Golf Players

Examining Schumacher’s First Month at Stoke City

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In this fan reaction video, we review the first month of management for Steven Schumacher at Stoke City. We examine the differences in playing style, formations and just who is the most improved player in this new system.

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All right we’re back on terce talk and it’s the Stoke View and we are reviewing Steven schumaker’s start at the bet 365 we’re joined by Liam as we always are how are you at Liam good Christmas yeah not bad you yeah not bad thank you yeah

It seems a long time ago know doesn’t it um stoker had a good Christmas bright and as side hey you doing all right doing all right yeah um it’s been a lot more positive than it was under shoe marcker playing with a bit of intensity playing the ball forward it’s nice to

See yeah what’s what is he what has he done that’s that’s changed it I mean obviously a number of draws but you know that if such game no one’s ever going to remember um let said about that the better um but what has he what has he

Done what have you noticed in terms of tactics and formations and Personnel um so he’s kept pretty much a 433 but it’s a lot more fluid than when um when Alex Neil was there um he likes his fullbacks too kind of of underlap you see him running through the center

Of the pitch a lot um against Birmingham a few times who ended up with both fullbacks in the Box while a Winger was crushing the ball it has lead led to some heartwrenching moments when you get counterattacked and there’s not really many back there but it keeps you on the

Edge of the seat um just a lot more intense a lot more positive going forward um just need to be able to put some chances away now it’s all that’s stopping us really at the minute yeah I mean who’s who who stood out in terms of Personnel in terms of performances under

Schuma he do he seem to have lit a fire under so strangely under Alex Neil Walter Berger was Finding himself on the subs bench quite a bit so as be Jun H and Junior shamad couldn’t get a look in them three have been probably the best players we’ve lost shamad to the African

Cup of Nations but been really good um but it’s a lot more positive with everyone you know everyone seems to be to be on board with what he wants to do um I know it looks like we’re going to get Luke kundle on loan from Plymouth so

That’s a player who he knows who knows the system which will help but yeah it’s it’s been all right but Walter BG has been he has been unreal to be honest since Shak come he’s been the best player in every game he’s probably the best midfielder on the pitch against

Brighton which is some which is some statement but yeah we’re doing all right I I watched the game against Birmingham and um for as bad as Birmingham would I thought Stoke were excellent um and it probably signed Rooney’s uh exit that game I think um given given just how bad

That what was what you’ve been to most away games though this this year did you did you sense there was a lot more running in the team did you sense a lot more energy did did they look more sharp or fit fit to you what what what was it

I think um you can tell the difference in the intensity that they want to play in because for the first at least two games if if not three games we were prettyy much spent by 70 minutes the amount of effort they put in and I think

What a schumak has Bally said is one of his non-negotiables is you run as hard back as you do forward and I think we saw that um I remember against Birmingham Shamu he got a booking for quite a bad tackle from behind but he he sprinted about 50 or 60 yards back to

Get the tackling so you know you don’t mind that um but yeah it it’s just been it’s just been formal positive going forward and a lot a lot more effort put in um and of course um with managers like M being appointed today are you are you are you sensing the teres are

Talking about this being a more kind of Forward Thinking manager and and actually this is you know potentially it was a bigger risk but actually the football you’re going to see is far more exciting yeah I think so he definitely got um like I said said before Alex Neil seemed to have

Coached the quality out of the players that we got we could tell they had quality and it was just um drab sideways passive football whereas it seems like now schumak has got a certain way playing sign players to fit how he wants to play and um yeah it’s going to be

Good to see what he’s like with some actual training time because he’s crumm four games in in the space of 10 days and he said I think he said he had like two half training sessions all in all so he gets a full week before the ram game

So we’ll see how he does he’s not be that bothered about going at the cup is he I don’t think so no I don’t think we played Brighton last year they beat us one nil we played well but they never got out of second gear yeah this time we

Probably played better in the first half but when they need to go into second gear they cruised it really but FA Cup when you’re 17th or 18th in the Championships not really too F about it to be honest and P ultimately you are near the bottom end but you’ve got a good balance

Between you and uh you and uh the relegation Zone um have you seen enough to give you no more concerns now about sto being dragged into any kind of fight I’d never say no concern it depends it’s so tight in the championship I mean the next two games

Are rather him at home rather him away Birmingham at home if you win both of them who are both below you you’re starting looking upwards if you lose them both then wor he sets in I think Birmingham will be a different CLE fish under mry as I’ve said before I’ve

Always lik M you get a bit of stick but gun manager in my opinion and rather them are different at home aren’t they they are they are a tricky yeah they’re tricky opponent at home um finally then what about transfers um rumors just updaters what have you what have you heard what’s

Happening we got in Daniel Iverson um which was a bit of a shock we thought we were GNA get Travis back um but from what I’ve seen the the second goalkeeper went back to wherever he was from so it looks like Travis stain on the bench for

Them which is fair enough Iverson I think is probably the next best you’re going to get in line if you ask Preston fans they can’t get enough of him and I remember watching him against Everton for Leicester when the season he got relegated and some of the St he madees

Were yeah unbelievable he’s a quality keeper so we’ve got Luke kundle coming in as well which I don’t know a lot about I have some Plymouth fans a lot of them told me go away some of them did answer and said he is quite a good

Player um that’s it really I mean we need a left back desperately um we need a center back and if I’m being greedy we need a striker as well but at least we haven’t got reinvent the wheel this time because it seems like we have to do a

Full every time but this time it’s just little tweaks you nearly signed a full Squad in the summer didn’t you as well EXA what happened going there right right cheers Liam thanks for upda dating us glad you got a smile on your face or half smile on your face any yeah get in

There all right catch you next week after the ra on game cheers mate y j me


  1. Argyle fan here. Sounds like he's taking the Argyle strategy over to you lot. That is, all-out attack, at the cost of defense. You'll want quality at the back for it to work, which we lacked. It worked well for us in a way, as we had both Whittaker and Azaz putting in a ridiculous amount of goals from either side of the box. I think Cundle will be a nice addition, but I'm not sure how strong your midfield was to start with. If his style is anything like it was at ours then more entertaining to watch, but not great for the heart. 🤣

  2. When your soul can be bought so cheaply……..I hope you have a plan when the money tires of you and it will. It would have been more honourable if Schuey had said 'If you want me then you have to wait until the end of the season.'

  3. If he doesnt deliver he will be gone should have stayed at home park and would have become a legend with the plan and respect of owners…..

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