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Qatar Bid EXPOSED! | Transfers LIVE

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Join Jay Motty & Adam Ashton for Transfers LIVE with the latest on potential January incomings and was the Qatar Takeover bid genuine after all?

0:00 – Video Start
2:38 – Vinicius Junior
8:04 – Qatar
22:07 – Paul Mitchell
27:48 – Potential Incomings
32:59 – Amad Diallo
38:40 – New Training Ground

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Jay here stford Paddock this is transfers live joining me as always is Mr Joe Smith oh I’m on a minute it’s not Mr Joe Smith is it Mr Adam Ashton yeah that’s right I’m going to do my best Joe impression though go on well I just in

In his small two shorts you failed at the first two and dressed normally longer beard so just absolutely flopped there in replacing Joe um Joe’s a bit poorly sick yeah he wasn’t well he was here before for um Sloppy Joe’s and then he decided he couldn’t be bothered with

Stretford Paddock so I’m going to off home and aart on the channel so what you losers going to do about it is what he said was it something he ate on slopp his yachs I don’t know producer Ethan did the most generous sympathetic thing ever I’ve ever seen right when I told

Him that Joe was Ill he looked genuinely shots and he went I hope he’s not at something I just just made it all about himself um but producer Ethan is all right he’s laughing over there uh Adam is here make sure you get involved in

The chat in the comments and we wish Joe uh speedy recovery it was only coming out of one end though so he should be all right which that was the last update I had from him um we’re going to be talking I can’t do it IAM I can’t I

Can’t talk about sh seem anymore man you what I mean the amount of times I had to look at this AI generated picture and there problem is there’s only like two photographs up anyway so it’s what I mean I remember when we first had this discussion in the

Office like Lads why are we using one picture of sh all the time and they’re like that’s the only picture of him I’m like do have do everything myself there’s obviously more pictures of sh same there obviously isn’t right so Ethan wasn’t lying no we had to wait

For about 6 months so the athletic did an article on him and managed to find another picture of him which if you notice that was the picture we started using for the next six months uh but there’s a big Story doing the rounds about whether he had the money or not

Ben Jacobs has been all over it James duck has been all over it sh just seems Camp pushing back on it lots of PR spin ongoing we’ll get to all that go in a bit uh make sure you get involved in the comments we also we’re going to talk

About something that is I think the most ridiculous story I’ve covered in my illustrious career yeah is this the um the venicius Junior story yes it isn’t the United getting a new training ground story it’s the venicius Junior story do you know what yeah I like it you’ve not

Overcooked it you’ve not gone venicius rumor you’ve just done vicious rumor I like it the the way though because I’ve been beyond I’ve been the Des so I’ve seen the what goes on behind the the you seen behind the curtain and that that is probably one of the better ones go on

What else was there can you remember what was the it was vicious what else did we have go on there’s some really bad ones for the for what to come that was the eighth draft Yeah Yeah and this is one of the better ones of the ones that you’re

Going to say yeah I like it it’s good it’s decent it does the job I get it yeah Adam if you’ll do the honors and read this right so’s Board of words yeah man united ploted 130 million venicius Junior transfer swoop with W Real Madrid to fun Killian mbappe deal uh so kilan

Mbapp has long been linked with a move to Madrid and could sign on a free transfer from PSG in the summer although he would arrive and on an eyew waterer in 600 Grand a week wage as a result uh sport reports that lost Blancos uh May considered the unthinkable and S

Venicius should an adequate offer arrive uh that could come from United who from the summer uh will be backed by British billionaire s Jim ratliffe inos group uh after his investment gets ratified by the Premier League uh and the thoughts to be willing to Fork out 130 million for the

Brazilian right there’s some slight flaws in this story right and I’m going to go through them one by one yeah for starters we’re not plotting any move that’s nonsense yeah secondly we’re not going to spend 130 million pound on any player let alone someone who we’re not

Going to get anyway thirdly venicius Jr isn’t going to leave a club that regularly challenges for Champions Leagues and wins titles and wins trophies to come for a club that’s currently sat seventh in the Premier League are we seventh or eighth I forget yeah so that’s not happening also the

Whole point of this serin rackliff inos takeover is we’re going to do things differently now we’re not going to spend Mega books and Mega Money on one player we’re going to be spending money a little bit better so spend £1 130 million on one player breaking our trans transer record breaking the British

Transfer record makes zero sense whatsoever also last s Chets venicius Jr how did he get on in his last game for Real Madrid does anyone know thank you glad someone pays attention to football yeah he scored a hatrick and he is arguably their best player I know Som may say it’s dude

