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Wayne takes on The Brain & Week 11 Recap – BEG Wrestling Ep 54

This week we are discussing Iowa’s win over Nebraska, 125lb weight class, Penn State & Wayne gives his take on “The Brain”

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Main Show Tuesday’s at 6:00pm!

Contents of this Episode:
00:00 Intro
01:31 Travis Wittlake GoFund Me!
03:00 Gable & AJ Update
04:47 Iowa vs Nebraska Dual Recap
06:27 125lb Weight Class Tiers
08:20 Back to Iowa vs Nebraska Dual Recap
10:15 141lb Weight Class Breakdown
11:14 149lb Weight Class Breakdown
13:03 165lb Weight Class Breakdown
13:51 Back to Iowa vs Nebraska Dual Recap again
17:50 Cornell vs Lehigh Dual Recap
21:33 Teams in Contention
24:56 Penn St vs Indiana Dual Recap
28:10 Penn St vs Michigan PREVIEW
30:50 Predicting the Future
33:46 BEG Wrestling LIVE INSTANT Reaction following Penn St vs Michigan
35:53 Other News
36:56 Zagreb Open Recap
41:00 BEG Wrestling Facebook
46:42 Wayne Takes on The Brain!
53:03 Comments Review

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All the picking I do on Tom br’s this is the second coach he came to town and schooled and then left I know dude and that’s what he did tou Tom brand I actually have a top tier it’s only three names three names are my very I’m sticking with that and by the

Way old hot marcker was cold mocker that last never mind gas mocker here’s my complaint here Willie oh that’s not your going Willie dude dude we have to put a Chaw in during the the podcast do we really you can’t hold off you can’t hold off for like an hour

All right folks welcome back to beg wrestling we are here action pack week baby this most we’ve ever had to talk about since we started the show well you know that’s true because I had to drive through a snowstorm to get here yeah we persevere that’s right I tell you who

Else persevered come in of the week we got to give it to drama King drama King we hope you’re all right we hope all is well drama King I was hospitalized for seven days and missed the show live first thing I looked for when I got out

Was beeg weekly show baby let’s go that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about drama no I hope you’re okay drama King seriously oh he’s out of the hospital that’s a good that’s a good note right there that is a good note uh brings up another topic I want

To mention uh Travis Whit Lake GoFundMe they already hit 100,000 but um accident with Whit Lake we hope all is well with you and uh full recovery speedy recovery um hey if 100,000 isn’t enough put up another GoFundMe now me and you donated to that didn’t we

No no dude they hit it so fast we were planning on donating that’s why I said if you need more money let us know we donated the Payton Rob we donated to Sammy Sasso so don’t act like we wouldn’t donate I wrote Zach and I said

Uh we are going to donate right and um yes absolutely wrote you know since you’re the one with all the money I I figured well Zach’s got that taken care of I I’m over here buying peanut butter and jelly he’s over here with the steaks the shrimp steaks and shrimp what are

You talking about dude we’re all right uh before we get into we’ll get a Travis and hope all we we do hope I think he was under dude working under a truck and the Jack gave out I really like what stach wrote all the people that you you get sick of strat’s

Confidence being shown on his social media page you know what he showed a little uh true stry there well yeah true Sports we got your back at the end of the day got your back yeah nice comments from stachi the whole Penn State team very um courteous but other news before

Before we getting dual Meeks uh Gable Stevenson not coming back wow that’s right apparently Ferrari’s not wrestling in Iowa this year um really is there any surprise because copper boy broke that news last week that’s right that’s right before it even came out I mean you in a

Way that’s that’s a little depressing just for the drama deing just for the drama I mean that’s I’m hoping Hing he was bluffing I’m hoping he was bluffing the whole Gable thing I was a little upset with g I’m here I’m throwing out little hints little getting people excited okay Gable

This isn’t the WWE so I mean take that Showmanship over there and give us real news but apparently he never knew himself it was like a fluid thing it was changing by the month but yep not anymore not anymore we’re not Gable we’re not seeing AJ at least uh College

Let’s hope he’s not done uh freestyle International wrestling I’d still like to see him on the team for the Olympics coming I that don’t look real good I you know we could make a whole show about that Zach I’m at a loss why wouldn’t you want to enjoy

Your gifts and get the glory of the Olympics and stuff this WWE stuff and all that’s sitting there that ain’t going nowhere yeah I mean listen how about Clash get him on for your next interview there’s so many questions for Gable we’d like to know and they’ve had

Him on before that was their first interview get him back going dude and I I like Clash they ask they they ask in interesting questions no doubt yeah come on Clash no AJ I think he was their very first guest he was yeah yeah so but uh

So no AJ in uh Iowa but speaking of Iowa I I we had two real Premier matches uh dual meets this past week let’s start with Iowa and Nebraska um I really thought this was in Nebraska dude and some big match notes but I thought Nebraska overall My overall takeaway

Was dude Nebraska didn’t come through in a single big moment that they needed to not one wrestler came through in a big moment and there were so many opportunities for Nebraska to really kind of take that match yeah and my My overall overall sentence to cover this

This is the second coach all the picking I do on Tom BRS this is the second coach came to town and schooled and then left I know dude and that’s what he did tou sh Tom BR I mean yeah I mean say what you want about his uh attitude but dude

That man could coach Manning you have a line up like that I don’t know what you got to do I somehow the the number of guys I seen gas out the number guys that look like like we seen which team wanted this the worst didn’t we there was no

Doubt about it and uh that was impressive I got to say I was impressed with Iowa I mean I would say the one Nebraska would be van D over tesy that one kind of surprise me but aella over Caleb Smith whoa we’ll talk more about

The 125 PB well I’ll say it right now to me Aela is one of the top tiers and he says how can you have any tier from 125 that is a tough thing to do folks I actually have a top tier it’s only three names three names are

