Golf Babe

🤬 Uber Lyft Gaming Drivers | Fight Back!

Drivers are battling for fair wages all over the world as these tech companies are gouging the logistics industry from rideshare to delivery.

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#uber #lyft #driver #rideshare #lux #extracomfort #harriettubman

It’s been a very slow week in Phoenix that’s all I  can say and I remember back when we used to drive   and you know we’d make $1500 in the weekend yeah  that was serious I mean eight hours a day eight  

Hours a day not even and that’s online time $1,500  in the weekend I got videos all on my channel   showing it so a lot of people that don’t believe  us like I said we’re the bridge from the old to  

The new a lot of us drivers are the new drivers  they don’t believe it the new drivers are are the   high mileage loggers they’re the ones driving  you know 300 400 miles just to make $300 $400  

We’re the ones that used to drive 100 to 200 and  we’d make $400 or $500 they like how the hell you   only drive 10020 miles and you make $4 $500 we’re  the high-profit margin drivers we don’t drive that  

Much and we used to be like that over the weekend  I log about 200 250 miles on a Friday and still   bang out $500 I would do it all the time I got  tons of videos on my channel from it Friday 500  

Saturday 500 Sunday 500 just banging them out now  these guys are well it takes me two or three days   to make that but that’s because you’re driving  for a dollar a mile 50 cents a mile if you’re  

Driving at 50 cents a mile and you’re trying to  make $500 you’ve got to drive ,000 miles that’s   what you’ve got to do at 50 cents a mile so this  channel has been educating people and a lot of  

The drivers on this channel have been educating  people that we would rather drive low miles high   profit that’s stock market mentality and the live  streams I run on this channel when we like I said  

A lot of my live streams we go in 3 four 5 hours 6  hours because we have business meetings anybody in   corporate knows when we have a meeting and they  say hey tomorrow we’re going to have a meeting  

Tomorrow we got a pretty big day you guys get all  your stuff done we got to go over to this company   we’d be in meetings for two three hours straight  it’s nothing for us to talk two three hours  

Straight sometimes we go to a whole seminar we  sit at a seminar from 9:00 in the morning till 4:   or5 p.m. just getting educated and that’s kind of  how my live streams go a lot of drivers chat we go  

Back and forth through the chat we interact with  each other it’s like being at a seminar to learn   how this business really goes and a lot of new  drivers they don’t understand how these seminars  

Work they sit up there oh I take all this $20 for  20 miles no because I can get $20 going four miles   why do I want to do $20 for 20 mil when I can do  it for four miles and I’m you’re beating up your  

Car more wear and tearing your car and you’re  letting these apps know that you’re willing to   do that you’re letting the apps know hey I’ll  be a slave for you how many miles you want me  

To drive hey will you want to do this for7 cents  a mile sure I’ll do it cuz they don’t know they’re   new to the game they don’t understand what we used  to make $11 a mile easy $9 a mile easy we do that  

[ __ ] all the time even to this day I still  do that [ __ ] $8 a mile easy $4 a mile easy   so why in the hell am I settling for 50 cents. 7  cents a dollar a mile if I know the money is out  

There when these guys are telling you all these  new guys oh you guys are just too proud to make   money you guys are lazy you no it’s called knowing  your worth if you’re being so if you’re selling  

Yourself for cheap they’re going to buy you for  cheap we’re not cheap people I don’t live a cheap   lifestyle we talk about that [ __ ] in the live  streams all the time and a lot of people that  

Don’t watch the live streams you don’t get the  energy of what this channel is really about when   we’re on these live streams we’re going back and  forth drivers Riders there’s riders in there hey  

Man I’m not really a driver none I just like to  listen to your live streams and we go back and   forth all the time on these live streams a lot of  drivers like to go watch five minute videos six  

Minute videos because all they do is they troll  internets they sit around oh yeah I’m going to get   on here and tell everybody how stupid they are and  how I just made $300 in 12 hours $300 in 12 hour  

Dude we make that like four or five hours what are  you talking about we know how this industry works   I can make 40 50 $60 an hour why do I need to sit  around for 12 if I’m online for 12 hours I better  

Be making like $7 $800 not no 300 you can’t buy  me all day for $300 no no you can get part of my   day for three I’m a contractor I State my price I  know my worth you don’t tell me we’ll take up your  

Whole day 12 14 hours and we’ll give you 300 bucks  okay these are employees that’s who these people   are employee minded people cuz when you go out  there and you know you’re a contractor you know  

It’s good money in these streets you know they’re  charging people $60 $70 for this ride and you said   I’ll take 20 of it I mean you’re the stupid one  like private rides this is what we do private  

Rides I’m not going to sit up there and let  these people charge us charge these Riders 80 $90   knowing that this Rider says this ride is worth  80 or 90 to me and then they turn around and give  

Us $25 $30 out of that no we’re the ride we’re  the one who deserve the money we hold ourselves   a value can’t help it that all these new people  that are coming to the game don’t know how it used  

