Film & Analyze Your Golf Swing Anywhere in 3D MOTION – Download The Free GOLFTEC App Today

Filming your golf swing is a critical tool for golfers of all levels. This is extremely important for any golfer to understand which parts of their swing needs to be improved. Today, Nick demonstrates how he films his swing using the Swing Record feature in the GOLFTEC app in 3D without needing anything else but his phone. Using real time 3D motion data you can analyze your golf stance, posture and your swing dynamics. He will show you all the check points he looks at and how this can help you improve your golf game. The best part is the app is free to download and you can use it anywhere. Even at home if you can’t wait to try it out.

Nick is a PGA and GOLFTEC Certified instructor at the GOLFTEC Singapore Raffles Place Centre.

Get the GOLFTEC app and start analyzing your game today.

Apple App Store:

Android Play Store:

Or if you happen to be near a GOLFTEC Training Centre, book an appointment to meet one of our Certified Personal Coaches and get your swing evaluation today.

#GOLFTEC #golfswinganalysis #golfstance #golfbackswing

Hi golfers Nick here from Golf Tech Asia in today’s video we’re going to talk a little bit about the new app from Golf Tech uh the new updates in the app going to show you a really cool feature to kind of help you analyze your golf swing

This app is free for anyone whether you’re a Golf Tech Jud or not you can use this app to help you play better golf okay guys we’re going to take a look at the app here I’ve already got downloaded on my phone so we’re just going to kind of take you through kind

Of the homepage here so you can see it comes out with my profile I currently take lessons uh but it just shows you that I can start with the evaluation if I want to book that however we’re going to go to the my game setting which is

The second tab there along the bottom as we scroll down we’ve got these different options here so if you’re a Golf Tech Sho in you can go through your schedule you can take a look at your previous lessons but the third one there we’re going to take a look at is Swing record

So if I go into that part there you can see I’ve already tested this out got various different swings from the front view and the side view camera today we’re going to talk about the side view camera we’re going to talk about some key checkpoints in the go swing to kind

Of help you analyze your goal swing when you’re using the app uh we’re going to focus in on kind of the features that it has and then show you guys how to film your goal swing so at the bottom here we’ve got the green camera so I’m going

To in the bottom right corner so I’m going to press that so then it takes you to this next screen here so it just shows you how to set up for the camera so it recommends about 12 15 ft away you have to adjust the light and it shows

You the height of the camera so when you’re videoing your swing make sure you follow these steps to make sure you get the correct angle for your swing go we’re going to talk you through how to set this up when you’re videoing your own golf swing so I’ve got the camera

Set up here on a tripod there’s a few things that really important when you’re filming your go swing one you get a stationary camera number two the angle now on the Golf Tech app here you can see on the screen here we’re going to be looking at the side view the position of

This camera is very important the distance away is it says on the screen there 12 to 15 ft and the position of that side view camera going through the hands one more tip make sure you clean the screen on your camera make sure you get a clear Viewpoint as best as

Possible now I’ve lined this up where my hands are going to be so you can see here I’m going to press record swing so as I press that it takes me through here I’ve got outdoor indoor option I’m going to select the indoor option I’m going to press the record

Button so you can see that’s recording now so I’m going to make a swing hopefully it’s a good one try my best okay it was a pretty good shot I don’t know if you can see on that TV behind me there but you can see that

Ball there just going onto the green so that’s recorded so I’m going to press the record button now you can see here this is now processing so I’m going to come over to show you guys just uh so you can see this up a bit closer okay so

Now we’re going to take a look at the screen you can see here the at the beginning of the Swing here it’s just collecting my waggle it’s the club Trac is that good it’s picking up my waggle here so as this goes back you can see

The kind of purple line here as it goes back so this is just kind of measuring the the back swing hand path as it goes back as we get to the top you can see it stops at the top of the back swing and then this color changes yellow for the

Down swing now you’ll see how almost in the follow through there my hands match up almost perfectly where my club was in the top of the back swing now the interesting thing about the club Tracer which is what we’re going to be kind of talking about today is that the

Purple line going back is on a slightly different angle to that yellow one coming down so we’re going to be talking about those kind of checkpoints in today’s video now I’m going to take that club Tracer off for a second just go to the next one here we’ve got the the

Skeleton this is really cool this is kind of one of the key benefits of coming to Golf Tech is having your swing measured in 3D mode Mo so you may have seen some videos uh on the channel before on my previous channel talking about kind of how we measure the go

