Golf Babe

PRO & EXPERT Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – 7th Anniversary Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is the playthrough for Pro & Expert division with various wind for the 7th Anniversary Tournament. Playing from 2nd tee.

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Hello everybody and welcome to this playr for pro and expert division with various wins before we have a closer look at all the content here in this video make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications doing those three things doesn’t cost

You a dime and it helps the channel immensely for those of you that do want to invest more in your game and become a better player quicker then you can scan the QR code here on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below Tommy and for those that are looking for more free content as well our website goldasht is the place where you can find loads and loads on loads of free content to learn from follow the info box on the right hand side to get to the club distance

Adjustment elevation adjustment also a ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there’s always a plan behind it so let’s go to Hole number

One hole number one in the Scotland nine hole cup we are going to go up the right hand side sure you could send it here using a power five ball especially when we do have some Tailwind but having an in between type of wind isn’t really the ultimate thing especially when we do

Have a bit more cross than what we do have Tailwind but straighter Tailwinds definitely send it and we send it on the left trying to bounce on the PAAD Max plus 10 is the adjustment from the right and using three left Spin and some Top Spin as well here the important part is

Not go too far but also not go too short we kind of want to have either a wedge or we do want to have a short iron towards the pin this is kind of in a scenario where I’m putting myself in between which is an important lesson

Which is also the reason why I’m choosing this video here is like you can see here now that I’m moving up to Max club and we are not really close to the pin which mean that this type of wedge is going to be a lot of guess work I’m

Going to have to play this one a bit more elevation than what I want it to be uh and I’m going to have to guess based off where my max line is how much how many rings I’m going to play if I would be playing with a short Aron I would

Have to go for a dunk because I’m too close uh to otherwise use that short iron sure then make the drive a little bit better than Tommy I would say um go back a little bit use the short turnon or roll a little bit longer and then use a

Wedge here in the end I do make a good guess with the elevation when it comes to the EV School play plus 20 elevation but if you’re playing with a short iron here you use an elevation that is minus 10 so it’s a big difference when it

Comes to what type of play you’re playing and that’s also proves the point point with that elevation is just a number that you’re using using to build a solid adjustment on hole number two I’m going for a rough pump here in this specific video you can also use the farway that

Is in between the two rough patches meaning further back and you can attack the pin by bouncing over instead it all down it all comes down to what you prefer I would say from a tailin perspective you’re going to have to use some sort of a special ball if you’re

Going to bounce there Center if you’re not going to force yourself playing with a long Iron Max plus 20 is the adjustment here I would say that the offset here is definitely necessary and the reason for that is that we are otherwise going to miss left all the

Time as we’re doing a pretty hefty offset there’s no need for any underpower or overpower or curl which is is a positive thing when we’re playing a part three and the ball will then clip the rough and then rolls down onto the green and we dropping nicely for an hole in

One hole number six in the Scotland nine hole cup is going to be a super boring hole if we do have a crosswind or we do have a head because then we’re going to have to um have a much tougher layup first and for foremost and then second

Shot is going to be not impossible but it’s going to be very difficult to get an albatross from distance but if we do have some tailwind and opportunity opens up and now it’s all about how much you want to push it on the second shot what

I like to do here on the drive is to set a very little amount of spins here and use overpower to compensate for not using uh more spins and that may not be for everyone but for me that’s way to play this hole because using a lot of uh

Spins here will uh risk getting a glitch roll and that glitch roll is hard to control and then it’s very easy to roll into that rough there at the top now you can see that with this taway didn’t even need any overpower which is absolutely perfect now I need to obviously focus on

Hitting perfect and not great so now I’m having a solid distance I’m preventing myself from having a glitch all into the rough or risk that and then I do have a shot at the pin on the second shot if you do have a high level cataclysm I

Would recommend to use that club you will have the ball guideline then and you will not struggle with distance if you do not have an high level cataclyst but you might have a sniper 10 you can use that it will however be that you may be short sometimes and might have to be

A bit Innovative to reach the intended landing spot making an adjustment no elevation max distance obviously in a scenario like this this is an outside chance for an albatross and we’re playing mainly to lock in the eagle but in the best of the worlds we are getting ourselves a look

At Albatross which are not really getting there but by attacking the pin a little bit more maybe with some curl more left spin or something like that we definitely have the albatross in play but very tough one to drop here in hold number six in the Scotland Lal cup

On hold number four we’re going to play a part three that is called The Hourglass and what we’re looking to do here now is to do it as simple as possible one Top Spin one left Spin and looking to have as you can see the ball guideline to be more or less completely

Straight or as straight as we can with a ball guideline through the hole in the ring to be by the rough line once we have done that we shall turn uh to pull our rings and here the adjustment will differ depending on what type of wind L

Will you have if you have a Tailwind head wind or crosswind all going to be all going to differ in that case obviously the closer we can get to play like a one to one type of play the better it’s going to be so again you can

Design this type of play in many different ways the elevation is plus 10 perfect ball it is and we do clip the rough rolls up the wi coming in lovely and we are dropping this one nicely for an o one take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament text

Guides for expert and a master division for the seventh aniversary tournament it’s honestly unbelievable that we have been playing this game for so long but we keep on making guides keep on improving players um players play and having fun in the game scan the QR code

Here on the screen or go directly to clom Via the link in the description Down Below have in mind that you can play with freeto playay balls and pay balls and follow our guides and get some success in my opinion having a guide makes you save money because it

Will uh take away the need of doing those extra practices spending those extra ball and spending that extra time that otherwise have to do to be competitive and get to the weekend round so once again get to the weekend round in an easy way and compete for the top

