Golf Players

1989 World Men’s Curling Championship – Ryan vs Vukich (Norgren vs Stjerne)

Curling Legends Podcast Presents:
Pat Ryan (Canada) vs Jim Vukich (USA)
Includes: Thomas Norgren (Sweden) vs Tommy Stjerne (Denmark) – Ends 10 to 11 (1:58:37)
World Men’s Curling Championship Draw 6
Milwaukee Exposition and Convention Center and Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
April 5, 1989

Related Podcast Episodes:
Pat Ryan –

That was an extra end win in USA over Germany also in an extra end 6 to5 as the US wins their first in ladies 11th round play it was France beating Finland by a score of 75 the French continue to be the surprise in women’s competition Norway wins again beating Denmark 7 to6

And Switzerland over Heather Houston in the Canadian ring from Thunder Bay the final score 54 for the Swiss rink of Christina Leander of burn so now let’s take a look at the lady standings after this 11th round and Norway and France are on top at 5-1 Canada and Germany at

4-2 the bottom half Scotland Sweden Switzerland all three and three the USA is 2 and four and Finland now 0 and six Jana yoka just a reminder our coverage continues from these World Championships after the Stanley Cup we will have the men’s game between Jim vukich from

Seattle who just won his first he’ll play Canada and Pat Ryan who has stayed Alive Now with a record of two and three and that will follow the Stanley Cup we are inside the mecca looks like a lot of those people have made their way back from major gsbi here are the men’s

Standings heading into this 12th round of these World curling championships you see Scotland at 4- one and tied with Switzerland and both those Rings entering today’s play were undefeated but they both lost in round 11 followed by Norway igel ramsfeld and Denmark well 3 and2 and Sweden also at 3 and2 Canada

In that danger zone at 2 and three Pat Ryan three losses another one would really put him in danger of not making the semifinals now the other games in this 12th round of the world curling championships it goes and looks like this it’s Germany and Roland Yen of fen

With a record of 1 and four going against France with a record of two and three the French rank is Dominique dupon Rock of maev and two wins is good it’s Italy against Scotland Andrea pavani cartina deeto playing well going against Scotland and greme Adam from lockerby Switzerland Patrick hurman from loan at

4-1 going against igel ramell of Norway 3 and2 Tommy stair of Denmark 3-2 against Sweden and Thomas norgren also 3-2 and the customary handshakes before the game as the Canadian rink of Pat Ryan shakes hands with the US rink of Jim vukich from the Seattle Granite Curling Club let’s talk a little bit

About some of the games Vic Tommy Stern in my opinion has probably been a terrific surprise especially for those pulling for Denmark Tommy uh he beat Norway he beat Canada and he had an open Draw to the 4 foot to beat Scotland so he has played tremendous he’s lost a

Couple of games he lost a a game to Switzerland where he just came out flat and then he lost on the opening draw but he’s uh he’s been a terrific surprise he’s got Sweden tonight Thomas norgan did a job this afternoon and won a game that he had to win by beating Scotland

Knocking them and he undefeated you got Switzerland against Norway what a tough day for Switzerland they had to play Canada today Pat Ryan came out and he looked like the Pat Ryan of old he went around everything he went under everything and he just looked you know

Looks solid and I think he’ll do the same thing tonight to to vukich from the USA uh in the in the other games you you know it’s a tough you got USA in Canada of course Italy and Scotland Italy has been uh you know they’ve been surprising

They’re hanging in there and it’s uh pavan’s been here so many times the one thing that surprises me a little bit about him I think that sometimes he skips himself into positions that he has a tough time getting out of uh Tommy Stern from Denmark boy he’s made some

Big shots what a shot he made this afternoon or this morning I should say uh against Norway he drew to the four foot no backing dropped it made a great shot in nine great shot in 10 and then dropped it in the four foot for the win

And he feels great that’s a very big game in that rink as Denmark faces Sweden both those Rings three and two well USA has won the coin toss Ray excuse me so Canada will throw first and it’ll be the 31-year-old lead Don McKenzie this Canadian ring from the

Otwell curling club in Edmonton that Ryan prick picks up his brush his brush that he uses for marking the ice and giving the ice and we’re ready to go 12th round action of these World curling championships from the Mecca in Milwaukee Pat Ryan needs some help he cannot afford to lose

Another curling game and uh you know his Road doesn’t look too tough or shouldn’t be too tough he does have Scotland still ahead of him and obviously he has to take them one at a time and I’m sure that would be his comment but uh he cannot afford to lose another game Don

McKenzie he made a good point though uh earlier in the week that internationally now no one is afraid of Canada and any of these ranks can really come up and bite you at any time and that and that includes the italies France uh you know the rinks that aren’t considered Powers

I mean when you talk about Norway Denmark Sweden Switzerland they’re considered among the world’s best but the Italians can come and get you too they can that’s one of the wonderful things about curling you know on a given day at a given time in a given place in

A given situation you know the the Lesser light can beat the best in the world and that’s what makes it such an unbelievable game I mean I just can’t imagine myself beating John Mack roll at anything the US lead is 37-year-old James Pleasants it’ll be interesting to see

How Pat plays he uh he was you know fairly aggressive this morning and and once again we I talked to him after the game and he said that was by far our best [Applause] Effort for the very first time in a world championship they’re using time clocks 75 minutes per team per game 30 seconds between ends 5 minutes a rest period in the end of that’s the fifth end break and if they require need to go to an extra end they will tack 10

Minutes on for the extra end and unlike the Skins game you may have seen here on TSN there are no timeouts matter but I do like the timeout to be honest with I like that I like that aspect I like somebody turning your referee and say

Timeout timeout yeah I think it added a little bit of The Dramatics to the sport and Vic what is the penalty that’s the key well the penalty of course is if you run out of time you stop you don’t throw any more rocks and the other team with

Time froze until they you’d expect win the game as we said it’ be heck of a thing if you had time in and you didn’t win the game I think it’s you know we should bring our viewers up to date with the fact that the the ice here now is

Terrific it really is work it’s working with both turns yes It’s Tricky so you you know you have to you know you have to read it you have to be alert you have to concentrate but the the last four or five draws you know Don Lewis the ice

Maker here took a lot of Step static in that opening draw and then maybe on the next one as well but it’s warm at ice level but the ice is working with both turns we watched the draw this afternoon with Heather Houston and and uh it ran

True it ran consistent and that’s all you can ask Don walchuk the 26-year-old stock broker from Edmonton throwing second stones for Canada and his first the Canadian team should be very relaxed tonight I understand they all had massages at the hotel before the game looking forward to playing a

Confident game this evening want to talk a little bit about uh the new US second our first look at him this is Jason lway the 18-year-old student he replaces Bard nordland who has was playing earlier in the week but now in a conflict with Jim vukic has decided to sit himself out and

So they’ve called on the reserve 18-year-old Jason larway well we’ll touch on that as we go through the game it’s one of the things that you can’t have in this sport it’s just impossible to be you know to be successful if there’s any kind of an M within the

Within the team and and it looks a little bit like what happened last year to the US team in laen has happened a little bit here there’s a little bit of infighting and it’s just impossible you have to win and lose as a unit and if

You do not have that Unity you will not win consist of this sport there’s no way I’m sure Linda would agree with that well you need the team spirit you need to hold together under the good situations and the bad you know it’s very excuse me like it’s very easy to uh

You know to be uh High when you’re winning the the trick is to be able to control the emotions and to be able to stick and stay when you’re losing I mean I don’t need any help if I’m a skip or a third or a second when I’m going good

When I’m making everything I need the help when maybe I’m not going so good well Jim vukich the last time we saw him was the 87 World Championship in Vancouver he won five games there he was really in it until the last couple of draws and people expected some very big

Things of him this week here in Milwaukee but he lost his first four games and only won his first in the afternoon draw today well they’re just exchanging Stones here so nothing’s been attempted by either team you’re joining us for the first time the foil blankets have become

The norm throughout the week as they try and keep the reflection of the lights off those rocks there’s a feeling that they were warming up so the foil is a bit of a cooling blanket I have to ask Linda how she knows the boys had the massages I was

Waiting for that I’m must assure you that they only told me about it actually sounded like a nice idea I think so there are some teams that travel with missas I think Switzerland used to do that quite a bit I think Sweden has one here with me Randy Furby the Canadian third makes

The take out and he sits in the top of the eight the only Stone in the Rings the US third Curtis fish he was a member of the 1977 US junor Representative team it’s kind of neat the way they tuck those things after every shot I think the other thing we should

Mention Linda is the fact that uh you know this event obviously because it’s an International Event has been played under the ICF rules and uh you can use the straw Brom you can use the brush you can use the synthetic you can switch anytime you

Wish which is not the the rule that uh the king teams are now familiar with which is the new CCA rule where you pick your instrument and you play the game with it and Pat’s team did bring up The Corn BRS the other day but now they’re back to Brushes Curtis fish in his second Stone he was went talk down talk to Curtis just for a second before the game and he’s a drywaller with a construction company and they’re working on the new Seattle Subway system this ring from Seattle he was quick to point out it’s a

Canadian made subway system so a little bit of Canada in Seattle Pat Uh and Randy too just not to to you know to talk solely about Pat Uh have suffered with from the same little problem Linda that Heather’s had a little bit and that’s the uh ability to

