Golf Players

How and When to Profit on the NFL Playoffs

Welcome to the Sports Card Strategy Show with hosts Paul Hickey and Conner Barnett of!

Today we discuss:

NFL Playoff Cheat Sheet Updates – What to do with Tua/Tyreek & Dak/Ceedee

Why you should sell CJ Stroud, Jordan Love, and Jared Goff NOW

Dr. Crack’s Cracks – high upside crack & submit play!

How to crack slabs –

Sports Card School – how to add value to your cards:

What to Do with Your Trevor Lawrence Cards – is it time to buy TLaw again?

Card Shop Owner Interviews – Jason Thurston of Collector Store & Duke Dodson of Graybo’s!

Avoiding Scams – eBay listings they hope you forgot you purchased?

Audience Q&A – 2024 Masters favorites?

We’d love your questions and comments!

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My name is Andy Cas of the football card Quest and you’re listening to the nooffseason decom sports card content Network be sure to subscribe to all of our podcasts including sports card strategy hoops and cards and my show football card Quest dedicated to football cards research and selling tips

We’re all working together to help you fund your PC and enjoy the Hobby and we live by the motto there is no off season What’s up everybody I’m Paul hickey with no off this is the sportscard strategy show brought to you by grybos sportscards grybow Sports Cards is a local hobby shop owned by gray Bernett Ryan Fitz and Duke Denny onetime Dodson they’re located in the arts district of Richmond Virginia Raybow Sports the best

Selection of raw and graded singles in the Mid-Atlantic and a wide variety of wax grybos breaks on what not Andor drip five nights a week listeners of sportscard strategy can receive a 10% discount from gyos on drip whatnot or their website at grey. by entering the

Code strategy 2023 you can follow all of grybos news and updates on Instagram at grosor cards don’t forget to get a free 30-day trial at no off today to help you make money flipping sports cards build your sports card Investment Portfolio get unlimited advice from our

Experts and take sports card school to navigate The Hobby that’s no off get your free 30-day trial today all the data we use on the sportscard strategy show is from Market Movers use code no offseason at Market Movers to get 20% off for

Life after a free 14-day trial all right let’s get to the sports card strategy good morning SL afternoon everyone Connor Barnett here head of conent at noof it’s a snowy day in Nashville Tennessee which is rare for us we’ve had a lot of excitement with the NFL playoffs over the weekend

Just a lot of good stuff to talk about today but before we do Paul hickey alongside me how we doing this morning Paul let’s go Connor we got some amazing sports card strategy content to warm all of you up on this cold snowy winter day most likely unless you’re in some kind

Of tropical climate it’s probably freezing today so uh that’s why we’re bringing it we’re bringing it hot let’s go love it love it yep uh quick housekeeping before we hop into all of our segments for the day at no offseason .c we have launched sportscard School a safe place for noobs Advanced flippers

And high rollers are like to learn how to navigate The Hobby and ultimately build a collection that increases in value get a free 30-day trial at noof today to start learning our guidelines strategies and plays that will help you make money flipping sports cards to fund your PC and other things

In your life uh we have filled our one-on-one sports card strategist package for January however spots will open back up in February uh so get more information on this and see if it might be a good fit for you uh be sure to email Paul that’s Paul P noof

This is a jam-packed episode today uh we got a lot to discuss we got NFL playoffs cheat sheet updates we got uh some rankings updates for football at noof Bill Bell checks out in New England Sabin retires uh Trevor Lawrence card markets in an interesting position

There could be some opportunity there uh we’re GNA get we’re gonna hear from Dr crack a crack and submit play uh we’ve got some fantastic card shop owner features uh to watch and listen uh and some scams Paul says to watch out there could be a new sports card scam uh and

Also possible new selling markers for specific NBA stars then we will wrap things up with the audience Q&A so as you guys have questions throughout the show be sure to drop them in the live chat and we will get to as many as we can at the end of the show real quick

Let’s give some live chat love it’s already jumping in the chat we got Mr T a football card questioner thanks for being here Mr T we got Azie Alvarez Shane Graham Martin fre Marty glad you could join a live show Sean G of AZ Justin sword Brad Smith and Craigs cards

11 thank you all for being here with us uh this morning afternoon depending on where you are all right Paul let’s jump right into things speaking of giving some love out I think you got a couple guys you want to shout out real quick and discuss why don’t you go and hop

Into it yeah man I woke up on Sunday morning and I got some love you know I had uh some people texting me emailing me and uh dming me on IG at sportscard strategy thanks to all of you who let me know that my guys Jeremy Lee of sports

Cards live and Iowa Dave sports cards uh of the shallow end podcast we’re talking about yours truly how great I am as a human being how nice I am actually which very rarely ever happens and uh how great our content is here at no off and I love Jeremy Lee and

Iowa Dave and I want to give them some love right back so Guys Without further Ado let’s hear what the guys had to say about the sportscard strategy show and our team here at noof got it okay I I was just curious about that so

That that makes that makes okay so let’s get into to some of the uh some of the topics you’ve got into this good I talk episode you did with um with Paul hickey and his his his podcast is called sports card strategy he’s as you mentioned in

Youris with he is all about sports card as a way to make moneyy and a lot of people like that approach you had a great episode with him um and uh I just wantan to get your thoughts on that on that episode with Paul and sort of uh you know some of the

Some of the key the key points the key ideas that came out of that for you because I I do I know your intro to that episode you are very excited about this episode it was you thought it was really good and I want to get from you what

Were some of the key takeaways you had absolutely and so Paul hickey has become a friend of mine in the Hobby and you know they talk about Opposites Attract he’s somebody who is all about making money in the hobby I’m all about just trying to have fun in the hobby but what

I love so much about Paul is that there’s nothing fake about him he’s not an investor who’s gonna say okay I’m gonna going to embed myself with the collectors now and pretend that I’m a collector he comes right out and says no I’m here to make some money here’s I’m

Going to help you but I wanted to bring someone different onto the show and so we had talked we had met at National last year we had talked online as well and so we just talked about things that we should be thinking about even if we are just collectors such as like the

Right time of the year to sell right time of a season to sell when not to sell but the thing that really blew me away the thing about that episode that almost took my breath away is when he said as you think as you start thinking about collecting as you have this card

That you really want ask yourself once you’ve got it then what and it’s just two words right it’s then what or now what and I didn’t know how to answer him but I had felt that before this idea of this Chase like you’re going after this card you’ve got

To have this card right and then you finally get it and you’re like all right well got it yeah on to the next one right um on to the next one and it a lot of times the interviews I I hope other people will take something from it and

They can help you know influence their collecting shape their Hobby in some way but that one really kind of wrecked me for a couple of weeks where I I actually didn’t buy for a couple weeks because I was so much in my head about it like

Okay well I really want to get this Otani or I want to get this Bo Jackson and then what does that mean once I do and should I even collect anything should I just quit the hobby because what does it matter if the whole goal is

To get a card and then once you get it you’re fine and you move on to the next card right what’s the point and because of that it really forced me to take a closer look at my collection to not buy so spontaneously although I still do I mean impulse is

Part of this hobby right sometimes we all just hit by and then it comes you’re like oh that was dumb or you get it and you think well that was great I’m glad I did that but he did help me become more intentional with what I’m doing and

Since that moment I’ve been able to to shape my PC in a way that I hadn’t really thought about before and so I it kind of tells me that even people who come from the hobby from a different perspective than you do and certainly he and I are on polar opposite sides of

What sports cods are all about but if you just open your mind and listen to somebody who whose philosophy you might not identify with you can still learn a lot about yourself yeah yeah I love your open-mindedness to it and I I met Paul at the mint Collective uh whether it was

Last year the year before really nice really nice guy and I like you I do admire that he’s just doing what he’s doing and he’s uh and he’s plugging plugging a and moving forward with it and and he’s a very nice guy very nice lot lots of energy and he he loves the

Hobby uh for what it is and for for how he approached it but I love the then what question now you did another episode where you talk about the six yeah kind words for Paul hickey there from both of them which I thought was great there’s also a lot of good

Takeaways from that segment one of the things that I liked is uh uh Dave mentioned being you he got from you to be intentional and I think this is a big thing and it’s interesting to see how it relays or uh it works for both pcers and

Flippers there so for us our intention comes from where’s the sell marker things like that but it is interesting to hear from him being on the different side of the hobby how he can relate to you even if you guys technically are looking for different goals yeah for

Sure and I understand that sometimes people hear our show and and maybe could be a little bit turned off because we do say that all we care about is helping you make money flipping sports cards but the reality is the the reason behind that is because we want everybody to

Enjoy the Hobby and it’s up to you what you do with your money you know if you’re pcing with your money um putting it back into the hobby that’s great we want you to enjoy it and um you know we want you to uh be transparent and we

Like to be transparent with what we’re doing I mean Jeremy and Dave uh kudos to them for being open-minded about somebody with a different perspective and we’re all learning from each other we talk about that all the time uh on the show and uh Mr T I love Mr T in the