Spots with our ultimate tournament TT guide scan the QR code or use the link in the description down below all number five we are playing with The Rock as an nmt with a P3 ball then I’m swapping to a P5 ball such as a bur cker you can play with any

Other um Power four or power five ball if you would so like the only thing that we do want to have is that we do want to have a specific amount of side spin as you can see here we’re using five Top Spin which is a maximum with the rock level

9 Max Curl to the left Max overpower with a slow needle and you can see that even with a great left we are managing to get to Green because this is a play where we’re getting to green or to be just by Green you can’t really get an

Hole in one because the pin stands so close to the water but an easy eal you can most definitely get that if you do not have uh the rock level n you can always start with The Rock and then you can swap to like an apocalypse after

Your adjustment to allow yourself to get the Top Spin needed because you do not have the five top spin on the lower level Rock hole number three in the Scotland N9 hole cup I short part four of the Glenn Monarch State and here if we do

Have tailwind and cross win we are going to send it if we do have a headwind we going to have to lay up unfortunately so nmt with a rock and a P3 ball then I’m swapping to a P5 ball just to ensure that we’re having a little bit more wind

But also uh then gives us a much slower needle when it’s time to take our shots adjust Max plus 10 using five Top Spin and one and a half bar of left spin what you need to have in mind here is that if you do not have Rock level 9 you can

Always start with any rock that you’re having and then you can swap to the apocalypse instead that will allow you to get the Top Spin needed because the lower level rocks do you not do new don’t have the five Top Spin all the curl to the left you can see a

Completely slow needle even if I do hit great left I’m just on the green for a simple eagle and that’s what this is going to be if it is a favorable wind this is going to have to be an eagle because the majority of your opponents

Will get that and you will have to get it yourself too all number seven we can play this one from an nmt perspective uh with our sniper but I would recommend to do that more in a straight crosswind or even in a in a Tailwind in a headwind the ball

Guideline will be compressed too much that we either have to just move up with our sniper or we go up and we do play a rough bump whatever you prefer to do now the adjustment will differ massively depending on what wind angle you have

Here here if you do have a tail win or a head win or crosswind that will differ so find what adjustment that works for you the elevation is plus 20 and that’s what we’re going to use spins will also vary I mean you can use right Spin and

Land more left in the rough you can use left Spin and more land you you can use right Spin and land more left or you can use left Spin and land more right again all depends on personal preference adjustment is done we hit perfect the ball and then Clips the

Rough rolls down towards the pin and we’re dropping this one nicely for an ho in one all five is another send it if it is a tailwind and here we’re going to do a little special thing we’re using the rock the reason I’m using the rock is

Due to its brilliant accuracy it truly helps especially For Hitting Some Great Balls stretching all up up into max with tip of the ball guideline to point towards the bunker then I’m adding a specific spin based on wind angle and wind strength and you can see here now that I’m

Adjusting very little I’m adjusting only the difference between a certain wind but in the end though the point with showing this video is that in Tailwind we can send it in a crosswind you can kind of send it but you need to be a lot

Of have a lot of luck to get that eagle if you do have a headwind you’re going to have to lay up and then you you lay up either left or right and get yourself a nice look at the Eagle no matter what though you’re going to have to get an

Eagle on this one because that’s what your opponents will get especially uh if you’re looking to win or get a top spot in the tournament Max plus 10 is a drive the second shot if that happens to be a short turn that’s no elevation on that

Shot so hole number five in the Scotland nle cup is a good chance for an eagle so for hole number three here for the EUR trip N9 hole cup which is also hole number nine of the Glenn Monarch estate what we’re going to do here now is to go

Across the water I would strongly advise you to play with a power five ball not what I’m doing here in the video trying to just be Almighty here by trying to play with a power three ball so any power five ball with as much wind resistance possible is good because we

Do want to avoid going with overpower especially when there are so much water in play maximum distance plus 15 the spin will vary all from uh from one Back Spin to three four Top Spin bars could be all could be more Top Spin as well if

It is a really bad wind so that one I don’t want to lock in that’s something we’re going to have to just see what wind angle we have because we really need to think about our distance after the rough line there and after the water because we don’t want to roll into the

Bunker now for the second shot it’s a long one the pin stands as it does which means that we’re not going to attack the pin at all because it’s too much risk for the reward that might get we’re playing no elevation max distance here I would strongly recommend to once again to play

With a power Fireball of T because that will help the second shot as well and make that so much easier but now I’m not really spending much thought here on this shot trying to just ping this ball onto the green or being On The Fringe SL

Farway just buy the green for a simple wedge and I mean this is probably one of the most boring part FES there is in the game with this whole location as it’s not really a makeable one you need to be a lot of luck you need to be very lucky

Or we’re going to have to have a really good send it where we can ping the ball forward and then attack the pin from a different angle but I mean that’s not happening that often unfortunately thank you so much everybody for watching this play through Pro and expert division

With various wins here for the 7th anniversary tournament in golf Clash game scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to clashy Via the description down below and start improving your game today thank you once again for watching I wish you the best of luck in your golf Clash



  1. In hole 1 why it is +20 for wedge but -10 for shirt iron,,, I don't it depends on club as well ?? Please explain more anyone !! I would have taken that as -20 irrespective of the club because we are going from low to high point which makes the ball in air lesser time so we need to reduce the rings ??

  2. You got the wrong holes on 6 it's a par 5 and you got it on the par 4 hole and there is not the par 5 on this video 😢

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