Make those draws you know to put them in the right spots and that’s why they’ve been a little inconsistent uh they’re hitting okay but they’re just not making a fine fine come around quiet you know when you’re looking for a guard instead of it being you know a foot and a half

In front of the Rings it’s coming to the face of a stone we saw uh Heather this afternoon in a position to be able to maybe win or come back and win that game but you just couldn’t get the rock in the right spot now what happens but uh

You have to be able to play the soft game especially on ice like this which is uh where you’re going to get a lot of rocks in play first stone for Pat Ryan here in this first end the USA and Canada they’ve missed some big opportunities they had a good game

Against Norway but it was near the end of the game and the middle part of the game they were having trouble as you say making those key shots there a point of interest in in 1988 to P only has one steal in the whole round robin in 1989 so far he’s

Given up seven so he’s just not you know making those closing shots and the chance there to go around but he couldn’t get it there and I think that when we do refer to Pat it’s not we’re not referring just solely to Pat himself the to the team

Yeah well he’ll tap this back Vic and the thing we’ve noticed throughout the week is because the ice moves so much the tapbacks aren’t necessarily that easy to make they’re not as uh for sure not as easy to make you know the straighter the

Ice is the easier it is to play a raise and he could play the outturn come around but I guess he feels uh secure with this ice now this is he’s in a spot right now where should be outside there’s a little bit of a a line out

There where it’s close to the the frost line but there’s also it’s it’s a line that pad is referred to as kind of a pipeline sometimes if you get on the outside it it runs straight down and if you get on the inside our viewers will

See in it later on in this game how it swoops right across pretty good line has it got the weight just not enough Weight did he hit the must have hit it maybe yeah I think he gave it a tap he burned it pattle play this out turn come around now Jim Bic still wondering what’s going on there’s no one his brushers must have given there maybe I don’t know yeah

Well we’ll never know he must have burned it he took it off so Pat Ryan second Stone here in this first 10 of the 12th round of these World curling championships the USA and Canada okay Patty let’s start it right here drop it around this guard top of

That 8 foot top of the 4 foot out turn come around go Ryan go that’s what they were saying in major ghouls be nice spot and we want to thank the people there at Major ghouls be for being great hosts for us or to us and our crew and helping us with our

Opening again the opportunity Ray and he just can’t get it in there well it it just didn’t come for him they had to brush it all the way so it may have been a little bit light I think that what you want to watch there he only took about 2

And 1/2 ft of ice and let’s see if as we move through the game you know if that changes cuz it did this afternoon the swing becomes uh greater 43-year-old Jim vukich from the Seattle Granite Curling Club makes the hit now will he spill the shooter here it

Goes and it’ll just roll out and they’ll blank this first end in the 12th round of the world curling championships so Jim vukich and his rink from Seattle will maintain the hammer when we come back for second end action here on TSN and so the US will maintain control

Of the hammer here in in number two Pat Ryan and his is ranked from the otwell curling club in Edmonton and in their final appearance together except for some Bond spiels through uh maybe next season but with Pat now living in Colona and working at the Colona General

Hospital this will be their final appearance in a major competition James Pleasants is an attorney well paddle try and put up the center guard here now Jim buich successful in hitting and rolling out and Don walchuk with the inter draw guard these are the kind of shots to keep the

Play how you want it Vic you got to make these shots I mean the front end will set the the the trend for the end in other words if this rock should slip into the Rings for example then Jim vukich gets a chance to play in the Rings and with the possibility of

Hitting and rolling so when you’re asked to play The Rock in front you got to get it in front and there it is and that’s where he is put at Center Line guard I just like to point out a couple things there’s a line right down here it

Runs from about here down that edge right there on both sides of the sheet that Pat refers to on a regular basis and as you get outside that The Rock will kind of hold on it and run very straight if you get on the inside of it

Then they’ll come right across and we’ll watch it closely as we move through this game Vick Jason larway peels off the center guard and Center Line guard rolls it to the edge of the 12 for our viewers you’ll hear Pat refer to it as we go through the game

It’s not as dominant L to now as it was in the first or second or third or fourth draw that they’ve done some shaving that Donny L was aware of it he actually admitted to it and uh said yes there’s kind of a little of a ridge

There but they’ve been working hard on the ice and it’s you know it’s it’s kind of slowly disappearing it’s getting better it really depends what sheet you’re on some sheets it seems to be more pronounced it has cooled off as well here in in Milwaukee from uh

Earlier in the week it was a milder when we arrived and in fact they’re suggesting there may be some snow flurries over the next couple of days damp right now on and off rain snow I just can’t believe that we haven’t had snow and wi have pick since January oh

No but how many feet did you get in January that are still there yeah we saw a sign earlier that said winter Peg I always tell taty Vandy it’s winter Pig oh we get the odd cold day but Jason larway playing well the US second gets rid of that Center Line guard again and rolls his shooter over to the edge of the 12 well Jim’s really not making any moves at all he’s uh hitting everything Pat’s throwing up but

Uh Pat has got the stone exactly where he’s Want Randy Furby once again looking for a stone just in front of the Rings not too long this the first stone for the Canadian third here in the second down well this gives this is what I’m talking about this gives uh Jim Vish now

To come bring the play the plays now into the ring so if he can hit this Vic and get the roll behind the corner he can kind of turn this end around a little bit Curtis fish in Turn and he sits right there biting the top of the 12 right on the center line Second and the USA with last Rock so padle obviously hit this hit it right on the nose and stay right there second stone for Randy Furby perfect shot Jim vukich is giving this some thought he’d love him go behind the corner here maybe even behind that Center but no sir Curtis fish his last Stone bit mhm little shaky coming out but oh yeah he seemed to almost get it hooked up in his shoelaces

There it looked like he had to untangle it before he could release it looked a bit like the Moose there buddy makes a good shot and rolls the shooter right over to the edge now some thought to where they’ll put this we’ll go behind one of the corners looks like the uh the

Intern that’s the ice is moving a little more than I think it is as he does every trip down the ice Pat Ryan does a little bit of house cleaning as he settles in for his first stone and here in the second end they blanked the first end the USA and

Canada and the key here of course is to keep it in front of the tal line looks like it’s the end turn come around to me behind that single red stone sitting out in front of the Rings wait that’s exactly what it is with Pat you can never tell Linda cuz

He holds them both the same way I was thinking that as he was setting thought I’d hung myself didn’t you he holds the handle I thought you were right Ray but he could really never tell what that he holds them both the same way so most

Curs you can tell by the way they set up not a good shot just curled too much obvious starting to move a little bit more he took inside the center line there and well that’s three shots now that’s three opport he hasn’t made any of them well and that’s right Vic he hasn’t

And you can’t keep that up and he has a chance here now to you know gives Jim bukach a chance to duck it behind that stone that really walked across he was light though so little stickier there little stickier [Applause] Jim trying the same in turn look at the

Spin on the handle here lots of Turn three now they let it come a little bit into the top of the 12 and maybe a quarter bar there’s an indication of what we were talking about before and what the Europeans like to do there was Curtis fish who was calling the line goes out would he not have been better

To stay back and call the line because it have left that left the line calling up to Vach well I agree with Lyon we talked about this earlier on in the week that I don’t think it’s necessary for the third rusher to be rushing out I think you should be always staying in

The house watching the line cuz there could be you know there could be a little fall back inside the house or it could be something there that you want to watch for and uh I don’t think it’s necessary if obviously if in the odd occasion where your brusher is exhausted

Or tired yeah she’ll come up to help up but no the answer to your question I think it’s a bad habit to get into and we saw an example of it in a game at Markham in the in the world junior Championship where the Scottish skip rushed out to sweep herself the third

Came out to Brush and they brushed it too far cost them possibly a game ran his final Stone here in the second and the US does have last Rock The Hammer oh what a lovely Shot by Pat Ryan I’ll say he forces gimm to take one I think

That he got a little roll in behind those guards so it’s a tough end to blank all of a sudden look at that boy he’s going to try this uh this uh big weight hit Pat just got by the front one and he rolled a little bit

Further I think I’d be tempted to maybe just draw here Linda take my one point well it certainly moves there and it’s accessible but you don’t want to give up a point now played the end well you sometimes have to look at Drawing final Stone second in for Jim Vach to the big weight coming over enough great oh good shot by Jim vukich able to pick it out and blank the end again and so he’ll maintain control of the hammer through the second end vukich playing Ryan tough so far here in

Milwaukee let’s update the game between Denmark and Sweden we want to show you the last two stones this is the last stone for Denmark or Sweden pardon me and Thomas norren and Denmark cat things going their way they blank the first we’re sitting three but Sweden manages

To get two now it’s Tommy stern of Denmark an open hit for two and makes no mistake and so Denmark after blanking the First with the hammer scores two points both these ranks three and two coming into this 12th round we’ll have more from the mea in Milwaukee when we

Return to the world curling championships here on TSN we are still scoreless here in the 12th round of these World curling championships the United States and Canada welcome back to the Mecca in Milwaukee Vic roer along with Linda Moore Ray Turnell and Pat Ryan coming into this 12th round with a

