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OVE: Michigan Football Coach Jim Harbaugh Worried About Getting Fired!

If the roles were reversed, and Ohio State Football Coach Ryan Day did exactly what Jim Harbaugh did, would he have been fired from the Ohio State Buckeyes? Did Jim Harbaugh avoid getting canned because he is winning (after winning the 2023 National Championship and going undefeated)? Also, should the Wolverines meet his demands as he pursues the NFL and Jim Harbaugh to the Las Angeles Chargers seems closer to getting done or should they tell him to kick rocks?

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Ohio has a vibrant sports culture with a strong presence in both college and professional sports. In terms of college sports, Ohio is home to several renowned universities that have successful athletic programs. The Ohio State University Buckeyes, in particular, are widely recognized for their football team, which consistently ranks among the top contenders in the NCAA. Additionally, the University of Cincinnati Bearcats and the Xavier University Musketeers have established themselves as competitive forces in basketball.

In terms of professional sports, Ohio boasts teams in all major sports leagues. The Cleveland Browns and the Cincinnati Bengals represent the state in the NFL, while the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Cincinnati Reds are iconic franchises in the NBA and MLB respectively. Ohio also has a beloved NHL team, the Columbus Blue Jackets, who have gained a loyal fan base.

The state’s passion for sports is evident through its dedicated fan bases, enthusiastic crowds, and the many talented athletes who have emerged from Ohio. From notable figures like LeBron James and Urban Meyer to the successful high school sports scene, Ohio truly embraces the spirit of competition and sportsmanship.

Here we go we are live the OV podcast Radio veteran the Tor Along With Sam groom 17-year veteran MLB Kent merker I could name the teams but we only have about an hour or so on the show and from Mena Sports Chris Drew what’s up fellas

We got a big show Harbaugh wants special treatment the Eagles D makes Baker Mayfield look like an all pro the Bears have a good problem and the Blue Jackets and Elvis heading for a divorce that will be segment two Sammy what do we got going on today all right first topic

Today you touched on it Jim Harbaugh wants to get out of jail free card uh apparently has gone in contract negotiation once some kind of verbiage put in that in the extension that if he is to be terminated for any purpose that would have come up in the in the NCAA

Investigation over the last couple of years that he would still and if he were to be fired would still get the buyout instead of being terminated for calls and no money he’s an arrogant son of a [ __ ] isn’t he I mean through this entire thing this dude I got to hand it

To him he’s got a pair on him he acts like there’s nothing in the world that’s going on I should get a contract without termination I get every give me the show me the money and we we mentioned this a couple weeks ago guys where the original

Contract in December was offered to him had too many Clauses in it so he turned it down they went back to the drawing board and that’s kind of where they’re at now where they’ve been trying to reach out to him uh he interviewed with the Chargers yesterday and this ongoing

Thing with him listen obviously he knows the rules in college football where he’s kind of playing like politician stupid where everyone under him Conor stallions everybody else did the wrong doing he’s kind of like the Mafia Don’t Tell me about the hit I’m gonna play stupid and

He’s doing a pretty good job because in his mind he thinks if I don’t know anything nothing happened but unfortunately for Jim that are not the rule right those aren’t the rules it’s it’s just comical looking back if you’re a Michigan fan I guess you embrace it

And love it but for the rest of us in reality world it’s like man this dude is he’s out there something’s going on there I don’t know if he’s on the magic mushrooms with Aaron Rogers in his closet for two weeks or what but there’s something special going on in in Jim

Harbaugh te dude he’s three and 0 the last three years against Ohio State period he’s bulletproof he’s hilarious this is going to go down as the as the funniest tenure of any Michigan coach ever yeah he got the win but he’s been a goofball the whole way through I mean you start off

To the Rivalry by going 0 and five people want you fired you fake Co for the team you Hunter Conor stallions you build a whole network you cheat your ass off for three straight years pretend you don’t know you get suspended for six of the total 12 games of your your final

Season um at Michigan and then during contract negotiations not only it’s not just that you want to be bulletproof from the NCAA investigation he also had a clause in there there he this is guys he wants the buyout not to kick in until February 15th so that and if an NFL team

Wants to hire him they have to they get to pay less money that’s like you going to getting married inviting your side chick to the wedding saying I do but I only want this to kick in in case me and the side chick can’t work out is that

Okay yeah it’s he’s diabolical and he’s a weirdo but he just won a championship and like Mark said he’s won the last three against Ohio State so he’s bulletproof but man doesn’t change him for being a [ __ ] goofball you know what he is he’s a villain in an Austin

Powers movie right he’s Dr doofen Schurz from from Phineas and Ferb he is he’s not smart enough to be like a bond get that reference I get the reference yeah on one Schurz on one hand like I I get it like he’s never going to have more leverage than he has right this

Minute so like I I completely get it when it comes to negotiations but I also seem to remember this [ __ ] got up on the stage after winning a natti saying that they were they weren’t guilty of anything so so we’re innocent why are we even having this conversation it’s incredible it’s

Amazing to me and Chris we can have two is when he was 0 and five and urban leaves he talks trash and calls Ryan Day Bor born on third base which he kind of was but you’re 0 and5 against Ohio State and you continue to talk trash against

Ohio State the arrogance this entire time of we forget too the allegations on Conor stallion with all the ads and the Big 10 getting together except for Michigan’s ad and then Harbaugh saying we’re gonna Sue we’re gonna sue the Big 10 we’re gonna come after the Big 10

Then the Big 10 hands Jim Harbaugh and Michigan like 14 pages of info and then he goes all right I’ll take the three games I mean it’s absolutely I don’t think you know TV’s been pretty bad I saw a bunch of uh they had the Emmys the

Other night and it was a bunch of dramas up for comedy like the bear I think Jim Harbaugh would actually be a good comedic show like he’s kind of like coach and dog was it Dober remember the TV show Coach and you had the dimwitted assist like Jerry Van djk and and the

Guy who voices uh Patrick on uh SpongeBob he would be coach like the updated coach and Jim Harbaugh comes in with all his little Sidekicks he’s a cartoon he’s actually a cartoon character he’s the guy in the sitcom that when he would walk in the room and

Every would cheer and he’d have some stupid catchphrase like urel did you know like I think we could we should uh we should Workshop this and come up with it maybe maybe sell it to somebody some [ __ ] in Michigan bules did I do that was that kles catch yeah

If URL was white and a college football coach you get hard ball I can’t tell I can’t tell if he’s just super unaware all the time or if he’s diabolical like I can’t I can’t decide because like he’s because I don’t think he has the I don’t

Think he has big enough balls to go and put this contract in front of the ad and said this is what it is I think he’s so unaware that he thinks that that’s fair almost but I can’t tell I think I think and I know I brought this up a few shows

Ago and and I don’t know the number but the revenues and and the donations and the kick-ins from the alumni from past it’s huge apparently what car Ball’s generated there he has Leverage ad has no power over the boosters and the alumni right because at the end of

The day if they start pulling back money for nil and those type things the collective directives they maybe the thought of losing four and five star guys because donors aren’t donating he’s got as much leverage to your point Sam as he’s ever gonna have and he’s just again he’s either a genius

He’s crazy he’s a combo of the two something but he’s like f you man I’ll do whatever yeah here you said he’s got a pair and he pulls him out before he goes into all these meetings like they have to not only listen to him they got to stare at his

Nuts he pulls it out at the end of the date to aane that’s it even ask to come in the house he just pulls it out in the car that’s it I mean and I think by the way trick going back a couple years when emmer was the the former president of

The NCA right yeah he he kind of just left and I think the new guy took over last year yeah Mr Baker yeah Mr Baker so Mr Baker’s kind of like it’s a perfect ending for these guys well I can’t really do anything I just got here I

Wasn’t president when it was bad two and a half years ago so that’s kind of on emmer yeah but he’s gone like this is gonna go away but Burker the NCAA the NCAA just slammed Florida State pretty bad pretty bad for some level two violations these Michigan violations are

Level one and and there’s more than one of them which is it brings in in was it inability or uh inal control institutional control so thank you I know Fus has talked about that is that if you have multiple level one violations within a certain period of

Time it puts that on the table and you want to talk about the NCAA com and putting their junk on the table and saying listen man like I don’t we don’t care what leverage you have with Michigan or with with the brass and the ad at Michigan they bring in that and

And can leverage that against Michigan they’re in some serious [ __ ] yeah and Kent you said it it it goes away and you’re right people will forget because there’ll be a new scandal in sports that it’ll it kind of the Sports Cycle kind of recycles itself but remember this

People still remember Cam Newton people still remember Pete Carroll leaving USC that doesn’t go away people still and I don’t even think this is a big deal it’s kind of laughable about jamus Winston stealing the the crab legs right people still remember that stuff right but I

Think with with Jim Harbaugh your legacy what’s your legacy for him it’s winning a championship at Michigan everybody else is going to look at your legacy though and is you had to get there to cheat and you had to do it for two and a half years and the only way you beat

Ohio state was to cheat everything you did to build your program to that point is you had to cheat so sure there’s going to be a another cycle and the world’s going to go on and we’re going to play college football next year but it’s GNA be a talking point all next

Year whether Jim hobah is there or not and Sam you put the the schedule up yesterday and we kind of joked about you know there’re being four losses I said well they’re going to lose to Sparty too let’s give them five losses just for the

Hell of it right so so they’re going to lose some football games and during those losses people are going to bring this up the media is going to bring it up they’re going to hammer this home so I agree with you Kent in a way that sure

The Sports Cycle will kind of remove this Scandal and there’ll be a new one around the around the corner but too man this is this is gonna be his legacy man is this gonna be your legacy I don’t think he gives a [ __ ] and I think I think the only people he cares

About is his own fan base and whether they want to admit that they did it or not or they want to put put their hands up and say we didn’t do anything wrong he won for the people he needed to win for right like yeah that’s why he’s

