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INSANE OTE COMEBACK!! Ian Jackson & JellyFam Vs Diamond Doves LIVE At OTE 🔥

JellyFam vs Cold Hearts FULL GAME ►►

Ian Jackson and JellyFam take on the scrappy Diamond Doves. Tune in!

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And we’re live here in the heart of Atlanta Georgia at the beautiful OT arena for a good match up between jelly fam and the diamond doves I’ll be your host Agent Zero joined by my two co-hosts Duke Dennis how are y’all doing and I’m Davis everyone’s having a great

Day yeah you guys are really military today huh very yeah look Ian Jackson and jelly fam they were in action last night uh it was on a roll man man Ian said before that game he said bet you know why cuz y’all two voted against him to

Lose that game so he was on a mission you did too hey he was out there balling 24 points eight rebounds four assist but most importantly he set the tone for his team and I think that’s an important thing as a leader you need to come out

Set the tone he did his thing they walked away with that duck yeah jelly fam Ian Jackson who you got for the player comp dude player comp in my professional opinion I have to say SGA man SGA man real silky smooth Hoopa man I’ll take that actually highly

Accurate man let me give that a s tier grade Jeremiah Johnson and The Diamond doubs they were also in action last night hey bro I’m glad I got to see Jeremiah Johnson like in person for the first time man and and I was not disappointed he actually uh like 10

Times better than I thought he would be um you can definitely tell he the leader um they pretty much look to him to like provide a lot of scoring you know what I’m saying output so I’m ready to see what he got tonight yeah the good thing

About the diamond Dev is they got options too man Bo I’d say it’s probably their second option also a top scorer here at OT and absolute bucket Gator Davis man this right here was the nastiest dunk I’ve seen in this building in a very long time man hey Bo Aldridge

Went absolutely crazy last night got everybody out the seats with this one yeah B’s going to need to turn up today man it’s going to be a tall task jelly fam coming off a big win and i’ say probably their third option man none other the Red Mamba okay Cooper Campbell

He said he was willing to earn it after Duke was trying to strip him of his nickname last night uh he is 10th in scoring here at OT okay has a good clean shot we’re going to need to see BAS get a whole team firing on all cylinders I

Know the record doesn’t reflect it but they have scores and they have talent on the diamond doves so let’s get into the starters first for the diamond dubs Devin braford davius lry Jeremiah Johnson Cooper Campbell and Carmelo Atkins and now for jelly Fam [Applause] jelly fam starters here Ian Jackson team captain Eric Mahia Elijah choam Moore he’s been on fire delquan Warren explosive guard and Solomon AMU all right fellas who we got oh go ahead Davis it’s a tough one cuz both teams can hoop I’m have to go with jelly fam

Uh I’m going have to go with jelly fam too uh the domond just got to show me a little bit more before I you know I’m saying bet it on I lock in jelly fam as well I was wrong about them yesterday so I believe in him today let’s introduce

The fourth member of our broadcast team sniper Jones for the Adidas face off both of these coaches are super excited for this battle coach I’m going to start off with you coach Pete you guys are four and four right now clean slate on a two game win streak what have you done

To kind of turn the season around uh play defense we we we focus more on defensive rebounding and try to get our mind off for uh offense and and and understanding that if we defend and we rebound it gives us a chance to win every game and Coach J you guys are now

One and eight on the season but you’re in every single game what’s the message to the team to try to turn the team try to turn the season around and get back in some of these games we got to learn how to finish we got to learn how to

Finish we’ve had a lead in six of the fourth quarters we’ve had a lead at the end of the first quarter in almost every game these guys need to learn basketball is a game of runs when those little things happen we got to get together and

We got to finish these games strong like the way we start well guys we got a compelling battle tonight we got the diamond doves against the jelly fam and it might go down to the wire back to you guys the booth let’s get it yes sir I’m feeling pretty good after being correct

About my prediction in the first game of this double header so let’s get it going man see if I go two and0 here today yeah I usually go one and one on all my pcks so you know you going to have to go one to one again today

CH fam look really strong uh all season long I’m not going to lie they probably been the biggest surprise for me this season in OT JY fam yeah same like positive surprise yeah yeah yeah yeah good negative is probably rwe that’s I know we like the white

Jerseys last game the black jerseys even hard man they are tough I’m telling you eventually they need alternative all print Jersey man going to be tough that’s actually a good idea I’m a fashion fashion guy yeah now you lost that’s a d three no full court pass here Warren and Jackson

Looking to get started great passing warm for three connects this a good shot boy he might had to clean the step back in OT Diamond dos looking to answer oh stolen Ian Jackson best ball is a game of runs yeah manam just look so like they look like a out there bro they do you know there were games earli in the season where you know you hear all the hype about Ian

Jackson he definitely didn’t disappoint though no it’s not that he disappointed the team just didn’t look like this at the start of the Season man oh yeah yeah they definitely they’ve been molding together like and they’ve been uh getting way more chemistry B yeah oh my God what a move Campell it’s like

Whenever whenever Ian Jackson’s not shooting the ball that good man they got uh Chopper he’s not oh my God that’s a tough one I I feel like he didn’t I feel like he slipped or something like there’s no way does the attemp bed Mamba of the ball movement under their

Offensive set 8 seconds on the clock Jeremiah Johnson I said this yesterday out everybody who is let’s take a look at this first money out of everybody who’s like the the lead or the star of their team Jeremiah Johnson to me takes the best shots yeah he doesn’t force him that’s

The game come to him very well correct that’s a him and Eli D to be honest the only time Eli was forcing it was when he when he needed that 50 bro he was down he had two more points yeah I feel like Eli just make four shots I

Really do that too he he was wide open but when you throw the ball like that it don’t matter he was open coach when you wide open like that when you wide open don’t even matter I know he was open but you threw that ball like

Tim bledo or what’s the name what’s the name what’s the quarterback of the Broncos oh man what Wilson yeah oh wow Russell Wilson straight here imagine Russell Wilson watching right now it’s like what Russ wson listening and hear his favorite OT coach or how about this yeah

He should have threw in a Joe flago reference maybe relax my bad TN hey what we got coming down coach J do you even watch the CFL nah went to a few games it was horrible exactly I never you know just CU I’m Canadian doesn’t mean I have to watch hey man

Asking question okay yeah fun fact man a Canadian invented basketball really James n Smith is Canadian Canadian yeah the thing that’s interesting to me how do we get all Talent that’s I mean you guys have a big country Kelly olenic Andrew Wiggins you start naming talent and you

Round off Kelly olenic you done I don’t know he’s just one of the first I don’t know why he just hasn’t catching Kelly no team can want bronze what are we talking about I’m if I’m naming off Americans I’m not saying Kelly look it’s not a competition America is the best hoopers

I got some ho the best Hooper on the planet though is not americ what what LeBron James yic yic all right we don’t want your basketball pinions anymore yo you think you think LeBron’s better than yic right now Davis hasn’t watched one NBA game he

Has no idea what embiid has been up to he has no idea what Yi’s been up to SGA Tak I’m taking Brown and staff all right let’s let’s go ahead and and and first of all YouTube chat man oh yeah I’m in here he miss the first

One let’s see what’s let’s see what’s going on YouTube chat type one of you in the chat right now let’s see who’s in here both of them heart BR so many times I don’t right oh okay there it’s my fault I just so happen to we my heart

Myle wide open three no I was hoping for a red Mama Master CL quick throw to Mahia hero that was nice great [Applause] footwork I see who’s in here roll call in the chat I see you w R in the chat Izzy make sure like the stream if you like what you’re watching Jemiah Johnson over red MAA gets it back that’s a three steps in for the midi money hey the

Midrange in the game ofet it is it truly is man Rose is the only one holding on right now let’s go get in it and I think that’s cuz he’s not a great three-point shooter cut go don’t look now but we know he had score off the Ben man you know

What just happens yo yo you pass the solo that’s real rank the broadcast people at a me Agent rank Us in terms of what basketball oh wow I’m last so I guess between Y no no no no SN okay I think it’s Duke snipe Davis and then me okay Jackson behind the back

Step back Mia oh travel it off break sniper how you what’s your thoughts what what what do we nameing right now I said when the play break down we go 50 or 40 like if we don’t have it that’s such a good year that’s really F let’s go travel and the

Half we’ll let Instagram deide that you know how they get yep yes inst why you the ranking is U I don’t know man I don’t want to be controversial got I let the man don’t hold back I’m let the people decide you have a voice yeah yes thank

You Riya said Duke then Davis then sniped an ajent what is this list we we talking about in terms of basketball where am I I put you right next to AJ that’s not too bad man cuz you know I’m pretty hey man I’m better listen one