Record of two and three and really can’t afford another loss tucking away a stone under that foil blanket sometimes there’s a un wieldy you know you to get out of control it was a hot potato that one couldn’t tuck it under there Don walcher that was a good shot by Jim

Vukich he you know he obviously knew a little bit more about D than we did Pat had gotten a little roll and uh you know I thought that maybe had rolled so far that it was fully buried but Jim uh had a good read on the ice and he actually

Threw big weight and then it came right across well you can see the call Jin buic throwing up the corner guard if it slips a little too far he might get a half behind that stone but Jason lway he came into this event as the fifth man is now the regular second man

Bard Norland has taken himself out of uh the event Jason a little too strong here this will allow Pat to go back up and throw up a center guard as long as it SS through that like that’s a bad Miss because uh once again it’s easy to sit here and say

These things but that’s a bad Miss because you can be short you can be just over the hog line of foot you can be 2 feet over the hog line six feet over the hog line but not through the Ring I think inexperienced CRS you know this is a terrific example of how the leads and seconds set the trend of the end if uh you know if you have a lead that’s uh out curing your opposition lead then the style of the game is the

Style of the game you want to play not the one they want to play and I always tell my team to be sure they talk about the weight because he was moving out a little bit to the sides but it’s Keening up right across the sheet and you don’t want to be

Thinking that it’s heavier maybe your team can help you decide about the weight Don walchuck throws up the center line guard and Jim vukich now heads out for a little chat with Jason larway what do you think be saying just relax a little bit yeah obviously just uh

Having a few words you know you’re better off short there than Long a good shot of it hangs in there rolls a little too far no Corner guard so Pat will throw up another Center Line guard well we discussed it through the Brier too the pat you know Pats team definitely hits better than they draw you know percentage wise McKenzie his

Hitting percent is 76% draw 72 walchuk 76% draw 74 fby 74 hits in 7 he’s he’s been drawing he drew well at the Brier for example and Ryan 74% of his uh uh hits he makes but only 58% of the draws are made so as a team it’s 76% compared

To 72 so they definitely are a better hitting team than they are a drawing team and I don’t think that would surprise anybody after their performance in Saskatoon but with this ice the way it was we raise the question all the time and I think it’s it’s appropriate can

They handle this swinging ice well they can handle it just that they once again uh not to repeat it all the time but they don’t dominate this game like they do the hitting game but they look you know they look strong this morning I think they were ready for this game I

Think they found the range because with the big weight they throw it takes a little while to adjust to how much ice they need on the swing of your Ice Curtis [Applause] Fish there’s the nose Hit he’ll go around it now we’ll see if this Sheet’s any easier to come around those Center guards we talked earlier about how a rock just off center line was actually easier to come around than the one right on center that’s right Lyon you just don’t

Have to play down the line that we’ve talked about a little bit so let’s watch this one closely Randy Furby’s outt come around it’s good starting to come now but he’s got too much weight slips to the back of the eight maybe just a little strong because

They did he just eliminated the brushers you know those are the kind of shots that you have a little less weight than that then you can take it and leave it and take it and leave it and and the brushers will make it for a little wider do a little bit more

Want a bit there quite a bit more you notice the vukich didn’t sweep the rock behind the tal line he was trying to leave it so that it didn’t curl anymore and he could still remove it with some weight this will be the second stone for

The USA third Curtis fish here in the third end they blanked hands one and two a reminder to stay with us right after the game for the TSN Turning Point brought to you by Converse All Stars all you Need they certainly got me convinced skip stones to come here in the third end and the first from pad Ryan one stone in the ring sitting at the back of the 8ot belongs to the US [Applause] Here’s the famous outter with the fingers rolling off the back of the stone wants that roll there’s the roll and the shooter will spin out so the Rings wide open can almost see the frustration in his face you know I think Jim thinks maybe he can chip that

On I think it’s there if he just catches a piece of The Rock and uh can sort of split it over to the side since it’s on Center Line it still has quite a ways to go and it can still be in the ring there’s lots of circles for him that’s

Right it’s about a foot in front though little less ice he says he’s got to catch this on the outside so he obviously doesn’t feel it swings very much there saw the German skip play a great chipping role this afternoon against this same Jim bage to tie the game up

Hurry hurry hurry hurry this the first St for the US skip here in the third end Plan B dver straight back and he bites the top of the button and that stone is three4 buried that’s a good good looking shot though just draw into it I guess

Maybe they left it all the way yeah W Don walchuk Ray is wearing the microphone for the canadi the Canadian second and he has his idea think about drawing just into It patch is going to try and touch it back of course if they sit in front of it and they’re in the for footing it still would make it tough for the US to get two that’s right even if you just freeze to the face of it then it’s a good

Shot make him draw full to the forefoot for his second point the final stone for Pat Ryan here in the third In got to come we bit and right up on top look at that well he took the 8 foot and the 12 foot away from Jim vukic and to get his second point he’s going to have to draw full to the 4 foot it’s about as good as he can do

Lind I think it turned out pretty [Applause] well so the opportunity here for the US to score a couple in the third end they have one on the button Jim vukic from Seattle out turn draw they jumped on it right away he’s going to get it to the for

Foot it’s staying up a little bit out comes Curtis fish again to help it out going to be light it is it’s going to die in that line that you talked about up and down the edge of the 8ot as it gets into the frost and stops in the top

Of the 12 the US will pick up one here in the third and and Jim vukich and his rink lead one- nothing over Canada fourth and action when we come back the symbol of Excellence Rolls-Royce and of all the Magnificent automobiles bearing this Crest there is one single classic that surpasses all

Others the legendary silver ghost now recreated by Franklin Mint Precision models in a collector’s piece so exceptional it’s the official model authorized by Rolls-Royce Motorcars the silver ghost only one was ever built the 1907 Masterpiece that established rollsroyce as the master car builder it passed every endurance test

Of its time and still runs perfectly today curling championships let get you caught up in scores Germany France tied 1-1 and France yes they do have the hammer Italy trailing Scotland two- Nothing Switzerland and Norway tied 1-1 Denmark by two over Sweden and Canada now has the Hammer as they try and Claw their way back trailing one nothing I tell you that is unbelievable those guys I don’t know where they d these things up from dead see the Chiron operator found

That for us thck built that for us a little Hammer thank you well you didn’t uh you saw Pat he didn’t wait one minute uh Rock was thrown out in front he went right behind it the Don Mackenzie slipped in behind the T line but we got a miss out of the US

Lead Jim Pleasants and now these are the key shots these are the kind of shots that you have to make need us to get around this top of the 8ot top of the 12T short is fine here anything but long and Deep got to get this by it is look at this oh yes what a nice shot Don [Applause] McKenzie they had to brush it a little bit uh dick but it’s a terrific shot by Don McKenzie that’s the kind of thing that Tracy Kennedy’s been doing for Heather

Houston so often she’s you know the leads can set those ends up for you what was nice was when when uh talking to her about it she bubbled at the fact to say hey as a lead I enjoy the chance to try and make those shots well there’s no question that they’re

The most valuable player on the team I think it’s pretty well that’s what penny Ryan told me too Jason larway the US second and his first stone here in the fourth and it’s already starting a gang up on the us and we’re just throwing first second Stone this end is developing nicely for

Pat Jason larway gets over and gives that shot Stone a little tap and he sits second shot but he’s wide open it’s wide open but a nice opportunity for Canada to get that hit and roll if they do Don walchuk yeah this is the one

You want the hit and the roll down like so hit this here and get the roll over into this area right there and you’re looking good and you’re lying three Buried move a lot he coming at you that’s a good look at it staying off it going to come a long way now it’s on that line out there move a little bit now just wouldn’t come and he punches it into that little Stone pocket of Canadian

Stones there’s a look at it from the top yeah I might have but it just it just fell too might have put out he said but it just it just ran straight down there Sor well I can see what Jim vage is doing looking at the Double trying to see the

Angles here’s the guard out front now as we move back into the Rings you can see what he’s looking at looking for that spring double Jason larway and his second Stone he went to the alternate because that uh he it came across Vick and so he look for the thin hit it’s still a good opportunity for Pat to come down right on top of his own Stone there’s the call glue it in there here Don say in the hack a lot of

Ice out turn Don McKenzie second Stone come on Don walchuk pardon me Don walchuk come on you guys come on just kind of left it a long way and then it just dug in on them boy but look at the way that moved over there well it’s almost like it

Caught something because they weren’t you know both the Randy and and Don McKenzie are very good judges of weight and they were off that they stayed off the three qus of the way down and all sudden just dug in maybe they’ll say something here maybe

Not I guess not Ray vit is looking at hitting that front Yellowstone do you think maybe he could look at coming the other way with the draw I I think that you know he could he’s looking at trying to spring it out again like he did the

First time and if he comes down and sits right on top Pat Ryan you’ll never get it out of there he does have second shot things aren’t that desperate yeah I don’t see the advantage of this at all but as a Canadian I’m glad he’s playing it and we’re unbiased

Totally well I don’t think we have to be unbi I’m cheering for fat I don’t care what anybody say h in the beaver that’s right Curtis fish the US third and his first stone here in in the fourth in with the US leading Canada one- nothing he’s got the right Angle I I don’t think it was a percentage call they almost got the spring on it but I think if ping you know he’s salted in there now both teams having a little chat at the other end well it’s interesting if uh P Ryan said saying look Jim bu if you