Coaching for Michigan he doesn’t give a [ __ ] about Ohio State fans he doesn’t care about the West Coast the Pack 12 the Big 12 he doesn’t care right that that’s his thing he’s going to get an NFL job most likely like and start a new Legacy so to answer not to answer your

Question but say he just doesn’t care he could give a [ __ ] that people are upset because the people he was trying to win for don’t care they don’t care that they cheated they just wanted to beat Ohio State and win a National Championship they got they want if rolls were worse

Guys we want to get the super chat going on it whatever service you’re watching this streaming service YouTube like the channel subscribe to the channel but if roles were reversed and this was going on with Ryan Dan of course Ohio State fans would be in denial and say oh what

You know but I don’t think they would act like Michigan fans I think the Ohio State fans react would be if this was Ryan day of like we were good enough to beat all those teams why were you so stupid to do this and get caught because

On the Michigan side they’re in complete denial as a fan base no I agree I agree I mean if this was Ohio state he would have got fired because that’s that’s how it’ll go but but for I mean for Jim harble just to MC’s Point real quick he’s going to be

Remembered at Michigan the same way Trestle will be remembered at Ohio State like all the outside noise all the yelling none of that’s going to matter he won he’s Legend no matter what happens next he’ll always be good in Michigan forever and he W for the people

He needed to now if this happened at Ohio State it’d be frustrating because Ohio state every single year has a top three Talent composite in the entire country they’re Uber talented NFL players every single year you don’t have to do that to win you never have you

Never will it’s Ohio State they recruit nationally so if it was at Ohio State this would have been the reason and the why to get Ryan day out if they won or not people already looking for reason to get Ryan day out he’s lost what five

Games in four years yeah so this would have been the reason it would have been viewed very very differently on really quickly I think the difference between Ohio State and Michigan is the fact that Ohio State fans largely pretty much every every fan has seen at least two championships in

Their lifetime right yeah if you’re Michigan you you don’t was it 1942 they had the last years it was a long ass time so you know I think Michigan part of the reason why the fans are the burying their and the SAS one they’re they’re idiot [ __ ] two because they

Haven’t seen a national championship in so long or ever that they wanted just continue to believe the BS that’s coming out of Michigan I think that that that’s what sets it apart that’s the difference between High State and Michigan fans but you know part of me also thinks that you

Know Ohio State fans would come out and say well Michigan did it they got away with it they won a title so why can’t we and maybe there is a little bit of Truth to that but I also think there would be a SE a segment of the fan base that

Would say yeah who cares we got it doesn’t matter you basically have the not necessarily the arrogance of Michigan fan right now but they would maybe be look the other way because their team finally you know their team got another one hey let’s let me throw

This at you and start with You Chris and let’s go around the horn on this okay if you’re the LA Chargers and you’re interviewing that coach because we’ve seen coaches we’ve seen players look at Terrell PRI look at Tres when he took the advisory role with the Indianapolis

Colts T NF the NFL will come back and say all right you were ineligible in college so we’re going to attack so many games on in the NFL if you are the LA Chargers we know the Spanos are kind of idiots but don’t they sit down with Jim Harbaugh and say if we

Hire you for this job tell us the truth and don’t you put a clause in there if you’re the Chargers if you’re lying to us about what you did at Michigan we could terminate you without pay wouldn’t that be part of the job process where if

My head coach is lying to me about what he did illegally at another program and I know the NFL has different sets of rules I get it but if you’re wouldn’t there be a something written WR in that contract where if you’re lying to us about this process about what you knew

Or what’s going to happen maybe you’re not terminate it but maybe we drop you from 10 million to S million or you pay a fine or so so shouldn’t you do the due diligence if you’re the Chargers yeah this is coaches catfish because you don’t know what you’re getting it’s like

You you met somebody online you saw it online they look good on on they look good online they look hot you find out that they’ve been photoshopping for a little bit chis yeah not me not me but the guy down the street definitely happen home a little bit y’all never watch Catfish on

MTV talking what I’m saying it’s like you know they look good maybe they photoshop a little bit but how much did they photoshop is what you want to want to know and yeah no you’re you’re right’s online four Chris I hope not I hope not but look if if you find out

That he cheated I absolutely want to be able to find you if if they do get hit with the hammer because it’ll imp it impacts how we view you and it could impact your eligib ility with the NFL because the NFL decides they’re going to honor that suspension all of a sudden

Justin Herbert has to go through the first four games without his brand new head coach and that’s got to be really really frustrating let me ask you guys this like the history of of college coaches transitioning to be NFL coaches is not spectacular correct there hasn’t

Been Uber success why does a team La why do they even entertain there’s no guaranteed Hardball is going to make them better right without baggage if he comes in just want a Natty no cheating scandal nothing it to me the odds are against him that he’ll be successful so why would a

Team even entertain like let’s bring him in and he has to sign a clause and if we find out this we may have to suspend there’s so much baggage there on on a commodity that’s unproven that the model fails where college coaches Urban being a good example well

He’s been to a Super Bowl though he was a a pass interference callway from winning a Super Bowl and lost to his brother that’s the other part of it I know but I’m just like Sabin failed in the NFL sa Sabin got dealt a raw hand I

Won’t let anybody ever do my guy Sabin like that you know Sab wanted to do when he got there MK this is this is a story that nobody wants to tell play play sabin’s first thing was bringing in Drew Brees and the doctor said he’ll never be able to throw the ball further

Than 20 yards it’s not worth it and then they could the quarterback thing fell apart and that’s why he failed Drew Brees obviously went to the Saints made it happen but I do hear you the college coaches Urban prime example bro right Urban chip I mean the only the only guys

That I can think that that have worked were and to a degree Jim Harbaugh Carroll yeah but I can think of a lot of other guys that have failed I succeeded F was a disaster in Washington Chip Kelly spur realized he can’t golf every day when you’re an NFL head coach I mean

That really cut into his tea time it really did but I just I don’t understand I just don’t understand this whole Harbaugh thing like the I don’t understand why people I think he’s going to make them better and dude he’s had a track record of being [ __ ] crazy right saying

Stupid [ __ ] now the cheating like I don’t know why anyone would want to get involved with that he lost that locker room in San FR near the end there that was really odd I was just gonna say that because I knew someone who played on that team who was

A former Buckeye and players got tired of his [ __ ] that’s what happened is despite going to the Super Bowl these are grown men and youra gets tired because this isn’t college right and I think some things that work in college that Jim found successful in college try

To bring it to the NFL and the guy I talked to and it listen I don’t I don’t know what happened because they brought in Mike single ter remember drop your pants guy uh but that was like mid-season right I think they got rid of Harbaugh fairly quickly and I was just

Told by a player guys just got sick of his [ __ ] and then they quit you know they just I I don’t want to do this I don’t want to play this way I’m tired of this [ __ ] I’m done and that’s what happened he just hopefully he learns

Right C because can it get worse for the Chargers than the last buffoon they had I mean he might be the wor coach in the NF mean he was an idiot don’t get me wrong they can always get worse though yeah you bring you bring hairball in and and team’s not exactly

You seeing some regression both in the talent and the guys you’re bringing in the natives start getting restless and then he starts doing weird [ __ ] again so not only are you bad but you got a weirdo you know steering the ship dude here here’s another just thing to think

About how many former Buckeyes are on their roster Joey Bosa okay pretty good player right away he ain’t gonna like Jim Harbaugh when he shows up [ __ ] out of him no dude you just cheated and beat my [ __ ] allma moer we ain’t doing this right and you know

What he’s gonna rest of the defense screw that guy did you all right so Merk let me let me ask you a question when when you when you were playing pro ball and you had when you had uh younger guys come in and they were talking about what they did in

High school or what they did in college did you bust their balls did they did did all the veterans bust their balls you tape them down on the training room table and pour B all over I think there is there are some friendly you know ribbing and and wagers that go

Back and forth but these guys at the end of the day are professionals especially a guy like Bosa that’s been there for years and beat the crap out of Michigan while he was there so the I would imagine the second uh Harbaugh started saying something he’ be like I kicked

Your ass every game we played like why are you talking to me yeah so I I do think there is a little bit of a Prof you know there is some professionalism amongst those guys where they don’t they don’t really carry those types of grudges over from from college to Pro

Yeah I was kind of sarcastic but I’m sure I’m sure I think there’d be a bat I bet you Joey BOS and Jim Harbaugh would have a pretty badass bat that’s what I would say guess who’s got deeper Pockets than than Harbaugh too and he’s a little

Bit bigger yeah a little and never lost to him never lost that’s right that’s and that’s that you were talk about putting your nuts on the table there it is that that kills the combo speaking of Ohio State let’s move on uh looks like Ohio State potentially has a new

Athletic director Ross bork from from uh Texas A&M what are we thinking uh I’ll only say this because I don’t know about him this is what we do know the guy can fundraise like H and Ohio State likes naming people in administrative positions like Gordon G who can fund

Raise right uh and two I do worry about this though he’s the one who gave Jimbo Fisher the contract and he’s the one who bought out Jimbo Fisher’s contract so that just those are the two things that because when he signed that deal you’re like holy crap who would sign that deal

And then when you saw the buyout you’re like holy crap who would negotiate that deal and it was the same dude so that’s that scares you but then you realize that no one makes more money from an athletic department than Ohio State so if the rich get richer and also I think

We all agree or maybe we don’t that the nil is going to morph into the school paying the players at some point Ohio State’s trying to get much as much money as they can in the bank so when they do have to pay players they got the guy who

Can generate the money for the players and I think Optics I think Optics is a big part of this too right if if if change even if it’s a lateral move Ohio State fan base buckin Nation thinks they’re doing something that’s going to make them better right whether it does

Or doesn’t time will tell but at least it the Optics is we’re trying to get better and this is the guy that’ll do it yeah I love it guys this is this is the do anything higher right like this is the guy that was at Old Miss and turned

A blind eye to them paying players illegally so they could go ahead and beat Bama that’s oh is he the Hugh free d yes okay okay he is the turn the Blind Eye ad he was at A&M turn the Blind Eye they spent $30 million on a recruiting

