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Dawn & Cher’s Dramatic Season 4 Moments | sMothered | TLC

From heartwarming connections to tension-filled conflicts, watch Dawn and Cher share their most memorable and emotionally charged moments in sMothered season 4.

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Dawn & Cher’s Dramatic Season 4 Moments | sMothered | TLC

So I have some huge news I’m moving to Florida yay welcome to Miami we’re going to Miami and here you know what I need to learn some Spanish now that I’m moving to Miami Jared’s finishing up residency finally and he got a fellowship in Miami so I’m moving to Florida officially I am

An ecstatic that share and Belle are moving to Florida I’m still going to be living a little bit further away from where you live are you going to come visit all the time get closer I’m so happy that Sher and Jared are moving back to Florida I’m still

Going to be 4 hours away in Tampa but at least now they’re getting closer to me and it’s Wonder beautiful Miami next step Tampa it’s so weird being in this area though because we’re literally right next to where Jared’s parents live you know I think this is nice too cuz right

Now Belle knows you and Daddy like so much and she’s so close with you guys but soon she’ll be able to get closer with Jared’s family too because she hasn’t really had the opportunity to get as close with them so I think that’ll be

Nice for her to be able to get that you know well I could have been close you Jared’s parents don’t like that Bella is closer to me and Mason than them but Sher and Jared live in New York and Sher and Bruce don’t come to New

York all that often I put in a lot of effort I fly up to New York to see Belle like every month just so we would have that connection you need to put in the effort okay okay let’s see let’s see you oh hump the pole yes there you

Go look at that booty shake what your mama gave you I try to tell Sher even in her marriage you always have to keep the spice going by being spontaneous drop down drop it down drop it down down low pole dancing is fun cuz you’re thinking about being sexy and getting in

The mood I want to video this this is incredible oh my God I’m going to show it to Jared I’ll tell you all about it too got to be a little naughty okay one two three oh wow this is incredible arms up legs up keep going arms up legs up

Keeping the spice alive in a marriage is very important my mom always stresses that but I 100% agree sexy mama go wo it’s a little a little harder when you have a 2-year-old who’s constantly calling for you and you’re in sweatpants a lot but my mom always taught me you

Know you got to take care of yourself you want to always be datable you want to always just keep dating your husband that’s why I want her to move to Tampa so she can have that special time with Jared to keep it going so I can take

Belle and babysit so they have special time together thank you guys so much awesome thank you they’re only going to be Miami for a little while and so I’m going to do whatever it takes to get them to Tampa but until then I have a plan to be closer to sh

While they’re in Miami you got to show these videos and now I got blackmail for you just kidding that’s funny what are you guys up to today we’re I think we’re going to go see uh my dad and and and Sher oh so nice we’ll come too I want to

See them are they you guys were going shopping or something we can do it tomorrow Mom this is what I was talking about the other day like sometimes you know Jared wants time with just his family and you guys can do your own thing too it’s okay to have separate

Times at times yeah of course but I haven’t seen them and I’d love to see them I don’t feel I need to get invited to Jared’s family what’s the formalities we’re just all family they like us right Jared oh yeah yeah what’s not to like that’s what I say that’s what I say

What’s not to like yeah sometimes Jared’s family wants time with just me and Jared just like you get time with just me and Jared I just don’t like separateness and that’s what it’s all about to be one big happy family and for all of us to be close that was always my

Dream let’s all be together they’ll love seeing us I hope so sounds good sounds like a [Applause] Plan you know you were coming I wouldn’t miss World Don is extremely interested in Jared and sh’s life see you all was okay this is nice very nice is wonderful so how many bedrooms are there there’s four bedrooms but one is Bruce’s man cave so nice so we can stay here too

Sometimes sometimes that be so nice yeah I was actually pretty annoyed that she invited herself cuz I was looking forward to spending the day with the kids ourselves I wasn’t prepared for her she should have told me she was coming and then I could have said

Whether I wanted her or not and I really didn’t want her to come I didn’t know you were coming oh yeah I figured why not Jared said you’re going to come over here today we have to come too thank you Don has not really given us as much

Time with the kids as we would like she monopolizes them and we’d like Don to back off a little bit so you’re definitely considering the east coast of Florida just for a year definitely in South Florida and then I to for a job job so it depends on what the mark the

Job market is if there’s a job Tampa I would imagine I hope so you know I would love it that’s my dream they are we figured that Dawn doesn’t let Sher go a young person needs to move away and stand on their own by the mother not allowing the

Daughter to fly why she stults her growth yeah but it just be so nice to be you know in Tampa where she grew up she’s so used to the area and everything and then you could come visit us I’m excited she is so overbearing that we

Don’t get a word in edash she is always voicing her opinion she’s always nosing her way into everything she’s just always in the way always always in the way and she frustrates me Isn’t this amaz gous counter yeah Gorge the house was recently renovated it’s less than 5 years old so there is nothing nothing for you to do just mov in oh my gosh so real we have a house it’s nice to get ideas you know of houses and for furnituring and how to

