FOLLOWER FITTINGS // 10 Handicap Iron Fit

Today in Calgary we have in the bay Matt. A 10 handicap golfer who is looking to shave some strokes off his game by better control of his irons.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

00:00 – Introduction
01:42 – Matt’s What’s in the Bag
07:06 – Bridgestone J40 (6 Iron, Project X 6.0)
09:18 – Titleist T150 (6 Iron, Accra 115)
10:14 – Taylormade P7MC (6 Iron, Accra 115)
11:41 – Taylormade P7MC (6 Iron, Dynamic Gold S400)
14:17 – Titleist T100 (6 Iron, Dynamic Gold S400)
19:04 – Titleist T100 (6 Iron, Dynamic Gold S400) with Pro V1x
20:13 – Titleist T100 (6 Iron, Dynamic Gold S400, 4° Upright) with TP5
20:49 – Bridgestone J40 (6 Iron, Project X 6.0, 4° Upright)
22:49 – Titleist T100 (6 Iron, Dynamic Gold S400, 4° Upright)
24:14 – Titleist T100 (6 Iron, Dynamic Gold S400, 4° Upright) with Pro V1x
26:37 – Results
29:00 – Final Thoughts

FOLLOWER FITTINGS // 15 Handicap Driver Fit:
BEST OF SERIES: IRONS FOR THE AVERAGE GOLFER // Which Irons Give The Best Performance?:
FOLLOWER FITTINGS: DRIVER // Dialing In Andrew’s Driver:

That was the best feeling one was it yeah good didn’t feel anything love it great job 194 in the fly beautiful just trying to bottle that feeling all right guys welcome back to the channel absolutely delighted to be at our new cgre store here and delighted to be

Joined by Matthew tan I am pleasure absolute pleasure awesome so pleased that we got a chance to do a follower fit well right here this is uh this is cool you caught us at quite a snowstorm right now we are in a little snowstorm

19 or so and that’s going to be the high of the day yeah high of the day it’s it’s chil guys it’s chil but it’s not in here which is the main thing and we’re going to dive into your bag day um we’re going to take a look into uh Matt’s bag

A bag that is been put together kind of with help from you said your father-in-law you put some bits together yourself you’ve dabbled in a little bit of C customization with stamping your own wedes good play my owns a little bit uh I’ve done my own grips uh helped out

Some friends with their grips but uh definitely a bit of a Frankenstein set that I kind of just put together on uh a limited budget I love what you’ve done I love because it’s it’s yours it looks it looks like yours I mean custom ferals on

Here um you’ve got some some real sort of Hidden Gem type stuff and we’re going to look at some irons with you today and uh maybe transition into sort of long irons and how the the sort of driving iron and the hybrid all combined we be doing a lot of driver testing the

Fairway um sort of the Fuller fitting so I I’ll be really excited to dive into your iron today and start to talk about blending yeah if that’s okay yeah absolutely okay tell me a little bit about the bag in general though maybe let’s let’s start down at the wedges um

So the wedges the uh the Kirkland wedges uh the original version um got from my father-in-law actually wow okay so he does he like go he than yeah um I don’t know if he loves it more than me right now certainly play a lot more but he has definitely been uh really encouraging

About it playing some golf so he got me those wedges um you know just golf is expensive as we know so um prior to the Kirkland wedges just had some used wedges and I know how important you know fresh crws were so he got me those so

They’re about two seasons in right now I think okay um and kind of just gone from there um change out the grips because they were super slick on on the original Kirkland and your Zord mids go Z is midsize um I find it’s more comfortable for me

In uh in my hands and particularly the I like that tackiness I really like it uh really tack in my hands I tried some other grips just wasn’t a fan so I’ve tried to go Zords across the board yeah they’re firm very tacky little bit cord can allow you any conditions lets me

Feel when I have some M hits too kind of you know help out there you’ve got some gems for irons Bridgestone j4 j4s yeah um I used to play an old tailor made RBZ set right um and when I was I was playing those for about my first year two years didn’t

Really feel any feedback truth be told right and then as uh my step uh stepdad got me into golf a little bit more he gift me those set of the j4s fresh they were clean weren’t used and uh that’s all I’ve ever known for the past three

Years so just been working through uh with those and like you said just put those custom FRS on last winter just decided to play around with a little bit for myself and uh just again that club building process so been really enjoying it actually so you guys some flighted