Class Ohio State generates so much money such a large fan base nil is the future at least until the players are paid by the school I’m on L now you got a president that loves football and 80 that loves football I don’t care about anything else I don’t care how you are

Speaking I don’t care about the contracts money is No Object here go be the Yankees go buy me five titles so I can tell my kids about the great Dynasty I get to see and and and look we know you’re gonna get hit with some scandal

At some point maybe 10 years down the down the line I want to make sure that I get five chances to celebrate before you get us hit with the Scandal because that’s how you always do things over there and don’t you think that the you know and we’re talking football but not

Don’t you think it’s going to be good for basketball because it’s crapp or get off the pot for this program you got to hire a bigname guy you got to I’m done I’m done with Chris Holman bro I’m so done with Holman and and because of that

Chris people are done with this program they become irrelevant yeah I I would say with with this bork guy from A&M there’s a couple things I like a couple things I don’t start with what I like uh it seems to be paired up with the new president of the

University I want to say he Ted what’s his last name Teddy Carter lasso Ted lasso how funny with that speaking of TV show deed Carter comes in and I feel like he’s one of the first presidents that I can remember that wasn’t an academic you know he’s

Got a little more history uh as far as Sports Go not just all academics so you bring you bring an ad in that kind of works well with that and the president basically says you go do what we got to do to get get this these programs turned

Around I like that fact um I like the fact that I want to say bork is a naval Naval Academy grad I like the discipline there I like that that mentality but the one thing I really don’t like is Texas A&M might be one of the biggest Cults in

The world and anything that comes from that just weirds me out like they’re just strange man you would talk about like money can’t buy happiness or championships go talk to Texas A&M they know all about it Sam what’s it called the midnight yell where they slap their

Knee and say something you think that’s the neither slapping that’s I don’t know man they’re weird supposed to be the neither SLA I want to stay the hell away from A&M if at all possible that’s the only that weirds me out avoid A&M at all costs Guilty By Association yeah noted I

Mean he they paid Jimbo a lot of money that is wild it’s like like buyout wise I think the biggest buyout I in college football other than Jimbo’s was the Dan Landing of $20 million and Jimbo’s buyout was $76 million so just like an absurd level of buyout I mean the two

Schools that had the highest buyout were what Michigan State of Mel Tucker and then Jimbo Fisher so Those ads clearly figured you know what I don’t I’m it’s not money from my pockets so he might as well just pay these guys as much as possible and that’s the thing I don’t I

Don’t think the the the common public or the the Layman knows exactly how much money is in Texas A&M as far as their boosters I would imagine the guy wouldn’t have hired uh Jimbo bork wouldn’t have hired Jimbo with that type of buyout if they knew they didn’t have

The money to potentially kick this guy to the curb now that doesn’t mean he doesn’t come here and be a little bit more careful about that but there is so much money in that University in the boosters like so much money I just don’t think people realize that no people

Don’t realize it they don’t uh all right pivoting to the NFL there were two NFL games two playoff games last night first game that was rescheduled uh from uh that was Saturday no Sunday a Monday night the Buffalo Bills beat the Pittsburgh Steelers 31 to 177 how pissed

Off would you guys be if you paid big money on the secondary market for those tickets and they just let everybody walk in and take a seat because that’s what they did to the snowstorm that’s what I read online that they just let they were kind of letting

People in sit where you want that’s that’s what I was told I don’t think that would be How would how would you do that but it was uh some serious snow weather last night man and you know you knew in bad environments and bad weather it would go to Mason Rudolph or Josh

Allen who do you trust right you got to go with Josh Allen Pittsburgh’s got a serious serious problem with their quarterback you just brought up a great Point by the way that I want to I want to this is a show down the road with all the money generated from television in

All sports now right Regional local National like they’re making they don’t really give a [ __ ] of people are in the stands right we ought we ought to start something where games are free you get to go to the game for free you got to pay for your beer and your

Concessions but games are free tickets are free they don’t need that money and again that’s a show down the road because I I I told the red zoner one time I’m like you should just let people in the stadium for free players play better players play better in front of

Full crowds right you get a little bit more up and just take their beer money their parking money but give them a free ticket and that’s how soccer does it over there in Europe it’s like not free but like tickets are like $5 you can go anywhere and then that people right to

Go to they buy more food you know they they’re will to spend more money when they get to the game because tickets are so cheap that I mean and those soccer crowds get real Rowdy too like you don’t get any of the uh the uptight Rich crowds that don’t want to really

Celebrate you get like the craziest of the crazies in there those stadiums really get Rock Way got your show down the road I apologize for bringing that in my source on this was my morning show partner Jerry Elliott so it’s probably about a five% chance it’s true God don’t

Pick on Jerry right last week Jerry said uh Jen for Lawrence was playing Jesus in the new scares movie come on so yeah it was from I blaming Jerry so I because I even on the air I like questioned it and then everybody else on the show said it

Was true so it was like three on one so then I just had to agree and go with it like well if three other people are telling me it’s true it’s got to be true was it a three onone in Vegas or you talking about radio on the radio show

We’re doing the radio show and Jerry said they just allowed people in because of the weather they just wanted to get people in and I said how could that be if you’re a season ticket holder and you got to sign seats in the front row you’re going to tell a guy who’s a

20-year season ticket holder for the bills that no you can’t sit in the front row because some slap dick from Toronto took your seats well how about how about the fact how about the fact that the mayor of I think it’s Erie County up there because of the the state of

Emergency was basically saying you’re not allowed to drive on the road unless you’re going to shovel out the stadium like that P you off a little bit too absolutely uh SEC uh I do ask let’s mention this though after the game what do you guys think of Mike Tomlin storming

Off he he’s made the playoffs every year he can do whatever he wants in my my eyes like the NFL set up for everybody to go eight and eight um I know now it’s an extra game but still same deal and he wins they go to the playoffs and and

He’s done it without a quarterback um I mean if I were him I’d be pretty mad about that Josh Allen fake slide to turn into a touchdown we saw that from Kenny Pi saw that from Kenny picket back in the day and now we see it against them

They that at college football you said what in college football they outlawed that play yeah fastest the ncaa’s ever moved Kenny picket did it on a Saturday new rule Tuesday it was exceptional Kenny picket meant so much to the game rooting for him but no if I’m Mike

Tomlin I’m cold as hell we just lost and I still don’t have a quarterback I’m storming off too I’m absolutely storming off you look at it when was the last time honestly and I I respect the hell out of Mike Tomlin I think he’s underrated when was the last time in the

Past decade you looked at a Mike Tomlin Pittsburgh roster and said man on paper they’re the best team team in the league you usually look at it and go well this is the year Mike tomlin’s going to go under 500 they have nothing on that team

So every year he’s up for a contract two years before his contract’s up they always renew it this is the first time they ‘t done that next year’s his final year yeah I’d be ticked off too because I think it’s disrespectful he builds that roster with no quarterback no offensive line offensive coordinators

That are consistently underperforming I think this dude gets more out of a roster than almost anyone in the NFL and if he’s let go or he decides to leave he will go away for a year and he will be the first quarterback named in the off

Season and he will turn that team into a winner that dude knows how to Coach and he’s he’s a winner and and by the way he has won a Super Bowl he’s lost a Super Bowl and you’re right Chris he consistently goes to the playoffs every

Single year he puts the team in a POS can he pick it with Mason Rudolph as your quarterback he’s the Eric sper of the NFL that that’s that’s my comp for him but oh Sam shaking his head no oh you like that comp MK yeah that’s that’s

Old school right there man I like it so Pittsburgh Steelers fans and and the the franchise itself hang their hat on what what do they talk about they talk about the fact that they’ve won what Seven Super Bowls eight Super Seven Super Bowls I think it’s six maybe six or

Seven think of how far your franchise has come when you’re going around and bragging about the fact that you’ve got a coach for 17 years has now gone over 500 every year and won a Super Bowl but with his guys he’s the further and further gets from that the lower the the

Crappier and crappier his team gets he’s the most overrated coach in professional sports yes he may take he may have success he may be able to get more out of less than any any coach in the NFL but what are we talking about are we talking about going nine and eight and

That’s a good season are we talking about winning Super Bowls does he handle person need to have a little more Pride than that no he doesn’t handle Personnel I don’t I don’t get it figure it out are we bragging about Super Bowls are we bragging about being over 500 figure it

Out we’re bragging about being winners because only one team and it’s usually the Chiefs outside of Matt Stafford it’s usually a Tom Brady team or a Patrick Mahomes team right so outside of that you they’re winners would you you’re a Browns fan probably right oh absolutely yeah and

He’s a Browns fans aren’t winners if you had Kevin stefansky having the same resume as Mike Tomlin You’ lose your you guys wouldn’t know what to do well if he that would also assume that he won that he won a Super Bowl absolutely but are we talking about year 17 Mike Tomlin are

We talking about year one with Bill cow’s players and we’re also talking back to my earlier point about damn Sam is spitting this is get if back to my point about Michigan part of the reason why they’re burying the head in the sand is because they haven’t won since 1948

Without that half claimed 1997 Nebraska Championship right we’re talking about two different franchises we’re talking about a franchise that is is is known in the NFL for winning being a a well-run machine franchise in the NFL and we’re talking about the freaking Cleveland Browns like there’s no comparison as far

As I’m concerned and I love the Cleveland Browns but are we talking about winning championships or are we talking about going nine and eight making the playoffs with a bad roster keep in mind too he’s also got a little bit a little bit of pull on who’s on

That roster as well so that’s all I’m saying so you would rather I if hypothetically he lost three years in a row but like won a Super Bowl You’ see the thing is to get the Super Bowl you got to win consistently to keep your job

The dude’s been hired 17 been on that team 17 years I mean you years ago but who wins look who’s winning the Super Bowl Sam it’s been dominated it’s not him that’s my point I don’t care who it is if it’s not me if fire every team should fire their coach

