Ball Strikes Transformed… Scratch Golfer Astonished Live!

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🏌️‍♂️ Who says you must swing like the pros? Experience a game-changing revolution as Easiest Swing coach Philip Sparks helps a scratch golfer discover his authentic swing. Make golf an art not a science.

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Ball Strikes Transformed… Scratch Golfer Astonished Live!
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Easiest Swing is all about playing golf in a more natural way and looks to free golfers from contrived and awkward positions in their effort to conform. We believe all golfers have an in-built “Easiest Swing” and way to play, once released from conventional “rules” their golf swing and game becomes more repeatable and comfortable.
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Today we’re going to look at a coaching session with easyest swing and Alex who works at golf swing systems here Alex is a plus one golfer oh that is absolutely smacked and we’re going to look and see if we can unlock his potential to find better way

For him to strike the ball easier swing that was great I haven’t hit a draw with a driver in about two years using the easiest swing philosophy that’s coming up right now today we’re here at golf swing systems and uh we’re going to just have a little

Coaching session here with Alex um who tells me he’s never had a an official golf lesson from a golf pro before so uh we’re just going to talk a little bit about easier swing and what is the difference between that and a lot of the other coaching methods out there okay um

And the first is to explain it isn’t a method we’re not looking to impose on you a particular way to swing the golf club that’s kind of perhaps trying to emulate the tall players MH more we’re actually looking to see what is your authentic swing your natural swing that

We could maybe uncover okay so um in the session I’ll want to ask you some questions and just uh have a look at your own gol swing and see if we can find some things that might actually just release a few things in you that

Allow you to swing the golf club in a more natural way to encourage a game and um just to explain Alex is a plus one handicap golfer um so you know he knows how to play he knows how to hit a golf ball haven’t got to show him any of that

Kind of stuff it’s just a question of actually trying to find perhaps ways that he can improve his game through consistency through better ball flight through more control over the ball okay so just hit a shot for me let’s uh let’s just have a a shot of him hitting the ball please

Pete that’s about my standard shot yeah great shot Alex yeah that’s nice so if I was to ask ask you um a few things about your own beliefs of the game and the swing what you should be doing um tell me for a second what you think are the

Most important things that you need to do to be able to hit a golf ball I if if you if you took a mate to the range and you said right I’m going to show you how to hit a golf ball I’m going to give you the basics what would you tell somebody

Uh I’d generally say if I was teaching someone who never hit a golf ball trying to keep the face Square as long as you can so try to avoid this movement here like rolling open and then because this is just very difficult to correct and then generally the only thing I ever

Really tell them is just to commit to the shop so whatever you try to do do it with everything you’ve got don’t try and sort of guide the golf ball I hate that idea um so I would always tell people just swing through the ball generally generally is the biggest thing is just

Release the club and let it hit the ball okay okay that’s interesting so and this idea that you that you don’t want the club to Fan out you want to try and keep it squarer what where do you feel that that’s come from where is that something that

Somebody’s told you or is it something you just feel that standard so I think if you took a PGA textbook and pointed it at my golf swing um it’s it’s saying everything’s wrong I tend to I tend to take the club away on the inside um I’ve

Been told it’s a lot I think it’s not so bad but yeah I know I take the club away on the inside um and I have been told that’s wrong and I’ve tried to be um sort of PGA touring my swing so trying to get it coming sort of more on playing

More picking the club up and then and then sort of directing it down on the inside line um so yeah it’s I’ve definitely been told it and taught it um but it’s never felt very natural to me I tried to do it and one in 10 will be a

Beautiful sort of lovely shot and then the other nine are place I would certainly agree with what you’re saying there which is that I think this is something that Ro came in in the ’90s was this idea of trying to keep the club face a lot squarer for a

Lot longer in the takeaway and it’s become the kind of standard way that everybody’s trying to play the game um now those tour players they’re so talented and so adaptable to anything that they can do that no problem at all I think for a lot of golfers who are uh

Anything from your level right the way through to handicap golfers that’s quite an unnatural movement and you’re trying to basically Force the golf club to do something it doesn’t naturally want to do okay and this is one of the keys with easy swing is that we want to try and

Respect the device in your hand and say let it do what it wants to do and then just manipul manipulate yourself to that so you kind of Link yourself to the golf club to let it do what it wants to do and just work with it as best you can by