Don’t want to go in there now I will well you know I mean Jim had a couple of Chances with that shot there Randy Furby in his first stone opportunities you got to glue them in when you get a chance our viewers should remember the

Line that I I drew for them but starting to come now Line’s pretty good you can hear Pat say Line’s pretty good walking over now looking for second shot I don’t think so well it’s a pretty good shot though it’s a tough shot to you know if you hit this

Wrong you can drive it back onto if hits it wrong he drive it back onto the other Yellowstone which will drive that Yellowstone onto the red stone and a lot of things can happen quickly he’s got to come down and hit here like so he has to be careful not to

Drive it back onto that stone right there which would drive it under that one Curtis fish [Applause] killed his own and Canada lies to I know my artwork wasn’t very good there Vic but that’s exactly what I was talking about that uh we just you know we had to kind of scurry it up a little bit and uh and my my right hand or my machine went

A little cooking for our viewers but now you know Canada’s in a terrific spot and you can see Pat Ryan just ignoring that stone all together and he’ll go right in behind this guard again and boy I tell you he’s got things going for him here Linda sock this one Randy got to get this one around top of the forefoot glue it on the face that Ryan’s first indication was just out in front or top 12 would that be good that’s as good as any just not too long trying to bring it to get it to

Curl espe if it do stays out he just got caught on that line a little bit and he slips into the top of the four it just didn’t curl far you know the weight was fine CU they did brush it a bit it just didn’t work for

Them that’s update L of the game between Denmark and Sweden fourth and final stone for Thomas norgren and they have a chance for two because Denmark M hit a take out Earlier and will it stop yes it will stops in the back of the eight for two and they’re all locked up two Rinks at three and two Denmark and Sweden tied 2 two playing the F skip stones here in the fourth end the first from Seattle’s Jim V leading one- nothing with Canada starting to Cluster them around that 4f foot lying Three well I don’t know if he’s playing I think he’s he could be playing the hit and role here or is he playing the double it’s uh the hit and roll is not a bad shot because roll over in front if Shot Rock can make it very tough for Canada he

First indicated the double but I think he may be changing his mind here I think he may be right Lind see broke like that get a call From no that’s the double he’s he’s lining up the double I think you lose the shooter if you do that though I like your hit and roll well there’s there’s the call then they are going to play the hit roll You got to wonder if Randy doesn’t sometimes he throws that little bit of a bent arm and I wonder sometimes if he doesn’t float those out turns cuz they uh all week long and and a little bit of a dryer too those rocks with this certainly don’t come uh on many many

Occasion so it’s it’s uh and it’s the final release of the stone as we all know that really is the tells the tail that rock just wouldn’t come cuz the weight was perfect Jim vukich right off he says there’s the hit and a little bit of

A roll but not much sit top four fighting the top of the four well you know we talk about opportunities and once again we have another one if Pat can get the hit and roll in front of that stone behind that long guard there it is right there looking

For that hit and roll behind the Long Center guard the USA stone that sits on the center L out in front he hits and rolls in front of that stone that’s on the button right at 12:00 he’d be lying the tree and well buried this is one of those shots where you if

You can make this then you just turn to your opposition you say it’s your turn this will be the first stone for Pat Ryan in this fourth End W almost so close L just didn’t come but it’s a good [Applause] Shot here he got a triple here lukach is looking at the Double and and it’s a POS there’s a possible triple he hits that stone properly you can kill all three of them he seeing something he’s looking at coming down hitting this Stone here like so driving

It back onto this Stone here as he goes by he can catch this Stone right here as this possible triple he’d love to get two [Applause] they’re all lined up there well in the tripos it’s there it’s one of those shots that You’ be happy to get two here I can

Tell you final stone for the US Canada does have the hammer this one’s curling too much I think draw for three Linda let’s go back into that end you know I really think that uh when Jim vukich decided to play that that run back instead of coming down and sitting

On top of Pat Ryan where he had the chance when the when the shot Rock was behind the button and there was a run there and he walked across that’s kind of turned the whole end around gave Pat a chance he didn’t make the double the

Long double from the top 12 foot gave chance a chance to Pat to come in with Randy Furby to the to the top of the 12 foot and I think at that point it was a perfect opportunity he didn’t have last Rock even if he was a little bit short

Of The Rock was in the for foot he was still setting things up well I don’t think the shot he tried was a percentage shot nice it’s probably 13 they refer to the ice in the lower in the lower numbers cuz they Ed their their uh shots from hog line to hog line

They’re talking 13 which is pretty quick we’ll put get Linda with her trusty watch on this Vic there’s the hog line final Stone of this fourth end the opportunity for Pat Ryan and Canada to pick up three the two Don Walch McKenzie work the brushes got to have full 8

Foot and walchuk says yes you’re right there button weight and three points on the board for the Ryan Express we’ll have more from the world curling championships 12th round action from the Mecca in Milwaukee when we come Back play Walt Disney World Baseball magic at all Dominion stores this year three ways to win win up to $10,000 instantly win trips for two to Orlando Florida home of Walt Disney World all trips provided by treasure tours the world Norway 22 Denmark Sweden 22 and Canada’s Pat Ryan makes the great draw

For three and he now leads Jim vukich 3-1 as we go to the fifth and the us will have the Hammer there’s the run back Don McKenzie you know I really think that Don walluk is the heart and soul of this team you know in a sense he he you know he raises that brush and he shows that emotion and and uh every team needs the

One guy with a little bit of pepper like that and uh don kind of get when you when you see that kind of thing you you kind of know Pat Ryan’s ready it’s nothing to do with hot dogging it has to do with an emotion that he feels within

Inside himself and I think that uh over the years as we’ve watched Pat Ryan play when you see that you kind of know they’re ready to go James Pleasants puts up the corner green Corner green Corner guard what time did you get to that bar for the opening dick some nights it just isn’t working dony wal well Mr vuk should be hard pressed now to catch him but this is the kind of ice

You’ll get the odd nose hit even with as good a running team as Pat has this ice is Workable he’s worried a little bit about the time by the way our little Swiss Miss Linda put the clock on that last straw forest with her trusty little Swiss watch and Pat was right on it was 13 or 23 if you’re going the other way cuz she

Took it all the way to the to the tea line but uh so they they got a good reading for the weight and that’s exactly what it came out at 13 and a little bit Linda that’s right very keen how do you turn that little uh do

You punch Mickey’s ears to get that thing going my beautiful there the clock scking away you got to watch that time remember they started at 75 minutes and the allotment is usually thought what 7 and a half per end Jason lway studies business administration 18 years old a good young Prospect for the

USA they’re in a struggle now and one thing we should mention that even though they only have the one win it’s important that they win some games because the bottom two teams in this round robin will have to go into a pool for the eligibility for next year the challenge round they call

It Randy Furby United States and Germany are tied with one win each so both are on the ice tonight Curtis fish and his first stone the US third and we’re getting to see the Pat Ryan at his takeout best start to play here in this fifth [Applause] end put him up us take him down Canada and Curtis slips it into the back of the four back of the eight will it’s hang

Around will it stop in time or out it goes Pat Ryan is there to brush it through and Pat having a look it’s out he says take no chances huh you even go after that well they don’t want anything in play so they’re going after the only

Rock that is in play and it’s just at the back of the house well they we mentioned this earlier in the week I mean Pat Ryan has that reputation people know it of course in our country across Canada and it is worldwide that he is certainly if not one of the best the

Premier player at takeouts and uh uh when he gets ahead of you you’re in a heck of a lot of trouble and Jim vukich here in the fifth trailing by two is in a lot of trouble you certainly don’t want to give up a three if you give up a two there’s

That easy way of getting back you’re obviously going to get one with last Rock and if you can get one miss you’re going having a chance for two but giving up a three is a big disadvantage Curtis fish just off the center line no hesitation by Pat Ryan right up beside Randy

Kirby I know where that red paint has been coming from it’s not from the sideboards it’s rubbing off the head of the brush because they put it inside the rock so often actually that’s what it looks like I always tape the edge of my brush to make sure the paint doesn’t

Come off not everybody does it Pat Ryan his first stone oh you could hear did you hear Donnie all uh oh it had big weight I think he is a little worried but no problem just made a little movement at the end to catch a corner Don walchuk is wearing the

Microphone for Team Canada I know where he he loves to throw the big weight of course he’s a big fan of uh fast ball seeing some of those fellows deliver that’s where he picks it up From J buas thinks he spot something so wants Jason larway and Jame Pleasants to do a little house cleaning and now even Donnie comes out still something there sometimes you get a better vantage point from in the hack and it’s really hard looking down in the ice to pick up what he’s looking

At it’s like throwing it from one room of the house into the other decide to go in this time has he he has you can’t wait forever looking to put it right on the corner and he does a good job and again it’s that area now of that frost line

That ra Drew out earlier that when they get out there they kind of do start to do weird and wonderful things and of course he’s hoping that Pats will do the weirdest and most wonderful for his team and that’s uh maybe have a miss here Pat’s playing this uh uh outside