If they haven’t won a Super Bowl in the last decade okay if that’s your expectation absolutely the Steelers have higher expectations do they not yeah but look at the roster is that rer he’s in charge of making the roster too he’s not no he’s not absolutely the head coach has a

Lot of pull making a roster he is not in charge of getting free agents resigning guys in the ra he might have he might have pull on the final 53 he did hire Canada and that that’s kind of that’s kind of that’s that was bad what’s that Chris oh say he hired

Canada like he does hire the staff too that that OC is one of the one of the worst I’d ever seen I got another great show idea we don’t do this separately we do it all in one room so we can actually fight during the show so before no offense Tor no offense

Tor I’ve met you and obviously I’ve met Sam my money’s on Sam if it if this goes to throwing punches do I have a weapon no you’re gonna need one yeah I’m gonna show up I’m not gonna show up all right before I stroke out uh last game last

Night uh Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles 32 to9 it was an ass whoop and start to finish uh bunch of different questions we can ask but just overall opinions at at Four Boy the Eagles defense shame on you you made Baker Mayfield look like an

Allp proo shame on you because Baker’s getting all the credit look at that Palmer touchdown folks that Palmer touchdown those guys weren’t even trying to tackle man there’s a middle school team that could tackle better than that Eagles defensive backs I I have never honestly seen anything like that where

Guys are just standing still looking to make a tackle and it’s almost like it he got you know he broke an ankle it was like a point guard coming down the court and he broke someone’s ankle I don’t man go look at those touchdown passes again guys you know because people today are

Giving Baker all the credit in the world I look at it as what the hell was the Eagles defense doing man you got to tackle somebody Debo Samuel told us that bradberry’s a bum and everyone was like what he’s at All Pro he said no he’s a

Bum he can’t tackle that was kind of the sentiment and he looked he looked really bad there and for you know Jaylen Herz he’s the most handsome mediocre quarterback ever and it’s exceptional to watch He he’ll get the big deals he’ll get every brand deal um but now that

He’s off his rookie contract that team’s not as good around him and I you know I I’m more looking at this like I don’t know how I should view Baker Mayfield nowadays like I don’t know how is he the white I told Zach is he the

White Gino Smith like I don’t know who he is yeah everybody everybody wrote him off and now he’s out here balling I mean he just put together a better season than than t and you’re like wow like that’s what he does to you Chris because look at the last seven games of the

Season right the first five of that seven he was as good as everybody and everybody was saying Baker’s back then the last two he was awful and then this game he looked good but I think he looked good because the Eagles sucked and can’t tackle right so he’s dude he’s

Dr Jackel and Mr Hyde ever and and when you mentioned getting paid I got a feeling Chris if he gets paid that big time4 40 million dollar a year contract I think whoever does that’s going to regret it no one’s going to do that I mean he’s literally just angry Case

Keenum and it’s working right now like remember Case Keenum when he was not angry the Vikings you know made a decent splash surpris some people I mean he he’s angry Case Keenum and I just I I can’t make it make sense and at some point you got to think that like it’s

He’s gonna run out of luck at some point someone’s gonna want to tackle but I I have no clue how to feel about Baker Mayfield and where he fits for me at least in the NFL in terms of like is he a top 15 qu qub back is he top 10 or no

No no he’s he’s outside the top 15 you but but nobody here can name 15 quarterbacks better than him this year is The Wild Thing like you can’t do it I think you just give him enough time and he’s gonna spit the bit I mean he’s

A okay I’ve watched enough of it I’ve seen enough of it and he’s injury-prone too and you know I don’t everybody in the NFL I think is relatively injury prone some guys are more than others um I think all the teams that basically kicked him to the Curve and he wound up

At Tampa like Part of Me part of me wants to say that the people in the NFL sometimes are idiots but then the other part of me says like they know what they’re doing they do it for a living they’re pretty smart so I just say give

Give him give him enough time I think he’s gonna he’ll screw it up eventually like he had a great he had a great game last night well not just a great game do you guys do does anybody want to guess how many yards he threw for this

Year I’m gonna guess 3900 he threw for 4,000 yards that is top 10 quarterback numbers I mean I called him white Gino Smith he might just be the new version of Kurt Cousins like everybody thought ktk cousins was not it over there in Washington well he was it then not it to

To too many turnovers and then he went to the Vikings and you know he’ll give you all these like empty calorie yards and then win a big game here or there and you’re like wow maybe somebody will pay him 4,000 is crazy is is the Tampa Bay defense that bad because they only

Went nine and eight in the worst division in in football well the other the the baker stat I chose to ignore was the the double- digit interceptions well you know what he has and this is smart by any athlete MC and you know this because you’ve seen it is

The likability factor there are athletes who just if if you and I I’ve never covered baker so I don’t know this but what was the first thing that the Cleveland Fan base thought about Baker he’s one of us he’s one of us and he would say the right things in Cleveland

To make that that you know because the Cleveland those fans wanted to like him right and he said the right things where that fan base oh he’s one of us he’s one of us right and he’s on the commercial the Geico or the progressive or whatever

The hell it is and he’s got that likeability factor where fans like him that’s why you can be talked about all the time and be mediocre because you give the Press some jokes you squirt the water bottle on the training guy last night when he’s giving you water you do

Those little things to show a little personality and you suck the media in you suck the fans in that’s where you don’t really have to be good sometimes and you’re and then no one talk talks about it and then when he’s good everybody’s talking about him right well

T and Tor here’s the thing it’s a great point but more importantly how does he get the guy playing next to him blocking for him receivers to run their routes what kind of guy is he in the clubhouse where he’s not in front of a camera right does he

Motivate the guys does he get 10% more out of each player because he’s that leader that’s that’s you can’t put a a a number a dollar sign on something like that right maybe he makes the guys around him play better play harder here’s another dumb baseball analogy

Because that’s all I know Nolan Ryan was a 500 pitcher never won a Sai Young is regarded as one of the best pitchers to ever play the game right he didn’t win didn’t he have a career like er oh Su yeah but everyone on his team wanted him on the mound every opponent

Didn’t want him on the mound the dude won half his games he just had something and I’m not comparing Mayfield to Nolan Ryan but I’m saying Baker will he will and and and yeah I just he’s got to be doing something within the walls of that locker room that are

Making guys motivated and just you know what I know you’re a little hurt it’s skate it’s [ __ ] week 18 I know you’re tired you’re tired you’re tired but let’s go we got a couple hours we got to go play football get on my back do

Whatever we have to do let’s just go win this game right and and that you don’t see that on the in the media right you don’t you’re not going to see a commercial that shows that but he’s doing something right well he’s doing something here but look at Carolina last

Year he wasn’t doing something there right well here we go I also think that that that roster was constructed so brilliantly because it was constructed for a guy like Tom Brady who had a little bit of physical limitations later on his career for him to win there they

Went to the playoffs every year and won a Super Bowl with him and the way that roster was constructed it was more plug and play for a guy like Baker Mayfield now I I don’t want to discredit Baker Mayfield too much but I know for a fact he’s not better than Trevor Lawrence

Matt Stafford Sam Howell Jaylen Herz Lamar Jackson and this year he threw for more yards than all those guys part of that is I think because of roster construction and system fit and he’s made it work if that makes sense yeah no it’s a great Point well look at and I’ve

Said this before uh you know Sam you’re a Browns fan Chris you know this when you draft a quarterback and the Bears should have did this with Justin Fields when you draft a quarterback top 10 look what look what the Browns did with Baker Mayfield second round got a running back

Got an offensive line he had a phenomenal offensive line went and got Odell Beckham Jr in the trade got Jarvis Landry to play the slot got three tight ends for him got the guy from the the Atlanta Falcons Hooper right so they got a super team so they realized he we got

The number one overall pick we can’t set this guy up for fail so we got to give this guy weapons to use and with all those weapons and you could say oh they got the right guy you know obj you know disintegrated and didn’t play well got

Hurt whatever but out of all those weapons all that time in Cleveland top 10 stats he had one year the year they they made the playoffs where he was like 10th in qbi or a quarterback rating or something so all that Talent where that they went out and they draft picks and

Money and bringing everybody in one top 10 stat that’s it one top they did get a playoff win but one top 10 stat yeah they built that team around him that should every team should look at what the Browns did with Baker and do the same damn thing when you draft a

Quarterback in the first round so let me ask you this to that point Tor sorry Chris but do you put more emphasis on not draft drafting a quarterback with your first pick meaning look what Flaco did this year right 38 years old right obviously lost the last game but I know

It’s a quarterback game right like that’s but would we be better off drafting the best o lineman in the NFL or the best running back like when Cleveland could have taken uh what’s our boy from Michigan State at the time or sorry Barkley it’s like does that make your team better

Right like like it’s almost like and and I you guys know football way more than me but if you can take a guy like Joe flacko and get into the playoffs to me the emphasis should be on how do we build a round to make whoever quarterback we’re going to eventually

Have how do we make sure we can protect that guy whether he’s a 38y old veteran or the number one pick whatever I just think I think there’s a lot of Misses drafting college quarterbacks there’s a lot of Misses I love that you said this because

I’ve had a theory on this for forever guys and and here’s here’s where it is it is a about a cheap quarterback is is the big key in a two-year window if you draft a quarterback one year and you’re bad the next year then you trade off

That that top whatever pick you have and then go get parts because if you look at quarterbacks on rookie deals that win Super Bowls it’s a lot more than guys that do it without the rookie deals I mean think about discounts Aaron Rogers won his Super Bowl on a discount Russell

Wilson discount the first two Pat mahom Super Bowls both on discounts because on a rookie deal so you can spend elsewhere Jared G made it to Super Bowl rookie deal Jimmy Garoppolo rookie deal it is that is the big thing the way the NFL does it is so brilliant they set

Everybody up to go eight and eight so it’s like once you get the quarterback and you end up paying him a lot of money all of a sudden you can’t pay everybody else and so you lose three or four wins right there and the Hall of Fame