Doing that because it’s no longer a kind of uh unnatural fixed thing yeah you’re just free flying you’re letting the golf club do what it wants to do you should find something that’s actually a lot more comfortable for natural swing much more natural swing and perhaps more

Repeatable just try a few uh practice swings initially where just observe the club head and just feel what it wants to do naturally and let it just swing in the way that you feel that the golf club is designed to swing rather than anything that’s manipulated yeah so that would feel like

A more natural swing to yeah that kind of this move here yeah feels a lot more like that’s where the club wants to go yeah okay I don’t think this sort of movement here ever feels it always feels like I’m almost clinging onto the golf club yeah yeah yeah I I totally agree

With you that obviously kind of in the 90s I think everybody was doing this you know it started with lead better showing falo and everybody was doing the same movement I did it too um and I think it just basically uh makes the game unnatural awkward as you say it feels

Forced doesn’t it doesn’t feel doesn’t feel like the golf club’s just doing what it wants to do naturally so I I would just encourage you now to hit a few shots and just say okay let that Golf Club do what it wants to do don’t don’t try and force it don’t try and

Manipulate it okay cool a bit Fad in it is that something I’m going to expect sort of feeling weird shots and I think yeah you might just see that the golf Bard behaves a little bit differently because it’s it’s kind of the club’s just doing what it wants to

Do feels like I’m swinging it faster yeah yeah that’s deliberately or just no it’s justen just yeah oh felt lovely okay and um couple of other questions for you yeah go I could hear that every day I’d be all right other questions for you so um

Where do you what do you think about um in terms of Stillness in the golf swing about perhaps your head movement or your feet movement what you any thoughts on that um I tend to try and keep my head as still as possible I know there’s a

Lot of uh teaching that you can especially with the driver letting your head move behind the ball and I I don’t like that um so background wise I come from from an Athletics background everything is taught if you’re head stays still everything else can move and

You can so um like if you watch the best sprinters in the world yeah the head stays very still the head is just like it’s locked in place and I that’s always been what I’ve taught so that feels more natural um in terms of weight shifting

And things I try to keep about 60% of my left all all the way through um just cuz I tend if I tend to get stuck back here I tend to yeah I tend to stay back there I don’t really like sort of big transitions um unless I’m trying to hit

It really far left heel try and keep that down on the ground is that yeah yeah I don’t naturally bring it up I’d have to think about it to bring it up yeah okay um so just like you like you to experiment for for a second with with

Something that this is going to feel rather odd to you because you just told me that you you like to stay very still you want to keep most of your weight on your left side here so looking to stay fairly static so I’m going to encourage

You to do what you don’t want to do won’t want to do which is to actually move sure and I just put a caveat around that because I think where Athletics is right if your head is steady yeah you know the motor can move around the head

Effectively but I think this is one of the big misconceptions in golf is that people tend to think the head is the center of the go swing therefore if it stays still you can move everything around that head but the difference in a go swing because of the Swing plane your

Head isn’t the center of the golf swing no if you think of it for a second the center of the golf swing is actually in here yeah it’s between your shoulder blades it’s actually in your spine so imagine that being the center and that everything’s going to kind of rotate

Around that then you have to allow a little bit of movement from side to side throughout the swing it’s just a natural move like that so let this sort of move yeah okay we have a move we call lad Dan to golf and the reason it’s called lad

Dance to golf because Brian worked in France for 14 years and his his students called it this I’ll just show you it basically you just take the golf club like this okay just lightly in your hands like that that’s right and just turn I’ll mirror you sorry so just turn

That way and then that way that’s it okay just that way and that way and let your weight shift from side to side supposed to let your left heel come up like that’s it you can feel the left heel once to do that when you’re doing

That move doesn’t it yeah M so that’s the answer to golf okay and it’s just basically there’s a lot more movement in the feet than you would pack used to and there’s a little shift of weight from side to side the head’s moving a little

Bit from side to side okay so like you to just see if you can incorporate that feeling into your swing while you’re that’s it yeah okay I try and hit one yeah why not yeah watch out there you might be in shank territory okay so that’s it that’s it bit low pretty straight

Though okay let this sort of move okay feels like I’m not sort of able to find the bottom of the Swing yeah that’s going to be a bit strange because you’re used to it being very static aren’t you so I don’t think I’m doing like the yeah

