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What’s up everybody and welcome back to another David maxw with golf video where today I’m going to be showing you through my bag for 2024 and exactly what I’ve got in it and why now as you might have known on my channel if you’ve been watching the channel I have just started

An agreement with 14 golf as an ambassador which is absolutely awesome I am super super excited about this but I thought the best way to show this what’s in the bag which is a very big and awesome bag is to play around let’s play Pebble Beach let’s go through my whole

Bag I’m sure I’ll get through most of the clubs there at Pebble Beach see how we go and uh yeah you got any questions throw them in the comments get back to every single question in the comments section if you haven’t already make sure you like this video it really does help

The algorithm and just puts the video up there a little bit more on YouTube so thank you very much for that and let’s get into it all right so the first hole at Pebble Beach requires about a 220 M shot to really get in Prime position you

Can get away with 200 but 220 really to get yourself in Prime position and what I’m going to use off the T which I’ve been using a lot is uh my brand new Fairway well sorry brand new hybrid which is called a ux2 that guy which is super super

Awesome so what this is is it says that it’s a five hybrid and really it’s probably a three hybrid because it got 20° of Loft so that’s what you got to look at these days so it’s 20° a loft I do have the monoflex shaft in this as

Well so this shaft is going to respond to my swing speed and how I actually deliver the club but that means that also anyone at home if they’re not Swinging with my style of swing speed can still use the exact same club with the monoflex shaft because it’s going to

Respond to their swing speed I’m not sure if that’s called kinetic energy or not but it sounds right tell me in the comments if I’m right or wrong anyway let’s hit the t- shot idea up the left like I said about that 220 would be perfect oh might have drew that a little

Too much getting out there got it a little to 210 happy with that in the Fairway and that is really the whole point of what this club is supposed to do when you’re on the te you want to have a club that you can be confident with that

You’re going to hit in the faway didn’t hit it perfect still in the Fairway great result I got 138 m to the pin Happy Days 2.4 M uphill I’m going to smooth a nine so into the IRS I was already getting ahead of myself these

Are so I have a mixed set but I have uh the seven to pitching wedge in the tb7 I mean these on I’ve hit them a fair bit you guys have probably just seen a few videos on YouTube but these on feel absolutely pure if you haven’t tested

Out 14 on Japanese forged IR you need to test them out I’m going to do a full review on these irons as well I have them in the 105 motor stiff flex shaft uh the shorter back swing I just require a little bit more Flex in there for my

Lag and also just to get the spin up a little bit so I got 99 let’s just smoothy one down there that could be good could be really good get in the hole oh just outside that gimme Circle but that was really really good and that’s what I’ve absolutely loved about

The tb7 is the playability of them a full nine for me is about 145 smooth one down there I can get it up to what was that 138 to the pin and I’m pin high with a 2 m putt the Potter The Potter’s going to change so I’m not going to

Bother talking about the poter the putter is the same putter that I’ve had for a while but I’m probably going to go to like a Legos putter uh 14 golf don’t currently do a putter oh straight in for bird first hole birdie Happy Days um yeah I’m probably

Going to go to JY putter or lab putter or something like that 14 and golf just they just don’t do one but they will they will TBA 100% a driver hold now I put my own head covers on here the jalong head cover go the mighty cats but

We have the 14 golf you haven’t seen my full review of this driver make sure you check it out this is a dx1 again with the monoflex Shar and did the review here I had somebody who was brand new to golf Sam uh we’re over over in the T

Blocking T block 2 over there and he was able to hit the exact same driver exact same sh that I hit gain 30 m hit it down the middle and it’s just really really awesome to see so driver oh that was hit oh I pulled it a

Little we had a little too close to the front of my step I was trying to Belt it cuz this is a par five short one and that’s okay up on the hill 283 M of carry didn’t actually give me the stats there what did I get 170 right so

190 m to the pin which is the middle of the green I’m going to be going my to get in the shot here I’m going to be going the five on which is that bad boy right there which is the tb5 now the idea behind the tb5 is it is a little

Bit more forgiving when you get into the five and the six ons uh I would just rather have a little bit more down at the bottom of the ball when I’m trying to play these kind of shots than less to be honest with you and I think a lot of