You my very mind you my second tier ain’t very far away and that second tier is loaded but my top tier I want to hear them is Ramos figuroa and aella that’s my top tier whoops I’m sorry Zach I wow yes I okay if you were asking me okay

Who’s going to win this that’s one of the three in my book that’s going to win 125 five now with that said there’s a lot of question marks guys that we don’t Braden Davis we don’t know how good he is but here listen to my second tier uh

Pulin certain di austino’s looking good Cooper Flynn that could be a guy that joins that top tier Jor voke Jor voke I’ve been uh how about stanage from Lehi he could be a major player fresman Noto you can’t forget Noto yeah I know he just lost but uh

Provo um Barnett Smith um all right let’s get you want to talk about the one I have whole notes here so number one going into last week notto number one lost 11 to8 to the number 29 rank satell Braden Davis uh we’ll talk about him but

Look out number three uh Poland lost to an unranked Elijah Griffin and number four Provo lost to number 10 ceran uh yeah it’s unbelievable number nine aella beat number five Smith and uh coming up we have Braden Davis up against Michael De austino this week yeah we’ll break more of that down but

That’s going to be big whole shake up at 125 and you’re telling me you have three outliers that’s a bow take that is that’s but we’re GNA come back and see if one of those three win it back to Iowa Iowa no doubt they they kind of

Have two holes that’s or possibly three but there’s right now I think you can start to put one 33 as a whole because right now I’m not seeing a real confident tesy and I don’t think Tom is either I don’t think Tom knows what should I do here you know which guy

Should I give a chance to but tesy gets these shots and it’s just I’ve seen tesy look really good I’ve seen tesy not look so very good and I so 133 is kind of a hole no doubt 184 is their hole and 285 could be a hole and most like will be a

Hole because as we seen from the polar bear for these guys come off football and you say well different ball game polar bear keer isn’t no hoot mocker and by the way thank you uh Terry is that how you say it yeah Terry corrected me and even if they’re saying it different

It’s hat maker hoot moner German okay I like dud I just heard about I like hot I like hot marcker myself I do too I’m with that and by the way old hot mocker was cold mocker that last never mind gas mocker G that’s what he was but all

Right listen Okay aella beats Smith van D beats tesy and you’re thinking all right then real woods goes out and dominates hardy hardy disappointing Hardy trending down wow I don’t what’s going on there we agree Hardy trending down does Hardy have a new girlfriend or something or maybe not a girlfriend

Anymore what happened could be dude he could be heartbroken for all we know broke Brock heartbroken Hardy what is going on dude I don’t know Brock I okay real woods Next Level real woods though serious real woods dude 141 is anyone going to touch him at 141 doesn’t look

So right now no I don’t it’s I’m going to call it how I see it I’ve said it last podcast to me Mendes is the biggest threat Bartlett’s got the skills Bartlett’s I mean he could give them and I’m not going to throw forget mcneel and

Etch Mia I can’t let not forget that guy you know but really Woods is starting to be one of them to separate himself you know in the fantasy picks he he’s going to end up top four yeah that’s what I’m thinking too so real woods did his job

And then Ridge L comes out and beats uh rathen who I thought raten look good okay RI what however you say yeah and I’m trying to improve folks raw and I wrote it r a w c h e raw cheese I need to start doing that raw cheese but you

Know what I was saying anyway he looked good didn’t he yes he did he did look good put up a good fight against love he he’s gonna be I think he’s going to be an a AER I’m yes I really do now listen to this love Hensen Parco Arrington

Gomez swederski there’s six okay so we got one more we got two more spots and here’s some of the names rchi chance Lamar uh de uh de amilio um you could put in kak abbis waters mson how about Illinois’s Webster if they pull his shirt he could be but I’m saying I think

Rochie has a very good chance of a aing because he’s looking like a different wrestler okay who’s all right rothi and kak who’s winning that right now wow we’re gonna find out soon I’ll tell you right now that that just became a really interesting weight class I’m saying

Things I haven’t said in years homegrown Iowa guys that actually improved I’ve been busting Iowa saying I we never see any improvement over that’s a fact you have said that how many times and between Rie we between Glazier um dude Fran where’ Franck come from let’s talk about

Him four you’re right franic is a true number two I a previous episode I said how’d he get number two well he just showed yeah and one of our guys it was either Kevin or or Terry reminded me how very few times that dude loses that guy

Doesn’t lose much and the losses that he does have they’re like to national champs and stuff well I had Rob taken that but franic took it and then you thought all right well there’s still a path for Nebraska cendo beats uh Taylor we we expected it cendo may not

AA and is my take okay it because I got OT I got Car 2 I got Meson B Brink 3 alesnik oh you say well he just lost okay okay you got me there I still like what I’m seeing there there’s four that I Ramirez there’s there’s five humidi

Six for sure am who just seven so here here is your number eight cendo Olan Holden her or fish did you Holden her is another one pton Hall who is I’m telling C Endo is going to have a hard time duplicating what he did last year

Okay dude and you say oh you’re you’re crazy okay uh let’s just wait and see let’s wait and see I’m loving these takes you might know what you’re talking about here dude uh so then you’re thinking all right dude uh Kennedy beats Bubba Wilson but then you’re think all right Pinto

Has to go out and do his job alled and then uh hot mocker and Pinto goes out and he’s on he’s well on his way to a tech and then all of a sudden what happened it’s like he just hit a brick wall he gassed yeah alled loses the

Glazier and hot marker is cold you and they just go over three in three matches you thought they could take it and they could steal this dual meat I don’t want to even say this on the podcast because I don’t want Tom to get I think Tom’s

Done this in the past but you get so fired up for this Big D and you end up working the kids too hard and they’re all gassed come actual match day okay specifically pinto and alred look just gassed yeah they never had or they or they got they just got dominated kind of

