Golf Players

Rico Bosco Helps A Caller Plan Her Wedding | Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

Catherine calls back in to the show to have Rico settle a debate she is having with her husband over how they should be planning their wedding.

00:00 Intro
4:03 Erika Announces She Is Leaving Barstool
7:30 NFL Playoffs
15:45 Travis Kelce Retiring?
27:00 Halftime
27:41 Lebron Clip
31:00 Ole Miss and Deion Sanders
37:45 Catherine Needs Wedding Help
57:55 2 Minute Drill


Call In: 8887866522

VOICEMAIL LINE: ‪(862) 251-8863‬


You’re going to tell me you’re going to tell me got to do it eat a burger eat a burger put it to rest it now we know Daddy’s at the W until 8 hours and D’s watching XXX down in the [ __ ] basement get that out of my face you

Punch the burger I’m going to throw it did you go to therapy yes yeah we changed it with back up come on you got a lot you got a lot of Bobby Knight in you you got a lot of Bobby night we seen him two places all right uh Tuesday I’m always

Thrown off by the this the first show of the week so or that’s what always throws me off when the when the day off uh technically or you know you did literally did a show this morning with the date and everything granted Tuesday January 16th healthy debate uh uh I

Guess first off shout out you saw Erica in the uh in the opening always had a great relationship she obviously announced today she’s stepping down have nothing but good things to say about Erica and uh I think the N You Know Jack ma said it too the numbers speak to

Themselves you look at what she inherited and then what she turned this place into in terms of Revenue and just the amount of people and the organization um impressive impressive stuff for her and always has been even from the first day I met her just a charismatic energetic uh awesome an

Awesome person to work for and work with which I think is a uh a thing that gets lost you know in uh in culture today so um shout out to Eric obviously and uh you know the best literally the best um so open there the other one it’s kind of

Gained some steam now since we recorded I I kind of hinted it with you guys when we did it Thursday uh the snake draft how is the Super Bowl not a [ __ ] tradition in sports why is there any kind of feedback from me any kind of push back I won the

Poll I got all the replies are in my favor granted it’s it’s like a loose tradition because I went with like the the whole thing maybe I should have clarified of like gambling on the Super Bowl or Super Bowl parties want to get context for some people uh yeah all

Right Sports Traditions snake draft we did it I took it one two I let Jack M go one1 he took Virginia Tech Enter Sandman I think Super Bowl Sunday is up there with some of the greatest Traditions like I said it all the time like in 10

Years 15 years you’re driving kids like Hey we’re going to we’re going to jety house for the Super Bowl dad why do we go to jet ski’s house for the Super Bowl oh tradition like why same thing the the boxes the [ __ ] pageantry the just everyone knows what they’re doing on

Super Bowl Sunday nobody gets married that day uh nobody travels that day youth teams don’t play games that day like oh it moved down it was 6040 it was 6040 in favor of no no in favor of me oh okay always yeah it’s a tradition dude

And they left me off the poll so I walked away with I think uh Super Bowl One shotting moment the uh changing of the Masters the winner putting that on um what else up Yankees roll call which I hate the Yankees but I did Yankees roll call and I got another like

Banger and and I was left off the pole Super Bowl Sun they were like I don’t know superl Super Bowl Sunday is a tradition without a doubt I don’t think it is how is it not I don’t I I I wouldn’t go to the same place every

Single year had the same exact the Super Bowl is an American tradition super me you have to go place but I think Super Sunday is very much an American tradition Christmas is a tradition and a holiday they’re saying that that’s a holiday and then the there’s Traditions

Within that exchanging of gifts so but I’m like it’s a little loose I don’t Super Bowls a tradition so would tradition then be it’s never not going to be played on a Sunday it’s never not going to be the biggest thing in in the world it’s literally the biggest event

In the world waste of grass with like funny commercials be a a tradition within the Super Bowl then probably yeah I guess that but like I’m saying I’m getting all of it yeah like by taking that I’m taking all of it I should have just clarified I guess gambling Super

Bowl Sunday but it’s there’s it’s non-debatable Super Bowl boxes yeah I guess I guess you nailed that with like the tradition within a tradition or whatever yeah I agree with that healthy debate yeah I I won that and I got left off the poll second time in a row I’ve

Been left off so I feel not great about my my but uh yeah I don’t know Super Bowl is a tradition speaking of Super Bowl um I think we’re actually in a spot where the divisional round is not going to be great games if you see the Saturday spreads 10 and

Nine but I think that sets us up for an alltime final four like I’m willing so healthy debate I’m willing to sacrifice the divisionals if if it gives us unbelievable AFC and NFC championship games we’ve been building all year to the to the 49ers and I think again uh

Detroit is not moved off of like the top three and that storyline of Detroit trying to get to their first Super Bowl that would be unbelievable so like give me that in the NFC and the AFC you can’t lose if it’s you can’t even lose if it’s

Stroud but I would like to see um the Ravens just because they’ve been the number one and then the winner of the bills Chiefs which is going to be a classic uh put them in so there we go and we got the defending champs either getting knocked off we got the upar

Bills who are out of control uh I think it’s we’re set we’re set up I think the divisionals are going to be kind of I don’t say boring but like the 10 and N spreads I don’t love but I think we’re set up for an alltime final four alltime

Final four um how do you feel about Jason Kelce hanging it up you know I really like for a guy I didn’t know like I’m not the guy who knows non um offensive talented players in the NFL yeah like I just don’t if you ask me

Lineman or line I don’t know them all I’ll be honest like I don’t that I don’t I can’t name them all Kelsey stood out obviously L you know with his stuff off the field and it’s a smart transition to do that in your last when did he start

The podcast last year I think that’s smart like he’s now he’s got two years of it under his belt like I think he’s an impressive guy Philly Legend what he set himself up nicely yeah Philly Legend like he does seem like a standup guy he

Does a lot of stuff off the field his wife’s a sweetheart like uh good guy overall really felt bad that the way it went but you know Smitty kind of hinted at it too is he I don’t think he wants to go down that road but they’re saying like a

Veteran like that you got a lot of veterans like is is a little bit on him with the collapse or a little bit on him with the locker room kind of falling apart we’ll see not my position to really say I like the guy I almost wonder if there was so many