Inshot Linda and he uh he prefers this this is the kind of shot that should run straight down there we’ve seen him do that all week he’s outside the the swing line and he also throws the big weight so well this is kind of his natural hitting turn this will be his second

Stone his last Stone of the fifth end Canada leading 3-1 over the United States but the US does have the hammer going to sit right there too and oh nicely done as he hangs on the edge of the 12 he’s going to make Jim vukich coming get Him the final Stone of this fifth end for the US and Jim Bach looking to hit and blank this a there’s the take out it’ll bite the top they’re having a look they might want to measure that pushing it away did they take one looked out to

Me we’re looking for zeros no they bit did but they just bit the top of the 12 so the US forced to take one here in the fifth and so it’s now 3-2 Canada leading at the fifth end break update for you the game between Germany and France

Playing the fifth final stone for Dominic Dupont Rock of maev in France and the troubles continue for Germany Roland yench is not having a great game again tonight it’s a free draw or an open Draw for three and France is going to sweep it right into the Rings

The French rink with a record of two and three Germany and Roland yench from Fen 1 and four five to two France ahead of Germany Ray standing by with Pat Ryan Pat a terrific fourth in well they I don’t know why but they brought out new corn Broms for the

Fourth end we had the hammer they put a center guard up and they uh they were asking for it I guess so we took it we took it for every Advantage we could yeah the one of Randy’s shots uh he had perfect weight and just it just wouldn’t

Come for him is he putting a little back or just falling down that line that we talked about earlier in the week well it was just a matter of the uh the corn that they sprayed all over the ice wore off and I was still taking a little bit

Of extra ice because I wasn’t certain whether it was the corn making them curl or the ice itself as it cleaned off and ry’s rock just glided along didn’t curl so I misre the ice on that one you know there there was a lot of conversation

About the ice earlier in the week but in my opinion anyway it’s it’s really starting to be terrific it works with both turns there is that maybe the odd tricky spot but that makes the game so interesting in well that’s right uh there’s no no problem getting around

Guards here so and it’s it’s not the easiest uh ice to play on it’s probably one of the most difficult uh types of ice I played on it’s very sensitive to how you throw it and it’s it’s also extra keen and and if you get down to

Center it just Glides forever it slides forever it was a great game this morning and good luck in the rest of this one Patton thanks for joining me thanks it’s 3 to2 Canada leading the us at the fifth end break we’ll have more from the world curling championships the

Mecca in Milwaukee in just a minute uh Jim and his team have switched to the corn brooms now trying to get a little more action out there it’s something Pat Ryan does himself if you go back to the Brier last year and for example I think I mentioned this earlier

In the week but he was down I think four or five to Thomas hackinson from Nova Scotia and they dug into the bag and brought out the corn Broms and uh in that particular game they turned it around they actually beat Thomas uh not sure was the extra in or the last

In the tan fight stealing a point Don McKenzie splits off the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] guard tell you what look at this uh you know now this is curling and all three of them going on the second Stone of James Pleasants Well it’s going to settle into a pattern here it looks like now Jim vukich has moved up the ice again to have a word with with either the entire ring cor he wants to this is a this is a big huddle now this is a team

Huddle of course all the time he’s doing this his clock keeps ticking down but if they keep playing this way just straight takeouts he’ll have about 25 minutes left well the game will always slow up for the team that’s drawing Vic there’s no question about that and the team that’s

Hitting you’ll not be eating up as much much time I’m sure you’ve played against uh Brinks such as Ryan that like to do this it must be very frustrating if you’re Jim vukich it is but on this kind of knife surface you have a chance for a

Nose that this is the you know the best team in the world at playing this kind of game we’ve talked about that over and over but uh you’ll get you’ll get a nose hit sooner or later not that time from Don [Applause] [Applause] Walter one corn broom and one brush yeah James Pleasants the lead using the brush Curtis fish that was maybe what the meeting was about Dick one in one you mean yeah one corn broom out there and one brush out there why would they want to suggest

That why did you ask that it looks to me like they’re sweeping corn in the middle of the sheet and brushes later it’s a an interesting tactic any particular reason though it’s harder to clean off the middle of the sheet maybe they want to litter it instead of the house area I’m not

Sure we don’t play corn very often ladies curling so it’s something I don’t mind playing against but uh I think the men have different reasons for doing what they do second Stone da W what I found peculiar though is on this kind of ice it moves so much uh that they’d

Require the coin well they just want some more movement they want some corn out there just to try and get uh you know get even more action into the ice and of course a little bit more unpredictable action sometimes it’s harder to read ice that has some corn on it hi

Always glad to deliver a message Curtis fish his first stone the US third here in the sixth Canada leading 3-2 look for that Miss or that nose Hit what do you [Applause] [Applause] mean [Applause] it’s kind of interesting Pat’s going to go behind this now he ran everything off and now he’s decided to go behind [Applause] it and it’s a good chance he’s just not going to sit with that that small lead this one curled off the center line

So it’s a good opportunity for Ryan to get in behind it take possibility of setting up two points Brandy fur’s first Stone got great line on it and he’s got it in front of that t lion Linda just into the top of the eight they’re a lot sharper tonight there’s no question about it I think this morning’s game was a real boost to them they beat the team at

The top of the standings they got their game really under control everything seems to be going their way that was a good opportunity when that guard that was uh came off the center line that’s a great opportunity for Pat to go in behind it the four foot

Remains open and he can pick up two points here now he has a commanding you know three-point lead Curtis fish that’s a good lesson for you know everybody out there you know he ran off four Stones off the front and then one slipped off that Center Line and in he

Goes you don’t mind fooling around with stones when they’re on the side of the Rings oh that slipped a long way didn’t it back eight sorry here’s a good look at it from the top Canadian Stone still shot right I thought it was going to stop too and it

Just kept sliding paddled over the open side now intern draw Randy Furby and his second Stone oh that’s L well we don’t have to say anything he said it already oh you heard Pat on the interview refer to how slippy the ice was and there’s an example Randy knew when

He let it go he said right out loud that’s Lots that’s Lots could got sooner but let’s update the game between Italy and Scotland sixth end action final stone for gram Adam of lockerby and this is a great shot he has to just get by the guard they sweep it and makes

Contact with Shot Rock in the 4f foot for a pickup of Two And so Scotland now leading Italy by a score to four to one the Scots are 4- one coming into this 12th round well Jims playing this out turn come around again couple things can happen here if it you

Know it curls a little bit he can just touch the Yellow Stone over and may possibility end up lying to but he come down to the face of his own as well and cut out that front One 65% after Five well he a little out of the path here I think but so Keen this really moved over another chance for Ryan to go to the open side edge of the for foot [Applause] Well we’ve take seen Pat do that a number of times this year just as he goes down the ice he runs his broom along making sure there’s no straw since we do have some corn booms on the ice today Qui then it’s up to the brushers

Of course to stay on top of it keep it clean and judge the weight this will be the first stone for Pat Ryan here in the sixth end Canada leading [Applause] 3-2 whoops little bus draw talked about his upart he said Lots as well he did sweepers are on it though it

Clean they want to get it back now good shot what Jim’s looking at here is is coming down and hitting his own stone with good weight he’ll come down down and he feels he can hit this down come down hit this on the outside which will remove this

Stone here this shooter will come across removing this Stone right there and if the angle is correct I think maybe it looks a little steeper yeah I think it’s a little high I don’t think it’s there that’s what he was looking at and I think they’ve

Decided now the hit and roll is the only shot that’s what he was looking at it’s just too high if the Canyon Stone had just stayed up a little higher on top of the 4 foot than that angle would have been There there’s a good look at it just not there but that’s what he was down on his prly on his knees on the other side of the sheet looking at the angles are hard sometimes if you don’t have a lot of experience with them second stone for Jim vukich the US skip

Off he said Curtis fish there’s the hit he gets a little inside roll but he’ll be wide open for an hit for two for Canada and this second point this extra Point’s a big point in this game this is what you know this is the control Point give Pat a

Three-point lead going into the seventh end there he goes as he starts down the ice this goes on for 10 ends they’ll need all that 75 minutes Vick Pat Ryan defending his the bat Brier title in Sask 2 the first person to do that since Donnie dugga did it in the early 70s tremendous accomplishment final Stone sixti then and the chance for two more for Pat Ryan in Canada and that’s no mistake [Applause] Pat Ryan makes the hit and stick for two and now Ryan leads it by three over the United States let’s update the game between Denmark and Sweden as they play the six final stone for Tommy stern of Denmark look at this pressure there’s three

Yellow rocks in the house two in the 4 foot he has to come through a hole try and sit on the Rock next to the button the rock is rolling look how close both both of those are at the button and they actually measured it and

Denmark picked up the one their tied 33 as they go to the seven we’ll have more from the world curling championships here in Milwaukee when we come back he’s had that since 1963 I think it’s a lot shorter than what he started with yeah it was 6 feet

He first had it his first stone he not going to come either I don’t think right so now if Jim can tuck one around behind this one uh like Curtis fish did then all of a sudden Pat’s last Rock isn’t quite as Simple the American team has played this end very very well no I don’t like that call I think you should try and tuck it behind I’d stay away from that side Ryan L to run those doubles on you now granted if you freeze it on the face of it and you’re

