Golf Players

Nick Wright Goes On An Unhinged Rant On Aaron Rodgers

Nick Wright went on his podcast What’s Wright With Nick Wright and went off on Aaron Rodgers and the whole Jimmy Kimmel situation.

0:00 How the media turned their backs on Aaron Rodgers
1:24 Nick Wright addresses Rodgers attack on Kimmel
5:58 Nick addresses people calling him a pedo & vaxxed vs anti-vax
8:32 Why Aaron Rodgers is disliked
9:24 Nick goes full unhinged talking bout LGBT, Epstein & Fauci

#nickwright #aaronrodgers #patmcafee

Okay first off I’m not the biggest fan of Nick Wright so maybe I have a little bias in me and you could take whatever I say with a grade of salt kind of like how you should take whatever Nick Wright says about LeBron James with that same

Grain of salt since he just so happens to be represented by clutch Sports so I’m not sure about you guys but have you all noticed how the media have slowly turned their backs on Aaron Rogers over the last few years I recall a time when

It was only skip bis out of all the prominent media members who continue to on Rogers and maybe Greg Jennings too here and there but then slowly we started to see guys like Shannon sharp and Nick Wright begin to change their stance on Rogers and focus Less on his

Talent and skills and more about his personality now mind you there might have been other media heads that have changed their opinions on the qbb but these are the two main guys I’ve watched and noticed have a different take on him and maybe rightfully so Aaron well on

The Pat McAfee show started to maybe get a little bit more political when it came to co and the vaccine some might say this all started when he became disingenuous about his vac status to the media which kind of prompted all this backlash they started using words and

Phrases addressing Rogers as obtuse or acting like he’s the smartest guy in the room but to me he’s just someone who doesn’t believe in the vaccine and that’s all no different from the people who are pushing the vaccine just on the other side of the spectrum anyways Nick

WR up first things first went on his podcast and Unleashed on Aaron Rogers and I’m going to pause in between and address some of the issues I had with his take so have a listen so Aaron Rogers went on McAfee show they were talking conspiracy theories that he may

Or may not believe because he brought up the Super Bowl logo color scheme conspiracy theory that is very popular amongst the dumbest people on the internet and Roger said seemingly seriously I just know next year’s logo better have jet green in it and then for reasons I don’t totally understand AJ

Hawk brings up the Epstein list that people thought was going to be released today or this week it when it was really just more redacted documents there were going to be some names but the idea that it was going to be a itemized person by-person list was never really accurate

If you actually followed any of the information the actual information and Rogers said uh essentially implied I should say to the lay person that Jimmy Kimmel who works for the same company is nervous about this list coming okay first off Aaron Rogers does not work for

ESPN or Disney he’s a paid guest on the Pat McAfee show that licensed their program to ESPN but I guess the distinction Nick might be making here is that Pat having on a show could create problems with another Disney so-called talent in Jimmy Kimmel via ABC now

Regarding this clip notice how most of the media people just started to label Aaron Rogers as a conspiracy theorist because it totally changes how an average fan views him off the start honestly outside of the covid vaccine and UFOs I don’t know what else Aaron has talked about that might deem him as

A conspiracy theorist Nick right then alludes to the fact that Aon is playing into the current conspiracy theory that has been going around the NFL as of late regarding the last three Super Bowl logos and the two teams that made it to the big game so the original thing was

The past three Super Bowl logos all predicted the correct Super Bowl winners and the correct Super Bowl matchups and this year’s was supposed to be the Ravens versus the 49ers because there was red and purple in the logo okay I don’t know about you but I can’t tell if

Aaron Rogers was being serious or not about that Super Bowl 59 jaet green color scheme I mean the guy is on the pat MCA show and could very well just be messing around with the audience with a straight face but for Nick to actually

Use this and run with it I think was a little over the top if it’s something he brings up again in another interview okay maybe but to be honest it felt like Aaron was just screwing around with the whole Super Bowl conspiracy theory I I

Will say I will say Pat and and and fellas that if the Super Bowl is Baltimore and San Fran and I’ll tell you what that Super Bowl 59 emblem better have jet green on it because I know you’ve seen that one Connor that’s a real interesting it’s so utterly

Stupid and far-fetched because it’s about the last three Super Bowls which isn’t even a really good sample size had it been maybe for the last 10 to 15 Super Bowls with that color scheme came into effect then maybe yeah it just seems like Nick Wright tried to discredit Aon Rogers on some wacky

Just to prove his point then the next part of Nicks rant he discusses the Jimmy Kimmel Jeffrey Epstein comment that Aaron implied that Jimmy was perhaps on that list I think most people took it the same way but anyone can argue that maybe Rogers was implying that Kimmel was worried for his friends

Who were on that list anyways the issue on hand is that Jimmy Kimmel 2 years ago called out Aaron Rogers first vaccine stance Aaron Rogers reportedly received a homeopathic treatment over the summer instead of the vaccine you know we should have know because nothing says I heal myself with crystals like this

