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Dan Le Batard Sounds Off on Jimmy Kimmel Following “Unfunny” Aaron Rodgers Monologue |Le Batard Show

Jimmy Kimmel started his show with an 8 minute response to Aaron Rodgers following his appearance on The Pat McAfee Show. Dan marvels that after multiple days and a room full of comedy writers that Kimmel’s response wasn’t funny and was centered in “education shaming.”


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One of the things we were just talking about this a second ago because I was asking for the Jimmy Kimmel clips from last night which made me side with Aaron Rogers I mean you got seven minutes you got seven minutes with 10 writers and

You got days to do it it’s got to be not education shaming like it’s got to be Banger after Banger you got a team of writers you’re at the top of Disney you’re fighting with someone who’s now paid like you not Aaron he’s paid better than you Pat McAfee you’re fighting in

House that’s got to be killer like that’s got or does it have to be vetted by lawyers and then can’t be killer I mean I I guess there are certain um when I was watching that Dan I was I was wondering did this have trouble going through legal and and internal review

Because it I found myself getting mad as I watched it because it was on the clip came out during the national championship game and so it was eight minutes of not a single laugh and I got to imagine it got diluted somehow he’s been off for several weeks how is that

The best shot well this is one of the things that I wanted to say about that and we don’t want to play it because it I didn’t think it was funny and I thought it was boring and I don’t want to eat up eight minutes of show just

Playing this but what I did find interesting about the reaction is I did see political leanings just appear there all of a sudden with this is a hysterical takedown just cuz it’s a takedown and I thought to myself as I was watching you realize that the people

Who don’t like Kimmel to begin with OR side with Aaron Rogers or are just different politically entirely on this they’re looking at this and saying this is not funny in any way Kimmel’s not funny that’s what they’re saying as they watch this because they’re skewed but I

Wanted that to be funny I was rooting for that to be funny same and it wasn’t funny the education shaming was was lame the only decent joke was that the only A’s he got on his report card were both in Aaron but that wasn’t even very funny

And I can already tell you what Aaron Rogers is going to say in response he’s going to say that Kimmel doesn’t know what he’s talking about I’m not a trump supporter they all group us together he’s going to ask how much fizer’s paying him he’s going to make jokes

About the vaccine and go all the way back to the beginning then he’s going to claim he’s part of the media Elite you can take a shot every time you hear one of those phrases that comes up online because that’s all Aaron Rogers does is

He just reg this is part of why this argument gets so poisonous though and has been dishonest if you can’t look at this stuff and separate yourself in a Discerning fashion from your belief system and what’s just objectively funny because you’re not going to be outraged

What you should be watching here is a man who hosted the Oscars multiple times this man is great at pressurized funny had the shot of his lifetime here this is but this is about more than that that this is uh he was deeply offended by this and to make light of the situation

Kind of undercuts what’s been going on politically behind the scenes understood Mike but deeply offended is getting in the way of all funny right now from every angle deeply offended is affecting all of funny sometimes with comedians when you have when you’re thinking too much it’s never going to be as funny

Chris Rock had a year a year plus on Will Smith came out did something wasn’t funny also pressurized emal it’s not it’s not it’s also there several things happening behind the scenes that could offer as a diluter to the funny I know you want uh uncensored funny here but I

I saw that and it was it was clearly washed out by suits and this is something that I think is fascinating when you get into corporate interests and entertainment dilution and where we’re headed where it’s going to be apple and Amazon making all of these choices and they’re going to go through

A dozen Executives and they’re going to go through a dozen lawyers and are we going to make sure that we want to be this honest here and I’m listening now right now in my car when Netflix is a joke is all I’ve got on and you

Mentioned some of what it is that we’re talking about when you say Chris Rock because I listen to that special and as I’m listening to it just driving around I’m like man man he knows he’s on the Highwire here where Everyone’s Watching and he’s repeating himself and he’s live

And he’s choking because this one is so personal so he just keeps saying and and at at Will Smith saying that everyone is saying and and and what I’m thinking to myself is this was so embarrassing for Chris Rock that he cannot find the place

To hit the right notes on funny because it hurt him too much and you’re telling me the same thing is true here of Kimmel which I get of course if you’re accused of pedophilia and that’s the move and you have kids and you’re deeply offended and now you’re going straight to Iger

And saying McAfee and Aaron Rogers can’t do that to me can they and then now everything’s running through iger’s office on whatever Kimmel’s monologue is because he’s got a fight with the guy at ESPN that they just paid $17 million a year and doesn’t care about their

Constructs well we have a clip it’s U just under two minutes so you can make uh your decisions for yourself I think we’ve offered enough qualifiers here as to why it might not be funny someone in our audience might find it funny here it is he decided to insinuate that I am a

Pedophile this is how these nuts do it now you don’t like Trump you’re a pedophile it’s their go-to move and it shows you how much they actually care about pedophilia but here’s the thing I spent years doing sports I’ve seen guys like him before Aaron roders has a very