That’s it just Fe a few times that’s it I’m sort of just lifting my foot yeah yeah basically the the heel comes off the ground because of the turn not the other way around nearly feels like maybe I think the thing I’m losing is I think as I’m doing it I’m

Standing up mhm which is then meaning I’m having to I’m fining it I think that’s a lot to do with the length of the shaft of the golf club as well because these are standard length clubs aren’t they yeah and and so you’re actually having to start from quite a

Low position and as you’re doing that turn is you’re right is making you lift can we switch you to a longer Club just see sure try yeah try so I think you’ll find that now you can just turn without having to feel that you’re lifting because you’re starting from this same

Position basically how long are these two inches up yeah seem like a lot didn’t it that felt like had a bit of yeah interestingly I I I think if you were to to work at this because I observed this watching your hit shots earlier on was

That you kind to look very static yeah like you’re trying to stay kind of really still when you when you’re swinging yeah and the heel was very very firmly on the ground in the swing as well along with a manipulated kind of takeaway it looks quite contrived mhm

Probably pretty safe but quite contrived now what we’re looking at here is a more natural movement and a and a Freer movement effectively that is going to feel very unsafe to you to start with yeah yeah that’s I would say that’s what it feels like it feels like I’m having

To find the golf ball yeah yeah I think what I’m maybe tending to do when I’m swinging is trying to make it so that my return point is the same as my start yeah yeah yeah that’s it I suppose that do also that also creates problems though like I’m not particular I’m not

Particularly exposive through the BW for the amount of speed I can r b so yeah yeah exactly and I think as a result I think probably you have to hit the ball a little harder than you’d like to yeah I think so and if you were to adopt this

You would be able to actually hit the ball a little easier a little softer M which might give you more control so it’s kind of you kind of lose some some control in one way but you gain control control by being to yeah we often call that uh losing control to gain control

Okay let the club do what it wants oh that was buttoned a push but that was a better hit good set yourself up to the ball again one more time just one little thing one little thing mhm just start from a little bit bit more there that’s it so the head’s

Just a little bit more this way very often see in your in your back swing as you’re going back is your head starts to move this way in the back swing almost okay there which is going to set you in front of the ball rather than behind

Itally so just just tilting the head just right that’s it just a little bit there that’s right and now just let yourself go that looks good like that that was better yeah that looks really nice okay a head position could be yeah I think unfortunately should I shouldn’t

Have want glasses to I I was playing golf the um I think the sort of fixation on sort of staying still and keeping the left heel down yeah has actually yeah gradually meant that you end up doing this effectively and you takeaway especially with this you know trying to

Do that I think the whole thing has actually set you a little bit this way okay get yourself a bit more here behind the ball and free here and I think uh we will see that looks really good wow that’s starting to feel good that looks

Good that looks so much Freer it felt like I didn’t like I barely did anything exactly which is pretty cool so exactly we often talk about a quote from a guy called bill melh probably never heard of him but he was in the 1920s he was the

Leading US Money winner for three years out of 10 okay and he had a quote which which we love which is if you never interfere with the swinging of the club head every ball will go straight okay so if you think of that so what you were

Trying to do before was trying to manipulate the club head if you let the club head swing okay and it and you don’t interfere with it and that’s that’s quite hard to do because it’s always tendency to want to do something with it you just let it swing yeah and

Just work with it every ball will go straight okay sounds good to me okay so that’s it that’s great yeah and now just nice and easy relax move into it yeah oh that so good yeah that’s so good now touch left now but that’s okay big jumping ball speed I’ve noticed

174 yeah that’s this that’s what I feel it’s I feel you can unlock a lot more power in your game than was there before okay that starting to feel good and quite nice to be letting the golf club do what does feel like yeah it feels like I’m it feels like I’ve got

Space with like I feel like when I swing normally I tend to feel a bit cramped that’s exactly how it looks yeah and then but it feels like I’m getting a lot more sort of WID like is it width almost or I think it’s connection I think I

Think you’re connecting the moving Parts better it was really weird moving my head back but it that looks really delivering the club feels a lot easier oh that is absolutely smacked that looks really sweet actually massive difference massive differ and yet it doesn’t honestly if you we’ll

Show you the video in a second if you looked at it and you didn’t know the golfer you just watched them you wouldn’t say that person is moving too much they’re moving off the ball it feels like I’m going crazy it feels like I’m over here and then it’s why it’ be

