Golf Babe

MASTER Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – 7th Anniversary Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is the playthrough for Master division with various wind for the 7th Anniversary Tournament. Playing from 3rd tee.

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Hello everybody welcome to this playthrough for master the vision with various wind here in golf Clash the game before we have a closer look at all the content in this video make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the

Notifications that helps the channel immensely for those of you that do want to take the next step in your game and improve it even more you can and the QR code here on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below called Tommy We There have

Checkpoint challenge tour playay and tournament guides for everyone so make sure to check it out and sign up and improve your game today you can start as low as $3 per 30 days info box on the right hand side to get the club distance adjustment elevation adjustment also

What ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there’s always a plan behind it so let’s go to hold number one hole number one is usually a fairly

Easy start I would say even if we do have a headwind we generally have a super simple layup either to Long iron or to a short iron but I think it’s more fun when we do get some tail whm because then we can send it either we go right

Or we go left I would say that if it is a straight Tailwind like this going left should be better why it’s because we then have a look at the hole in one from the right hand side it’s going to be uh obviously and holding one on a part four

Is always a lottery but from the right it’s going to be even more but it could be a way for those of you that do not feel confident adjusting down over a cliff or something like that and want to take a different type of Route then this

Is um a nice play in that sense Max plus 10 then specific push-up depending on wind angle and wind strength as normal when it comes to sended in master and then we’re bouncing on the farway and then into the rough rolls up onto the green now kind of close to an hole in

One but we’re settling with an eagle so in the end if you have a headwind or a crosswind we lay up if we do have a tail win then we’re going to send it and hope for the best it doesn’t matter if you play with

The rock level 9 or you play with a quarterback here because we are looking for the 100 in accuracy the good thing with the rock is that it allows more power and therefore you can play with power balls that is not like a a a P3 P4

P5 ball for an example that sometimes it becomes with the quarterback as it does have less power 4.1 Back Spin and putting the ball guideline slightly short of the hole adjust mid plus 20 and once we have adjusted we’re going to Center the ball and it perfect

Obviously we’re going to have to look at the wind angles here um we’re going to have wind different wind angles that will be important to follow if you’re going to be consistent with dropping part threes here in moner division centry ball adding the tweaks and perfect ball it

Is we land then into the rough and rolls down the green and dropping dead n not really dead center right a 360 in the hole or at ho in one for hold number six in Scotland n hole cup we’re going to have a headwind here for display this is going to make this

Uh part five to be extremely difficult to do anything else than an eagle and especially from 30 we’re playing mainly for for Eagle always if we do have a straight tail we we could get over the water and we can somewhat find our yourself with a long a wood Club rough

Bump from there but that’s kind of the best case scenario adjust Max plus 10 here my goal is to get myself as far up on the farway without risking too much and here I kind of realize that if I’m going Max op even with all the Top Spin

The risk of going into the rough or into the sand is very high so I’m planning to Just Bounce and bounce and roll trying to get as close to the rough line there at the top without obviously rolling into it second shot now we are so far

Away and we do have the direct headwind that we have to just lay up and here you can either lay up for a short Aron from M distance or close to it or you go a little bit higher up and you play with a

Wedge uh to attack the pin this is up to what you prefer I’m going to show you uh a second shot sorry a third shot just for reference as well once we have taken the this second shot so you can see here here that I’m leaving myself a little

Bit of room from the rough line to the right because even if I could play closer we do not want to risk anything here in terms of clipping the rough un necessarily with a great right or something like that so now it’s just to

Take it easy and just Again Play it in a realistic way there will be loads of players trying to still get to Green from here but that will get them into the rougher into the sand I would say to almost a 100% certainty a little bit C to the right we

Bounce on the farway we get oursel up nicely and now we are in a good position for the third shot we’re going to have a look at that one just for reference so here you can either play with a wedge or you can go for a shortterm from M

Distance or I mean there are many different ways to do that you can see we are just at Max Club basically uh and we could technically have going for a dunk with our Falcon but decide to go with a wedge try to find a nice consistent spot

As we’re not as we’re looking to just make this wedge as yeah as easy as we can all right so aim point is fixed now we are going to make an adjustment we’re going to Center the ball and hit perfect and we’re going to see oursel having a good chance for an

Eagle and I would say if you do have a headwind of t on this part five an eagle is most definitely good enough to consider not a drop but consider being one up on many of your opponents in Tailwind we can push it but it’s still