Quarterbacks in my eyes the true hall of fames I always believe that one Super Bowl off your rookie deal is more valuable than two on your rookie deal because you did it without the weapons because you got paid a big amount of money yeah yeah was look who Brady was

He made Stars Justin Edelman a star well here we go and no no even Tom even Tom Brady Falls in that weird category of rookie quarterback salary because he was on a super discount because he was with Jazelle they were able to spend so much money everywhere else and have a full

Roster because Tom Brady took less money there’s only been I think two quarterbacks that were the highest paid quarterbacks in the entire league to win Super Bowls think about that yeah it’s also how you build your roster Kent because you’ve had Super Bowl teams look

At when Tampa had that big Warren Sap in his sweaty ass uh watch Warren Sap film his ass is always sweaty uh but that defense was unbelievable in Tampa and Brad Johnson was their starting quarterback right Brad Johnson was their quarterback then look at those Raven teams with Jamal Lewis uh 2,000 yard

Running back and then um Ray Lewis is your your uh middle linebacker and a great defense one of the top defenses of all time even though uh Brian bilck was an offensive coach so I think it’s also how your team has built your identity right so I know my I have an elite

Defense right like a Ravens a Chicago Bears a Buccaneer Elite defense I can go out and have a guy that doesn’t win me games but doesn’t cost me games right my defense is gonna win the games and I can run the ball right but I think Chris

Brings up a great point with his stats are you better off having the best quarterback back with nothing around him or a mediocre quarterback with everyone around him because let’s be honest if you’re good enough to be in the NFL you’re a pretty damn good quarterback right or you wouldn’t even be

Sniffing taking Snaps on Sundays right last last year last year Jaylen Herz on a rookie deal made the Super Bowl yes they paid him all that money the roster took a slide back first round exit the NFL is so brilliant and manipulating their salary cap to mean constant

Changing and shuffling in the overall landscape of the NFL and look at how smart those teams are Chris look at how smart the Seahawks were because you could argue Gino Smith is better than Russell Wilson right and they got tons of picks look at uh Detroit even though

You could say the Rams won that deal because they won the Super Bowl look at how many picks are on that team right now and Detroit builds the roster from that right look at uh what’s going on with the Texans right now and Deshawn Watson they know hey we could trade

These guys move and get multiple first round picks Seattle hasn’t missed a beat after they traded their quarterback I’m I’m going way back now late 90s you think CT Warner was a great quarterback well I do or did he have he had Tory Holt he had Isaac he had the

Best running back in like they made an average and by the way NFL average is unbelievable by the way I’m not discounting that they made an average Quarterback better because of everything around Warner took the Cardinals to the Super Bowl he took a dog crap franchise to the Super Bowl Case

Closed you take the Arizona Cardinals to the Super Bowl the Arizona Cardinals yeah he’s good I I think he’s great don’t get me wrong but he he wouldn’t be the guy you draft one-1 here we go I got I got one for you what merker meant to say was Trent doer

Yeah all right T we’ve G yeah we’re working overtime today boys Chris thanks for the s next week next Tuesday yep I’ll see you guys then sorry for rambling I appreciate you good good we’re looking for a divorce in the NHL between the Blue Jackets and their

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Emerge real estate at 614 260 3333 OV podcast you can follow us on social media I’m the Tor radio personality Kent mker former major leager Sam Grooms I believe Matt Fus will be back Thursday from his tropical vacation uh like subscribe super chat we’ll get super chats before the end of

The segment so send us a couple bucks it’s mk’s birthday coming up we’re going to buy him some whiskey and get drunk uh so let’s do this boys o podcast everything Ohio D Sammy let’s talk about uh goalie Elvis coming out they beat the best team in the NHL

Vancouver goalie has a good game and then he announces yeah I’m gonna get traded I uh I see so we we talked about this the other day and I think there’s there’s faults on both parties right do the Blue Jackets don’t have the track record of success of handling players of

Developing players retaining players uh historically so they’re at fault um Kent mkr’s uh pickle ball buddy yarmo not exactly lighting the world on fire right now I think he’s uh I don’t think he’s long for the position at at the Blue Jackets for much longer but also you

You’ve got a guy that came in and I think is underachieved he’s definitely overpaid which again not necessarily his fault I would say that’s more the organization’s fault for for basically having a rash overreaction and overpaying a guy before you really saw what he’s got had a little bit of bad

Luck too um he’s he’s been injured often um you know people still still want to talk about the uh uh K Lennox um uh death I’m sure that probably had some something to do with his mental capacity but at some point or another professionally you have to kind

Of figure it out or you need to move on there he’s in his he’s in year two of an extension making $5.4 million a year um I’ve pulled his stats up every year he’s regressed um I don’t again there’s plenty of blame to throw around but to

Me this guy’s come out and he’s demanding to be a number one player you’re being overpaid I would say you need to start playing like the number one go tender before you really start throwing these demands around that’s kind of where I stand I don’t see I

Don’t even believe I don’t I don’t uh blame Elvis at all let me put this in baseball terms and give it to MK okay mker let’s say you’re a pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates they suck so do the jackets right uh you’re the Ace of the Pittsburgh Pirates okay and you have a

Pretty good year so the Pirates come to you and they say we’re g to give you a five-year deal and we they’re going to get good money right so then the next year the defense sucks you’re not good but the defense let’s say your erra is like four

And a half but it would be three and a half if you had a decent defense Short Stop sucks middle infield sucks guys are missing the cut off you’re like oh guys you guys are hanging me out to dry right Runners on third no one can make a play

But you’re not good so then the next season comes and then they get a new manag you’ve had like three managers in three years so second year comes and you’re still bad not a little better but the defense still sucks despite them getting a new short stop a second

Baseman new center fielder they do make upgrades but the defense still sucks and leaving you and then the management says to you hey hit the bullpen and better yet you’re not even GNA pitch out of the bullpen but you were the ace so that is

Elvis I don’t blame Elvis at all if I put it in baseball terms that would be a good comparison Kent no I agree and and and where it starts is with ownership right in any sport owners no GM has that much autonomy on who’s on their roster

They can give suggestions we need this guy we need that guy we need this guy no matter what the sport is if ownership doesn’t buy in and commit to winning it’s hard to win in any sport if I’m on that baseball team you mentioned first

Of all I want to I want to play for a winner I know a shelf life right all athletes have shelf lives you’re one hit away and baseball’s a little different because it’s not a physical sport contact sport you’re one play away from that being it right MH uh as far as Elvis

Goes and and I’ve never been a hockey goalie but just stop pucks from going into the net right like I can make pitches where it’s different in as a pitcher I can make a good pitch a guy hits a weak ball and my short stop [ __ ] it up right like

There’s a little bit but as far as a goalie like just stop pucks right that that’s your that’s your job it doesn’t matter who’s around you and and I love yarmo by the way I I I don’t know if he’s a good GM or not I I

Think he’s doing what he can do best based on what ownership’s allowing him to do right how much we’re going to spend here or there or there but to your point Tor yeah if he wants to move on and go play for a winner and he doesn’t

Think he can do that in in Columbus then go do it go do it see how many teams have interest I think but to Sam’s Point he’s regressed every year who do you blame for that there’s only one person to blame you blame the player

You don’t blame a GM you don’t blame a teammate you blame the player I I think organizationally you’re gonna have they’re gonna have a real hard time moving Elvis because of his contract so the problem is if he wants to go to a winner and the Blue Jackets have

Overpaid him and he’s not basically performing up to those numbers if you move him you’re going to have to retain a big portion of his contract which I think is part of the issue which is why again there’s plenty of blame to go around here but I I I just have a hard

Time like I understand you’re on a losing team and you’re probably not playing but your checks are still cashing like I understand maybe you don’t like being the the the third uh goalie on the roster and scratched every night completely understand I don’t understand why is it Curtis Martin is

Basically the backup when Elvis should be but I’m sure they have their reasons but again like I I saw something the other day that that made a lot of sense to me is my job as a coach saying this to a player is to go out and find

Somebody better than you and replace you your job as the player is to play so well that I can’t exactly Elvis isn’t doing that right now he’s he’s overpaid maybe he wants more minutes I don’t know that’s not his problem keep bringing overpaid Sam but that’s not his problem

They signed the deal that’s what they trust me no players at going well I’m overpaid I’m overpaid I think they’re more worried about production than worried about what their paycheck is they gave him that deal that’s you’re right and again I’m not I’m not necessarily faulting him for that my

Point is is he wants to move on but because of his contract it’s gonna be hard to move him yeah and by the way who G who gave him the deal yarmo yarmo and the blue no the ownership gave him the deal no but the but the way it works

Though MC with with the own and I’ve had discuss disc with people in the know with this is McConnell does not want to have anything to do with the day-to-day operations with this team right if there’s a free agent they want tell me how much I’ll write a check uh when they

Had the locker room redone they just redid the the locker room they thought that the players thought the locker room compared to other cities they go to really sucked so McConnell said okay I’ll write you check and where do it he really wants nothing to do with this

Team he writes a check you want to go get Johnny hockey all right I’ll pay him N9 million a year Patrick Lon you want to resign him all right we’ll sign him at a 9 million year yarmo ass owner doesn’t give a give a [ __ ] owner pays

Now you could hate that because the owner doesn’t care about your product or you know whatever way you take the ownership lets ymo do his job and that’s kind of the way the Blue Jackets are run because this guy isn’t he inherited the team but on Alvis though Sam I’ll say

This and do you know who Brian bu is he’s a so Brian bue play played for the Arizona Coyotes then the Phoenix Coyotes I was on a road trip and Brian bu at the time had set the NHL record I think it was like six or seven shutouts in a row

Of like scoreless hockey from a goenda guys and we’re drinking in the back of the plane and Brian bu’s on a hot streak and one of the defenseman I’m sitting next to him and we’re like it was a celebration because they just snapped like a four game losing streak

You know so the players it was my first time on the road they were loving me beers were popping we’re talking and player said to me goes that guy right there and looks at bu and goes that guy when he’s rolling no one can beat him but when he