To be and I don’t even mean used to be like five  six seven eight years ago no I mean like a year   ago two years ago all this new [ __ ] going on  right now is them ripping off drivers they got an  

Influx of new drivers who don’t understand money a  bunch of people that got laid off bunch of people   that got fired oh well at my last job I was only  making like $20 an hour now I’m driving I’m making  

24 an hour that’s $4 more an hour but you weren’t  using all your gas at your W2 were you you wern’t   running your car into the ground at your W2 you  you wasn’t going through antifreeze cooling oil  

Transmission tires brakes you wern’t doing all  of that [ __ ] at your W2 so you’re not making   $4 more per hour just because it says that on a  sheet of paper you’re losing money you’re beating  

This car into the ground all the value of this car  is non-existent no more you try to trade it in you   need to come up with $67,000 cash just to trade  it in on some piece on a piece of [ __ ] car but  

You don’t have six or 7,000 sitting in the bank  to do it cuz you’re W2 thinking you’re you know   check to check you’re driving ride to ride week to  week we generate profits over here we talk about  

The importance of generating profits to sustain  a business a lot of people haven’t been there yet   they’re not mentally there yet still a lot of W2  people still running around oh yeah man you know  

I just made you know $185 but you drove 250 miles  to make it that [ __ ] don’t make sense to nobody   it’s like bro where’s the it is not about problem  you just got to keep driving and keep driving  

Eventually they’re going to send you a good ride  no eventually your car is going to [ __ ] break   Uber and lift is going continue going on as a  business and you’re going to be sitting around  

With a broken down car on your driveway going man  I don’t know what to do now I can’t drive Uber and   you’re not their employee you’re a contractor  and if you’re a cheap contractor they’re going  

To use you as a cheap contractor we’re high value  contractors they know who we are that’s why they   took Lux off the platform they’re trying to demote  everybody we don’t want these high high-profit   drivers we’re going to take away we’re going to  keep using their cars keep using them as drivers  

But we’re not going to pay them a lot that’s what  we’re going to do we’re going to make sure that   they’re cheap no we still hold our value up we  know what our worth is we know what our service  

Is we know what our car is worth and if people  want to be out there doing it like that they’re   the ones hurting this economy of Rocher who we  we sat around and built it for years building to  

Be more valuable fighting for more money fight  and these people come in accepting lower money   how are we fighting for more money for everybody  across the boards don’t make a difference who you   are fighting for money for everybody and oh we’ll  do it for cheap we’ll do it for cheap it’s like  

Dude you just negated the whole [ __ ] fight that  everybody’s been going through cuz you walking   around oh I do 50 Cent a mile I do a dollar a  mile I do 80 cents a mile you’re negating the   whole [ __ ] fight you’re the reason why the  apps are doing what they’re doing think about  

It if you’re cheap willing to sell yourself for  cheap they’re going to pay you cheap they gonna   be nice to you this is a corporation about their  profits we’re contractors about our profits you’re  

A cheap [ __ ] about I need to work I just need  to work I just want to work you the sucker of   the deal everybody else out here is making all  his money trying to stack money in case you know  

Rainy days come up trying to stack money for slow  periods and you out here just driving neilly Willy   like oh man I’m I’m staying so busy oh my God my  app keeps going off and your app will keep going  

Off because they’re out here getting $35 off  of somebody giving you $6 oh man a $6 ride for   five miles hell yeah I got this $6 ride oh yeah  you know for eight miles I got this and we’re  

Sitting around like this idiot has no idea what  the hell they doing you’re destroying the Rocher   economy is what you’re doing and we know a lot of  us used to say we made more driving than we made  

At our W2s oh man I’m making $1,000 a weekend  doing this [ __ ] I don’t I don’t make that at   my W2 man I might have to quck my W2 and do this  [ __ ] full time we used to tell people don’t do  

It don’t quit your job now keep your job [ __ ]  because you don’t know what these apps are up to   and sure enough they’re up to some [ __ ] they’re  taking money away from everybody taking away  

Bonuses taking away I think I got a 50 Cent per  ride bonus sitting in my phone right now 50 Cent   per Rod I’m not chasing that [ __ ] I’m staying  with high-profit rides I probably won’t get that  

Many rides to hit these bonuses cuz I’m going for  high profit rides why am I chasing 50 cents per   ride when I get an extra $20 per ride if I do it  my way 50 cents versus $20 that’s a major [ __ ]  

Difference you’re going to give me two quarters in  my hand or a $20 bill in my hand the idiots would   be like well I’m going for those ruses man I’m G  get that 50 Cent a ride I’mma get that 50 Cent a  

Ride and I’m like give me the $20 bill let let  that idiot chase the 50 Center oh I’m gonna get   that oh a dollar a ride oh my God I can’t wait to  hit this bonus this a dollar a ride I can’t wait  

And I’m like who are these [ __ ] people where did  they come are they just imported are these plants   like uber and lift plants that just jump all over  the [ __ ] internet telling people hey drive for   cheap drive for cheap sell yourself to cheap and  we’re over here saying you know we need driver  