High opinion of himself because he had success on the football field he believes himself to be an extraordinary being he genuinely thinks that said because God gave him the ability to throw a ball he’s smarter than everyone else the idea that his brain is just average is unfathomable to him we

Learned during Co somehow he knows more about science than scientists a guy who went to Community College then got into Cal on a football scholarship and didn’t graduate someone who never spent a minute studying the human body is an expert in the field of Immunology he

Just put on a he put on a magic helmet and that g made him a genius it’s Aaron got two A’s on his report card they were both in the word Aaron okay and can you imagine that this hamster brained man thinks he knows what the government is

Up to because he’s a quarterback doing research on YouTube and listening to podcast I looked it up this is actually thing it’s called the Dunning Kruger effect the Dunning Krueger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities in

Other words Aaron Rogers is too arrogant to know how ignorant he is they let him host Jeopardy for two weeks now he knows everything and by the way I’m not one of those people who thinks athletes and members of the sports media should stick to talking about sports I think Aaron

Rogers has the right to express any opinion he wants but saying someone is a pedophile is not an opinion nor is it trash talk sorry Pat McAfee what I would say to you is right at the center of that you will find a lot of the division and the discourse in

America where it goes wrong because Jimmy Kimmel telling a whole lot of people who are on on Aaron roders side how dumb Aaron Rodgers is is typical Hollywood liberal Elite condescension that has this country on the cusp of what feels like Civil War yeah it’s obvious that he was deeply offended he

Felt slandered yeah I’m I’m surprised a lawsuit suit might not come out of this but that sounded like a laugh track there was so much laughter for stuff that wasn’t even funny um I think the way to play that if I’m Kimmel is 2 minutes of dismissive funny not eight

Minutes of way too serious but Disney on ESPN crime is a good thing oh no yeah we’re talking about it right now the views on all those social Clips are crushing and I am so into what Pat what Aaron Rogers says today like I’m tuning

All this like my dad’s not wrong in that everyone was listening to what Kimmel said last night and everyone is going to be watching Pat mcafe they share this in common I mean they do Greg and Chris of course Disney will win here but the funny in it the actual funny is

Stumbling into the victories in the streaming age because this this is why I say you well I they they pay Aaron Rogers a million dollars they’re not stumbling into it they’re paying him with the intention of him going viral and he does weekly think Disney is not paying Aaron Rogers anything Pat McAfee

Is paying Aaron roders Pat macafee it’s all right it’s an allotted budget for Pat McAfee show uh no but this this part’s important this this part matters the Renegade spaceship of spaceship of Pat McAfee is being rented by Disney and ESPN because they need it and him more

Than he needs them he tore up a contract that was worth more than ours which is an industry changer tore it up to go get their reach they have these problems now and they’ve never been a company that’s equipped for these problems because they don’t want the talent to have the power

To make these problems because the way the ESPN spaceship works is just get us from Sports Center to Sports Center to Sports Center to game with without headlines for Disney that make a mess get us there safely please just without politics without anything Mike Greenberg

Please just get us to the next show this is what’s worked for many years to the next greeny show you don’t think there’s a sea change because you know one business day removed from calling an upper executive a rat Pat McAfee’s front and center on their college football playoff coverage that’s not something

Anyone’s everever been able to get away with that’s the sea change and now it rises up to Kimmel and Iger and now Iger has to deal with Jimmy Kimmel being so pissed off and personally offended hey I’m going to send my team of writers at this okay for days yeah let’s check with

The lawyers on that I I really think what was hanging over and in that two-minute clip of Jimmy Kimmel I actually found it funnier the second pass because no it’s not funny as eight minutes it’s the two minutes by itself that makes it funny precisely and I I

Think just the Spectre of Jimmy Kimmel himself threatening a lawsuit on social media means said Jimmy Kimmel handcuffed himself because if he starts joking about it he is then giving Aon Rogers and Pat McAfee’s show licensed to make fun of it and when he the dismount on

That is nor is it Trash Talk Pat McAfee so he’s not absolving Pat of blame so when that is the point he wants to hammer home he can’t necessarily be light-hearted because he is trying to project how seriously he took that allegation understood Mike you’re

Leading a late night talk show make me a bicycle clown you’re supposed to be funny I yeah but I lose all credibility if I start making jokes about that when the the Gambit into all of this was me being offended if I start having more fun with it than patter and

Rogers but that’s where the funny goes to die my point is that Jimmy Kimmel that’s also where your argument goes to die Dan because behind the scenes this is a political power play and he’s sending emails and corresponden Via agents and whatnot because he is deeply offended by this if he just undo

Everything with a joke then the last two weeks have been nonsense but he’s got several writers to allow him to navigate that however it needs to be navigated and what ends up happening that Disney and ESPN you would understand why they’re trying to avoid it is Jimmy