Swing we measuring how golfers move their body in 3D to help you kind of move your body like the best players in the world you can see here we’ve got the kind of skeleton feature and this is really cool this is is a really cool

Feature just to show you kind of how the the body moves you can see the angle for the knees the tilt of the hips the tilt of the shoulders um as you go through you can kind of save these swings separately if you want to you can put

Them together you got the cool line there on the spine just showing you how my spine’s kind of moving in the goal swing we can take that one off as we go across we can draw some lines on there so we got some arrows and some lines and circles you

Can kind of put these lines in if you want to kind of trace your goal swing you want to check out these key different positions in your swing you can also save this with that button there to the right if you want to save it to your phone or

Send it to your friends golfers I’m hope you’re enjoying the video if you are please give that like button or like it really helps us with the algorithm here at Golf Tech Asia also make sure you subscribe and enjoy the rest of the video as I swing back here I’m going to

Take my hands and Club inwards around my body this is very important to keep this club on plane I showed you the checkpoint the first one hands and club going through the belt so if you’re videoing your swing if you see your hands out here not going through the

Belt then you need to fix it if you see the hands coming in too low that means it’s coming too much under plane so you want the first checkpoint is going to be as you hands and Club go past your body you should be on that that belt buckle

The next checkpoint as I mentioned the Sha going through the lower part of the bicep at P3 that’s when the left arm’s parallel to the ground and at the top of the Swing the left arm across the line of the shoulders that’s position four as we come into the down swing the shaft

Should then go through the middle of the bicep that’s position five if you get that right you have a good chance to delivering that club slightly from in to out now I mentioned there that’s just the checkpoints there for the back swing if you can do that it gives you a chance

Now there’s other pieces to this that that really have to work together for you to make good contact swing on the correct angle there’s other checkpoints from the front view as well that we have to look at but in today’s video I’m just going to explain kind of the Theory and

Why these checkpoints are important going back and coming into the downswing position three when the left arm is parallel to the ground we’ve done a lot of studies here at Golf Tech I’m going to be putting these onto the screen here so you can see but in the

Back swing here my shoulder turn is going to be around 75° so at Golf Tech here when we’re measuring your go swing we’re going to measure kind of the rotation here of your shoulders in the back swing the average tour player they turn 88° in their back swing at position

Three when the left arm’s parallel that number is going to be about 75° however in the downswing they’re going to really open up their turn compared to their back swing so by the time they reach left arm parallel on the down sing we call that position five their shoulder turn now is

Going to be about 65° this is the change that you’re seeing from the purple to the yellow when your body is more rotated your hands appear more behind you as I start to open up my turn you’ll see how that that hand path changes from position three going back to position five coming

Down that’s why you see that change so when you’re videoing your swing you’re expecting to see that purple line move more inwards that yellow line moving slightly over it looks like my swing is coming kind of over the top a lot of people assume that’s over the top it’s

Not really it’s just the fact that I’ve taken the hands more inwards going back because my body’s turned more than it is in the down swing so they’re kind of the key checkpoints that you should be looking for I’m going to hit one more shot here just why I explain this just

To summarize at the end here so as I’m swinging back first checkpoint going through the belt you’ll see how my knee Flex is changing so for me to take my hands inwards I’m having to rotate I’m having to move my shoulder down when you’re at Golf Tech we’re going to be

Measuring your kind of tilting of your shoulders and how much you rotate I’ve practiced my swing a lot I do this pretty well so as I swing back here as my hands Club come in and then come down into the down swing I know my those checkpoints are pretty good cuz I video

My swing every day and if you can video your swing on your phone it’s a really good step now I do recommend if you can get into your Golf Tech get analyze your swing using 3d motion really helps you get some good advice from your golf

Coach as well but if you don’t have access to that you can practice at home you can use the phone like I just just did there you don’t even need to hit golf balls to improve your golf you could make these swings record at home check out these key checkpoints that we

Talked about in today’s video so next video we will be talking about some other key checkpoints that you can use when you’re filming your swing we’re going to be looking also at the front front view camera some point as well so hope you enjoyed the video golfers if

You did please give it a thumbs up and I’ll see you again soon for another video


  1. Not available in Switzerland too. Can you remove the region selection at the beginning of the settings and maybe add in the profile if it's needed?

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