Chat saying then what you flip it and make money that’s what I’m saying so uh we just we just keep uh growing the family here at noof with open-minded people like Jeremy Lee and Iowa Dave sports cards so uh thanks again it’s it’s a feel-good thing when

When somebody it doesn’t happen all the time in life in general let alone when you’re creating content in this hobby to have somebody come out and and compliment you and you don’t even know about it so uh thanks to to Homer sports cards Mike lacusta The Golf Card

Collector orist boyco the sport uh sports card Professor um for letting me know that they did that and then I was able to go check it out so uh I I do enjoy both of their shows as well I just didn’t didn’t happen to catch that

Episode live so glad I was able to hear about it later yeah a lot of good stuff there pretty awesome to to hear about uh we’re gonna hop into some NFL playoffs cheat sheet updates Paul’s been grinding away uh stuck in his cave working on

That to make sure you guys know when to get rid of your PRS but before we do just want to say uh good morning SL afternoon we got Barry Sif here we got Hayden Atkins looks like we got um one Galaxy germ new premium member to nooffseason decom what’s up Galaxy germ

Baseball card kudin um and that’s going to wrap it up for right now but yeah Paul let’s go and talk through some of the changes in that NFL playoff cheat sheet update uh and why you made them I tried to make updates to the cheat sheet

Throughout the weekend and I was able to find that you know when the Dolphins came out in that like feels like negative 27 degree weather I was kind of uh I was alarmed um for Tua and Tyreek and so I updated the cheat sheet to hold

To an Tyreek um you know obviously in Sunday’s games with the Cowboys getting absolutely slaughtered by the Packers um I didn’t see that coming I updated uh hold Dak and CD um Conor this is what I talked about um you know I’m horrible at picking the results of games and this is

Why I don’t really hold many cards going into the big games I try to liquidate um but I know that many of you me you know the majority the strong majority I would I would venture to say at least 75% of the overall uh Market that collects and flips football cards is

Holding for the playoffs to try to liquidate at the right time that’s what the cheat sheet is there for so um going into some of the cells a little bit of a spoiler alert here because we will be sending out cell alerts later today at noof so for those of you who

Have not texted sports cards to 1833 9925 727 do that so you can get these sell alerts but we’re looking at liquidating guys like uh Jordan love listen to this so Jordan love in the last 24 hours uh 3,400 uh listings on eBay and Counting just in the last 24 hours Jared Goff

5400 and Counting eBay listings in the last 24 4 hours and for those of you who are going to fight us on this I know there’s going to be a lot of you who are going to fight us I’m probably going to get a lot of emails at pauloff I’m probably going to get a lot of DMS at sportscard strategy on Instagram saying why are you s sending out a sell alert for CJ Stroud guys we’re not the only ones 18,000 listings on eBay and counting in the last 24 hours only for CJ strad cards

This is why we’re here because we want you to sell at the crescendo the top point and then buy back in later you’re gonna make a ton of money if you’re holding CJ Stroud cards right now this is the moment Jordan love Jared gof CJ Strouds sell them rip them down from the

From the buy it now or best offer relist them as auctions more to come on the cell alerts much more to come tomorrow at noof Tuesday January 16th will be a big day for the cheat sheet updates Connor why because as of now with some of these upsets uh we we only

Know one game penciled in for the divisional round so we don’t know the matchups yet we need to know the matchups we need to know the game times uh check out noof tomorrow we’ll talk more about it on Wednesday show but uh that’s just a a quick little

Preview of the cheat sheet um for those of you who can access it at noof right now as a premium member I am updating it in live time so go dig in a little bit more see what I’ve got there but again some of it is waiting

For the Monday night football games tonight we had a game move from Sunday to to tonight uh the Buffalo game against the Steelers so that’s why there isn’t as much action in that cheat sheet yet but good news is we’re going to keep it updated of course I just want to

Emphasize you know if you miss the moment on Matthew Stafford Cooper cup and puka nakua and you’re holding them you know I think you just gota it’s tough the moment’s gone honestly because my Lions did pull out the win uh by one point but we’ll take it and I think you

Just got to probably hold till next season on a lot of these guys if you missed the selling marker but a lot more selling markers to come so keep checking out that cheat sheet yeah a lot of good stuff there one of my favorite lines that I’ve heard

From Paul hickey in a while sell at the crescendo great line there yeah get rid of those Jordan love Jared G CJ stad Prince question for you real quick uh you mentioned holding Tu and Tyreek holding Dak and CD let’s kind of talk about uh when they should be looking to

Potentially move them I know we don’t want to throw all four of them in a blanket but if they got a hold right now and wait things out when should they be looking next to try and sell these guys hopefully you bought at the right time

You know if you’ve been listening to the sports card strategy show for say the last six months chances are you bought at the right time because Dr crack Lefty you and I we’ve been talking about buying all of these guys at very points when they were down in the market over

The last six months and if you listen to football card Quest Andy kase’s been doing the exact same thing at football cardquest decom and all of his content and so if you bought at the right time um and you can go back and listen to those shows to find out what I’m talking

About but basically what I’m saying is you would have bought at a dip in the market to where the worst case scenario would be late August early September hype now Dak and CD two and Tyreek those guys are all proven Bonafide NFL Superstars at this point I know Dak is

Going to go through a tough off season in the media because Jerry Jones there’s going to be a lot of hyperbole about the Dallas situation is Dak gonna be replaced there’s going to be a lot of all that stuff but hold tight wait until late August early September there’s

Going to be a lot of hype leading up to that time period and you’re going to have a selling marker in early September when the game start again because these guys probably won’t play that much in the preseason they’re not rookies they’re already proven so you’re going to hold

Them through August and you’re probably going to list them in the first four weeks of the NFL season and again if you bought at the right time you’re still going to profit on these guys even though you might have missed a window here so that’s again what we like about

Sports cards as alternative assets it’s a little bit better than betting on the game if you would to bet on the game you’d be so already but you’re holding these assets as physical assets and you can still sell them for money if if you’re patient and list them in

September now there could be earlier selling markers because there’s a lot of uh offseason news there is no offseason in the NFL so there could be offseason news that Spike various players but I would say uh first four weeks of the 2024 NL season you’ll be good to go with

These guys awesome fantastic breakdown real quick shout out to old money first time listener we also got Dr crack in here I don’t even want to know how much snow is in his driveway right now we got Kaiser Ros 12 9 UM and we’ve got a lot

Of switch UPS in terms of coaching uh in the football scene you know Vel is out of Tennessee Nick Sabin retires and the Goat bill bich is out at New England um the only one that we really care about right now is Bill bellich because uh

Kind of got a sell alert for him too his 1991 Pro Set base in PSA 9 is up 134% over the last 14 days it’s traded 18 times in those 14 days so if you are holding this card for whatever reason reason uh probably time to get it listed

Because the next time you see a sell marker uh it probably won’t be for a while and it might not be of this magnitude so just a point to make there um let’s go ahead and hop into real quick uh the rankings updates for football at the moment um with the with

The postseason in full effect you’re going to see these changing frequently in terms of markers where guys are sitting and things like that there’s going to be a lot of updates so let’s kind of roll through uh the most recent rendition of the rankings and some of

The changes so we’ve added and shifted some of our guys that have the NFL draft as cell markers the 2024 NFL draft that means Marvin Harrison’s moved up we’ve added Malik neighbors we’ve added Rome ad Dunes uh Drake May has moved up into tier two alongside those other 2024

Draft peers Aaron Rogers has move down which Paul loves um just because that cell marker uh of him which was seemingly skeptical to return did not happen however he does remain towards the bottom of tier two just because the pricing of PSA 10s for first ballot Hall of Famer

Is such an affordable spot right now um and he will have a he will have that cell marker when he does make his return next year kind of the hype cycle building up to see Aaron Rogers hopefully play more than four snaps and then also we got Trevor Lawrence moving

Up towards the top of tier two his graded Card Market is down 4.7% as a whole the last 30 days and he’s got 36 different graded cards down 30% or more over that time period we’re going to break down Trevor Lawrence and what you should be doing if you’re holding him if

You’re not holding him Paul’s got a a great breakdown so go ahead and jump into it Paul yeah I want to jump into my Trevor Lawrence breakdown here because he’s a guy that ever since we started nooffseason decom as a sports card investing website back in

20121 um he’s been a guy that has been towards the top of our rankings and now we’re in a situation where the selling marker didn’t really happen this year that we thought would happen you know he had had a come from behind playoff win in the Wild Card

Round against the Chargers last year and we thought okay you know all signs pointed to Taw doing it again you know being in the Wildcard Weekend in uh you know 2024 after after a good 2023 season but you know stuff happens uh and you know basically you had a little bit of a

Slide in his Market as uh the Jaguars did not finish the season the way that they would have liked you know they they missed the playoffs after losing five of their last six games and so what are we doing with Trevor Lawrence cards now you know people might be looking at no off going hey Paul you loved this guy you told us to buy this guy he was in the top five top 10 of your rankings what do we do with our Trevor Lawrence cards so there’s two of them that I’m holding I’m holding a 2021 optic Hollow