Things out of control it’s like could he really GA you know what I mean like the teams that disaster the front office is disaster coach is disaster like how can he Wrangle all that in it just got to be too big for him to get his arms around

It so not everything’s fixable you know as great as a leader as it is sometimes chick goes AR so so uh but yeah he’s an Al I think he’s a Class Act healthy debate do you think that Max delente would have went out last night uh no I

Don’t think you would have next so Nikki smokes catching a lot of heat for that I did say this to defend Nicki smokes if you lose and you lose in like a game you were never really in the only thing that can make you feel better is usually

Going out to the bar so and trying to chase you know Chase skirt so and that’s Nikki’s F second favorite thing to do behind the Dolphins so I I I I got to say though like I don’t care how anyone lives their life but to live and die by

A team like I know that if I’m out at the bar and I’m watching Dayton or I’m watching Patriots and they leave lose like it’s not like I’m talking to anybody it’s like I got to get out of there I’m I’m like not even talking to anyone I’m looking at my phone I’m

Checking the weather app I’m getting the [ __ ] yeah but I think it was a slow build I mean they lose the division so like it was one of those do would you clarify that as a heartbreaking loss I wouldn’t would you clarify that the Steelers as a heartbreaking loss like I

Wouldn’t had a problem with the Steelers going out the Eagles a little different that’s like a just a complete bump like disaster of a [ __ ] season I guess you could say the same about the Dolphins but I don’t know man you’re in your 20s I disagree I think heartbreaking loss

Championship loss you can’t go out like but here’s here’s also where I’m at with like I guess I just don’t think You’ just be the guy that like lives and die by dies by your team and then yeah and then he like I’m gonna go out and like do blow

All this [ __ ] like like I mean guess doing by himself like in his bed like his bedroom and like a bottle whiskey and like a wine that would have been funny right like I would I would get [ __ ] up by myself right yeah I guess

I’m torn between that one how are you as an athlete like in college if you guys lost was it win or lose we booze or like were you the type of guy I didn’t want to talk to anybody it’s hard because the games at w like what yeah I think you

Were still going out but it’s not it’s not you’re not like that’s outwardly it’s one of those things you’re just out and you’re kind of like commiserating with each other you’re not making it like after a win you’re going out there’s no doubt about it after a loss I

Think it’s one of those like you’re kind of out but like you you’re down ticked if you’re if you’re normal and joking around and laughing like as you would be after a win you kind of look like it doesn’t really matter to you I think you

Could still like go out or you know you may have already had plans like somebody’s like oh like you tell people oh we’re going to their party we’re going to this you can’t like noow it but you go and you’re a little subdued I I

Think it was the best way to describe it you know what I mean jety like subdued you’re still going out you’re subdued also like you only got like 15 16 weekends in a semester in college and you can’t go out like one and I could you couldn’t go out Thursday and Friday

Night all the football season so Saturday night was really early night out because of the curfew so like I don’t make these type of types of jokes anymore because it almost got me it got me suspended like I’m not I’m not going to say but if anybody saw that Rick

Putino video yes that’s that’s the way that I deal with the loss yes that’s you talk about heartbreak Slow Burn anything that’s how I deal with a loss he uh that that speaking a little college basketball that stuff went crazy uh the Utah State win I know like sprinkle’s my

Guy Utah State I said it from the Geto um big game tonight but did you see how they won that [ __ ] game Dukes fivepoint play fiveo play unbelievable it’s an N2 unbelievable win with that Rick patino and Hurley just going at each other in a war uh the Big 12 every

Night is Just brutally difficult bam is not as bad as as people thought they were I also think there’s a lot of teams in the mix who like we don’t really know if they’re good or not like Clemson’s ranked um BYU like do we really see these teams raising a banner there’s a

Lot to answer with college basketball we’re gonna have Ryan hammer on tomorrow guy does a lot of stuff with analytics watches a lot of teams uh I always like conversating with him we have Ryan hammer on tomorrow for 40 minutes of hell basically last last thing before we

Get to the callers do you are you worried about Houston at all yeah a little bit but like I said I mean you know Marty kept being like oh you can’t go 30 and three they’re just just playing tough games like in a in these conferences did anyone worry about teams

In the Big 12 before this that took losses did anybody worry about teams in the Big East back in the day you’re in the toughest conference you’re bound to take losses but yeah I worry a little bit about Houston they don’t look as as super human as I said they did two weeks

Ago three weeks ago healthy debate still think they’re really good healthy debate they’re just getting used to their roster without Renu right because he’s out for the year two if LJ CER is going to go four for 28 in two games and that’s your best player your best

Offensive weapon then yeah you’re not going to win and they lost both games on the road by less than one possession look at Yukon last year in January they had six losses yeah without a doubt I still if you want to play your best ball

You don’t want to play it in January I think it’s one of those like seat at the table type things I don’t think there’s a lot of teams with a seat at the table right now who can win a National Championship Houston they’re still at

The table they lost two gam on the road and they’re still like one in every they ain’t getting they ain’t getting up for anybody either like somebody comes to the table it’s like hey can I have a seat no no not yet Houston’s still at that table firmly at the table so they

Aren’t just number one in the metrics they’re number one by a lot yeah they play defense man it’s unbelievable defense that travel so all right let’s go second go ahead Phil I want do you think I can barely talk do you think Frank had his best fast ball on Saturday

Because I thought he would throw 92 middle in yeah he’s uh Frank’s Frank’s good I I sucks man I wanted him to see him win but I I still love this mom story like now and it’s now we’ve got a new chapter where Mahomes has to go to

Buffalo he never had to go to Buffalo so I’ve been saying I think Mahomes has Allen’s number I just think it’s something about it he just can’t get over him I got a question to build but now he’s got a go-to Allan little bit of that different chapter I’m

Excited to watch that game and I’m so amped it’s some I almost wish it was reversed and Martin Luther King day was this weekend because like that that Prime you know what I mean like that having that game on a Sunday night is is

How it used to be but uh whatever it is what it is let me teach something up from the chat for you real quick sure so when we were talking about uh Jason Kelce I missed this but uh Jeff Sharp said anybody think that Travis might retire this year and Jason and himself