Profits we know you guys got record profits we  need to share some of that Revenue with you guys   you know we’re out here getting evicted losing  our cars paying for repairs and [ __ ] we need   to share some of this prop Prof then you get all  these [ __ ] people that look like industry plants  

Oh you guys got to take these 50 c mile rides  I’m doing amazing take these dollar a mile rids   I’m doing amazing ask him hey what’s your how much  you got in the bank or like 300 bucks you got 300  

Bucks to your name out of the entire globe of this  [ __ ] Planet you have $300 to your [ __ ] name is   all you got there’s seven [ __ ] continents  oceans wide as a [ __ ] tons of animals and   [ __ ] walking around this [ __ ] and you got $300  to your name you doing something wrong if that’s  

How you driving you doing something wrong CU I’m  not trying to have $300 of my name I’m trying to   add to my [ __ ] profit rides add to my [ __ ] so  I can have $110,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 of my  

Name 50,000 in case some [ __ ] happened 100,000  if I keep doing this [ __ ] I’m trying to stack   profits I’m not trying to sit around oh man I  don’t have to take out a payday loan this week  

I can go pay off the payday loan I got no I’m not  trying to do that [ __ ] I’m not trying to live   like that we trying to live different and that’s  that’s why we all Drive different so the way this  

Channel is run like I said invite yourself to  the live streams we we chat about [ __ ] all   time on these live stream all day long we go back  and forth about profits we talk about life talk  

About a lot of [ __ ] on these live streams and  that’s why everybody be like man that live stream   was hype dog it was hype because we really get it  hype on live streams videos are videos is what it  

Is but I interact on live streams a lot of drivers  drop a lot of knowledge on these live streams   that’s why people say man how do y’all be going  for like 3 four five hours I’m like you never  

Been a corporate guy have you 3 four five hours  is nothing for corporate guys we go to seminars   that start at 9:00 in the morning like I said  they don’t end till 4:5 P p.m. this is corporate  

[ __ ] we walk in the boardrooms at [ __ ] 8:  in the morning we don’t walk out till right   before lunch starts this is corporate [ __ ] so  I run my live streams like corporate [ __ ] this   is our business meeting this is our barbecue  this is our hang the [ __ ] out we don’t sit  

Around doing five minute [ __ ] segments all the  time hey let me talk to you for 5 minutes that’s   not like employee [ __ ] hey you got five minutes  watch my video I got five minutes stop me by the  

[ __ ] Coffee Machine Stop Me by The copier I’ll  meet you by the water fountain got five minutes   I don’t got five minutes I’m a corporate guy if  we going to get into it we going to dig into it  

We GNA go through the whole psyche of it all we  G to share energy back and forth we GNA leave   this [ __ ] and go get money that’s what corporate  does and look at what you paid me that’s exactly  

What I’m talking about you’re going to pay me now  I’m going show you how slow it’s been in Phoenix   when you see this [ __ ] this was a night it was a  game a Suns game I didn’t pick up anybody from the  

Suns game I grabbed some of the surge wasn’t a lot  of surge after a Suns game I grabbed some of the   surge but it was basically [ __ ] rides out there  then I this morning I went and picked up my you  

Know my private ride every day and I did a couple  of rides after that you know it it’s just been so   slow it’s been dead out here they’re trying to  give us give us all these nature hikes these  

50 Cent M ride dollar a mile rides knowing we’re  not taking that [ __ ] in heavy traffic like this   I’m not going to risk damaging my car for like 90  cents a mile 70 cents a mile no I need profits if  

You guys are making a ton of money on this [ __ ]  we should be sharing those profits recorded these   rides last night but I screen recorded and I  didn’t have audio on so I can’t use that video  

But I’ll tell you what I was doing because I had  the audio off because I was doing something with   a news uh thing so my first ride I got off the  live stream last night that was a really good  

Live stream appreciate you guys you know jumping  in on it but my first ride was 3. I was sitting   downtown on First Avenue at 3.2 miles I had a $3  tip 550 surge that was the my first ride and like  

I said and I went down there because Greg was  like hey man I’m down on First and van viance   so I rushed down there and I was sitting on First  Street and it was somebody right down the street  

From me picked up this couple real quick and they  were just at dinner they W even at the game $3.2   miles $16 bam no problem then right as soon as I  dropped them off I was up in the area you see that  

Uber pet yeah I had Uber pet on because I was  trying to trap a surge and I didn’t know if I   can get a surge or not there was no surge it was  $656 cents for total like maybe a mile and a half  

Because seven of a mile was all he had to do and  I had to just go up the street and pick this guy   up he hit me up so I hit I was like 656 for a  mile and a half all right [ __ ] it let’s do it  

So I hit it like uber pet I got seat covers in my  car now so I’m cool with pets to a certain degree   certain degree not all pets thinking he’s probably  got this little small baby dog or something like  

