Golf Players

Day in the Life | Rookie Adrien Dumont de Chassart explores new hometown

PGA TOUR rookie Adrien Dumont de Chassart explores his new hometown, Jacksonville, Florida, with golf parody songwriter Sam Harrop. Dumont de Chassart and Harrop try local coffee, take a scenic ride through town and play a chipping game on the beach.


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Sam how’s it going hey Adrian how are you good to meet you it’s good to meet man how than welcome to NE Beach know what a what a place yeah first time here so that’s nice to you know discover a new place Absolut been here for a few days let’s get after

It hi guys my name’s Sam you may remember me from the President’s Cup you could all please give a warm welcome to Sam har in the house where I was right there for the greatest in the game that’s the power of Team love over the last year or so I’ve had

The great Fortune to work with some of the game’s best it’s truly been a dream come true and you know what I’m still dreaming thanks to PGA Tours the cut I’m here in Jacksonville Florida an area known for its layback Vibe incredible beaches and world- class golf courses

And Jax is now home to PJ tour rookie Adrien Dumont chassa who recently moved to the sunshine States after rapping up his senior year in Illinois before you become a household name it would be good to know your your full name the way that it should be said even if people don’t

End up doing that so in English would be Adrian dumart mhm and in French would be a little tougher probably but Adrian deer okay so all right adri deont that was pretty good yeah one the best I’ve heard in while did a little bit of French when I was younger it’s been a

While but you know I can hear it I can hear it Adrian deont shazar is a winner in his professional debut welcome to the corn fairy tour welcome to professional golf so uh why did you decide to move here uh in Jacksonville as opposed to you know anywhere else in the country or

You know down in Jupiter or Arizona or whatever for a couple reason I mean you know the weather’s really nice and I feel like it’s not easy to find a place now where you can like play and practice for free okay and I’ve heard a lot of

Great things about TPC s grass that’s something that I remember when I was you know a kid playing tiger 2005 in the course all the time and I also know there’s a bunch of T players and cor Fair players are here right so it’s it’s always easy to find

People to play with you know I hear that you were in the same the same block as Fred Beyond and Ricky Castillo is that right that’s right Dynamic you so Rick’s moving I think in two days uh Fred moved I think a week ago right or just over a

Week ago and it just nice to have people that we know and even for my girlfriend you know she she knows also Ricky and and uh Fred’s girlfriend so nice that way she didn’t feel too lonely so it’s nice to have people that we know close

By and you mean do you think you guys are going to rival the Rival the Jupiter set you know you got a Ricky fers in the jts and that you going to be the new the I don’t know hopefully we’ll see right so I’ve done a little bit of uh little

Bit of research on some good places to come and uh this coffee shop was supposed to be a good good spot so I thought we come there have a little a drink yeah have a drink and maybe a snack if you want sit down and have uh

Yeah I’m I’m not a you know I like a little cold R can I get 2 16 oz uh cold what it called again cold brew yeah any cream and sugar in either one of those uh don’t want any cream but you want I’ll have cream please yeah cream in one and

No cream in the other guys do you anything else for you today uh no that’s it thanks and was that for here to go uh that’s for here we’ll bring everything out to the number 90 for you okay thank you there you go you know how to tip that’s good well yeah something

Something we’re no used to like looking back for 6 months did you have a picture of yourself having a PJ tour card that soon no I mean to honest I was like my goal when I was in college to just get that one free car right yeah to finish that top five

Um I did that and then I know once you get on the corn fi you only have 10 STS right and other players have played already 10 12 before that so I was like okay I’d be great if I could finish in top 75 and just keep my car for the year

After in worst case I’ll just go to Q school and try to get my car on the PG to work for f yeah but just the fact you know that you’re going to have no matter what 10 starts you know it’s prettying feeling and yeah this just more a an

Unbelievable feeling to get my card this quick yeah cuz you had to earn those points pretty quick right you know like I say on 10 Stars so you got to know thinking about it but then once you know I won my first one and and finish second