Ride off into Sunset and build their brand bigger on New Heights I’ve been saying this for he if they don’t win if they don’t win a Super Bowl he turned it down already so it’s not even debate he turn down yet he said he’s not he said

He’s yeah he did I think Travis would be a fool until it’s official he’s he lives on the internet he doesn’t even know this [ __ ] legitimately Travis Kelce said it doesn’t matter if he says it now what happens if he says it after a walk he

Could he could change his mind he could change and his his bag like you know how much he got for those fiser commercials apparently like 30 mil plus so like it’s not like he necessar and he’s with Taylor Swift it’s not like he’s needs to sacrifice his body for yeah he could get

Into he could start a fashion brand with you know with her backing and just by happen stance he’s making a million like millions and millions of dollars think about that if he opened like a men’s half decent brand available at Target or [ __ ] Walmart or H&M yeah agreed like

You’re telling me that girls aren’t going to go buy that stuff for their boyfriend oh you look good in these pants cuz Travis wears them without a doubt but his agents The Rock he’s still a top tight he’s still a top tight end man for sure like I think you and here’s

The thing dude if he had Rogers and Rogers was like 40 years old as his quarterback and chasing okay we got two years this guy in his prime yeah Mahomes is [ __ ] in his prime maybe take do what he did with with grank and [ __ ] Hernandez like gr before Hernandez lost

His marbles you can go to a two tight end type of format he could go out like I know how long did Tony Gonzalez play till like 39 40 he could do that and just be like a Red Zone guy if the Go’s good man I think you look back and like

You can’t leave it when you got a guy like Mahomes the second coming of Brady like no way just keep riding out unless your body’s really like broken down but healthy debate I said this on Twitter on Saturday Patrick Mahomes somehow someway is the most annoying player in the NFL

This season it’s really I don’t even think Up For Debate he’s top two it ain’t two he is so goddamn annoying and infuriating one the way he was bitching and whing and complaining on TV during the peacock game was so so excruciatingly annoying and two the Josh

Allen [ __ ] when he like tried to take away the Bills win over the Chiefs and like doing that whole like all the refs blew that game blah blah like it’s just he somehow has been more insufferable than Britney and Jackson this season yeah my manth [ __ ] Mia dude uh

Had a good year D yo I used to be a Jackson simp dude I used to do his dances he beat the charge I’m still out on Jackson still out on Jackson still out on Jackson like that like still out on Jackson but uh yeah I guess Mahomes has

Been annoying but I think he feels the pressure this year like his wide receivers suck team stinks can’t score in the Red Zone I don’t know maybe he was slow playing this until somebody beats him he’s the Super Bowl champ as far as I’m concerned and I still would

Probably put him ahead of the 49ers and I know that sounds [ __ ] crazy but if it becomes Chiefs 49ers and the Chiefs are a dog give me the Chiefs until he loses and he could so we’ll see and I know people are going to say oh he lost

To the Bucks yeah he did Co year r read Sun that week like I want to see that Super Bowl redone we’ll see what happens can I say can I say a take that’s going to make sound so so so dumb is the Chiefs are such a bad match up for the

Ners and I’ll get there obviously because a Patrick Mahomes because that when they go up Seven nothing the 49ers are not built to come back in games kind of like if Washington jumps out over a lead over Michigan you can’t play your run run run play action pass yeah you

Got to start thr seven I think the that’s you know what I’m saying they’re not seven but you know you go down early 14 whatever the problem is Chiefs just can’t score in the red zone They just kick field goal just look at the 49ers in that Super Bowl once you had jbg

You’re like oh this is like an obvious passing situation obviously they’re were going to lose right interesting we’ll see yeah I I’m just very excited for that game that bills Chiefs game give it to me who do you have super excited Chiefs right now I don’t love it but I’m

A m like Mahomes plus the points I’m gonna do that like when else am I getting that so I know I agree got like I like the mentality I like uh I like Houston outright I I’m rooting for it I think St if it’s stoud Allen that wouldd

Be a fun one too so uh all right let’s go second quarter and uh and load him up we’re little longwinded on that one but we’ll get him going go ahead Rusty Indiana what’s going on Rico what’s up big backing off of the call or the topic

About smokes going out my thing is some athletes you’re either one of two some love to win and others just hate to lose you can’t be both one or the other help be debit interesting yeah I never that’s a saying I never like uh fully

Got I think they kind of go hand in hand yeah you love to win but you also hate to like obviously you hate to lose do you think like someone like Kobe is he did he love to win or he was like hated to lose I think he hated to lose

Terrified of losing I think that’s more the best one’s always yeah but then perpetually terrified of failure so like those old stories with Jordan though he would play you a 100 games until he beat you well that doesn’t gain a lot of clout with me either because when we

Line up same thing like you line up in a Super Bowl there’s one game you don’t get a second chance of oh let’s let’s run it back like you know game seven in basketball and football and even hockey like that [ __ ] line up you got to win

That game so him being like I’ll keep playing you till I lose till I win I didn’t I don’t think I think that’s like over glorified uh but yeah maybe you sold me the best ones really do hate to lose like I think Shaq was a

Guy and he’s a stud but I think he loved winning you know like I think but he could be an all time you could be an alltime great either way it’s just a matter of like what Brady look at this Brady he doesn’t talk about the wins with like Eli Man he

Always says that the losses killed him same and look at there’s a guy within bar that doesn’t like to win he hates to lose who is it doesn’t like to win hates to lose I feel like Dave loves to win because I don’t really think he takes

Many lse so I I don’t think it’s him once you get it’ll make sense give me a hint lost this weekend Oh Frank yeah think about it he only freaks out when I think Frank loves losing weirdly like I think it’s like a bad toxic X yeah like he like likes that do

You think he’s a little like I know he doesn’t play it up for the cameras because I’ve seen like he did he would do this [ __ ] for for for 10 yeah but there there is a part like there’s some part where just like he know he knows at this point

Where like oh they losing like I’m going to put out a banger yeah he 100% knows just like reiding what he’s going to say yeah he’s gotten a little bit better with that where he really only saves it when it’s really getting bad he used to

