Golf Players

Adam/Slander vs. Anastasiia/KSHMR

This EDM all-star line-up of @KSHMRmusic and @slanderofficial’s Scott Land, join forces with me and Anastasiia in this chart-topping, beat-dropping doubles match.

Follow them all on IG:
Anastasiia –
Slander –
Austin Chow –
Hiroe Imai –

Thanks, @DiegoTTTube for letting us film at:
Westside Table Tennis Academy
11755 Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064, United States

Here’s how you can follow me on social media:​​


#tabletennis​​ #pingpong​​ #adambobrow

Keywords: KSHMR, Slander, EDM, Dance Music, DJ, Music producer, Anastasiia Rybka, challenge match, table tennis, ping pong, battle

– This is the Epic Showdown. Cashmere and Scotland of Slander will team up with Anastasia and me for a mind blowing doubles match. Niles, also known as Cashmere, is a superstar dj. His most famous song is Secrets, which currently has over 288 million views on YouTube alone.

That’s approximately 3.6% of the world’s population beyond DJing and producing music. Cashmere also loves table tennis and has been taking lessons from Anastasia. He plays table tennis wherever he gets the chance. So in this video, Kir will partner with his coach, Anastasia and Scott Land.

Half of the DJ Duo Slander is also a well-known figure in the EDM world. His hit song Love Is Gone, has got over 223 million views on YouTube. Scott loves watching professional table tennis and has been playing table tennis at local clubs and also in tournaments. Fun fact, Scott always wears black

Whenever he plays a concert, does an event or posts on Instagram. But for this video, he specifically wore clothes similar to mine. Even my signature. Santa Shorts looking cool. Scott. In this video, he’ll team up with me against Anastasia and Cashmere. It’ll be a best of five match.

The first team to win three games wins. – I’m here with my friends Austin Ozzy from I love Ping Pong and hie one of the top coaches in Southern California. And today they’re gonna be coaching us. You’re gonna be coaching team Anastasia and Cashmere, and you’re gonna be coaching team Adam Bobrow

And Scott Land of Slander. – This will be Anastasia’s chance to get revenge on her first loss against me in singles. So without any further ado, let the games re re begin. – Yo. – In singles, it doesn’t matter where the serve goes, but in doubles it must be from the right side

Of the table on the diagonal. It’s the only time that the line in the middle of the table means anything. Also, teammates must alternate every shot – Again. Yeah, I can. – Okay. Okay. – Okay. So I’ll give away surf to you. Okay. Ooh. Oh, boom. – Nice.

– Oh, nice. Oh, get low over here. DJ. Snakes get, – Get, get, get low. I didn’t wanna be another statistic. You know, didn’t wanna, didn’t wanna be another statistic because the spin on that bubble was ballistic. This is the mission. The mystic hits it. Oh, good try. Good try. All right. Sorry.

Oh, good. Oh, get ready to hit on the new snakes. Okay. Oh no. Oh, nice power. No. Oh, whoa. You okay? You okay? I’m so sorry. Whole entire five eight, right? Oh, yeah, my serve. Sorry. You completely knocked the sense out of it. Yeah, just kidding. Ah. Oh, good. Every day I’m shuffling.

Oh, it came off the table. Nice. Respect. Yeah. Respect. Nice. Boom. It’s okay. Oh, game – Point – Complete. So stupid. Let’s put it easy dos. No – Game – 0.00. Good try. Good try Happens. It happened. DeShaw could read the label on it. Oh, – Game point.

– Ooh, nice. It was amazing. – It was amazing. Thanks. You didn’t lash, you just wait. You watched the opponent. It was amazing. So just keep going. And your background was so brilliant and so beautiful. – I learned it from you. So, yes. Thank you. Oh, thank you. So this is

– What I’m thinking. Your pushes are actually looking really nice. Okay. I feel like you might have lost confidence in them, but keep pushing. Thank, keep doing what you guys are doing. You guys are gonna win the next game. No problem. – Okay. Oh, my dad. – Okay. – Ah. Oh my gosh.

– She’s a beast. – Whoa. It’s under, we’ll see if it works. Sure. Long. Whoa. I could do anything better than you. – Oh, Niles. – Oh, is that a wrong side? That’s right. Ooh, – That was the best flick of my life. – Game point.

– Whoa. What is, – Where did that come from? – Game – 0.0, – Game point. Game point. – Good. Wow. – What I would like to see a little bit more belief in the, Hmm. Because I think you have it, so that’s the only thing I wanna see changed. Okay. – Oh,

– Good try. Good try. Good. – What? Oh my God. I didn’t think that was hitting. I thought go away it with the, the snakes, right? Okay. – Three, two. – Oh my God. Oh, – You know what they call that? – Snake surf. – Yes. Wait to the description below.

Oh, it hit nice. What is the score? Four. Four. Four four. Kicking the door, waving the bow. Four. – Kicking the door, waving the four. – Four. I love playing with DJs and music producers. – It’s okay. It’s okay. What happened? Oh, no, no. Nice. It’s okay.