Tool pros and people have going that way as well see I did didn’t get that that was a quick transition but that’s okay that means that I can show you the wedge which this wedge if you’ve watched my Instagram Channel at all and if you haven’t followed me on Instagram make sure you

Do at David Maxfield golf but the RMA wedge I absolutely love that wedge and the first round that I had on course which is also up on YouTube check that out um this this wedge saved me a lot so I got 25 M to the pin let’s go

And it did pretty much exactly that it got me right next to the pin and it gave me really great chances of getting up and down cuz I wasn’t playing that well but that’s what it was doing the whole time oh didn’t break as much I hit it

Through but either way okay that’s a PA probably could have done a little better on that hole so for the sake of it I wouldn’t nor hit 3w here but I’m going to for the sake of it what I’m going to do is I’m going to show you my 3-wood

Which is the FX FX1 now 3ws to me have typically been a little bit of a harder relationship but I’m getting used to them if you can hit a 3w really well then it’s definitely going to shave Strokes off your game so I should have it in the bag and I should

Teach myself to learn how to hit him that was a good strike I hit that too far that is perfect it okay okay 241 total got me in the Fairway happy with that 146 to the pin this is kind of again that little flighted shot so I’m going to go the 8

On in the tb7 um slide it down although it is pling 3.6 M downhill no wind you know I’m going to go hard on instead see if that’s good that’s really good oh sit probably could have gone even a little bit smoother these clubs definitely have given me a lot more

Distance which I really really love see with my swing speed and uh with the way that I was hitting my own clubs I really do actually benefit from the stronger losss that they have I’m going to put it here in the description below sorry in the you know what I mean um but

Basically the stronger lofs with my swing speed with a softer shaft really actually work in a great Dynamic for my game I get more distance I get the right spin rates and it’s easier hitting a seven into a par five than it is a 4 IR

For not much difference in distance so I prefer that 6.1 M left to right 2 cm uphill go go go go well that was a good part I feel like we’ve almost gone through the bag already but you know what we’re going to keep playing this round and we’re going to see exactly

What kind of a round that we can produce here don’t I’m taking my glove off I need it all about to drop the ball what am I doing 305 m to the green let’s get this bad boy cranking I hit that dead straight 171 ball

Speed just a little too high on the spin 3200 which is why it kind of fell a little bit short but 43 M again this this this wedge is just my favorite I love this wedge if you’ve never tried a 14 wedge you just you have to the weight

The balance everything is just amazing whoa that did not go that far that’s sometimes the downside with a Sim any Sim actually I think is the chipping is just not on these short chips It’s just sometimes not accurate 15 no see it’s telling me that went 30

M okay this for bogey wow we don’t want to double but like I said the chipping on this thing is not in my opinion very accurate at all oh no no okay are this is this is a brutality of sim golf that’s a triple well I love that wedge it’s not

Wedge by the way 177 m to the pin we’re going to go with the tb5 again and just smooth a six onon down there it’s a good strike that’s a great shot here we go come back down let’s get one back and that’s why I really love the tb5 and the

5 and six items because the Forgiveness that you get on those longer shots it’s a little bit daunting for for a lot of people 175 to 200 M path 3es get something that’s a little bit more forgiving get something that’s going to help you game in the top end of your bag I

Mean it produces great shots 10 cm downhill right to left this is going to be quick I need to actually look at what I’m putting to right to left I hate Sim golf potting in for P I would have been devastated if that was buy part five

This one we definitely need to get it back again I got the dx1 I’m going to try and unload on this shot 16 M down hill this is an opportunity to get it right out there oh got that bottom me all right I need to slow down I’m getting so excited

To show you guys all these clubs that my transition is terrible so let’s just ease up a little bit Dave 279 out of the bottom of the club by the way if you want to know forgiveness I missed that and we have 193 193 this play is uphill

I’m going to go to the hybrid again which is the L sorry the ux2 still getting used to the names all in the jalong D series that was hit that was so good I love this hybrid oh even a little at the back I’m middled that that was cool that was

Cool tell me I got a wedge so I must be on the Fringe so I’m going to go the 48° okay so the 48° is a bit of a new addition into my bag which again I have in the RMA wedge so this is a 48 just a

