Golf Babe

WWE Bianca Belair vs Bayley 2/2

Happy New Year Guys!!! By a WWE fan 🤩 | Lincoln, Nebraska, US: January 12, 2024
#biancabelair #bayley #damagectrl

Battle as is Bailey both women with valuable  moments to collect themselves and here comes   belir like a steam train drop kicking Bailey The  Kipper from belir this is what you want to avoid   once Bianca starts to roll like this she is next  to impossible to [Applause] stop hammering away  

At Bailey but there is the experience of Bailey  here comes the role model running knee connects   talk about trying to slow down Bianca belir  look what Bailey’s managed to do shoulders   are down here Bianca kicks out at two I saw it  okay thank you Bailey tried very quickly to pull  

One over on our official Dan Engler and it was  not happening in that instance and now Bailey   looking to tie Bianca to the bottom rope with  her own trade Mark bra there’s no getting out of thise that TI it right now Bailey Bailey now  showing her aggression what it’s going to take  

To top of bell that might do it you can’t do that  Bianca is roed Bailey in complete control here oh   B oh no hell brilliant maneuver from Bianca  Bianca just turned her own bra into a trip   wire and Bailey at a face full of turnbuckle  talk about Ingenuity belir now Bianca’s still  

Tied to the bottom rope needs to free herself  and does just that and now Bailey may be in trouble face first off the apron Bianca’s  [Applause] angry look at this from belir Yan   may snap the role model in [Applause] half  somehow Bailey again using that experience  

That’s what it’s all boiled down to every time  belir has lost her advantage in this matchup   it has been because of Bailey’s experience  Bailey able to realize where she is in the   ring at that moment to think on her feet turn  the tides well Bianca will we see it kod on  

The outside here oh into the post nasty  Landing for Bailey Bianca’s got daylight   can she get Bailey back inside the ring and  finish [Applause] this belir now straight   across to Bailey Hammer into that [Applause]  midsection damage control encouraging on the  

Outside best first into the top turnbuckle goes  Bailey now the EST musling up the role model suplex Bianca is feeling it Bair  is on fire and Bailey’s rocked   this [Applause] time getting the crowd  going here in linoln Nebraska 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 Bailey out at 10 using the braid  once more again oh no it’s backfired on Bailey game of attrition just wearing down Bailey Bailey battered by Bair Bianca wants more back  breaker in for the cob now   Bianca B to see off Bailey who’s still [Applause]

Alive neither woman has been able to sustain  the advantage for very much of this match up   a true seesaw battle back and forth as the  WWE Universe again tries to Rally Bair but   biley got the knees up but Bianca saw it  coming Bianca has both legs of Bailey in  

Her grasp muscled up Bailey slides out the  back door and I’m sorry spine first into   the turnbuckle goes Belair again there’s  that familiarity Bailey predicting the   move of Bianca Bair Belair now just waiting for  [Applause] Bailey is this the moment for Bianca  

Bianca in for the cover can she get there  one two B kicking out of three just before for all of damage control watching in disbelief   realizing that their Fearless  role model Bailey was nearly defeated Bailey big big right to the role model  Bailey Bair now has Bailey where she wants her  

Gther free reversed into the middle turnbuckle  again spine first goes belir great wherewithal   being displayed by the veteran Bailey who’s making  the climb to the top turnbuckle the EST is down   and maybe out here comes Bailey Bailey connects  is this it for Bailey and damage control Bianca  

Says no The Testament to the toughness and guts  possessed by the EST as we look again at Bailey   paying homage to the Macho Man elbow drop placed  right to the heart but not enough to keep Bianca   down [Applause] tonight this is far more than  momentum before the Royal Rumble a story rivalry  

Of WWE this the following chapter here’s Bailey  now Bailey with her feet on the ROP caught by our   official joh angler should down still too close to  the ropes Bailey got a little carried away seemed  

To expect our official not to be looking when in  fact she was caught red-handed belir sent to the   outside once again at the feet of damage control I  think Bailey might have suffered some sort of knee injury looks like she’s encouraging damage  control here what you you guys they didn’t do

Anything but once I agree with you gra  Bailey now taking matters into her own   hands on the outside I I mean  you I understand why you would speculate perhaps Bailey was inviting  damage control to join in on the fun   damage control could not take  the invitation instead believing  

In Bailey but shoulders down  again Kaman do it Bailey out in time belir now with Pace a spear from Bianca belir just taunting Dage control B  controllers just minding their own   business innocent bystanders Bianca  B with Bailey where she wants her K Belair says watch [Applause] this here is your winner bian

B what a win for the ES te knocking off the leader  of damage control the bair’s mission remains incomplete here’s where we see at the end  the controversy Bailey would send belir to   the outside and and I understand your speculation  KP there were times in the past where you would  

Assume damage control would get involved  but they opted not to trusting in Bailey’s   abilities which instead would earn Bailey a  spear followed immed mediately by a thunderous   Kiss of Death k o d thanks for coming baile  uncharacteristic from damage control but Bianca  

Belir will celebrate rolling toward the Royal  Rumble another fell out the Royal Rumble will   be Logan Paul we heard from him earlier let’s  get the response now of the priz fighter Kevin hes


  1. The kabuki warriors about to re-emerge meaning bailey and dakota about to be out, damage control no more

  2. Ok Bayley went get her day 1 her day 1 went get her best friend her best friend gone go get her cuz in law.. the takeover.

  3. The extra numbers was supposed to strengthen damage control. But the opersite is happening. The Japanese girls will take over and kick out Dakota and bayley.

  4. They need some fresh ideas. Its so tiring to have Bayley vs Bianca over and over again. Hopefully Bayley goes face soon and starts feuding with Damage Ctrl since they are obviously plotting against her.

  5. Belair is so fucking overrated – she's like Naomi: never deserved the push they got, but yet creative continues to do so. They need to stop. They're screwing much more talented people, ie primarily Sane and Asuka

  6. This is getting ridiculous, the matches have become , well stupid, they don't even look like they're trying to make it look real!

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