Moving Your Shoulders Like This Makes the Downswing Easy

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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So in today’s video we going to talk very much about how your shoulders should be moving in the golf swing and I got a real simple drill for you something that you can practice very much at home or down the driving range and it’s going to help you unlock that

Extra bit of rotation that you need in the golf swing and it’s also going to give you a lot of answers to potential questions that you have about uncertainty of rotation so I’m going to use a large alignment stick okay now you guys don’t obviously necessarily have to

Use something like so long you can just use a normal size alignment stick but when you do the drill make sure the majority of it is sticking outside the trail side so you can see most of it here is sticking out my right side now I’m going to you’ll see from this drill

Because I’m also going to talk a little bit about the feeling of the lead side which is why I’m going to use the long the larger alignment stick for this exercise so quite simply all we’re going to try and do with with this exercise is get that alignment stick to get down

Towards the floor so the benefit of having a larger alignment stick is I can genuinely get this down towards the floor as you can see here and then I can continue to keep rotating like so now and I meet a lot of students particularly students online where I’ll

Do this type of exercise with because I’m trying to give them that sort of sense of feel of what it should be like to trigger a correct rotation they’ve often got the wrong idea so most golfers are trying to drop the shoulder down they’re trying to do things like induce

An element of spine Bend and what happens is they get quite stuck like so and they can’t rotate through the ball this is why then you become excessively handsy in your golf swing so all we’re trying to do first of all is just rotate the chest rotate the pelvis through

Towards the Target and if I keep turning my chest then in never to be my shoulders can keep turning now where the drill comes into its own is more from obviously if I was to show you from this side on perspective so again remember that’s kind of trying to emulate roughly

Sort of where I’m um you know my my sort of distance from the golf ball now you don’t have to do this uh a particular amount right so you just want to do this to much of your own physical capability so if I again emulate what I think most

Amateurs would be capable of it’ be something like this okay so in the way I’ve still got the alignment stick moving progressively over the ball as I’m demonstrating here now when we look at professional golfers what we often see is that they’re more tilted and the reason why the reason why they’re more

Tilted is because they get what’s known as more hip depths so see the way that my hips are moving more back and behind me as I’m demonstrating here and what you can see is as I do that that then induces an element of tilt so now can

You see the way that my shoulders Point more down towards the ball okay like so so if I now again show you that from the face on perspective what you’re going to be able to see is this position quite comfortable and then this position where I’m just

More focused on more hip depth to get the shoulders down so the point of this type of exercise is that you would want to be doing this okay very much like so just to get the feeling of what rotation is and how your shoulder should be

Moving a good way then you could start to get a bit of a sense is to bring your Trail hand out so see the way I’ve brought my right hand out and just put it somewhere he might not have the the ability to externally rotate enough so

Just have your Trail arm somewhere in the vicinity of the alignment stick and then just get the feeling then of coming down with your Trail hand off and this is going to give you a really strong sense of exactly what you’re looking to achieve with that sense of rotation so

As I do some swings here I’m now trying to get that feeling of turning can feel the shoulders dropping down able to swing very much through the ball the last point that I do want to make because this is a mistake that I often

Tend to see with a lot of golfers is I always prefer the feeling of yes being aware of chest rotation very much but the only issue that I tend to think is when a lot of golfers are very aware of the impact area and and for example the

Shoulder coming down is they often kind of just get stuck and stop there that’s why with the alignment stick now I want you to pay attention more to the lead side so the way that the left side of this alignment stick really retracts up and behind the back of my head which

Pulls me all the way through and that’s why I prefer that because I’m a big believer in just trying to produce a sort of natural free flowing swing and rotation is very much a part of them and that’s why I teamed up with the swing buddy swing Budd is a simple rope

Training aid that many of you have already seen on the channel used a number of times but the reason why love the swing buddy is because it’s the length and the weight of a s iron so this means I can get that same feeling KN hand only now and I’m thinking more

About turning my chest retracting the left shoulder and then getting the swing buddy just to strike the ground as I’m demonstrating very much there and that way I tend to see more success for students when they’re thinking more about sort of through getting the hands nice and high

Rotating this way don’t tend to see quite as much success with students that are so fixated on getting down and getting this way and getting really stuck so that’s why I think the draw is really good because it will give you an element of you know subjectivity as to

How it feels for you personally I would start doing the exercise build up your awareness but try to finish with more of that sense of that retraction of that lead side cuz it’ll make the swing much Freer see you soon

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