Project x6’s in there 120 g you’ve got a strix on uh Z u8 85 with a Miyazaki shaft uh that’s a hybrid shaft that’s been s cut down and put in here yeah so that was a bit of a Frankenstein too just for some safety off of the T um I

Rarely Miss left with that so uh just depending on which part four I feel comfortable with be left yeah trust cut it yeah and if I miss left then I’m I’m just in a world of hurt and don’t really know where my game’s at if I’m missing

Left with that but that’s the trusty one uh off the T box okay so hybrid you’ve got a older one 1913 H 24 degree I take it this is the four iron replacement yeah I struggle in the long irons for sure um the five iron I struggle a

Decent amount where there are times I’m not even playing where I’m going from a six iron right to the hybrid um and lately the flight on a hybrid strike and in my Fairway Woods is quite low right so I’m not really holding any greens it’s more of a long par five I’m just

Trying to get up there I’ve never really looking to land greens with these clubs unfortunately you’re not pen seeking with those yeah there’s kind of just if it’s a longer part five you know anywhere from 200 to 250 I’m looking to kind of just get the ball up there if

There’s no trouble in front because it’s tough for me to carry with just such a low ball fight and kind of just generally yeah irons are do I think they’re fairly well in the you know outside when I’m hitting the Fairway WS I know on a good strik so I’m striking

Them low got it and uh low ball flight okay you’ve got some lead tape on on a couple clubs specifically fivewood and driver is that just to help with a little bit fight trying to kind of tilt the CG back previous video was talking about the lead tape and just kind of

Just playing around with it I don’t know if it’s just a mental block in my head to try to look for some help there um but uh bit of a feel thing but at the same time I haven’t been able to change out the shafts and that fivewood since

It’s you know it’s a it’s fitted there um played around a little bit with the hybrid in uh The Loft so I’ve lofted it up for some help and then generally two in the hybrid and the five would do my Miss is a a left Miss got it

I generally don’t miss right with those with those uh with those clubs okay okay so a real mixed bag Kirland Bridgestone strion TI two tail made Woods a Sim Max and a an M6 yeah some lead tape on that one as well um starting out was definitely a right Miss uh with the

Driver and uh lately now my Miss has been left uh I know it’s a high toe Miss so I generally see the ball a little bit lower to try and help myself prevent myself from hitting that high toe yeah very cool well a good golf bag and one

We’re going to dive into we’re going to specifically look at irons today and again as we said transition into the the the sort of hybrids and and what’s the Merit of the driving iron we’re going to try and make sense of all of that for you today yeah I think the driving iron

I think was just um kind of inspired by one of my friends he’s a scratch golfer he has a driving iron and I like the look of it in Iron off the T box so I kind of went looking for one that I can get you know uh a regular flex shaft in

It just with he has a bit of a smother swing than mine so just looking for see what would helped and for the most part it’s Health but uh no never been properly fit everything’s kind of just been put together off of a bit of a feel

Feel set here so looking forward to the fitting and you know seeing what I really need cuz uh it’s all I’ve really ever known for the past couple years is this set okay me too me too let’s dive in there let’s get some six just to warm

Up all right Matt feeling pretty loose yeah good very good give maybe one more okay all right Matt Let’s uh let’s take a little look at the numbers here okay some good some really good ball striking actually um so our average so far with the six

Iron 123 ball 14 launch mid 5000s on the spin I I see your point about the kind of lower flight you know peing about just under ATT Tad under 80 ft okay um so that shallows out the angle of descent and the greens because I mean if if the

Obviously courses get pretty baked out you know here in the summer time and it get dry that can be a challenge access in some of those front pins so we want to definitely take advantage of some tech as much as an iron like j40 is

Revered MH and it and it is there’s no Tech in there right they’re really they’re really very minimal technology in order to sort of influence a change in your ball flight so we want to try and work a little bit on that so desp we’ll look to shrink that a little bit

Your standard deviations are pretty good so you you do what you do pretty often uh which is really really nice I would just like to start to tackle uh this height a little bit more the highest ball you had was the last one at 85 ft

Right um I want to get it up a little bit higher than that ideally probably mid90s to mid to high 90s in terms of height so that’s what we’re going to work on okay okay sounds good okay okay sir Let’s uh yeah let’s not die too much