Photo variation PSA 10 and a 2021 prism black Auto PSA 9 the reason I’m holding those two cards and not any other Trevor Lawrence cards is because I did liquidate before the season started all of my other Trevor Lawrence cards just to mitigate risk so again that’s been my

Sports card strategy all along with all sports uh I hammer that home quite a bit as the Dave Ramsey of sports cards of course mitigating that risk but um I’m fine holding Trevor Lawrence cards you know he’s still a great talent he’s in a a very interesting division now because

Even though you have CJ Stroud um you also have Anthony Richardson uh Trevor Lawrence and so now all of a sudden you know even will Levis in Tennessee uh that that’s four teams with really nice exciting young quarterbacks and that AFC South that looked kind of like a dumpster fire

Heading into 2023 actually could be one of the more intriguing divisions in 2024 there could be some more national televised games with Trevor Lawrence potentially in them I I wouldn’t Panic sell Trevor Lawrence at all again uh he was injured the Jaguars did lose five of their last six games they still finished

With an above 500 record we saw anything can happen in the NFL like we saw over this past weekend with the Packers winning all it takes is for Trevor Lawrence to get hot at the right time and those cards go banana is he still has that high draft Capital right now uh

If you’re holding Trevor Lawrence cards I would definitely hold them keep them locked away until a safe in a safe place until September 2024 Get Hype about them in September and could you buy could you buy into Trevor Lawrence I think so I think there’s going to be potential

Trevor Lawrence buy alerts uh again for premium members of noof we go hard on those for you for the one-on-one strategist people uh those spots opening up again quick uh for for February so definitely looking at for example his 2021 prism base PSA 10 which we don’t

Love base cards that much but this is only a pop 358 that’s down 64% in the last 365 days it’s currently trading at just over a $100 and no off fam this was a $350 card in August August September of 2023 so again if you can snag this now

For around you know for even between 10050 $175 this card could still double even triple depending on what you buy it for in early September 2024 so I think Trevor Lawrence is a guy that I wanted to address because the strategy of team’s not in the playoffs Falls a

Little bit into going where they ain’t you know and so uh I’m thinking of Trevor Lawrence as one of those guys that I want to lean into in this NFL offseason yeah totally agree I feel like right now Trevor Lawrence’s Market in general is kind of at that sweet spot

For buying you mentioned uh obviously not making the playoffs he was he was little banged up over the course of the year he didn’t have a very good year General I believe 21 touchdowns to 14 interceptions not a good year uh his lowest qbr since his rookie season

Obviously it’s only year three um but also it took a lot for someone that was a big-time hobby darling to see a hit like this um so to me it could be a potential floor that we see for a decent period of time for Trevor Lawrence so I

Think it’s in a good spot right now speaking of QBs uh that we haven’t really pitched as of late of buying uh one would be uh Justin Herbert let’s talk about Justin Herbert real quick Paul yeah I like what you just said about Lawrence being at a floor I

Totally agree and and so is Herbert I think I mean Herbert could dip a little bit more into this off season but I think we’re we’re we’re seeing Herbert’s floor he was also a hobby darling um you know lot of people prospected on him even heavier than burrow and his 2020

Prism silver PSA 9 you know we don’t talk about PSA 9’s that often but Dr crack has you know has brought up several times on some of our deep Dives some opportunities that you can get on PSA 99’s and and so I looked at Justin Herbert did a lot of research earlier

This morning on him and his 2020 prism silver PSA 9 is trading at around $200 right now it should sell for more than 300 early September strictly on that early season hype also his 2020 contenders 104 number 104 rookie ticket Auto last sold for only $610 right after Thanksgiving this was a

A 2.5k card a $2,500 card in May of 2023 so you know picking and choosing carefully your Herbert plays I think you can really make money on Herbert we’re GNA obviously have more at noof but again using a tool like Market Movers app and using the promo

Code no offseason to save uh 20% for Life there it’s a great idea because you can do your own research you can pick and choose your Herbert plays and I’ve never really been a Herbert guy I’ve never really been a her I’ve never really even owned a Herbert card um to

Be honest with you guys but I’m thinking that you know this off season could be the time when I acquire my first Herbert cards and then flip them just in that first four weeks of September again so uh so Connor just wanted to say a quick

Hello to George shurer in the chat we’ve also got a guy with a great name named Paul uh so hello to Paul hello to uh George shurer um a lot of great stuff in the live chat again if you can’t make it to the live chat hit us up on the

Discord go to sportscard click the link to join the Discord DM me at Paul uh sorry DM me at sportscard strategy on Instagram email me at pauloff we want you to be part of the family and of course uh Paul hickey subscribe to

The channel drop a comment below if you can’t make it in the live chat uh Joe rych in the house as well another new name welcome Joe to the show Joe rych feels like now is the time to buy on Herbert announcing a new coach named anyone other than Staley will create

Optimism you know what we did actually have Duke Denny onetime Dodson on the show a few weeks ago he said the exact same thing Conor what do you think about Herbert I I kind of see I like that you brought up uh t and Herbert in the same

Day and I think for some of our listeners they might be hesitant on buying either of these guys just because they’re thinking well Trevor Lawrence has had three years to try to prove himself now Herbert’s had four and neither of them have lived up that expectations they’re both Uber talented

But just haven’t kind of met those expectations that have been set up for them the reason really that they were hobby dogs to begin with I’m not saying that I think either of them are going to be Patrick Mahomes in the next three years I don’t really care if they are or

Not I care that right now their card Market is down to a point where you can actually buy them they’re not uh drastically overvalued relative to quarterbacks that are putting up similar numbers as them so it’s just timing the market right here you can buy them now

At a discounted valuation no one cares about them right now you got easy potentially smaller cell markers like offensive coordinators things like that for for Herbert um so I just think that right now you don’t need to worry about how it’s not speculating how good we

Think they’re going to be in the next three years it’s just that you can buy them at a discount right now and sell one that hype cycle kind of returns for 2024 that’s right for those of you who are new to the noof family

Welcome in we talk about how to help you make money flipping sports cards and I think we try to do it in a fun and entertaining Way by focusing on value first um rather than the banter so I think we we like to go hard on the value

Give you plays to potentially make get your wheels spinning because I think that’s fun and then we talk about it and then we banter about it and Homer sports cards is in the live chat good to see uh Jonathan Jonathan is Homer’s sports cards Homer is his dog Jonathan and I

Met at the national in our hotel and we recognized each other and uh shared a good little exchange so so good to see you Jonathan in the live chat Homer sports card saying uh Harbor Harbaugh or Carol for Herbert would be great you know what it’s all about the hype baby

And they would bring in some massive hype so I’m with Connor on this I’m with Jonathan on this I mean I think that and of course Joe rych in the live chat I think we’re all aligned here but let us know what you think drop a comment below

At hickey we’d love to know what you think about Justin Herbert so uh you know what Connor you like I mentioned earlier that there’s a littleit you know Dallas is you know Andy kase has proven in his his statistics he does a lot of uh social media aggregation of of

Statistics and Dallas is proven to be the largest fan base in the NFL and as a result of that there’s a lot of pressure on the owner and when there’s a lot of pressure on the owner he puts a lot of pressure on the coach and the players

And the P like all the personnel and no no one’s under more pressure right now than Dak Prescott after just absolutely getting slaughtered by the Packers and so does this open up a little bit of hype for a guy named Trey Lance to potentially be resurrected from the

Sports card dead he has 386 new listings in the last 24 hours that’s nowhere near the 18,000 plus listings that CJ strad has but are are people listing their Trey Lance cards perhaps because they’re they’re seeing it as a selling marker for Trey based on some potential hype in

The media coming up with pressure on Dak in Dallas what do you think Connor I think that I think that Dallas at some point has to realize that no matter how strong D Dak Prescott can be in the regular season that something doesn’t work for them in the playoffs and

They’re going to have to move in a New Direction and there’s only a handful of guys in the NFL that would make sense to kind of move towards in terms of talent youth um and and then maybe would fit their system um so in terms of we talk a

Lot about uh you know our goats our heroes are Flyers this is obviously a flyer play um if you’re looking to hop over to a guy like Trey glance um based on some speculation that he might move to a starting job somewhere but uh with where his Market at right now I don’t

Hate it you know I’m doing a lot of research on NFL flyer plays and I wrote an article for Sports Illustrated that should be published this week and it’s going to talk about backup quarterbacks because we’ve seen backup quarterbacks getting opportunities and when they get opportun ities their their

Card prices start to rise and if they win in their first opportunity as a starter their card prices Spike huge and so I’m exploring a sports card strategy that I’m going to reveal with you a little bit more on Wednesday’s show about 24 about 48 hours from now about

48 hours from now we are going to be revealing right here at hickey a couple different strategies to make money during the NFL off season one of them is going to be looking at backup quarterbacks the other one’s going to be looking at free agency how do we make