Is bad mentally in his head the world’s crashing on him and right now he is GNA tear it up because he’s right here he is on top but if we start losing and start making bad plays and he starts letting the puck in it’s going to come crashing

Down so a lot of it with goalies I don’t think there’s another position in sports where the mental aspect of the game kind of reflects your output and even Alva said last night like the guys were playing good in front of me they gave me a he used the term guys gave me

A win last night they were playing they played good for me I think a lot of it is mental and getting out of his own head I don’t know this for a fact I haven’t talked to anyone on the team I’m sure if I can do some digging I can make

Some phone calls but guys let’s be honest about the play in front of them for two years they have been able to and he was bad last year I can’t he never made a big save to save his life but they can’t clear the zone you know turnovers in their own

Zone for I mean it’s been a constant for two years and then yarmo goes out and signs two trades for a big uh number two defenseman signs a huge multi- deal for another defenseman and even though Yo’s going out there Sam and making the changes it’s the same results this

Defense is really horeshit I don’t know who could play goalie on this team it’s it’s better than previous years and I think to a degree the team at large is underachieved but I think the defense is better than it has been in previous years but I’ve also watched numerous

Games this year where you know they’ve got a knack they being the Blue Jackets have a knack for giving up third period leads and losing games that they shouldn’t lead lose but yes the defense is bad do I blame the defense entirely absolutely not because I’ve also seen

Elvis give up a lot of soft goals this year too so you know maybe this is one of those situations where a split would be amicable and beneficial amicable and beneficial to both the problem I come back to is he’s got a contract that you’re gonna have to eat a good portion

Of to move him on or you’re gonna have to take a bad contract you’re gonna have to take a bad contract in return and and Kent you know this as an athlete I think a lot of the third period Yips that this team has is the coach all these guys are

Afraid they’re holding their stick tight in the third period all these guys are afraid if I screw up on the ice I’m going to be scratched next game this guy has run this team like a dictator there’s no continuity in the lines no one knows who they’re playing with from

Night to night no one knows who gonna get set down no one knows am I the next Superstar that’s going to be scratch tonight and for what reason because there’s been some weird ass scratches where I shake my head and go okay you’re scratching this guy but not this guy so

Kent what does that go from an athlete mentality where if you don’t know what the hell the manager is going to do or a pitching coach right it from a player standpoint oh boy if I blow the lead am I going to be middle rotation the best teams I play not

Middle middle of the bullpen sorry like a setup guy am I gonna lose my gig here the best teams I played on in in Major League Baseball you didn’t have to look after a game win or lose the lineups posted before we showered and left like you

Could go and look so position players could say oh I’m hitting second tomorrow I’m hitting third I’m hitting fourth I’m hitting the more consistent that roster is the best teams I played on guys didn’t have to go look at who’s playing tomorrow right they knew they were playing and

Hitting third or hitting seventh they knew and they were playing second base or center field there was no question on on that I think when you and again I didn’t play hockey but if if you have players playing timid late in a game because they don’t know if they’ll

Be in the lineup tomorrow that’s 100% on the head coach period right like you got to be willing to win with guys and lose with guys and you’ve got to be willing to instill the confidence that hey if you have a bad night you’re still in there tomorrow

Guys you’re still in there you’re going to be on first shift you’re on second line you’re third line like there’s continuity right consistency is the most important thing in professional sports turn over when you got guys and you know what it’s the old saying you can’t fire the entire hockey team right

So someone’s got to take the blame I know you said McConnell doesn’t want to assume that I’m just I’m just writing checks when they want me to he’s way more involved I’ll guarantee you behind the scenes on Personnel signings he didn’t become the person he

Was in his side in his real job by making bad decisions right he’s he’s controlling who this roster is and the team is and the GM and the coaches he’s the final Sayo because he’s the one stroking the check period but if if players aren’t buying in I

Don’t care how good they are right if they’re not if they’re worried about well if I don’t play oh [ __ ] I’m gonna play tight dude if you’re at that level and you’re playing tight you need to find a different job honestly I my dumbass wasn’t that good good enough to

Make it and and play as long as I did but I knew my role and I knew that you know what if it’s my turn I’m gonna go out there and kick somebody’s ass was my mindset didn’t always happen but I had support from my teammates right which is

The buyin and I played for great managers that made me feel like whether they were lying to my face you’re that dude man tonight’s your night go do it and by the way he he inherited that se MC and I don’t think necessarily wanted

The team and then I think his kid has a lot more to do with the day-to-day operations than the dad does he inherited this I don’t think he wanted it uh he inherited the company Worthington Steel from his dad too uh I don’t know how sometimes and I don’t

Know how his company works sometimes someone builds a company and they hire the right guys to run the company right so it’s kind of like you know you can’t screw this up type of thing so I don’t really I can’t comment on him building a

Business I know his dad did but but look what the Reds did right when Dick Williams took over was GM and assumed responsibilities for the Reds right his dad was one of the owners he didn’t necessarily know anything about baseball but knew enough that he was dangerous

And I don’t know what’s going on with the Blue Jackets right I don’t it may be Yo’s fault I don’t know no they don’t either you’re both in the same boat Kent you know Sam answer me this because you no you’re a season ticket holder you’re

Glued to the TV every game have they had a back-to-back game where they’ve used the same lineup where they’ve used the same lines not not the same lineup but the same line combinations backto back games back toback periods they me they Tinker so much yes where’s the

Continuity of the guy playing next to you if you’re the center I understand there’s a little bit of feeling out in who’s playing well and who’s not but when you’re just tinkering like torella did it all the time and it drove me bat [ __ ] um but when they were playing well

He would stick with with it yeah one thing I want to I want to tie something in that both of you said that I think is poignant the communication I feel like with Elvis has been whacking not necessarily that they have to tell the media they being the organization or the

Management have and the coach have to tell what their plan is for Elvis I don’t necessarily think that’s the case but if Elvis is on board and knows what what’s happening and why he’s not saying what he’s saying right now I don’t think so to me it seems like there’s a there’s

A Gap a big gap communication between the franchise and Elvis right now and I think that’s a bad I think that’s bad that’s part of the reason why they’re in this situation they are but whose fault is that well here I’ll tell you whose fault it is I think that’s the

Organization’s fault yeah because they put listen I’ll I’ll say this this the only time I may defend Pascal Vincent because I think he might be the worst coach this he is the worst coach this franchise ever had but they were asking him this weekend hey what about Elvis is

He gonna get traded and he said that’s above my pay grade Management’s known because he hasn’t played since December 29th that they need to make a comment because it’s above his pay grade yarmo should have came out and said made a comment to the press or at least hey

Guys it’s status quo right now we’re re-evaluating the situation we’ll have more news for you later just say something so your coach isn’t sitting there in the press conference being put on the spot by somebody because it’s not the coach’s job to talk about what the organization is doing making a decision

It is the GM’s job whether it’s John Davidson or whether it’s yarmo they put their coach in horseshit situation this weekend and yarmo should have said that’s why I’ll defend yarmo for a lot of things I’ll rip yarmo for a lot of things but yarmo is flat out wrong the

Organization should have said something about Elvis way before this past weekend that was a [ __ ] show man it didn’t it didn’t have to get to this point and it’s it’s a sad situation that we’ve unfortunately seen too often um and it doesn’t honestly like to put this all on

Yarmo is maybe a little little irresponsible because you can Sam this the how he’s handling this well this but I’ve seen other GMS in this organization do the same so you know he’s he’s the Target right now um by how this was handled again do I think there’s there’s

Plenty of blame to go on around from both sides uh but it’s just this is a situation that could have been voided and that’s what sucks hey Merk riddle me this about a professional athlete this is what I hate about Pascal Vincent he doesn’t allow any slumping players to

Play out of a slump he doesn’t you know how I judge young guys is if you have a bad game he’ll just scratch you sent you down send you down what I want to see from the young players is how they handle adversity if you have a bad shift

If you have a bad period if you have a bad game I want to see how you react the next day he’s not allowing these guys to do that I mean if if you’re in Major League Baseball whatever sport it is and your young player has a bad game you got

To trot him out next game to see what he’s made of and to to me it’s a wasted season for all these young players because you they’re not they’re facing adversity but they’re not allowed to play out of a slump well and you’re it’s a great point and that’s what I spoke

About a little bit ago is the continuity of a of a lineup right like you need to know whether you play well tonight or shitty tonight I’m I’m still first line I’m second line I I know what my role on this team is and then everybody kind adapts to

That where it’s like I know whether yeah in baseball if I go if Chipper Jones went 0 for four but ran every ball out in Atlanta his rookie year he was still going to be hitting third the next night right because we’re not looking for it so

Myopically where it’s win today it’s win tomorrow next year next year how do we build a culture and and honestly if players are looking around saying well damn I don’t know if I’m gonna be in the lineup tomorrow I I don’t know that that that’s that oh my God it’ll

Destroy a locker room and and that starts with the head coach right and then you look at who’s who’s responsible for the head coach is it the GM is it the owner it always goes back to the top in in professional sports in my opinion it’s always going to go back to who’s

Cutting the checks they’re going to they’re going to rely on their GMS and presidents of these clubs to give sound advice on okay I’ll Trust you guys that this is the right guy but if if players if it’s dysfunctional within a locker room or a clubhouse it’s never going to work I

Don’t care look at the Yankees look at the Mets the last couple years they had a $430 million payroll and finished fifth in the division if guys aren’t getting together within that Clubhouse and they’re not buying in to what the the organization is selling it’s never going to work I don’t give a

[ __ ] how many Allstars you put so where where where where’s the onus laid on that to me it’s a head coach it’s a head coach and and two y by the way if Elvis if he declares himself as a leader it’s on him it’s on him to grab the guys

Around him and say [ __ ] you guys let’s go we need to play better play better defense for me I feel like I’m on an island here whatever it may B that’s and and the other thing I’ll say about the best teams I’ve played on the continuity

Of a lineup but it was also where the players policed themselves they didn’t need a manager to come in or the general manager to come in and have a team meeting the players took care of it themselves and and in in in today’s environment in sports how many