Okay into what it is yet start hitting some balls yeah we’ll hit something uh you know I think it’s only meaningful to tell you what it is to be honest if it’s working okay right so let’s let’s figure out if it’s if we’re on the right tracks pretty early on

Here how’s your um contact on on the course um on course I’m definitely hitting quite down taking a lot of um that’s where I think I struggle with the longer irons in the Fairway Woods where I tend to really get steep um so that’s where I think I

Struggle um in the longer irons for sure okay okay out let me steal that one from you okay you you feel anything there in terms of the weight or anything of the club it’s really hard for me to say uh this set I own now is all I’ve ever known for

Couple years so um definitely have adjustment swinging a different Club so really hard for me to say right now okay we’re moving in a little bit of an unconventional Direction with this one okay I think t150 made a lot of sense there’s you know a great looking club

With some help and some other things but it really didn’t do anything for you yeah so these things are only useful if they improve what it is that you do from a delivery perspective so we’re going to do a complete 180 okay very early on okay uh which is cool stick with the

Same shaft because we don’t know if we change both variables we won’t understand which one helped if if it does Let’s uh let’s hit a few with this okay that’s best so that seems to be the most prominent Miss is the sort of slight sort of uh early release of of the

Angles the club shs out or the club steepens and of the to get thrown down right my feeling is that the shaft’s too light I don’t know if it feels like that when you swing it um hard for me to say if it was too light or heavy but nothing

Noticeable enough let’s give you a contrast to at least give you a sense of some different things okay like that’s the noise yeah the shaft that one feels a bit heavier like you were saying totally and when we try and explain to people what shafts do that’s that’s a great example of what

Shafts do they don’t really change ball flights so if I take for example the previous one you you hit quite nicely these shafts are in no way similar at all yeah the spin is identical we talk about high laun shafts and and you know low La shafts for The Identical ball

Speed launch angles within half a degree and spin is 140 RPMs and it went the exact same distance right but you timed one significantly better than the other right on that first swing too yeah so that’s what shafts do that’s important for you know we always try and get that

Message across it’s not it’s not a launch and spin thing it’s a you thing it’s a timing and Cadence uh to the swing love to see that Peak height now um a little little kind of cheat note for uh for people who who get on a

Launch monitor and want to know if their height is is sufficient or not your Club head speed and your Peak height are the same that’s what I want on a six hour okay okay so your Peak height should be right around where your six iron Club

Head speed is okay okay okay let’s hit a few more gorgeous one thing we know um weight doesn’t do is makes you slower so you are in your shaft is 120 gram this is over 130 132 gr and you’ve actually gotten quite a bit faster yeah 3 and a

Half miles an hour faster so there’s there’s mass in how we use Mass you use it to your advantage and and to increase your speed which is amazing okay I like seeing that I don’t think I see that very often on a Sim okay I’m going to steal that one

From you okay what golf ball is that you’re playing uh tp5 just standard standard tp5 yeah um used to play a vice ball yeah for that budget sense and then I got better um I noticed for sure at least on the wedges I wasn’t able to

Hold greens with the vice ball and then took a shot at a tp5 and then over the course of a couple rounds I was really noticing I was starting to hold the greens more with the uh with the wedges so I kind of stuck with it good so it’s

A very good golf ball all right Matt we’re getting closer we’re getting like that spec is starting to kind of like come together we we’re seeing things are working we’re starting to kind of put of lots of uh lots of layers on top of one another now we’ve got your

Grip on there we’ve got the dynamic old S400 shaft we’re at standard length we’re in a head that’s kind of somewhere between your your Bridgestone and and where we started off in t150 we ended up in t00 um yeah this is going to start to look quite close we’ve changed Li angle

I want to show you that in a few shots times you start to see dynamically your Club come in differently as somebody who has a little bit of a tendency to enter behind early behind the ball you don’t need that club that far down that’s not helping at all and it’s also

Won’t help when you get ball below the feet and and you’ve got sort of any amount of wind off the left very hard for you to hold the ball line when the ball is below your feet uh like that so we’ll start to make those changes now okay

Okay good mat yeah that’s so close that one felt good so close so as we’re kind of starting to put the pieces together here what we’re now seeing like the layering of the the technology which is ball speed retention I mean even with your club uh you never