Money during the NFL free agency period so get your wheels turnning audience because we are going to smash it about 48 hours from now on Wednesday January 17th right here in the feed so I’m excited for that will Tre Lance be discussed I’m not sure but that’s a little

Preview yeah and a couple other things to mention uh for Tre Lance that didn’t hit on one he’s had some time this year to sit in that uh organization and kind of see well learn the Playbook obviously see how Dak operates and things like that get a feel of the culture so that

Could be big if he does get that chance and like you’re saying if they win that first game those factors could be big on him winning that first game if he does get the chance the other thing to consider is even if the Cowboys don’t necessarily decide to move on from Dak

And give Trey a shot dak’s not necessarily the healthiest guy on Earth uh in terms of track record the last several years so and that’s something that that you’ll talk about too that I’m assuming you mentioned in the article the amount of injuries that we’ve seen to starting quarterbacks this year and

Then the last several years so injury could lead it way for Trey to get into the door poor play could lead its way for Trey to get into the door fed up with Dak things like that so just a couple things to add there um there’s a

Lot of money a lot of ways to make money in the hobby one guy that finds a lot of different ways to do it is Dr crack Chad Gil himself so today we’re gonna get to hear from Chad in one of his Kraken submit plays for the week uh Paul you go

And let Chad take things away Dr crack Chad Gill basically um shout out to you you’ve got some amazing plays on your crack and submits and Dr crack’s crack is back this week as you you here’s what I want you all to do first I want you all the picture Dr

Crack Chad Gil in his cut off Hoodie just absolutely plowing snow in his driveway way for 15 hours straight this weekend just nothing but that bill bellich cut off hoodie and just smile as you as you think of Dr crack plowing snow up in Wisconsin for 15 hours straight this

Past weekend on Saturday nobody works harder than Dr crack he’s either flipping pigeons flipping sports cards or he’s plowing snow up in Wisconsin and before I play this video I’m thinking something else related to Bill bellich Connor that I just want to ask real quick is he gonna go to

Dallas this there’s speculation there for sure I’ve also heard speculation on him of potentially going to Tennessee but if he goes to Dallas I mean things get very serious because he’s got all the talent in the world and he’s the opposite um of what they’ve got going on over there right

Now which would be losing in the playoffs he’s I mean he’s the most winningest he’s the winningest alltime head coach in the NFL in playoff history so um definitely would be good for the culture and would be interesting to see given the amount of talent they have on

That roster I mean Bill Parcels went there after New England you know maybe it’s gonna be Bill bellich going there who knows Paul Schmid’s buck idil in the house says Atlanta and uh boudini Cards and Comics I’m gonna drop Dr cracks IG for you requesting Dr cracks IG it is

Chocks cards that’s c h Axor cards check them out but before you do that check them out right here as he absolutely crushes it you’re getting this Dr cracks cracks take it away Chad value here let’s go the plays that you’re going to be looking for here are to buy this card in

An SGC 8.5 the most recent sale was on the first of the year so just a couple of days ago that card sold for $225 if that card goes to a PSA 9 from 225 Conor to 525 over 2 Xing your money to go up a half a

Grade if the card gets a PSA 8 you’re talking about a $40 loss so $40 loss for a chance at a $300 gain that’s a risk that you’re going to have to decide whether or not you can afford if you don’t like that one you

Can go with the bgs 8.5 this is the same play yet this is not a different play this is the same play different card bgs 8.5 this is a little bit harder to come by than the SGC 5 uh 8.5 the bgs 8.5 most recently sold for

$219 so about six bucks less than an SGC however that card the most recent sale was back in September that card only transacted three times last year whereas the SGC 8.5 sold 15 times last year about once a month so a little bit harder to come by save a couple of bucks

Same type of play you’re looking to uh crack and go up to that PSA 9 here’s the second play that I found in this in this if you want an SGC 9.5 most recent sale was on New Year’s Eve SGC 9.5 sold for $400 do you want to know what a PSA 10

Sells for Connor now we already know if an SGC 95 for $400 jumps to a PSA if it if it drops a half a grade to a PSA 9 you go from $400 to $525 right do you want to know if it jumps a half a grade to a PSA 10 what

You’re G to get what we got 20 grand that’s 20 grand now the last PSA 10 sale was in June this card only sold in a PSA 10 it only sold three times in 2023 there aren’t many of them okay but let’s just say price has

Dropped 50% since June right so it’s not worth 20 grand it’s worth 10 cut it in a half sounds too high cut it in a half how’s 10 grand for a $400 investment yes please I am actively looking for this card this card is going to take some

Anything with that type of high upside Connor is gonna take some effort this is not something that you’re gonna sit on at your keyboard you’re gonna plunk you’re going to spend 22 minutes looking up and oh wow I found the card and you’re going to buy it this is a card

That’s going to take three to six months of preparation to find the card but we’re talking about going down a half a grade and making a 100 bucks or going up a half a grade for almost 10 grand that’s if it’s too high 20 grand back in June this is an unbelievable play

That you have to try if you can find this card I don’t care who you are if you can afford $400 and you can find the SGC 95 buy the damn card I’ll buy it from you if you don’t have the 400 bucks find it for a card show

Message Dr crack I’ll venmo the guy and you can mail it to me if you don’t have the 400 bucks this is a play I’m going to try and make this year I’m G to look for this card because that would be a w Connor that would be a w a bgs

9.5 sells for $544 so you would lose approximately $30 if it drops to a PSA 9 for a bgs 95 but again if you could find a 95 true 95 bgs 95 true 95s to a PSA 10 my my record show 68% I’m sure this is not a card that

You’re going to walk into any card show or pop online and find easily but that type of profit it’s worth the effort I had I had to bring this one up I know it’s not the high volume that we’re looking for it’s not the easy that we’re

Looking for but I just wanted to show people it is possible to get rich quick doing a kraken submit if you find the right card and who better to talk about right now than the Minister of Defense Reggie White and his 1984 Topps usfl card Dr crack going deep

On that one love it Connor what do you think here’s my thoughts on why I appreciate Dr crack’s crack and submit so much today is a scenario where there’s unbelievably High upside right and like he mentioned it’s something that would take a lot of time to find

You got to put in the work it’s not something just laying around certainly not something you can do a bulk play on however the thing that I truly appreciate about Dr cracks Kraken submits is his conservative ISM conservatism um because he finds options where the floor is very high the the

Downside is so low and the risk tolerance he has such a low risk tolerance in these plays I feel like it it kind of fits into our scheme really well um all these plays and even though this one obviously had massive upside even for the ones that don’t have t or

15x upside like this one um the floors are just so so much higher that you’re not really associating yourself with a whole lot of risk when you try to make these Place yeah I learned that from Chad too um early in 2023 he and I were having a

Lot of conversations we’re we’re doing a lot of content for the sports card strategy show around cracking slabs and submitting and many of you are asking in the live chat do we have videos on this yes we do um let’s talk about it in the audience Q&A section I’m going to answer

Your guys questions about this because we have a lot of great resources at noof sportscard school is where all of the stuff is housed how to crack and and uh how to safely crack your cards how to submit them to PSA uh how to crack a bunch of different kinds of

Slabs and how to check the centering on it there’s all of that at sportscard school so you can go to noof get a free 30-day trial check out sportscard school also sportscard is a quick link there as well but the punchline here that you’re

Saying also is is what I learned the hard way from from trial and error but also from talking to Chad is like you need to pick a card that has a a floor that fits your investment price otherwise you could lose a lot of money uh yeah good good point there Paul

I’ll give you a breather real quick um yeah definitely agree with the the analysis on Chad um as we as we transition well Chad’s just a fantastic human being all around puts in some great work for us and if you’re a listener you got to appreciate uh the

Effort that he goes through to find these plays for you uh speaking of great people that’s one of the reasons I like my job so much is because being around you Paul and the rest of our team I’ve met a lot of fantastic people and a

Couple of them we’re going to hear from today up first being Jason thirston uh he’s the single man singles manager uh over at the collector store uh who is just a fantastic fantastic guy we were able to run into him at a card show uh a

Local card show for us a couple of months ago and he was awesome uh so let’s go ahead and uh I was able to interview sit down and interview him and kind of talk about what being the owner of our card stor is kind of like the

Upside the ins and outs so let’s go ahead and hear from Jason thirston thanks so much for joining us today my friend good to see you again we met up over at a Nashville card show a couple months ago uh but it’s good appreciate you taking the time to talk

With us how we doing doing pretty good uh big big release week last week with prism football so been pretty busy in store but doing pretty good good love we hop doing fantastic man things are good we’re excited for the new year excited to have you on the sports car strategy

Show happy to be here let’s hop right into these questions first let’s talk a little bit about how seasonality uh can influence your inventory uh in stock decision-making in terms of what you guys are holding in the shop yeah so one of the biggest things that goes into that obviously you know

Liquidity is really important uh and knowing your customer profile are probably your two biggest things um we’ve noticed especially now we’re actually PSA certified uh for bulk submitters and we’re basically the only one in the area down to like Nash cards in Nashville and out to Kansas City uh

