Playing 2 Touring Pros: I PUT MY HAIR ON THE LINE!!!!

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You have to try it has to be good like you can’t just it can’t be garbage cuz my wife’s here and she would kill me we made it to training camp with a couple buddies we we’ll introduce you real fast and we’re going to play the

First round kind of a baseline round and of course called Parker’s pasture Parker’s pasture so we’re going to get a baseline rounded I’m just hoping to shoot under part I don’t know how easy it’s going to be last night’s travel was insane trying to get to Atlanta I’ll

Explain that in a second but we do have almost all infinite disc we did add some back in the bag if you guys saw the last video it was that in the bag just kind of showing why and what I’m throwing but we’re at a different elevation I’m

Pretty tired so I got to take that into account I tend to throw a little bit more nose up and a little bit more Hiser so just extra focus in every shot that’s SP dude what’s going on hey who are you my name does it matter though really no now actually we’ll move

On hey do you matter everyone matters a this guy’s got self-confidence Joseph Anderson AKA Joey buckets yeah he’s Joey buckets never call if you say Anderson you’re wrong we’re going to be playing today we’re going to be playing a lot together as well as there’ll be some

More guests what what are you looking for out here score-wise oh this is actually but he does matter slightly this much that’s fine I’ve only played here once and I remember it being pretty wooded but also pretty scorable I think like 10 under is probably pretty solid

But well like 10 under is good see if you shoot eight under if he says eight I’m going to shoot for five at that point then just cuz I got to relearn kind of how this are flying here they play a blind yeah I mean how many more

Excuses can we knock off some Strokes for you know well I mean tired I’m going to say if they both beat me and I don’t shoot five down I’m going to let him cut my hair I love this idea it has hey you have to try it has to be good like you

Can’t just it can’t be garbage cuz my wife’s here and she would kill me bro okay did you hear what he said what no no if he doesn’t shoot five down and we both beat him we get to cut his hair I was thinking he was going to say like

Yeah I’ll jump in the pool or something like I’ll cold plunge or something like that 11 down 1031 10 down is 1022 is that from the long let me see seven down yeah should be seven down right around 1,000 so maybe maybe 500 yeah 500 that’s

Like a all right we’re calling it seven down then thousand rated I don’t know why I have this I have this uh it’ll just be M up but if they have something interesting to say We’ll turn this one back on and tell me that they’re going

To do something cool I’ll turn on the camera on for them otherwise we’re saving battery so you got to let me know also are are you is your sponsor yeah you announced on Instagram but you didn’t post a YouTube video yet I haven’t posted a YouTube video I have to

Signed a deal with you should post one today as I’m filming and I will link to it sick two off the top for sure exactly 300 we’re going to try out this Inca oh gosh I feel like I’m going to have the shanks but sometimes sometimes you play

Really good when you’re tired and you don’t understand why it’s not today but that’s might get lucky okay good thing we’re playing we’re we’re playing we’re playing two you’re not can’t what’s that I can’t show that one yeah you can show it what is it are you going to can

You leak all the spill all the beans yeah so it’s called the uh are you guys are you guys throwing Fairways here I threw mid I threw at first that’s what I thought all right because I’m a little Heiser I’m going to throw this collar glutch here that Jo

Fre gave me which is a little bit more understable I think oh it’s two under stable all right we have to we have either side of the basket Circle too I miss playing w a golf can get some warmup putts in we have this is a little

Closer than the other one but I need to throw my eye blend which is a little more stable name of the game today is just making sure that I don’t get my hair cut by of these holigans I’m going to give him this a couple’s chance if I

If it doesn’t happen today and then I’ll get like an actual nice haircut here let’s go I thought that thing was hitting the cage so hard stuff doesn’t drop like it does there you guys played Disc Golf in Georgia before guys oh my gosh aren’t you guys just like the

Cutest pair on tour 240 part three thank you this is one of the non infinitees in the bag I think there’s like three proxy don’t hit that tree bra throat bra’s throat is just too smooth it’s on Fair a little shorter than I thought it would be

Wowow Focus up hey man you put your head on the line sometimes you make puts oh you guys doing if I beat both of you guys there another bet well whoever you if you beat one of that person what if like what if he beats one of us both

Together yeah I like that oh what happens so we’re both you know you put something on yeah we got to put something on the line so if you beat one of us we both have to like get in the really cold pool at like I don’t know 11

Simple you only have to beat one of them let’s go all right 4:15 straight down the hill maybe like flip up that Chariot or a little left right oh no wow that thing that thing is way flipper than I thought it was well I think I only threw it two times back

There oh and so I brought it to be like my flippy one but also like back home if if I throw something like that with my flippy one it’s going to take a while to stand up I think I’m going to try not a big anzer out with these little pacas