Bellingham now but he’s Min they will happily keep him and mbappe in the same team they’ll make it work somehow it isn’t going to be one of the other so this whole story is a complete load of bollocks and I’ll put me um neck

On the line and say that well if you have just scored a hat trick for Real Madrid yeah the next step is so you look at the you look at the fixtures list and you go who Real Madrid got oh know we’re going to play Barcelona we’re going to play Atletico o

United got oh they had wa at Newport soon get me in there Step how many would score in that game yeah if I can score three in the league I can score 20 do you know what I mean yeah I mean it’s so ridiculous I don’t know where to

Begin it’s just it’s it’s kind of done whatever gold Brazil wanted to do though because they’ve got engagement they’ve got clicks they’ve got all that good stuff it’s just a load of nonsense so much nonsense that we didn’t even put it on the thumbnail because we couldn’t

Even go down the route of this is nonsense but you know we’ll talk about it it was too bad um let’s have a look what everyone’s saying um Mr Fluffy bag says can we get a closeup of Jay’s head very nice um Daniel Barry said scored hat AC Daniel Barry knows

Um Shane con says some upgrade on Anthony Alex Bailey says wow Jay is dropping F bombs a lot tonight never swears this much you need a hug J I’m just missing Joe um Ross Murphy says never heard Jay say bollocks David Harrington I like this says so you’re

Telling me there’s a chance Jay I like that hey one in a million and all that well you never know if if uh woodwood was still in charge maybe there’s a chance that we we’d get him you see it’s a very woodwood style signing it is you make a

I think if woodw was still in charge we chase after him all summer and not get him yeah that’s how we do it yeah and we waste all summer trying to get him and we get to a point where you might even think this could happen and then he

Wouldn’t come and we wouldn’t asound anyone what would you prefer would you prefer the the chase or would you prefer to actually have him it’s the Chase isn’t it it’s you you want to think that we’re going to get something and then when we’ve got him and what we’ve got

Sancho now and look how that worked out that’s what I love the chase the chase for Sancho was better than having Sano himself wasn’t it the chase is what I live for all them convictions for stalking has not put me off I love the chase yeah do you know what I mean no

Policeman’s going to tell me otherwise yeah it’s all about the chase anyway enough of my criminal activity Joshua Boer oh no Joshua boow let’s get his name right says imagine the glazers get arrested for lying in the SEC statement and S Jimbo gets to the rest of their

Shares stuff of dreams you never know should we talk about this then yeah let’s have a look not AAR hero oh this was actually my favorite one actually yeah this was the best one I think yeah who’s who’s responsible for this Ethan yeah I like it not a Guitar

Hero oh hang on a minute there there’s some arguing on the production desk who was it who was responsible for this was it Ethan or was it OE it was Ethan well done and do you know what I love about these two as well when it’s a gun good

Gun when it’s a good Pawn they try and distribute the the the sort of responsibility say well Ethan came up with I helped him I I come up with half of it and he come up with the other bit I’ve I’ve been seeing that all day it’s

The like more and wise although if they if they put one of the earli ones which was I probably won’t say it because it was probably slightly on the racist side oh so there’s been racism going on that’s great hey so there’s been a nice bit of racism going on when I’ve not

Been down and that’s lovely I’m glad we’re discussing this on a live video as well fantastic wonderful and we’ll just have the disciplinary as soon as this live ends just so we’re all clear on that right anyway Adam after throwing your colleagues well and truly under the bus

Do you want to read this out for us right so Ben Jacobs has posted an update on the fail bid from Shake Jim for Man United uh so he’s posted on on Twitter or X um fascinated and juicy detail which that caught me straight away when

Um it’s a good intro juicy details yes absolutely Count Me In uh revealed the man united process uh bidder Shake Jim formally withdrew on the October the 15th 2023 uh Qatar bid consistently failed to provide customary financing commitment letters throughout and there is no mention of pledged investment uh

Several sources close to the sale had said repeatedly that the reality of the Qatar offer did not match the pr SEC filings uh also stressed oh set filings also stressed the board made it clear um per sh consideration for A and B shes uh was necessary and the Qatar bid failed

To do this um representatives of man united continue to inform bid a shake Jim uh that the board of directors was not prepared to move forward with the transaction stitched right up his first time on this and we’ve given him an absolute dissertation did did you to

Read out my went down then because it was you know what all that noise I’m sorry we have to put you through that um if you want a that then it’s available online uh just make sure you’ve got a spare afternoon um the the short long of it is they saying with the

Filings when you read through it he didn’t have the D or he didn’t have the money he couldn’t prove that he had the money or he didn’t prove that he had the money to to spend what he was promising to spend or what his PR team were

