Hilton Head Island Golf Tip: Focus on Temp to Navigate Tight Tee Shots Found on The Golf Island

Hi welcome to fall metal Hall golf and country club I’m Parker Mulford PGA I’m the head professional here and just a quick tip that I often find very useful here on the range with my members and my uh my students is talking about Tempo and Rhythm Tempo and Rhythm that’s the

Relationship of the top half to the bottom half of the body when we’re making a swing and often times if those aren’t synced up properly we run into an issue real quick fix of this we want to fre find a 3:1 ratio between the back

Swing and the down swing and to do that I’ve come up with a really simple solution two words Savannah Georgia we say Savannah on the way back and Georgia on the way down Savannah has an H at the end so it builds in that little transitionary moment that we need

To change direction and move forward so good alignment good grip good Target Savannah Georgia you’re welcome

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