That this [ __ ] messaged me he said hey I got two  border Coles is that okay I thought he was [ __ ]   with me I own a border colie bear I own bear you  can’t have two of these dogs it’s impossible to  

Have two of these [ __ ] dogs but he had two of  them so I said okay thinking he was joking with   me like people know border Coles are hyper as a  [ __ ] and he was like I’m G [ __ ] this dude up  

Tell him I got border Coles to see what he says  so I pull up he’s got two [ __ ] border Coles I’m   like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] but when when they  were walking up to the car he had them on the  

Leash they were nothing like my board they were so  cool and calm like regular dogs my dog he’s like   ready this [ __ ] be on the leas like dragging  like a pit bull trying to go having fun so the  

Dogs come up to the car one was two years old one  was four years old same age of my dog they jump in   jump on the back seat like normal [ __ ] dogs do  jump on the back seat and the guy’s like yeah yeah  

These are my dogs this here this is like you know  they both had B names like Barnaby or something I   don’t [ __ ] know so the one dog started licking  me in the face just like my border klie licking  

Me in the face so I licking me all on the side  of the face I was like man these dogs are cool   as hell so I show him a picture of my border  klie and he’s like oh man that’s cool you got  

So we talk a border Coles we only went seven of a  mile not even a mile so I took him up the street   around the corner dude tipped me 10 bucks he was  like man border border colli on are the best I’m  

So glad is most people you know when I tell them I  got Border Collies they cancel I was like dude you   have no idea how close I was to cancer I thought  you were joking but I was like he can’t have two  

Border Collies I said cuz I know mine there’s no  way I can own two of my dogs no way not with the   energy they got no way possible but his dogs  were the coolest Border Collies ever like they  

Were like regular dogs and I’m like man I need to  get my dog in the train and this shit’s crazy so   just luck of the draw dude slid me a $10 tip for  that little Quick Trip right there this is all  

Game night and then right when I was by him there  was a lady that she I was right on 7th half right   where I dropped him off all he had to do was point  now like a mile for three bucks that was my last  

Ride of the night cuz it was headed back towards  the highway anyways so I just picked her up drove   her like 0 n she just didn’t feel like walking a  mile so I picked her up took her a 0 n of a mile  

Hasn’t tipped me or nothing yet I should go back  to say where my [ __ ] tip should do that [ __ ]   on a little you know how you can go back and rrate  a customer leave a message be like where’s my tip  

Three [ __ ] dollars so that’s all I did last  night was the 16 to 16 that’s about 33 and that   was about 36 didn’t do anything on live so $36 and  it was roughly about an hour you see from 953 to  

10:46 roughly about about an hour so it’s about 36  bucks but all I went was that 3.2 mil that 7 that   0.9 I went about 5 miles to make almost $40 that  was it I drove almost five miles to make 40 bucks  

That’s how we drive as high-profit drivers almost  $8 a mile is what I was running almost eight bucks   a mile all night that’s what I was running all  night why are we doing dollar a mile rides 50  

Cent a mile rides 70 Cent mile rides if we know  we can average about $8 a mile all night imagine   me driving 30,000 miles all year doing this that  means I’ll make $240,000 after doing 30,000 miles  

If I’m averaging $8 a mile all I got to drive is  30,000 miles to make 240,000 buckss 30,000 miles   somebody driving at 50 Cent a mile they’re going  to make $155,000 they’ll make 15,000 and 30,000   miles I’ll make $240,000 that’s $225,000 more than  what they’re [ __ ] making this is math people  

It’s math so that was last night now this morning  you know every day I get up I got my private ride   every morning and she didn’t know I told her this  morning she was like hey what do you do when you  

Dropped me off said cuz I swear yesterday I saw  you going back past the bill I said yeah I stay in   this area for about an hour I just kind of cruise  around pick up because there’s a lot of hospitals  

Over here so I was kind of explaining she was like  oh well [ __ ] I didn’t know you were still in the   area I’m going to have to call in sick she was  like I’m going to have to go in to work check in  

And then just say I’m sick you can pick me up and  take me back home I was rolling laughing but I was   like no this is what I do when I drop you off I  just turn my app I go somewhere and I turn my app  

On I just try to make money while I’m up here off  my private ride and I’m in a 350 bonus and I’m not   doing that $21 go way the [ __ ] out in the middle  of nowhere n we cool on that [ __ ] that’s a long  

Ass ride $21 for like over 20 mil 19 mil nah we  cool I’m going to stay in this area right where   I’m at right here so I’m going north a little bit  hopefully they going to give me no no [ __ ] going  

South they always do that [ __ ] I’ll be going  north they’ll give me something behind me I’m like   you raggedy [ __ ] what are you doing all right so  let’s see what they going to give me today I don’t  

Have Uber turned on yet so I’m surprised I even  got a lift ride but yeah I got Uber sitting in   the background but I don’t have it turned on I’m  looking for somewhere to park up here like I said  