Second shot then it’s a pretty good looking shot but he’s had second thoughts yeah he did he thought about it he’s going over the other side and he should I think he stood there and looked at both rocks looked from side to side and said okay I’ll go over here well if

You you know his thought is if he if he could freeze it right on the face of that yellow one it really makes the tough pass shot tough but it’s such a you know tough shot it’s not a percentage shot and he can almost get the same results by tucking it

Behind the zone that sits at the top 12 put in the 10:00 Position our viewers may have heard the sweeping sound uh coming from the ice surface there’s a good looking shot yeah yeah they played it well the US Pat’s going to try this across the ring double there somebody going to make it it’s him he he loves these shots this is a

Very fine shot and hits and rolls to the center great but he he’s like he likes these shots I was what I was going to say Vic is that we just talked about the psychological Ploy or getting some moving in the ice our viewers may have

Heard the pounding of the brooms it was coming from the sheet A beside the the Canada US game and it’s the German team that have gone to corn brooms as well they’re losing uh their game to France 6 to2 if my old eyes uh will hang in there

For me and I guess obviously they want to get something going and it may be in their part of psychological Ploy as well anyway a big shot for Pat Ryan this is his final Stone here in the Seventh hurry says boy is he going to get by that front stone look at this here oh right at this it wasn’t what he had planned but it it came off the stone pretty well he caught enough of it to move it and it’s no longer shot

Stone let’s look at it again he didn’t plan on hitting the yellow the Yellow Stone first his own Stone and he did he catches the American Stone comes right across the Rings there’s the angle and there’s the double now who second shot I think Jim Bic has a shot for two

Here there’s a look at it for our viewers yes he is so Jim vage can get his two points by tapping that through the Rings you can hear Randy and Pat talking you just need a little more Right our nothing like a Pat Ryan shot to get the crowd humming he loves to throw those shots I love to watch him to them this will be the final Stone of this seventh end the chance for the US to get right back in here Jin vukich can

Make the hit and stick for two James Pleasants Jason lway working their brushes has to bump it back has to tap it through moving too much will it hold on for shot maybe not I think he’s got one certainly the question is whether it’s two here’s a chance for us to have a

Little contest I don’t think so I think he’s got one I think it’s one I think it’s well I’m sure sure everybody gets their words in first yeah I think it’s one two that’s too bad they didn’t sweep that early they had to probably anticipate the swing on that

One mind you Randy Furby kicked that off it was he who kicked it off so it may be two points well we’ll wait for the indication here because it certainly looked like it would be one point we’ll wait for the scorekeeper and he is he’s just putting up the one

So4 us here in the seventh and Canada will maintain a two-point lead let’s update the game between Denmark Sweden final Stone Thomas norren Sweden we’ve talked about missed opportunities here’s one for Sweden he had a tap up or maybe a split was going for two for sure and

He’s going to hit the rock in front of the Rings too hard there’s Denmark going on it and Sweden only gets one so as they go to the eighth it’s now 43 Sweden ahead of Denmark action continues from the world curling championships when we return to Milwaukee here on

TSN gets the hammer back after the USA score of one Canada leading 5 to3 and two more games France boy big time four over Germany and Italy trailing Scotland 5-2 and when we say the hammer we mean the hammer yeah that’s great that really is nice Don walchuk throwing takeout

Weight they even bounce when they hit the boards when he throws [Applause] Them here we go again and look what’s back for the US the corner corn Broms corn room in a brush brush in tight corn room on the Outside good rushing and good sweeping tell you all Chuck and here’s the split kind of a cute story dick uh in between the games today I went over to the to the ho down and uh wandered around and it was a fantastic uh uh thing that the

Me walking committee put on the food was tremendous and the and the music and the and the clog dancers and the creep clog right on but a kind of a cute story I was walking by and some guy uh some gentleman I should say uh says hey

Turn and I said yes sir and he said you know what you owe me $10,000 and I said I don’t have it with me but uh how come I owe it to you he said well I come from California and I have a dish in my backyard and four years ago for the

First time in my life I watched curling and since uh that time I got hooked on the game I’ve never played it now I go all these silver brooms been to two briers and he said now it’s $110,000 isn’t that nice yeah it was kind of great yeah very nice For go for more Well the Scots are a happy group around here this week I see Canon an gumley down in front of us the president of the rccc and he’s got his little horn rooting encouraging the Scots on and they got a good handle on their game 5-2 over Italy and they sit with only one Loss Well Mr vuki is going to have to get used to this because you’re going to see a lot of it put it up in Front Curtis fish and it’s too tight we saw an indication before in another end where if he left it short and was a corner guard that Pat would decide to go behind it but as long as they’re that in this position he just can’t afford that h no there’s no way at this

Point Pat’s got control of this game he’s to with last Rock and he’s looking to keep it very [Applause] clean into the Rings Jim bage Says There you see the time now ticking down it’s the US clock of course 18 in counting and it’ll just keep running now until his until the US Stone stops and then the Canadian clock will click now give an idea let’s do quick of math here 14 he’s got two he you know at

7 and A2 an end it’s going to be a little tight he’s really pushing the time clock at this point if he can’t catch up he not going to make much difference he may not use his time in the last end but you certainly wouldn’t

Want to run out in case you do make a good comeback but you’re right L he’s eating that clock up he’s only a couple points down anything can happen in this game you can turn it around like crazy one little miss one slip here you know if you take that game that

We refer to earlier in in The Telecast where Norway had the big lead on Canada Pat Ryan is throwing that double with his last shot if he moves that rock a half an inch further he scores three in that and he wins the game and he was down I think he was down

Five at one Time there’s Pat cleaning his slider he has a very unusual slider it’s made of something like stainless steel I think stainless steel is Right very Slippery oh boy let’s update the game between Switzerland and Norway as they play the seventh in and we want to take a look at the final stone for igel ramsell well the score is tied but look at this shot igel ramsell comes down with a very

Delicate takeout and it’ll be a big four for Norway oh my looks like a sunflower all of yellow Rock 73 Norway leading Switzerland sunflower h Springtime I’ve been bitten by the springtime bug Right your thoughts then turned to flowers and the birds and the bees and Fancy that game with Norway and Switzerland is a big one though because Switzerland was still looking at was one loss and Norway was sort of fighting it a bit and that will certainly change the standings around if it continues the way it looks it’s you’re willing to good

Point they were in tough today the Swiss because they face fa both Pat Ryan and igel ramsfeld it’s over on she day Germany Roland yench and France Dominic Dupont Rock and there you see the big three for France in the fifth and two a steel in

The eighth it’s over 8-2 France wins it so the mayev rink is now 3 and3 and the German rink from Fen 1 and5 so both French rinks in men’s and women’s competition surprising a little bit well that’s a big game too for the French team because we’ talked earlier

About staying out of ninth and 10th spot here’s Pat’s outter watch how he rolls his fingers back along the back of the stone almost that could almost be considered burning the rock once you release it but they don’t worry about those things splits it off and they’ll blank this end

Number eight Canada leading by two and Pat Ryan the Ryan Express in control here in Milwaukee and it’s a hit and things aren’t quite the way you wanted with that one Denmark leads 5 to Four and Italy Scotland is over and in nine two straight you see the steel of one in the ninth they beat Italy final there 6-2 so Scotland is 5- one Italy is 2 and Four well it’s a pattern uh that will continue Canadian Stone sitting at the 9:00 position just biting the for foot nothing else in play and you can see that Jim vukich as opposed to pulling up the front rock is asking asking young Jason larway to kind of try and Tuck one

Behind it a bit he’s trying to get everything uh anything going anything at all tuck it behind yeah he he indicated he wanted to come around behind it a bit just get even though it won’t be shot he knows Pat’s going to run at everything Pat’s going to hit everything so he’s hoping

For a mistake this is curing a little bit so now the alternate of course is to leave it short you know it’s almost like it dug in I mean it picked up something rather could that be the corn on the ice could be could could be y Sure on Jason lway playing the game for for some seven years 18 the nice thing about uh curling our country especially in Ontario is that they have the little rocks now and it’s just fantastic that they have you had a little Provincial Championship and everything Kids seven8 N and 10 I think

That’s something all the current clubs across the country should start looking at these are little 19 PB rocks and you know if we can get a lot more young people at age eight and nine and 10 before they get hooked on in hockey or ring at or whatever it may be involved

In this game they’ll see the you they’ll find out and experience the things that we have L that make this game so fantastic you can play it from age you know in that case age eight or 9 to age 85 or 89 or however however long you live something that I’m really

Interested in I work for the curling Council in BC and we’re looking at promoting the game something clubs can do if they can’t afford the little rocks which are another expense having to purchase more equipment is they can also either paint circles halfway or build taxs halfway down the sheet

If there are dividers on both sides of the sheet and that way the little people don’t have to throw the rock quite as right and they can just push it they don’t have to swing it but the Little Rock really works well and if if it is at all possible I think

That you know to get a set of those for a club uh I think you’ll find that you can really interest some young people it’s great and we even have Jam can curling still in DC and those are not very expensive but the kids just have a

Great time tny walchuk with his Stone goes up plays up to the face of that us Stone just hanging on the back of the 12 ninth end and Canada in control leading five to three Curtis fish and the first stone for the US third Canada with the with the