Second it up I will say aent does have an impressive post game on trampoline and land oh man I don’t know if that was intentional or lucky fler rims out gets his own rebound again he gets that one to [Applause] go I can’t wait to go to as bro R snowmobiles and snowboard and sounds like a marvelous time marvelous time going to marvelous jelly fam 11 EA Jackson first game Off the Mark little bit of a slow start from these teams here today more of a defensive Affair get

Poked cams in the chat wants to know the new a great question the truth is oh I can’t count Jeremiah that was a tough move there was some good defense by by Choppa though yeah great defense by choa though but that was a tough bucket the more I watch him bro the more

I like his game yeah same I’m glad I got to see him he’s tough man man I see why he McDonald’s All American nominee you think he’s going to make the team snipe he got a good chance man especially if you go out there hooping like

This it’s so tough though if you just look at all 20 players that’s Nomine in OT like who really gets to go Rd gets to make that decision know one thing that’s a decision Davis never had to worry about okay wow Davis straight here to the okay oh I remember what I

Was going to say imagine imagine your Shane bad oh my God what a p fake Warren listening to your favorite artist jcole and you just get a insane straight man what was the straight brother you’re lame you’re Shane bad oh what that was the craziest y remember

When that happened insane I hate say bad that’s up that was insane he didn’t even do anything to me bro cuz we were talking about Strays that’s probably the craziest Shane had a great career though but n he really did I just I was like an anti-heat person back in the day that’s

Like when people being bad to Eric snow he was like the old imate I’m going use this guy if he’s not playing well messed up cuz these are great players he’s a great player great def you do not think that all these players to get the

NBA have to be great players okay so why’ you downplaying when you say Cass carry LeBron carried the whole Cass team Eric snow was on that team yeah but not Great okay okay davius Lowry Lowry had a pretty decent game yesterday as well looks good out here so far today yeah it’s actually a um close game it’s a good game so far Warren’s P pick is Elite crosscourt awful pass Jeremiah kicks it up to the Red

Mamba who drives and kicks it right Back bit a high pick and roll action deep three money hey he tough bro yeah he’s tough man if they don’t have him they lose every game by 99 all right okay wait a minute that’s disrespectful to the rest of the team a shout out to

The rest of the team though no you can’t say that hey you got to go no no no you’re G to go for a Vibe cam this season bro say shout out to the rest of the team though I mean sl’s not lying 99 was exaggeration without Jeremiah

Johnson that that’s their best player yeah of course but you can’t say that though there’s a difference in saying okay well you you know what okay oh y just going to agree no no no because they won an eight they him off the team they wouldn’t have won at one Diamond

Dos I believe y listen they’ve been balling up six points today they the eigh seed yeah let’s listening to their huddle Oh I thought we was listening no man we talking about them man coming off the Jump I love that Arena Man team is talented no they got talent BR it’s not

Matter yeah they’re talented they just have not been able to put it together yeah and to be fair like OT is like a particularly challenging place to win because you’re also going up against other really really talented people at top of their class 100% man and I think I think if

This team can figure out how to close games like coach John said they can win starting is is is part of it too and they’re starting off strong today really strong 17 to 11 right now diamond doves Lee jelly [Applause] fam they got the got four D1 commits on the

Team man this is loud in here I’m going say this man like we’ve seen so much this season just recently rolling loud beat the top team in the league right now City Reapers I know the diamond doves like you got to be disappointed with how the season started but you can’t

Be you can’t have no hope because we’ve just seen too much upsets and unpredictability and the second team just lost by 30 yeah you just saw the dreamers just stomp out cold Hearts AMU thises the mid-range I think they giv him that yeah they are they’re baiting and that’s the

Second one I see him take hey we need about seven more likes in the Stream for two for two likes you’re enjoying you like what you’re seeing you might as well good block drop elah Moore no rebound that’s that’s a good Rebound in my book but ref know best man Avenue really

Dangerous he’s been used a lot recently man he had that big game last week 23 rebounds 19 points was really solid yesterday in the win I he want stake okay a nice SDK I think I might stop by there know it’s right beside the I’m going to be honest

I think it’s a little bit over it uh wait AE oh no I think I I’m going to go get me some um I had the worst my life flam nah I want some uh go to Morton wagu W he’s that’s how you’re feeling today okay I’m

Smoke yeah misses delay three smokes in a row Newport 22 seconds left to go in the first quarter Jeremiah Johnson wor Red Mamba gets it back seven on the shot clock little bit of isolation basketball step back three he hits it wow what a shot that’s tough hey hey that boy is

He’s balling that boy is going berserko man yeah and if you’re coach Pete and jelly fam you got to be disappointed with this first quarter 20 to 11 Diamond does up this how they started last game yesterday as well we’ll see if they can hold On that’s a we I just play Michael Jackson it’s iPod what is that uh I like something that a dentist use or something an overhead projector overhead projector what’s the point of it those are helies those are helies yeah I had no I’m lying I never had a

Bear and welcome back to the OT Arena we got some major basketball happening right now in this game as we speak we got four players that’s nominated to be a McDonald’s allam dwan Warren Ian Jackson Elijah Moore and last we got Jeremiah Johnson for the West four

Nominees this will be a crazy game but let’s check out the entire list of all of the nominees that we have because it is spectacular o has so much talent that the roster of nominees is is insane let’s check out Jeremiah Johnson he’s hooping right now as we speak with a

Huge game the West nominees the East nominees everybody from jakai Howard Dale Jones we see Jeremiah Johnson Nas Cunningham is absolutely insane 20 nominees in total East versus West so many different possibilities that could happen now now let’s finally get into the power rankings we got the

Man who’s in charge of the power rankings right now Nolan how you feeling today man I’m feeling amazing man we just watched Eli Lis go off for 41 points 41 points the only thing I got to say about that is Splash he could not miss dude crazy

Contested shots he was going off Isaac Ellis played good as well Evan Morton had a great game Don Lewis too I mean I’m seeing flashes of Nas Reed when I watch Don Lewis play it’s crazy but man that may have some implications when it comes to the rankings you know the cold

Hearts are ranked second Ying’s ranked at so I don’t know things may change now the diamond doves don’t look now but they’re actually up on a jelly fam team that’s hot on a two game win streak coming from the fans they say if diamond doves win this game they should jump up

To number three what you feel about that jump up to number three from last place to third place if they if they win this game that that’s what they say what they’re saying is a little bit off that will not happen maybe they’ll jump up a little bit but from

Eight from eight to three no shot insane say that again no chance at all no chance at all no chance at all unless if they beat jelly fam by 50 points then maybe but like no their record will they’ll still only have two wins on the

Season there’s no way they jump off so noan we appreciate the work man thank you so much I’m going let you get back to the game for for the diamond doubs like wow it’s a seven-point game they just need to come together I think they

Just treat it as for me like if you’re playing squads in fortnite come together as a team you can’t win without each other so just a group effort and if they play well they’re going to win hey if y’all play like a squad on fortnite y’all might have a chance of winning the

Game thanks douan back to you guys man I’m L for Words yeah me too man there a lot to take away from that man a lot to take away from that these two teams battling though he and Jackson just knocked down a three a moment to go and he with

It that’s going to be a tough one yeah great defense the diamond dos B on a fast break Euro Step foul called Nolan said he had four words that he had to say and fortnite was one over shout out no man that was insane

Why did he have to say that I have no idea maybe it was a challenge they said these are three words you got to say no when you doing he said it and he’s trying to cover his tracks that’s what I would say if I regretted what I said

Now that was totally unprovoked that was not one of the words that was insane a non autotune Splash is outrageous bro that was shut out no hey but look though man Onre like fortnite man in order for you to get a win like we all got to work

Together it’s all about building it’s all about building man more like uh any team sport you know but oh all right jelly fam they fighting back I actually I actually didn’t the game to go like this I actually thought JY F was going to win by a large Marg

It’s still might you know Diamond doubs were up yesterday as well in the first quarter oh as they hit a corner three it’s about how they answer back Man good shot wow Corner three hits back to back Mahia locked in court pass layup doesn’t go but foul called that is a fantastic take that was looking good out there man man Wink in the chat says team Duke like Duke’s not playing I mean he just means

You just a fan of you you know what man I’m on team Duke as well like I’m on team David yeah and team ma oh thanks guys and it’s like hey man Teamwork Makes the Dream Up jelly fam a lot of whack here today so far might need to see uh Ian Jackson he step back corner three potentially misses and then a loose ball foul Cole there on the rebound Diamond dos get It V is inbounded here start up the game three points so far and that is great defense there they get called for the reach there where was the great defense it was a great trap he panicked no he just hit his hand there last minute hit his head no the only man was

