The new TaylorMade Qi10 Rescue clubs, including the TaylorMade Qi10 Max Rescue, TaylorMade Qi10 Rescue, and TaylorMade Qi10 Tour Rescue, are designed with a new crown structure that has freed up additional mass, allowing TaylorMade engineers to create optimal weight distribution for better performance in each Qi10 Rescue model.

0:00 Intro
1:15 First Impressions & Key Details
3:55 Testing (Qi10 Max)
9:40 Testing (Qi10)
13:50 Testing (Qi10 Tour)
20:10 Final Thoughts

In this edition of The Swing Report, 2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald and master club fitter Kevin Kraft test and review the new TaylorMade Qi10 Rescue clubs, including the TaylorMade Qi10 Max Rescue, TaylorMade Qi10 Rescue, and TaylorMade Qi10 Tour Rescue.

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New Rescue clubs from tailor made this is the tailor made qi1 family of rescue clubs today we have Mr Kevin Craft here to swing and hit some shots and we have trackman ready here in the tour van Bay to help us learn all about the tailor made Q I10 rescue club’s golfers make

Sure you’re subscribed to YouTube channel you like this video and then tell us in the comments your thoughts on the tailor made qi1 rescues hey golfers I’m Drew M holder second Swing Golf joined here to today by Kevin Craft to review the tailor made qi1 rescue clubs and there’s three of

Them so I like that there’s a lot of options here there are definitely some options you know I I think we’re learning more and more that rescue or hybrid clubs are not just for high handicap players they’re not just for mid- handicap players they’re also not just for the low handicap player you

Have two hybrids in your bag I do um and you are a fantastic phenomenal player in the top 0. 1% golfers so uh um hybrids and rescues are are very valuable Club to have or clubs to have in the bag so Taylor Made having three options is very

Cool and I actually see a scenario where someone might have a qi1 Max and a qi1 or vice versa so um what do you see first Kevin I want to get your opinion on what you see first when you look at these three rescue models very distinct heads uh they’re all very different

Aren’t they yeah the the max is a much larger head M the standard qi1 is more what we’ve seen traditionally uh standard Wise from uh from tailor made and then the the tour head is more compact has the adjustability uh we’ve had a version of that you know each each

Generation so um you know sometimes the better the better player looks for something that’s a little more compact yeah um yeah so there’s there’s a new one for them too yeah so um starting with the max and I guess the standard as well you get kind of a combination of

Similar Technologies there’s a carbon crown that helps with um also some alignment too you got that same kind of stripe along the Leading Edge you can see a little bit it’s a little bit shinier on the the Max and the standard it’s actually very pretty um you also

Get similar technologies that have been in past Metals the V steel is you know that made a Resurgence back a few years I think it was a Sim lines where you saw that first come back it’s back here again today also the through slot speed pocket there yep which helps on those

Low uh Miss hits also of note the max rescue is available in a seven hybrid or at 35° that’s a very high launching High Loft option that I know a lot of golfers will appreciate more options for those who benefit from the versatility of hybrids yes absolutely and and then uh

The the tour the qi1 tour is a very kind of different shape and build here as we talked about a deep face profile very Compact and workable as well and then as you mentioned the adjustable Loft sleeve can toy around with um you know making sure the Loft and launch conditions are

Are exactly what you need um this one is only available in three options a two hybrid three hybrid and a four hybrid so uh but the other ones there’s a lot more options so that’s where I kind of mentioned you could have multiple of these in the bag if it works out so

Absolutely um I think I’m going to be most curious to see the differences in how the ball launches between these three we have a three hybrid in the tour four in the Max and the standard so do you have any predictions for how those might differ

Um I’m guessing the the Max May launch a little bit higher in the in the four even though they’re the same LOF they’re both or no sorry uh the max is 23 degrees the the standard is 22 so this should launch okay okay well find out

More Loft yeah that right I mean science yeah yeah physics those let’s start with the max sure okay let’s do it all right Kevin the qi1 max now um I know you’re very particular about how your golf clubs look so tell me what that one looks like at a dress um and

Then uh well we’ll go through this with each Club let’s start with the the max the biggest one I assume it’s the biggest one yeah yeah it’s a little it’s a little thick yeah yeah um most forgiving of the group designed to provide the most amount of confidence yeah you know a