Hammer Curtis asked to play the same freeze talked about Scotland Bray and their record of five and one they have games remaining against Germany Canada and Switzerland it’s a good Shot well I think pad will go after that one just going to draw down there he’s going to remove it he’s kind of asking Randy what do you want to do here they’re going to hit It who you heard him say whoa you’d like to kill them all if he could and he does what a shot Randy Fury They are unbelievable when it comes to the takeout weight and yeah reason to smile Randy great shot he gets them all here good brushing by wall Chuck and McKenzie and he’s got everything Moving and a lot of action on the stones you see that one red stone how much it was spinning after it was hitting good and another freeze call for by Jim Bic Curtis fish well there’s still a chance there’s rocks in play at least for the United States right even those those are Canadian Stones they’re really at an advantage for the United States freeze it on the face not going to be there as they’ll try and tuck it

Behind and slipped a little too far Canada continues to lie first and second Stones Pat’s not going to play with it over there he’s just going to draw the other side he’s looking at it though he’d love to get it out of there But Randy Furby’s last [Applause] shot top four top four the indication from Pat Ryan going have more than thator slips into the back of the E sorry R let’s update the game between Sweden Denmark nth and final Stone Thomas norber well Sweden has a draw for two

The only problem is that we’ll put them up just the one and they’ll have no last Rock coming home so the hammer belongs to Denmark trailing by one as they go to the 10th and both those Rings very important game three and two coming in what would

You rather be Linda on this side surface one down coming home with the hammer or one up without I would rather have the hammer just about every time actually that’s been a great game we haven’t seen much of it but there’s been some really good shots both those skips have have

Been curling very very well Jim vukich and the first stone for the US skip here in the ninth he Trails by a Pair TR to Fe Fe we’re having trouble it’s a new shot it’s a you know it’s a fe shot I’ll tell you about it later we’ll explain it later trying to freeze to the face of this uh Shot Rock come on right just a little light

He had the good line just need a little bit more weight can of line one and two one at the 9:00 position biting the 4f foot and uh second shot is at the 6:00 position just biting the back of the 4f foot that stone just comes up a little

Bit short of the shot Rock at 9:00 and you can see Pat and they’re going to have a group meeting here we got well the way it looks I’m not sure there’s any way to get two out of this no h there try missen make them make them make a

Shot other thing you can do he’s going to draw the other you can do you could freeze it right on the face of that red one uh course you don’t want to tap it up a little bit no no you don’t yeah but what they’re saying is there’s no way

The United States can get two so let’s try and force them to make one by making a very difficult Shot Pat Ryan settles in this will be his first stone has the hammer leading by two here in the ninth That one we’re not going to hurt come on careful come [Applause] on [Applause] oh right in on biting the Button he’s lying three Now well the officials come out I’m not sure what the discussion is hog it’s a hog line violation that’s what it was so off it comes course the rule is you have to clearly release the stone before you reach before the rock reaches the hog

Line and even if it looks like maybe you did the official has to clearly see that it’s Happened we’ll take a look here from this angle we’re not sure whether we can see it properly but this is his last delivery for Pat Ryan it’s a tough one when you roll the when you roll the fingers off like that huh no I guess what we always say when we’re teaching is make sure that it’s very clear even if it looks like time you do it you’re well Off course on this key nice what happens is you’re sliding and trying to hang on a little bit longer because you’re slow it down okay does this give uh Jim bookage a bit of a break well he was he’s AIT he’s in a better position he was uh was a few moments

Ago we’ll take a look at it again and see uh What uh you think here’s Pat there’s the stone and there’s the hand you can be the judge yourself it doesn’t look like he’s over to me H that Upset Jim vukich in his second Stone here in the ninth Canada with the hammer leading 53 he’s still just has the chance for One whoa whoa Right boy look at it skate and he’s going to go in through did that ever take off yeah moved it across just not enough ice so it’s a draw for three for pad Ryan not really sure what he was trying I thought he was trying to snuggle it in

There next to the other uh red and Yellowstone to try and get a possible one but really not sure with that kind of weight well I think he was free trying to freeze into it for sure than that just he just over threw it he might have been trying to you know

You have it with if you know he was playing that kind of way have it curl a little bit so he ticked the front yellow and then flipped over in front of it he could see a little bit of it but it was yeah that was

True final Stone of this ninth and the opportunity for three here for Canada and Pat Ryan that’s three count him up one two three on the board for the Ryan [Applause] Express and that’s it Brian and his Canadian ring from the odwell C earling Club in Edmonton Win It

By a score of 8 to3 over Jim vukic from Seattle Canada now three and three the USA drops to one and five Pat Ryan now at 500 after a slow start and he’s making his way back here in Milwaukee in Milwaukee and continuing coverage of these World curling championships we’re in the 12th round and it’s an all men’s round and four the games are final France wins over Germany 8-2 Scotland beats Italy 6-2 the final there Norway has beaten Switzerland 94 igel ramell improves his record now to

4-2 one game left they’re playing the 10th Sweden leading Denmark six to5 and Denmark does have the hammer and Canada’s win over the USA so that’s where we’ll go the only game left in town and that is Denmark Sweden 65 Sweden Le leading Denmark with the hammer it’s been a great game there’s

Been chances back and forth for both teams we saw Sweden had a big opportunity one in to get three they only got one and that’s the first stone for the Swedish skip Thomas norren the Swedish rink out of ostersund and the froo Odin curling club with the two Swedish rocks in the

Rings what Denmark’s trying to do to set up the possible two points is draw down to these rocks they could have been putting up guards but the whole end they’ve been trying to play into the Rings onto rocks that have been in play there both these ranks

Are three and two coming into the 12th round so it’s a very big game for them would keep one of them at least among the leaders The Dana skip Tommy Star first stone 10th in in his fourth world championship appearance it’s also been in three Junior World Championships Right up on top there it is shot Stone beautiful [Applause] shot that is frozen on the face of the rock it’s cornered a little bit towards the center of the house so it Shot Rock and Sweden just took one look at it and realized they’re going going to need

Dynamite to get that out of there I’ll tell you one thing Linda this Tommy Stern all week long has made some Sensational shots let’s remember that he missed the big shot he did Miss was against Scotland he had a draw to the forefoot or a tap back uh to win the

Game and I actually caught the stone caught something otherwise he may have won that game he’s been in every contest and did he glue this thing on you’re right I mean he needs a small explosion to get that out of there I think all he can really do is to

Freeze to the face of himself I don’t know but there’s no way he’s going to get the other that that’s what we call on leer a freeze how’s that dick I like it there’s a good look at it he could come down with tap back weight hope to

Hit the shot Stone just a little bit toward Center Line remove the backing from it and sit in front of it so that he could be shot rock that way maybe if there’s a miscue by uh Denmark things will work out more for Sweden cuz he’s cut down his ice a

Little bit Ray I think maybe he’s playing a little more than draw weight well he’s definitely coming down to it but he’s not going to you know if he just hits it on the nose and exchanges Stones as you mentioned he’ll be frozen to the Danny Stone this the

Final stone for Sweden here in the 10th and their skip Thomas norren Denmark does have the hammer trailing by one you’re saying it’s got a lot of weight it’s got to have this shot or it’s all over that’s what he did great shot my goodness that’s what he wanted

He could play a little more weight because you can hit that in a couple of different spots and still be shot Rock I bet that’s saying something good I don’t think it’s even worth Tommy taking a look at at it there’s just nothing he can do he he can’t score two points in my opinion he just got a draw to the 8ot to tie this game

Up I can’t see any way L of him getting two other the only way would be if there was a Yellowstone in slightly different position behind the Red Rock so he could try and hit one and keep both the red rocks in the Rings but there’s no way no

You have to you know he congratulated Thomas norgan on a good shot and it was a great shot so you know Thomas uh uh Tommy Stern made a terrific freeze and that’s uh set up the possibility of the win but that’s what makes this uh once again this game so terrific and

Thas snor went right got right in behind him and and made another great shot so now he has to draw to the 8 foot looks happy doesn’t he Thomas dorren made a beautiful freeze final stone for Tommy Stern needs full eight for the win for the tie needs full eight for the

Tie well they on and off it it looks like he must be close Denmark gets their one point and we’re going to go to an extra end here Denmark and Sweden all tied up 66 and we’ll have that in for you Sweden will have the hammer when we come back

To the Mecca in Milwaukee he’s got a v I’m going to shock him with the paddles a heart attack I never thought it would happen to me again I knew I should have stopped smoking years ago but it was just too tough I’m losing him I’m going to hit him again I was lucky though I survived

It all right that’s it we got him back and they quit smoking welcome back to the Mecca in Milwaukee we will continue with our coverage of the extra in between Denmark and Sweden but Ray Turnell is standing by now with Pat Ryan who should be very

Happy now at 3 and three Pat it’s a great day great day for you great day for us Switzerland this morning and the USA this evening you know we had some fun uh at the opening of our show we opened the show tonight uh at the bar

Across the street the cowo bar across the street and you should have heard those Ryan go Ryan go Ryan go a good game you must feel good about it pat it was uh was a good game all the way around we played the nice draws had had

The come arounds working for us uh the takeouts were right on which has you know eluded me a little bit throughout the week so far and I feel really good about the hit game for myself now and I think that uh you know little little