Good D was a good trap he panicked I ain’t going to lie bro no bro big bonus opportunity here for the diamond do 5v4 with 14 seconds on the clock Jil fam over the battle limit so let’s see if they can take full advantage here convert on their first big

Bonus crosscourt pass wide open three he hits it sa she sa oh they got it back got it right back back court call and they do it away she got a lot of man even the the Diamond do accessories leg I was literally just looking at

This I’m need to come alive 100% man look at that three point slow start so far man that’s a tough one late foul called there a bill going to head to the Line wink in the chat says a needs to come to the DMV I would love to man I’ve been

Man I not coming back like as a group though I’ve been there a few times myself he who y got ran out but y all right let’s stop stop before we start okay is that that is what happened though yeah yeah yeah that’s what happened which is fine

OT basketball is back in action on MLK day with another double header tune in to the OT YouTube channel see star studded rematch between the city Reapers and rwe before Trey Parker and the cold Hearts host Eli Ellis and his scorching hot Wy dreamers it all begins Monday January 15th and

Nude Warren slams that home good game that’s two fantastic games yeah are two good games I need to see that Ser I want to see rwe again I just need to know if like like I should just write him off for the season or if I need to be really excited

They have a chance to win this rwe yeah they just have too much talent I just refused to give up on him but my one more bad loss bro and they got to get healthy agent it matter yeah no there’s no stto cuz they could they could be one

Of those teams that start off and maybe not even have when the playoff start they’re healthy they run through it yeah that is true man 34 and 24 Diamond’s defense holding up pretty well so far holding the J to only 24 points there with 4 minutes left to

Go in the first half appreciate like the stream if yall like what Y watching excellent basketball display right here another wide open three four minutes left in this first half really waiting on Ian Jackson to come a lot got sat down right now but I think Del F could really benefit from

That right there there’s Jeremiah Johnson that’s who you want to have the ball in their hands six on the clock has mow K it to the Red Mamba to pulls up nothing air bad possession there oh got him few more of those done you know yeah you got to tell him

That he just had like two wide open Shots yeah that was a horrible possession for them oh yikes wow [Applause] Wow that was a that was oh okay B kicks it Red Mamba thought about the three lace red ma got it back a little bit looks like he got hit in the face I think by his own teammate too Yeah but Bill what was up I did not know he had that in his bag I don’t think he did either chill out that was ridiculous Red Mamba got it one to three no like everything is missing right now I think both these teams got to just slow down everybody’s so excited

Yeah 2 minutes 33 seconds left to go in the first [Applause] Half oh nice stab this is delay that was a good move that was a good move really was skyers oh that’s a good foul that’s a good foul fouled on the ground there I’m on the wrong side of the bench in there let me back up hey the whole team turned

Around nice move there I said good foul it was 368 dude three dudes 68 turn around no problem he just turn around again you see hey why they try me like that bro nice move way to pump no foul call blocking coming up at halftime check out the first half highlights the players

Pod with Ian Jackson and Jeff Teague locker room access and more stick with us locker room access and more all you got to do is stick with us you got to leave it open-ended man you never know yep I want a state CH what’s y’ favorite food man

Very random but let me know my broccoli mine for no reason n you like brocc I’ve heard you said it many times he sub see you see what I’m saying that’s not your favorite food yes it is no it’s not no it’s not is Buddy no it’s not the one on

The bottom the one on the bottom that’s six you’re not going to convince me that yeah hey snip yeah he’s eight yeah he eight okay hey hey hey hey yes we’re good snip how’s your time on the players part with Jeff T right good talk yeah man he’s probably

Chasing down the coach or something now he’s just standing there I’m looking dead at him he just s there zone out yeah he’s feel like he in the wck room oh Corner three cannect hey that’s his third three of the first half it’s getting starting to look ugly 10 point German kicks it

Mahia yes oh oh that’s a good shot way to shoot good shot boy German confident out there Diamond D is looking to push the tempo okay find some opportunities lose the ball in the process though Skyes to Mahia and potentially call I was excited for that Jeremiah Johnson fast break

Bon a big bonus opportunity here after the Foul 5v4 14 seconds on the clock this is a seven-point game and jelly fam is uh they still in this one feel like the lead should be a little bit more though 100% to M Mill loses it wow strong I like that had the ball completely stripped interesting decision

Most of the time you just keep it on the outside that’s best scenario this is actually a good Game all right big bonus now for the diamond doves red mble with the rock 5 seconds on the clock oh there there they go they get their shot hit pass his fourth three of the first half yeah he’s cooking right now chop four for five yeah there you go Cho oh

Yeah wa answer back Cho Chopper Mo with a three ball 6 55 Oh I thought he going to let it fly again oh wait w oh oh that would have been a tough one that’s in his bag though he didn’t did that like yesterday come

On come on I can’t say nothing hey hey perfect time though first one good that is absolutely that to just hand them off to each other that was crazy that’s my bad this one this one this one this one guaranteed winning I know the truth okay yeah

It’s I feel like it would have went in if you didn’t say that JY F vers dream they’re like there’s no way they missed this one we said it seven times good and he’s hitting that without it German nice pump fake over to skyers on the drive

Might have been a m l that goes point game five point game one shot turn 25 seconds left to go in the first half Red Mamba Zone he just tiring him out like a soccer game got running suicide yeah seven left on the shot clock how did he get that pass three

Seconds Mamba Red Mamba got it man that wasn’t Mamba like at all oh okay come on now man I can’t believe that defense actually worked but it did though jelly fam able to force the turnover 40-35 is a score in the first half predict uh well we got our

Predictions but how y’all feel about it man Diamond does coming out here shocking us uh Ian jck going have to te up he going to have to tea all the way up Yeah by this point in the game I’m not going to lie the the Diamond dos are

Holding on man I’m impressed with them and we’re we’re joined by Mr Johnson himself how you doing man I’m doing good how are y’all doing fantastic uh we were talking we’ve been talking about you a lot this broadcast I know you feel like you got a lot on your shoulders um it

Doesn’t reflect it but how do you feel about your team’s performance this year and where you think you can go so the way we played this first half the way we got to play the game moving the ball playing defense especially rebounding because yesterday coh Hearts we got killed on

Rebounds yeah you’re up five heading into the second half what do you have to do to close out take smart shots not do dumb stuff offensively and just rebound on defense and get the possession and what would you say is like one thing people don’t know about the diamond

Doubs sure well one thing they don’t know um I don’t know to be honest so we kind of underrated right now so they don’t know we can win so we got to show we can win all right well good luck man thank you for joining us yes sir thank you 40

To35 first half AC is complete it’s a close one we’ll see if Diamond dos can complete the Upset cinos crunch Apple Jack cheerio Honey Nut Cheerios um Froot Loops uh Frosted Flakes hey come On Welcome Back to the OT arena for the OT halftime it’s your boy sniper Jones joined by my guy my brother no other I’m Davis what’s up bro hey man that first half was something it really was man hey a whole lot of upsets going on man I

Ain’t going to lie they was hooping speaking of upsets Diamond dos are impressing us a lot they came in one and eight on the season but they balling right now Davis hey man it starts with Jeremiah Johnson he’s the center priest of this team and he was absolutely

Hooping I’m not going to lie like I told Duke he takes the smartest shots and he really waits for the game to come to him I going lie he’s impressing me a lot these last two days I’ve seen him play Not only does he take great shots more

Importantly I feel like what he brings to the team without him I don’t know where they are I I know I joke they might not lose by 99 but he’s a very important key with the diamond they got B buckets hey this team has some scores

They have five players in in the five statistical G is top five so hey they have a lot of players that can do a lot of things with a lot of talent of course you got the red mom out there they just got to finish gam like coach said

They’re up in this first half I’m excited to see if they can finish cuz if they can they get right in the win col absolutely and Ian Jackson we got to see more from him I know he has it in him he’s one of the best players in the

Entire league front runner for MVP him and Eli ellish let’s check out him and Jeff Teague getting into it with a little bit of pod action I heard you be talking crazy though yeah talking crazy yeah who was like when you on the court like who who

Had like a bad like y was just talking all game everybody uh you from New York yeah Seb you know Sebastian Tu we talk crazy to each other bro I didn’t know he was really about that though so I got to chill you talk crazy me yeah I heard you just laugh at

Everybody n i I used to talk crazy though I used to talk crazy but then I started putting mics on I can’t even say no say that to people in the mic what you got like rituals you do right oh yeah you be like taping you yeah I tape my wrist facts