I just dropped my client off I’m going cruise up  here hey here’s a little building right here let’s   park in here SC all right bet so I’m going to sit  here and chill see what kind of Rod they going to  

Give me turn the car off me go back and Uber yeah  see Uber ain’t got no surge of nothing going on   let me see something what do they got for me what  do they got for me over here $8 for like four

Miles let’s take it all right we’ll take it it’s  almost $2 a mile will take it all right hopefully   this ain’t no [ __ ] [ __ ] with no I I hate  picking up from hospitals and [ __ ] like that cuz  

There’s always [ __ ] that got goddamn crutches  and canes and Wheelchairs and it is a waste of   my time like whenever I see a hospital I just go  the other way cuz we’re not a medical service so  

I think people try to use ride share for medical  service rides because it’s cheaper and it’s like   it’s cheaper for them but it [ __ ] our cars up  we get to scratching [ __ ] up like Wheelchairs  

And [ __ ] be [ __ ] our cars up I’m not doing all  that no you’re not going to [ __ ] put somebody in   my car scratch up my the M some whe it’s cheaper  for us to use you yeah it’s cheaper for y’all to  

Tear [ __ ] cars up but it’s not cheap for us  to fix these [ __ ] like no I don’t know about   that [ __ ] I don’t like doing that do not like  medical [ __ ] Services a pretty quick drive right  

There like I said it was that that had that ride  bones for 350 sitting on it so it was like you   know almost 5 miles eight bucks not bad it only  took like what [ __ ] 14 minutes just about you  

Know the estimated versus the actual is about the  same not bad not badad for the week what have I   done for the week with these 44 minutes 26 bucks  yeah that’s not good that should be more like 30  

To 40 by now but what if we’ll deal with it we’ll  deal with it so now I got to me let this car go   past come on Slowpoke can’t stand people in the  morning in that drive they be creeping I’m like  

You got to roll man so I’m going to try to head  back downtown Phoenix I want to go south up north   there’s not really anything up here bunch of like  I just picked him up from the hospital people are  

Going to the hospital leaving the hospital South  downtown is where all the actions going to be at   a lot of people going from hotel small conventions  here and there so I want to get in there and see  

If I can bounce around a little bit if I can get  in there bounce back and forth pick some people   up cool yeah I’m not doing that 9 minutes away no  we’re not going up there we’re going south anyways  

I wish it was a way that I can freeze this it’s  only a $2 bonus it’s not a whole lot but I want   to get down here where in Phoenix cuz I want to  start heading back towards my house anyways cuz  

I want to make sure I can get down there you know  do a quick hour driving head south get me some   breakfast head to the gym call it good they better  not give me [ __ ] North when I’m making this turn  

I swear cuz I’m on Central and it’s a huge Light  Rail in the middle in order to make a U-turn you   got to go all the way down and go all the way back  so yeah you better not send me [ __ ] not doing  

It but if I can catch a ride going to downtown  right now that’ll be nice see what Uber’s got   over here let’s see what the Uber pooper scooper  systems got uh nothing yeah if they ain’t got no  

Surge or nothing in the morning it’s probably  really not worth it let me turn them on real [Music] quick ah damn photo [ __ ] I’m driving  raggedy [ __ ] here we go with this photo [ __ ]  

Here we [Music] go they they mad CU I keep going  back and forth back and forth yeah when I stop   I’ll take a [ __ ] picture you rag a muffin  bastards all right let’s see continue let’s

Go all right that’s it that’s all you get you  R [ __ ] let’s roll let’s rock and roll let’s   go traffic’s got to take off got to get moving  all right not now they like hey man this [ __ ]  

Been going off and on off and on yeah exactly  let me see for the week what have I made with   them for the week so far 4 $6 so I’ve got about  80 bucks between both apps for the week so far  

And it’s Wednesday I don’t drive for these [ __ ]  if they ain’t paying I ain’t moving my [ __ ] car   I still got like a little uh about a little more  than a quarter of a tank so I’m about in between  

A quarter and a half so I ain’t even used no  gas this week so far made all the gas over last   week uh driving last Friday Saturday Sunday now  I’m just like [ __ ] it seven bucks no I’m not  

Doing that not for no damn seven miles NOP NOP NOP  multiple stops all these all those 621 for that a   let’s turn Uber off they don’t have nothing good  out there yeah I’m not about to do that [ __ ]  

Nope no update yeah when they start putting  out good rides then I’ll start leaving my my   app on but without good rides N I don’t mess with  that [ __ ] dude cuz that’s all they if they only  

Got trash out there that’s what these drivers are  taking and I’m like I’d rather not drive on their   platform if they’re gonna be offering dollar a  mile less than a dollar a mile for morning traffic  

Cool on that [ __ ] nope nope all right let’s  open up LIF again let’s see what do we got now I’m   coming towards downtown let’s get this money let’s  go downtown Phoenix I snag The Surge real quick  

Right on the edge of it and as soon as I get here  all the surge disappears but you can see a surge   everywhere else wherever I’m not there surge look  at that there surge everywhere I’m not as soon as  