Flat 48° it’s like a an a wedge I guess or an old style traditional Loft pitching wedge and I’m just going to go a little bump and run what do we got 19 m 3 cm downhill a little bit right to left do it do it

Oh okay I did get that one I here th but we got a putt for bird that’s nice and I got to show you another club left or right nice another birdie got one back back to one over par happy happy days

Now I get to show you the 52 so a lot of people would probably hit a 58 into this I’m not that kind of golfer I would much rather flight down my wedges and hit them well under where they can go so that I can control it so I’m a 52 kind

Of guy for really anything from 75 M to 105 but let’s go and oh that’s pretty good that’s really good follows at Pebble Beach in real life I’ll be happy with that 5 m 5.5 m tiny little bit left to right but basically flat get

Oh that was a good effort this is a hole at Pebble Beach I actually think this is the hardest hole in the course like legitimately and for me it definitely plays that way cuz I’ve never had a 3-wood in the bag so now I do hopefully it makes this hole a little bit

Easier I’ve hit that too straight two left oh no that’s perfect I towed that again and it’s gone to 225 so one of the things with the jalong D series that I’m finding is I’m not a perfect golfer by any means I’m sure we are all well aware of that but when I

Hit the Fairway woods and and the driver and and all of them actually I don’t need to hit them perfect and the Forgiveness that they get is you know I’m still in the Fairway 170 playing 3.5 M downhill we’re going to go 7 o going to need to flush it

But going to go go yeah shot great short ly like me some of that so to answer my own question having the three-wood in the bag has yes made this whole a whole lot easier I’m hitting a seven iron into it instead of five or four IRS 4.2 9 cm uphill right to

Left oh sit that was uphill must have smashed it the hole got easier the putting didn’t get better I can’t I just find it really hard to read the Sim golf putting but we’ll get there left to right see this is now 7 cm downhill I’ll bet you this is

Lightning that’s lucky that caught the lip of that hole otherwise that was like Way Gone that’s where I just I really struggled with Sim golf putting that’s a bogey wouldn’t have been a bogey in real life to be honest with you I’m very confident that I would have left that

Either in the hole or right next to it but either way that’s golf 478 meter 4 gidy up this is where the t- shots are important to hit Fairways and to get them down there a long ways oh yes that was good turning it over a little kind of falling over if

You see me I’m trying to Belt it because I’m just so excited about this club and that’s what sometimes that forgiveness gives you is because I’m so confident that if I swing out on my 173 ball speed 2,700 spin happy with that I’m so confident with this club that if I swing

Out of my boots with it I’m still going to hit the Fairway or somewhere near it it not be that bad if I miss the Fairway 188 9.4 down though I’m going to go six I reckon I could almost even go smooth six to be honest with you let’s uh let’s

Just see how this goes hit that good oh yes I love that I love that I love how I’m not going to say easy cuz golf isn’t easy but I love how with these longer approach shs we saw it on the PA three we saw it on the last hole we just saw

It on that hole as well that with these TB FS I’m able to have the confidence to just just swing just swing and the ball goes where it’s supposed to go 28 CM downhill so this is going to be left to right right to left around the corner and then back let’s go

Oh do it do it oh that was a good part all right so what do we got 302 M I’m I’m actually really trying to turn that over I probably should just hit it further right cuz I get I’m getting so excited with how well I’m hitting this

Thing I mean that’s 289 in a ball speed of 170 2,600 spin 270 M of carry I get that redirected we’re over 300 reckon I’m going to go seven it might seem AIT little bit ambitious but if I can flush this and run it up I’m going to get

There that was flushed oh I pulled it I flushed it but I pulled it that would have got there too all right time to try this wedge again it’s it’s quickly become my favorite Club in the bag this r a58 degree like I literally can use it pretty much anywhere get

In that was so so good 357 this is the one up and around and up the hill this is another 3-wood hole so teaching myself to use the 3-wood a lot more because it is really such a great Club to have in the bag as a as another option off the

Te cuz you can hit shots like that that are safe and in the Fairway this is playing a lot uphill 25 I didn’t middle it but again I’m in the Fairway and I got a great sh at the green nine oh 6.7 M uphill let’s go eight so for

This one I’m going to try and just flight down the eight flight it in there and should be good or pulled it in just got getting my head a little bit ahead of it but that was good strike probably could have gone a nine actually show off this wedge again 58°