But I like how slow they are just really trying to focus up a little extra today A lot of times I think things can be true and then I use them as excuses so for instance yesterday what happened with the travel I filmed level three of my like building

A Bag series or dialing in the bag before I came here got up early to do that didn’t get a ton of sleep went film that I was like whatever I’ll sleep on the plane I have a 2:30 flight to Atlanta we get in at

6:45 so got to the airport at 1210 about an hour and 45 minutes 2 hours before we board you walk in there’s a line like wrapping around a bunch of stuff I’m like what in the world’s going on sick little stamp on this C we get in line

And people are telling us that at 4:00 a.m. there was a fire on the conveyor Bell system and since we fly Southwest cuz I have to check my own bags and then my disc golf bag and you get two free check bags it’s like Southwest is the most affected out of everybody even

Though it’s an airport outage so weend up waiting in this line have to push our flight back to 750 and then we can’t check our bag so we have to go wait in the 2-hour line now cuz it got a little bit crazier oh this looks a little super

Easy shot like 370 360 is we good Dynasty little sine one oh tree oh dang sneak through them you’re in circle one baby finally get everything we thought squared away fly out and then since we’re going to the same place they’re trying to load all those bags on our plane from the people

Who already got to Atlanta who their bags didn’t make their flight Unfortunately they mismanaged that and so we ended up waiting another hour so we get into Atlanta from what was supposed to be 6:30 p.m. at 1:45 a.m. have to change a bunch of rental car reservations rental car guy gives us a

Ton of Hassle and so only end up getting like 4 and 1 half hours of sleep last night and my wife’s bag is still in Denver right now which sucks literally the whole point of that story is all that is true and I am tired but that can

Be true and I can make excuses about it or that can be true and I can realize it and still do what I want to execute and right now it’s make a really long jump H ooh not bad at all so yeah that was like our little travel Saga but a good

Story and now always something that when we go to the airports and it’s slow we be like well at least the conveyor belt didn’t burn down my wife’s the best by the way and so now we’re here in Georgia hanging out with Clark who helped me broker my infinite deal and who is

Managing Joy buckets and braen sides and we got a little training camp we hang out to a lot of cool people so welcome to training yeah Joey doesn’t know what trees are he just splits them basket is it the one that’s straight all the way down there 635 par 4 all right coming

Down here slight head left to right I think I would go Exodus I just think it’s a little too do you kind of want to finish up to the right or just like just oh left is fine just hit the gap okay left is fine then I’m changing just hit the Gap drag

Oh I was trying to hug that left side so I’m glad you guys were able to see what I was able to what I was trying to do oh my God you na that my I think you parked it dude that was so freaking luy I’m playing with the two luckiest guys on

Tour right now this where I any one of these guys to give me one of their burgs oh that’s not right enough that’s fine though a slight ta one I almost want to throw the other Cherry again we’re going to throw the eye blend let that drift down there

Oh yeah this is not the easiest up and down give a little proxy itely let’s go yeah Braden OB unfortunately Joey buckets luckiest player on earth hits that rock flies 10 ft he’s four down I’m one down or I’m three down he’s one down wow that’s pretty clean oh maybe a little

Oh you see that throwing Berg there yeah is that is that the soft one no that’s uh just K one go in my gosh that’s so good there potential that thing is a lot of late turn oh you did it oh those those are all pretty credible runs there yeah I respect

That you said par five you think like 900 850 up this way and then is it straight after you get through the Gap way to the left okay miss it yes oh wow my gosh all right for a shot into the ground that’s not bad I think it’s

Probably Dynasty three in the middle yeah if you if you barely miss it left penetrating forward like fading barely miss it left like than so or right oh keep turning dang it maybe it should have been a spiny boy oh maybe I should have thrown the Centurion there I think

These shoes are kind of slipping on these leaves a lot baskets through there what a drive vibrating oh it’s I see my second shot through there I might have like a little forand turnover sneaky that’s the local oh I yanked it I have some sort of gaps don’t really

Have a lot over there I think we’re going to have to go we’re going to just try the fast flipping Tomahawk get left that’ll putt it’s like the flippi as disc in my bag right now I just really want him to make it ah clean smart drop ah oh just alpaca yeah I

Know all right clouis what’s the score score is bradden is at two under bodanza is at four under Joey buckets is is six two six what are treats I think it’s you really I literally have not okay joy7 yeah Clark to a liar oh flippy Guy De bit of headwind

Right now 325 up the hill party wants to go dang I think I’m going to throw Centurion cuz it’s a little bit faster than my Chariot and I can hit the same line it’ll flip up dang it’s fun that I’m like oh I learned these discs pretty good for Denver and