Flip out like all game it was tough but Frank’s the best yeah tough another tough loss so I don’t know I don’t know where you go with this the real story to me is like what do you do if you’re the Steelers because you got a great coach

But you just don’t have a good quarterback yet picket could be the guy but there’s seven or eight other quarterbacks in the AFC like they’re in kind of no man’s land they keep making the playoffs Steelers are in a tough tough spot but uh dues give me the next one Biz

California Bic what’s upo what’s going on yeah yeah first time long time hey I got one for you with a guy like Chay I was watching that stream last night is it okay to put the banishment on a friend like that watching the games yeah he is unbearable well I would

Have put the ban on him for other reasons but uh yeah he’s pretty pretty pretty insufferable watching games it it’s pretty bad man I mean if I was if I was Max I would have decapitated him Max Max is not a guy I like poke fun at Max in the World Series

Somehow and he he’s there is no like joking around with Max he takes that [ __ ] super serious so I got another quick one for you yeah go ahead it’s it’s better to be on the truck than the engine shout out to all the fire firefighters uh I never had the pleasure

Of uh regularly being uh one of the truck guys but I would like to say that putting it out is not as bad man putting it out it’s a lot of fun yeah breing the doors man appreciate it yeah but a Halligan’s not gonna save you from

A burn man I’d like to have some water on my side you know what I mean that’s fair yeah hey come out to California you fight fires without water uh oh that doesn’t sound like yeah doesn’t sound feasible wildland firefighter man you cut line yeah it does doesn’t sound fire feasible

But good luck man stay safe uh D give me the next one Mike Hoboken yo Rico what’s going on what’s up yo um just listening talking about um sulen in those losses like after a football game so division three there’s a frat mostly football not all football on Saturdays they can’t they

Can’t even open on Friday if they lose they don’t they don’t open they don’t party healthy debate for The Other Guys in that frat like how would you feel like sounds like a bunch of Losers depends you’re not on the team go party like you’re a loser like I said dude like we we’d still go out it’s just one of those don’t act like an [ __ ] like it was always it’s that much worse when you go out to your coach and like you come back

Somebody gets a fight somebody gets written up like you know whatever it’s like you did it after a loss after a win he could kind of be like all right it’s like well you lost you should be back in the gym you know what I mean like so

Just don’t act like an [ __ ] but yeah you you only have a certain amount of of days man you only have a certain amount of Saturday nights and you can’t go out and you can’t go out Thursday Friday yeah you lose but just be subd these guys go like

Two for eight to yeah you lose just be subdued yeah I think I think they that such loser [ __ ] guys in the fraternity can’t like have a party throw a party or whatever because the football team loses because they suck like it’s D3 football yeah how

Many guys in the Frat yeah like I remember dating like the Frat that like the frats that I was and I was friends with the kids on the football team but the football guys in the Frat guys they didn’t really get along that well but I always remember the first week after the

Football season when they could go to the bars on like that Thursday or Wednesday they always go nuts that was yeah midnight madness was that Thursday it was like it was coming of age nuts oh it was unbelievable yeah we we yeah yeah not yeah all right thanks guys being in

Season full semester is tough very tough you lose all Thursdays and Fridays uh all right let’s go halftime uh and then pull the LeBron thing because I’m actually on LeBron side and then we’ll come out of it okay Yeah I give you credit these are some of the hardest ones I’ve ever had need an answer in five I don’t know it oh [ __ ] I’m a mess and you know how many times I’m going to have to say no tonight I’m married you know too Many DM it to uh I’m just pulling it up real quick DM it to the account here thano good all right perfect that uh no it’s fine that uh video full video is up now shout out Jeff DLo for writing those questions on short notice shout out Frank uh some

Tough I said it I did not expect those questions very very tough so shout out uh Jeff good to challenge yourself uh thanks everybody who came up do we have the Phil you have it now you’re muted he sent it to the Twitter account right so we can pull it

Up no it’s all good came through yeah so somebody basically yeah somebody kind of approaches LeBron here watch wait for this so he’s on the end of the bench go ahead Phil That’s [ __ ] Crazy that [ __ ] that that [ __ ] just doesn’t happen run back one more time no you’re good cuz it’s long you get the you get the sense of it but he gets there yeah that’s that [ __ ] just doesn’t happen like absolute brutal for the uh yeah lower that do we lose that perfect

Absolutely brutal for the security team and I’ll give LeBron credit um kind of handled himself pretty well now if it came down to like if he ever thought he was threatened I think LeBron takes pretty much everybody but for a guy who gives is fast to give LeBron L’s I’ll

Give him a win on that one uh handling himself with composure but L to the security team you can’t let a guy especially with some problems we’ve had you can’t let a guy get that close also some other laughs from over the weekend did you see mad dog got Uh I blogged

That mad dog got ripped off that he was that uh Andy Reid was going to Tire before the game no I can put up it’s F that audio and then he also got hit with uh what else did he get nailed with oh this was a great one he’s doing the

Recap for the games with uh the playoffs and he’s talking about the weather with the bills and [ __ ] like that and he’s like Dallas you know 39 degrees down there it’s going to be cold they’ll be battling the elements we’ll wait to see what happens Dallas plays in a [ __ ] Dome like

Chris like what are you talking about uh he’s the best absolute best uh all right dude give me one do you want his audio the Andy Reid audio uh let’s see well it’s got yeah his music at the end of it you could get whatever but he B he says

Jety says Andy Reid is going it’s from a fake Adam shefer report so he says Andy Reid is gonna retire before the game it’s a playoff game says he’s gonna retire before the game Russo’s the best um what do you got good all right dues go ahead Mike

Jersey Rico you hear me yeah now I do all right fantastic uh before I start my healthy debate I I want to apologize to duges last week I I made a joke that dudes was sandbagging me on the audio oh thank you I remember now we apologize

Dud I I heard I heard you last week I I was busting chops I’m sorry so is I I just want to show who’s got the power here I’m I was a little power hungry I’m sorry Mike I I respect I’m sorry I respect it dud I’m sorry no I’m

Sorry you can go uh healthy debate Rico uh if what if you were like old myth and let’s say kein got hired in the next year or two would you look at a guy like Prime you’re a lower like b c tier program in the SEC you’re never going to be on par