Very risky pushing it on this part five and if you’re making mistakes this will that will definitely cost you a shot on this hole on hole number four this is going to be a very good chance for an hole in one using 1.9 nine Back Spin and one

Left spin moving up with our club here now to look at the ball guide line mainly you can see here that I’m using the ball guy line to be left of the pin top of the yellow ring by the rough line as well we do make the adjustment here

Now that’s going to be with a 10% elevation have in mind that the Min mid max type of thingy is going to change depending on what type of wind direction you do have here in a tail wi would you recommend to play with at least a power Z not at least but

With a power zero or power one ball otherwise there is a risk for you to pull in between clubes if you do have a crosswind or a headwind it doesn’t really matter what ball you’re playing with if it is a P3 or P4 for an example perfect ball it is bounces into

The rough and rolls up onto the green and we’re dropping nicely dead center for the ho in one take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament text guides for expert and a master division for the seventh anniversary tournament it’s honestly unbelievable that we have been playing this game for

So long but we keep on making guides keep on improving players um players play and having fun in the game scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to viia the link in the description Down Below have in mind that you can play with freet to play balls

And pay balls and follow our guides and get some success in my opinion having a guide makes you save money because it will uh take away the need of doing those extra practices spending those extra ball and spending that extra time that otherwise have to do to be

Competitive and get to the weekend round so once again get to the weekend round in an easy way and compete for the top spots with our ultimate tournament text guide scan the QR code or use the link in the description down below on hole number five if we do have a

Headwin we unfortunately going to have to lay up that is not something that I do want to do in this all I want to send it but you can only send it here if you do have a cross win or you do have a tail win now with Top Spin boost balls

Being available a load of them then I see no I see no reason to do anything else than sending it if we do have a crosswind or a Tailwind it possibly that it could be go with a big boy Top Spin boost ball uh in a headwind too it’s

Untested from my end but something to be worth had in mind because obviously reaching over the other side uh of the fireway is going to be so so much better than having to lay up but we do lay up here in the video max plus 10 on the

Adjustment and then we sent to the ball and the intention is to obviously hit perfect on the second shot that we are going to be uh going to prepare we’re going to play our Thorn we’re going to play a lot of backspin here on the second shot and

Therefore the elevation here on the video is not really going to align with what we do have on the website and the reason for that is that when we’re doing a backspin shot here uh always when we do a lot of Back Spin it’s going to require a lot more adjustment than what

We otherwise would need to do if we do have like a standard bounce of play or something like that but the beauty with using a lot of back spin here is to allow ourselves to actually aim on the green um and that will leave for a much more consistent first bounce and much

More consistent wrestled in the long run on this part four especially if you do once again have to lay up 20% elevation and it’s going to be when we are close to Max Club it’s going to be Max club numbers as well a P4 ball here is going to pull

Very close to max line where P5 will give you a little bit more room but again this is the worst case scenario that we have to lay up where we otherwise would love to send it but if we do lay up and we do make a proper adjustment on the approach we can

Definitely lock this lock in this eagle from distance for hole number three we have another part four here in the Scotland n hole cup unfortunately when we do have a headden I’m going to have to lay up and that’s the same kind of Way Cross win as

Well we could get around when it comes to cross spin angles to do some sort of a um what will it be a power hook using Top Spin boost ball and stuff like that but generally fairly risky in that but in Tailwind it’s a no-brainer then we’re

Going to send it here we adjust Max plus 10 and then we’re going to apply a specific amount of Top Spin to get the ball to where we want we’re looking for consistency here with the drive which uh is difficult on a bumpy Fairway where whereof there will be scenario I where

It’s maybe even better to lay up even shorter than this we’re looking now to play a long iron to the pin and we’re looking to play a rough bump you all know me when it comes to rough bump I really love rough bumps and the reason I

Do that is due to the fact that after the first bounce the wind will not have that much of an effect where of bouncing on a farway it’s most definitely going to have a pretty big effect instead so now I’m looking to have the ball guideline um through the hole just like

Uh this due to the headwind that we’re having or not slightly we’re having the ball guideline pretty heavily through the hole here uh and we are also aiming way left why do we aim left it’s because the ball when it hits the ground is going to be pushed pretty heavily right