All the way to the West so what we’ve actually found has been really successful for us is actually going smaller and focusing more on what we can move locally uh so St Louis like St Louis SC has obviously been very good for us the soccer team that we just got

Uh incidentally we don’t actually sell Cardinals really well uh I don’t know if that’s ordinary for a lot of stores in the area but we just don’t sell them for some reason we get a lot of people that basically like look and say oh that’s a great card but that’s not something that

Sells for us uh so you know looking at sales data obviously what people are asking for that’s kind of how we became PSA certified was people said hey we want to do this so we did it and and I think you know one of the big things and

This is for us and I think a lot of people I’ve talked to in the industry is a couple of sports have actually kind of died down uh hockey isn’t doing well for us at all uh basketball isn’t doing well for us at all and I don’t know if it’s

Because both of those sports are focused on like one young guy right now in Bard and wemi but nothing else is really selling like even in basketball The Big Three have slowed down you know Kobe Jordan LeBron they’re not nearly as liquid or as high value as they were even you know

Six months to a year ago not counting what they were at during Co when everything was exploded uh but that’s basically how we’ve kind of geared our inventory in store especially even with us doing shows is we still try to gear it towards what we can move here to just

A random person that walks in the front door and we still take that stuff to shows as well and it’s worked out pretty well for us love it yeah good stuff there I guess target audience is a big thing for you guys making sure up to date keeping track of that sales data

Like you’re saying up next here since we’re talking about target audience a little bit if you had to split your customer base between flippers and pcers what would you guess that percentile looks like so for us it’s actually overwhelmingly pcers um it’s maybe at most 20% flippers

And 80% pcers and part of that is because we’ve taken such a big focus on Vintage lately and trying to cultivate that audience because most of those guys like admittedly they just they’re there to build their sets and that’s it you know they’re not necessarily trying to

Move on from it and I think that that’s another thing that a lot of show a lot of stores could benefit from is you know when you have that settled customer base we’re like hey I’m gonna spend 20 bucks a week every single week that’s a really nice floor to have because everyone’s

Seen the whole Market’s down across the board uh it’s liquidity is down value’s down everything so being able to have a steady like vertical that you can be in at that time is super helpful and that’s been good for us uh but there’s also shops locally that you know a lot of

Their guys are flippers and they do really well they’ve just had to operate on a lower margin than they did before sure yeah makes sense I guess when you’re when you’re dealing with people that are more focused on uh collecting you don’t have to take into account uh

People trying to make sure those margins are staying at that same number even with the market shifting and changing like that exactly yeah it’s like oh well this is a mantle in a good condition well if I want it and I want it to be a

Copy I can hold I’m just going to pay the number that’s fine I want the mantle in that condition for my set so that’s super helpful up next as a local card shop owner what advice would you give to those sports card flippers trying to build their

Inventory keep overhead low for as long as you possibly can uh I think you know obviously a lot of people got into it during Co when it was easy it it just didn’t matter it was free money and now people are starting to realize wait there’s actually work involved in this

You have to try it this and I think that’s been a huge factor in a lot of stores closing and I think a lot of people just thought things were going to be like that forever and especially now in a downtime for the industry keeping overhead as low as possible is the best

Possible thing you can do you know try to make sure the shows you’re going to are lowcost local drivable or a show like Dallas where okay I can room with one or two other guys and I know there’s going to be enough money in the room

That I can do well and try to avoid getting a brick and mortar for as long as you possibly can uh because that’s obviously the biggest overhead you’re going to have so if you’re to that point where you think you can grow and you can

Do that try to have a little bit of an Nest Egg there because things may go bad uh you never know hey I’m going to open up in April well then three months later you’re still waiting on some inspection to order or inspection to be made for

You to occupy it so keep your overhead low what goals do you have for growing The Hobby and how do you plan to do so so I think one of the biggest things for me about this hobby is the community uh I mean it’s something that you know I

Grew up doing with my grandpa and I’ve been into it since you know in the store we get fathers families in all the time it’s just a very to me community-driven thing and you know I’ve started basically we now host the St Louis vintage Collector Club meetings here

Once a month at the shop and I think that one of the best things you can do is try to put that emphasis on the community because it’s the most direct way to invest time and energy and have that pay you back long term because people see that they

Respect when you’re transparent with them when you’re like hey my number’s bad here’s why my number’s bad I still get those people coming in every single week because they respect that like you’re helping the community that’s what we’re here for because improving the community just improves it for everyone

Even other stores in the area get improved by what I do here with my local store we we get improve by what they do and it’s just I think the best way to get a return on your time and money is just try to do as much as you can for

The community love it get great work there prioritizing those relationships kind of building that Foundation of people around you that you it almost like you make your own community at that point so love the answer there why are local card shops such valuable resources for sports card

Flippers so I think it’s you know honestly a lot of times if you’re a flipper you may not be able to drop 50k on a whim uh to get something but you may have like three or four things okay there’s this collection I want a few of

These cards let me flip the rest of this collection to the store to get money back immediately without having to sit on it and wait for it to sell not to mention if you have some bigger cards that are harder to move and like look I’ve sat on this Mahomes RPA for about

Six months it’s clearly not going anywhere I want to get something out of it the store has the ability to purchase that for you from you and also just to provide you with information of like hey what are people in the area collecting who’s really hot right now what are you

Moving and it’s something that you know I I worked professionally in the gaming side a lot longer than I have the sports side and that’s something that The Gaming Community really emphasizes is like your flipper relationship with stores and vendors because it’s the lifeblood of the hobby because it

Guarantees flippers having out it guarantees stores having out so if you get a little bit static in what you’re holding you have the ability to call up your regular flipper and be like hey man I’ve got all this you know NT football that’s looks really cool in my case but

I’m ready to come off it now because I want some liquidity so I think that’s probably the biggest thing is that they really are so intermingled with one another that you have to emphasize that you have to be able to say look you know if you’re going to come in and buy we’re

Both going to make money on the deal and be happy with it and I think that’s a really healthy thing for a store and a flipper to have love it some absolutely phenomenal answers from Jason thirst in about nine minutes there I got one more quick

Question to sneak in for you you guys still hauling around Dak Prescott oh yeah yeah we we actually we have the Dak Prescott Walter pton Man of the Year stande we found from Elite a Walter Payton Man of the Year Dak Prescott card that now gets taped to his chest right

Next to the Man of the Year lapel so yeah we we still take that around to all the shows it’s great marketing absolutely love it Jason thank you again for all the time you took with us today bunch of good feedback there from Jason we will be in touch my friend thanks

Again awesome thank you so much love you guys shout out to Jason thst that guy is absolutely awesome go check out the collector store um yeah great answers and insight there I think I think it’s interesting hearing from especially from R end of the hobby hearing from the C

Chop owners just because you get their side of the perspective and it kind of lends Credence to why the relationships that you build in your own Community uh can be so valuable there yeah I think one of the reasons why we wanted to start talking to some card shop owners

Here on the sports card strategy show is because they have a good idea of all the different personas in the Hobby and they accept all the different personas in the hobby you’d heard him at first talk about how they mainly cater to set Builders and pcers right but then when

You asked him the question how can flippers benefit at local card shops he came back around and said hey when you’re set breaking come bring in your the rest of the sets you know after you pull the singles out bring the rest of the sets in because we’ll buy them from

You um and and you guys don’t want them anyway as flippers uh you know because people are trying to build those sets right so everything’s allowed in the hobby we don’t want to judge one another and you see right there where flippers like us and members of the noof fam like all of you in our audience there’s a place for us along with the pcers and and a lot of times flippers are pcers as well so I think Jason did a good job providing value to our audience there great job on on the quick interview there Connor uh I really

I really like that so you know we get we got questions on the Overflow show about should I break this set and I think now that’s a strategy as well where it’s like break the set you know buy a collection if it’s a full set you can

Break the set sell the singles maybe get them graded what do you do with the rest of the set I think Jason just nailed that couldn’t agree more with you Paul uh real quick before we hear from uh our man Duke Denny one time Dawson for another interview did you want touch on

Some live chat stuff real quick yeah a couple things in the live chat I want to give a big thank you to Mr T for the Super Chat donation any of you who join the channel at hickey can essentially make a donation to the channel and get some extra premium

Content Mr T has a question uh and we’re g to answer it right now we’re not even going to wait for the audience QA we’re going to answer it right now because Mr T came came in with a super chat donation so we appreciate that he says

What’s your take on buying Bowman Chrome now grading and flipping during the draft and preseason hype and Mr T I know this is a football related question because I know uh you are one of the football card questers and we appreciate your uh your donation here to the sports

Card strategy show um I am huge on this definitely I think based on psa’s recent turnaround time you could go with PSA at a $19 bulk submission it would be a little bit riskier to go with the $15 grading special because they’re they’re advertising a 50-day turnaround time on

