Best 5 Minute Warm Up Ever | Golf Edition

Get ready to improve your golf game with the best 5-minute warm-up ever!

In this video, you’ll learn the secrets to maximizing feel and contact with your wedges. Don’t waste any time and start your warm-up routine now! Subscribe for more golf tips and tricks.

So we’ve got it set up for 50 yard shot so this is what I would do on on a range right so I’ve got my 60° wedge here I don’t wear a glove for this portion of it just cuz I want as much maximum feel

As I possibly can again I Got 5 minutes to warm up for now so I got to get moving so basically I’m just going to hit this try and make some contact so you’re not focus on where it’s going not you’re just trying to slowly move and get the center of the

Club face make sure your body’s moving exactly it and you’ll notice like there wasn’t a lot of speed in that it was very very smooth I’m just trying to swing as far back as I can as smooth as I can through and just again like Matt

Said is I’m just trying to hit hit the ball solid I’m just trying to get my sequencing my timing down again there’s a good shot I’m not worried about it right but we’re not really aiming at a Target here remember you’re on a range you don’t have a track man we’re not

Looking at numbers launch angles none of that all you’re doing is getting your body moving four or five wedges just just to know just to make a little divot get the ball up in the air I’m not not hitting a driver and I would say like

I’ll be honest I I’m probably one of the few I would not hit a driver if I had five minutes to warm up I I I don’t see the point of it I mean because what it’s going to do is I’m going to hit a bad

One cuz my back’s going to be stiff and then I’m going to be thinking about it on the first te going don’t snap hook it now so most players are going to use a driver because most t- shots starting the day involve a driver I would agree

Okay I would agree most of us don’t hit it as far as you so you got to to the people that like I can’t carry my 3-wood 275 yard so so so and I hear you driver you want to get your body moving and find your low point and all that sort of

Stuff but after you’ve hit your five wedges you’re going to build to it let’s try and fit a driver in there and I’ll show you what I would do so I’ve hit like four or five little like 50 yers now I’m going to try and hit this a

Little bit further just try and take it back a little bit okay so that’s like 75% for me on that wedge okay um and that’s probably close to 85 or so yeah so 80 carry I’ll take that so then if you want to just move me to like a little bit of a

Further Target this is when before I hit a full full lob wedge here I’m just going to move to gap wedge um again 100 yards is perfect it doesn’t matter we’re not a get a Target we’re just hitting it so perfect so now I’ve got my Gap W this

Is a club I use a lot so I use this from 100 to 125 yards so so now when now you might want to pick a Target like when you’re hitting those warm-up wedges you’re hitting it at nothing you’re just moving now you’re aing now I’m trying to

See where it’s curving if I’m trying to hit like I’m trying to just hit a normal one here about 100 yard and for me that’s from the back of my stance a little bit open nice and smooth and okay that felt pretty good I feel comfortable it felt like I think

Part of it too is like what I would I would say for people too don’t try and get too many feels associated with this little warmup if you’re working on a practice regiment sure but if you’re just warming up and trying to hit shots don’t don’t think about too many little

Things right yeah so this is a warm-up this is not practice they’re different things Okay so we’ve hit probably how many Gap wedges four three four okay so Okay so we’ve gone five five lob wedges yeah or your most lofted wedge maybe it’s 56 maybe it’s 60 if it’s 64 you’re probably

Stupid there’s like three people in the world that can efficiently use a 64° wed uh okay so now what club do you have in your hand so I got an eight hour now Okay so we’ve gone six 52 yeah eight iron and now we’re hitting oo yeah so so now we’re hitting eight

Iron and again now we’re aiming at a Target yeah hang on let me let me give you a Target here just uh normally you’re going to have uh Targets on the Range but this is when I’d probably put a glove on as well yeah 170 is probably your number

Far again so right now I’m not I’m probably not going to hit it that distance but that is what I hit my generally so and again when you’re doing this warmup you’re not concerned with how far you’re hitting it you know your numbers you’re concerned with is it

Coming off at your target left or right what way is it curving and that’s the way you’re going to play golf that day oh absolutely exactly so let’s try and hit one here I’m just trying to make solid contact I would argue is like one of my