Useful for you to see it it’s just look anything like that looks really nice really good the head position thing feels very very good a bit choppy but okay I mean it’s a good Miss isn’t it yeah okay actually what I’m noticing as well so we we’re using obviously a

Trapman iio and on the club delivery camera even the misses I’m middling them so that’s a big difference to my normal normally had Miss with a heel uh so low low heel that then just sort of just drops out the air and and the the sense

I get in that was your golf swing when I first watched it today was a sense of you look like there isn’t space yeah it looks like this is a bit awkward and I’m going to end up hitting the heel that that’s how it looked now it actually

Looks like you’re free and you can just let go through the ball hit the the CL a lot more naturally to be honest actually exactly what we’re looking for yeah that was a chunk got out there fine yeah that’s got out there the same distance as my normal 7 and and this is

One of the things I think you’ll find with this is that the beauty of this is that it’s giving you a margin of error yeah you can make a bit of a mistake doing this and you’ll get away with it what you were doing before looked like

It need to be so precise to get it right that very slight mistake and you you have that’s probably I’m quite a methodical goer like when I’m on the course especially I’ll follow a routine I have to do everything perfectly I struggle when I have like in comps if I

Hit Fairways and greens I’m like if I hit Fairways I’m good but if I end up on weird lies and like you know above my feet below my feet if I have to change anything I’m in some trouble you haven’t quite got that adaptability with that me I no

Adaptability I and I think this is what this would give you I think it would give you a lot more freedom just that’s it yeah feels like left the face open but does feel like a better strike oh it’s weird it’s like even though those pushed ones they feel better than

The ones that I would normally think were good shot that’s actually a bad shot there but it feels like I’m striking it much nicer like it’s coming out the middle of the club okay just relax and go with it now yeah nice way it’s just a little bit pushy but it’s

Okay I wouldn’t be mad with that in the sense that it still feels like I’m releasing it quite nicely mhm strike sounds better that’s that’s the thing and it looks like you got space and you’ve got time which are the things that I didn’t feel before

Better there you go take a bit of time over it that’s it yeah it’s just tendency because it feels a little bit strange you’re like rushing through it you rush it a bit and then it doesn’t work as you as you know but the the nice

Thing is that even when you do that the bad shot’s not going to kill you is it it’s not going to kill me no and it’s it’s predictable they’re all starting right and coming back yeah so yeah it’s just not coming back enough when I push

It out there and it’s just a question as you say it’s a question of getting used to that getting the timing of it getting the Rhythm to it so that it feels nice and easy uh because the bad ones all just look a little bit sort of hasty and

A bit kind of rushed you know I’ve noticed as well is a more neutral so the blue line on that screen there is the club path effect of it it’s the way I’ve delivered the club yeah that’s a lot more neutral than normal I’m normally about 4 degre inside yeah and this is

That’s I mean it’s not a number on the screen but it’s probably about5 mhm there’s a much more neutral golf swing which is nice and the ones that are going out right are the same swing just leaving the face open yeah exactly bit heavy but yeah still pretty good yeah so interesting very

Interesting and and from where we started you know you said right back at the beginning I don’t like to move I don’t want to move off it I don’t want to let my left heel go yeah yeah I’ve just got you to do all of those things

Um really kind of taking you out of your comfort zone M but what do you feel then of how do you feel that you um could cope with that on a golf course uh I think it would it would change the way I look at holes I think because I feel like I’m

Not hitting as like I normally hit like probably a five or 10 yard draw every shot MH um it doesn’t feel like I’m having to hit I think I like actually if I wanted to I could probably hit f with this quite easily yeah um I think I

Could cope with it it’s not it doesn’t feel like I’m rooted to the ground anymore like feels like I can sort of just just hit it yeah um I think it would take a little while to get used to I won’t lie like I don’t want to lie I I

Would say that I to if I to get used to it I’d need a few weeks of like sort of just learning to trust that I I will come back to the golf ball yeah um the head position thing feels very good I was going to say I think the head

Position really is is quite at the core of the of the issue because I think the head position going this way was part of this movement that you were working on here I part of that aligned to trying to stay very static and I think setting

Your head here yeah sends a whole load of messages to your brain and your body saying I’m I’m moving in a different way I’m going to take this in a different path the club’s going to go in a different path let it go don’t don’t fight it anymore and I think that will

That will actually release something in you that will be very different for you because you will feel a much more natural golfer which means that when the lies are uneven and the you know you’re playing out of different types of texture of grass and stuff like this