Little more size uh there’s a reason why I don’t want to look down at a at a bladed iron when I got a 200 yard shot over water something use something a little bit bigger sure um this is uh definitely the biggest of the group uh I

See a lot of Club face um even though there’s only one degree difference I see a bunch more face it just feels like it’s more the difference yeah so um I’m expecting some some nice high shots yeah we have the new fujikura speeder NX uh torque control system shaft in here so

Uh what we’ve been been told here is that it’s very lightweight shaft this one is 50 grams this is a regular Flex um they’ve found that going with really lightweight flexy shafts with high torque has not necessarily benefited people in being able to square the club face up right so not only is

The head designed to be very forgiving but the shaft is designed to be very forgiving as well so yeah that high torque shaft for a lot of those players can be difficult to square up and more or less can create inaccurate absolutely uh dispersions whereas uh maybe lower

Torque but still light and flexible can create maybe more accurate and and consistency so I’m interested to see what what this is going to do um it will be a little bit different being in a 50 gr yeah outside of your normal realm of of swinging but we we’ll try it anyway

Normally in the 80 g and stiff flex but that’s okay um we can make this we can definitely make this work oh boy that might be a yeah that felt like a very light and flexible sha yeah that felt like the head was back here when I was when I was trying to

Make contact okay all right give me a sec here I’ve got a little bit of an adjustment to make that felt very different how was that one better little bit still felt pretty toey let’s find out if it was not terrible though oh I missed all right I’m not lying

No Kevin would never steer me or you wrong no that is is correct wow there’s some pop okay pretty good good height love that for a hybrid yeah that’s plenty High yeah a little thin little thin but still out there still pretty decent got the the spin

Kicked up 1.43 on the smash yeah that’s not great for for a hybrid that was ripped yep okay still only one plenty of height here yeah Landing angle basically 50° there so it feels really good on these yeah over 50 degrees on the landing Angle now that I got the uh kind

Of the way the the shaft Works figured out a little bit wow I think you got it figured out I think that’s very much what happened yeah that’s pretty good yeah that was that first swing I had not I had not made any practice which are you talking

About which one could it be yeah I hadn’t made any practice Swings with this I jumped right in and that first one just felt yeah way back here so I did remove that one um wanted to keep it in there that’s what it would look like um it’s correct but there’s our

Dispersion very consistent very high launching too um we carried it just over 200 yards Landing angle 49.1 I think is very good cuz a lot of times we’re talking about this type of Club it’s going to be used to hit at a a target a green oh absolutely very rarely is this

Going to be a te Club yeah we want we want a lot of trajectory and this this definitely provided that 120 ft um what else do you see in these numbers here Kevin um pretty high spin could be a function of shaft could also be a

Function of me because I do tend to spin hybrids quite a bit I I don’t spin irons all that much I don’t spin drivers all that much don’t spend Fairway Woods all that much but for some reason the hybrid has always been something that I’ve spun

A lot so uh it could be me could be a combination of me and the club so um smash Factor was down I thought some of those were pretty good and uh you know 143 144 142 let’s you’re hitting a 23° club yeah so that’s only

Going to go up with lower law it’s true but 142 seems low to me yeah yeah let’s find out let’s hit the other ones okay we see if it gets any better sure all right so the standard qi1 now right how does that one look compared to the max that you just

Hit this one looks good it’s more traditional size the the the max definitely a little bit oversized uh interestingly enough I see the carbon fiber on this much more clearly than on on the max like with the max it’s I I had to double do a double take to see if

It was even if it even had carbon fiber uh this one is much much clearer um I like the look of this I don’t see as much Club face as I saw with the max um you know definitely a little narrower body yeah yeah it’s going to be I also

Like how that Ventus TR blue they have there color scheme it kind of goes down to the black yeah it’s kind of yeah matches up nicely it it does amazing what they can do with Graphics all right so so I’m expecting some better numbers here yeah yeah you

I’m I’m paying attention to that smash Factor now after you made that comment I just thought that was weird and the ball speed’s already up smash factor is already up yeah distance is already up okay okay yeah I think we’ve uh this is probably more up your up your uh

Yeah up your alley than the max was yep could also have something to do with the shaft yep being different yep the this is now again Ventus TR blue this time yep shaft feels much more stable I mean this is a 70 gr stiff versus that 50 gr rig