Why I actually heard it one game I heard it but then I put it on I play good right I play good and then I just like [ __ ] let me not take it off but you know what’s crazy though ever since I told people that it was a ritual I I put it

On and I’ve been playing bad with them so I put them on yeah tell me about your coach man coach Pete bugged out he bugged out what’s that mean he like energetic always screaming like the whole game you going to see him screaming yeah running back and forth on

The to yeah I’m he going to run up and down yeah yeah he be Wilding yeah yeah he he’s nuts he’s nuts but yeah he a good coach though he talk us he for me keep us in check he’s smooth yeah you to

Sleep n yeah I I work out late I go the day start at like 7:30 so I I’ll probably go to the gym around like what like 12:00 leave like 2:30 get some sleep and then wake up LIF before practice and then get ready for practice okay yeah

So bro you have you have to sleep bro I sleep during the day I sleep during the day like what made you like who like did you hear somebody like that it just been like like like it be them days like like I’m not tired there nothing else to do so

Let me just go to the lab put some I respect that I’ll be smooth though N I respect it it work for me yeah whatever work for you bro you you you be killing and you going to Carolina so whatever you got whatever your formula is Man sound like you got it mapped

Up Ian Jackson one of the most talented players in the entire league right now he’s starting off a little slow three points few assists what does he need to do to get back in the game I think he needs to get to his spot and find his

Spot he’s a playmaker for this team I think he need to get hit his spot on the floor those mid-rangers those threes and of course those drives and and get some shots Hilo key has not been putting up as many shots as we’re seeing him doing and I’m wondering if it’s cuz the

Defense is making him feel uncomfortable or he’s trying to facilitate the start off regardless they need some more point to start off absolutely only 10 minutes he only played guys make sure you are in the chat right now Davis has the tablet we’re answering your questions right

After we hop into the locker room let’s see what coach Pete got to say to jelly fam it is our lack of discipline now I’m all right with the dude shooting the threes in the corner that’s on me cuz we got to go to 12 to get back in the

Game cuz we not boning up and we not you understand we not rebounding it is becoming eily frustrating with your lack of discipline I let y’all go free am I tripping if you want to now play I said rebound get in transition every ibody the

Wrong that means that you got to do what you said it D we got to be doing what in order to get out in transition say it again so it’s on y’all if y’all did you can play free they get a bucket you doing what I’m asking everybody got

Me it has now come to this I keep telling y’all y’all are going to determine how I treat you don’t not say that I’ve given y’all freedom and I’ve slowly starting to take take everything away all you got to do is follow the game plan bro that dude or whatever his

Name we talked about it earlier all right we got an offensive man here I don’t care how you get there all right we got a guy here all right the five’s getting out all right the other guy’s getting to the middle the other guy’s getting to the middle all right and

We’re taking care of the ball we’re getting it to the middle all right we’re we’re we’re doing too much of this all right we got to make a pass to the middle and then get out from the middle all right OPP yeah look opposite all right hey once we get it there we

Don’t need to rush anything that’s what I was telling Nook all right then Nook came back made up a next play but we don’t need to rush anything all right open shots I have no issue with them you got ahead and knock them down all right

Chop great job great job chop all right uh Caleb big minutes big minutes came in on the glass big job all right hey it’s going to come down to rebounding rebounding and taking care of the ball you heard it from the coaches man coach Pete is basically saying look if y’all

Go out there and play defense I’mma let you hoop and that’s the definition of a player coach not going to lie to you if I got to hear that man I’m telling you I’m coming I’m slapping the floor on defense I’m playing good defense hold on slow down you’re not playing defense

That’s not your body you’re not a Defender how you say something like that you’re you’re not a def we all know that you’re not known for defense this is this is pure hating as finest ladies and gentlemen all right well listen man hopefully jelly fam gets it together

It’s a lot more basketball coming your way don’t go nowhere see y’all in a second for more second half basketball action here at the OT Arena No Cap No Cap Waffle House got everything you need the waffles is good for me it’s quick it’s not too long it’s great for me wake up and go eat WAFF off is definitely good no Cap cap you got a good pair of shoes on your fit every like say you got a fit that’s kind of made like like it’s like a seven you got good pair of shoes on it boost you to a 10 for sure Two people back in the day two actors act I just call them two actors Temptations never heard what we we for sure my little sister used to have one I would say heels but I don’t think so so I say shoe cleaner is there a shoe cleaner no moon Boo Moon boo

That was hard I’m not going to lie that was hard welcome back to the second half I’m your host stent zero Jo by my two co-hosts Duke Dennis goodbye and I’m Davis hello it is a fivepoint game man diamond doves up that’s a little bit of

A surprise yeah it is I ain’t going to lie I didn’t think they going like be able to like you know yeah but you know what it’s not surprised though cuz we already know they start off strong they just don’t finish coach said it coach

John of the diamond dove said it so many times they don’t know how to finish and as we know at this OT League yeah anything is possible sound like a PSA right no it really is though Ian Jackson off to a slow start only three points in the first half he definitely

Has to pick things up uh if jellyfam won a chance to succeed him man he’s their main guy their scorer the engine of the team that’s unlike Ian it really is man but I think maybe he was just trying to like see his teammates some more stop but I think sometimes you got

To dominate man and I think he just didn’t have a good first half I don’t think he was even trying to what I don’t even know all I know is that we need more yeah we’ll like to see Ian Jackson step up three points two assists in 12

Minutes but we know what he’s capable of man Chad let me know right now who’s your favorite play to watch in OT like just like just faor favorite play to watch in general mine got to be Eli after the past couple weeks definitely Eli okay I think it’s Eli for me I think

It’s Eli Eli is doing what I thought Carter Knox was going to do Bingo not no cap no care I think Carter knock I’m not going to lie I don’t know when it’s going to be it might it might only be the playoffs I think Carter knock is

Going to eventually find that strive yeah me too I genuinely think he would Carter KN start for jelly fam we’re joining with Coach Pete though coach you can hear me I can hear you yes all right talk to me about your team’s first half performance what do they have

To do differently oh man they got to be disciplined right now we coaching effort so right now they in a Zone we got to stick to our principles and what we practice everybody want to do something new you know they like the lights of the camera we like playing to Arena yeah

What’s going on with uh Ian Jackson he only played 12 minutes uh in the first half yeah that’s unlike him we’ve seen him I guess pop off uh yesterday is I think what a lot of people were expecting here today uhhuh well well he

Plays 12 minutes we try to we we we know that he’s going to play a heavy second half so we Tred to use the first half to give him a breather so he needs to get his breather go and you talk a lot about defense and rebounding yes

Is that something you emphasized again here today at half time yes man defense and rebounding is our staple but right now we not doing either right now after the halftime they winning the rebounding battle and we not getting to the uh we not getting out to the um to the shooter

I’m going let you focus up coach dribble out and feed him my bad I’m I’m with y’all you know I’m locked in as this is going in yeah no I’ll let you get back SC we want to dis got Trying to minimize this leag this is dope though yeah know it really

Is we got jelly fam down 10 here yeah defensive rebounding I guess a jelly fam staple I think it’s the offense really that maybe is not that hot right now they got 35 points yeah o Jeremiah Johnson man he is not playing man it’s been a pleasure to watching play these last few

Days this feel this should feel like a who’s going to really step up between Jemiah Johnson and Ian Jackson Hey listen I was going to say I love Ian Jackson but Jeremiah is playing how I thought Ian would right now but I got a good feeling that Ian J is going to

Really turn up and you know what I’m saying time is now man it’s a 15-point game my God we got diamond doves coming out strong here in the second half wow man if you told me the score was going to be 50 to 35 diamond doves both games going the opposite

Direction of what we thought they were right right they look good out there man I know the one and Eight’s not reflective of Talent on the team this could be what turns things around for them you know jelly fam got too Hey let’s throw it to coach Rees man the young and growing up to be a coach here all the way below hey Alex through all the way go rebounds go 20 we got 20 rebound [Applause] Marcus question yeah I don’t mean to be that guy I got coach Rees with me right

Now you’re a coaching Phenom tell the people how old you are I’m 12 years old and how long have you been coaching uh about 2 years okay so right now you guys got a big lead one and eight on the season but you playing great what would

You tell a team right now if you was the head coach on how to keep the lead just uh play steady and don’t just kind of play Slow we don’t have to Speed the game up how are you able to build this league uh just uh offense moving pretty well in offense

And getting a lot of good shots so now I know you’re a coach who’s your basketball game like can you play to yeah yeah I can play okay so if you have to compare your game to anybody out there who would you compare your game

