2024 Titleist AVX vs. 2023 Titleist Pro V1 and Pro V1x

Titleist AVX golf balls have been available since 2017, but many golfers still don’t know how it relates to the Pro V1 and Pro V1x. Discover how Titleist updated the AVX for 2024 and learn how it compares to the current Titleist Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls.
00:00 Hello 2024 AVX!
00:15 What does AVX mean?
00:37 What’s new for ’24?
01:09 Updated Core
01:49 Cover Changes for 2024
02:59 AVX vs. Pro V1x
03:47 AVX vs. Pro V1
04:27 Who is AVX For?
05:24 Which ball is for YOU?
06:21 Got Questions?

For 2024 titles has not updated the prov1 or the prov1x but there is a new version of AVX and I think it’s a golf ball that a lot of players don’t really fully understand so in this video I’m going to explain to you everything you need to know about the Titleist AVX for

2024 so let’s start right from the beginning AVX title AVX stands for alternative to V andx and this golf ball has been around since 2017 like the Titleist prov1 it’s a three-piece golf ball as you can see here it has a very large rubber core and it’s that is

Surrounded by a relatively firm casing layer and on the outside just like the prov1 and the prov1x this golf ball has a urethane cover okay so from the get-go tidalist AVX has always been a ball that spins less and feels softer and creates a lower ball flight than either the

Prov1 or the prov1x and for 2024 what tile set out to do was create more greens side spin without necessarily sacrificing that low spin off the te and with long irons and without sacrificing that lower trajectory for players who really generate a lot of excessive spin

Both off the te and with their longer clubs so how’ they go about doing that first they actually made the core of the golf ball physically smaller now this is a gradient core which means that the innermost portion of the core itself is the softest and then as you work your

Way towards the outside of the perimeter of the golf ball the core itself gets firmer and firmer now all of that is encased in a very firm casing layer so when a golfer basically strikes the ball with a golf face or a club face I should

Say that’s more vertical a driver uh a long iron Etc the energy is going to be transferred through the cover through that casing layer and into the core and that’s what’s going to help to generate a lot more ball speed so that’s the story with the core and for the most

Part the casing layer really hasn’t changed but by making the core itself a little bit smaller it allowed title designers and Engineers to be able to make the cover material a little bit thicker it’s still a very very soft urethane um but it is a thicker urethane

Cover and that allows the grooves in your wedges and in your short IRS to grab a hold of it a little bit more effectively and create more spin when you’re going with clubs that that have more Loft so again you’re getting the benefit of low spin off the tea low

Trajectory off the tea soft feel off the tea but then when you get around the greens you’re going to get more green side spin than you would have gotten from previous generations of AVX Now The dimple pattern in the 2024 AVX originally was put into a Titleist tour

Softball now that golf ball is a two-piece golf ball a distance golf ball something that’s in a much lower price point um but when it’s put onto the AVX according to titles it really helps with the aerodynamics and it helps the ball maintain stability through the wind so

It’s not going to get pushed around nearly as much as it would so I think it’s pretty interesting that a golf ball that is now going to be retailing for about $50 actually has a dimple pattern and a cover pattern that is coming from a golf ball that originally probably

Retail for about half the price okay so that’s what you need to know about the 2024 AVX how does that golf ball relate to the prov1x well the prov1x is a four-piece golf ball this has two cores surrounded by a mantle layer and a urethane cover whereas AVX is three the

Titus provy 1X is going to be the highest flying off the te and the highest spinning off the te golf ball amongst the prov1x the prov1 and the AVX so if you’re somebody who is looking to create more carry distance on your drives if you’re somebody who wants a

Very firm feeling golf ball the titles provy 1X is also going to have the highest compress we’re now talking a golf ball that’s probably going to be in the mid90s whereas the AVX again has a compression around 80 so it’s going to be a significant difference in feel and

In sound around the greens the Titleist prov1x will also generate a little bit more green side spin than the Titleist AVX if you then transition and try and do a comparison between AVX and prov1 now we’re getting a little bit closer titles prov1 is a three-piece golf ball

Just like AVX is a three-piece golf ball but this golf ball the prov1 has a higher compression it’s also going to create create a little bit more spin at launch it’s also going to create a slightly higher launch angle with all of your longer clubs the Titleist AVX is

Going to spin less and have a lower trajectory off the te and with your longer clubs than with the prov1 around the green because it has a slightly higher overall compression the titles prov1 will probably spin just a little bit more than even the new 2024 updated

Version of AVX okay so if that’s the case who is AVX for well I think the obvious thing is anybody who generates excessive spin off the tea and with their longer clubs is potentially a candidate for AVX it will spin less it will also create a lower launch angle so

If you’re somebody who just tends to really send your drives and your long iron shots to the moons to the point where you’re robbing yourself of distance if you were going to be using a prov1 or prov1x AVX might be able to give you a little bit more overall

Distance because it’s going to reduce spin it’s going to lower your flight and you’re probably going to get more overall distance with that if you’re a golfer who just insists on playing a softer feeling golf golf ball but you want a Titleist ball with a eurothane

Cover the Titleist AVX is going to be the softest feeling of the premium golf balls in the Titleist stable for 2024 the benefit being that you’re going to get that softer feel you’re going to get that reduced spin with the longer clubs and you’re going to get that lower

Launch angle but the 2024 edition of AVX is going to spin on approach shots a little bit more than the previous versions of AVX look the best way to find out whether AVX or prov1 or prov1x is going to be right for you is to grab

A sleeve of these golf balls take them out of the golf course and put them through their Paces start at the green hit a series of Chip shots pitch shots bunker shots see how they feel to you see how much spin you generate around the greens on your short game shots do

You prefer one to the other do you find that you’re able to control the ball a little bit more effectively with one from the other then work your way back away from the green hit some midiron shots hit some shots um with your longer irons your hybrids then go off the tea

The last place where you try out these golf balls is going to be off the tea because performance-wise distance-wise they’re going to be most similar off the te the biggest difference between these golf balls will probably be felt from say like eight iron seven iron and closer to the green around the greens

You’re going to see a bigger difference between these golf balls and you will off the tea there’s just no getting around it the best way to find out which title golf ball is going to be right for you is to go out there and try them for

Yourself okay hopefully you now have a good understanding about what the Titleist AVX for 2024 is all about and how it relates to prov1 and prov1x if you have any questions though drop them in the comment area below I do try and check all the comments that come into my

Channel I try and answer comments uh and questions try and give you as much information as I possibly can so it would be great if you would drop a comment down there if you’d slap a like on this video as well as subscribe to my

Channel also you want to be sure to hit the Bell button because we’ve got a lot of new content that’s going to be coming out in the weeks and months ahead as release season continues and rolls on so thanks very much for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again real



  1. The results in tests by Myspygolf AVX is a long ball for slower swingers. I am one of them. AVX is the longest ball for me from tee, compared to TM Tour Response, Pro V1 and Pro V1x, Callaway Chrome Soft and more. Usually slower swingers need more spin from tee, but with AVX we get lower spin…but still it is a long ball carry.

    What are your thoughts about that?

  2. They just need to make the alignment lines 1/2”-3/4” longer. Similar to the line that 90% of golfers put on the ball with a sharpie.

  3. Balls made for Upper Level Players
    I offer to test the ball here on my home course, I live on the 16th green of Gold Hills, Ca
    I started playing around age 6 or 7 and I am now 63

    Not only do I ask for 6 balls to test, but I will return them after 6 rounds so you can see
    how they stood up to an Average Golfers use

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