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Matthew Stafford On Return To Detroit, Wild Card Loss & Exceeding Season Expectations

Los Angeles Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford talks about his return to Detroit, assesses performance in Wild Card loss to Lions, and reacts to exceeding 2023 expectations by making the playoffs.

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Now what was this like with all the feeling of emotion the crowd moving the all the pressure the loudness what was like your return here uh it was a good playoff atmosphere um you know obviously it was a loud crowd I thought we did a great job communicating the whole day um

It was a good playoff atmosphere yeah uh tried to run a double post um played a little bit of quarters did a nice job kind of funn it back back to the backside safety and then threw it the coupe underneath um took a shot to the ribs

And to the head but uh felt fine came back in felt good at the end of that game basically I I didn’t see I haven’t seen the replay yet um I know our guys on the sideline were wanting one but uh you know there’s plays out there we could

Have had um couple chances in the Red Zone we didn’t score touchdowns and you know in a game like this against an offense like that that’s playing at that clip um you know you’re going to need to score touchdowns when you get down there I thought our defense did a great job in

The second half holding them you know uh holding them down but uh we just didn’t make enough plays in The Red Zone um but proud of the proud of the effort man it was uh it was pretty cool to go in there and play that way and play the way we

Did and obviously didn’t get the result we wanted but proud of our guys AME it said let’s go for this um no I mean I trust our defense you know at that point um and they’ve been playing really great in the second half you know part of me

Is like man was there you know a chance at holding on the ball a little bit longer and and uh you know trying to get something underneath on that third down to maybe give us something fourth and manageable but um man we’re playing aggressive we’re going to try and win

The game and and uh you know it didn’t work out but proud of our guys was here he said that he was for jar their time together you been here for your first seon how do you feel about I’m happy for the players happy for those guys um honestly probably opportunities

Missed you know um that’s kind of the way it goes when you don’t get the result that you want I’m like I said I mean I’m so proud of this team um all the guys that you know worked their tail off to get us to this point

Said it earlier in the week nobody gave us a chance to even be sniffing where we are right now and uh you know gave gave a really good football team and run for their money didn’t get it done but uh I’m proud of the guys proud of their efforts from coaching staff players

Everybody involved in it um it was uh it was a fun year a hell of a year and uh something to be proud of experence um what did you get from those guys um jolt of energy man it was fun um I had a blast uh you know it was it was

A heck of a challenge but uh I was you know got to got to sit there and and you know push guys but also watch guys come into their own in this league and it’s not an easy thing to do we had a lot of young guys and um you know not only

Rookies but just guys that hadn’t played a lot of football that stepped into Big Time roles and became huge pieces of our team and and stars in our league so I’m proud of those guys and and happy to be a part of of you know a team with a

Group of guys like that um it takes everybody right it takes coaches takes trainers strength staff everything to to get to these points in the season um and uh you know came up a little bit short today but really proud of those guys J what does this journey portend for the

Future for these guys excuse me what does this journey portend for the future for next every team is different right I mean uh you could ask me that question last year and and uh you know nobody would have guessed we were sitting right here doing this right now so um you know

Obviously it’s uh you know was it was a solid season where you you had a chance to get into the tournament but uh didn’t didn’t get it done um but you know next year it’ll be a bunch of new guys I’m sure like it is every single season um we’ll have to

Figure that out and and figure that Journey out when we get there bill they were ch’s name you name like that uh I don’t know testing testing old man’s memory here um but uh no you know I am he almost hoped they would right I mean the guy’s he’s

Their quarterback he’s playing great um he led him to a win today I’m happy for him um I thought he played excellent today um he’s leading an offense that’s playing at a really good clip right now and and uh they should be proud of them they should be cheering for him you wer

Surprised Bo excuse me weren’t surprised Bo it’s a playoff game you know I’m not I’m not surprised that uh they were excited about cheering for their team and uh I’m not too worried about um you know anybody’s uh personal feelings towards me that was sitting in

The stance and we wrap it up again mat you reference you know next year what so should we take that to me that you will be back next that’s my plan right now yeah my plan is to be uh back and you’re going have to deal with me for another

Year so have fun with that


  1. As a Lions fan still got respect for Stafford. Business is business, he gave us 12 years. But lfg Lions still have work to do.