Things as well so for me that was said okay I just didn’t swing that hard but it’s a good result right so it did what I wanted yeah did what I wanted to do all kind of came out online turned over a little exactly I’ll take that all day long the same thing

Here add a little bit more into that mhm little pushy draw should come back there it goes good that might go in the hole so that’s got to go a little bit but again Direction my feels are good I mean it feels like I’m slowly warming things

Up picking up cbad speed as I do this um I’m not swinging eight iron as hard as I possibly can right I mean it’s you could do that but you’re just going to throw off your sequencing and throw everything off so yeah everything here is about getting your body moving and finding

Tempo exactly so probably hit one more of these guys maybe a little harder okay so that’s about as hard as I would swing with that club so I hit that pretty well as well solid and this is where a lot of the shots I do hit I mean arguably I do hit

Mostly mid to Shorter irons into Greens on on on a golf course um but there are quite a few par 3s that I play at my te’s that are 215 220 so generally I hit either four iron or three iron right now I’ve got four iron um again that’s

Perfect so probably 210 I would aim at a Target I’m just trying to feel the difference between kind of a short mid iron and something a little bit longer where my stance a little wider so you’ve gone five lob wedges three Gap wedges three eight IR three eight irons now we’re into four

Iron yeah exactly so hit that pretty well she turned into my target yeah that’s a good shot I will take that for sure so that’s where generally I do hit this a little further than that so I’m okay with that I didn’t think that I was

Going to hit it that solid to be honest so but again outside I’m not worried about it it’s a little further than my target great that’s fine yeah right now we’re just aiming at something seeing which way it curves right so what we’ve seen is everything is a baby push raw

Which is kind of what you’ve been trying to do lately y exactly so that was a little bit out of the toe okay it’s going to turn over still did the same thing which is nice so when you miss it it does the same thing exactly so again

If I M hit a couple of those I probably would have maybe hit one or two more but I’m not again I’m not worried about that two four irons so this is like the whole you know running through the gamut here exactly and then realistically I probably only have a couple minutes left

Before my my my the guys are waiting on the te going mark go so like I said I wouldn’t hit driver I might grab driver and swing it um I might feel it and just kind of get cuz obviously for me too it’s a longer swing so there’s going to

Be some some different muscles that kind of contract I might take a few practice swings and and as well this is assuming that you always want to hit the the last Club you want to hit on the Range is the first Club you want to hit on the te

Generally I think it’s a good idea um I think for me A lot of times I do hit an iron off the tea on the first hole um especially most of us are not long enough to be able to do that understandable yeah understandable so

You give me one or two drivers I assume and then you’re most go and shoot 88 exactly I might hit one so again I’m not thinking about too much just same setup as I normally am with driver and I’ll take that so what’s nice is your driver’s coming out the same

Shape as your irons some people do do that some don’t exactly this is what you want to pay attention to we’re not concerned with distance numbers any of that stuff all you’re doing is moving and you’re finding out where’s the ball coming out where’s it curving so you can

See I came in cold right I mean it’s it’s 9:00 in the morning I warmed up that was my warm-up right so I haven’t done any other stretching I feel okay do I feel perfect no I’d rather have a little bit more time but if that’s all

You have you still have a chance at giving yourself a pretty decent like chance of playing really well so and I think we did that in under 5 minutes so that’s a victory yeah and obviously I mean when you’re when you’re not talking about what you’re doing you can probably

Get a little bit more done but slow it down don’t do anything really fast don’t rush your practice shots if you don’t have time to hit 30 balls you’re not going to hit 30 balls so don’t try and fit it in there that you’re better off hitting six

Balls and and take your time in between shots and just find your Tempo exactly I’m guilty of that so again like to recap so it was five wedges three Gap wedges three eight irons three eight irons two four irons and a driver dri so again I mean arguably like okay I

Hit all those fairly well I would be pretty comfortable with that warm up session but I made sure that was going to happen by starting that with Okay good contact on a 30 yard wedge right find some Tempo yeah and go up the ladder exactly so anyways next time

That’s how to warm up next we’re going to show how to practice so they’re two very different things but don’t get it twisted yep thanks guys all right

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