Haircut I mean that little knot on top Aaron is a Karen that’s the fact of the matter needless to say all this UFO talk has the tinfoil Hatters going wild including Green Bay wack Packer Aaron roders who offered this hot take on the Pat McAfee show I I believe that this

Been going on for a long time interesting uh timing on everything there’s a lot of other things going on in the world did you hear about the Epstein Client List about to be released too for jimy to be a comedian I think what Aaron said was fair game if you’re

Going to throw Straits you best believe might come back at you some people might think joking about someone being a pedo is crossing the line bro There Are No Boundaries if you’re a true comedian everyone knows that man youall have heard Chappelle’s bit about Anthony Bourdain suicide or Bill bur’s Infamous

Philly rant man I’m from the pay phone pager era There Are No Boundaries in comedy add on top of that the Jimmy Kim was say on a show about the people who are unvaccinated and that they shouldn’t be treated and left for dead if that’s considered a joke then yall

Should have no quals with Aaron’s pedal joke but I tweeted about this this morning partially because I wanted to and partially as a social experiment and if you check the replies to the handful of tweets I sent what you’re going to see is people calling me a pedophile people saying I’m nervous

About the Epstein list and Rogers has become the voice in The Sports World of some of the most deranged unhinged people in our populace and they they often like to and Rogers is one of these people like to pretend that this is a vax antia thing it flatly

Is not as I mentioned on television I will mention again nobody cousins didn’t get back nobody cares I don’t I think lar Jackson didn’t get backed nobody cares okay Nick Wright has this totally wrong because in a way this is a vax versus antia thing for some disclosure I

Am backed because I needed it to travel otherwise I probably wouldn’t have gotten the vaccine but let me tell you why this is because of Aaron Rogers being unvaxxed Nick tries to make a comparison that it isn’t using the example of kurk cousins and Lamar Jackson but the only reason why they

Haven’t been targeted by the mainstream media is because they don’t promote it have you ever seen Kirk or Lamar telling their fans not to get the vax no they’ve admitted not having it but they haven’t gone out of their way like Aaron Rogers and that’s the issue they have with him

They don’t care if you’re not vaxed but it’s another thing if you spell that to your fan base and look I can get two shits whether someone is or isn’t vax that’s your prerogative but the fact that Aaron Rogers is one of the faces of the league and has a huge platform like

The pat mcae show he gets on weekly with about 80,000 concurrent viewers that’s why you’ve started to see people criticize them so harshly like imagine if Stephen A Smith all of a sudden started attacking Travis Kelce who reportedly was paid $20 million For Those fiser ads aside from some

Right-wing news new sites no one in the mainstream media has been critical of Kelsey and his relationship with fiser in regards to Nick discussing about the responses on Twitter calling him a pedo and that maybe he was on that EP scene list bro this guy is seriously full of

Himself why the F would you be on that list yeah he’s an analyst and kind of a celebrity I guess but this guy is seriously taking these responses from random people to Heart like who the hell cares what people Tweet back at you it’s fing Twitter like I couldn’t believe he

Actually went there is this guy or something he the man I mean that word developmentally disabled and it is a copout in my opinion to then use that decision as a shield against any future criticism you get as a way to be like no no no the only reason you don’t

Like me the only reason you’re criticizing me is because you’re because of my vac status he didn’t want to get the vax and misled the public and that’s it it’s not not the first time an athletes lied in public and won’t be the last and this is what the entire mainstream media is

Focused on do you all not remember the vaccine card scam going around the NBA and NFL giving out fake vaccine cards I think this was way worse than what Rogers did but this barely got any news coverage for some odd reason it was reported that three bucks players were

Caught with one being Antonio Brown but you and I are sure as hell know that more players from both Sports were probably using these cards and Roger said something the other day that went kind of by the wayside and I heard it but I didn’t know what it meant so I

Googled it and it was once again when he was it was when he was saying everyone’s mad at him about his back status and you should have to closure V status before you uh criticize him and he said it’s because I took on the alphabet Mafia in the pharmaceutical industrial complex

And I had never heard the term alphabet Mafia so I Googled it so alphabet Mafia is about and you know what I I’ll read it exactly alphabet Mafia meaning uh at least this is this is what the internet tells me it means um it’s about the

Lgbtq Q community and it’s about folks I think it’s got a relation to pronouns and the fact that lgbtq now has even more letters with it that lgbtqia a plus I will never apologize for standing up for lgdp L GT LBT LG lgbtq2 plus uh so here’s why that was

Noteworthy to me that Rogers threw that out there I do I obviously am very highly critical of eron and this person he’s become I would bet my life he’s not homophobic I’m very confident in that so I think he used that term not knowing

What it meant it was just he is so deep in the the toxic internet brain Vortex that it got lumped in with the mass delusion psychosis he talks about and the Super Bowl logo memes and debate me foui and the Ste lless it all is just

One Stew of a brain that’s been melted what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought everyone in this room

Is now Dumber for having listened to it all right I think I gave Nick re way too much credit for being intellect how the hell did he not know what the alphabet Mafia was but actually in this case here it wasn’t about the LGBT but more so the