  2. That perfect rocket throw to Puka on 3rd and 14 was a blatant pass interference. That would have been a first down at the red zone just needing a FG to go ahead late in the 4th. The Lions fans booing you, and the refs not giving you that call, and handing the game to the Lions which you are no longer a part of is a sign to put Detroit in the past now.

  3. Awesome performance, Matthew. The ref's non PI call screwed you. 367 yards. 2 TD's, 0 INT's and all while being beat up, and bloodied. Those rocket throws, darts, side arm, and no-look passes is why you are truly the best QB in the NFL right now. You seem ageless, and I hope you have many more years left in you. I hope you win another Super Bowl or two with the Rams.

  4. Well, at least the Rams made in the Playoffs as a wildcard, as I at least hoped for. They weren't favored to go this far. But not so disappointing they had a competitive season and finally split the season with the 49ers ending there losing streak post Super Bowl.

  5. You want to talk about pain, this guy endured tremendous amounts of pain in this game! I am so proud to call him our QB! There are only two guys I've known in my life that brush off injuries even though its clear and obvious they were hurting to no end physically but their mental toughness outweighed the pain….Kobe Bryant and Matthew Stafford…..and both won it all in LA…..truly amazing

  6. Having to wait SEVEN months to watch my LA RAMS play again is the worst part about the ending of the season. What the Rams did this year is ridiculously impressive. A 70% rebuild and made the playoffs? With that schedule? Come on! Who does that!!!!

  7. Lifelong Detroit Lions 🦁 fan here. Matthew Stafford has been my favorite Lions players for all the seasons he played on my team. I still have his Lions jersey and rooted for him to win Super Bowl 56. With all of that said, what a phenomenal 2024 NFC Wild Card playoff game: Rams at Lions.

    Ever since the Lions and Rams quarterback trade, I thought to myself how epic it would be for the Detroit Lions with Jared Goff to meet the Los Angeles Rams with Matthew Stafford in the playoffs. It’s incredible how that came to fruition this postseason.

    Congratulations on everything Matthew Stafford and on your selection to the Pro Bowl Games. I will continue to root for the Lions and Jared Goff to win it all this postseason.

  8. TBF, Lions fans were booing him and chanting Goff's name as a bit of overcompensation. Matt's like the one that got away for the Lions fans but you can't let your new one think you are still hung up. 🙂

  9. Not gonna lie I lost a little respect for Detroit here. How do you boo stafford, and play it off like it’s nothing and celebrate the win. Hopefully the bucs smoke ‘em

  10. As a Lions Fan I will always think of the Stanford years as “what ifs”. Bad coaches (Caldwell decent) but otherwise terrible coaches and Gm

  11. I kept seeing stuff about his comments, and that was one of the most classy and poised post game interviews after a loss ever…especially to your former team, and using your current team's former QB. Pretty wild how that happened, but it's pro football. Always liked him and his willingness to stay in Detroit without complaining, even when he was leading the league but they couldn't put together a great season and get a post season win.

  12. Life long Lions fan, I have nothing but respect for Matt. I appreciate what he did for the Lions and it was awesome to see him get a superbowl ring. The Staffords have been through a lot and I wish them nothing but the best.

  13. My favorite game with MS was beating dallas with his QB sneak over the top at the goal line. Watching Dez turn a sniveling baby was a bonus.

  14. I expected Stafford to get cheered. Kind of disappointed in my fellow Lions fans. He did a lot for moving the Lions to respectability.

  15. As a Lion fan and a fan of Matt Stafford .Hey Matt you lit the fire . If management had moved to Dan Campbell a few years earlier maybe your ring would have been with the Lions. I`M HAPPY YOU GOT TO THE TOP.—- Every players dream some get there most don`t.

  16. ONe more comment Lions fans didn`t need to boo– Matt always showed class but in this case we didn`t

  17. Lions fans tell me you were not worried that MATT and LA would get that ball for a 2 minute drill. Lions fans all know what Matt can do with as little as 45 seconds.

  18. Man, I got nothing but respect Stafford. He gave it all when he was in Detroit. Such a professional taking all the questions in stride.

  19. Bro suffered a major concussion and people are nitpicking the way he answered a question like an hour later.

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