Putting out there that he was going to build a stadium the size of Salford and he was going to buy mbappe and venicius Jr and everyone else who you’d like to see at Old Trafford and I think Kingsley Coleman was another one want it and it

Was going to be wonderful and it was going to be free to get into the game and everything was going to be magical and pies were going to be nothing as well and he was G going to give everyone 20 quid and it was just going to be ace

Like I get it right we got to a point where after 18 years of glazers we all had enough and then someone tells you someone’s going to come in and they’re going to build a new stadium they’re going to buy the players you want they’re going to do all the things you

Like to see as a football fan all the things you see that mob down the road doing we’re going to do it and we’re going to do it a bit better I get the idea that people would buy into that I understand it I’m you know I’m a

Football fan and I want to see my club competing at the very top and if someone tells you they’re going to do that you think oh yeah I’ll have a bit of that the problem was it always felt a bit weird for me Sports watching isn’t

Something I’ve been fond of I took a lot of pels for saying that the time I didn’t want to be state owned nothing against Qatar but Shake Jim’s bid very much felt like it was bed by the Qatari government that’s the reason he had all his th didn’t want that I’ve criticized

City PSG and Newcastle for being the same thing and also there was slight flaws in it thought well you know what is he going to do all these things is he going to you know where’s the sort of the evidence to support this it just seems like you’re hearing it not from

Him let’s not forget because all we have from him was some AI generated pictures it was just these stories coming out of certain Publications that seem to be quite Pro his bid where other Publications which seem to be more on the Ratliff side was saying contradictory things so it felt very

Very confusing and then you had these points didn’t you you had I think Rio at one point said that he was it was going to happen that day you had Sky um Sky cave solol saying he’s got he’s going to do all these wonderful things I think um

Custis was saying um that next week he’s going to buy the club and obviously none of that materialized yeah there was there was always little doubts as well wasn’t there throughout uh all the stories and and like you said before before any mention of shake Jim and uh

Jim Ratcliffe got put on the table as a a potential investor yeah everybody was was up for Jim Ratcliffe but then as soon as somebody comes along with much more money than the attention turns to them most people were just like oh he’s got more money that’s better for

Manchester United but that’s not necessarily the case is it as you’ve seen City in the early stages throwing money at things didn’t necessarily work straight away did it it comes it comes down to who’s going to run the club better and the signs that I’ve seen from

Uh Jim Ratcliffe now recently I’m I’m more positive about than I would have been with SH just I think it’s quite telling I think you make a great point because I I I was probably I was more Keener on S rli than I was on sh J bid

From multitud he mainly the sports watching thing and you know that just turned me off massively but when you look at suim came to the club didn’t he for the meons we saw all sort of pictures of him at Old Trafford meeting with the the representatives going on

The tour I heard from people that I know at work at the club say they showed him around the stadium he was very keen he was Ching about when he used to come he comes to the games and all the rest of it look talking about the trophies that

We’d won very sort of Switched on as a United fan sh didn’t come to on with to the Mee and his team put out a statement saying he’s been so Trafford lots of times but he’s going to leave it in the hands of his represent definitely exists yeah he definitely exists here’s a

Picture of him in the united s by the way it’s all Graver um so uh so Jim Ratliff has met with must he’s met with certain supporters groups he’s met with the fans for him these are positive moves would sh Jim have done that I don’t know for definite but it doesn’t

Look likely you know there’s the very sort of it’d be quite a step forward for him to not come to the ground not com to the meetings they not to be many much in the way of publicity around him and then him to start meeting fans and come meet

That’s the thing yeah if if he’s not if we we’ve got two pictures of him that whole period and now all of a sudden you know he’s going to be walking around Old Trafford and and shaking hands with the the staff and stuff didn’t see and yeah

What we we can only go off what we’ve seen from Jim ratliffe so far and I think that’s better for United I think personally yeah I I do and I think I don’t blame people for what I think there lot what saddened me about the whole thing was it became very divisive

And we saw it on the channel and it was like if you wanted Sim ratliffe you were racist or you wanted him because you just only like people from failsworth or whatever if you wanted Qatar you didn’t care about the lgbtq community or you you know what I mean it was like it

Became horrible like whichever side you were on you were just a person basically there was no gray area it’s like well you’re either racist or you’re homophobic it’s those are your two choices and it’s nonsense I think deep down we all want the same thing for Manchester United it’s just we disagree

Some of us disagree on which is the best way to go my best friend who you know I go to games with and was in Barcelona with and I’ve been I’ve known him for 30 odd years he wanted guar he was like kar’s the way forward I didn’t he did

Didn’t fall out over it we just disagreed you know what I mean like so I don’t blame anyone for wanting qar I just feel that this all sort of for me highlights that a lot of it was maybe Bluster maybe P Spin and maybe who knows