That but if you look at the calendar you should still get them back before the NFL draft and so you’re talking about Bowman Chrome U buying them now grading and flipping during the draft and preseason hype guys like Drake May is who I’m looking at he’s a little bit

Underpriced compared to Caleb Williams and Marvin Harrison Jr but he’s going to be a top three pick potentially uh we’ve got Marvin Harrison Jr right up there as well we’ve mentioned uh Rome adun Malik neighbors and even Brock Bowers as guys that you can go get some deals on Mr T so definitely

The Bowman Chrome first would be ideal uh for all of those guys although Bowers is unli so you could even go 2022 or 2023 uh make sure you’re you’re you’re getting after it in auctions so you get the fair market value and uh there is much more of this at noof but

Hopefully I did a good job getting you that information right now on the sports card strategy show also Mr T we did talk about this exact Topic in a couple of our most recent episodes so if you go back and actually watch I think both episodes from last week really really

Break this down for the 2024 NFL draft but those are the big names um in addition to Caleb Williams you know Caleb Williams is the guy he’s got 2022 Bowman Chrome firsts um but his autos and graded cards are definitely more expensive than the Drake May the Marvin

Harrison Jr radun Malik neighbors and Brock Bowers I would probably stop there we like to keep a pretty narrow Focus that’s a lot of names but I think you could probably make money on all of those guys Connor do you have anything else to add to Mr T here during this

Super Chat audience QA question I think you did a fantastic job of breaking it down the only thing I would say is that the football rankings at noof will have links to the exact cards that we recommend you buying for these guys I did want to take I did want to take

Things to an extra layer and kind of go a little bit farther into the question you mentioned Brock Bowers Paul the licensed card versus the first card what would be your distinguisher here in terms of trying to decide which one to get because would you be looking simply

At at market valuations in terms of trying to find things that are discounted um or do you think the license outs the first or vice versa what are your thoughts you’ve got a split Market when it comes to these cards and and just a quick recap of who’s in this situation you’ve got

Michael penck Jr you’ve got Brock Bowers you’ve got Bo Nicks those are the top guys who are in this situation where their first cards are from the 2021 release and they’re unlicensed and what that means is that you don’t really know what college uniform they’re in it

Doesn’t say the college and so the reason why that type of card wouldn’t hold as much value is because you’re essentially like stiff arming the collectors of that school that University because that University is not getting any love on that card and so you’re limiting the amount of potential

Market size um and so it has a little bit less desirability than the the clear formula of like the Caleb Williams 2022 where it’s licensed got USC on it it’s got the first logo it’s Chrome it’s got an autograph Drake May in 2023 has that

As well um so to your question what do you do about that you have to look at it like the market size isn’t as big so it’s not as desirable of a card it’s not going to flip for as much money so don’t pay as much um definitely make sure that

You’re looking at recent comps for that card and only trying to snipe auctions at the most recent comp of that card uh whether it’s based on Market Movers or another platform just make sure that you’re doing your research there and I think um just be a little

Bit more careful um with those unlicensed uh Bowman Chrome first from 2021 now what’s interesting is for guys like Nicks and penx and Bowers the 2022 cards even though they don’t have the first mark on them with the schools branding in their actual uniform from their school are really really really

Nice and so you could even make an argument for paying more for those cards than the ones with the first logo on them but again I’m not going to make a blanket statement I want you all to do your own research there and hopefully you’ll be able to win with a quick

Flip phenomenal breakdown there um we are going to hear from our man Duke Denny onetime Dotson shout out to grybos go check him out on Instagram at grosor cards uh for another card shop owner interview uh we’ll go ahead and let thing let uh Paul take things away as he

Was able to get together with Duke Dodson over this past week yeah thanks Connor I wanted to talk to Duke because they’ve got a lot going on at graos Duke is a regular on the sports card strategy show and I want our audience to hear from duke denny1 time Dodson on all the

Great news updates at gybo sports cards so let’s see what he had to say right I’m here with our main man Duke denny1 time Dodson from gyos what’s up Denny how you doing today man Mr hickey I’m good thank thank you things in Richmond Virginia are are well so I appreciate it

Great well we just wanted to check in with you a little bit here on today’s show to talk about what’s going on with gyos right now I know you’ve got a lot going on there’s there’s the new store in the works there’s uh and that’s a whole experience and then you recently

Dropped something on IG about Fanatics live tell us about tell us about all what’s going on with grybos right now yeah so we launched gyos almost a year ago February of 2023 so we’re almost a year old uh we when we launched we launched a very small kind of popup like

Beta location is how we viewed it we uh wanted to start small so we could Master just like the fundamentals of the business valuing buying selling um uh card shows wax uh breakes just eBay like all the different parts the different facets of the business so we spent that

Last year learning and we are in the process of uh launching our larger kind of bigger location which was the playing the whole time but we wanted to get our feet wet small first so our bigger location uh we move into that we’re hoping for mid- March late March um so

It’s uh right next door to where I am today it’s under construction um it’s going to be 5500 square feet in total the right side uh is a baseball basketball football card shop we’ll do some Pokemon and soccer and all that stuff and the left side is a sports bar

And it’s going to be the two will like feel like one kind of cohesive business um there’s a lot of programming and things we’ll do on both sides whether it’s trade nights card shows birthday parties and other and other ways where you can enjoy sports and get your feet

Wet into this world of sports cards and collectibles so that that’s going on right now um starting a card leading into your Fanatics Live question you know when we first started breaking we dabbled on drip and we’re on what not today and we do most for breaks on

Whatnot um but as a new card shop by far the biggest challenge you will encounter is trying to get allocation and what that means is like you can’t in most businesses like if you say you sell clothing you open up a shop you buy from A supplier you sell to the customer the

Supplier wants to sell it to you and you mark it up 50 to 100% And you sell it to the customer and that’s how you make a living and in the card world there’s more people that want the product than there is um uh available product so they

They divy it out and they use things called allocation and you can’t just get it you can’t just get it because you want to you have to pay your dues and and there’s several different Avenues to get there but we’re trying them all but with Fanatics live if you they have a

Limited number of Breakers that they allow to be on their site um but with that pretty much comes whatever allocation you want straight from Fanatics like tops Bowman right so that would conquer half the allocation problem for us um and so that we are doing everything we can to try to win

This challenge to be one of the 10 Breakers that they out onto the platform and that challenge ends January 31st okay and we all love gyos here in the noof community and sports card strategy show you’re part of the family so we all want to help you we all

Want to help you um not only build out your presence but get that allocation so in order to get that allocation it helps to be in Fanatics live so tell us right here right now on the sports card strategy Show Walk us through the process of what we all need to do to

Help help grey BOS become one of those 10 Breakers at Fanatics live well thanks for asking and this is how you do it so if you this only applies if you’ve never made a purchase on Fanatics live to be a new customer so you have to download

Fanatics Live app you can go into any Breakers shop um and spend 20 bucks um using our promo code our unique promo code and that’s uh you can probably put this in your show notes and it’s on our Instagram page it’s everywhere if you look on our website like it’s literally

Everywhere if you Google gyos you’ll find it um it cannot be an auction spot so if you go into Fanatics live you pick a breaker on the bottom right of the screen you’ll see a little shop icon click on the shop icon and find something in their shop around 15 20

Bucks um they’re going to charge you like $5 for shipping and so when you spend that $20 with our promo code uhx live will give you the 20 bucks back so it’s free for you um if you buy something around 15 and then if it’s around 20 bucks you’re going to pay a

Couple bucks for shipping U but then you you’ll get something for it you’ll get a break spot right or or a Mystery Pack or something for that $20 and the 10 shops that get the most people to do that by January 31st will get on the platform so

We if you follow us on Instagram we’re making videos we’re getting the local minor league team to help us out or anybody that will help us out we are offering it so uh uh and then once you do that though here’s what we’re doing for the customers that actually do that

If you do it shoot us a DM on Instagram with your name and email so we can because Fanatics will not send us a list of who’s done it we have to take your word for it send us that email or send send us your email through Instagram and

We’ll enter you onto a wheel um we’re giving everybody a promo code for grow. Co for next year that does this um we are giving everyone an entry into a $200 gift card uh wheel spin so we’ll give away that for sure and then if we get on

To Fanatics live we’re going to do a $5,000 break free of charge and we’re going to put everybody’s name on the wheel spin it 32 times there’s 32 people each get a team and we’re doing a $5,000 break including National Treasures and some other football product Duke Denny

One time Dodson the team at grey BOS grey Bernett Ryan Fitz vintage Don everybody else there Cole stto everyone else always brings the value always brings the love that’s why we love them we’re all family help out grey BOS Duke thanks for joining us on the sports card

Strategy show today we’ll see you again on here soon man as always thanks for having me and uh say hi to uh Lefty and Connor and Dr Chad and the whole whole sports card strategy family give give my love to those folks please Gotta Love Duke Denny one time

Dots and and all the family over there at grey BOS a lot of cool stuff that they got going on a great update I’m definitely interested in what seems like going to be a Collectibles Event Center basically that they’re they’re planning on setting up that’s something that I

