How to Grip the Club Like a Pro Every Single Time

If you’re looking to improve your golf game, then you need to learn how to hold a golf club the right way. In this video, we’ll teach you the 45 Degree Grip System, which is the perfect way to hold a golf club and improve your golf swing.

The 45 Degree Grip System is the perfect golf grip to improve your golf swing. In this video, we’ll teach you how to hold a golf club the right way and increase your chances of hitting the ball straight and long. Let this video teach you how to hold a golf club the right way and improve your golf game!

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If you want to make a great golf swing, you need to learn how to hold a golf club correctly. Using Todd Kolb’s 45 Degree Golf Grip System, you will learn how to grip the golf club once and for all!

I’m going to share with you today my 45° grip system that can get the golf club in your hands perfectly every single time I’m PJ teaching professional Todd Cole and the first place I always look when I give a golf lesson is how does a student hold the golf club because it

Literally dictates and determines everything that happens in the golf swing now I’ve developed a system it’s called the 45 Dee grip system now why do I call it 45° and this is the most important thing I’m going to tell you here today so listen up when you get

Ready to place your hands on the golf club position the golf club up at a 45° angle 0 90 45 now why is this important this is at the heart of what we’re going to talk about today when the club is at a 45 degree angle you can see it right

Here from down the line it positions the grip the handle at an angle so you can place it correctly in the hand most people do something like this they put it at zero or they go like this okay okay now when you put the club at this

Angle this is probably you pay attention cuz this is you might be doing this the club wants to go up into the Palm this is killer number one when the club gets too much into the Palm you can’t leverage it you can’t hinge it you got

No speed you got bad contact it is a recipe for disaster so that’s why we call it the 45° grip system so let’s keep moving so 45° I’m going to hold it in my dominant hand that’s my right hand now also when I hold it okay I’m going

To kind of hold it down here in my finger see how I’m doing that do it from down the line there see how you can kind of I’m holding my dominant hand but it’s also down on my fingers it’s not up here in my palm it’s down in my fingers now

The Top Hand all right the lead hand you’re going to position it so the pad right here sits on the top and then it runs diagonal at that 45° angles across the hand so it exits right at about okay right here on my index finger it exits

About the middle knuckle you see that and then you can go ahead and close it around this is why the 45° system is so simple because it literally positions the club in the exact spot now once you’ve got it there the only thing you

Got to do is on the on the lead hand make sure the thumb is snug and it’s also short see that snug and short now what a lot of you do is this okay especially if you wear gloves out a lot if you have a golf club and you’re like

Man I play like two or three rounds or I hit a bucket of balls and I get a wear spot my glove and I’m buying new gloves all the time listen up this is for you okay you’ve got what we probably call a long thumb see the difference there

That’s a long thumb when the club when the thumb is long the club wants to move around in the hands so shorten it up and get it tight all right so that’s the lead hand everybody with me on that now hey if you got questions this can be

Confusing I understand it can be confusing put them in the comments I’ll do my best to answer every single one of those and and do me a favor hey subscribe to the channel we’re just a couple couple guys from the Midwest here my buddy Nick and I were shooting videos

We’ve been doing this for 13 years be sure to subscribe and ring the bell and tell a friend about us but all right so that’s the lead hand now the trail hand is going to work very similar you’re going to go ahead and position it so

It’s kind of down in the fingers right and this pinky right here you’re just going to overlap it like so that’s my preferred grip for most golfers it overlaps now you can interlock it do some different things and we’ve done some videos on the different styles of

Grip but today we’re talking about the 45° grip system so you’re going to do the overlap and you’re going to hold it in the fingers okay and I’m going to give you one magic tip here at the end but the bottom hand the right hand is

Also you’re going to kind of have that shorter thumb and it’s going to be snug see that now a lot of you do this you get a long thumb there again this is killer that long thumb is killing it all right so shorten it up just a little bit

Right there and then here’s the magic tip that you’ve been sticking around for this is called the trigger finger notice on my bottom hand my index finger right here there’s just a tiny bit of Separation you see that tiny bit of Separation right there a lot of you

Might do this see how it’s you want just a little bit of Separation now what does that do for you well let me show you so when we’re set in here when I’ve got that little bit of Separation we call that the trigger finger I’ve got what

That does that allows you to hinge the club a little bit set it ooh felt good set it and release it a little bit all right going back to what we were talking about a little bit earlier there when you get the club and you get a long thumb right

You get a long thumb like that and you get a long thumb this is goes back to my first comment you’re holding like a hammer okay don’t do that all right so if you want to make good golf swings you got to hold the club correctly the 45

Degree grip system can help you do just that


  1. I've had the interlock grip for 53 years. As my first teacher said. Good enough for Jack Nicklaus. Good enough for you!. Fair point.

  2. I can’t believe a video is made about grip and no mention of strong or weak position of the hands. Seems a huge part is just missing in the video.

  3. Hi Todd, I have a question about wrist position at the moment of impact. With the strong grip that's taught in the vertical line method, at the moment of impact, what is the ideal wrist position? Wouldn't a flat wrist close the face too much? Pat from Kapolei, HI….thanks Todd!

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