I know and it was like Wow by the way by the way uh wrestler Michael who um kind of blew he he said you’re laughable if you think Glazier is going to a a or uh AJ’s not a huge upgrade from Glazer I’ve been saying all along you you can see

Glazer is going to be a problem for anybody well almost everybody there there’s one guy I think that’s going to handle Glazer but uh but uh I’ll tell you Glazier is no slouch another guy that I stick by my word he’s a legitimate AA Contender no

Doubt and he show it he’s showing it the past couple of matches but um and and you know Iowa it looks like they’re going to have Kennedy at 74 and most likely Arnold at 84 come Penn State I he’s going to want his you know Tom he’s

GNA want his strongest lineup in there and he can’t give up bonus points he saved a outing of Arnold this past you think W he’s going to have to use one of them five he didn’t and he may have that same game plan with the other uh big

Dogs the the uh uh michigans and the uh well that’s right they don’t wrestle Ohio State um but I think there’s a chance Tom I maybe ought to save his red shirt I don’t think he will I think I think Arnold pull go but same with we didn’t see keer I mean you

Know Tom had him warming up he was holding him he was holding him in on box on Deck I think we’re going to see keer tested very soon because he you know Tom’s thinking about that Penn State match and he’s thinking okay maybe keer can keep this from being a bonus thing

So I need keer out there but you want to see where keer stands I mean why didn’t he I would have sent him out dude I would have too I mean yeah you just want to see where he’s at and and especially after yeah he saved one of them M five

You know he’s got all five keer so we’ll see about keer all right big win out of Iowa and by the time you see this they have already wrestled Minnesota on Monday night so yeah um maybe by the way it anything sticks out there is very uh

Juicy I mean we’re going to see mcke against aella which mck can be he’s kind of inconsistent a little bit mck and I yeah but I think I’m I’m calling out I think Iowa rolls Michigan um oh they’re going to block Iowa is rolling I’m anxious to see blockas against

Franic and is blockas have anything in them to make a run we’re going to see I think um we’ll see we’ll see how it goes well all right that was Iowa Nebraska the other big one was uh Lehi and Cornell that I want to talk about um oh what a

Great D in Lehi and yeah watch that live and Lehi with the comeback victory over Cornell um Cornell and Nebraska not great weeks all right start off with Crookham who was just absolutely dominant at 133 and we did not see him against veto we knew that

Was not going to happen but uh yeah and that’s from what we understand it injury which it be like a three-week injury so what we’re down to two weeks now that really hurt Cornell this year they’ve got three lost didn’t Kevin say that’s yeah three losses three losses because veto wasn’t

In the lineup and you talk about taking what was a promising dual meat season and having it Go by the wayside Cornell’s a major trophy threat come the the tournament if everyone’s healthy in there I mean you got veto there you got shapy you got some possible Champions you got well

Veto does anyone really think crook is going to beat veto again I’m starting to think maybe I’m starting to think it I I believe Crookham is the real deal Zach but to beat veto twice yeah let’s not get crazy yeah I would pick veto but I

Think it would be close I think it’ be very close um how about my man beard how about beard he he beat uh uh Dee oh yeah I forgot he beat number eight into the wrestlers that’s right you thought he could that’s right that’s right beard is finally yeah beard

Could be a major he could be up at podium quite high this year we’ll see um but and fola looks good again and that’s got a win uh Cornella got a win Shapiro got a win but it came down to I want to ask you about shyro what’s your thoughts

There uh man against brignola it was dicey Shapiro is first of all so fun to watch he is just an entertaining active wrestler but the end of that match ended at a scramble that it was 50/50 at one point I thought brick Nola was getting the takedown for the win as time expired

Shyro actually turned it in his own takedown yep and uh it was a little dicey it was impressive no doubt but somehow at the end I was a little surprised how did I mean chapu could have lost that right at the end I mean it was dicey right at the

End I know that he could have Poss lost that and I guess that caught me by surprise but maybe my expectations are a little too high uh but I don’t think so you watch the kid he’s the real deal that was a nice match why is he the only

Wrestler with that headgear in the whole sport dude how many times you got to take it off and readjust going on with his hair yeah that’s obviously doesn’t fit it doesn’t fit or something I don’t know what’s going on over there come on man but anyway after the focal win you

Thought Cornell pretty much had this locked up at then Lee just storms back to win the last three matches of 197 heavyweight and 125 with beard Taylor and stanic to steal it 1716 oh my goodness what a that the drama amaz that is the kind of amazing

Stuff that builds this Sport and you just in leeh that’s increased that I mean wish I was there watch that live but uh I’m anxious to see you know Crookham is no doubt the real deal we’re going to find out and it’s I can’t wait until you you noce Oklahoma State’s a

Force this year them in Missouri I was going to bring up Missouri Missouri especially 149 pounds up is just oh my God I mean they’re they’re not Penn State but they might be the are they the second best team in the nation from n pounds up you you were just saying how

Much spay impresses you and you read his articles Andrew spay yeah Andrew spay I I still allot your stuff or just your fact and he had the article about how we need a dual dual championship tournament and I we both agree wholeheartedly can you imagine some of

These matchups I mean we will get to see Oklahoma State against Iowa and believe me Iowa better have their a game that that night but could you imagine like Oklahoma State against Missouri or Missouri against Penn State I got to be honest I I want to see all these I would

Be more excited for that than the individual championships this is the most no-brainer thing in all sports if you ask me dude this is the most no-brainer thing it makes the season more important it gives you something else to wrestle for at the end of the likeone how do we actually do

That thing I don’t I I’m not W about what if we had a dual dual meet Championship champion and a separate individual Championship Champion Penn State won this Iowa won this and then you got uh oh well we’re the best team no we’re the best team we won the