Maybe if Sim rli hadn’t come in maybe there would be a way that sh to see him it just feels like there was his PR people and I don’t know how much it came from him well PR people were pushing out promises that there’s been no proof

Would have been delivered now you might go of course it would have been delivered cuz he’s got all this money but what we’re seeing is well it wasn’t back to any EV that’s quite odd and this thing that if he they would have accepted the offer had it have been what

He said it was and now now they’re saying that it’s uh it never met the the valuation it’s just it seems quite odd that and and you saying it doesn’t match the pr that he was putting out the pr was coming out that he was the front

Runner for it and he had the money and and all was going to be good you remember like people saying Ratcliff needs to just drop out just face facts he’s lost do you know what I mean do the right thing do the decent thing if you love United you’ll drop out you’re not

Even a United fan you’re a Chelsea fan and all this and it was just like look if he’s got the money he’ll buy it if R Cliff’s got the money he’ll buy it and R Cliff’s maneuvered away to get football in control I hope to a full take over

Eventually we’ll have to wait and see what happens with that just to to be balanced on sort of for the sake of accuracy because we’re very accurate on this channel um there has been another tweet by Ben Jacobs basically saying that shake Jam’s team are pushing back

On this they’re saying they want United to clarify that this isn’t true that they did have the money so there might be some more twists and turns in his tail one thing I will say and I said this when it became obvious or when s

The SE DRS out my sort of job now or my desire now as a fan not just as a fan but as part of this Channel and with a platform is yes I’ll give s Jim Ratliff a chance I will I’ll support him and give him a chance but I will also hold

Him to account just as we we’ll always hold the olders to account I don’t want the glazers at manchest United I want them gone if him coming in eventually leas to that I’m all for it if him coming in leas to the football club being successful a new stadium the

Things that we’ve been calling out for better training facilities a team on the pitch that can compete with rights of city and and Liverpool and and the rights of Real Madrid and Elona I’m all for it and he’s certainly making the right moves and the right noises so far

And I’ll support that and I’ll back it but I want to see it I want to see it delivered because anyone can come in and meet with the fans and say I’m going to do this that the other but if we’re still in three years time kicking around

In seventh with a stadium that’s leaking in the roof and the training ground that’s gone from Modern of vintage I I ain’t buying your Bram bro and the glazers is still collecting dividends you can f off so we’ll wait and see I’m going to get in some comments cuz there

Loads of people com in and then we we we’ll move on to um on to other things um Kim Kim chraa says too many people thought Qatar would solve all the problems um ma says glaz is out ASAP scumbags have destroyed our club Shake Jim man who definitely exists says BC

Mack fair enough um Liam Clark says the shak’s proposed additional investment was going to have to be borrowed at a later date he refused to get around the legal issues with the class A shares his bid was never serious Jason Castro says so happy guitar didn’t work or wasn’t

Real look at what is happening Newcastle with their chairman State ownership is a mess up the paddock um yeah there there’s a bit of like there’s obviously issues going on at Newcastle with there is it the chairman there e who’s who been accused of all sorts of heinous

Things City a very successful club and what’s going on there is great but he’s still got these 115 charges hanging over him so we don’t know how that’s going to pan out also PSG have keep winning the league in but in Europe they’ve not done what they meant they wanted to do so

It’s not a give that state ownership is guaranteeing you unbridled success you don’t know there and it has to be sort of for me one of the one of the positive things about the kabid even though I didn’t want it would have been that they probably would have got the right people

In place to to to sort of oversee the football side of things which lasing them I I I presume so I mean I know psg’s been a bit of mess I presume because you look at what city have done and others I think Newcastle to a certain degree with Dan ashwith and

Others have got like a structure in place but you don’t know I just that was that was one of the things you go okay at least this might you know get but what gather so J rli doing that yeah and I kind of feel like Jim

Ratcliffe I can only go off what I’ve heard and it feels like he’s getting the right people in but people who are motivated by winning things rather than rather than money like the the uh Qatar group could have come in and throw money at people like the in the highest in

Their game but that might have just been for the money set side of it whether they’ve got that influence in the football world I know Jim R Cliff’s got n so he’s got his his toe in it a little bit but um he it does seem like the

People that are coming in are motivated by success yeah and that’s I think that’s all you need really you need it needs to be driven to all success rather than like the glazers I don’t think they’ve got any ambition to be successful at man united no I agree I

Completely agree bro I think they just wanted top four for the Champions League money and and that was the level of success they wanted so Jim rff said he’s he wants to you know he considers a club of community I say he not here to make