FBI and CIA that Aaron Rogers was referring to also Aaron Rogers hasn’t become a different person it’s just y’all covering him in a different light now that he made a few of his controversial opinions open to the public it’s so funny how he tries to make Rogers Sound Crazy by talking about

That superable conspiracy theory EPC list which isn’t a conspiracy he’s just trying to lump all this stuff onto Rogers and portray him as some sort of whack job listen I think the media has done a great job of silencing certain narratives and labeling them as conspiracy theor

But let me ask you this if 20 years ago I were to have told you that the government via the NSA were going to spy on all their citizens through their cell phones that would have been deemed a conspiracy theory


  1. How about ESPN talk about sports and Aaron Rogers gets well and play football next year. Me I don’t care about any list with weirdos on it doing criminal things.

  2. I hate him him passionately so much! Dick right!😂 Only dude to not bring anything to a party and be asking for a drink . Nick Is a Pedo and still trapped in High school mode😂😂😂

  3. Whoa there are no boundaries in comedy? wtf are you talking about. Make a joke where a pedo is taking advantage of a child. Make that funny. I’ll wait

  4. Rogers as alway been overrated before the jab. You dont know football or stats!!! The math dont math???

  5. It’s got nothing to do with politics or vaccines he’s just a egotistical liar about EVERYTHING do y’all not remember the last 3 packer years he had where he put the whole organization through unnecessary hell just so his name could be in the headlines on some Jerry jones shit? Or how he’s making every call on the jets roster positions then tells pat he has nothing to do with them signing Tim fucking Boyle who had a 47% completion percentage IN COLLEGE!!! and 56 year old Randal Cobb who hadn’t been able to win coverage since jordy Nelson was playing like that man is so good at being narcissistic he’s got all y’all including the dude making this video fooled 🤦‍♂️

  6. Rodgers is a arrogant narcissist who thinks he knows more than Dr's…who likes a clown like that? Only low IQ individuals

  7. Aaron Rodgers, just like this year, may not make it through the first offensive series next year. There’s no medical justification to think his surgically repaired Achilles tendon will be better able to withstand the rigors of the NFL next year, and the same ever-increasing frailty would apply to the rest of Aaron Rodgers’ aging body, which is absolutely, positively geriatric by NFL standards. At this point, I’m sure there will be a host of people cheering should the injury bug bite Rodgers at some point next season, which essentially amounts to an emotion bounty on Rodgers. But the most likely cause of any future season ending injury to Rodgers is not his age, SB logos, Jimmy Kimmel, or the Deep State, it’s the logo on his helmet and the very real NY Jets Jinx that he attempted to thwart by signing there. THAT is the irrefutable evidence of Aaron Rodgers’ overinflated ego – you don’t mess with the Football gods and come out on top. The Jets will always be one or more players away from raising the Lombardi trophy, and if the ONE guy who could get them there dares to don a Jets green jersey, a vital tendon, no matter how tiny, somewhere in that foolish man’s body, is doomed to rupture.

  8. Look at the color change to the Super Bowl logo. Super Bowl 36 when the Patriots won after the 911 attacks.

  9. Nick wright is one of the biggest idiots I've ever heard…. Let me let the Internet tell me what it means. Aaron Rodgers is a deep thinker and does his own research… My god. Lock him in a Looney bin, he doesn't agree with me!! 😭😭

  10. Nick wrong is an ESPN Homer a Disney clown for the schills at Disney. Nobody likes the SIMP which is what Nicky is.

    He's a chick but a guy.

    Stfu BECKY.

  11. Nick is absolutely right on this point. Aaron Rogers is an attention seeking narcissistic sociopath and everyone who knows him knows that’s the truth.

  12. Do you hear the retarded ass shit Rogers says, like constantly. Rogers be co-signing absurd ass internet conspiracies. Rogers be cosigning the most retarded internet conspiracies.
    You must be retarded yourself to cosign this bullshit

  13. What ate you talking about? Just last week he daid Jimmy Kimmel would be exposed on the Epstein list. Hes not screwing around, Rogets believe and promotes this nonsense you are clearly just blinded by your fandom of Rogers or maybe you believe these retarded theories too. I don't understand how else you can defend anything Rogers says at this point. Nobody turned on Rogers hes just exposed himself as a he terrible selfish person he is

  14. I can’t speak on the other 2 super bowls. However I can speak on last years. Arizona uses that green for its state gem. It’s been use a lot lately. Look at the Suns jerseys last year. So no conspiracy here. Also the other colors are the sunset. Which is pink and purple.

  15. sadly as much as I enjoy Nick's takes on football, he's wrong here regarding Rodgers and even the Alphabet mafia meaning (it's a marxist plant).

  16. Rodgers is to smart for these idiots to get them all riled up. Nick is an imbecile that doesn't get it. Nick like every other liberal has to attack someone, TRY to discredit him as a "conspiracy theorist" then try to make his "point"…. It's so typical!

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