National champion well we won the duel tournament uh Championship oh well and usually I don’t think that’s going to happen a whole lot I think the same team’s going to win both of them but not every year okay what so what okay who cares D let’s give out let’s just start giving out

Trophies that’s that’s just who wants a trophy come on uh what okay yeah but to me to me I mean if I was a head coach I would actually care more about the Dual meet Champion I think I would too I think I would too I to win as a team the individual

Tournament they say a lot of people make the argument that’s where you find out who the true best team is the scoring of the individual tournament I don’t know where I stand there I I just like the petition that’s the word I was looking we need to start a petition how would

You actually get a change like this to happen maybe on our Facebook page we’ll start a dual meet Championship petition but but how fun would that be seeing these different teams that aren’t scheduled against each other have to go up against each other in this duels tournament and it would just be fun

Galore yeah we’re with you yeah we are Missouri 149 uh they have Logan g off he’s number 13 they have merher at 157 he’s 12th who just beat cardinus they have 165 obviously otou 174 number eight Mao 184 number nine Whiting number 197 Rocky Elam and heavyweight Zack Elam Missouri

Who wins Missouri in Nebraska wow that well I tell you right now I’m becoming a Missour believer there’s no doubt yeah at least they’re showing up dude in big matches uh how about p State vers Indiana uh showing up you going well first Indiana no takedowns but yeah okay

Let’s go there I’ll go back let’s go back let’s go there because that is Braden Davis K Zak I mean folks we’re talking about a three in one in Indiana Big 10 School we’re not talking about no no offense fnm actually f&m’s got some studs over there it but it’d be harder

To do to F&M with they just got done during the Indiana I don’t know how it would match up uh maybe uh Long Island University I don’t want to blast anybody that sounds like I’m blasting Long Island Long Island University ain’t bad either either but proceeds to there you go proceeds to go

49-0 uh total match individual match points 136 to 22 by the way all 22 were escapes take down points of order Penn State 105 Indiana zero I mean this was just Penn State Russell’s different man it’s it’s watching them watching all these matches this past week watching Penn

State is just different oh wow well you know every Penn State we’re all excited of course Braden Davis and K Zak are are two young guys quite frankly throw bar in there in this last match by the way let me say before I get started did you

Hear what uh in the post match interview what both uh Brooks and uh St Str said about the bar no I didn’t they both predicted he will be a multi- champion not just a onetime champion they both predicted he’d be a multi- champion usually when you get a wrestler

Predicting stuff like Yanni saying about shyro shyro or I’ll tell you another one was um who was it that would kept talking about Van Ness how good I’m telling you van s is the real deal they kept saying who was it was it nickle or I can’t remember I’m telling you usually that’s

Some good Intel when you have a teammate saying that now you don’t want to put pressure on but I think they’re pretty good at keeping the pressure off or pen State uh bar being a major player is no new news to any of us wrestling we’ve seen him freestyle he’s

An absolute stud but uh back the day Davis and kak they’re starters this year it sounds like Kale’s pretty sold on that of course Davis is out of compet if he wrestles again the shirt’s gone I think that’s uh kak I it sounds like kale is really leaning like Kale did keep the

Door cracked open because there’s a couple other guys at that for 149 that are in the running but like who well like uh David Evans really that the main one David Evans or he’s technically bumping up a weight right yeah although I think he’s better suited for 149 I

Think he was sucking a lot of weight to get down to 41 but um way he looks we’re going to find out a lot come Friday night folks di austino against Braden Davis and we got Gomez against uh kak now between me and you Zack I’m going to

Write on my paper I I’ll give you what I think the score is going to end up okay and for both of them I have his losses for both Braden Davis and and kak however I don’t really care that much if they lose it’s how they look when they

If how they look in the match because we got the kale Factor they’re here don’t forget about the kale Factor come March you know where they’re going to be here here that so if they might lose a tough match Bradon Davis loses a tough match de austino oh I’m not that’s not going

To oh you know the world’s falling burning to the ground no believe me Braden David is still on this quite frankly I think both of them may have a coming out party and it’s going to be real fun how about we’re talking about Penn State Michigan coming up Friday

Night let’s do a live right after the match okay we’ll go live instant reaction Penn State Michigan it’s it’s our practice for Match Day Live coming up February 2nd Hey listen we got only Braden Davis and de austino by the way I’m taking Davis

In that we have uh kak and Gomez I would take Gomez we also have mess and Brink and camine and Carter and Shane Griffith in that Friday night oh man there’s some good mess and Brink camine who you taking in that that’s actually the match I think I’m the most interested in

Seeing yeah I is mess and Brink a top five tier guy we’re gonna find out Friday night are we not I’m trying to wonder will mess and Brink major them or not what I that’s where I’m at that’s where I’m at Zach hold on maybe my my

Head’s in the clouds too much I’m trying to think will it be a major or not because it’s for sure is going to be six seven points wow I know all right I actually do think I’m going to take mess and Brink too uh I’m we don’t know about

Lean has he been hurt will he be back to wrestle Levi right now they’ve been setting out Matten but I wouldn’t be surprised if lean has been healing up for this match that would be cool uh that’s another great match that would be cool of course we mentioned kak and and

Gomez which that we’ll find out don’t get don’t get sucked into Gomez’s throws or anything but kak knows how to wrestle believe me David teller trained him he don’t need some big fat guy telling him how to wrestle okay all I got to ask you okay these three wrestlers Braden Davis

Kak and messon Brink obviously uh so I’m looking at last week’s rankings what are I’m going to go Braden Davis was 15th in the 125 where do you think his true ranking is right now he’s flirting I you know what ask me Friday night after the match and I’m gonna have

A better answer but if you’re asking right now to me he’s between seven and 12 is it’s about where I that weight class you could go from number seven to number 19 like that I mean it’s or number one or number one or number four