Luck on our side we should make it now you know that’s the thing that we’ve noticed too that mean you obviously your team has always hit so well but uh you seem to have you know just the the the draw weight again you mentioned the other day in our interview in in the

Fifth in as well that you know you can feel draw weight again and it’s so important on ice like this in particular well there’s no doubt this is on this ice you have you have to work with draw weight it has to be your friend I think

That’s the way we we worded it in our team meeting before uh our third game because it’s it’s such a weapon if you can use it to your advantage the Ice is very keen and it and it swings nicely and if you’ve got the touch on draw

Weight you can just you know you can make some great shots get out of trouble and score some big ends draw weight draw weight will win or lose it here if you don’t have it you’re finished that’s for sure what about uh the hog line in the

Nights in do you think you’re over that hog line Pat no I wasn’t over I don’t slide over the hog line but uh I think that um we have to realize you know we’re playing against the the Americans and and it’s uh it’s actually funny because when they

Make a shot the hogline officials start clapping so there’s there’s obvious there’s a potential for a little bit of bias there but I think that likely if you look at it on the on a replay you’ll see that I wasn’t over and I think that just reinforces my feelings that uh

Hogline call should be verified by video before it’s uh action is taken because it’s it’s it could have really cost us tonight you know we were up it so it didn’t really matter but you know it decides games when they do that in the night then well we have to tell you this

And I can you’re 100% correct because you were not over the hway we actually showed it back a few times Pat the only thing of course is relying on videotape replays is that not every sheet is being covered uh in a situation like that if you had cameras on all the sheets it

Would be a different story but you were right you weren’t over the hog line well you know I I just have to say I think if you placed a video that that’s shot right across the hog line from both sides he’d be likely to pick that up and

Even when you played it in reverse was I I still didn’t go over the hog line no okay you know Vic Pat Ryan Pat Ryan is on the road again and it’s the Ryan Express that we know and so I think he’s right I think he’ll be there as I

Mentioned earlier in the week Saturday and also Sunday thank you very much congratulations to Pat Ryan and his entire rink now three and three after an 8-3 win over the us as we go to the extra Sweden and Denmark and at Rock now out in front front that guard it belongs

To Sweden thrown up by their second Anders LOF who made the nose hit as they were looking to peel guards they had been peeling guards till that point now interesting to see what uh what Tommy ster and Denmark C for here going in behind Linda I think so what you want to

Do is make sure that you separate the Rocks you don’t want your rocks grouped so they’re looking to put it around maybe get some separation between the guard and The Rock even if it’s not perfectly buried or perfectly in the forefoot they don’t want to get them

Side by side in front of the Rings oh he throws up the other uh another guard huh I think it just uh didn’t follow the path they were looking for it was hanging a little bit it maybe caught a straighter spot and it was going to slow down so it’s still in Fairly good position

This will be the second stone for the sweder sicken Anders LOF they’re not going to get a lot out of this one going to roll but it’ll still be in front of the Rings boy now they’ve got a the 4 foot and part of the eight all buried

Covered all right now how how long do you wait if you’re if you’re uh Tommy Stern do you go in now or do you wait until your Stones I mean if you wait he can peel these and get rid of them got I’d be tempted to go in we know how

Swingy it is the only problem if you go in now is that you have to put guards onto it and that’s not very easy but again they don’t want to group those rocks too close to each other in front of the Rings the Danish third is 27-year-old pear

Be they can either play the come around or the tap and it’s curling too much and so they’re trying to let it come on to the other red stone want to chip this off and no that’s not what they wanted no it opens up that center line now

You can really see the you know you can just kind of feel the feeling inside of Pat now just standing beside him it you know he he he gets that kind of emotion and he feels good about his game again he thinks he can make it I think he Canan Olaf Nayan

Is the 31-year-old Swedish Third looking to clear a couple here and he does oh and just raises that stone back almost raised that Denmark Stone Danish Stone into the Rings but it slid through at this point all he’s looking to do is keep the 4 foot hopefully even a little bit more than that open

So even if he raised that one in it would only been in the 12 foot we’re in the extra end of this game between Denmark and Sweden tied 66 and Sweden does have last rock those were two great shots we saw in that in this particular game that

Last in Tommy St and just glued one onto it and uh Thomas norgan just uh duplicated the shot and then as you suggested just played you know enough weight just attach touch it back and stay frozen to it but it was great because that last uh Stone by Sweden was

Hanging and hanging and if it was a little bit too much weight it wouldn’t have come over enough stayed out for a long time because they were yelling you know whoa whoa well the Scots are sure a happy group now I as I came off the ice

They’re all down there with grah Mam and well they will with their record of five and one be alone in first place you bet and they’ve all puffed their chests out the Scots are just like little kids now we have the president of the RCC just standing beside us here Ken gumley

With his little Honker and he’s delighted with himself Yan ol Nan and his second Stone the Swedish third here in this extra end they don’t want to sit right there because the rock that they’re hitting is at the back of the tal line and it could set up a

Pocket clean house and the Rings are wide open leg you can see Thomas indicating that we should go in now let’s go in Tommy’s going to go in here this is our location here at the Mecca in Milwaukee we were just up above the media benches and we overlooked the

Center sheet and now the sheet for us is just down to our right the final game in Play in this 12th round of the world curling championships that was taller than the two of you sitting down out turn come around Tommy Stern we should have draw weight after that last

In just not swinging until very late they’re not getting the movement they want they should T take it back behind the T line now they should take have taken that stone back behind the T line just brushed it a bit so that when know if the Swedish

Team if Thomas norgan does hit it on the nose and sit there then you can sit right on top of it by leaving it in front of the T line like that if he does hit it and stick then uh you’re going to have to move it back a little bit Tommy

Stern Thomas noran so we just skip his first stone here in this extra end six time excuse me Vic he’s got his front end train boy they they turn it over and he doesn’t like any time at all see how quick he is and he gets the stone it’s

Already cleaned and he’s sitting in the hack and bang he’s Gone now how does somebody from erson Sweden learn the tuck delivery that’s easy now if that’s Stone if they had brushed the Danny Stone back behind the tea line Y then Tommy C could have drawn down to it and frozen to it now in this particular situation he has

To move it about a foot so those are little things in curling that you really have to be alert for it wasn’t going to be buried the brusher should have brought it back behind the taline you now the other alternative for Tommy is to play the hit in the little role

And behind the corner guard but it does leave the swed the foref foot and that’s what he’s decided to play well that tap back is a tough shot for sure you know this is just this just magnifies the mistake that was made by not brushing it behind the tal line

Because for sure if it was behind the tal line dick he would be freezing to it but now he’s got he’s gonna play the little hit and roll and certainly with his last Stone he wants to make it as tough as he can for the Swedish skip norg final stone

For Tommy stair Denmark here in this exra but he wants to make him throw it he doesn’t want to give him a gift here it comes now going to come he going to roll over the other side [Applause] both these teams at three and two so this is a big shot for

The Swedish skip Thomas nor cutting down the ice a bit of course Denmark hoping that he’s a little bit narrow when rolls out and then we have a 12th end final Stone extra end the game is on the line here for Sweden they need to hit

And stick to win looks pretty good here it comes now coming up is yeah here it comes now now will they will hold the shooter yes they get the roll in and Sweden will win it 76 the final score and a very happy Thomas norren and His Swedish rink from erson 76 the

Final and and so Norway Denmark rather is now three and three while Sweden is 4 and two now it’s time for the TSN Turning Point brought to you by Converse and from that Pat Ryan win of over the US Ray when was it well I think this

Game turned around in the fourth and when Pat Ryan with some good shooting some good playing gets a draw to that 4 foot to score three points and you’re looking at them now you can see Dawn walchuck excited that turned this game right over and Canada goes on to an 8-3 win over

The US to even their record at 3 and three a cash donation will be made to Amer sport on behalf of TSN and Converse reach for the stars with the energy Wave by Converse the 12th round now is complete we’ll have more from the mecca we’ll

Wrap it up for you when we return to Milwaukee in just a Minute if you think you don’t have time for a full hot breakfast take a look at this McCain super fast breakfast just pull off the tabs pop it in your microwave and in just 3 minutes it’s ready a full and delicious breakfast put a little zip in your morning with mcain microwave breakfast

They’re ready in just 3 minutes super fast breakfast from McCain a full breakfast you thought you didn’t have time for welcome back to the in Milwaukee and now here are the standings after 12 rounds of play and it is Scotland all alone in first place with a record of 5-

One followed by Norway Switzerland and Sweden those three at 4 and two and now they start to punch up just a little bit look at this Canada back right in it now Pat Ryan at 3 and three after a very good day two wins over Switzerland and

The USA and France and Denmark also three and three followed by Italy Germany and the USA so a very good day for Canada’s Pat Ryan as he wins two games to get himself right back in the hunt here at these World Championships but the the rink to

Catch right now of course is Scotland and Graham Adam from lockerby playing very well at five and one and leading here after 12 rounds our next game well it’ll come to you of course on Thursday when our continuing coverage from these World Championships will be France against Canada the French rink playing

Very well they have a record of three and three Pat and again the French and all the rinks here no easy touches here at these World curling championships hope you’ll join us

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