Golf Babe

Gannon’s announcement has some BIG implications…

@gannonbuhr4004 has finally officially joined Discmania, signing a 3 year deal yesterday morning that’s going to have a huge impact on the disc golf world for years. His announcement answered a few questions but also raised a few, so I got to sleuthing… and I think we’re onto some things

Now we wait and see where @EagleMcMahon , @niklasanttila , and @aldenharris18 will land

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Armory disc golfers welcome back to another video the future of disc Mania is here kind of new Tour series disc opportunities abound and puzzle pieces are finally falling into place we’ve got hot off the press offseason news to cover so let’s get into it gonur is finally officially on team dis Mania who

Announced this morning that they were signing him to a three-year deal this wasn’t a shock but there are a few surprising and interesting things about this announcement but first we’re all glad this is over the trolling on all these different fan pages was funny but

I think we can all agree that had run its course and I’m sure I’m not alone in the sentiment that I’m excited to move on to more normal Disc Off talk like what G’s new disc might be with disc Mania also not that disc Mania has said

This or attempted to Market it but I want to get to it before anyone else tries to let this catch on Ganon is not a new crush boy honestly I think it was a force to put Kyle in the mix as a crush boy with eagle and Simon in the

First place but I understand why disc Mania did it and I definitely don’t put any blame on Kyle for any of that but the eagle and Simon era at DIS Mania is over rather than trying to hold on to straws of the past is Mania should let

That go and let their new Squad be something new and unique trying to hold on to the crush boys thing would just keep their current stars in the shadows of what Simon and Eagle built and did and who they were let that go start new branding besides Landing a superstar

Like Ganon is a great time for that anyway speaking of new branding going along with this three-year deal with dis Mania we’re certainly going to be seeing ganon’s first collab Creator series disc sometime soon something that was sorely missing during his tenure at Prodigy we’ve got a few hints as to what this

Might but before we dive into that some surprises about this announcement the first one that I noticed was discmania only locked him up for 3 years and maybe that’s a poor choice of words considering his last contract situation but if you’ve got a top five player in

The sport signing on to your team at the age of 19 I would think that they would have been swinging for five plus years I don’t know how long of a contract dis Mania wanted to sign him for but only seeing three was surprising to me another kind of surprising thing is that

They didn’t announce the value of the contract MC Beth wasaki and lazat all have mostly public contracts that are all worth over a million dollars a year so the fact that the amount wasn’t hyped in this release makes me think that whatever Ganon got is south of that that’s understandable because Ganon

Hasn’t proved to move discs the same way these other three guys do but it’s also interesting going along with the point about the short-term contract because Ganon is an actual Phenom who’s only going to get better and keep winning events for years to come dis golf money

Is definitely down right now but the in total or lack thereof for this contract definitely draws Intrigue there’s also no word on Alden yet it makes sense to spot like gayan because he’s a generational talent and he’ll be the face of the brand moving forward sorry Kyle but I personally thought that this

Was going to be some group announcement about dis mania’s Collective future and again if dis Mania is pushing their chips in on Ganon as the future of the brand it’s strange that they only signed their future to a three-year deal more on Alden in a bit we’ve got news and

Speculation on discs to get into to start Ganan doesn’t throw many discs so his first Creator series disc will probably be a high-speed overstable driver or an overstable approach disc there is a distance driver featured in the announcement video and I’ve got a few reasons to believe that that is a

Pd2 Ganon was pumping the Dome of that sucker which lines up with what we’ve seen from the newly released skystone pd2 and more importantly that Rim profile looks much meaner than a dd3 and much more in line with what we’ve seen from the new pd2 I wanted to give the people going

With news or speculation about a Creator series pd2 but I just don’t think it makes sense for a number of reasons dis Mania just released special edition swirly sine PD 2s as the sky Stone in their recent mystery boxes having another special edition variant of the same disc so close together doesn’t make

A ton of sense also the pd2 is a very overstable distance driver I expect ganet to bag one sure but I don’t expect most of the community to because most of us have no business throwing something that fast and that overstable just from a purely sales standpoint it would be

Better to go with a disc that’s more usable like some sort of A2 variant his team announcement photo shoot also featured this disc which looks to be a p3x I don’t think dis Mania is going to announce two Creator series discs or even Signature Series discs at once so

Their presence in this video doesn’t necessarily say to me that that’s what’s coming down the line for gayon Featured discs I think they’re just new products that make sense to push and that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing about them because like I said I think these are

New products the p2s in the mystery boxes are swirly sine but gon’s looks to be a regular sline perhaps this is foreshadowing of a stock release of them soon which would make sense and similarly this other disc looks to be a new one in the disc Mania lineup it’s