Set houses is up and everything it’s a beautiful house yeah but you know like this is for sale this house right yes of course it’s for sale it’s within your price range and it’s close to family that’s perfect but the thing is you know that you know you’re just going to be

Here for a year I mean you don’t know where you’re going to be afterwards so to put all your money now and maybe it’s better to rent maybe we should look for houses to rent purchase in a home and I’m I’m talking as a family member you’re

Putting your money in a place that it’s going to appreciate and then in a year when you’re leaving you might get a profit and maybe she won’t want to leave in a year that makes L you may want to stay here but you may not get a profit

And you may not sell it right away we don’t have a crystal ball for the future Cherry wants them to buy the house so they end up living in the Miami East Coast Coast to area that’s why she wants them to buy the house because once

They have the house it’s easy to stay after he finishes his Fellowship there’s plenty of work for him on this side if he love if you love this house it would be a beautiful place to there’s no guarantee we don’t know if he’s going to

Get a job on this Coast we don’t know where he’s going to get a job I ultimately want them to make their own decisions about where they want to live with Dawn being so aggressive with them and pressuring them and putting her opinion on them I need to be on the

Other side to balance it out so that they can make a decision based on their own opinion rather than what Dawn wants them to do oh my gosh it’s so nice to love it I feel like I’m actually in Florida it’s like private private backyard it’s January and look what you’re

Enjoying this she’s like a little fish swiming here know all the time perfect house for you guys and it’s low maintenance the maintenance fees are amazing but you have to understand you know you’re coming from New York so everything in Florida is going to look beautiful and every part of Florida is

Beautiful you’re coming from the snow and the freezing weather just understand that you know like maybe you’re just rushing things maybe they want to come to the east coast oh I’m I’m say of course they’re going to come to the east coast this year so much for taking time

May they may not they may they they may love it they just won’t stop what is wrong with you guys J and I thought that moving back to Florida would be a really exciting time but it’s turning into a nightmare I know not only did both of our moms invite

Themselves on our house hunt but Sherry pushed my mom in the pool I would never do that never do that this is I you stop stop hey okay you two need to get it together I never thought Sherry would do something like that with grown women who

Does that to somebody let alone family time to go home let’s go get out here all right let’s go come on as a mother I do have your best interest at heart and I’m not being overbearing but to buy a big expensive house when they don’t know

Where they’re going to live in a year from now that’s ridiculous they should rent right now and that’s all I’m trying to say so for her to push me in the pool she’s a bully I don’t know if I could forgive her you know a mother speaks

From the AA right you’re a mother you know you’re a mother Ian do you understand why she like pushed you in at all no I don’t it was totally wrong never push you in the pool but I think like maybe you should try to tone it

Down sometimes I think my mom and Sherry both owe each other an apology I think that my mom coming to Sherry’s house Uninvited and just speaking her mind constantly was a little too much and I also think Sherry definitely needs to apologize to my mom because she

Literally threw my mom in the pool I think you guys just need to talk for the sake of your daughter you should do that what she says to call her and start talking and go from there I should call her yes and then you’re going to feel better

For yourself too and also like if I am moving to that area you’re going to see them a lot you know I mean if you plan to come down there they’re going to be involved in our life so in order to be able to do that you guys need to get

Along so that that can happen well that’s what I always really wanted for everyone to be close say that but now it’s time to put it to the test right even though my mom will probably be really mad at me and she hates Secrets I’ve been keeping a huge secret

From her honestly if my mom would have just called Sherry and spoke about this I wouldn’t have had to keep this secret but I have to do something I just don’t want drama between the families that’s the last thing I want my God who’s so yeah what are they doing

Yeah hi hi hi hi what good to see what are you doing here you invited me for Mason’s Party what what what you didn’t know we were coming well they are family no I I was absolutely shocked that Don had no idea we were going to be here I

Really thought that she had invited us and let bygones be bygones I’m sorry I invited you guys with Jared because we wanted you to be here usually you would have always been invited to all family celebrations because of the Tiff that you guys had you were not officially

Invited by my mom but I wanted you guys to be there because you all need to get through this you need to get past it we’re family most important thing this I kept this for the greater good because this is about family being family so let’s be family we’re

Celebrating an exciting family time coming up I can’t believe that Sher went behind my back and invited Bruce and Sher to my house if I would have known that Sher invited them over without an apology I would not have let them come I want family to be family that’s what we

Are so we need to move on she pushed me the and I was wrong but family does invite family to a retirement party so we can celebration so we can all be together as a family I do want family my whole life family is the most important thing it really is

The most important that’s why they’re here so as long as it is an apology okay we I thought we were invited to Mason’s Party we didn’t know we were here to apologize I pushed her in the pool be to shut her up I still feel that she is very