Too I don’t really know I mean I’m just kind of like I can shoot a little bit but I’m like a mid-range now I know the dream is the coach at Duke University why Duke University trying to follow uh Mike Shashi wow so that’s your role model coach right there that’s an amazing

Coach would you like to do Team USA as well no who whoa why not Team USA only Duke I I don’t like NBA I don’t like coaching that I would want to coach what’s wrong with the NBA game is it too much I feel like I’d rather get kids to the NBA

Then we in NBA coach people there I think we’re watching a prodigy in the making the wisdom in this young man thank you so much for taking the time coach back to you guys the boo good him man that’s a you knows what he wants definitely a unique story that’s very

Very you never see someone of that age pick up coaching very cool the fact that he knows like NBA is like n I’d rather help people get to the league and Coach the league a 12 years old man um vividly I had just got it off tag every other kid his age is

Playing Roblox that’s right bro I was talking about back when I was 12 I got my first off from georia te they joed the gaming team or and I was really put in my you know really taking basketball seriously shame right there stopping play 2K really is a

Shame Jackson looking for opportunity to get back in here yep nice Z lay up go when I was 12 I was outside playing football basketball jumping Creeks running through the woods playing man hunt a lot yeah you have offers like me it’s tough ball gets poked hold on this

Could be the comeback jelly fam nice bounce pass here skyers for three no D I was really hoping for a run momentum yeah come on Sub Sub in come on here’s a replay of the beautiful Euro from Ian Jackson I like to see Ian just shoot more pass

Less if he’s going to play some heavy minutes in second half let’s make the most of them man Mr Johnson gets it back nice move there attacks the ram I’m telling you man patient Tri 11 11 hit two shots if you’re a jelly Fam I’m not quite sure

What you do right there he’s quick he’s Shifty he gets to his spots you just put your best defender Jeremiah having a pretty great weekend so far a win here with some meant that I know the teams perform their record doesn’t look like it but they got Mega Talent man and

He’s the main star they’re going to be a lot better they’re not going to be they are not going to be the worst team in OT wi it’s time for the playoffs yeah if they’re not then then who will be Davis good question man someone got to be

Rolling loud just beat the Reapers wow and roll out L this yeah but you know Okay shows you anything can happen man that is a fact still didn’t answer the question though Ian Jackson wide open three misses follows up with a slam and he’s waking up seeing some full court trap action here for jelly fam nice po they get the steal and throw it up to

Skyers Warren has it 12 point game Jackson I think he’s hungry for it oh F called on the Poke I don’t think we talk enough about the shape that Jeremiah Johnson is in we know that he lead the league in minutes but when I go up to him he’s not huffing puffing out

Of breath this dude is just he’s just going he might literally just run all day conditioning man gam to be honest he might just go for a run after a game run after a game is crazy Ian Jackson for three same spot there we go trying toat up different

Result do not let do not do not let my dog heat up man if he score one more time you got to call a timeout basically Bo been kind of quiet here today this is Johnson two on him he drives anyway gets blocked jelly fam has it uhoh up to skyers skyers that

M oh he blew the way up got shoot that M right there my I can [Applause] Almost that was unfortunate and starting to warm up get back in this thing got 10 points now you can’t give a cold play player open three man exactly you might actually get him going Mak him lose their cing and Warren if Chopper and Ian J uh get

Hot oh oh man luckily ALU is down low there you go ALU I never seen ji F Miss so many layups yeah it’s just one of them days Diamond do doing a great job of like you know what I’m saying taking advantage of the that’s not very jelly

Of nah moment ago a 15-point game now look at it seven points the free throw on the way what’s your calling this free throw here Davis oh this is a guaranteed a bank bank make what’s it called guaranteed bank make a guaranteed make Bank make a guaranteed fou on 23 how’

They get the ball back that’s what I’m over here screaming I got it I got it interesting if it actually does you’re a wizard so Wizardry no basket our ball you know you right you damn right we late all right so how do we once we inbound the ball the ball is

Dead I don’t think we can once we inbound the ball purple 233 yeah yeah yeah yeah hey co co hey I came down to see you my sister Co love love love yo coach is not pay attention mid game hold on hold on hold on hey I blew

It I blew the yeah you going to love this going to love this one I blew the last call it was it was on 23 but we should have gave it should have been his ball going the other way it’s nothing no no no it’s called a no it’s a he he

Made a mistake big confusion on the floor we we going to take take two points off and get him Bol I tell you about you we going to love this all right re tell me what just happened right there all right H this is ugly um I called the foul previously on 23

Before this foul and it’s we gave the ball back to when it should have been black I’m here for you oh it’s late late late take two points off and we going give black the ball going down the referee up huh hey WEP we wip3 but you guys the ball I’m just

Keepall okay that’s unprecedented I’m not going to lie hey ref you can’t mess up the momentum of the game like that working over there and the free throw you don’t see that’s what I thought I thought you said like my guys I think I’ve ever seen that before yeah never ever ever

Most of the time when a back in time man yeah this is what it is I like w or L ref remind me of that commercial where it was out on me folks ex it does sound like that the worst all time you got to be boy went

From a seveno game to a 12 bead oh my God momentum of that play yeah yo yo we here yo listen everybody listen yo is against us it’s us against us you hear me us us against us everybody got me def on three 2 go let’s go I like that right

There us against us we don’t care about what’s going on in in the outside world it’s us against us and let’s see how J you know what I’m saying respond to being down late in the third you heard unable yo they put together a pretty impressive run to get it down and just

Like that man look like the diamond do are back control Sky driving oh risky pass gets picked off momentous it’s definitely you against you when you turn it over like that all right Bu got hit the corner corner three oh it goes and that boy hey that boy is going that go that berser be rules so that was a three I’m just saying he 6 thre tonight by the way Lord too many shots either though he might be six for

Six he’s six for seven incred Jackson pulls up off the a bad Miss bro b got it hey Jeremiah Johnson been the star so far here today going to play for him at this point deep three oh my goodness he’s feeling it this is hey hey I want

To apologize to the diamond do okay hey I’m not going to let you to run to play for him it’s he check Diamond I want to apologize to the diamond dos y’all boys has been hooping even even in the loss Duke I will never be voting with you

Again why on we all we yeah we all wrong we all had um but look though this is a case of of like diamond doves having to proed to us to like pick thems and and they doing it what you f jelly fam ju yesterday against the dreamers um I

Didn’t think they would yo youngor J in the chat said chop is the best shooter in OT hands down I mean I mean Eli I I ain’t never seen you act like this you knocking down everything you what’s going on right now ask you only miss one three bro you

Really locked in right now are you the best shooter on the court ask for a heat check I need a heat check right now I need a heat check should have asked him he’s better than Eli that’s what I want to know hey if he shoot the heat check I’m

Going cry if he airs it I blame s the [ __ ] already know like play I I love that though I love that though Co it was in the plans anyway man Ian Jackson Nice hop hey hey Ian can get there when he want to see he doesn’t work I honestly

Feel like this is going to sound crazy but these aren’t fouls these aren’t yeah even the last one he had both his hands all the way up like Ian’s getting the contact but what are you supposed to do if you’re a diamond dove I feel that agent I agree with

You I think today just not the day which is fine everybody everybody got D of except for LeBron OT basketball is back on Prime video next Friday with some double header action first at 700 p.m. the electric Eli Ellis and yng dreamers take on Cooper Red Mamba Campbell and the diamond does before

Alabama commit Nas Cunningham and rolling loud host Kansas commit rakis Passmore in the blue checks catch all the action Friday January 19th exclusively on Prime video Hey whever whenever the dreamers play I want to be there so n No Cap Eli haven’t gave us a bad game yet

Bro well not a bad like a like a they were all exciting he had a bad game still exciting his bad game was 20 points Jeremiah Johnson misses Bogus the rebound oh he clipped in the air you know what the OT needs OT needs like a reunion episode where like an episode

Or a game a game will be cool too actually yeah a game would be nice where like all all like the classes come together yeah that’d be so wholesome man and a and a game happen yeah like I mean I don’t think it would be fair cuz like

Like the the like the T and twins like they they got like meba training now and they all they all lots of them play Proto yeah know y know I guess yeah they’re all on different schedules huh yeah mono Ian Jackson quick three no and just like that third quarter wraps up

Man 62 to 45 diamond doves are up big let’s see if they can hold on and complete the comeback complete the upset I should Say [Applause] Uh house party oh it’s a band group oh I don’t know Andre 3000 Big Boy uh and what year was this never heard that n never heard that okay uh foot forone yeah yeah everybody had a foot phone back there nah I I think I start with a black girl