Guys just want to get paid and how many guys want to win and there’s a big difference between those two type players I want mine or do we want ours and some guys you would rather just say I I’m I’m making five million a year yeah if we

Finish F I don’t really don’t give a [ __ ] right I’m taking care of my family I’m taking and then there’s guys that just want to win one thing about Elvis and if you I don’t know this all right uh eron portsl reported over weekend to your point Sam

Where you can blame Elvis for this and this is Aaron portline of the athletic and he’s covered this team since day one I think he knows a little bit about what’s going on he reported that the beef with players but he didn’t have anyone to go on the record the beef with

Players in that locker room was all right you’re the number one goalie Alvis then take the Reigns and be the number one goalie and there’s a lot of chatter around that team that Elvis doesn’t want to take the Reigns and that probably goes to what you’re talking about K if

You want to be the guy then call out guys and be the leader you can’t call yourself the leader of a team or a leader and be the number one goalie and act like a backup goalie right so to your point Sam that is on Elvis if

That’s true and you’re just kind of sitting back and I want to be the number one guy but I’m not doing anything to make myself the number one guy because there was a lot of questions Kent after last season about Elvis’s maturity level and guys see that guys see the maturity

Level I talked to cam ainson a couple years ago about this team about there’s some immature dudes he said yeah there’s a lot of immature but they’re kids right so immaturity and guys look at that and go man this guy’s not ready to play I’m a professional are they being professional

I think there might be a little bit of that on Elvis is he being a professional because you might find out guys if Elvis gets traded or goes elsewhere they could be better with a lesser Talent absolutely get him out of the locker room I feel like we could sit

Here and talk about this all day but we got a he’s gonna get traded he’s gonna get TR it’s just a matter how much of the contract they have to eat yeah uh let’s get and you’re right there because what bad contract are we going to take

In return let’s go to the Super Chat uh Sports in Europe is all out fans in North America it’s about corporate you can go to a Milan Derby game for 50 bucks fan makes Sports great yeah I I think that’s a big case corporate sponsorship I mean I’ll tell you a story

Randy Moss his second time with the Vikings guys the Patriots traded him to Minnesota was at the end of the year Brad childis was the head coach and and Randy Moss made a comment about the team meal they were eating at practice and it was a chicken place and they spent a lot

Of money with the Minnesota Vikings and this is well publicized you guys can look this up he made a comment about the food tasting like crap in front of the guy who served the food the owner of the company and the Vikings released him right there on the spot so do you think

A a team or the Vikings would release Randy Moss if the sponsor wasn’t there of course not he ate bad chicken but if the sponsors there spending millions of dollars and Moss isn’t doing his part on the field well you cut his ass so you’re right go on

Uh the only thing I would argue about that you know what in radio I’ll tell you this about radio too a lot of sponsors dictate if if there was a million-dollar sponsor on a radio station and let’s say someone was struggling in the ratings and they said

Fire that guy he said something that was offensive to me sometimes the radio it happens lucky for me have good ratings the one thing I will say and maybe argue with that is I just looked it up AC Milan’s got a nearly 90 million euro payroll um they’re making money

Somewhere and maybe it’s not on ticket sales but they’re making money somewhere uh players today softer and overpaid softer than ever uh Mike madg Russo talked about that today said it’s so toxic between the May players and media because the media will say something on social media and the

Players read it and he just mentioned that the environment with the players and athletes right now are is toxic as ever would you guys agree with that no I agree but but here’s the thing I’m not putting the blame on the player do do I do I think players are softer in

Professional sports today yes I do and and and this will go back to the not even to rehash the Marvin Harrison thing 25 years ago those dudes are playing in that bowl game but I also o think the media are looking for hits they’re looking for clickbait they’re looking for to be that

Shock oh we got this story we got this dude saying this and walking off and getting pissed off I think I think it goes both ways with with with like Mad Dog Russo listen I listen to him honestly I’m not a fan he he talks a lot says a lot for a

Guy that never played the game and but is the smartest guy knows more about baseball than anybody he could definitely rub off on you the wrong way he’s a baseball fan but part of his Allure and the reason people tune in is because they know he’s gonna bury some player right

He’s gonna have that interview he’s the Jim Rome where you know I’m gonna call you Chrissy Everett we’re gonna fight and all of a sudden my career launches so it goes both ways with the media and players yes players are softer the money’s better guys don’t want to play

When they’re hurt as much because they’re looking out for themselves I get that but the media is also culpable here because they’re trying to bait these guys they want that quote that the whole world goes holy [ __ ] yeah you believe they want Mike Tomlin to walk off right

I’ve done it done guys that losing streaks I want to bite I’ve done it and you should and and by the way that M that’s why you’re so good at what you do Tor like that’s why you’re good at what you do that has to go back and forth but

You know Tom Tomlin walking off is priceless for the media yeah right there’s a story to tell talk for two more weeks about that and you know what though does he do that though guys start with you Sam does Mike Tomlin walk off to get take the kind of deflect my team

Just played like crap we got my ass kicked but everybody today is not going to talk about my team on the field they’re going to talk about me walking off I think that’s my team I think it was just an emotional thing I think he was coming off the field he’s probably

Frozen stiff and pissed off that they lost and he just didn’t want to deal with it so he left he’s in Buffalo yeah that could piss anybody off yeah I don’t think that was rehearsed at all I think he was no I think that was in the moment

There’s one there’s one other culprit I think we can attribute to the the fact that players are softers and it kind of ties in I think the leaves leagues have gone softer especially the NHL and the NFL oh yeah I mean look at what they limit now NBA NBA’s run by the players

Too you could put the NBA in there well dude look at the rule changes in football right protecting the quarterback like I see some of these penalties I’m like oh my God and I guarantee you former quarterbacks and are going that’s a flag now you look at

Baseball you can’t run over the catcher anymore right unless we got to protect the catcher we gota you can’t argue with the umpires anymore like you don’t even have the neighborhood play you got to touch the base now on a double play yeah can you believe that yeah but but they’re changing the Rules I mean I I listen I’m not bringing up LeBron James other than I’ve heard and watched interviews of former players that are like dude that dude couldn’t have survived in the 80s right like you’re not allowed to touch you’re not allow to touch you can’t touch the best player anymore yeah

It happens in Hoy you can’t go after they they stop fighting in hockey right like it’s you get penalized so much it’s it’s it’s it’s the ownership and the and the not just the ownership it’s it’s the organ it’s MLB it’s the NHL it’s NFL it’s NBA that are listen

They’re investing way more money in these guys they want them to be able to take the field every day right so let’s make the rules change the rules to where we can keep them healthier and get a return on our investment where it that isn’t the pure that takes away from the

Purity of the sports respectively right yeah you want to see a fight and don’t you still want to see fights in in hockey I I talked to Ganson about this about Erica Branson the defenseman about the blue with the Blue Jackets he took this cheap shot hit from Nick cousins

And and he went out the next shift he saw cousins on the ice he just pummeled the crap out of him right yeah and I mentioned to him if they kept fighting in the game that chicken [ __ ] plays wouldn’t happen the Patrick Lon did you see how Patrick Lon got hurt he got

Slewfoot guys take Liberty from other players because they know there’s going to be no punishment on the other end if I know I’m on the ice like old school and I take a run on a player that’s why they were enforcers in the game I know

I’m gonna get my ass kicked or worse yet I know the guy who fights on my team has to fight for me and I could tell you firsthand because I’ve talked to guys when someone starts off they do they like fighting I don’t know do you like

Getting punch in the face but it’s the role those guys know that’s my role to protect my teammates right there’s nothing that pisses another guy off because you did a cheap shot a chicken [ __ ] a cheap shot on someone else and now I gotta fight because of you well

You can’t and you can’t retaliate no no now I’m talking old school back in the days look at what Nick Felino look at what Nick Felino did on uh who was it it was Brendan Smith’s hit on Conor Bard he he even said he goes this was a clean

Hit uh it wasn’t dirty but the guy took a run at a kid that’s still trying to figure it out in the NHL and he’s our best player so I had to step in and beat his ass like ni old school it wasn’t even I would say the difference between

Good Branson and and that is Felino steps up just because he knows what’s right the problem was with the good Branson Nick cousins hit is the NHL didn’t do [ __ ] about it yes they should have called a penalty they didn’t they should have kicked the guy out of the

Game good Branson has to come out and kick the guys suspended him that’s the NHL’s fa that’s not good Branson’s fault Nick cousin’s a [ __ ] he is and he such a cheap ass [ __ ] he has uh here’s David Super Chat final one before we hit a break I’m a Browns fan how worried

Should I be about the future not crazy about Watson currently Kent have a beer on me thanks David appreciate it buddy so I read something today the Browns are 17 million over but they can create cap room if they redo contracts and I’ll get the stat for you guys tomorrow I think

It’s they can create 60 million of cat space so take 17 off that I think they can create $40 million more I you know what they need to do is they need to figure out how we can work with DeShaun Watson he’s your quarterback whether you

Like it or not he is he’s your future for the next four years so what do I do as a franchise to make it work with him I got to get him weapons it’s as simple as that I got to figure out from a play calling standpoint Kevin stansky is I probably

Pull every damn tape he had with the Houston Texans and say what plays made does Shawn Watson good while he was here because he was a top 10 quarterback because here even though it’s been three years removed I got to figure out how to make him that guy that’s Kevin stans’s

Sole job in the off season is watch every piece of tape he did with the Texans and then tap plays that made him successful and then put it in your playbook because if you don’t do something you are G to you’re going to be out the door right if they don’t win

In the next I think Stefan’s got a few years but you’re stuck with that guy so you got to work with them and find a way to win but who’s going to allow that dork the owner not the GM not the president the owner who’s gonna write the check

Right probably the owner’s idea owner already did yeah they gota live with it but but that’s what I’m saying like it it It ultimately comes down to the owner and these guys it’s a hobby for them but they have pride they have egos they want