With Texas Bama Etc Etc at what point do you say well let’s just get the big brand brand name and go all in and try and win ah get your point with that because then you can get like he’s going to recruit it’s a lot of Storylines also keep all Ben mint related reasons out yeah yeah yeah I don’t know man I thought Prime he had a nice little run for a month like we like Dion there’s a lot of baggage on that team at at the end of the year like they

Could we couldn’t figure out what was going on with the OC he had a problem there I feel like he’s been a head coach one year in in mass in in the in the major programs let’s let’s let him get to a bowl before we start thrown his name out for Old

Miss he hit his win total in year one heit he he did hit his win total but if you’re talking about now taking the step to like compete for national titles that’s different I’d like to see more success with that if you’re just saying you want him to sell tickets and be a

Show then yeah Old Miss in places like that should go look for him cuz Old Miss is on the long shot to win a National Title the same with like a Vanderbilt or a um who’s a programing the Big 12 IA State like that’s a long shot program he

Takes his quarterback he takes Travis Hunter he takes shador he takes uh Shiloh he takes all his studs they put him on Old Miss that’s that’s a three loss team at the worst in my opinion right like he has no Talent at Colorado like just on the offensive line like

He’s clearly but coaches win games too and I like not not a lot of them it is a is much on the athletes but you don’t see him potentially being co coached out of a few games a little bit I mean just with the experience I

Gave him three losses I feel saying he’ be coached out yeah I don’t know i’ like I need to see a little bit more success but to your point yes I do think programs like that should just take a chance on a guy the same way like I think if you’re a squander

Division one program take a shot on a guy like dor or the guy from Eastern Washington or an FCS program that’s just killing it like you know what the guy just wins why why not all these other D1 names that are just getting rotated around or maybe we get the guy who’s the

Offensive coordinator at Tennessee and he wants a head job if I’m at South Alabama or I’m at Jack uh James Madison or this place or that place like you know Marshall and all these like take a shot on a guy from FCS who wins a lot of

Games and give him his shot somewhere along the line S somebody gave Sabin their first shot you know what I mean like I don’t know I just think the Recycled washing machine of these coaches because they’re at a big program let’s think outside the box so it worked

For the boore so who knows not going to work for everything but yeah uh Prime is an interesting uh combo I will say that I I don’t know what to make of it but yeah I would take a shot on him uh at a place that needs to make some noise Payton Cedar

Rapids R BOS how you doing today what’s going on good well I told you last week I said hey there’s no there’s no sure thing with a bet but the chiefs were I think they had that one the back last week the peacock game with Taylor Swift there I

Didn’t see them bowing out in the wild card so now I’m looking ahead this week and obviously it’s not it’s not a hot take or anything but I think it’s pretty evident that Detroit moves on and you were talking about it a little bit already I think we know it in our heart

That the Chiefs are winning twoo as well so I I think you know if you really get on those two teams this week I think those are your for sure bets in the NFLs this coming week and then I also want to talk to you about some basketball yeah I

Don’t love listen I don’t love the CH there’s I think it’s the Chiefs to lose even as bad as they’ve looked until the Chiefs lose I’m still going to think they can win the Super Bowl and even when they lose I’m be like that wasn’t real you know it’s like when the

Patriots used to get knocked out or when the Lakers were running [ __ ] and they were just and then they get knocked or The Warriors like when the Warriors lost to the Raptors I was like wait they still got a shot here in this series

Like I was amazed by that one so but the Chiefs have looked like [ __ ] so I’m not as I’m just watching that I don’t really have a strong feeling about it if you ask me momes plus money um is one of those things that’s like uh a full moon

You don’t see it very often so I would back Mahomes because you’re not going to get that chance ever with them as a uh on a plus sign so yeah I’m leaning Chiefs but man they look good they look bad dude and the bills look pretty good

Um Chiefs can’t kick they just keep kicking field goals I think that could be their demise with a buffalo team that could score going to Buffalo adds a different element you know that place is going to be Rowdy they’re going to have the snow cleared out unless the snow is

Eight feet again but they’ll have the snow cleared out that place will be packed again Buffalo’s been waiting for them this is the hump they can’t get over the Chiefs keep ruining it 12 seconds the other game before that the year before the Chiefs have their number

I think the bills will be dialed in here and this could be a classic uh ask me who I’m picking yeah it’s the Chiefs but I don’t feel good about it man because they have not looked good and that’s a rare form or sentence to say in the last five years because the

Chiefs have look really good uh give me college basketball yeah you’re right you’re right I’m tuning I’m tuning out all the things he said except for one momes plus odds I think we know in our hearts he gets it done uh two games I’m looking at tonight Indiana has some rest behind him

I think plus nine and a half that’s a lot of points kind of fishy but I don’t think you I don’t think you should look too much into it I think Indiana covers that with potential for before I win and then also Arkansas at home tonight

They’ve looked so bad I hate to say it but I think plus three and a half tonight or plus three whatever you can get that at I think they have potential to win too tonight yeah Arkansas Arkansas at home is is much different desperate desperate team I yeah I think

Ed’s taking names man kicking ass and taking names and and he’s brutal to to cover uh they put he put on a clinic the other day I worry about Indiana in that game makes sense at home like super super rivalry but I really could see Purdue uh putting it on him tonight so

We’ll see Ian Purdue but I like the other one I like Arkansas it’s a good pick uh all right sounds good hey have a good one uh all right let’s go fourth quarter and empty them out dude they still calling in end with four that’s perfect ready yeah Catherine Maine

Oh up hi Rico how are you hello how are you dear I’m well thank you I wanted to call back in it’s been a couple weeks since we last spoke about you know paid time off in the workplace and I also talk to you about wedding wedding stuff

Okay yes so I know I know you’re a big wedding guy um and as a married man yourself I want to get your opinion or healthy debate per se about the planning portion when it comes to the role of the groom so you see a lot times where the

Woman or the bride will just plan everything and just kind of go from there but I really want this day to be about both me and my fiance so helpy debate what is a good role for him to really narrow in on and so he still has