I get down downtown knowing there’s a lot of rides  downtown but because I’m down here they moved all   the surge out they probably was thinking damn man  he’s going to get it snag the 350 as soon as I got  

It it disappeared and look it surge everywhere  else tell you boy these [ __ ] they know they   know the game they playing with people and watch  as soon as I leave downtown I’m going to leave on   purpose I’m going start heading towards my house I  bet they put surge right back downtown Phoenix as  

Soon as I leave watch this [ __ ] cuz I got to get  from down here anyway ways cuz like I said there’s   not if there’s no rods down here no surge down  here then I got to get going $12 Comfort no [ __ ]

That yeah I’m not going north I’m going south they  try to give me a $12 Comfort going the opposite   direction I’m like no I’m cool on that [ __ ] give  me something going south that way like I said and  

That’s why they did it they pulled the surge away  saying okay he’s going to accept the next ridee   if we don’t pull Serge away these [ __ ] don’t  understand how we do it around here I’m tell  

You we Harry a tutman like a [ __ ] we don’t play  these games with these apps we already know what   the games are so I’m going to go south I’m getting  out of here and they’ll end up like I said as soon  

As I get away from downtown they’re going to put  surge back downtown but they think that they can   force us to take rides by doing that [ __ ] they  Knowing damn well I don’t go to Scottdale in the  

Mornings ever I rarely even go at [ __ ] night so  why would I go there in the morning it’s like no   I’m a South Driver I like South and I like being  in my areas and [ __ ] like that I get to know  

All my people I know all my streets know where the  construction and everything is once they have you   all over the [ __ ] town you don’t know where  everything is you start going down roads that   are being repaired see look now they going to  throw Serge back here they tried to get me real  

Quick they was like [ __ ] put surge back there  just put it back it’s like yeah like there’s no   reason why they should even pulled that surge  they took it away real quick and tried to send  

Me a ride then Harry up and threw it back on  there they was like well let’s get him to lose   his surar though I’m a ride that we know his ass  won’t take you can try me if you want to it’s not  

Going to work though like cuz all I’m going to do  is say I doubt it Harriet Tubman so now I’m going   go down [ __ ] uh going to head down van bun to  see if I can get my ass out of here he they got  

A lot of construction down here anyways so we’re  getting from down here yeah it’s a $3 ride right   up there I could go get that $3 ride add 350  to it let’s see what it looks like nope it’s  

Not available I was going to grab that $3 Rod  real quick cuz I’m like they see I got that 350   bonus like yeah we ain’t going to make no money  unless we give them a long ass ride but knowing  

Me I’m not taking No long ass ride don’t even  try me over 17 drivers at the airport cuz you   got nine in there I bet you got a couple of extra  comfort on the side nope no extra Comfort up there  

Just nine drivers that’s it all right let’s see  if they GNA give me something to drop down who   knows $6 let’s see where do it going south uh damn  it it’s going to skyt Harbor I can add my $3 to it

And I’m going to drop down pick up somebody on  Apache in 12th Street then Cruise back around   no if they send it to me I might take it but I’m  not taking that I’m looking for something down  

Here already I mean it’s nine bucks going to the  airport and I don’t even know what the airport   looks like right now it’s probably crazy traffic  and [ __ ] so I’m really not trying to touch it  

Come on car you can’t turn idiot go that’s why  I can’t stand being down here some when there’s   too many drivers especially people that don’t  know what they doing [ __ ] trying to make left  

Turns when you can’t even make a left turn like go  all these these one ways and [ __ ] go go use my   little 350 bonus and I’m approximately I use it I  picked up somebody north of the airport right here  

And I brought him down just south of the airport  so I’m right around the corner from my house I’m   actually sitting at the Nia building right now or  Nicola that’s what he called it Nicola I was like  

Okay so I’ve been calling it Nicola he say no it’s  Nicola that’s how you pronounce it okay okay cool   I got you Nicola so I just dropped this guy off  on Broadway so I’m right around the corner of my  

House which is perfect then that first trip I  did was somebody gave me a $3 tip somewhere I   don’t know where it was but somebody gave me a $3  tip maybe it was on yesterdays let’s see yep there  

It is right there a $3 tiip right there so it was  $ 820 for like two miles so about $4 a mile for   that trip cuz I was like I saw a $3 tip pop across  the screen I was like who just gave me three bucks  

But like I said I’m right around the corner for  my house uh $5 for that no I’m going to my house   I’m not doing that so I got to go to my house real  quick I’m not going to do a ride yet I’m going to  

Go over here check on the dolls give me something  to eat I got to eat me some breakfast I’m going   try to go to the gym real quick so I’m going to go  over here eat me some breakfast and I’ll jump back  

On the road after I leave the gym to see what’s  up but I like to stay on my schedule they’re not   paying me enough money to break my schedule if it  was a banging ride or something like that yeah I  