That you’ve got a confidence there to actually play a natural shot play the same shot exactly you can just do you can manipulate it to do whatever you want um and that I think was the problem that you were you were stuck within very tight parameters yeah which was fine if

You have a perfect lie on a flat surface absolutely fine as we do here it’s good every yeah yeah but as soon as things start to change then you know the adaptability in your go swing wasn’t there because the parameters were so tight yeah so what this has done I think

Is widen the parameters it allows you to move more freely more naturally yeah and let the golf club go where it wants to go and just let it find its way back to the golf ball yeah so I think you’ll have some fun with that I think so yeah

I think uh I think also maybe also longer Club seem to help a lot as well yeah yeah yeah and and you said right at the beginning with with the other clubs that you felt like you were lifting in the back swing it’s quite a common thing

That we see with tall people is the sense to lift in the back swing it’s very often because the club’s Too Short in the first place and that’s why maybe I became so used to sort of trying to stay on my because then you can stay

Down because then I can stay down I have nowhere to go whereas it sort of feels more like I’ve kind of got yeah that’s great a lot more of a rotational feel and I mean to be honest it feels like I could hit it a lot further like I’m

Still kind of coaxing it and I feel that I feel be interesting to hit some drivers in a moment but I think I I would say there’s another 30 yards in your game well that’ll be interesting something say I hit it too far anyway but no I’d quite like to hit

A couple more s9s if that’s okay as well just to sort of try and feel a good on finish yeah yeah good or one yeah that feels so good like the the strike feels so good I love it like it’s coming down very high I think

Maybe these clubs we need to get fit for the proper clubs but it’s uh I’m try and bring one lower feel it there you go nice shot yeah we can finish on that one yeah I I I I seriously what I’d do is I’d go into a there must be decent Club Fitters

Around we built just um yeah just um put half an inch on say your six iron or or seven iron or something like that try see how it feels and if and if it’s good just have your whole set done half an inch longer yeah a big jumping ball

Speed as well yeah big jumping ball speed let’s see you let’s see you hit a driver okay yeah driver works that was great I haven’t hit a draw with a driver in about two years that looks very different that was cool I didn’t even hit that [Laughter]

Good that was cool I often feel like I get stuck with the driver like I sort of yeah my Miss I when I’m hitting driver well I hit it very well but that wasn’t a good shot in the sense that I know I didn’t really you can

Catch it right out the middle yeah and uh that’s still gone I mean what just under 300 which is fine yeah but it’s a nice shot shape too maybe a bit too draw for the for a pro you probably you probably tell me that’s a bit too draw I I don’t mind

That that’s B Poppy yeah it’s a good M interesting isn’t it you said you haven’t hit a draw for two years you said now you hit two draws back to back yeah I mean it’s um it’s very different because I’ve been told a lot in the last few years that I

Need to avoid a lot of things you’re telling me to do like that’s that’s because there’s a lot of people out there saying the same thing and it you have to question is it right or is it they just all saying the same thing why

Are they saying that cu the you know for hundred years they didn’t say this stuff so yeah feels like weirdly it feels like I’m wanting to stand further away from the ball that was smacked see how far that goes it’s not actually gone that far it’s a bit spinny but it’s

Uh that’s shot shaping is much better there’s a consistency there isn’t there that’s pretty tight love the driver it’s nice yeah I mean the the I mean the Zone yeah is what 5 10 yards yeah it’s the head position that feels it yeah as soon when you were trying to

Get me to shift off it with the head position here it felt like I was doing this yeah exactly that’s exactly how it looked as soon as I got here it felt like I could sort of yeah you could behind it and now now now you’re behind

It you know you think if if you were trying to hit something that way do you want to be behind it here or do you want to be on top of it yeah yeah I try to hit one a bit harder CU I think I’m sort of holding back on

It actually was a terrible strike but I mean if that’s a bad shot with this swing very low Healy that’s my normal Miss that’s how you can tell as well the te is still there so when I’m moving my head am I also moving my weight or no yeah there

Will be a little shift of weight on yeah you were you were predominantly on your left before so yeah yeah that was uh I like scooped ity one that was better yeah yeah nice yeah I haven’t hit a drawer in a long time oh that’s getting out there now