Yeah caught that one a little heavy a little bit of the big ball first little heavy yep still works yep that might hang out to the right just a bit outside are you serious did you just throw did you just throw me a major league reference yeah did you know you

Were throwing a major league reference I knew it was from the movie i’ I’ve I maybe have seen it once a long time ago I’m more aware of the reference than the actual movie well this was a good reference right I I appreciate the reference of course I know what you’re

Talking about when you hardly ever know what the heck I’m talking about that’s okay that’s okay let’s do one more for Giggles there it is that one is smoked that was the one I wanted smoked okay that’s yeah it’s a good point all right so I’ve got the best five up there now

Okay cool cool cool um and realistically I think I have there’s there’s six up there with the max but actually I’ll just keep this one up there okay oh sure leave my mistakes in no it’s okay 10 yeah your thoughts on these numbers here the smash Factor did go back up as you

Anticipated it would yeah um exact same Club speed so kudos to you on that well thank you um I work hard at the consistency y yep um launch angle came down should one degree less Loft yep um distance went up smash factors up Heights good on both

Landing angle good on both um yeah I I like this I think it feels good looks good sounds good good I got no complaints okay I mean it’s I think it’s one that’s a lot of people are going to be able to throw yeah and this is I mean this is the one

That’s really built for the masses too um you will not be disappointed with the performance of this golf club I like it I like it so now let’s get more of a I guess a targeted or Niche model here with the qi1 tour indeed okay so what is the tour look

Like I know from from just our initial discussion here at the desk it looked very different than the other two it does it looks decidedly different it looks very skinny um it’s got some glossy needs a little bit of cleaning those pesky fingerprints that would have been me I

Was holding that at the beginning so oh yeah okay thanks Drew um yeah it looks good I I like it it’s uh you know again we got a Players Club that doesn’t have the the icon on it so it doesn’t tell you that you you know where you’re

Supposed to hit it okay you know suppose we’re supposed to figure these things out on our on their own I don’t know yeah I maybe it’s just a I guess a universally accepted thing that the maybe better players don’t want that lemonade there I don’t know or they can

Line it up better themselves I was not offended by having it on on either of the other ones you know hit it here okay well that’s not a bad idea so thanks for the advice yeah thanks Taylor M that’s that’s helpful um yeah this this looks good

Um it’s 19 and 12 degrees so it’s a little stronger than we do have the three hybrid now that’s a good again a good there uh another different shaft we got tensei blue uh 75 stiff so yep tar we had to the in the the Ventus

There y um yeah let’s see what we can we can get out of this I’m hoping for two24 carry 224 okay I suppose yeah with the uh it’s a three hybrid yes 3 and a half degrees lower in Loft so that was a little skinny it’s a little shy at

224 yeah well I didn’t have much chance to fly because it didn’t get in the air very well that’s uh a bit lower than I would have wanted yep that check out yeah definitely oh come on turn look at that carry number 223 back to back just got to square it that’s

All this is definitely a more anti-d draw yeah type head so these little hangers that we’re seeing definitely a function of the golf club probably a little function of the human being swinging it too but wow okay was that one caught maybe a little fat or no okay just a

Touch 223 again what all that ball speed and I couldn’t get 224 out of it come on now oh that’s got it that’s got it 224 rounding up we’re going to round it up we’re going to round it up to 2 24 you got to be kidding me all right

Give me one more swing of this I yeah yeah that’s fair that’s three that are over 223 but not quite or four it might be four shots now that are 223 between 223 and 224 yeah I thought I thought squared up that would get

There okay that has to do it that has to do it oh more spin that time need another shot yeah I have to hit this thing 224 I have to oh that’s as hard as I can hit a golf ball that better go 2 okay fine all

Right I feel a little bit better about myself now oh I just registered another swing for you okay we can remove that one I think yeah that’s hurting my average okay okay let’s look at the numbers here so we’ve got uh the three hybrid oh

Yeah yeah this first one was the one I believe you caught a little thin here yes um we got a couple extra swings in there because you were trying to rip that uh two but leave that one in there leave that go ahead and leave that so

One of the things that that we should talk about here is how consistent yes these shots were you despite a little bit of east to west they are still very tight in terms of dispersion and that’s that’s what we’re really looking for I had to swing out my shoes to get that