Uh oh that’s a we yeah yeah uh I played like the bowling one ra yeah I play that one I play baseball uh I think the only one I really played yeah I want to take this opportunity to shout out tonight’s Adidas 6 fan Emerson Mintz from Greer South Carolina

Emerson’s favorite NBA player is lamelo ball and his favorite OT player Trey Parker Emerson thanks for being a super fan here at OT sniper is joining with him now snipe yes sir guys I’m here with Emerson right now are you enjoying this game you see it right now yeah now

Listen I know you’re a big Trey Parker fan but right now we got the diamond doves and jelly fan who you think going get this W uh I think jelly fil will come back and get the win I think if Ian Gets going then he’s going then they’re

Going to come back now that’s a lot to ask for for them to come back they down a lot but it could happen fourth quarter is 12 minutes do you play basketball at all uh not for a team but with my friends yeah okay that’s cool that’s cool who

Would you say you play like who’s your game like uh probably like Parker Robinson oh I like that Parker you must be who who’s your favorite team here uh carts carts and if I was to ask you this right can you beat Trey Parker 1 V one

Come on man you got to have some more confidence bro I think you can take him thank you so much erson for checking out the game back to you guys with the bo my money on erson man Hey listen man he can take him sniper I have a genuine question why did

You just lie sniper is like the supportive dad man yeah on and BR Jeremiah Johnson with the finish I got some breaking news the game’s over yeah it is hey that that six man he from GRE South Carolina that’s like 15 minutes from me oh wow man maybe you go

Pay him a visit and go hoop with him or something of course not all right he’s a he’s a Boer bro go hoop with him maybe you just catch him at the wreck or something he got you can go hoop with him bro oh no he’s he’s six and a half

No hooping will be done here and Jackson going to be jelly Fan’s best opportunity oh Lord yeah I don’t know the opportunity might be gone wow Jeremiah Johnson is just having a field day today huh 21o lead if I’m Jelly fam start the bus go ahead and

Start the bus uh cut on the yeah cut on the heat in the turn on the heat the the Heat War yo what is up with him dog who this is not what anyone expected oh here we go nice answer back there’s not no there’s not a here we go

Moment I’m trying to have some p man I feel like the shooting displays we seen by both teams have been insane that you real quick both team Quick Pass last game with the Ellis brothers and now this game with the Diamond D yeah two upsets in one night is insane I’m 0 and

Two Davis you are as well unfortunately dang I really thought was going to go oh W clean pass the other team you got to hit this choer you got to hit wide open that was a pretty honestly the open was be the hardest on to make sometimes you think about it a

Lot n that was crazy Johnson looking for it they a run to play for Chop man step back three good good defense boy cuz he almost had you on the floor that Rec crazy yeah this a tough one bro yo chop is unconscious right now from three-point line n Aiden in the

Chat says I love how y talk about it’s over it it is over buddy it’s 19 points 17 now AMU on The Fast Break slam they got to take care of the rock hey I know coach coach John even though they’re up by this I hope he’s panicking cuz

Oh God that look clean man see know when you’re playing m they sub you out and your team just ends up throwing the way the lead yeah hey see the chat the chat doesn’t really realize that us three we all chose jelly fam to win it’s not like

We it’s not like we act like it’s over it is over and it’s not like we want it to be over we we we want to be right in the situation but we just not right now and that know that’s name name of the game that’s a clean block of you think

About the Body Connection though what’s that the body connection like the chest to chest the that’s inevitable when you drive man how the hell do you avoid that right if I’m Jelly Fam I’m sing to the end with no VC n that’s Pro I I just wanted to be over when you s to him with no VC you really don’t care no more get offensive rebound and a put back they could come back bro just let you no no they they definitely could if they just won’t but like the way the way

Diamond do is the reason I don’t think that is cuz chop is wide open after hitting eight I there will be another chop open three in the next in the next one minute I’m not saying he’s going to make it but nice little Chop versus Chopper dang Elijah morz three

Points to chops 24 forward that’s crazy bro I think they battling for who the real chop is bro well there’s a winner I’ll say this though Elijah Mo has been pretty solid all year long yeah he do to have one bad game it’s fine yeah actuality y right though like Deli

Fam is probably like the worst performance we’ve seen him this is not who they are at the team they’ be fine yeah they’ be all especially after that that game y yesterday Quick Pass inside to AMU and Lord have mercy with the rebound you know you know a problem I see right now though my goodness a problem I see is AMU is the only one uh yeah he’s wide open by the way you know you know he’s the only one

Fighting on the boards chop gets swatted by AMU Elijah for three no man it just a it just ain’t they day yeah rough night here for jelly fam it is them against them that much coach is right about just unforced errors and missed shots B that’s

Fouled as his team mares to help him back to his feet so agent yep one second one second Davis I got to tell him OT basketball is back in action on MLK day with another double header tune in to the OT YouTube channel to see star studded rematch between the

City rapers and rwe before Trey Parker and the cold Hearts host Eli Ellis in the yng dreamers it all begins January 15th and no that’s going to be good that’s in two days yeah that’s I’m not going lie that’s a banger match up if I should say

So myself okay so Adrian what’s up if you’re the coach for the jelly CH how are you jellying yourself way um I jelly my way over to the locker room it’s a 16 game I jelly my way over to the bus I can jelly my way over to

Get the first row seat all right so I can head home and sleep this one away AJ it is a 16-point game don’t sleep just so so fun to talk about how how much they’re not going to win but like could be a comeback though watch watch it Oh oh they hit the shot that was the worst no that was the worst dunck tip of all time they his head off and then p f he was going to go somewhere and it sat back down put it back on Jeremiah Johnson with the ball wait

If there’s any way if there’s any way for there to be Replay that please hey man you’re right it’s really only a 13-point game we’re just chatting over here jelly fam still have an opportunity to come back 7 Minutes 41 left we’ll be right Back welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cat the middle taking a shot de do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they going youever [Applause] seen then this is the place for You we are ready for an action pack night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opport this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go s final moments otx we go to

An overtime round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated now let’s get into the cash app loock down of the game highlight the best defensive play so far here today to me none other than Solomon I’m a new nice it is Big Block here you tried it just a

Moment ago chop thought it was sweet that got sent back yes and the best blocks are the ones you recover man 100% keep keep keep the momentum going keep running yeah shout out to Solomon for getting the cash app lock down here today play such a pivotal role here for jelly

Fam he’s their rebounding guy he’s always somewhere around the ring they’ll need him if they have a chance at this comeback it’ll be clear like 7 Minutes 41 is plenty yeah it is 13-point game AJ listen yeah look don’t forget they have a reputation man the diamond DS have a rep

Downs in the fourth quarter look at that the Meltdown might be starting the Meltdown okay yeah right foul call there from the referee if you if you a if you jelly fam bro you got to capitalize on on situations like that bro the belt down going take the easy layup bro

No joke if I was a younger man I would really love to play in this you think you would be ski Enough yeah chop doesn’t 15 is when I fell off 15 15 years old no cuz when I was like 12 I was like gring at a top level yeah but you stop growing and stuff that’s I going was done yeah like you went to like camps and stuff dude

You went to saying so I was at I was at a top tier level until like 14 15 oh nice steal and in game like wait a minute another steal the Meltdown oh he about to shoot that Ian Jackson with it they’re only down 11 gets it back he didn’t not want to

Pass it in the yeah he’s not passing that and that’s what I want I’m not going to lie that’s what I want from Ian Jackson you got to take over right now if the diamond this game coach will never let them hear the end yeah I don’t think listen as much as

I want jelly fam to win I don’t think y yeah I also seen jelly fam almost slip against the dreamers yesterday right and primarily happened right here at the free throw line oh you’re right they do have to hit these free throws there you go 11 uh 10-point game I’m the diamond

Dubs man you want to avoid another fourth quarter meltdown great steal there dude y’all can’t tell it’s my new favorite ter yeah y want to hear a Hot I was a basketball lover and I trained for you know when I was in Middle School I think I could have made n probably not listen wait I I don’t necessarily disagree cuz I think you’re I’m going to tell you why I disagree I don’t necessarily disagree I

Think I disagree with NBA I think though yeah you could think I think you Elite athleticism but the problem with the NBA is right now how many 63 people are there yeah I think you could have played in Japan oh [Applause] my might see a comeback I told you don’t

Sleep I told you to not sleep you think you can make the NBA dude if he tries like listen the only reason why I feel like that it’s a seven-point game lock in let’s go the only reason why I feel like that and I called the hot tank for

A reason right right I see players like Don MIT right uh joh Mor uh and like players like that and Elite athleticism one more is like you know this is huge this this oh great Hustle Man jelly fam might actually do it I can feel the excitement in the air