Isn’t it over the 280 carry yeah that’s good still spinning at 3,200 revs as well yeah like I feel like I’d have a lot more with my shaft and stuff and interesting it looks very different it looks feels really different does it it looks it looks like you know from

Here you really can move into the golf ball freely yeah before it all looked it looked tight and a bit awkward and lacking space you always look like you were lacking space coming into the ball that wasin you’re free yeah so so what it is it changing the way I’m taking the

Club away all yeah yes is it is going more inside as you said before and there’d be lots of people tell you not to do that but to me that looks natural to you it yeah well it feels it it feels much more like I’m just able to hit a

Golf shot yeah yeah um so you’re not trying to manipulate the club and make it do things that are unnatural to you yeah I would say that’s how it feels yeah and uh it’s definitely interesting it feels like I’m just when I get to like normally when I get to about here

I’m thinking I’m thinking turn turn turn turn just to get the club back yeah whereas this it just feels like I’m just hitting it I’m just I’m just hitting the golf ball and it’s I mean it’s probably not quite as long but that could be down

To the club or could be the club yeah anything like but uh I I think the the key then is is once you’re doing that is connecting that club head to your body movements and and your body movements are much more natural looking yeah so just get the club head working in time

With you and it and it should be really yeah it does feel I’m still a little bit out of sync but that’s going to be be for me to be honest I know the the general easiest swing thing is people get better quickly and I am seeing a better ball flight

There for sure but it usually takes me a good few weeks to bet in a change of course yeah to to to get to trust it and get used to it yeah of course yeah got a feeling that’s going to be quite long same same thing 280 carry but

It’s the spin it’s lots of spin but uh yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s you can’t argue with it can you enjoying that yeah I love it I’ve got no no changes to say I mean I’m hitting a draw with a driver which I don’t ever do yeah and it’s the

Draw that I feel I can make bigger and smaller at will yeah so it’s um yeah I think there potential that I’d be interested to see trying to hit some shot shapes with irons yeah would be interesting to see if that feels like I can actually do that cuz that would be

Interesting actually yeah because yes you I feel that you be a you will be in more control of the club um it again you know it’s a weird kind of thing but you were trying to control the club before um and make it do things that unnatural

To do it it now looks because you’re letting the club do what it naturally wants to do for you that you’ve got more control of it it feels I feel like I’m hitting the ball out the middle a lot more yeah like I was tending to I was

Tending to hit probably straighter shots because I’ve I’ve learned a bad swing effectively or learned a controlled swing um I feel like I was probably hitting the ball a touch straighter but the strike is so much better with this I’m hitting out the middle so the the

Start point is a lot better yes so I think I can make it a lot better yeah um yeah so I try hitting some shot shapes and see how I feel yeah absolutely yeah so that’s the shot shape that feels natural see what it feels like to hit a fade

Oh my God I hit a fade kind of kind of just straight but it was a a fade that wasn’t a slice is a very big thing for me yeah try and hit a low one yeah it does it feels like I can just let I can just swing the club and it

Does what I want it to do little lower draw that should be fun shouldn’t it yeah see if we can yeah it feels that feels really weird now yeah just seems like I’m pushing them all but I think I might actually be aiming out there as

Well be interested to see where the if we had some way of doing that the drill you were saying about where I’m aiming where I feel straight we can I think because I’ve done so many draw I’ve been hitting a draw for so long I think I

Think the straight line is out there so let’s do it use this so set yourself up to the ball yeah tell me where you think is straight uh uh no even further right than that would feel this way about there about there that’s where it feels

Like I’m looking at that’s where I feel like I’m hitting okay yeah feel like I want to hit it out there go and have a look yeah it’s a good two degre offline isn’t it isn’t it yeah so just go back there I’d be interested to see what my launch my

Launch degrees were I bet you match up to that quite well yeah so tell tell me where Straight is I presume it is there there yeah okay now go back now go back to the ball there you go yeah yeah that’s pretty good yeah yeah

So that’s the shot isn’t it isn’t it so I just need to adjust my aim a little bit exactly and the draw is actually getting lower like smaller as I yeah aim straighter and and as you adjust that aim of course it’s going to affect very slightly the path so on so it’s

Fantastic that was the best strike I’ve had all day as well 127 with a 7 I it’s mad for me yeah I normally top out 121 122 and that’s like an absolutely buttoned like dead straight 79 would be 122 really so7 five and a half miles hour yeah Club