Changed my schedule but for five [ __ ] bucks man  I’m staying on my schedule I ain’t got time for   that [ __ ] so that’s honestly how slow it is in  Phoenix right now sure there rides out there and  

Everybody knows there are rides out there but if  we continue to allow them to play us and force us   to take 50 Cent a mile rods dollar a mile rods  at times we know we’re busy at times we know we  

Should be having surge if we continue to allow  that why would they change the way they’re doing   business we’ve got to stand up every single day  February 14th is going to be here that’s going to  

Be the big day that we all stand up together but  you got to stand up by yourself every day stand   up against these apps don’t let them exploit  you don’t let them play you like that stand up  

A little bit have a backbone that’s all we’re  saying is have a backbone and there’s a lot of   people who are from the W2 industry because  they got fired or laid off or wasn’t making   enough money they’re coming in the Roch here you  have no idea how expensive this business is when  

Your car [ __ ] up you have no idea how much a new  transmission is going to cost you every dime of   profit you did not make is going to go into that  transmission rebuild you’ll be sitting there like  

I don’t have enough for that they got channels  out there that you how to get payday loans for   car repairs why do you think they tell you to get  payday loans for car repairs do you think I need a  

Loan for a car have you seen my bank account have  you seen me stack profits waiting for this [ __ ]   engine to blow waiting for my transmission to go  out I stack profits because I know shit’s going to   happen in business if you’re not stacking profits  you’re not running a good business you’re still  

Being a W2 brained employee you think oh the  [ __ ] [ __ ] up Uber will fix it Li will fix   it no at your W2 if your computer went down the  company would give you a new computer if the door  

Broke they the company would fix the door if you  needed anything with the with the communication   system of the company the telephone system  the the pagers the beepers whatever the hell   y’all using [ __ ] I’m old school like a [ __ ]  that’s we we have next hair and barcom if those  

[ __ ] up yeah the company will cover that but  you are the business now if you don’t have the   bank roll to support your business you’re going to  be exposed the moment [ __ ] happens you’re going   to be exposed all the profits you’re letting walk  past you the the apps are laughing their ass off  

Right now they’re like man we got these idiots  out here driving for pennies on a dollar we’re   charging these people 60 $70 a ride giving these  [ __ ] $18 and they’re taking it they’re take oh  

I got a $18 Banger $18 for 17 miles meanwhile this  [ __ ] paid $55 for that ride 55 bucks and you’re   like $18 no we’re not doing that this is 2024 in  2021 2022 2023 we’ve seen the market constantly  

Going like this for the driver and we’ve seen  drivers come into the market at a rate like this   the more drivers we get the more idiots that  come into The Fray the apps know that they’re   like man we’ve got people that don’t understand  business we’re getting employees now we’re getting  

Immigrants and employees in all the contractors  all the business-minded people who wanted to take   that risk and went out and bought SUVs and nice  cars you know went out and got you know Vans and   [ __ ] like that to these were all the original  investors who invested cuz they knew business the  

Employees were oh I wouldn’t do ride share that’s  that’s not consistent that’s not stable that’s   not this now that they all got fir from their  companies they’re working ride share now they’re   the ones that are not stable they’re the ones that  are not consistent they’re not generating profits  

They’re the ones who going to get a wakeup call  the day some [ __ ] happens you bust a tie rod   lower control arm something [ __ ] happens next  thing you know I don’t got that kind of money just  

Laying around what the [ __ ] you mean you’ve been  doing this business for the past 6 seven months   you ain’t generated profits you don’t have extra  money laying around you’re in business right now   what do you mean you don’t have money laying  around you’re in business the apps know these  

People exist and they’re exploiting these people  they’re going to sit there and run these people   into the ground run their cars to the ground guess  what they going I got to go back to a W2 now dude  

You were in ride shair for like seven eight months  why you quit already ain’t no money in that [ __ ]   no it’s not that it ain’t no money in that [ __ ]  it’s idiots are allowing themselves to be treated   like slaves the plantation is getting bigger and  bigger the slaves are getting more numbered the  

Apps note is they’re like dude we’re outpricing  the contractors right now we we can use all these   slavem minded people they’re out here working 80  hours a week 76 hours a week 74 hours a week these  

Are slaves right on at our you know disposal we  can do whatever we want to do with these slaves   they’re not even smart enough to realize you guys  control the market if you’re accepting [ __ ]  

We’re going to pay you [ __ ] you guys control the  market we as the apps don’t control the market we   can’t get these people picked up unless you guys  allow us to pick them up we send you an offer you  

Accept that lowball [ __ ] so of course we’re g  to pay you that low ball [ __ ] if we sent you   offers and these people never got picked up we’d  be increasing our offers if we kept saying hey go  

Pick this guy up this guy just paid $80 that’s  a lot of money we can work with that’s a lot of   money but if the first $18 idiots say I’ll take  it for 18 why is the app going to increase the  

Price the app knows we got enough $18 idiots out  there contractors are like you know what actually   this is a concert right now this is an event we  know these people are paying good money how about  