I was like okay that there’s something I can do here and I just kept playing solid afterwards and locked up my car pretty quickly so that was that was a really good feeling are there any areas that you’re kind of looking to improve on in the in the offseason I just feel

Like I do a good job like shooting the best qu I can that day okay so I feel like I’m very consistent player in like kind of every aspect of my game I mean my short game used to be really solid now I still need some work

Especially my Bunker play so that’s may be good that we go on the beach and work on it a little later right yeah with the half that’s mine thank you very much thank you thank you appreciate it all right there we go Cheers Cheers yeah are there any players on on tour

That you’re uh that you’re particularly looking forward to playing with being paired with I mean paired you know you always hope to play well enough to get paired with like Rory and like Sheffer and all those guys you know that are up in the world cuz she get to learn learn

A a lot just from just playing with them um but then just practice around just playing with like d Tre uh Nick Hardy just kind of get to learn from them and the fact that I know them very well is always nice you know that way I can ask

Questions that I probably wouldn’t uh add to like other players that I don’t really know as well right so it’ll be nice to just have them around all right Sam ready to go hit some bunker shots oh is there a course around here no no but

We have one of the largest C trap in the world over there um the beach yeah all right let’s do it yeah let’s let’s go all right Sam do you want to go see which W you want to use you know I’m left-handed right are you all we’re in trouble there where

You’re oh nice you got the initials on there I know no yours I think you should do the full addc I’m going to doose us to the pin by the next round of coffees next time we see each other all right let’s do it which place are we aiming for let’s go

That one right there like the second one okay second one that’ll be our Target okay so you’re righty are you actually Lefty I’m a lefty yeah oh you’re actually Lefty I’m actually Lefty yeah so I’m going to try that is not going to work I’m going to try it like this right

Might need a new Edge after this but okay hey you hit the ball I mean that’s something there you go that’s it 100% Improvement that was pretty good see that’s nice B flight a little short not bad pretty good impact yeah yeah what we’ll do though after you probably throw with

Your hand right and I’ll doing my club and see who’s right that might be cuz you get no chance going Lefty 20 C going Lefty righty exactly I mean it’s not a fair if you beat me I mean I got to quit it’s not a Fair competition firstly I’ve

Got to go up against a professional golfer and secondly I got to play with my wrong hand I got to play with not even my own clubs a little you need something in the middle of those two using the slopes he comes back you know yeah yeah has a

Beach here compared to the the beaches back home in Belgium much better right a little warmer yeah it’s nice to some white in right I mean we can go to the beach back home in Belgium but probably 2our drive and it’s a little cold yeah I’m going to go Lefty like you that

Way it’s fair yep that’s fair I can’t that I mean we don’t want too good of a lie right but there we go we’re going to that Pole right there right I’m going to hit it I’m telling you oh a little thin but thin you get room to work with

Yeah okay this is there’s a lot of pressure on this shot I feel a lot of pressure I want that cold brew do you get back home to Belgium much now days or um I mean for Christmas all the time when when I was in college it would be

Twice a year so and winter break uh now it really depends on my schedule so course and what’s your area likely you’re you’re you’re from so so I’m from a town called V okay it’s about 40 minutes south of Brussels I believe a mile away from a golf course where I

Grew up playing on and then I switched to a world water little Golf Club okay all right now the pressure’s on ad that’s real pressure right now forget trying to win on tour this is real pressure oh come on do it hit it oh made it that’s a great

Shot that’s so good and you are you actually knocked into mine and you’re still closer closer yep that would have gone in if there had been a hole there yep thank you man it’s been good fun thank you for spending time with us good time the weather was perfect right it

Was got to work on a burn bunker game a little bit The Bunker play needs some work yeah that’s I mean it wasn’t easy with right right hand Club well you know you know next time you have to come over and you play with left-handed clubs I’ll try to

Do that yeah that’ll be fair that’ll be fair thanks for your time today all the best in your first season on a PJ tour appreciate it I’m looking forward to that first win me too all right


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