Maybe if you’re not in your top tier I got Braden Davis a top hater all right kak what do you think his true ranking is um man that is 149 he was 17th going into last week not ranked the week before yeah um yeah Gomez does kak have a chance to

AA wow let me do you have the rankings there right there okay you know love it in you know hen ‘s in you know paros Arrington are in and that’s where I said that um I uh Rat rachi I kind of can’t think he might be in there I think kak

Is flirting right on the edge with a bunch of others I think swerski’s in most likely Gomez is in uh but and de amelo Lamar kak I mean you’re going to have a lot of guys just fighting even mson Munson’s having a nice but then we can’t forget about Kanan Webster I

Mean I don’t everything’s going to go has to go right but again I don’t think there’s anyone head and heels above I think kak has a chance to AA yes I do too oh now you say that throw in the fact that Kale’s got 12 years of uh

History that we can going where his guys are up I don’t know what kind of formula they got going on there I don’t know maybe they force them all to sit with Bonnie before they go out I don’t know what’s going on over there but I’ll tell

You right now it work it’s been working for about 12 13 years so yeah I I like kak’s chances I do too and finally mess and Brink uh we got otou and kin onject just lost I I have no clue M BR is looking like uh SpaceX going to firing

Rockets off to the Moon mess and Brink’s going to be ranked second or third very soon yeah wait second who would he well car’s got his loss there you know um and only thing is is mess and Brink won’t have a chance with Ramirez but uh I tell

You that’s just a lot of fun I tell you here’s a big one Strat against Griffith okay we got two national champs going against between the Str straty Griffith match and also the Kirk lit Davidson match oh I forgot about kir Davidson yeah that’s number four Davidson yeah

That’s going to be an big indicator as far as these Hodges we see if straty goes out there and dominates Griffith uh what if they both go out and dominate you know and I mean srat is your top pick and Dave or yeah and Kirk was your number two yeah

Because I I think Brooks is gonna have a fight with he highley but um and ul’s going to have a fight with with Carr and Brink and maybe others um I think is you start to think about nothing but bonus points that’s the two wrestlers that to me pound-for-pound right now I’m ranking

My pound-for-pound on no I guess I wouldn’t do that my Hodge rankings I definitely have it stach Kirk KK yeah who be three otou no Brooks because I think OU’s got too many I think only one guy at uh 97 can give Brooks a close match and I think there’s

More than one that can give otou a close match as dominant as dynamic as awesome as otou is that’s how loaded that 165 is so boy would we all love to see otou versus stra please somehow after the season before they get out of shape or whatever a week

After the Championship Flo let’s get on it let’s get a a card going and we could come with a bunch of names we got to start working on this now of course the headliner come and commentate it for free how about that yeah the headliner

Has got to be our tool against that’d be fun SC all right other other uh news this past week uh Mendes over number uh 20 uh Pino demilio lost get out of here yeah I tell you that we had our share of upsets again my goodness I mean they

Just keep I and you know I’m not sure how you say alesnik uh I heard it said a different waynik I I don’t know I don’t know and folks I really apologize about the names getting wrong our promise dude we’re trying our promise that you’ll know who

We’re talking about at least I think we lived up to that at least yeah Oklahoma State’s Legend Nick lost that kind of really got me from everything I’ve been seeing to pton Hall Payton Hall no slou yeah pton Hall’s given some other big studs a real fight go he’s like 15

Minutes from me I was going to see when time yeah when he wants to be up boy that that guy can be up um okay but Lesnik uh did beat Holden heler before yeah that loss yep all other yeah any other wrestling news before for uh the Zagreb open we’ll talk about that

A little bit but anything else yeah I seen Snyder lost might as well get right into that I’m not worried about that I’m not worried about Snider losing I mean he he had a big win in the semis and um you know what Snider’s taken losses before we know this much Snider’s going

To have to be on to medal at the Olympics and he’s going to have to be his aame to win that that’s a tough tough weight I’m dag on IR ran they got multiple guys over there that uh but I’m not you wanted to talk about

Jason no that’s who you want to oh Jason no oh my goodness you want to talk about all the good before the bad I guess huh wow well yeah all right Snider did lose 63 to uh Alara okay oh boy but uh yeah n took gold dominant oh dominant he’s unbelievable

Thank thank you Jason for continuing to wrestle and in other news Zane Richards did not Place protect that’s starting to worry us a little bit he’s the guy that’s going out to try to qualify this weight it if you don’t get your stuff together Zane we’re gonna have one last chance

The last chance whoa yeah and now never I I don’t like I don’t like putting things up against the wall like that but that’s a reality I don’t know what’s going on there why didn’t someone challenge want to challenge there the weird thing about these RTC guys wrestl it’s like

Um don’t you aren’t you guys jumping at the bit to wrestle like any major International Tournament you would think we see the all of them going yeah I mean what else and you just don’t I don’t get it doing dude what else I don’t get it I think the part’s getting too comfortable

Over there I I’m going to coog that down before I get a whole bunch of hate from all of our Pros out there but uh yeah uh McKenna took bronze um Evan Wick took bronze marstellar took bronze he lost 10 how about zahed Max Dean did not finish got kind of

Handled at 86 wasn’t it at 80 yeah it was 86 did I miss that yeah zahed got hand zah 102 yeah to Bobby yeah oh man you can’t be losing to Bobby Paris took bronze any anything else here Snider did to take silver okay our girl uh what Adeline gray took

Bronze AIT elore is that was the that’s who you wanted to correct from our previous epis you said who’s the most dominant woman award out there and I I wanted to say admit elore she may end up having more World Championships Olympic golds than any us wrestler ever she’s

Well on her way to that I forget how many it is already um I’m not going to say she’s the most exciting wrestler I’ve ever watched she doesn’t shoot yeah she doesn’t shoot but um her accomplishments speak for themselves she’s obviously awesome how about and