Not a P1 P2 or link which is significant for reasons we’ll get too soon and thanks to our CSI Zoom skills I think it’s safe to say that this is a p3x it’s got a small bead an aggressive wing and a lower shoulder than a tactic so I

Think that makes the most sense the p3x is another mystery box release that we should expect to see as a part of their stock offering soon and this one looks like it’ll be available in some sort of dline blend which will be a welcome addition in addition to the premium

Offering in the mystery boxes but I think both of these discs were just placeholders and given the recent attention the company has given to the pd2 the p3x and variants of swirly dd3 I’d wager that we’ll see an overstable approach disc first as a way to spread

Out customer Intrigue the link is a significant disc because it appears as though that’s the putter that Gana will be starting out with alongside the md1 and fd1 as his first dis Mania stamp discs honestly don’t like the way these look and it kind of seems just slapped

Together by dis Mania it’s not like dis Mania hasn’t had time to put a little more thought and design into this initial Ganon drop not not loving this what I am loving is the idea of you subscribing below so you don’t miss future news straddle putt that subscribe

Button and let’s get into other big news stories in disc off now that Ganon has signed with dis Mania the rest of the puzzle pieces of the 2024 off season will probably fall into place pretty quickly speaking of puzzle pieces MVP has taken that pretty literally with their Slow Roll announcement of

Something but I’m pretty confident I know what it is but first a quick word on the remaining free agents I still expect Alden to sign with dis Mania and with that do you think dis Mania is going to try to Rebrand with a group name similar to crush boys this time

Featuring Ganon Alden and Gavin I don’t know what they’d be called something like Goon Squad seems pretty fitting for them but I’m also fine if they don’t try to force another boy band moniker also I’m getting the feeling that Kyle’s kind of being left off to the side on this

One as well dude just keep competing for and winning Majors a nickname will come speaking of nicknames we’re still looking for news of where the Nordic Phenom will end up the announcement of Ganon as dis mania’s big offseason move finally puts to rest the rumors of neos’s new page being a promotion within

Dis Mania to the sky team and rebranding as being the face of the company I don’t hate hot takes but I don’t think this one was the community’s best effort I think the Two Front Runners for nass at this point are Prodigy and Clash both have a strong or at least stronger

Presence in Europe and neither have announced their team for the 2024 season a quick case for both and then we’re jumping into MVP talk again which I know is what many of you want to hear Prodigy has just lost Ganon and Alden and they should be looking to fill that hole left

Behind they have a strong history of presence in Europe with guys like sepo and Vine alongside their work with course design stuffff I think it makes sense for them on multiple fronts n said that his big announcement would be coming in a few weeks when he left dis

Mania and that lines up with Clash recently stating that their biggest announcement for 20124 would be made on Monday the 15th if they’re going to announce their biggest news of the entirety of 2024 within the first 3 weeks of the year I think it’s safe to say that it’ll be something more

Significant than a disc release this is now the official Nick pick for where Nikos will end up once he signs I think Eagle will follow shortly thereafter but there’s some weird timing stuff with that axiim released their first disc the Envy 10 years ago on January 12th we

Have yet to get word on a commemorative release for this unless of course that’s what’s going on with the pieces falling into place over on MVP’s Instagram page there’s speculation that this could pertain to Eagle signing but I think that it’s more likely to do with axiom’s 10-year anniversary companies typically

Like to make a big deal about those sorts of things because they’re cool and because they sell well if you line up what we’ve seen from these pictures thus far with the stock release of the time lapse it’s easy to see a lot of similarities there so once again I’m

Saying that I’m leaning towards this being the pixel release rather than a 10year Envy Eagle McMahon announcement or axiom’s entry into the housing market I think that after we see the next run of pictures today which may be posted by the time this video goes up we’ll almost

Certainly know what’s going on here and what the next hot disc release from MVP will be whenever we do get a hot disc release from MVP you can bet you can snag yours at Armory Disc Off we’ve constantly got more hitting the shelves from all the top brands including MVP

Restock that’s most likely hitting today or tomorrow get 10% off at the link below and thanks as always for your support this new release assuming that it’s not Eagles does push back his announcement with them assuming that it still will be with Team MVP I think from a marketing perspective it would make

More sense to keep hype Rolling Along by spreading out the announcement of the pixel or 10year Envy whichever it is and eagles’s announcement of joining the team announcing those on back-to-back days or within a day or two of one another seems like a lot all at once so