Money I will say this to people if you doubt s Jim rockliff or you think this is you’re not so sure go and watch Kieran Maguire interview we did forgive me um about two years ago where he said this is before serim rackliff had been for United he said he thinks serim

Rackliff will come in for United because he thinks s Jim rff he was 69 at the time he’s 71 now he’s thinking about his legacy he is a United fan he’ll want his legacy to be United and K Ms he might have been on we will revisit this when the next TST in

The Tes also seen some people on Twitter saying this is a ruse for sh Jim to get to to to get him to get do an 11th Hour bid off it’s over move on maybe uh Jim and uh Rat Cliff all join forces and yeah I can see that being a match made

In heaven them two sat around the dinner table deciding whether we’re going to buy mbappe over V junor Paul Mitchell balls move I didn’t have any part in this it’s it’s a bit basic in it do you know what I mean I don’t know it’s quite offensive as well

Too right you wanted um producer Oliver says he wanted B bold move for a bold man and who overrode you Ethan called because he’s like the senior member of Staff said no not my watch Sunshine move yeah get involved in the chat in the comments let us know I

Can’t decide whether I like this or I don’t let me know we’ve had pictures of Phil Mitchell we’ve had pictures of Peggy Mitchell all kinds of things I’m glad you didn’t do that because you’ve all just saved your jobs by not doing that because if picture of Phil Mitchell have

Been on here the joviality would have stopped and the stream um go on then talk us through this yeah so basically uh RoR are looking to uh appoint uh Paul Mitchell as the next sporting director uh multiple sources in Italy report Paul Mitchell and Christopher vivel are in

Talks with Roma to place replace Thiago Pinto uh from next month uh they’re not just on uh the HT for a new manager after Jose Mourinho sacking and the HT for a new sporting director uh they’ve made contact with Paul Mitchell I that as though that was his

Middle name I thought it was Paul Johan L Mitchell Paul Mitchell Jan de what a name what a legend yeah exactly with a name can you blame him so demario’s reported that uh Pinto set to apart at the end of this month the what g g arosi anyway are already working to hire

A new that’s another name for Roma yeah and um they’re making contacts with some profiles a meeting has already been held with Paul Mitchell who has been linked with the Manchester United job in recent months um yeah numerous Italian reports the reason we we’re talking about is

Because of that last bit he’s been linked with the manchest United job Paul Mitchell has been the go-to guy for so many United fans I I think St Alon did a video talk about how Paul Mitchell would be the greatest thing to happens to United ever about three years ago he all

I know about Paul Mitchell really is through St Ste Steve obsess with st we sign Paul Mitchell that’ be like we bought C that that’s not always good because Steve Ste they told me gag in press yeah so Ralph rag I was all in for Ralph ragn and then look how turned out

So maybe this is a good thing cuz he Steve made me feel like the thickest person in the world when we were sat on the brew and I went who the rph ragn and he went you don’t know who he is you know a gag press bro like get

Your head together he’s going to change the club this is what we want and he was genuinely the worst manager I’ve ever seen in my life oh there you go even better the screen’s now gone blank which to be honest with you might have been Improvement on some of the things we’ve

Seen tonight um anyway yes we go to mying yeah we’re good we’re on it hey we’re on it uh I’m going to go through some of the comments let me know what you think about Paul Mitchell apparently well not apparently people do like you puns um some people saying they like that although

Nce says offensive to Jay good point um Carl Matthews says we’re paying 30 million for Glazer’s legal fees oh god um Joshua Owens says they’ve appointed de Rossi his manager uh David ellinsworth says don’t think we’re getting Ashworth no it doesn’t look like we’re that’s happening uh modern Samurai

Says um bold move is perfect um who else Darren b66 says oh he’s talking about the legal fees they have to be paid uh Daniel Barry says City have three people yeah talking out the structure there we’ll have to wait and see what happens Paul Mitchell looks

Like he would have been a good appointment he might not even end up at Roma but seems there is some concrete interest there I think the director of football sporting director job at United he’s still up for grabs and there’s a big sort of debate going on as to who’s

Going to get it do you have a preference um well like I said I I can only go off what Steven alon’s told me about him but it looks like he would have been a good appointment at United um I mean’s the saying he’s the front runner for Roma I

Suppose but things change all the time don’t they so you never know it could still be u United sporting director but um what there was something about the uh the sporting director reporting to um what’s his name CL BL yeah so is that I mean I don’t know there’s still there’s

Still a spot there isn’t this all yeah it feels like they’re still getting everything in place yeah we don’t know who those people are we don’t know what the full structure is going to be yet um we’ll have to wait and see and also let’s not forget it’s not even been