Doing the news and doing is he back will be back this year thank goodness dud that’s big and that’s why we get so excited about the shapiros of the world yeah we need them types we need them types come in and uh they really add excitement to this sport andonian is the

King of excitement so knowing he’s going to be back come them uh them tournaments at the end of the year is just exciting exciting news I I want to see uh just and shyro is like right far this far behind him as far as excitement level so

Yeah when those to wrestle man oh my goodness I got to bring something up our buddies that gave us shirts um Miramar wrestling I tried looking up results for this episode dude yeah I couldn’t find anything well all I know is they were heading to the state tournament and beg

Is behind Miramar wrestling right now we are right now baby right now that’s go I told them I said send me the results or something we’ll give you some love on the on the podcast because that’s awesome what they’re doing Miramar I’m not sure if it’s over

Yet I don’t know where it’s at down there in Florida but I’ll tell you right now we’re rooting for you yeah send us results Anthony um anything else yeah I got uh just a couple more thing we we’re over 200 members in our uh Facebook group and you say 200 members boy you

Guys are small yes we are small but I’ll tell you one thing we’re growing we’re growing and I’ll tell you something else it’s not a bunch of kids down there just um uh uh you know coming in with the smart Al like what do you call that uh

When memes or trolling trolling yeah we don’t have nothing but a bunch of young kids trolling over there I’m probably the only trolling we got knowledgeable people hey knowledgeable people and it’s where I learn a lot a lot of the show actually comes from that Facebook page I

Love our Facebook page we’re over 200 and we’re just going to keep grow I love that that page I really do but I got to just say that that we’re growing I get a little tip of the Hat where I’ll say it feels like dude we have Insiders on that

Page that are giving us info that I’m not seeing on other Pages oh that’s all say there’s no doubt in my mind and our insiders seem to never be wrong either no and Kevin and Terry I mean Terry mentioned we got a couple former Iowa or

Iowa um fans Not fans we got more than one Iowa National Champion I’m holding down Iowa over here back in the Gable days National Champion Iowa wrestlers are part of our Facebook page now Terry I got to still break that down Terry put the the challenge to me tell me who they

Are Wayne and I didn’t have time to get the names out and cross reference yet or if you want to just tell us Terry go ahead that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool hey Penn State Iowa Iowa was winning two nothing as far as national champs I thought for sure we’d get at

Least one we do have some big big time pen Staters as part as our part of our Facebook group do we but we don’t have any national champs yet I hope so as as iow you are but by the way did you watch the uh brand special before the Iowa

Nebraska match on the brand Brothers no no I had to work that night that was great oh was it really oh my goodness dude was it about Terry and Tom yeah their whole story man yeah that’s that’s actually I think that was on made last year or something it’s old but um they

Showed it before and I totally get why people want to go to Iowa now if you’re one type of personality if you’re that type of personality you want to go to Iowa dude yeah I mean one thing not everyone’s like that but that’s true you got to say this though Penn State the

How well good sportsmanship they are I mean Kell just runs a tight ship you have to resp the old old school way of being dominant and respectful and you know stach has a you could say he has a big at uh at not really though dude not he doesn’t though

Let’s be honest well let’s be honest dude he doesn’t I don’t know I love doing the old guys love that you know what they’re shaking hands no uh extracurricular uh you know what I saw you know what my takeaway was from that brand special what dude Brans was just

Ahead of his time he was ahead of his time he AJ is exactly who Tom now is exactly who Tom BR was back then yeah it’s all and the brothers dude they were doing this kind of stuff back then we just didn’t have the cell phones out and

Media covers to see it but dude why do you think BRS likes the Ferraris he sees that’s like his sons dude that’s what he seeing how serious we said we think what happen is the ad said to Tom look Tom it’s a no this year now if AJ behaves

For a year we’ll uh we can relook at this a year from now so that allows Tom to keep both the other Ferraris the ones still in high school coming and he’s probably there telling AJ look dude cool the Jets for cool the Jets enough he’s

Not he’s not dud and well at first AJ thought everybody’s GNA come oh please AJ come here that didn’t happen so AJ realized okay this might be my only chance so you know AJ you just got to think a little more I mean you don’t

Want to cross the line there but I don’t know double Birds during a during a split it might be crossing the line a little bit Yeah but but but dude actually I could care less about that then he’s putting out more weightlifting I’m thinking he’s dou I I think he’s

Doubling down I can’t figure out I don’t know if he’s supposed to be quiet or if he’s doubling down or what dude but I’m here for the ride it is just I mean it is entertaining man but um then you we have that whole uh okay is is veto or fix

Moving down we had drama there between Willie and Flo Willie claim that fix weighed in at 1:30 I seen the uh I confirmed it he weighed in at 130 he weighed 13.1 he weighed in at 13.1 and what we know is this on a two-hour weighin Dayton fix weighed in three

Pounds under uh fix is not cutting the 25 either oh you found that out too I got some inside information he weighed in at 33 people just totally lied about what he weighed in at yeah one you know how many people told me he weighed in at 1:30

A lot of people were like oh yeah well what do you think he waited at 130 that means he didn’t it’s not true really just straight up line apparently the actual weight sheet he’s 133 now that whole thing you know Willie’s got his the first word and uh if it’s the first

Word you kind of want it to be completely accurate uh if you’re going to say confirmed word has it that after he was done practice he had he was sweated so much he actually did way in at 130 Point something and so that might be true and all but it doesn’t look like

Either guy is moving down at this point although they both have to come down for the Olympic for the Olympics so I I don’t know the thing about can I have a little pet peeve I got about Willie And Willie I love you I really do any guy out there

Putting work in for wrestling I love him thank you thank you Willie for think you’ve done I do have one little complaint though okay well first off before I get to the pl complaint one of the reasons where doing this podcast is let me give you a sample of Willie okay especially in