Saw anything higher than 125 ball speed mhm so to see you at 129 now with this one is telling me what the t100’s doing launch angle two degrees more spin has not moved a whole lot but you’ve got more velocity and you’ve got more laune which has given us a completely

Different flight window so we’re now sailing way above uh where we were before if you look at the land Angle now we’re kind of heading towards the the mid 40s and 100 feet Peak yeah that’s that’s winds in every department now so really really good stuff let’s see a few

More with this one okay good just hanging onto it start line a little bit yeah one thing I would love to you know I’ll challenge you to do it now because I think if we just left you over time it would happen naturally anyway I like to aim a little

Bit more right okay I think the amount if we go back to where you were at the very start in terms of your Dynamic Li angle you were 8 and 1 half degrees toe down so when we we tilt the the club that far right the face is effectively

Pointing right over time that will filter its way into your game that you have to develop a left path you don’t need to have a left path okay you only have a left path because the face angle is telling you you have to do something to bring the ball back to the left

Because the face is so tilted to the right I want to see you sort of again challenge yourself to start the ball out here on the right side of the green okay and whether it’s a draw whether it’s a pull whatever it is then challenge yourself to bring it back left okay

Right but start at right start it right okay that would do the job I don’t see that shape too often so I mean a lovely little change with uh with this one right so by shifting your alignment to the right you actually don’t need to change your path at all just shifting

Your your alignment to the right look at the change now in terms of the uh the delivered Loft early on it was I think 20 I remember with you 21 so it’s now it’s now kind of coming up ever so slightly um again back to the last one

24 on that that one launch angle coming up so we know we’re then pushing the peak and The Descent up now so really it’s not going to be a challenge for you to stop the ball at T okay anymore whatsoever right so you’re going to get

Access to more pins you’re going to get better proximity because you’re not sort of trying to calculate land and roll and you know all these things fall off the sides of run offs and stuff right you can be much more precise uh about where you land it imagine you just want to you

Want toss your ball into the green like like a you know you’re Landing in a sand pit that’s the way you to almost think about it just just you know lands and stops okay how does that head shape and S of the whole package how does it look

And feel shape feels familiar just from the Top Line it’s sort of feels familiar to my club yeah um I do like the look of this and especially from uh a dress it’s sort of the shape that I’m used to um when I move from those rbzs to those

Bridges oh thinner Top Line and then now it sort of just got what I’m kind of used to looking at so throwing in a different golf ball to the mix now Pro v1x just kick that spin up a little bit more okay we’ll see

If we want it um we may be able to help your distance control so the fluctuation in in in sort of getting the flyer the potential flyer you you would be considered to be somebody we’d be concerned about the flyers somebody with high speeed um good compression and in any kind of

Any Interruption of friction so water grasp between Club facing ball any of that stuff you can lose or you you can gain probably 20 yards on a on a six or seven AR on a really good strike that gets interrupted in it’s friction right so I would rather give you more spin uh

And then that way you’ll have some excess to play with okay okay I’m going to switch a club okay okay back to T100 and S400 combo that we kind of really we’re starting to get some good results with okay that was the best feeling one was it yeah good didn’t feel anything love

It beautiful like that strike just sounds amazing same feeling really good okay let’s go back to yours okay and I think it’s important to do this when we make such sizable changes to L angle like we have yeah so let’s move yours to the the right spec okay and give them another

Try I can actually feel how light this is now yeah big difference in weight isn’t there yeah I can I can really feel that on so what I want to get away from with you and one of the reasons I can encourage you to aim to the right is I want to I

Want to get you away from this like slightly over the top move that we’ve got uh path getting very much left the light of the club the more you’re going to do it okay that’s why I’m getting you into some heavier stuff right the the more like you know we we’re swinging the

Golf club on on a on a plane right and and sort of an angled plane around our body we’re not swinging vertically mhm so anytime we we tip the mass away we increase the the sort of magnitude of it so when you have something light it’s

Very easy to to sort of re-root that mass okay when is heavier and you have more awareness of where it is actually will stay behind your hand path for longer okay that’s very much what you you want to try to see more of you’ll start to gain more Club face control

You’ll start to uh achieve a better Dynamic L angle all these good things will happen from that so that’s just purely by the weight of the shaft okay good but but maybe hair skinny a little bit Yeah so now we’re kind of in an apples for apples world when it comes