I’m going to venture to Guess that this means we’ll have to wait another week or so for eagle’s official move this is all because I’m assuming Eagle will sign with MVP but the idea of him going to infinite discs is pretty spicy as well and I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t

Gained more traction this would be a new venture to a sort of upstar is company infinite is obviously massive as a retailer but if they sign Eagle that really pushes them forward as a manufacturer as well they just signed banza to the squad and they look to be

Pushing into that direction so this would be cool e would get to throw the old Innova made dis Mania molds that are now under infinite’s umbrella which many people in the community seem to still think is superior to dis mania’s new Originals line that’s always been interesting to me because while I also

Really enjoyed the old dis Mania stuff I’ve also really liked their new stuff Since switching over let me know if you have opinions on that because I think the plastic feels great especially Seine and I’m particularly fond of the md5 and anything made in the swirly sine plastic

I’ve gone a full video without mentioning disc craft at all so I’m going to throw it out there again that it seems like every single offseason they’re adding more talent to the roster Chris Clemens and His Lady Hannah win have already been added this offseason but Gossage has still yet to make an

Announcement and Discraft could theoretically get Eagle I don’t see it because there are a limited number of Tour series disc slots to go around and Eagle would command multiple of them but never say never I suppose and I guess in that same vein Eagle might sign with Prodigy n that’s not happening the

Offseason continues to be fun thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did don’t forget to push some buttons down below let me know what you think of all this and I’m excited to see you in the next one


  1. Now that you lined it up I'm fully on board with the pixel being the pixelated announcement. I am continuously impressed by MVP's marketing and business decisions.

  2. Whatever happens with the lines going forward they should really work on the stamps/graphics design. Right now they are kinda trash and cheesy

  3. The number 1 thing Gannon mentioned wanting with a new contract, was his own discs, which gave Discmania a cudgel to get him at a lower annual rate. This may explain the contract length, giving Gannon the opportunity to renegotiate sooner, so he will gain more benefit from the profits he is bound to generate. Low risk, high reward for Discmania, everyone got what they wanted, and it's now up to Gannon to use his skill and popularity to remain relevant and stay on the elite court and earn an elite contract. Just my take. The guys at Discmania are savvy enough to make this work.

  4. I want clash to get some big names. Niklas would be a good idea, he's top talent that seems like he could put up a few wins next season.

  5. A shorter contract means Discmania won't have to pay a huge amount right now and it also leaves the door open for Gannon to renegotiate another deal in a few years hould he keep improving and growing in popularity.

  6. Announcing the dollar amount puts a lot of pressure on the player. If I were the player I would like to keep it private and just out there and play…. and sell discs.

  7. Niklas has had two brands on his mind for quite some time and neither was mentioned on this video. Of course money could have changed his money, if there was enough on the table.

    For his and his career's sake I hope it is not Clash or Prodigy.

    And Gannon has proved he can move plastic like Simon? Was that a joke? If Gannon can move plastic, why does Prodigy have such small share of disc markets in the US? Paul made Discraft big. First James and now Simon and MVP is big. Maybe in the future Gannon can move plastic like they do, but not at the moment.

    Why was there only talk about Discmania making such a short contract? Maybe Gannon didn't want to have a bigger contract. Salaries are getting higher and higher and maybe he wanted to sign for 3 years to see what his value is after 3 years. Maybe current 1M salaries are 1,5M then.

  8. Great video! Informative with a good cadence. Not as high strung as some other channels. And not as bevis and butthead as some commentary. Keep it up!

  9. 2-3 year deals is the best contract length for both parties. Ive said this for years in football and basketball as well. Players sign a 5 year deal and then 2 years in start getting restless and wanting a new deal. 3 years gives both stability and the ability to renegotiate within a reasonable time period. Unless the player is worried about their value decreasing for whatever reason long term.

  10. I donā€™t think itā€™s strange. He has huge potential but hasnā€™t had the time to prove it. I imaging itā€™s 3 years with an opportunity for that $1M/year at resign if he sells enough discs

  11. I canā€™t be the only person that not huge fan of Gannon n care less bout him n discmania šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

  12. A shorter initial contract between Gannon and Discmania makes sense, considering how young he is and how poorly his last sponsorship ended. Three years will give Discmania the opportunity to show what it can do, where Prodigy might have fallen short, and gives both parties a chance to build toward a larger deal if Gannon has the kind of seasons that many expect. If the new partnership looks anything like what's happened at MVP since Simon arrived, the next contract with might be more like what the big three have gotten.

  13. I think the new discmania discs are awesome, besides a super overstable first release C-Line FD in 2022 everything has been up to scratch and really consistent!

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