One right so actually just because the point you’re I mean I don’t know if you would swing that hard on the golf course oh I would in and if I needed if I needed another eight yards I absolutely would swing that hard on the golf I’ll keep it

Up there I didn’t know if it was like because we could do this and make that that’s fine that’s that’s that’s really representative of what things things were that last one was just me being you know you got to be kidding me I got to

Be able to hit this thing 224 right yeah well let’s go back through it quick because we had these car so before we started Kevin calls that he’s going to hit this 224 that’s the number he wanted to hit the most it’s going to be the most helpful for players that might struggle

To get the ball off the ground with hybrids which is not an uncommon thing yeah um the the the standard qi1 probably the most versatile in terms of the the types of players that it will play for obviously um then that that that tour that was a missile launcher

Was hot ball speed stronger lofted so we’re going to see a little bit faster faster ball speeds anyway but um you know it’s designed to kind of bring things down a little bit um yeah all all three felt really good so I’ve got no complaints across the the entire line

Yeah clearly Taylor May did pretty solid work here at the QI 10 rescues yeah all right Kevin okay tayor made ky1 rescue clubs um I think we learned a lot but I think really good stuff across the board here um yeah I’m impressed by you know how consistent they all were at

Doing what they are supposed to do they delivered each of the characteristics that you know you that t basically told us would happened with each of them yeah yeah it’s uh it’s nice when we can take the manufacturers at their at their word yeah yeah which isn’t always the case

Sometimes no and that’s that’s something that it’s a story that really needs to be told because we’re not seeing you know the years where oh you know you’re going to hit this 14 yards further or oh you’re going to hit the 17 yards further those days are gone right we just can’t

You’re not going to see that anymore um so when they’re trying to find ways to make their products better and they’re using Innovative new technologies and and Designs you know there is a story to tell and when that actually plays out for us in in the fitting Bays you know

People do need to know that there is there is value to what you know what’s being brought out right exactly exactly so let’s go through each model quick um we’ll start with the most forgiving qi1 Max after hitting that one um describe the player that’s going to be a good fit

For uh adding that one to the bag so slower swing speeds will do very well with this um because it’s got a little bit more Loft it’s going to help get that ball up in the air one of the biggest challenges we see with with slower swing speeds is being able to get

The ball up enough to be able to make it separate right when we’re talking about adding a hybrid into into the mix we’re we’re taking an iron out we want to make sure we’ve got that good separation between that iron and that next Club up um so a little higher launching little

Higher spinning little larger profile for you know a little bit more confidence um there’s a lot of people that are going to benefit from this from this oh definitely definitely um qi1 standard model now okay how was that one um this this was great this is your this

Is your your every man’s hybrid right the sizewise it’s it’s a little bit more compact than the max Lofts are a little bit strong stronger um you know you can put somebody that’s got medium to high swing speed in this without any trouble I like the fact that the the carbon

Fiber on this from an aesthetic standpoint is a little bit more prominent looks really clean looks really good uh numbers were were very solid with this as well so anybody can play that one and then lastly qi1 tour very different Golf Club as some of the you know the materials and this

Construction of it so what do you think about that one so typically a little bit higher swing speeds but also can go for somebody that doesn’t like the look of a traditional hybrid this does not really look like a traditional hybrid it is much narrower so it it’s you know kind

Of runs that line a little bit more toward the iron side of things than the fairway wood side of things um we got all the adjustability in here so you know I can go up or down two degrees of of Loft um we can we can flip it to an

Upright setting I had a little tendency to hang this just a little bit I might have benefit from actually having the the upright setting change that Li angle see if it doesn’t help me Square it up a little bit sure sure yeah there’s that’s great I mean like I mentioned at the

Beginning three Hybrid models in one line is kind of rare you don’t see a lot of that and with so many different kinds of players out there it’s it’s I think it’s good for tailor made to have three different options here um for golfers to kind of choose from and and identify the

One that’s right for them totally agree um great stuff qi1 rescues go get fit today make sure you have the right rescue club in your bag to bridge that all important gap between the irons and then your three what or five whatever you might have next in the bag so Kevin

Great stuff pleasure thanks for hitting all the shots and and providing your Insight for the golfers out there Anytime

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