To win yep and they won this year and let’s I I’m I would not be doom and gloomy personally about DeShaun Watson I would look that se this season as 12 and five and everybody was hurt holy crap what could we do if everybody’s healthy I’ll say just pray for his health like

If the guy’s healthy I think he’s going to produce for you I hope with how it’s built like he has to yeah yep all right guys oie e podcast what’s on X is next Hazmat Ohio is a firefighter owned and operated all hazards training company specializing in custom safety training

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Call or text Lauren at 614 296 3952 614 296 3952 or email at Torgerson Lauren OV podcast the Tor Sam Grooms Kent mker let me suck up to my wife who’s watching right now good job my wife closed the deal today good job I’m taking you out to the Ott after after

The show so before before we get into what what’s on next it’s been officially announced that uh we do have a new ad bork is being hired as the athletic director of the high State University good good good move and when is when is uh Sam does the article say when jeans

Officially done Jee is done in June okay that’s what I thought I thought it was this spring or summer yep and and and I know Jean takes a lot of heat thought Jean did a pretty decent job the level of success in football during Jean Smith

Was pretty damn good and that’s how you judge Ohio State athletics right over football no one’s breaking down any other sports I mean Gan will is a talking point tell how good the other sports are but football makes the you don’t want to be the ad when Football

Goes south if it ever does well when you’re paying your head coaches that much they better be good absolutely because there were a time in a place there was a time in place where Jim trussell’s assistants were making all under a million dollars yeah urban urban could be the one thanked or attributed

To the fact that his assistant started making SEC money oh je Smith and Gordon G went on my radio show and said they said two things one players will never be paid and two assistant coach will never be paid over a million dollars if they’re at Ohio State you’re right Sam then

Irvan came along and voila you want G to jump into these what’s on next J absolutely all right we’ll start here uh looks like Jason Kelce after a 13-year uh career is hanging it up after the loss last night can I bring up something be a little unsensitive and be a dick

Would anyone know Travis Kelce if his brother didn’t shoot the fame and then they did a podcast together Jason Kelsey was a good player but that podcast and his brother made him a household name say that about any offensive lineman right yeah would they know Travis Kelce yes would they Jason would

They know Jason would they know him if it wasn’t for his brother if you’re a Philly fan yes sure outs of that market you probably don’t the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Jason Kelce is how he showed up to the uh Super Bowl Parade in Philly whereing the

Ultan’s outfit I think I can’t get that out of my head and every time I hear his name that’s what I think of immediately likable guy be in the Hall of Fame someday can’t say anything negative about him uh but that rise to fame the brothers podcast and then his brother just

Shooting to popularity Manning because we’re professionals here and I haven’t seen any of these I’m just gonna click on them all right what we got here so uh industry sources with knowledge of MLBs uh and the A’s thinking said Sacramento Sutter Health Park home the San Francisco Giants top farm team has

Emerged as the possible A’s landing spot I assume that’s for this year uh that’s going to be for the next three years I believe because they are they need a place to play before uh Vegas before they move to Vegas Kent is that a good solution of the A’s in Sacramento

Because I believe there’s a AAA team there is that a good fit I figured it would be somewhere you know remember when the Expos played in PTO Rico in SPL time oh yeah uh your thoughts on the Sacramento A’s well I can tell you this anywhere they would play is better than in

Oakland i i i i there’s no such thing is a bad big league park but some of them are really close Oakland just the park itself where we stayed it’s just not a good place it’s not and I don’t mean to be mean to people that are from Oakland but yes

Anywhere they know it’s a [ __ ] have you seen it is or either of you guys have you seen the renderings for the new park in Las Vegas looks awesome yeah have you notice the one thing that’s missing what a roof who wants to go in the middle of

Summer to a game in Las Vegas gotta be a retractable roof has to be right but every R not seen it’s ruthless absolutely got to be a retractable roof like in Arizona has to be yeah all right the NCAA has created an absolute mess with the transfer portal

Alama’s roster basically open season for 30 days tampering everywhere why why is this first of all this is a little interjection why is it a problem now secondly meanwhile or continuing meanwhile bamama can’t do anything in response because the portal is closed for other teams that has not had a

Coaching change nuts why is it a problem now but did but listen there’s way more people that are way smarter than me in college football right way more when when I heard about this all this stuff that’s oh this is what they’re going to start doing I’m like they’ve

Got to be kidding right they’re opening Pandora’s Box they have no idea what’s going to happen and and and again people way smarter than me didn’t see this the Wild Wild West this is to help promote parody where smaller D1 schools can pay now and get better players guys the rich

Are going to get richer and they’ve shown that they are this portal yeah it it’s it trickles down to so many levels for a player to like we talked about how many shows ago players having to buy into a system right to a culture they don’t have to because they know

They can get the [ __ ] out the next year right like where where’s the Loyalty from the player they don’t have to be loyal they they they came to Ohio State or Alabama they don’t like their coach their positions coach okay oh he’s mean to me he made me run extra I’ll just go

Play somewhere else like this and and here’s the not scary about it you can’t put the too toothpaste back in the tube right this can’t be undone no but they can tweak it though they they can tweak it I think they’re going to I think eventually you’re going

To see because a player has to play three years before they go pro so I think you’re going to see if you get paid by someone you have to stay at the school for three years unless it’s a mutual release I think you’re going to see something like that down the road I

Think you’re going to see tweaks to this I think you have to I I don’t feel sorry for Alabama but their roster getting cherry-picked Now by Texas Florida State and Georgia just getting absolutely cherry-picked but that’s what happens when you’re a big school You Got Talented players and someone come new

Comes in it’s you’re right it’s the Wild Wild West and listen I’m doing good here but now the money Train’s open where I could go somewhere else and do better right they need they need to change the timing of it all up completely they because minimum they have to well well

You know what you make a good point because because before when Kyle McCord left they’d say oh the timing before bows well that was the academic quarter right you school ends school begins and they allow you to transfer well this is 30 days in the middle of a damn semester

Right so how do they get away with this yeah no I mean the timing of it all is brutal when it especially when it pairs up with recruiting and early signing and all that it’s just they’ve got to figure something out yeah they need they need

To and and I hate to use the word salary cap because I was with a union in baseball but there’s got to be some I mean this is wilder than any professional sport you know no Ru like like Ohio State could theoretically pay $500 million to their

53 guys that they put on the field every Saturday next year right there’s no rules on it so do you know you guys want to know when there’s going to be a rule on it this is the truth when the schools have to pay the players then there’ll be

Rules schools don’t give a [ __ ] now because they’re not they’re not paying the bill someone else is but the minute that the schools are paying these players and it’ll happen the rules will change no one gives a [ __ ] now so no one cares right but someone will stand up

And all the 80s will get together and go hold it now it’s out of our athletic department now we got to make some changes and that’s changes and you get into this about the the nil deals right there’s Collective deals and there’s directive deals right like there’s the

Collective is where all these businesses and alumni they throw money into a pool and they decide who they want to pay well these directives where it it has nothing to do with alumni it’s a it’s a company a Nike or a Adidas or name it they go directly to the player right

It’s not it has nothing to do with the school where they can just sign hey dude if you come to Ohio State you know we we’ll pay you $8 million a year has nothing to do with the collective right but it’s a one-on-one deal done outside of the University where there’s no ties

To it like that’s where it’s going to get in my opinion that’s where it’s going to get big where it’s going to get where the rich get richer gor on with a quick comment Porter for smaller schools JW would have gone to Mac Port smaller schools do I portal

Maybe I’m missing on what his who’s JW comment is who’s JW good question MK I don’t know write us back back jamus Winston oh yeah yeah yeah jamus Winston there you go we were talking about jamus Winston a little earlier how do I get this there

We go I’m new at this Sam could tell you I’m bad at technology push a lot of buttons you’re better than me yeah blind leading the blind ladies and gentlemen tell you what we’re going overtime should we call it a call it a show boys I say we go to seven

O’clock I say you can go to 7 o’cl me and you MC with division by division in baseball let’s do it yeah uh tomorrow good show uh Fus will be back later this week so we got a lot of stuff coming there’s a lot of stuff we didn’t even

Get to today we got to start breaking down this Caleb Williams and what did the Bears do with Justin Fields I’m sure there’s going to be more out of Harbaugh heck maybe the Buckey is still a player from Alabama and we’re all toasted uh see you tomorrow boys o podcast out see boys


  1. Not to mention that Connor Stalions is being praised. He's going to bars, getting free alcohol, he even showed up at their playoff games. Could you imagine if Buck I guy or Big Nut did this? The media, even Ohio state fans, would be disgusted

  2. Harbaugh was born on 3rd lol his whole family coached. And not only did he say Ryan Day was born on third base, he made that comment while knowingly cheating to beat them LOL

  3. Urban Meyers didn't get fired, and he had a coach who was beating his wife🤷🏽‍♀️

  4. Hes not as bad as u make him out to be. He was hurt one year and the browns gave up on him. Hes not injury prone

  5. Pookie look at ya funky black ass 😂! Only the real ones know what I’m talking bout. Y’all are so pathetic, soft ass losers! NATIONAL CHAMPS BITCHES!!!

  6. Ryan Day would’ve been fired in record time . I’m talking world record speed. Bottom line Xichigan is the Latino Heat of college football. Lie , cheat and steal . 🤷‍♂️

  7. Suspending him 3 games means nothing. It was the coordinators running the operation. Stallions talks before every play on offense and defense then they call the formation and alignment. Acting like it was nothing is pathetic and a sign that someone is immoral and would cheat if they could.

  8. How did you guys like Tomlin’s 1st timeout with 2 seconds left in the half? He is a dipshit, players coach. His standard is losing by 30 in round 1 at best!!

  9. Michigan just won a national championship and Ohio state in their last game just put up 3 points in 3 hours of football 😅😂

  10. He's asking for the same contract that urban Meyer got with Ohio State when he left Florida don't act like you guys are better than Michigan you guys gave urban Meyer immunity clause in his contract

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