Sky is crosscourt oh got him oh oh man your Diamond D coach he call call I was chilling they did it yeah if I’m hey if I’m we not playing blame them I would love to listen in right about now to hear what they’re talking about in the

Huddles it’ be great if we could do that 12 but first talk about the jelly fan man I told you agent don’t sleep man nah this is a crazy comeback right oh thank you man it’s getting exciting jelly fam a tough first three quarters but I don’t know if they’re doing great or

Diamond dos are choking well well first of all you know it’s not talking about the scene they lead OT and steals 9.8 steals a game that’s insane yeah they got it that’s pretty insane Warren is top five and yeah they got it bro jelly fam they look good man it’s actually a

Five-point game man if you’re watching in the chat right now this is everything you could have DED up Aiden Aiden back in the chat said what did I say Davis he was the one telling us y acting like the game’s over okay Aiden you’re right and

It’s like hey man you know do what 20 to4 run jelly everybody got 2 I’m not lie I genuinely feel like so much of sports is just your head I agree I no no no it’s like it’s like 90% your head yeah it’s it’s like these guys are

All talented jeremi Johnson just got done dominating for three quarters and it’s just like now all of a sudden Diamond doubs cannot buy a bucket yeah it’s crazy how much confidence has has an effect on it it’s crazy how much their coach knows though yeah it actually y’all suck in the full

Corner literally the coach said hey the only problem with us is we suck we they can really compete we in it I thought it was over with we in it we good there’s still 5 minutes 30 seconds left to go big we good this is a ball game we good we good

Cut it up uh cap I can’t believe my eyes yeah hopefully they mute the commentary when they watch film we yo we good Big B we good we good a big bonus here for man good opportunity to get momentum ever you break this dry spell you do it right now

Luckily my face not on the broadcast just a voice that’s it right there there we go he’s he’s been a key component in them especially that corner three he definitely know it’s wrong wow good pass JY fam oh point game all of a sudden they can’t miss Don’t Force [Applause]

It oh this is the the down is Diamond does got to relax right now good good fou good we here n we here how you doing is crazy they was just down 95 they were just down by 8,000 points I’m not going to lie if you’re Jo

Coach J you got to call timeout and like bring in coach prime or something to get in their heads because listen you can’t stop what Des you cannot stop 201 Atlanta Falcons hey we know where we’re at the monster calm down calm down I’m Co I’m calling the timeout and

We’re all miss this is insane ref just told Coach way to calm down and then he like SL away I hope somebody got that on replay I’m shoo man almost lost it there gets picked M down we good down down down we good hey we’re good man oh I can’t believe this

Game one stop at a time oh the Dums at one eight man if you can’t win this one up 15 kind of C you good I thought you hand on the yeah you’re right actually big bonus opportunity for the diamond doves they’re slowing it down too got it nice Pass think pushed off what yall think about no chopp in the game for Diamond du he’s been electric for 83 he needs to be in the game good fantastic defense Johnson comes up with it no no he he just gaed the ball what I don’t know that

Either don’t be afraid to 32 ref that wasn’t it buddy tell him that was a bad tough L goes jelly fam just SE there it’s like they can’t miss all of a sudden yes great great press break you that is the worst play you they they deserve to lose this is Huge has it no break just all the way listen the diamond match upch up match up match up was a good idea passe the logo needs to be changed from doves to lawn chairs immediately all chairs they’re folding oh okay SN Diamond do is going to hate

Youy hey shout out to Diamond no no stop now stop sh hey Diamond do you’re wonder who this is this is the vibe Camp person nah that’s crazy that’s crazy BR ball game high ball game man jelly f with opportunity oh if you’re I’m serious this is the most demoralizing

Eff oh my god listen listen we chose the he chose jelly came out h on all C now they can’t this is H waren for the lead goodness the it’s complete a three-point lead just blow it up if I’m the diamond dove start the B hey this game got fun man imagine Heyit imagine first of all let’s talk about this huge shot to IM IM the diamond DS now this was insane shout out to the diamond no no stop it stop it stop it imagine you’re the Diamond Dogs and your favorite sneaker influencer sniper John is talking crazy on you the whole

Game chop sitting down right now I don’t know why he’s why is he not in the he 17 threes he’s 12 he’s 12 for 14 with the best view in the house both n snip is crazy got it oh the defense successfully and lay we are witnessing a meltdown yeah

The diamond DS listen you need your start to show Jeremiah Johnson you got to put choing you need three put chopping if you’re if you’re coach John Fenix Arizona hot sidew you put a Ice Cream Sandwich on on on top of it okay the biggest meltdown Travis Scott J these nigg Travis Scott featuring Drake insane I know y’all didn’t know where I was going I know where you going man but right bigest oh man oh Lord what you want show me something Domo I know I know I chose I know I

Chose jelly fam but I just want to see a good step back three offensive goodness he tried he tried to Cooper it’s it’s all it’s all it’s it’s that that that that James hard step back who know about the Cooper that all day though they haven’t called that all day

Yeah ref don’t call that blat and travels room that was a definitely Trav they they’re having a really hard time with this press gets past half court wide open Shot time you got it on the [Applause] counter his like that nah broy chop would have made that corner three chop Would Have Made It jelly fam might have just done the impossible this is insane man you got to put ch at a time like this you got to go to the red M oh good cut good

Cut make this a game man they they on a 42 to 3 R this a game Jeremiah come on now do something for me hey CH if you’re in the chat com who you got one for Diamond two for jelly fam hey hey talk to me who wants some

More hey big shout out to Ian Jackson too B shout out to Ian cuz he had a a a stupid slow first half and and then he came alive when when the world needed him most he came alive on something likeon like man great players oh he just

Threw that to the coaches bro no to be fair his team is standing up the CH he threw at the coach bro man he might have took some frustration something that happened last week I’m going be honest I need right M to pull up all now the time for him to live up

To his name yep there we go steals the ball Okay Okay one minute left to go in this one hey I need a red M three if chop is not fouled out I need to know something he must have said something disrespectful like Jeremiah Johnson with it high pick and roll 7

Seconds on the clock hesitation mid-range oh put the ball in your best player’s hands man good F yeah we only have the one I like that def good with that hey look I know I know I know fold I only thought it cuz ger could get downhill if

They can close this game out they good it might it’s going to be forgot about yeah no that was not no no it going to be forgot about cuz like say like cuz like what can you say like yeah we folded we melt it but we came together

Huge it will be it will be largely forgiven yeah yeah okay bab hey one stop the thing is that we knew the Meltdown was coming knew the Meltdown was coming didn’t think was coming bro n uhoh they took the lead back jiah Johnson man an absolute baller bro shout out Jeremiah

Got my respect man Mr Johnson hits both free throws puts the diamond does up one oh slipped out of his hands that’se to do in the clutch no follows got to put it got to put it got to put it in Jeremiah’s hands yeah B has

It got around Mr Johnson got it 10 on the clock call the iso what you want here we go oh oh man wait if you’re jelly fan right now oh if you’re jelly fan right now I don’t know what do you do there you play your hardest defense you get

Call for a foul again just hope they hope everything’s okay Miss both free throws I guess go for oh man everybody got you going to come through going run through you going come off the screen and roll we going to get him or we going to get

It you take the layup all right but we trying to get everybody got 40 what comfortable with 40 hopefully this one of the ones you walk off man you good you good hate to see that clap it up for clap it up for clap it

Upo John oh wow St for the diamond doves hurry up hurry up y’all getting walked off man can’t even put weight on score he makes both of these we trying to get for score quick and we going right the D all right let’s go oh he good he good oh wow he’s

Walking it off he’s walking it off this is a kid that’s been through a lot man this ain’t this ain’t going to stop him right here possession hurt I like that right there I like that right there hey I like that right there hey like uhhuh wow w a lot of

Respect oh I like that right there Jemiah Johnson hey I like that right there that’s hey you’ll be all right you tough P that’s real man a lot of respect jerem they would to start up the for me right yeah I would have been on the way to the bus right

Now you know he got shot in the leg twice couple years ago you don’t want you don’t want the r ankle guy shooting the free throw the floor no the guy that hit the floor he got to go out because the coach if I take my if you take a

Timeout you yeah you can buy him back in you can buy him back in with a timeout I already know hey you can buy him back in with a timeout but we got to do something now one in time out all right time out oh trting your St player man

We’ love to see it hey look like he’s walking it off hey out so yeah he can buy back in with that referee letting us in on some game hey on coach for the Press break here Cale you’re back okay cop is going either way you can get it to C go

The opposite guy go to germ side okay so so then Bo will be the Flasher we pass it to Coupe blow your flashing Middle look you feel behind Coupe try to stay off the side line okay basically if you pass it back to Nook that means goop