Kimmel is using the first eight minutes of that giant platform when people are tuning in and that is good for business they want to hear what Jimmy has to say about this and people don’t tune in to late night television anymore as appointment stuff that’s why the 8

Minute clip came out well before his show aired because that’s how late night primarily exists now and so they will be able to profit off it they will be able to change I don’t know which part of my argument you think is going to die here this is wonderful and fascinating as

Content but when I say we arrive at it by accident it’s because when they put these ingredients together at a place that they’ve never allowed this kind of thing they’ve avoided all precedents and the McAfee precedents are now he has actual power to call out a shadow

President by name embarrass him and then come on the air the day of the national championship and say again bleep off I’m here to do it my way I’m not changing for my audience you Empower him that’s pretty rad while wearing a cowboy hat very Maverick with several people

Wearing a cowboy hat when he wore long sleeves on whatever was the next day of him having to navigate oh now all the suits are in my ear trying to screw up everything I’m here to do they hired Rush Limbaugh to do a thing Rush Limbaugh left Weeks Later CU he was Rush

Limbo they’ve hired Pat McAfee to be a professional wrestler and rescue the idea they don’t know how to make this stuff on their own they don’t know how to make the dangerous stuff on their own they don’t know how to make the most honest stuff on their own they don’t

Look to when they acquire Pat mcfey they know the danger but they don’t look to acquire the dangerous thing they look to acquire the digital video property makes him an industry leader because that’s how Disney does things let’s just buy the thing that makes us a leader


  1. Jimmy Kimmel once insinuated that Marjorie Taylor Greene should be slapped-which is assault.

    She threatened to report it to the Capitol police, and Kimmel tweeted "officer, I'd like to report a joke".

    How is that not the HEIGHT of hypocrisy?

  2. What you saw from Kimmel and Stephen A is that the left cannot handle it when they become the joke. They melt down.

  3. Ever since President Trump was elected, all these late night talk shows went off the rails . I used to watch Fallon ,and kimmle ,but now they just suck with the same old lame ass jokes . The left will not accept any opposing veiw points and will demonize anyone who disagrees with their narrative.

  4. Guy in the plaid is just making excuses for Jimmy Kimmel. He doesn’t understand that he’s one of the people Dan is referring to.

  5. They missed the point here, not only was Jimmy offended but the comments they objectively made his family less safe with the comments. Going funny only makes it a tit for tat instead of highlighting how out of bounds Rogers was.

  6. Welp, when you get wrongly accused of pedophilia by a dumba## on national TV, the humor fades. Anger ensues. Thanks for the dumbest video of the day, Dan.

  7. I thought the clip Mike played was funny! It's a monologue, not an HBO Special 🎙(I'm old)
    Chris Rock was good, too. It's a fine line and these guys are pros.
    If Rock or Kimmel wanted to eviscerate their opponent, they would've.

  8. Kimmel was hilarious. G on the helmet. 2 A's. Wisconsin here. Rodgers accusing Kimmel of being on the list was wrong and different than poking fun at his education. You guys are lame defenders of Rodgers.

  9. Kimmel is a hypocrite. Takes pot shots back in 2021 and then gets upset when shots are fired his way. Kimmel started the feud.

  10. The Blue Suit guy wants Kimmel to be funny in defending himself after someone basically called him a pedo. Like really dude , most people would want to hammer Aaron R.

  11. I actually agree with Dan on the principle that going all in on making fun of the intelligence of someone that says the things Rodgers does about Covid vaccines and the like is incredibly condescending and not helpful in the larger scheme of things. It doesn't further the conversation.

  12. Why would Jimmy be funny about what Rodgers said? It wasn't funny by Aaron and it was ugly. Chris took some of his special to answer questions he is most likely tired of hearing. Was it a funny situation…no….was it a good time for Chris….no. When dealt a bad situation especially if it is ugly sometimes funny is inappropriate. For example, do you really think the stupid clown hair is funny? I find it to show you have no gravitas nor any self respect. Oops was that funny? Nah

  13. I’m sorry, let’s not f-in compare Will Smith assaulting Chris rock in front of millions of people to Aaron Rodgers responding to a joke by suggesting that “maybe Jimmy doesn’t want the list to come out and pool which could mean a bunch of different things. Yes, it could mean that Jimmy‘s on the list, but it could also mean that maybe some of Jimmy‘s friends are on the list you can also mean that Jimmy doesn’t want the list to come out because it’ll show that he’s wrong by saying there was no list. This is crazy. This is proof this country has become a bunch of 🐱

  14. Mike, are you serious? Do you not understand nobody gives a shit if he’s offended? That’s not what he’s here for!
    I’m gonna say something that I’m not sure I’ve ever said before, but Dan Le Batard is so correct on this that I can’t even understand people that don’t agree with him

  15. Oh my God… I still want to understand how Jimmy Kimmel‘s kids were bullied at school over this. That’s just what you say when you’re soft as baby shit

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