That say but not get overwhelmed and I also don’t want him to pick something stupid yeah I did I I was probably the right uh I was like the right mix of that because I didn’t get so here’s here’s where I’m at with that I think

You got to Corner him um and say what really matters to you about this day and yeah I mean I don’t want to you know if he’s just like hey it really matters to me about drinking Co lights with the groomsman before the uh the wedding maybe reconsider like he you know he

Could be a good guy but like maybe reconsider what the wedding thing is all about like maybe take him to double pre you know and like say hey this is a parnership um but no like to me I didn’t really care about the flower placements uh didn’t really care about the

Centerpieces didn’t really care about lighting and different stuff like that but ask him what matters and it could be as little or as big like to me I told the photographer no questions asked I need you to get these two photos figure out however you want to angle it the

Minute she walks down the aisle I want my face and I want her image like both I want both the first time I see it and like Mark Mark that photo and let me know like that was the one you know like okay I wanted that I knew I needed a

Good DJ like that was I knew that from day one red flag if he says he wants a wedding raffle a a wedding raffle yeah like we’ve been big proponents of wedding Raffles on this program I’m not sure I I can’t say I’ve ever heard of that concept until just

Now the only thing where there where there’s a oh okay I was gonna say the only thing I know of with a monetary value is um like the dollar dance where you pay to dance with the the bride or the room oh never heard of that yeah

Never heard that that’s kind of cool no that maybe that’s a New England thing I don’t know but that’s I listen I think you know that if you bog him down and say like what color napkins do we want a guy is going to be

Like let me watch let me watch the game like we just don’t care but ask him what he wants like walking in is there an instrumental piece of music that maybe his grandmother used to play on the violin like can you pull that out of him and we’re like tough we’re tough like

We’re we’re tough to to get info out we’re guys we don’t want to like share [ __ ] so you’re gonna have to like pull it out of him but find out what he matters about and just ask and say listen these are like what do you want

To get out of this wedding or what are some things that looking or other weddings that you went to and said all that kind of sucked or that was really good um yeah yeah like I put I I don’t want say put my foot down but like I suggested the rehearsal dinner two

Nights before nobody wants to be out the night before late yeah that’s my advice big advice for that one nobody wants to be out the night before you wake up hung over the day of your wedding give yourself a buffer in between especially if people are traveling Friday you could

Play golf girls can go to the spa people can sit around the hotel get in a little late like do the rehearsal dinner two nights before if you get married on a Saturday my advice but yeah yeah we are getting married in Saturday I do the

Rehearsal was on yeah it was supposed to be 111 we had to bump it up a week so it’s 10:25 now because okay only this is what’s Wild all four month months of fall into winter there was one group that had booked up the date that we

Wanted it was the Daughters of the American Revolution and I offered to pay them off and to join their little society and they said no we want this date which day did you want you wanted 111 I wanted 111 because it just it just looks kind of cool on paper it was right

Before daylight savings so everybody would get an extra hour after our wedding but now we’re doing 102 five and people are all butt hurt saying well you’re going to mess up Halloween parties and I said [ __ ] your Halloween my wedding all right hold on that’s starts too we can get into this we

Probably already passed Halloween season I’m pretty sure yeah we did right but uh healthy debate so Halloween next year is on a Friday or this year is on a 31st let’s see um I’m looking at this year is on a Thursday so next year is on a Friday our wedding on the Saturday

Before oh all right so 2025 you’re married next year yeah Halloween weekend is not the weekend before it’s not ex exactly it’s not the weekend before you go out Thursday Friday Saturday and that’s enough even Saturday is a little stretching but you do not go out the

Week before no no no thank you yes but to answer your question yeah you um you gotta kind of pull it out of them you gota be like you know just tell me what matters I won’t bog you down you got to know you can’t bog him down with the

Stuff that has no change of his life like the napkin col agree he’s not going to give like I would ask you know yeah like ask him stuff that matters like if the photographer is forcing like do you want to do a first look you know like ask him

What he really wants with that DJ uh groomsman’s like suit like different stuff he should have an opinion on he shouldn’t just be like yeah whatever it’s your wedding too so stuff that stuff that matters to him fig out tried to tell him right yeah that’s a good

Idea I’m gonna have to ask him in a in a very non-confrontational way and just kind of see what what matters to him that’s really good advice the food like there’s certain things he should care about the food you go taste the food um

Again the DJ or the band like you got to do that entrances stuff like that like what matters what do you want to dance with or your mom when do you want to do that do we want to like honor people like what do you want to put on the

Invitation different things like that matter certain things don’t so you know we we can’t we can’t be bogged down with uh with too many decisions would be my advice okay I think that’s really I think that’s good advice I think that’s absolutely fair and I will definitely be

Considering those in the coming months check in with us absolutely I love chat with you guys healthy debate Catherine sounds like a catch by the way so this guy better get his ACC I’m pretty great yeah I’m not gonna lie I’m pretty [ __ ] great so I’m wondering if the chat thanks so much

Yeah don’t worry the chat will have chat’s probably like oh my God it’s a girl it’s a girl yeah the chat will have your socials in like a half hour they [ __ ] Savages n chat’s been pretty Pro uh Catherine yeah I agree yeah no we having some fun Catherine uh yeah get

Him in order and uh you know we’ll check in with you as we go Liam Louisville we lose him Rico yo all right uh I didn’t listen to Pig Central today uh I don’t really have anything to debate with you about I just wanted to feed you some of my uh College

Basketball picks for tonight and uh see what you think okay go ahead all all right uh what do you think about Pittsburgh money line who do they have uh they’re at home against uh cuse I like it Syracuse has not been good they score a lot though kind like that

Over uh Baylor money line yeah that’s a weird one I gotta back my guys at K State isn’t Baylor a dog that line should tell that’s fish nine yeah uh I think K State K State gets the big signature win they’ve been sitting on the bubble these teams on the

Bubble usually get a big win I I like K State there and I love Bor uh what about uh Kent State who do they got uh they’re at uh Northern Illinois go with Kent State I’m gonna ride you uh St John spread love it St John’s at seat hle St are they favored

