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Adam Peaty’s Road To Gold | Tokyo 2020 | Team GB

We follow Adam Peaty’s journey to winning gold at Tokyo 2020 in the men’s 100m breaststroke from heats to the final!



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Heat seven of the men’s 100 breast stroke and here he is Adam py nobody’s going to be watching anybody else in this heat so poor old Nicolo martini and uh the Chinese swimmer yanze I’m going to look at them well yanze is World bronze medal winner Martin egy World

Junior record holder and all eyes on the world record holder the world champion the defending Olympic champion Adam py Pete is not the best off the dive nor is he the best on the underwat he does give away a little bit on that but once he gets into his stroke there’s no

Holding him back well look at the momentum forward he throws and lunges himself forward the short sharp kick and just so strong was wondering whether or not he looked as big as he normally does but he is swimming fast and he goes out in 2681 wow that is

Fast so coming in now closing into the 25 to go and he is really determined to send a signal a body length in front of everybody else will he switch it off well this is magnificent this is a 57 point everybody wants to see him swim 56

And he’s a body length clear of the best in the world remember the best in the world coming strongly is uh Filipe lemur of Brazil the Sprinter and 5756 from PT well he’s not a million miles in front of kaminga but this is what he does he

Look he nods he’s clearly not done his full shave cuz you see a little bit of a mustache on his face there so he’s got something left he’s nodding he’s said yeah that’ll do 575 I’ll take that well they’ll crunch the numbers on the race as well all national teams have sport

Scientists looking and analyzing he was 61 off the start as James parck said he’s not the best starter but once he hits the water there is just no stopping him look at the momentum and the strength and correct it’s a little bit small tiny tiny Glide but really good it’s a little

Bit stop start it’s not got the same fluidity that we’ve seen when he swung 56 when he from 571 so that’s what he’s got to get together between now and the semifinal and the final he will well here is the Olympic champion the world record holder and the most dominant breaststroke man in

History he’s continuing his form there has to come a point where he starts to slow down I just don’t think it’s going to be at these Olympic Games well he and his coach Mel Marshall they’re based in Lu and they’ve been talking about project Immortal and that is putting

Piecing together all the very best sections of all the races he’s done putting them all together in one glorious swim if they do that then the world record is under Threat now pet is shaved off his mustache so that’s an indication that he’s ready to go he swimming in lane four got that red hat there he’s not going to be the quickest off the start or in the breakout but then watch the strength of p as he comes through this

The world record 5688 is that going to be under threat in the second semi-final of the men’s 100 breast stroke good reactions from PT but he doesn’t have the best of the holding the wall on the underwater that went to Michael Andrew the strong American the 22-year-old swimming in Lane five it’s

Andrew leading the charge up the first 25 well py took over the lead very quickly he got to the 25 M Mark Andrew had a great start underwater but then py shooting those arms forward right on world record Pace he’s racing against his own best time 26.6 5 he’s just above that

Pacing and across in Lane number two he’s got some company he’d be looking to go 57 seconds in the semi-final could he be quicker well shimanovich with the blue hat from lane two is the man leading the field behind Adam py this is all about py in the

Clock manovic from Two and then Yan from China in three coming through they’re five in a line but Adam P’s going to stop the clock now in a 5763 some way off his world record but it’s a colossal 5688 and you have to remember as we see the British coaching

Staff you have to remember that they are all a little bit race Rusty and that’s what he was saying yesterday blowing away a few cobwebs he’d be disappointed with the 576 though I feel let’s take a look at the various starts see p throws the arms back Andrew throws the arms

Forward Andrew was very good underwater with that long pull through the butterfly kick but then as soon as this man started to wind up he just took off beautiful technique the hands cutting through the water in almost an arrow like position doesn’t spend long underwater at all he’s just skimming

Across the top see how he goes on his touch pretty good and he wasn’t puffing he wasn’t blowing at the end of it now what can he do Adam py absolutely Supreme unbeaten for seven years look at that Spartacus he’s coming out the Gladiator onto the pool side can he set

History the long wait is over all the months and years of sacrifice and pain and focus all come down to the next 57 seconds he certainly focused Andy the rest of the field know he’s there they can feel his presence in the water when he gets in

I’m sure they’ll feel the shot waves kaminga is the only one in shot there looking a little bit nervous he’s the only one that’s done 57 before and I think I think the guys in the studio right if Peter can get down to 57 low I don’t think kinga’s going to get there

Well this clean straight line speed is so Superior Adam py it’s almost impossible to get anywhere near him in l four in fact I’d say if he hits his start in his turn it’s impossible to get near him he’s so good has the 15 fastest times in

History will be in seven for Great Britain PT and four the fin of the men’s 100 breast stroke take your so he’s got to hit the start here Adam py in the center in the Red Hats the final of the men’s 100 me breast stroke this first first 25 M so

Important to set up the race absolutely and looking good so far first two strokes were good I’m just keeping an eye on them up at the top shimansky there swimming very well PT into form into stroke kaminga is not staying with him this is good from Adam well this is very

Good this is where he needs to be at the 50 it’s a lovely first 50 m one tenth of a second outside his own world record and he does have the 15 fastest in history now his clean speed is so good he’s looking really good in the center

To the red half of Great Britain yeah py streaking away here kaminga coming back on his trunks here the py will extend the stroke well he’s delivering the fury down this last 50 that he promised he would and Adam py is going to win the second gold medal at consecutive Olympic

Games look at this utterly brilliant Adam PT is the double Olympic champion fantastic swim from Adam PT of Great Britain the first gold of these games it was the first gold of Rio and now it’s the first games of Tokyo Adam P’s double Olympic champion well kaminga screaming with

Excitement for the silver knew he wasn’t going to get P I think when he walked out I could see he wasn’t going to get it pet doing enough and you can see what that means to him well the pressure look at that the pressure on him the whole nation has

Been watching him it was the greatest breaststroke field in history the fastest men five men ever and Adam py has just beaten them comfortably and Adrian he hit this start so well this has been the weakest part of his whole race and him and Mel martial’s coach

Have been working on this so much yeah great reactions actually you can see him come out the block very quickly to the surface pretty much the same as kaminga here’s the first 15 MERS so right there he’s establishing his dominance into the wall just a little

Bit ahead of kaminga kaminga popped up a bit down a second 25 still a tight race 573 he won it by what did he win it by well 6/10 of a second in the end it was really comfortable look at that well he didn’t have to swim his best it’s

Actually his fifth best time but he swam it and won it so comfortably and Adam py is a double Olympic champion so dominant Adrian he’s won eight World tit 16 European titles three Commonwealth titles and now Adam py double Olympic champion PT wins the goal for Great Britain Aro kaminga the silver Martin

Ningi the bronze and Great Britain’s James wilb in fifth a good swim from [Applause] him Okay okay Coming Thank You Thank you Adam how do you describe your emotions right now unbelievable unbelievable um you know to get to this moment there was a lot of a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears um a lot of times where I doubt myself you know was it worth it

Uh 5 years ago and it’s been a long journey there’s been a lot of Victories I’m not necessarily losses in the Championships but losses at home is co training on my own and some parts when you lose hope but when you look at this and you feel it you know that’s all the

Hope restored amazing congratulations thank you yeah


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