Want to experience in person for sure but Paul what were your thoughts from this interview and the in the takeaways yeah I’ve been telling people it’s like a Kings bowl with a card shop inside of it kind of um um hopefully that’s what it actually is that’s what I picture

When I hear Duke talk about it but I mean the number one takeaway here guys is like I think there’s value in what Duke is talking about I mean he’s giving away free break slots and we don’t talk about breaking as a sports card strategy um but I mean when it’s

Free uh that’s a whole other that’s a whole other story so you know I think um we’d love to help gyos get on Fanatics live so uh if you would be so kind go back rewind uh that segment again listen to the requirements uh that Duke Denny one time

Dodson laid out there to help them get on Fanatics live and then when they get there they want to thank you they want to thank our audience here at the sports card strategy show so that was a a couple reasons why I wanted to check in

With with Duke because man uh not only will that Fanatics live thing be huge but that new Gros like the Kings bowl with a massive card shop inside of it a lot of good things to come there for sure totally agree all right let’s hop into

Some audience Q&A we got a couple good things to to touch base on today if if you have a question that doesn’t get answered uh head over noof sign up for that premium membership you’ll get access to ask questions for the Overflow show get a 30-day premium

Trial where we answer questions to help you build your ideal sports card Investment Portfolio every Friday usually release early afternoon if we don’t get to your question be sure to mention them there uh but before actually before before we do audience Q&A Paul has a couple things that he

Wanted to discuss in terms of potential scams in the hobby uh and maybe some additional selling markers to look at if you’re holding NBA prints right now this has happened to me a couple times and I wanted to bring it to your attention one

Of the one of the ways that I have the most fun doing this show is by um it motivates me to make more plays than I normally would if I if if I weren’t part of this family with all of you um because I I like to learn and Report

Back to you guys and so I mentioned on the show uh about a month ago that I bought a Wyatt Langford 2023 Bowman Draft first Prospect Auto raw and my intentions were to get it submit it to PSA and turn it around for hopefully a profit upon callup sometime in

2024 unfortunately what happened was um the seller entered in a tracking number after generating a shipping label but never shipped the item and so it got me thinking this is actually maybe the third or fourth time this has happened to me over the last maybe 12 to 18

Months and I started thinking what if this is a scam and here’s how the scam works you buy a card and when you buy this card and this is like a $300 card the seller gets your money right away but the assumption is that the buyers aren’t just buying one card

They’re basically buying a bunch of other cards and living their life and doing a bunch of other stuff as well right so as that happens I think the seller potential scammer now I’m not calling out this seller but I’m I’m thinking that this could be a tactic

That we could categorize as a scam because as the seller collects the money they’re banking on the fact that oh maybe the buyer will never even realize that they never get the card because they’ve got so much other stuff going on in their life or at least when it’s

Above $250 it’s got to go through the eBay authentication program and when it has to go through the eBay authentication program that typically adds another two to three weeks to when you would normally get the card anyway so what ends up happening is you buy

This card you think I’m not going to get this card for a while anyway and you kind of forget about it unless you’re like me and you track everything in a spreadsheet and unless you’re like all of you which you should all be tracking everything in a spreadsheet right and

You should be checking your past purchases in your eBay account and checking the status and tracking the package and going back and making sure that you’re not letting someone else hold your $300 for a long time now what’s happening here is I’m going to get my money back because I’ve already

Opened up a claim and I’m going to get my money back and that’s why one of the main reasons I use eBay all the time for buying online it’s because I know I’m protected by the eBay buyer guarantee I know I’m protected by it so I’m not worried I’m gonna get my

$342 back but in the meantime this seller has held that money now the bigger dollar the card and you’re holding that money who knows maybe you put that in a money market account you start gaining interest off of that now if you scale this up that

Could be a potential scam Conor so scam or not this is something that I want all of you to be aware of when you’re buying these cards and another reason to just protect yourself and if you’re if you’re buying on eBay I want you to follow the

Process of if the tracking number hasn’t been updated and the card hasn’t been shipped to you go back let eBay know about it by opening up a request on that particular item put that you want your money back and put a note in there there’s there’s an option would you it

Says would you still like the card or would you like your money back put that you want your money back and and put a message in there that you know I ordered this on this date I paid for it on this date it’s x amount of time later I still

Don’t have my card you’re going to have to wait four days for the seller to respond but then eBay steps in when eBay steps in they will immediately fund your money so I just wanted to bring this up I’m not going to get my Wyatt Langford

Card I’m going to get my money back and I think this could actually be going around as a potential scam Paul absolutely love that you’re giving our uh the listeners just the wherewithal of of being cautious we always avoiding risk and we’re not just doing it with our picks we’re doing it

With where we buy from if you are this seller and you’re listening to the show for whatever reason we’re not necessarily saying you are a scam it sounds like Marty Fri the fre deal has bought a handful of items uh but definitely something to pay attention to

If you are buying on eBay frequently and this could be something where they’re hoping that you just aren’t paying attention so love that you’re pointing this out Paul um I know you wanted to touch as well on some cell markers in the basketball realm so I’m excited to

Hear what you got here uh in terms of different ways to be looking to sell some NBA stars during a uh it’s an interesting period if if you’re trying to figure out what to do with these Stars right now in terms of kind of moving out of a lull what markers are

Really going to make the car jump in prices things like that so go ahead and take things away a lot of audience members are thinking the way that I’m thinking right now so Props to our audience props to the no off famam and um you know people have been

Dming me and one one dm I recently got is about this Netflix docu series modeled after the quarterback show and it’s reportedly going to feature episodes on LeBron Jason Tatum Jimmy Butler Anthony Edwards and damont sabonis and so I don’t have all of the details as to

When this is going to air but certainly Connor we’ve seen things like this drive interest in athletes we talk about athletes being in the news cycle and it driving more views on their eBay listings as people are reminded of them or they learn about them for the first

Time they connect with them through Netflix documentaries like this documentaries on other streaming platforms like we’ve seen it with byebye berry on Amazon Prime recently and so you know the perfect formula here is there’s already a guy that we have always loved and he’s in the middle pain

Right here wearing number five in this photo for those of you not listening and that is Ant-Man we love Ant-Man we don’t have many clear selling markers for him right now and I’m not saying that you need to use this docu series as a selling marker maybe it’s a selling

Marker more for a a guy like sabonis or Jimmy Butler probably not for LeBron Tatum or Ant-Man but certainly it’s not going to hurt their card value so something to monitor for sure definitely agree and here’s you mentioned maybe not a selling marker for for bigger names with bigger cards but

If you’re holding maybe the wrong card of some of these guys and you see a slight jump uh just based on on hype for this docu series or when it releases them being in the news a little bit more could be a great time to kind of

Liquidize those assets and be able to move into more stable areas so definitely if you’re holding prints that maybe aren’t the right card of these guys they get some good screen time the Market see a little bit of jump maybe look to to move out of them at that

Point anything else to add Paul are you ready for some Q&A let’s get into that QA love it let’s do it all right kicking things off we’re going to start right here uh with it’s not necessarily a question just something I I wanted to point out last week one Galaxy germ was talking

About wanting to I believe it was germ that wanted was talking about how to be more discipline basically uh and it was awesome because we had some other people in the live chat kind of try jumping in trying to help them out things like that uh but Galaxy germs says I took the

Money I have previously spent on wax spart smartened up with encouragement from this team to fight my impulse spying behavior and instead invested the money into a premium membership what a fantastic message in the group chat this was what do you think Paul thank you Jeremy we appreciate your support and we

Promise that you are G to profit off of that much better investment in our premium subscription than Breaking you’re going to make way more money off of that $225 a year on the premium subscription than you would have if you would have bought into breaks uh or wax

Uh with that money so uh that is my pledge to you Jeremy thank you for your support love it Jeremy pump to have you as a part of the of the premium family over at no off let’s head over to aie Alvarez we talked a little

Bit about build bich this episode says I owned four graded bellich rookie cards Pro Line and Pro Set sell now or wait until he gets a new job this is a good question I think Paul because is him signing somewhere else going to give more hype than him leaving the Patriots

What are your thoughts it would but here’s this is like a classic dilemma right because you have a selling marker right now his cards are up and he’s in the news right now what if what if he just doesn’t do anything and it actually is retired and just stays home good now

There’s no selling marker that Azie is anticipating and so Azie I love you you’re a big time supporter of the show all of us here love you Lefty Chad all of us we met you at the national hopefully we’ll see you in 2024 in person at some point as well but my

Advice as the Dave Ramsey of sports cards is to go ahead and sell now now do that understanding that you’re profiting because this this these cards are up you know at least the 1991 Pro Set is not sure about the pro line but I’m I’m guessing you’re probably going to be in

A good pretty good position to profit off of that I don’t know what you paid for these cards I don’t know you know you said they’re graded I don’t know what grades they are I don’t have those details but I know you want to get to

The point I think it’s a sell now I think you you risk his prices dipping the more time that goes by and then of course you could be leaving money on the table so if you here’s the here’s the thing though if you’ve got four of them