Wrestling but that’s where that’s where I keep it real right because if if there’s a program that I don’t have a relationship with and I criticize them uh when they sit guys out or something I I need to I need to criticize when my my

Guys right but I gotta call it like I see it if not then what what good it I mean I’m a phony then I know and so I know those guys were a little butthurt about it I I you know I tweeted some stuff

But um I have to call it as I see it well it’s certainly they certainly stopped wrestling there’s there’s certainly so it’s like okay and and I’m never going to force content so it’s like if if the show isn’t there or if a match isn’t happening like I’m not just

Going to substitute with filler you know so it’s like yeah okay ready go okay I I got uh news on Gable right excited yeah um uh you know I met Gable’s parents and we’ve spent much time together they’re just great folks uh Mr Gable gave me a ride in his

Pickup truck most beautiful C candy apple red I’ve ever SE um but uh fast forward seven minutes yeah and it’s like I I’m driving in my truck Bing my head against the window come on come on come on Willie I’m done so slow to come I said Zach that’s keep

This show moving I’m sick of really slow slow moves but with all that said hey he can run in however he wants and that’s cool some people like it slower like that here’s my CL here Willie oh that’s not your CLA Willie dude dude we have to

Put a Chaw in during the okay podcast do we really you can’t hold off you can’t hold off for like an hour before you put the chw in spitting in the bottle dude dude do you realize hey this is this is Willie this is Willie during the you

Might as well do it for the podcast yeah I got I got got news on G I got news on G here dude you might as well you might as well I mean we could have Junior High wrestlers out there who you know who you are to them you’re like Stephen A Smith

And oh well will he choose it can’t be that bad dude that’s hey you got and Bash you’re gonna be calling him the brain think about that because right now he’s not using his brain if he has to put Chaw in his mouth let the all the young wrestlers

See me and my Chaw because I can’t hold off for an hour okay I’m done my little rant here all right still love you Willie still love you all right first of all your lips bleeding dude now that is real acting folks D on I thought you weren’t doing skits no more

You how I get bam wow wow you got ruin into that dude now that is what I’m talking about when we doing BG wrestling baby but uh yeah I mean you got to love how fast Willie goes but anyway uh anything else hey I’m not here to judge

You either Willie I I got my problems too you know the only thing is you don’t see me jamming Egg McMuffins down my hole while I’m trying to do the podcast obviously I overeat I got my problems I keep my problems off little restraint little rest unbelievable and and our

Sports coverage of the most uh demanding and restraining sport in all the world and yeah but I I that okay I’m done all right that was good good stuff moving on to some comments review from this past week um we had a lot oh all right we have rain Beck here rain Beck

1156 I’m just here for the [Laughter] pronunciation I do I feel bad about that we mess up a lot there there’s so many different names and so many names that new names that come through it’s you can’t do that but uh Rob huy voted for you guys on stalemates new content

Creator of the year I recommended everyone else do the same over St mates thank you appreciate that Rob thank you thank you uh dino Collins I enjoy the edits however no stress if sometimes you guys have less time we talked about that we’re going to go live instant reaction

Penn State Michigan yes is that this Friday night that’s this Friday night this Friday night I’m going to come to your house and we’re going live maybe we should I used a vacation day maybe we start the live during we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about it but uh Weston

Maner fuddy duddies for Life uh EJ Newton Carr won’t beat OU ever again I don’t think OU will bring and I think otou will Big Brother mess and Brink oo I do think M and Brink is the only guy has a chance I I was with him that first

Half big brother I don’t I’m telling you I can see that being a close War the one thing he mentions they’re very familiar with each other so we’re in for a very close match I think that’s legit EJ also said you’re delusional if you think Kirk

Would have a chance versus Gable I don’t know we just haven’t seen G yeah and maybe I my homerism showing there I know Gable is so slick so smooth so he’s but we haven’t seen we just love to see slow you get old uh Eric day yes good move by Cody chitam

To get out of the clown Town clown town you that was you know of all the praise we just gave Tom this this episode in fact we said he schooled two major coaches now already this year let’s not forget about the biggie he chose Ferraris and and ended up losing a major

Stud right there yeah H yeah I mean obviously we’ll see the developments of that over the next couple years but Jiu-Jitsu life and knox’s pops should get the winner of Pops Ferrari vers pops Hut hot mock oh that would be awesome that boy if we could get wrestling dads

Remember like celebrity boxing matches back in the day can we C can I rent a ring and we’ll do like wrestling dads Flo if the card right after the Championships if you can’t get wrestlers let’s get the dads let’s get the dads that would be awesome would I mean dude

That would be yeah that’ be awesome and you can let it go it’s not they’re not even kids they’re adults uh uh all right Ryan young sitting in my office LOL you two are going to get me fired TR X is making him nervous looking forward to Bar boy we’re

GNA have to talk more about this bar kid with this bar kid coming you know when he said uh we were going to get him fired he was laughing and stuff that that kind of comment just lit my fire because well I don’t think we

Try to be funny or something do we try to be funny I don’t try to be funny I try to be funny on my skits they’re they that’s part that’s not funny I know it is it’s stuff that people don’t the only thing we do people

Don’t like is when I try to be funny dude billbo bgins there’s absolutely no excuse for Bo Bartlett to be not teching these guys he needs to change his mindset with the physical with his physical gifts uh it’s easy to it’s too easy to take people down uh I mean I I

Kind of spoke it’s just not in his style I think we’re going to see Bart in close matches till the day he’s done and he’s got the skills to beat anybody he could beat woods but I mean it drives you nuts but this past match that drove me nuts that was

Coming right down to the end you you play with fire you’re going to get burnt once in a while and then he shoots and he didn’t finished the shot he got the leg twice and didn’t finish it it doesn’t make sense with the rest of the penate team