Nice. Sorry. My bad. My bad, my bad. Good, good, good. All right. Hold on, hold on. Oh, table tennis. – Oh, nice. – She’s just ready. – Game point. – Oh, I could tell. Now is nervous right now. Ahss the big point. Game – Point. – Ah, – Oh – Man.

This is the second deuce game in three games. Anastasia and Cashmere are playing incredibly well, but let’s see who’s gonna take this game? Deuce. – Oh, – Game point. – Oh, good try. Good try. Good. Sorry Adam. So I deuce? No, I didn’t turn. Movements. Alright, here we go. – Game point.

– Oh, amazing. Rally every shot. You didn’t think I was gonna make it? I know. Wow. She has no belief in me. Zero belief in her. Every shot. afl. I was like, no, Dee. Oh, so sorry. Good try. Good try. Good try. – Game Point.

– Oh, good try. Good try. – All I can say. Oh dude, – You – Guys crushed it. Anastasia, you’re the MVP for sure. Like you’re crushing it. – I, Hey, the game’s not over yet. There’s no MVP. – Austin thought that it was a best of three match.

– Oh, let’s keep going then. We thought we, I thought we won. Oh my God. Okay. What am I doing? Worst coach ever. Okay. Anyways. – Oh, beautiful. Wow. – Nice. – You don’t think so? We need every point. That’s how we have to think. Oh my God.

– She was distracted by the lack of quality on literacy. Good try. Good try. – Wow. Wow. Oh, oh. Hey, that was perfect. Was it on the line? That was right there. – World’s fastest served. I can try. I can try. I can try. She’s so tough with that. It’s like a cannon.

– Get out the way. Come up. Nice – Game point. – Oh my God. Good try. Good – Try. Game point. – Alright, – It’s two, two. I love the position we’re in right now. Anastasia, keep doing your thing. You’re doing well. Let’s do this

– So you guys don’t have to attack maybe a hundred percent because they are defensive. Just touch it. Okay. So maybe wherever you guys open, just relax the loop open. Okay. And then wait. Next one. – Okay. In the deciding game, in a doubles match, when one team reaches five points, the order

Of play switches back to the way it was in game number four. Just to keep it balanced and fair throughout. – We’re gonna switch when one team gets to five. – Oh, – We’re living on the edge. Nice. I trust you. Likewise. – Nice Sir – Snake, sir.

– Oh, let’s go. Let’s go. Look at this. He fall down two five, so I served to – Him. So now you’ll receive. Yeah. Yeah. – Oh, whoa. Snap. Whoa. Oh righty then. Oh. Oh, wow. Wow. Oh, oh. Ah. – Match Point. Wow. That was a crazy good game. I was really impressed.

Niles, who played really well. Aw, thank you man. My pleasure. This guy too, – Don’t forget him. – I try, but honestly, that forehand is way scarier in person than it is when I watch on YouTube. – Yeah, Anastasia’s got the power. No question about it.

I know. We’ll be back for more. Coach Austin. Follow him on social media Coach Cheat way working with him. Yay. Wonderful. Make sure you follow them on Instagram links in the description. Pleasure, a privilege. And as always, keep on P. – Peace.


  1. It’s crazy cool how many superstars love table tennis! 2024 is looking very exciting! Sss’scribe to enjoy all of the upcoming excitement 🤩🥳

  2. 4:59 Not "I dont believe", just "Nu blin" literally "cmn, pancake", I guess it is like "Oh, come on" )) Its a slavic exclamation on smth unexpected, disappointing.

  3. this must be the most entertaining game I watched ✨ Slander's backhand was surprisingly beautiful and powerful

    14:05 was really the best point of the game by KSHMR

  4. Video was ok, but game itself was not entertaining much. Ksmir needs to be changed for someone who can receive serves.

  5. Saluting to all man of culture who came here to watch this amazing tight short.. MATCH

  6. Does Anastasiia bring anything to these videos? No, seriously, the combination of second-language hesitancy plus Slavic confidence is pure comedic gold. Oh, and plus the incredible skill… very impressive.

  7. I saw you at my local club Broward Table Tennis Club! You just showed up out of the blue for a smaller tournament we were holding, a just saw you lobbing after the tourny in the back of the club and thought, "is that ADAM BOBROW?!?" So cool to see, I'm glad I decided to go to the club that day!

  8. Ну ось, Настя у тій Америці зовсім втратила бойові навички…
    Нічого особистого, але шлях "Роксолани " то таке, діти вже ніколи не будуть слов'янами 😢
    Не ходи до нього, мила не ходи, бо в нього багато таких як ти… 😉
    Миру та Свободи Україні ❤❤❤

  9. 6:00 as good as Adam is at lobbing and defending, I feel like if he wanted to, he could just have a teammate who says "attack this" on every point and he would just win all the matches 11-0 😂. He made that look effortless, and I don't doubt that if he wanted to he could do that on any push that comes past the edge of the table. So cool!

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