Head speed that’s well not even Club bull speed clubhead is probably the same just it’s coming out the middle of the club more yeah yeah yeah wow done yeah fair enough thanks very much Point made fine I’m off where’s the golf course yeah no it’s very good I’m very impressed cheers

Alex thank you very much yeah I’m going to take that to the range now good morning Alex morning morning how are you great thanks very much how are you yeah yeah not so bad it’s uh it’s earlier than I than I would like but uh bit of the work day has started

So so we gotta get going off with some Gusto Alex uh can you tell me just a little bit about how things have gone since the uh since the lesson we had yeah it’s all been going well um I’m back into playing more regularly so um I

Don’t know if we said it on camera but during the time when we had the lesson I was playing um pretty infrequently um just weather and family commitments and stuff like that um so I wasn’t too in the groove of everything but since the lesson it kind of has I’ve been

Practicing a lot more um so yeah the the golf has been uh has been volatile because it’s a new swing there’s obviously rounds where it works and rounds where it doesn’t but uh but generally good um there’s been there’s been improvements so yeah okay and um if

You think about your sort of normal stats any any changes to your stats uh yes I use um Strokes gained quite a lot um so I sort of use it to track you know how I’ve performed per R and I’m about half a stroke better on everything

Outside of 100 yards um the and I was uh you was thinking about that and my wedges tend to be the first thing that go when I don’t practice and the last thing to come back when I do so it’s h it’s nothing to do with the swing so

Much the wedges being a little bit down it’s uh it’s things like my distance control my decision making like it’s it’s things that come from time on the course okay and explain to the to anybody watching this that uh we we recorded this just about three four weeks before Christmas and Christmas

Break and this is now just straight into the new year now so it’s it’s wintertime goal for us here in the UK yeah yeah and yeah very winter time at the moment yeah but uh and have you had any good rounds anything notable uh yeah I’ve had I’ve

Had I’ve had good and bad so uh the bad I’ve had seven and seven and eight overs that have happened where I’ve just got nothing going but I’ve also had four and five unders um I had my low round of the Year actually the week after we had our

Lesson um I think I went I think it was five under um 5 under 4 under or something and it was a very very good sort of hitting the green lots more than that so if I’d puted even half decently that day it would have been a very very

Low round so um that was there are good signs there um it it definitely feels like I’m playing more uh comfortably like I’m not thinking about shots as much I’m just hitting shots which is which is a nice feeling and that that’s really what I was going

To ask you is is you know if you’ve adopted the really sort of the three things we talked about which was the head position uh about actually getting some weight shift onto the back foot and allowing the club to go on its own sort of track um yeah this is feeling more

Comfortable to you now is it yeah I’d say I’d say two out of three for sure so the head position for sure um switching that made quite a big right away especially to my driver um yeah you know my driver before was a club I was I had

A very LoveHate relationship I was either very on or very off with it um and my Miss was quite a big peely Fade Out to the right um nowadays the Miss is like sort of just just lower than normal um the the shot is you know two or three

Yard draw and it’s not not really changing which is a really really nice thing um uh and then yeah I mean so the head position stayed uh shifting onto the back foot I’ve probably reduced a little bit from what we did in the lesson but I think that’s just because

I’m able to turn a bit Freer with the new head position so I don’t have to rotate more onto the back foot yeah um yeah and then let letting the club go where it wants to go now I’m able to turn properly I think that head

Position’s unlocked a lot in in what I can doomed so that being able to turn properly has meant I’m picking the club up a bit more and in a bit more of a normal um normal play I’m still definitely inside compared to what uh what what the

The golf the golf nerds will tell me they’ll they’ll dissect it in the comments and say you still swing inside get a life but so yeah it’s it’s better than it was um and yes so it’s in terms of the scores though the scores reflected um reflect an improvement it does feel

More like a golf swing rather than like a calculation like it doesn’t feel like I have to sort of because every time I swing before I was having to rehearse positions in the swing and working out where I was going to go and um this does

Feel like I can just walk up and and hit hit a seven9 and it will go roughly where my seven ey should go um so it’s it’s a nice feeling it is definitely more of a natural swing well that’s great news Alex nice to to hear that

Things are going in the right direction for you and that you’re enjoying it’s and it’s fun and it feels more natural it’s not contrived uh would tend to indicate that that’s going to be more sustainable isn’t it that that it would tend to and it’s I I would also say