In you don’t stop I mean I love Bartlett I really do he’s one of the when he’s actually finally goes he’s one of the funnest to watch but okay I’m done that’s all I got that’s all I got anything else I just want to encourage people

To hit hit subscribe or we never say that subscri to chel like or whatever how they say that like And subscribe yeah listen I want you to stick around I got to film couple promos here but yeah because I mean we’re getting our 22500 but I thought D on Zach I think we’re we’re shrinking we’re shrinking we’re not growing are we growing yeah we’re growing and you wait till February 2nd and he thought this episode was going wait till Friday night while we

Are live oh you want to see us fired up dude this is this is Monday morning at like 9:00 a.m. right now dude we tired we Friday night we’re going to be out there for that Ohio State match it’ll be minus five with a minus 40 wind factor

And and people are going to be walking by who’s the mental patients over there ring that’s who that’s who that’s us we’ll be back see you guys


  1. Nate Jackson took 1st, he's so good!!! But, I swear he always chokes in the close matches! The dude should have some world metals but always loses the important matches close!!!

  2. OSU update:
    Hepner finally in at 165 as the starter

    Wilcox down to 157 as Paddy is out for the year

    Rocco Welsh starting at 174 the rest of the way

  3. "Monday morning we're tired" what?!?! How tf you guys always have so much energy haha? You said that right as I was thinking how amped you guys always are haha 😂If this is your tired state I can't imagine when you're fully awake haha. Keep it up another great recap!

  4. Agreed with the gable stuff. I'm a huge fan of gable and he is pissing away his prime wrestling career. I blame brock for this bs. Wwe can wait, see I can with Peter griffin lookalike.

  5. Just letting you guys know you’re doing an awesome job and we appreciate the effort! Threeeeeeee!

  6. Wayne! How dare you leave my man Noto out of your top tier! But, even with my LHU bias, I have to say myself he wrestled himself out of it…Regardless, Go LHU!

  7. Bartlett looks like he's accepted that he's competing for 3rd or worse. He doesn't shoot & it's getting annoying. He's like Will Lewan waiting around for cheap OT wins. Quits wrestling with a 1 pt lead. I'm JUUUUST about ready to jump off the Bartlett train & look forward to 2024s fresh blood

  8. Whole-heartedly agree on the dual team tournament. The storylines and drama would really improve the fan experience. It also emphasizes coaching decisions and individual matches. I think the current tournaments give us the best wrestlers at the end, but it's not as interesting as a great dual.

  9. Where are you guys going to be at the Ohio State dual? I want to shake your hands. My husband and I have been following you for a year and never miss an episode.

  10. Wayne's takes are so good. I applaud you on your dedication to seeing the forest through the trees on these insane weight classes. Really looking forward to some HUGE conference duals to come.

  11. Man leave that man alone lmao. Cancel culture has killed chawing accept is hasnt. I FUCKING know it still happens, I jist dont see it, openly. Wth is that

  12. Hopefully the younger 2 Ferraris shed their brother for now. I mean he already ruined it at Okstate, but now another door opens and he just cant contain himself in a f'ing open tournament?

    Looks like what he should do is tell them to stay the course while he f's off and figures his own self out

  13. I totally agree with the rant on Willie. I really like the Basch style. I think he does a great interview. But, a few weeks ago I was watching an episode, while eating my dinner, with Willie spitting into his bottle and I just about puked. Only made it about 10 minutes. Tried again about a week later and I only lasted maybe 2 minutes. Now, if I see Willie in the thumbnail, I don't even consider watching.

  14. I do not favor the Dual Meet Championship. It is NOT the most no-brainer. Example one: Penn State #1 vs Iowa #2 in 2023. Not counting 125 (Spencer), 133 (RBY), and 184 (Brooks), the other SEVEN matches combined for a total of 28 points (4-1, 4-1, 3-2, 2-1, 2-1, 2-0, 4-1). Lots of 3 minute first periods with no points. Exciting? Example two: Penn State #1 vs Ok St #2 in 2017. Freak circumstances threated the outcome of the entire meet. First, Suriano (#2) leading Piccininni (#11), 3-1, when he gets a freak injury. Big change from a 3 or 4 point win vs a 6 point loss. Second, Gulibon had Dean Heil pinned at least twice, maybe 3 times. I was matside about 6 rows up and had a perfect view, surrounded by Cowboys. The Cowboys couldn't believe it either. They also admitted they thought Heil was flat. (Btw, nice fans in Stillwater) Anyway, another huge turn of events, pointwise. So, I do not favor a Dual Championship because they are boring, low scoring, and wrestlers trying to keep matches to a decision. And, add to that the idea that one or two freak things could factor into the outcome. Contrast to the NCAA National Tournament. Not one single wrestler is trying to lose by "only a decision." Every wrestler is out to WIN. And, if a wrestler suffers an early loss they get a chance to comeback in the consy's.Generally speaking, a bunch of really great matches at the National Tournament. So, very, very, exciting. It's a no-brainer to keep the NCAA Tourney as the Championship.

  15. @BEGSports  I see I'm the 1st 2 time comment of the week💪🏻…I don't need or want any prizes…Just recognition that I am now officially the GOAT! 🏆🏆 2 time undisputed champion

  16. AJ had the best shot at being a 5 time champ & pissed it away with bad decision after bad decision. Great job pops Ferrari on raising a bunch of D-heads that instantly stoke loathing & transfers from teammates

  17. I actually watch the show 2 or 3 times to give it more views…We gotta get this channel making money so Wayne can come on FT & put out more shows. 3 30-45 minute shows a week would be awesome.

  18. Messenbrink has INSANE offense. His CONSTANT attacking style alone makes him dangerous. His scrambling puts him over the top. Hes in the mix with Keegan. He beats Carr without a doubt. Olejnik just lost & Ramirez ducks anyone ranked to preserve his ranking after a fluke victory over Carr

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