What I might do is pick the three in the lowest grades with the lowest prices move on from those now hold the one that’s got the most value based on current comps just to see if he does get a bigger job and then he’s he remains in

The new cycle and sell it then so my final answer Azie sell three now hold one absolutely love it hedge your risk here great answer there Paul all right let’s head over to Justin stort uh took a W this week and trade in some lower

End card PSA 9 uh for two graded showes at my local card shop um I love this because um Chad’s talked lately about PSA 9’s being a good way to make money there definitely are good ways to make money on PSA 99’s by no means am I saying

There aren’t but if you have some of the wrong cards or they’re less valuable ps99 and you can liquidate liquidate them to get into guys like shohi it’s just anytime you can get into Shi a dip like you can right now I think it’s a good time what are your thoughts Paul

Yep sh is the right guy so great move Justin simple answer sh is an active goat many many many selling markers coming up for him uh We’ve listed a lot of them out on the sports card strategy Show recently but let’s just go ahead and and list them real quick anyway he’s

Got the beginning of this upcoming 2024 MLB season with the Dodgers could see a hype rise there what if the Dodgers compete in the in the NLCS or the World Series potential more selling markers there potential MVP always big time power hitter what if there’s a home

Run derby in shi’s future this year I mean there’s just a ridiculous amount of selling markers performance potential performance- wise then you’ve got the return of him as a dual threat in 2025 so let’s say 2024 is a dud that’s fine Show’s Market is enormous the amount of

Interest in Shi is enormous I love this move Connor we can keep it moving here this is a simple one great breakdown up next our guy Chad Gil as we assumed buried in the sow in the snow with subzero attempts need to think warm thoughts says Conor’s hat has me

Wondering who are your picks to win this year’s Masters uh I I plugged a couple nuggets in the chat but real quick I’m going to I’m going to give a little bit more of an in-depth breakdown on who I’ve got if that’s all right Paul go for

It man I want I want to hear it too all right pick number one would be Victor havin we’re talking about a premium ball Striker that has been terrorizing the tour for the last year and for some reason he decided to figure out how to chip Putt and get out of bunkers lately

So um if he keeps if he keeps his short game at an elite level it’s going to be very difficult to for people to beat him uh number two obviously is Scotty Sheffer it’s been uh I don’t want this to be a direct quote but there’s

Something like 90% of his last 20 starts he’s finished T10 or better uh which is a Tiger Woods esque St statistic there just absolutely Preposterous if he gets the flat stick rolling another guy premium ball Striker um it looks like his setup for his putting is very

Different for his setup off the te and with irons and that’s something that I’ve seen discussed uh during tournaments lately so maybe if a setup change is put into play for Scotty he starts rolling the rock a little bit uh he’s going to contend um I also mentioned a flyer pick Keith Mitchell

One of the best drivers in terms of distance uh in stra and being straight off the te on Tor has a reliable butter cut saving golf fashion with his vintage fits absolutely love Keith Mitchell’s game if he gets hot and qualifies for the Masters I could see him really

Contending out there and then uh real quick someone mentioned Jordan spe in the live chat Marty Marty Friel that’s my guy uh I didn’t say his name because I I wanted to not jinx him however you cannot bet against Jordan spe at the Masters let’s go through his finishes

Since 2014 is when he started T2 2015 first place 2016 T2 2017 t11 2018 third place he’s fallen off a little bit in 1920 t21 t46 TW T and then in 2021 T3 again missed a cut last year but he absolutely loves Augusta his ball striking has been fantastic he just

Misses so many putts within 5 feet that that he scares me but if he gets that figured out which uh should be a a relatively simple fix another guy that’s s to bet on so those would be my top four guys for the Masters this year I’m excited the Unicon bringing it strong

With the golf knowledge I think we are going to be coming to you at noof with a strong Master’s preview in terms of who you can buy now from a sports card standpoint to potentially profit with the Masters as a selling marker I think it’s time to do

That because we’re only a few months away from that hype and about four months away from that tournament so Connor I think you’re the guy to do that I think you’re the guy to write that article so stay tuned for that phenomenal breakdown there great question as well

Chad I think you got anything else to add for today Paul are we gonna wrap it up we’re gonna wrap it up but uh I did want to address a couple different things so Paul again a new listener with a great name this is not me this is a

Different Paul does Dr crack have a video on how to crack or just search YouTube um what I want what I want you all to do is go to sports card school and specifically uh check out how to add value to your cards so this is the video

How to add value to your cards uh we talk about grading cracking and regrading cracking and selling raw which can be a little bit of a controversial topic um and that is that is a that requires a free 30-day trial at noof so uh sign up for that

Premium membership there’s also a video on noof and right here at hickey uh called how to crack slabs how to ship sports cards so check that one out as well I’m going to drop that link in the live chat right now to both of those um

Before the end of this show but Connor also we had a question come in from Mike on Instagram Mr W um recently got back into the hobby about six months ago I’ve been consuming as much of your podcast as possible over the past few months I had a question regarding prospecting I

Find myself constantly debating and wondering if you could help me out so this is baseball prospecting um the $15 PSA promo is hard to pass up especially since I know I’m going to grade the cards eventually anyway however from a cash flow perspective it starts to feel like I

Might be better off waiting a bit longer and simply focus on grading the guys with expected call-ups in 2024 what I’m worried about is if I hold the cards and grade them later I could possibly missing other markers as well which is why I’m waffling with whether or not I

Should just send them off immediately or not what if they get called up early what if they have a big game and hype Spike early in the college season next year I think football feels easier to wait knowing the NFL draft is still out there baseball seems to be the one that

I struggle with more because the callup could technically come at any time depending on performance any thoughts on how you handle this situation um so he’s talking Connor he’s talking about baseball and football kind of combined in the question here um so I know I i’

I’ve spoken to this quite a bit um and Mike’s obviously a new listener so maybe he hasn’t heard us but he’s going to be tuning into this episode uh what advice do you have for him Connor I’m gonna put this right back on on you um you know what would you

Do in his situation and then and then I’ll I’ll chime in and and bring it home here yeah sure I guess the first thing to do is to is to not blanket all these cards together right you kind of got to separate your your football and your baseball because

They have different markers um if you have guys that if you’re holding guys uh that haven’t been called up for baseball that’s perfect make sure they’re the right card make sure they’re those Bowman Chrome first Bowman Chrome Autos wait for the call up sign up for sell

Alerts at 1833 9925 727 and we’ll tell you exactly when you should be moving up those in terms of the football guys it’s just cality for me and timing the market more so um because I think that if you’re relying on uh speculation that some of these guys entering I think he

Me did he mention 2025 Paul is that correct he did he did he mentioned 2025 and and 2024 related to the baseball call-ups oh for baseball well for the football guys that you’re holding I think the play is is is timing the market more so rather than trying to

Speculate on flyers and things like that and hoping that their performance is what boost you move the guys when the market Rises the rising tide raises All Ships just my thoughts what are your thoughts here Paul yeah I think you nailed it and and related to the PSA grading part of this

I mean according to you know myself who’s graded a lot of cards I’ve getting I’m getting cards back in 30 days um you know the special says 50 days I tend to you know look at the calendar and you know if you’re going to do it right now

Mike um you got plenty of time whether it’s a baseball call up that you could sell in March uh with the hype rise of the baseball season we talk about that a lot um you’re not going to miss any call-ups you’re not going to miss any performance spikes if you go ahead and

Get those cards graded right now and then certainly related to the NFL draft you got plenty of time as well that’s not till late April in 2024 and then for the 2025 guys we’ve been talking about shadur Sanders Travis Hunter you know you’ve got 18 months almost 18 months

There so I think you’re in really good shape I don’t think you’re going to miss anything Joe Ry in the comments and Justin Stewart both validating my uh quick grading returns as well on their end so a lot of great stuff on today’s show Connor I think that about does it

So thanks to everyone in the noof family New or Old we love you all uh thank you for supporting us and um if you are listening on Apple and Spotify go to hickey and in the comments I will be posting the links that I mentioned to how to crack those slabs

Connor any any parting shots before I take us to the outro here expect that Master’s piece next week uh likely early in the week I’m excited to get working on it a lot of good stuff excited to see how the NFL playoffs roll out be sure to

Stay tuned for the cell alerts coming out this afternoon uh we’ll have exactly which cards you should be moving for the guys that we mentioned earlier in the show uh be expecting that cheat sheet to update throughout the week uh if you’re not a premium member what are you doing

It’s free for 30 days you can at least see what we got going on you can see where the value is and decide then that you want to renew uh to help yourself make more money flipping sports cards that’s all I got Paul boom thanks so much for being here with

Us on the sports card strategy show to connect with us further please subscribe to the YouTube channel at hickey please also give us a follow on Instagram at sportscard stry and on X at no offse card we also have a Discord that you could join at sportscard everyone I’m Paul hickey

For the rest of us here at noof have a great day we’ll see you again soon


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