Playing two rounds in a weekend before um with the positions I was getting into was difficult on my back and uh I’m maybe not old enough to be saying that I that I that I should have a sore back after two rounds of golf I you know I

Should be able to play that quite easily um and now I’m I’m very comfortable playing two or three rounds in a weekend um which is is a much better thing I think it’s to do with just having a bit better bit better term bit more efficient so it’s um yeah it’s

Definitely a more long it’s got more longevity to it excellent yeah be less strain on your body that’s for sure yeah yeah which is which is pretty important because you want that to keep going for the next at your age another 40 50 years of this ideally and I mean currently my

Body is made of glass so I can do to keep it safe is H is good okay excellent Alex thanks very much for that it’s nice to hear that update and good luck with it hope your game continues to improve and uh we’ll speak again soon yeah when

The weather improves we have to get on a golf course that would be a really nice idea yeah golf swing systems versus easiest swing I can see it there a title right there yeah absolutely so hopefully you’ve enjoyed that video um just watching Alex as a plus one golfer just

Making a few minor changes really just challenging some of the things that he believed he had to do and why did he believe those things specifically because that’s what he’s been told to do that’s what the golf industry is telling us that we have to swing that way and

Actually some of these things are not quite right we’ve allowed him to swing in a more natural way more his authentic swing coming out and as he’s finding it he’s starting to improve his ball striking and it’s going to be more adaptable for him so if you’re new to EAS s

Please go to our website EAS and download your free copy of the ebook that we have on there it’s a condensed version of the main book the positive impact golf really help your game


  1. We hope you enjoyed this coaching session with Alex… share your swing beliefs in the comments and let's challenge them together! Make sure to head to for more guidance on your Easiest Swing journey ⛳

  2. Thank you so much for the video. I am a mid single digit handicap and 69 years old. I have been trying to implement the aspects of the Easiest Swing because of some minor back issues that come as I have aged. My question to you is about feel as I am a feel player. Assuming a good, connected backswing, is the downswing feel more of the body swing with more passive arms or is the feel more of an arm swing leading the body? I have historically been more of a body swinger but have been trying to activate my arms more. But it is a totally different feel for me and has been difficult.

  3. Phillip, you made Brian very proud with this lesson! To take a very good golfer and get him to be more free is quite an accomplishment. Well done!

  4. Great video. I am adopting this method now. Hope you will show more coaching with other higher handicapped golfers.

  5. Delightful! Thanks for validating the concept finding our own flow…most teachers in the US try to fit a square into a round hole…It took me two years to find a setup that fits my trunk anomalies…now I have more rhythm without feeling that I must move more like the pros…at 79, I'm still improving..keep up the inspiration! Stressdr.😅

  6. A great many of the elements of your "Easiest Swing" are taken right from George Knudsen's teaching, yet there is no attribution. Shouldn't he get some credit? Having written that, I do like your videos.

  7. Phillip : when you changed the students club, what was the change made- 2inches longer or 2* upright. He definitely hit the balls better with the second club.

  8. I would like to see a session with a high handy cap. To see the improvement that happens. It was interesting to hear that his back felt better. That what cause me to find your easiest swing in the first place.

  9. Great video have started using the easiestswing for a couple of months now and have looked good playing some good and ordinary golf what i had noticed is that i was hitting more thin shots the ball still went far so wasnt too fussed whats crazy is this i went to the local range and hit a bucket of balls yesterday and my wife said that my clubs looked to short for me which made me think might have something to do with the thinned shots but then i watch this video and you give the lad a longer club what a coincidwnce or will longer clubs work better with a more upright standing swing.

  10. Nice video Brian. I have been a convert for a while, and I like the results I am getting. It is certainly easier on the aging body!

  11. Brilliant Video Phillip…I just Wish you had Shown Alex exactly what the easy Swing is so he could see it for himself… and I feel seeing that Done properly May make him think that's the way forward…well done anyway.

  12. Loved this Phillip, but even after your demonstration of lifting the left heel off the floor, he was still reluctant to do it to the level that you showed him. I think all the years of his PGA tuition was still ingrained in him, but the head movement showed him what can be achieved. Loved it. Well done.

  13. Did you notice that he went back to keeping his left foot planted but still commented about each shot being so much better, like he was actually following the method? Not one driver swing was relaxed with the left foot coming up. Even the instructor was praising him on how well his transition was going.

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