Then like oh let’s change our environment and throw completely different different horses completely different elevation I say this every time I travel throwing at closer to sea level like not an elevation so much more enjoyable to watch this fly nice pot jeez Focus man that’s crazy how much of a

Difference it makes also playing with better players whenever you play by yourself or just like I mean these guys are are you 10:15 1017 1027 1031 10:31 I I’m so sorry you’re in the 10:30 club and I call you 1020 what am I thinking yeah I mean playing with people who are

Better want to play better so if you got people around you who are better than you and you can play with them play with them oh no oh that’s wow that’s fine yes Bogies it’s a weird hole I got to push it kind of low and driven let it turn

And then get back I don’t know how far it is the T sign says 410 they say it doesn’t play like that so we’re going to go Scepter get lucky I’m not Joey what am I thinking I can’t say that dang it I knew it too there’s this route here I’ve been repositioning myself straight all right 260 down the hill Creek Beyond I had a nice little flip forehand throw it here but probably just little

Headwind I was thinking Al paca I just don’t throw this thing well on a I feel like that’s the this though brutal oh man good lap good lap all right so I think I’m at three down yeah you’re three down bradden’s at one down I’m at 12 over Joseph’s at nine

Joseph’s killing it got a par four here this one’s might be getable or at least try to throw a big shot and have the right Miss so that you have an easy pitch out it’s getable just got to miss everything give it the light sir ah why are you getting so

Stable in it’s Tailwind what are you thinking should been the eye blend guy good shot though if it kept like turning down the hill I think it could have been so I just needed a little more angle or nose down or eye blend Something thanks OE the frisbee right on top of yours show dominance all right we’re going to go Island Emperor then if those are the throws got a little Tailwind just th straight up the middle hope it doesn’t turn too much oh gosh I really thought that would

Flip here so that’s where it gets tough here cuz I almost went my interval instead of that but I threw that I should have gone interval cuz pretty strong Tailwind but the midf flight really it’s held over down low elevation so I didn’t want to turn it I did throw

Too much higher for sure I wanted thr flat but I probably should have gave it a touch of flex cuz does seem to have that late stability now don’t know if we’ll be in any sort of Eagle position but hopefully still relatively simple birdie since we kicked through all right

It is way left like down I think we’re going to throw my S blend Pharaoh oh man it’s really tough with this a lot of Hiser and hope we get a decent flip up and then big skip that was pretty good that was a run don’t tell anybody

Yeah I don’t know how we get there but it’s up there is it like a roller yeah I think I’m going to try to go over the top too I don’t even know if I can like get over those trees on a a turnover well might as well try Stay High

I don’t know where it went but I think that was pretty good oh no sit dang man I really wanted to get that one cuz that mean I only need to get one of the last ones to get back to seven oh my what am I doing no way no

Way what’s that you know way down here nuh-uh dang well that means I got to Eagle this one 450 part four if I get it I get to my seven but oh okay yeah so we got up here and that right to left is kicking probably

Just going to be a scepter forehand here yeah I definitely hit something sit just inside the circle here putting into left almost straight tail oh gosh of course it’s going to drop in a tail you never get over the cage shoot good Round let go holy crap how does it feel that Braden is forcing you to do this because of his play was great when you wrecked us all I can really say is this was a team effort we both failed together sorry I shot 10 40 rated cut it done oh worst way it’s

Pretty bad worst way that’s the most disciplined way dude holy cow he just sent it he just all right holy crap holy crap oh I can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t do it yeah you can you need to push no no BL me bro what the Heck dude Joey wins I got him before him and I’m still in so get back in no anything you want to say to to end it out seek discomfort baby


  1. Hopefully next time we do this Joseph will play a little better and not make us get in a freezing cold pool… because it was definitely his fault we had to… definitely…

  2. LETS GO- parkers pasture is a FANTASTiC course love that place. I messaged you on IG – excited to continue following your journey

  3. Listening to your story reminds me of why I always plan extra time when flying out of DIA. Even then some things are out of your control

  4. As someone who is loving Kasta right now, I wish you had put the name of each disc they were throwing on the screen. I mean, I understand why you didn't. But I wish you did. 😅

  5. Daaaamn Annie (hehe), your video quality has taken a notch up (from already real good)
    The flow of the way you have learned to use the camera on sight and the post production is so good. I'm so impressed with your product, man. Keeeep it upp!

  6. So did you lost your hair? Next time, bet on a month or two without a beard. ps your wife won't be happy if you have one and you lose the bet, lol.

  7. Nice to see your improvement since the beginning over a year ago. Especially the putting. Keep it up.

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