To Dynamic L angle so that’s that’s certainly a good thing but there’s again there’s the weight like Club all of a sudden your your your swing speed’s gone you know you’ve dropped another 2 and a half miles an hour so never is it going to be an equal fight when you’re you’re

Producing the same efficiency but just totally different output fascinating isn’t it that you swing something lighter much slower slower yeah against conventional was yeah good okay back to T 100 really close M that one felt good yeah yeah definitely the strike we want so much compression in that

Map it’s a shot shape I don’t uh never thought I’d see so if we kind of look at where we’ve We’ve Ended up it’s with really with more velocity is where We’ve Ended up We’ve Ended up at quicker ball speed uh quicker Club head speed we know

You really do well with that shaft probably the biggest winner today is dynamic Li angle right that’s that’s a big change path is now less face is more in line with the path all of that is good stuff there’s there’s there’s more gains to come again

We we had it when we first started testing with his head that with the launch was was excellent uh our Peak height was was sort of up around a 100 at times it’s came back down a little bit but listen I’m not going to try and

Win all the battles today uh not not necessary to to kind of do that um but I do love the change you’ve made there to sort of the path getting the face closed to the path getting that Dynamic L angle down efficiency is incredible I mean it’s

Arguably too efficient so we we would maybe want to that’s when we start playing with golf ball and stuff again give me give me one more in fact a couple more shots with that prov1x give me that one more time and that’s amazing that should give us the spin now

With that golf ball not too actually wasn’t too high 53 okay again okay strike yeah presenting a nice amount of loft there okay as they always say success leaves Clues right let’s look back at what was it about that one at 104 or even that one either either one

Probably actually this one would be my favorite because it’s it’s higher in ball speed what that that is the blueprint that’s the you know we take a snapshot of that so there’s the amount of delivered Loft they want that’s how much less down you are right so you’ve kind of

Gotten and it’s probably just as shifting your swing around a little bit yeah um that it’s kind of caused it but 4° down 23° aoft delivered that is the perfect launch and spin obviously great ball speed etc etc that is what we want to try to see more of okay that’s the

Formula right there okay give me give me one more of last one let’s let’s see something that can of and I still want you to still want you to keep that path to the right yeah I think that’s important long term for for you not to have the face started right because the

Toes down right and you have to then pull the path across to the left okay okay great job M great job one94 on the Fly beautiful just trying to bottle that feeling sit sit and you’re you’re getting you’re producing lots and lots now of uh of flight I mean that angle as

Youve improved the the delivery over the the course of the session the the dynamic L goes unrecognizable which is which is a really good win okay let’s uh let’s take a run through kind of what we’ve what we’ve managed to sort of achieve right so there’s originally where we were with

Yours so yours versus yours Dynamic langle we changed the langle we went four up that’s the that’s the four degrees of dynamic law change right that’s very sort of simple actually increased the the ball speed a little little bit and we increased spin so we’re going to get a little bit of a

Easier time stoer in the greens that’s the the bare minimum win we’re going to get today is a new spec of your irons which is fine um if we go into what we achieved with the the t100’s the first time we tried it was here and we gained

That’s a really good launch and and good spin as well that’s that kind of slightly darker blue that’s peing above all those other colors um and then over time sort of you kind of got a little bit more for Chaplan you actually compressed it more got more ball speed

Kept the spin in a really really good window same carry as the other t00 when we tried it but the big winner for me is is now in the dynamic L angle right so 3.3 toe down very manageable Club head speed goes up with the heavier shaft you

Know not something that happens for everyone but definitely you use the mass to create velocity which is which is really cool we’ve made a couple little tweaks to your path and we’ve got it a little bit more neutral and online and kind of the net is contact wise we’ve

Got it in a great spot yeah lots and lots of great things happen when centeredness of contact improves obviously and dynamic lie angle improves so now we’ve got the delivery in a really really good spot tons of efficiency we’re wining all over the board feeling really good when you did

That change from the Dynamic gold back to my shaft that first swing was uh felt off balance right away when that follow through yeah y yeah no it’s it’s a key part of it for you uh in order to try to sort of manage the the feel of the the

Swing as it comes down so we don’t want you changing plane too much especially not delivering it sort of toe down so um yeah a few different things stacked in our favor shaft upright L angle little bit more rightward aim you know all of those things are stacked on top of one

