Golf Babe

NEW DRIVER TRASHED!? #golf #golfgalaxy #funny #golfclub

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Why Would Golf Galaxy Do This!? #golf #golfgalaxy #golfing #golflife #golfcourse #golfsmith #golf clubs

And just another thing not only is this completely unacceptable but it calls into all question the integrity and ethics of Golf Galaxy as a business and you guys should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves be the right club today yes what’s going on guys G2 here welcome back to the bench and today I

Want to go over something that um has come to my attention that really I’ve never seen before and it’s got to happen I mean I imagine it has to happen and I’ve worked in retail for a very long time and you know people are shady when they do returns they return stuff

Says it wasn’t used etc etc but this is what happened Phil member of our three putt bogey crew was having some issues with his uh g425 so we were going to mess around with the weights a little bit reshaft all that kind of stuff so when we were at the simulator and we

Were testing it out I was like okay let’s try messing around with the hosle adapter and see if we turn it down open it up change the settings on the hosle lake you know our set here and you can absolutely do so when we got to it and I

Un screwed it the damn thing wouldn’t come out of the club head it would it I mean it was no twist no turn nothing it was stuck so then like okay you know he’s like I’ve never used used it I’ve never messed with it I just kept it

Standard so I’m like okay it’s been in there for you know a year or so so yeah maybe there’s dirt or something in there that kind of got it stuck up so we couldn’t leave it alone so we kept messing with it messing with it eventually we got it out and what

Happened is when he purchased this at Golf Galaxy it was completely wrapped nothing you know it’s not like it was pre-owned or anything like this this was a brand new club when he bought it so when we took it off if you can see on this hazle now I’ve cleaned it up

Slightly but do you see all of that Schmutz on there it was all over this hosle and when you looked inside of or all over that adapter and when you looked inside the hosle of the club it was all full with white dust now anyone who has done Club work

And here’s some example of it right over here but when epoxy dries it turns into this white flaky dust see that that’s dried epoxy and that was everywhere so we’re thinking like did someone epoxy this into the hosle and there’s no other reasoning why it would have been like this now had

Phil I suppose tried to change this early he would have realized it but here’s why they did it the more I inspect this the more it’s coming to light why they had done this so I’m going to remove the screw here so I don’t know how clear this is going to be

I’m trying to do two things at once here and I but right here is a hairline fracture in the tip of the adapter if you rotate it there’s another one right here you can actually see the change in the paint color that’s not a scratch

That is a crack and then here the crack actually goes from the tip all the way down to in here so when you look at it this way you can see those cracks in the screw which makes me believe that someone got this as a Christmas present or whatever kind of

Present last year was really excited took the screw out wanted to change it and changed it right then they put it back in and they over torqued this screw so hard that they actually cracked the adapter never seen this before and now freaked out they’re like hey the

Cellophane still on here let’s just glue everything back together and return it and that’s what they did and unfortunately Phil not to any of his knowledge picked this club up thinking it was new not knowing what had happened and this is what he got stuck with so I

Guess the moral of the story here is when you go to buy one of these off the shelf uh at any local store take it apart and check it out this was just I opening for me um but it’s no big deal we’re going to replace it out so uh he’s

Going to get a new adapter that we’re going to put in there anyway but I just wanted to bring it to your attention because I am shocked and whoever did this you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself um if you returned this ping g425 to the Golf Galaxy in Greenville

South Carolina and you’re watching you know who you are and shame on you I hope you step on a Lego with your bare feet all right so maybe I was a tad bit animated in the beginning of the video but um wow now while this is

All easily fixable at the end of the day Phil didn’t truly get a new driver so on a technicality I believe and if you agree with me comment below that Phil gets a hall pass from his wife to be able to get a new driver so Phil’s wife if you’re

Watching we we all agree that he should be able to get a new driver cuz technically he never did get a new driver so just trying to look out for you bud until next time make sure you swing as hard as you can just in case you hit the Fairway G2

Out straight down the middle it went straight down the middle


  1. I didn’t know Dustin Johnson was Ping staff.. and he’s selling clubs to golf galaxy..

    The habit is real.. —sniff— 😂

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