What I mean come on chipping no it did not do that still got to putt it I was scared from the first one look got that first one so good oh my gosh that’s a double no that was a great t- shot too PA three right we need to we

Need to bring this back here it’s not it it’s the chipping and the putting that’s cost me all these shots and my chipping has been phenomenal 7.6 M downhill you know I’m going to fly to six down because I think I just tried to hit that

7 too hard and I kind of pulled it so should be good good should be very good that’s awesome I love that I mean again I said it before you got these long path Rees that are really intimidating for a lot of golfers just get yourself something like the TV5 that

Helps you get there all right 6.4 Left To Yonder let’s go oh just give me one just give me one well there’s a but I’ll take a par on 180 M par three any day of the week 409 this is absolutely this is having it again I’m just doing this one but that’s

Fine hit the path okay didn’t hit the path 145 ping about 150 again that’s smooth smooth eight but just not like the other last one that was nice what I don’t think it went there maybe I left the face open on that one 17 gives me a part at it

Nice nice nice nice by the way for those guys that say sim golf is easier than real golf that’s just not true the chipping and The Parting on Sim golf is incredibly hard and almost its own game just in that all right so what I’m going

To try and show you is how to shape the ball with this driver I’ve been trying to hit drawers with everything because I’ve been hitting them really well but just going left but now let’s try and hit a bit of a fader maybe I should just try hit Fades more

Often I’ve hit that so oh I didn’t move the I’ve hit that so well 280 M of carry 170 ball speed and I just forgot to adjust where I was aiming 294 total gety up ball speed 170 2399 spin hello 238 let’s go three-wood now is your time Just

Sh I’ve hit that really good just pulled it left again a little bit shorter than I thought but that’s okay up and down with my favorite Club yeah it’s pretty good oh what you just got to you just got to get used to exactly how it’s reading your club with

The wedges 21 cm uphill left right so that’s a lot uphill so I should have to technically hit this like 4 M 4.3 M probably 15th we got four more holes to go 15 16 17 18 and these holes are absolute bangers come on now let this big dog eat no I pulled

That fine 109 48° come at me bro this is what you love this is your ballpark this is your game here 48° whoa okay I mean I flushed it so probably should have taken a little easier favorite Club in the bag help me out bro I end

It the wedge game in here gets in my head I don’t do this on course obviously if you’ve seen the last video but par 14 M oh no that’s good kind of a decent bogey in the end there ever is a decent bogy five over though this not great it’s not a

Reflection of the clubs by the way this is a reflection of what it’s like with wedges and Putters and simulators and high but right there we go boom 309 m how are you doing what do we got now 54 M love that number literally one of my favorite kind of numbers at 50

To 60 M range if that went 70 M I’ll eat my hat 16 cm down 14 left to right set 16 cm downhill come on oh oh no all right well this is not going on a plan in terms of the score but it’s really all down to the chipping and

Pting which I don’t think it’s been that bad I just think it it’s just really hard to do 17 185 see how it’s playing I’m probably going to go six yeah six I played some really good shots in here the score doesn’t reflect exactly what we’ve been doing

Got ahead of it dragged it bunker no I have so much confidence with this W joh on course in here literally zero um how is that that I don’t understand how it runs that fast uphill it’s supposed to be 7 cm uphill but anyway that’s a bogey five we’re bugged we

Doing our best to ruin this score but we are actually playing some decent golf if I Eagle this get it some back to respectable famous hole 18th at Pebble Beach that was hit good 173 ball speed gety up that was hit really good 289 M hello 190 love that going to go five

Oh go go go cut across it I got nervous I get myself so excited for got to swing properly 16 M with a wedge let’s go see it just doesn’t I I don’t I don’t get the chipping eitherway now we got to get up down for a par that should have been an

Easy buddy all right we’re in for par score I’m kind of going to ignore that to be honest with you I think the chipping and putting is just really difficult but either way that’s my what’s in the bag guys got to play 18 holes here at Pebble

Beach down at the T block as well make sure you check out the T block check out 14 golf I’m going to link everything in the description below absolutely love my new set of clubs also the bag is really good if you haven’t checked out the bags

Yet make sure you check out the bags I’ll see you guys on the next video Cheers

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