This how about you pay me $45 $50 for that ride  no we’re trying to get it off right now for $18   if nobody takes it at 18 we’ll move it up to  24 nobody takes it at 24 we’ll move up to 32  

But instead as soon as it 18 I’ll take that I  need I need that R $18 for 19 miles leaving a   concert they these people paid $80 for that [ __ ]  the apps are not going to increase the price as  

Long as idiots are taking these low dollar a mile  offers 50 Cent a mile offers they know idiots are   in these cars these are not business people these  are employees that got fired to LIF their jobs   and now they’re doing this [ __ ] trying to make  extra money you’re being an extra idiot that’s



  1. Jeff, your 100% right! Unfortunately these CEOS Don’t understand and don’t care. Corporate greed, employees running us into the ground. How you figure an hourly rate of $20 for a driver, correct but this is not a hourly gig. They trying to make us hourly BS. Understand they are 2 entities you have to pay, driver and vehicle. If you trying to make us 20 hourly what about our vehicle, it doesn’t come free, they need to pay! So pay $25 for driving $25 for vehicle!

  2. 7 out of 10 Rideshare Rides are Uber Rides,,,Thats why you see hardly no surges because they got the shit locked up,,If you turn on the lyft app now your playing a video game chase the rabbit,,when you get there its gone or shave the money from the fair ,,making you think that your getting something

  3. I haven't seen ($15, $18, $21) streak in 6 months.

    Well at least I experienced some decent profits before lyft crumbled.

  4. Last night.

    Phx airport had 6000 people arriving an hour.. suns/kings at footprint .

    Lyft had no surge. Uber had $4.50 surge at most.
    Drivers were taking basically base fares the whole night.

    Perfect opportunity to hold out to build surge.

    These drivers need to learn

  5. This is why we should all put Lyft to sleep completely.They are the ones that removed Lux form their menu and lowered the fares.Why uber should pay more when they see this fact ? They just pay a little more than Lyft and laugh at us. Blaming other drivers when we should unite as one.Sad

  6. As a business owner you can not make it when the other half gets 50-60% of the profit and you have all the overhead. I’ve been in trucking for 15 years and every trucking owner would go bankrupt within a month with the profit margin that low. No company would survive on that.

  7. People are just too damn dumb to recognize they're getting played by these companies… This rideshare crap is a scam on drivers, and the government needs to wake up and realize that Uber and Lyft bamboozled them into thinking they weren't a big @$$ taxi company when they actually are, and a cheap ghetto @$$ taxi service at that.

  8. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️

  9. Waymos (with passengers of course )swarming thru my neighborhood like hornets! …3:30 in afternoon …Los Angeles

    Ain’t that some 💩 !

  10. It’s over for now guys until they realize that they can’t run the platform with a bunch of illegals
    I’m very upset but there nothing to do but to just quit

  11. Still we need to continue to educate Higher profits lower miles know your worth make sure you know your expenses Uber and Lyft you are going to pay me

  12. Very true, the new drivers only last 90 days at most when they realise it is a scam it is too late for them and are debt as a result

    """ DONT BEE AN EXTRA IDIOT """!!!

  14. I was talking to Uber driver in Las Vegas. He was from Ukraine. He said if anything happened if they kicked him off the platform that was it for him he was dead.

  15. Get Folks to Say where there Located ((City & State)) & How much are they're Generally Offerings !!!

  16. I Told Mr P about Ms Dallas Project on New App & He Wants to know More & May want to Help out with a donation or something!!! From My Passenger, Mr P!

  17. Just to be devils advocate for a sec I'm sure a lot of new drivers don't know that they can deny. They think they will be deactivated. We just need to let them know you can cherry pick, deny, deny, deny!

  18. Appreciate you jeff. Love your podcast style. Got me watching nightcap with UNC and ocho lmao 😂
    Podcasting is booming even if these apps aren't…. Keep grinding the YT fhing. I actually gave a ride to a YouTuber with 3.5 million subs. I looked at his account. He made $60k last month. He has met mr. Beast and every other big youtuber. Be motivated!

  19. SHARE HOLDERS ARE DRIVERS AND ARE DOING CHEAP RIDES!!!FOR 90 DAYS TO GET A HUGE BONUS FOR INDIVIDUAL SHARES…IT MAY BE GENIUS BUT GOTTA BE LAST ONE STANDING…Passion is currency in France and many places,Your a passionate guy and your heart is your success!!!TY MAN!!!I really appreciate you sir!!!!!

  20. This is why Hertz sold 20,000 EVs. I would say most of them were because of Rideshare Rentals. What did they expect? Drivers weren't making the money they thought they would. Uber and Lyft played these EV games really well and are still like you said "Gaming" the f**k out of everyone. They can kick rocks. Our rides are not free, they're expensive.

  21. Count on me bro im not taking .50 cents a mile ride. I personally raised my minimum ill take this year per trip if i choose to drive for these apps.

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