Yeah St John’s favored how many two yeah uh one and a half yeah I can’t win in this one because the St John’s people are mad at me the seen Hall people are mad at me St John’s has been traveling I think patino wasn’t happy with the loss

To kraton um he’s fired up yeah St John’s St John’s it’s gonna be a lot of Johnny fans too yeah 100% that would be a really good game to go to I know Frank was trying to go to that uh that’d be a really good game to go to

Tonight and then uh last one uh what about Kansas yeah I actually I like n i mean money line you’re laying a lot of point I I don’t you’re laying lot of juice I should say uh I do like Kansas Oklahoma state is a tough place to go but there’s

Very few like must have it wins in the Big 12 I think Oklahoma State’s towards the bottom end of that big 12 Kansas goes and gets it done I would lay the points all right all right didn’t expect him to say any of those games I I wouldn’t want other people’s opinions

When I’m giving the bets I I credit all these people who give the calls but they think I’m an you know I’m not an expert uh but I wouldn’t want anybody to talk me out of it it’s only when I’m like I only like ask I’m gonna place my bet

Anyway so credit to them but uh all right give me the last one two more what you got two two more guys that you know they call in a lot so Gary Queens Gary what up Rico what’s up after Katherine’s call I gotta I gotta ask maybe a possible movie script the

Weedding planner to starring you and you know fall in love with some love interest chice could be a good I don’t know I don’t know if I have the uh the time for that I’m sure Catherine sounds lovely but I’ll be honest I don’t I just

Don’t have the time to try to it could be it could be Kate Upton calling in man I don’t know if I have the time for that so no disrespect to Catherine I just can’t be juggling juggling life uh hand you handled it well yeah yeah I mean

Tried to give her a compliment she does sound like a sounds like a catch you know so this guy he’s if it’s bothering her if he’s not involved he’s got to get his act together uh but hey I I know you I probably know you’re going with this question yeah he did get

Fouled no not even like I I’m taking the high road like patino I mean you just look at the numbers it’s absolutely ridiculous I expect the home whistle but 20 to eight and two of kraton fouls one was intentional when they were just trying to give one at the end one was a

Technical right so really it was 2 to six I mean I expect a home whistle going to Omaha but that was a little ridiculous but you know we’re onto the hall tonight I expect us to come out with our hair on fire and kick their ass

Um my healthy debate though I I didn’t want really call to talk Johnny today was how bad is snow if you don’t have a snow debt horrible it’s the worst it’s the biggest annoyance the biggest annoyance in the world this morning you know I get out to

My car 6:00 a.m. it’s still dark out car’s covered in snow and I’m having an issue with my the button on my car alarm to hold my car so I have to unlock the door with a key like my my car’s a little older um so I do that start my

Car get the brush start wiping off my car close my door now I’m locked out of my car oh all all because the snow so I spent an hour trying to Jimmy it not that type of guy couldn’t do it had to call somebody to come you know a

Lockmith you know just the snow ruined my whole morning when I really I wanted to have a nice easy day almost a three-day weekend and get ready for the Johnny tonight so I’m fired up and ready to to kick some seed ho ass because the snow just really ruined my yeah Gary’s

Coming with a Vengeance yeah it’s tough man that you got to get the second key somewhere too I’m sure you have it and you just don’t know where you put it I I can’t find it there you go welcome to the world uh that’s how it goes but yes

Snow is a massive snow days as a kid was yeah now they took snow days away from kids they took them away [ __ ] crazy with the like oh we could do this [ __ ] on Zoom it’s pointless um yeah snow my small amounts of snow nothing worse nothing bigger no bigger annoyance in

The world just like either cancel my work can’t just stay home yeah yeah it’s pointless it’s pointless the worst the worst my last point and you talked about it earlier was I really think going into March Madness this year and you we’re seeing it early but I really think you

Can throw the seeds out like yes obviously obviously the you know the 14 15 16 you’ve already seen those upsets but I think once you get into the dance like the seeds aren’t going to matter I don’t you know I could see all ones going out second weekend or earlier I

Mean you could see a final four with you know sevens and sixes I mean it’s just it’s just been crazy and a lot of parody and for it’s going to make for if I offered you if I offered you this prop right now would you take it no one seeds

To make the final four absolutely yeah I think I would because like the top unless the only one that really terrifies me would be Connecticut like fading Connecticut but Houston can lose Kansas can lose who else is slated for a one right now Kansas slated for one they’re in the

Discussion me Purdue Purdue Purdue can lose tene can lose when are you going to start taking us seriously I liked you on Friday night we’re three yeah Dayton’s a three I don’t know if they have enough to get a one do you smell that smells like 2020 but they could easily lose too

Because they’re a onean agreed who no don’t get them fired up Gary it’s home Gary Gary we had four we had five guys double- digit scores against you guys it’s crazy it’s insane like we have guys that can go off any night couldn’t care L yeah yeah yeah but yeah I would I

Would take the prop it’s wide open this year we’re going to talk to Ryan Hammer tomorrow the analytics I just think there’s the same thing like I I think uh I’ve heard I think Mark said it a few times the confetti test like could you see this team pulling down the confetti

And it’s no could you see BYU down patino yeah I could I I really well I said yeah I could see St John’s could lose clearly they can but I can see St John obviously yeah could you see them my last one last one for you Rico I need your advice

Again so I I asked last week I I ended up taking Kansas City to win the AFC okay so now I’m holding Buffalo plus 1300 to win the AFC which I put in early December I’m holding Kansas City plus 500 to win the AFC so obviously one of

Them is gonna move on do I hope Houston wins and then I could just moneyline Houston and kind of an easy hedge against the winner of Buffalo Kansas City can’t really take ball Baltimore right now or do I just have no don’t take don’t take Baltimore hope can’t

Hope Houston wins obviously uh but I think that spread is going to be very very close and you could take a small hedge on Buff on uh [ __ ] on uh Baltimore in the AFC Championship game all things considered yeah I’m with dubes though I think Houston’s gonna win out right it’d be

It’d be something Baltimore frauds come playoff time yeah a little bit different this year but they led a lot of teams in games there’s always one upset hasn’t played in four weeks Gary yep Gary Lamar is not proven in the playoffs there’s somebody coming off a