Overbearing I think she involves herself in way too much and if I wasn’t involved I wouldn’t care but I want to see the kids and I want to be selfish with them I’m sorry um I probably shouldn’t have pushed you in the pool I think that my anger got the best of

Me I get a little jealous of you and your relationship with the kids well you should never get jealous I do I do here listen I do why because every single time we want to see them you’re there you need to back off a little bit

Give us some time with our our family too okay very good well then I would I would personally like to invite you to Mason celebration tomorrow for the retirement party would you come okay very good I’m glad that we moved on with Sher and I’m glad that um she will be coming to

The Celebration and I personally invited her after that would you like some wine I would love some I’m sure love some wine I okay let me go in and get okay but I hate secrets and you know that’s the worst thing to me that we don’t have anything any secrets between

Us you kept a secret for me now it’s that’s more important than her pushing me in the pool you kept a secret from me and you know how I hate secrets you know how I hate secrets in the family I would like to make an announcement first of all I want to

Thank everyone for coming today to celebrate with us for Mason’s retirement thank you and now we’ll be entering our new chapter in life I’m so excited Mason and I are planning to get a place for a year in Miami so we can be oh my God here we go Again this is amazing you kept a secret from me it’s a gift it it’s such an exciting gift I was like wanting to blur it out but I just wanted it to be so special I love I do I knew nothing about this it doesn’t make any sense did you

Guys like scheme with this is this like a weird scheme no this is what are you saying why would you you two together I don’t know I was totally shocked I couldn’t believe it after our conversation yesterday and her agreeing to butt out here she goes again it’s just more

Evidence of dawn not letting Sher go and keeping her child Dawn and Cher are a little unhealthy with not good boundaries I’m all for being close to Belle and to Jared and to Sher but not every single day I like having my own space certainly during my first year of

Retirement on my bucket list was not moved to Miami this does not seem like a gift for me she’s going to be with bell and share every day this is mostly for you but that’s so not true because you’re still good to be able to do

Everything and also we get to see the kids more so we got both Amon I thought you would love it it’s your retirement present to you I would have preferred a set of golf clubs yeah I’ll get you golf clubs for Miami I made all the arrangements I already found a fully furnished

Apartment near Shar and Jared I think by getting an apartment in Miami for a year and Sher sees how helpful I am with Belle she’ll be excited to move to Tampa people should talk to their spouses and and their family members and communicate before we just decide to make big Grand

Plans so let’s just put this on the back burner I think Jared probably would like a lot less time with Dawn and I’m really hoping that we can team up so that she does not move there and I do believe Sher will let her know when she’s

Overstepping her bounds um we have to think about this I already decided as much as I love the idea of my mom living down in Miami no one is as excited as I am about this idea I’m afraid this is not going to end Well I


  1. It sucks for the mom and daughter duos that didn’t come on this new season. I’m all for the craziness TLC comes up with LOL

  2. The hell you mean season 4. I've only just heard of this show to now learn that theres 4 seasons of it!?

  3. The mom is overly controlling, manipulative, selfish, and narcissistic. A hypocrite too; she accosted Cher for keeping a secret but kept a bigger secret of sneaking behind their backs to plan their move to Miami. Absolutely no boundaries or respect for others. No doubt her parents never said no to her as a child. Many more people should've shoved her into the pool (figuratively) a long time ago to give her an attitude adjustment.

  4. How this bimbo mama survived not to be punched by people on daily occasions, i don't know. The husband is her doormat." I already decided " LOL. Growing older for her is going to be horrible as she thinks she's a hot teen. The daughter is smarter, but poor Jared!

  5. I feel the frustration. Dawn is over baring and i do not understand why its a tug of war between them two. Dawn needs to know her place and let them decide. Why would the mothers invite themselves on their appointment. Dawn needs to step back and let her daughter be married and grown with a baby

  6. Well, I his is how people get divorced. How can she go behind her husband back and already plan something so big. This is life changing and you know its not going to be for a year! So doesnt know her boundaries and her daughter isnt helping it. Enabling this behavior is wrong. Sometimes not all wives need to be happy when it comes to this. He needs to put his foot down

  7. Cher is so good. She grew up wealthy, doesn’t act spoiled or entitled, and marrying a resident doctor instead of an established one says a lot about her (positively). It seems like she was the only one who respectfully stood up to her mother in telling her when she was wrong and even kicking her out😂

  8. Wow. My dad raised me and my mom wasn't really around. I have to say, I'd rather have my life the way it was & is than have a mother like this. It's ridiculous. I don't watch this show. I'm extremely impressed that the daughter doesn't come off as an rich entitled brat like most with money do. My guess is that being around her own mother has taught her who she DOESN'T want to be!

  9. I bet if his residency was in Tampa and only for a year, she wouldn't have a problem with them being excited about & wanting to buy this house there! She's definitely MORE than overbearing!

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