Young Teacher,” a GolfTips Magazine “Top 25 Golf Instructor,” and Southern California PGA’s Teacher of the Year. I’ve worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you’re at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same… to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings – just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

I work with students in-person at my studio in Valencia, CA, and teach golfers all around the world through my YouTube channel and on my website: Thanks for stopping by and drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to get in touch!

So the magic of the right arm what can we do with our Trail arm to start instantly hitting golf shots better right why is golf so confounding and hard and we get our swing we lose our swing good round bad round good shot bad shot there’s so much to be learned and

Done with this Trail alarm if we do it correctly like to give you a for instance would it be hard to take a ball and throw it pretty simple right how about a little frisbee disc and throwing it it’s not bad either right how about this one

I do this one with my dog all the time it’s called a Chuck it right we’ve got a little ball here in the end and we’re playing a nice game of fetch so you can see that with all these different activities it’s very simple

And easy to use our Trail arm in a very consistent repeatable pattern and what they all have in common is this elbow is leading the hand which is leading the end of this lever so elbow first throw the ball throw the frisbee throw the

Ball for the dog with the Chuck it if we can get you to use this Trail arm correctly it just gets a little more complicated right if you’ve got two hands on it and you’re trying to throw the ball we’re trying to throw a frisbee everything gets a little bit more

Muddied because we have two hands on the golf club at all time okay but what if we just take one off for a little bit and start to swing and hit balls like that what actually starts to happen is that something that can help our golf

Swing right take a look here I’ve got some footage here Tiger Woods hitting balls Trail arm only how about Rory mroy he’s actually at the Masters doing it how about Justin Rose also at Augusta National hitting balls Trail arm only right Hideki matama Adam Scott everybody loves Adam

Scott’s swing right who doesn’t want to swing like him tra arm only Gary Woodland Charlie Hoffman all hitting balls with just their tray alarm Okay so if you see so many great players so many great ball Strikers hitting balls with their tra arm what are they doing and

What are they reinforcing to make them do that even during a tournament week not just in privacy of their own private driving range right they’re actually doing this with millions of eyeballs watching them because they feel like there’s something here that they’re gaining something that they’re gleaning from this movement that’s so important

To them striking the ball well okay and I actually I’ve been doing this with my students for quite a while now I almost feel like I have more success if I take a beginner and I have him start with just his Trail arm only just making swings like this

And then actually starting to hit small golf shots I see beginners learning better getting quicker right results than when I put two hands on the club and now we start to try to figure out what is my left arm doing in relation to my right

Arm how’s my body moving how do I go through the ball here it’s like no just you know it feels like you’re just tossing the club down the Fairway right just like all those other activities that we showed you earlier ear so using that tra alarm can really

Help you in a very quick simple fashion I’ve also had a lot of success with my students that are just at Wits End they’ve tried to change their golf swing they can’t get a c they can’t get rid of certain habits that have just really plagued them for many years and as soon

As I take and I put just this arm on the club all the manipulation that happens from them using two hands right we can really leverage and wrench this club in so many different different ways because we’ve got all this leverage from two hands we can start to not do that

Anymore and actually let the club just swing naturally and it tends to really seek and find its correct plane and like we talked about earlier it’s much easier to lead with this elbow coming in maintain some lag and then re release the club right on down the line and

Through so if you’re interested too I have a great teaching I call it the simple swing solution where I really kind of go into exactly what you want to do from step one to step two to step three on how to get your Trail arm to really reshape and remake your golf

Swing and therefore your golf game okay in a very simple fashion I like to call it just very organic learning very natural learning it’s not very technical we’re never really stopping in positions and trying to check and you know a b c and we’re not doing things like that

It’s very natural learning okay but just to take you through some of those feelings to start what I have some of my students do is just from your normal setup position just take your lead hand off the club and then I like to get into a slight staggered stance all that means

Is I’m just bringing my left foot behind my right slightly I feel like that’s a little more simple way because we’re not going to hit the ball very far if you notice all the videos of the pros that I was showing you there they’re not really hitting the ball that

Far they’re just getting a feel for exactly what they need maybe it’s the trail arm in the back swing and how it folds you notice the Justin Rose video he’s got his arm in a certain position there trying to get a maybe a feel for the back swing for his elbow staying in

Right you’ll notice some of them they’re kind of emphasizing this feeling of really staying under and through as they’re coming through to their finish Hideki is doing that a lot to make sure that he’s not popping up early extending with the right arm kind of overreaching

At impact and kind of running out of right arm he’s down and through like this with his right arm still slightly bent so there’ll be certain Sensations that you’ll start to feel that wow that makes my golf swing feel so much better and you notice these shots

I’m hitting they’re not going very far that ball carried 42 yards so I’m not hitting the ball far I’m just trying to let my body learn the correct positions of the club okay and you’ll find right as you start to go through them this really fits me this really suits me this

Feeling in my back swing this feeling of the elbow leading coming down this feeling of the the club extending through the shot whatever really tends to make your swing feel its best right from this view here I am in my normal going into a slight staggered

Stance and then that’s about as far as I’m going back and as far as I’m going through okay so if you’re digging some of this tra arm information and you want to see what Rory and tiger and all these guys are doing and why they’re doing it

I’ve got this great program the simple swing solution there’s a link below you can click on it take a look at it see if it’s for you it’s been helping hundreds of golfers both just some that are just getting started in the game just learn very naturally but it’s also helping

Those that have been playing for years that just can’t they can’t get unstuck in their golf problem so it’s really helping them just have a nice simple reset on the just making a pure golf motion it also has this practice with a pro section that people have really been

Loving it’s basically you and I just practicing hitting balls together progressing from small Trail hand only swings into bigger swings and into full long driver shots and just kind of us walking through each step together it’s called practice with a pro it only takes about 30 minutes in your practice

Session also we’re putting out YouTube videos every week so hit the Subscribe button so you get notifications um that really helps boost the channel any comments any questions you guys have about some of what we talked about give me anything both positive or negative I don’t care I’ll comment back and you

Know if you have any more questions or concerns about this try alarm I’ve got a great video here that explores it even more so check check that out but other than that go check out this simple swing solution see if the try alarm doesn’t kind of unlock some of golf’s Mysteries

I’ll see you next week have a great one


  1. I’m going positive. All the visual evidence of all the great players doing it makes it an undeniable lesson all of us should be doing. So that’s really good for a you tube video.

  2. Awesome! I didn't know this was a thing, but I frequently practice swinging with just my right arm (I'm a righty, so that is my trail arm).

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