By you’re saying right coming off a by hasn’t played that’s how the Jets got the A Spot Houston is in a spot that’s how the Jets got the Pats that time yeah I think that there’s always like an upset in the playoffs I think it’s this

One more likely than the ners losing to the Packers yeah so uh yeah I’m rooting for you that’s a good spot to have two teams playing each other you’re at least holding one into the AFC so I’m look get the ones I’m just G to go through the

Ones really quick could you see Purdue no no I’m I’m saying not make the final four just I’m saying could you see them win it yeah I could see Purdue win it Houston yeah North Carolina yeah obviously dude they are so good it’s it’s Carolina though no matter what they

Could have you in the back court it’s Carolina they basically do yeah think cour M Ryan uh Yukon yes yeah that is Tennessee whis Kansas Arizona the twos whis whis’s really good but they’re com they’ve been so I just feel like something goes against them they just

Have bad odds like bad breaks they should have they in those years of the Arizona years you know even the Duke year they finally get to the championship game brutal comeback who are the threes that’s where it starts Taylor Auburn Dayton Illinois so maybe I

Could see all of them win I could I don’t know if I could see Illinois winning without Shannon but maybe that’s a better story what he’s kind of free maybe that’s a better story what are the fours Marquette Duke Kentucky San Diego stadi yeah so there are a lot that you

Could see but there’s you know there’s a lot ton of those five and six seeds that move way the five that I can’t see is Memphis I can see Memphis I think they’re really good yeah that I don’t know they don’t do it for me on the eye

Test or the metrics uh we’ll see yeah it’s a tough conference but uh all right give me the last one good call Gary um he dropped but I think this is Fitz and Cincy go ahead yo R what’s up what’s up all right so I called in last week talking

Browns and they’re [ __ ] they have cap hell to come they keep trying to say that they’re gon to win a playoff game and it’s like everyone I need to know healthy debate where is the accountability for people that were saying the Browns were going to be playing the Ravens in the AFC

Championship where are all these Sports personalities that were saying that the Browns are going to keep winning these playoffs games they have to win the first one and Baker’s the only one that’s done it for them so healthy debate I just don’t know why people thought the Browns were going to win

They have they don’t show up in big games well yeah that that’s part of being the Browns you could say the same about the Lions the Lions just showed up in a big game uh yeah I think we were all fools for thinking that father time was never was Flaco was gonna outrun

Father Time anything else no yeah no I I mean I just I Lally on Central on every show that I watched people were saying oh Browns are going to take care of business Joe Flaco’s good it’s like buddy he’s 30 years old he looked like

He was ready to cry on the bench when he was playing against Houston yeah like it’s just that’s the only thing and then the kind of the question I have going off that because I kind of need to just get that out is that Healy debate how

Much is too much when relishing in like a rival team’s demise because all my Browns fans like friends that I went to college with I posted like two or three things not a single word from any of them no fight they’re just they’re done for so healthy debate how much is too

Much when relishing and like think it’s another rival you you have to have had some some success coming as a Mets fan who used to just laugh at the Yankees losses the Mets didn’t win [ __ ] so they have that trump card for you like so uh you know like

Uh Louisville when was when was Louisville’s last basketball title 2013 yeah they won it right after Kentucky it doesn’t exist anymore I know it doesn’t exist but can so like Louisville making fun of kuy’s you know demise cuz Louisville is a mess right now but when Kentucky goes out the first

Round Louisville has at least they won a championship the Yankees and Red Sox like you can’t just make fun of the Yankees if you didn’t win championship so you kind of have to had some success if if not teams would be like at least we made the playoffs which what the

Yankees usually say to the Mets um so you know a healthy amount I guess would I would say in the demise but uh that’s definitely 2013 there you go yeah and Kentucky won in 2012 so there you go so uh yeah good call all right uh Jessica let’s go to minrol okay

All right if you went deaf what’s the one sound you would missed the most oh man probably chain Net basketball going through a chain net or somebody ripping a [ __ ] monster F all right uh or even the sound of your own [ __ ] when you barely make it to

The [ __ ] yeah your the toilet and your own bomb yeah it’s good stuff [ __ ] when you’re playing Rock pepper scissor do you go best two out of three or just straight up two out of three okay uh you could transport one Furious elephant into any point in history where

Would you put it elephants in their Ang you’re very to stom out entire Villages oo probably uh Germany 1939 maybe for obvious reasons um if you were a fashion icon but like in your own style right now like what your style was was what

Put you on the map in that sense what is one part of your everyday day attire that you would like to be adopted and be a staple I’m going to adjust and go back like not even today I’m going to go back used to wear two

T-shirts uh like out like the colar most no like just regular t-shirts like what why it was like a look I kind of took and then a blue on top or something like that yeah like and you would curl the sleeve a little bit it was like kind of

A look you would make it match like with the graphic on the outer one like if you had maroon and gray I would wear a maroon underneath kind of my cousin was doing it it was like their style in public schools and then I kind of took

It so maybe bring that back normalize two T-shirts also or just sweatsuits at all times I like the sweatsuits at all times all right gun to your head you have to sing one song Perfectly can’t miss a note or lyric to save your life what’s the song you choose happy birthday I’m

Going be a [ __ ] happy birthday would you rather be 3 feet tall or 9 ft tall nine I think there’s there’s plus and minuses of both for sure but nine three would be easier for I think if you’re taller the daytoday like getting through doorways and stuff would

Be both have problems like you you’re nine feet you can’t have a couch that fits you can’t have a bed that fits but three feet tall you got to [ __ ] reach up for it’s tough I think that’s tough too so but uh both sides I see it it’s a

Good healthy debate uh all right check us out tomorrow uh good show today Ryan hammer uh college basketball guy we’ll have him on basically 40 minutes a hell kind of squeeze some calls in at the end um rder con videos live we’ll get that rder con videos live uh go check everything out

Like And subscribe everybody loves healthy debate see you tomorrow


  1. Lmao yeah this show and Rico are dead. This is what happens when you try to get a guy fired for no reason at all. Karma is a bitch. 😛

  2. Dan Patrick show on the way to work
    Healthy debate on the way home. I didn’t pick this lifestyle it was given to me. No complaints on my end.

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