Ratified yeah I mean it should be a formality but we’re still waiting for a lot so I’m sick of the word ratified never heard it before I’m sure it’s like a Jim Ratcliffe PR Team all right he’s going Ratcliff ratify let’s throw that into the m yeah these lot are going to

Have a field day when that happens on the puns aren’t they he’s done it already he’s already ahead of that one he just wants it to be ratified so he can press that button and get his pun on the Move On The Move I’ve just read move

As I was talking that’s how thick I am um right let’s go to the next one hey Syria play for United Elite Elite seriously that is chef’s kiss I am fully having that one that is and it’s works it’s work I’m taking some credit

For this oh here we go this is where we all had a this like was this a joint effort I’m sure I came up with the second half we came up with Hy Siri all right so you came up with hey Sira because Hy Siri wouldn’t work all

Had Ser Ollie wanted Ser seriously something or other which didn’t work okay so you managed to get it to work hey Syria play for United yeah or hey Syria play for United yeah brilliant I’ll let you read it uh so uh inos have reportedly set the sights on Torino Defender Alexandro

Boro sources close to the situation suggest that inos view the Italian as a promising addition to the squad have either uh man united or nice uh the 24y old has been turning heads with his impressive performances in Syria and sources have indicated that a deal can

Be done for around just 30 million EUR uh the comparatively low valuation of the player means he could act as a fill in at Old Trafford this season given his ability to play across the defense including left back uh last year borino B Bono I don’t know how you say his name

Received his first official call up to the senior Italian national team uh football transfers um listen right there’s there’s this kid Alexandro buan giano there’s um what that’s the right so we’ just had the wrong player up see you’re doing so well you had your best pun ever and you’ve

Absolutely embarrassed Adam by having him read out a story with the wrong player on and I knew but I didn’t want to throw you under the bus I knew when I looked at it that wasn’t alandro whoever it might be I knew that fully so I’m disappointed Lads I’m not

Angry I’m just disappointed anyway there’s a load of Defenders we keep getting linked with um there’s a kid from Atlanta whose Name Escapes me remind me of his name anyone no doesn’t matter thanks um um no there who’s that lad from Atlanta it’s not I don’t want to

Say his name because I think I might be getting it wrong I’m going to minute this is great viewing is it joio scalvini that’s it joio scalvini we’ve been linked with I think he’s a similar he’s 20 years old obviously I think he’s got about seven uh Italy caps there’s

This kid there’s Jean Clair TBO we keep getting linked with there seems to be today we have delict obviously that’s a step up in terms of price and stuff we getting linked with a lot of sort of similar AG Defenders 20 to 24 even Del who’s been around for years is only 24

You just don’t know dear and also no disrespects football transfers but they say we might have him doesn’t mean we’re going to get him does it um I I’d file that in the you know just one to watch column um I’m not really getting too carried away with that one um get

Involved in the comments let us know what you think I don’t know a lot about these players although I do I do I do agree well I don’t agree but this is a good point Joshua BW says bran way is better we’ve been linked with Jared branway quite a bit Everton going

Through all sorts of troubles again I think you know they’re facing more fines and punishments and God knows what for breaking ffp which is insane they’ve just had a 10o how are this still getting done what’s going on yeah I’ve never really felt sorry for scout before

But it’s it’s getting to that point where you you’re a bit like you know well do you know what I mean I don’t mind ever because I always think my enemy’s enem is me friend and they ate Liverpool more is it my my M Grandad’s never tell so you know there’s when

They’re when they’re not a direct rival it’s it’s know me it’s not you know it’s not but um I think it’s definitely good that we’re looking at this sort of edge range for a Defender cuz I mean you’re looking at Evans and Varan probably not got that long left of the career really

Um and then tag definitely doesn’t seem to want Maguire because he he was up for selling him not that long ago yeah I don’t think he fancies uh Lindelof no and then we’ve got so what’s left Martinez we’ve got quala uh coming up he’s only young is he so I I would I

Feel like we do we we seem to have a lot of Defenders but just not um I think in the next few years quality is probably not there we need to probably start building a proper uh solid defense that is is the same every week not the 12th

Iteration or whatever it is that is this season it’s a great point I think if you get a 20 year old or 24 year old or someone who who’s decent and who can play a week in week out alongside miners hopefully then that would make a lot of

Sense so yeah we’ll keep an eye on it but I’m not not going to get too carried away go on let’s move on what else have you got for us a Madness if we let him go yeah you know what right I said before these were bad I’m just I’ve just

Got the memories of all the bad ones I think they’re actually not that bad yeah I think it’s quite you know it’s quite safe but it’s solid yeah yeah well we say that it’s a bit like anaman Baka yeah he does the job right go on talk us