Another to create a more neutral ball flight awesome stuff what an experience yeah it’s fun to it’s fun to do it with somebody who hasn’t been through the fitting process before a lot of the time we get sort of clients coming through M that have done this many times and you

Know it’s dir they’re coming through for their fifth sixth seventh Club fitting session what was really fun about doing it with someone like you is seeing you go through for the first time yeah and like you said you had no idea your Dynamic L Ang go toe down never mind

Eight or nine tow down it’s quite a bit uh and you said to me what’s what’s your tolerance and I said three um so over double that start yeah yeah which is all good great job thank you amazing stuff uh guys it’s a real treat to as I say

Get to work with you guys uh at the bay I love being able to sort of you know work with with people that really haven’t done this as I said before experience shaft changes experience Li angle changes uh all of those things sacked up and top top of one another in

Order to create sort of gains like this so um I think Matt’s going to see some really good changes his goal is to go from a 10 handicap 10.4 10.4 yeah 10.4 trying to get it down at single digits before July for the middle of the year

That’s our goal here um so I really think these types of changes uh are really going to flow into the long orange where you struggle a little bit with uh contact with with some distance some things like that these are really going to flow into to the

IR for you as well so we’re going to look at some specs we’re going to chat about some specs as well for that but uh you know I think we’ve we’ve went a long long way with the irons today yeah very cool all right guys can’t wait till next

Month at least once a month we’ll be doing these follower fittings make sure your names in the Hat for it uh we’re we’re you we’re working with different players you guys all have some great great speed we’re trying to get some sort of players that I think of a

Slightly slower swing speed um you know Matt’s hitting 200 yards six Angel like it was nothing um so it’ll be fun to work with players of all speeds deliveries whatever you guys have got we want to see and we want to display what everyone can benefit from a fit session

So stay tuned for that and we’ll see you again Soon


  1. Seems like bandaid, especially in a new golfer. His swing will change, even more so once he has his new clubs. Once his path and attack angle neutralizes, he’ll be be delivering with more loft hence T150 would make more sense. Also, the heightened emphasis on dynamic lie at 5° across is a bit much when he’s that far across. You’re pigeonholing him into his current swing, which isn’t setting him up for success!

  2. J40 still a solid choice. I've watched every video on this channel for the last 2 years…Ian always talks about standard deviation and look how low it is on those Bridgestones…would love to see him throw some s400s in his J40s then compare to the T100!

  3. I have never been fitted and I am turning 50 in April and have only been playing a little over two and a half years now slow swing speed also

  4. Guys, amazing feedback from this video. I’m so happy we started this series. It’s great to see how much people enjoy it. We’ll make sure we mix up the type of golfer we work with during the Follower Fitting series. 👍🏼

  5. Ian are these 4 degree upright titleist heads ones they set up for demo and shipped to you or did you bend them in house ?

  6. When I saw that toe down I thought uh oh this guys needs some upright clubs ASAP. Great job on getting him dialed in. No doubt getting his driver, fwy and hybrid upright and the right shaft will get him to low single digits.

  7. First fitting ever is scheduled for 2/10 at the St.Louis location. Been playing the same irons since 2013. Can’t wait to see what kind of gains I can make. I’m so excited I can’t sleep, I just stay up watching fittings on here!

  8. Did you go to the P7MC and the T100 because of his speed, instead of say a P790? Did you go to a heavy shaft just because he was coming down steep?

  9. I've, in the past been a miserable ol' scroat in respect of many other peoples fitting videos (not yours), but it's so refreshing to see a 'proper' fitting. fabulous work!

  10. Wonderful fitting. If only all fittings were even like this. The fitting I had at Club Champion in Atlanta is definitely not like this and probably won't be back there. You make things comfortable. The guy who did mine seemed like he didn't have time for a 14-16 handicap player like myself. I am curious on why the 6 iron seems to be the club of choice for a fitting? Most places utilize 7 iron. I can say if the experience was like this, it's worth paying more for clubs when you know it's right versus the pressure of trying to hit a good shot and the fitter waiting for a better player to come to him.

  11. Please Ian swing by Ottawa and work this magic with me. or maybe even my mother if you are looking for slower swing speeds

  12. im at the point now where i need to get fitted.. im rocking Ping g15's i got back in college second hand

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