Tier B get back out to free throw line and J your flash it if you throw it to germ C you go up the sideline look opposite make sense and then kayb you can come up here right away set scen and get to the middle of the Flor all right we

Go no time out out unfortunately that plays going blown up not much time left 28.6 seconds it’s all about execution and I mean at the end of the day at the end of the day it’s all about execution you know you come out with a

Game plan and uh easy as said and done all you got to really do is you know execute that game plan and these two free throws right here is going to let you know if he ex or not oh this is the first got to hit at least one of them

He’s look good today leaving from the line Jeremiah with 26 points Tonight okay here we go need a second hits it thre really bad too man really bad on defense 25 seconds left it is a two-point game oh man oh my goodness oh the behind the back inside hand that was C in the situation like this is crazy I

Think there would have been an interruption in the had he hit that also Elijah Moore is on the bench too I wonder why he’s not on offense coach is trying something different maybe chat saying G winning needs to hit both of these hey remember what happened last time right

That’s not jelly fam jelly jelly fam is not the best going hit both excuse me myad wow this is actually what we seen game yesterday versus the dreamers so yeah he he has to miss this low ke I think it’s safe to say that jelly fam kryponite is the hacker

Shack just hacker shacking my thing second one also misses I’m not going to Li St the St so they I would fou I would fou I’m not going to lie I fou right now I would just go grab anybody right now oh Ian Jackson [Applause] for wait no way down 5 seconds [Applause]

Left what just happened I am so confused they stopped for 5 seconds and he just laid the ball up I guess that goes to overtime I genuinely I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life I genuinely believe Diamond dubs had money jelly fam was wining the

Game because there’s no way they just all froze and let them get the bucket did you see the layup by all just if he would have made that that was crazy y that is insane Chad says they’re trolling okay let’s see what happened here okay so something must have happened the C what

Why do they I’m so confused they must they heard something they must have heard something okay cuzz look everyone stops right here2 I’m interested to know what wow I’d love to hear from a player but they definitely don’t want to talk right now we got man we got overtime overtime 87 to

87 first team to 92 points wins that is insan Aiden is loving this in the chat man yeah I bet he is he’s having a yep he’s having a ball Aiden hey ref did did something happen on the court was something called why they stop playing

No um I believe that from the stands either someone screamed or screeched and the players thought it was a whistle have you ever seen anything like this ref no how long you been doing this uh 24 years and this your first time ever seeing something like that first time me

Too me too all right ref let you get back to the game dang somebody somebody lags for the court lot of first here something Diamond dos they need this one man you got to hold on bre said he been doing it for 24 years never seen it man here’s the play

Again three by I Jackson as you can see just suddenly on the rebound right here everyone stops like you see a few players turn around oh that’s that’s sick that give me up better night if we lost Jackson hits that they win the game rebound I mean tip off I should say goes

To jelly fam y e and three literally went in and came out first to 92 yep man the pressure is on oh he man there we go it is first to 92 wins this game y yeah there’s no game clock Diamond does Need2 they need you got to get the ball in your best place oh you got to get the ball 5 seconds left for the diamond doves Red Mamba got it three ball that’s a two he misses oh wow oh he saved it coach treding to save

Tovey to save it coach way almost took out his own knee a he thought he was playing Man that’s his [Applause] Reflex Diamond do diamond does this is this is the biggest in the game they need one right now you need a score here you miss here holy red bom got it thank you the oh know I rather see a Jeremiah Johnson play get it to him there it is eight on

The clock good defense being played here wow late oh that’s a late foul you know he’s already dealing with that ankle he is pushing through it an absolute baller man hey this is a tough kid man Jeremiah Johnson right 27 points hit both of these is tied [Applause] up oh

We this is the first right second one here I don’t know if it’s just me but his mentality remind me like that Dr G long corn mentality from last year that’s a very very good confession thank you brother he just missed both tough three would win it three a three

Oh man Jackson OH lose out almost hey that’s the same ref with the late foul hey number 32 is just calling him tonight the ref he like to do from Blue Clue Steve Steve Steve still no floor time now we talk about these free throws K be

The Ian Jackson miss the first one it’s first to 92 wins so I don’t know what it is with free throws in this team need this hits the second so just a bucket wins it right now for jelly yep stopping the F fast break hey hey a

Fast break point would be the most demoralizing Los wind something they they need a [ __ ] bad to make something happen here uhoh they leaking uh-oh uh-oh jelly fam an opportunity to win no travel oh he travel so badly he walked for the wi oh Jeremiah might be feeling his ankle there Red Mamba

Oh why did you take a three that was insane yeah you can tell Jeremiah Johnson’s not 100% that that right there he surprised he uh passed that up man yeah ref ref number 32 didn’t see that one he blinked Tim Hoops said they’re going to be wearning so much at breakfast yeah

Red MAA hits the first free throw let’s just call him Cooper huh let’s good man match 2K said do a celebrity game with Duke starting and they play the top OT game hey I’m subing you for defense you got to go in go go go go go go go good

Job I know your hand hurts I know your hand all right hey hey if they score if they score it’s over we got to get a stop hey we’re manto man we’re manto man all right we’re switching everything up top on that all right we got to stay in

Front of them if you see a guy go around we got to get over and collapse all right want man your man we’ll go under go under go go under are we fouling them no layups make them win it at the free thr line the together on three 1 two

Three he’s going under on all don’t look down but chop back in love to see that Cooper steps to the line they need this because that means a three can win it for them yep St it’s straight to 92 man you hit this free throw you get a three on the next

Possession you’re good oh he misses tough he’s been good at the line today too not good enough but he been straight he been straight for the win oh it gets pinned it gets pinned what a block wow and then a foul called that was the closest thing to

Block by James I’ve seen in a long time this is impressive wow and you need it rad for he just needed somebody to come down with that AMU is just always in the right place oh it’s free throw this next free throw he he missed he missed that’s been going today he going

Hit it not known for his free throws but a chance to give jelly fam the win here AMU at the line hey this game right here I’m calling it right here this game’s go who you least expected Diamond once wow if you were a diamond du

Fan man that has to be the most disappointing game of the season now Dro that game they’re one for nine and I get some two and all predictions today yeah I mean I’m one one so I’m thank you thank you Ian Jackson appreciate it my boy appreciate it my dog Wow might be

The craziest meltdown I’ve seen in my time here at OT incredible truly incredible yeah man let’s go home is there a player of the game today Ian Jackson BR Ian Jackson bro gotta be bro play of the game incredible hey man I’ve seen a lot of things in this building but wow Ian

Jackson with a slow start first half really pick things up in the second half you know right when sniper was talking about starting the bus Jackson started to yeah then when he turned up yeah he turned it up man came alive and so did the rest of jelly fam to claw their way

Back in this one and Come Away with the w the win against yng and the win here today I know they’re not happy with the start today but man they have to be ecstatic with the weekend performance sniper Jones is joined with Ian Jackson I’m with the player of the game Ian

Jackson you guys were down big heading into the fourth quarter what did y’all do to mount that comeback uh listen to coach Pete coach what did you guys do or what changed for you to mount that comeback coming to the fourth we we just need a little bit of

Adversity when adversity come they know that they destined they saw the energy from me and my guys man I love them to death they rallied around me I I I was in a bad space as a bad call the guys picked me up and they came to together

Sometimes you need an enemy figure to get Social cohesion and that call was an enemy figure I love my guys New York stand up Bronx OSL what’s up you had a very slow first half the second half you came out hitting threes fining open teammates Mak it it to the basket what

Change uh I understand we had to win uh it was time for me to turn that switch on but put the cape on and kind of lead us a victory what does this win mean for you guys the last game against the dreamers came down to the wire this game

Come down to the the wire what does it prove from jelly fam winning two games like this uh that adversity don’t really shake us uh we we had two close games we we we find a way to come back from down 20 and win this game so we know we know

We can do it at anytime you guys are now winning three games in a row giveing you a three- game winning streak I’m pretty sure you going to move up in the rankings how do you feel about the rankings and what do you think the team

Is going to feel like after this W I still feel the same way we don’t really worry about it but uh it’s it’s great great morale for our team to get three wins in a row and try to build on that Ian Jackson amazing game coach Pete way

To come back back to you guys at the booth amazing game today man now that’s a fact man two exciting games look but if you haven’t already at this point you are missing out on layup content subscribe to the channel right here otherwise man we’re going to catch you

In the next one it’s been your host Agent Zero joined by my two co-hosts Duke Dennis and I’m Davis we’ll see you in the next one Peace what


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