And especially with a headwind that’s going to compress the ball guideline is going to make the ball go even more right so therefore uh we cannot uh aim directly at the pin uh with this type of spin setup no elevation and then here we’re close to Min club and you can see

We bounce into rough rolls up onto the green dropping dead center for a beautiful Eagle here in hole number three in the Scotland N9 hole cup again tail win we’re going to send it cross win or head win we’re going to have to lay up in Cross wi could be sometimes we

Could maybe say send it with a Top Spin boost Ball but in general it’s going to be a layup for hole number seven this is a video with a replay glitch and therefore you’re not really going to see uh the ball guideline as it should be because

I’m starting with a sniper and I’m starting a P3 Max rest and therefore you will see here when I do adjust it jumps back to the sniper just in a little bit this was uh this is a recording that was recorded well before the replay pool got

Updated with prop type of Replay MAX plus 20 though as you can see here I’m not playing with any spins whatsoever with this type of play and I enjoy those type of plays like if we don’t have to set any spins that’s definitely something that is helpful for us uh when

We do attack the pin perfect poll it is and that we bounce on the farway it goes over the water and rough and we are rolling dropping nicely for an only in one have to say on this one here though is like if you do not feel confident by

Bouncing over the water and the rough you can always go for a rough bump that is above the water and rough that will however not be possible if you do have a headwind because then that will be too far up in your max Club range for hole number five in the

Scotland nle cup we’re going to send it here if we do have a tail win if we do have a head win or cross wi we are going to lay up but again I wanted to display the Tailwind because that’s the the fun wind angle aiming way out to the left

Here and the reason we’re doing that is because we do want to come in with an angle meaning that we’re going to use a lot of curl to push the ball back in right because the pin is standing more to the right and using in this case all

Of the curl is not going to be enough so we’re using a slice here you can see we land on the farway we’re then using specific spins to ensure that we are not going too long or too short but obviously when it is with sended shot especially Hooks and slides then it’s

Going to be difficult to control the outcome all the time because it is generally inconsistent the adjustment here on the drive in general is Max plus 10 if you’re playing a layup on the second shot you play no elevation and true Club distance and then you’re going

To get yourself close if not in the hole if you do have to lay off with whole five hopefully we do have some Tailwind so we can send it for hole number eight to drive and now we do have a tailwind and then we do have um decision to make either we can

Try to play Super aggressive trying to get some distance on the fireway that is more to the left uh but obviously then we will risk water or we are playing like the standard way of doing which is to bounce over that little part of water and rough to just land nicely on the

Faway but if we do that then it’s going to be purely an eagle so but in the end though this is such a part such a difficult part five where taking too much of a risk will often um make yeah you will often make a mess uh of everything that’s why I

Prefer to play this one a bit more conservative just to make sure that I’m getting the eagle as even if you were making a very aggressive drive and make that absolutely spot on it’s still super difficult to get Albatross from this so adjust Max plot 15 here I’m doing a

Max op slow needle play uh to gain some extra distance to land nicely over on the faway now we’re going to have the two left spins added and as you can see I’m playing with a luminary you can play this with whatever P5 Vol you may

Possess like a regular Circ if you would like now I’m just aiming somewhat onto the green as you can see there that the pins stand so far left that pushing uh to attack the pin here from distance is going to most likely get yourself into

The rough or into the sand the most of the cases u i just max no elevation I’m using on curl to push the ball back left and here ending up on The Fringe or on the green or on the farway for a simple Eagle kind of a boring part five but I

Mean there will be players just getting a bird on this one then an eagle is definitely one up on those opponents thank you so much everybody for watching this playthrough with various win for master division with various win for the seventh anniversary tournament here in golf Clash the game scan the QR code

Here on the screen or go directly via the link that is in the description down below Clash Tomy and sign up for our ultimate tournament X guides or the exclusive tour shootout guides or our checkpoint challenge guides you can bundle it together as well if you want

Last but not least thank you so much for watching I wish you the best of luck in your goldf Clash game


  1. Its nice to see a sponsored person with a gezillioen balls and maxed clubs to do a guideline , but i have apoc 5 and cata 5 and cant play these balls …show a master guide with lower club and then i could use that as a guide…no hard feelings ofcourse…

  2. I don’t understand. H1 is 14mph head/cross wind. H2 mid +20% sends you over the green every time! 🤷‍♂️

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