Through this one uh so man united are planning to keep Amad beyond the the closure of the Janu January transfer window uh Dio has gained a lot of interest for multiple clubs this month with the long move to middlesbor at the Forefront however has been reported he

Will 100 100% be staying at Manchester United with all the rumors around the player being false uh the ivory coost International missed the fa cook third round win against wiggin uh through illness and could return to the squad for the fourth round uh Tai at Newport

County next week uh it’s moving a lot this because at one point it look like he’s going to go to middles BR now it looks like he might not be I like Dio and I think the trouble is right every young player at United is good that is

Just a fact yeah whe it doesn’t matter whether it’s Joe hugill whether it’s Amad Dio whether it’s Hannibal medbury whether it’s Alvaro Fernandez they’re all good players and they’re all young so you go well maybe if you stick with him maybe you give him a chance may you

Know yeah it’s wor I won’t get rid of them a lot of them aren’t good enough a lot of them won’t make it and you have to move them on and it’s difficult because it’s like which ones do you and which ones don’t you because I think if

You went back over like the last 10 years or whatever there’s loads of young players that none of us wanted to see go who probably did need to move on you know there’s like there’s dozens like there was a time when it was like you can’t let sah Chong go you can’t let

Angel Gomez go you can’t let you know Brandon Williams should be playing every week Ethan lad should be playing every week you can’t let um s Migo I know it’s probably that argument still probably going on but it is a constant you know James Garner is leaving forever and

That’s a travesty and yet you know Dylan levit was another one I he people say you can’t let Dylan Lev go a lot of these players do need to move on but there are one or two that doesn’t and I think the difference with the Alo is

He’s not come through the academy we bought him and we bought him for a reason that he was you know he barely played a professional game but he was being raved about in Italy yeah um he’s obvious got some about him had a very very good loone spell at Sunderland I

Think 13 goals in the championship for a 20y old whatever it was was decent and he looked live when he came against Forest it’s difficult isn’t it cuz you’ve got these these uh youngsters and a lot of them are getting thrown they’re either not getting enough game time or

They’re getting thrown into the point where it’s like like you’re playing every week now because we haven’t got anybody else in that position like like elanga was probably played too much and then it gets to the point where when he’s he’s not uh producing in the way

That us man united fans fans would like him to because he is only a youngster everyone gets on his back and then that gets to that’s gets to them and all that kind of stuff they get all the all the crap on Twitter and stuff so it’s tough

Isn’t it but what I have seen from him he’s I do like Ahmad I think he is a really good player um he looks like he’s done pretty well for Sunderland doesn’t he yeah you know it’s it’s difficult to see to know sorry whether certain players are going to be good enough but

I think he’s had quite a a career already you know went to Rangers didn’t quite work out went Sunland much better back at United I I’d like to see him being given a chance and I think the scope for there’s still room for him and opportunities for

Him to to feature pestre there’s talk of him going I think I don’t know what with him but he was like there talk of him going on loan he seems plateaued a little bit he’s on an upward trajectory and he feel I feel like with pestry he maybe needs to kick

On a little bit if he’s going to make it United maybe he needs another low move and this is the long move where he has to do some Theo I’d personally keep him but you know do you think that there’s a place for him ahead of Anthony at some

Point or do you think anony is just 10 ha’s guy I think sooner or later tonight’s got to make tough decisions even if that means dropping the kid you spent 70 million on I I I’m not sure a lot of people are saying that he’ll

Never drop him but he has done the last few games and I think I think at first it was a case of I’ve played all this money for him I can’t I can’t droping but now I think it’s well his job depends on it probably in the next six

Months and he’s thought going to have to drop him and and maybe the likes of Ahmad could take a place from him and and you cut you cut your losses with with Anthony then I don’t know it was quite telling that anony got booed didn’t he when he came on other day and

I don’t like that I would never be I don’t I don’t think he need you know he to get booed but especially if you got SLI satting the stands as well that’s not a good look for you as a manager the player you spent 70 million quid on is’s

Getting booed when you bring him on I mean I don’t know if that has any bearing on thoughts but and he’s got no goals or assists this season how how long can you stick with him and you might have to just bite the but and say

Look I got this one wrong but let’s not forget I didn’t choose the fit I said I wanted him and they they got him from and that could be get out jail free card you can Mee and say look you know I said I what a it I didn’t think he was worth

80 million but that was the price that United were willing to pay to get him uh get involved in the chat and the comments um what’s this going uh sorry Kim chraa says kacho can continue on the right to Legend says Ahmad can play as a number

10 as well as right wing for me he’s extremely creative and a skilled playmaker I’m going to wrap it up there I think we had one more story didn’t we uh the United are going to build a new training ground on a golf course there

You go that’s that’s the end of that one um is anything more of a m is that it was yeah a new training round we got a new training round oh there you go sorry really is this what we’re doing sticking golf courses on ber on our new

Power owner’s head what’s the pun saying on course to swing for new ground right that’s enough about that anyway thanks for that one Lads hey after the Dizzy Heights of the serri I play for United We rck bottom with this absolute meme um anyway thanks to everyone who got

Involved in the chat and the comments make sure you are hitting like share and subscribe big thank you to channel give your page a plug cuz you make cakes don’t you yeah so it’s Adam Abby cakes uh on Instagram and Twitter I’m I’m in TR my mother-in-law makes cakes sh and

I’m here letting you promote a rival company you know what I mean don’t ever go down Erland Liverpool road with your cakes yeah be hell to pay yeah that’s her patch all right uh big thanks to ad make sure you’re checking out all the other videos hit subscribe I’m going to

Be back outside of Trafford in the morning hope Joe Smith gets well soon and if he does he’ll be joining me Adam MCA and Steven hon on off the bar tomorrow so make sure you check that out as well that’s been ad ABB J this has been transfers live thanks for watching


  1. Funny how this Qatar story has come out bang on when The Glazers have taken 30 million out of the club for legal fees. OUR CLUB not their own pockets.
    When there is a big story in the news, look for the story they are trying to distract you from.

  2. I saw that Alvaro Fernandez is on loan now, and option to permanent with a buy back clause and first refusal on him. I’m happy they’re starting to do that with the buybacks it’s very smart business

  3. To every idiot I argued with on here for a year…I was right, you were wrong. I won. The soul of the club won. You have outed yourselves as shallow, glory hunting fools with zero understanding of what Manchester United is all about. Here’s to the future ❤ 🇬🇧

  4. Anyone think this is bullshit, glazers take 30 mil out of our account which is going to get fans mad so we will put some negative spin on the Qatar bid. Glazer trick all over to divert the attention

  5. MUFC is screwed as the 25% sale proceeds go to Glazers. There are no funds coming in to finance the debt, fix the stadium buy players. The glazers get 1.3 billion plus they take out 30 million from the club to cover their legal fees. How much worse can it get. It will probably get worse.

  6. United is busy pushing players out of the door on loan when one of our big problems is a lack of depth. We might struggle to have players on the bench after this transfer window.

  7. "…they're gonna build a stadium the size of Salford. They're going to do all the things the fans want. They're even going to make sure the chicken's cooked." Yeah, I did get optimistic.

  8. Really!? The sheikh doesn’t have the money? He’s just bluffing about it? You guys just pure licking INEOS asses here… you lot don’t know jack sh*t about the sheikh wealth… they’re just not stupid to give their money to the greedy glazers…

  9. Protest FC. Why would anyone want Qatar to own their football club? Imagine being that desperate to win silverware

  10. Never backed the state owned bid. No surprises that it was a load of hyped up shite.

  11. Sir Jim Ratbag….
    The purchase will involve billions £££££ in loans to do it

    The interest payments on the loans will be enormous and we will have less available cash than ever 🙁

  12. AI generated jassim, there's only 2 photo's of me on the net. One is my balls and the other is me emptying my ball on your mums back😂😂😂

  13. The name “Buongiorno” getting absolutely butchered there 😅. It’s just good morning in Italian lads

  14. The glazers making the club pay for the investment search while they take a billon out shows detest the club just love money

  15. The media baffle me how they still make up rubbish stories about transfer targets, we have either zero chance of getting or are not even looking at. Its just so lazy. Look at the Werner story he was offered to us, we said no and the press made the story united are after Timo.

  16. With this whole farce thing, if you were to ask me what has gone on I'd say the Glazers are lying out of their weird lizard like mouths. They need to sell the fact they never wanted to sell and only wanted investment, and try and get a portion of the fans on board. So they are lying that the Qataris didn't have the money or didn't go through the proper process. It's not that I believe a shadowy petrochemical oligarch who has never spoken publicly….it's because I trust a shady petrochemical oligarch more than the Glazers, if these snakes told me that sh** stinks I'd have a sniff before I took their word for it

  17. I was calling him Fake Shiekh from the beginning. You saw the same 2 or 3 pictures of him with glazed Iver eyes. You could put that head on any kits

  18. Every one that’s a true United supporter you need to let your mates know about Paddock as it’s the best United channel out there get your mates on it get the channel over a mill soon

  19. With all dues respect there's videos and meetings of Jassim if you cared to look. Using the AI crap is ridiculous, and yet not surprising tbh.

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